Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )
` )
` Ltd., )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` - - - -
` - - - -
` September 11, 2015
` Friday, 4:40 p.m.
` Holiday Inn Express
` 4000 Horizon Vue Drive
` Canonsburg, PA 15317
` Patent Owner
` Pamela L. Beck
` Notary Public
`8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`NCI Exhibit 2031

`Page 2
` a witness, called by the Patent Owner for
` examination, taken by and before Pamela L. Beck, a
` Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the
` Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the Holiday Inn
` Express & Suites, 4000 Horizon Vue Drive,
` Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2015,
` commencing at 4:40 p.m.
` Thomas J. Parker, Esq.
` 4721 Emperor Blvd., Suite 400
` Durham, NC 27703
` 919-862-2200
` Kathleen B. Carr, Esq.
` David G. Conlin, Esq.
` One Financial Center
` Boston, MA 02111
` 617-348-1857
` Matthew Rethage - Video Operator
`5 6
`Veritext Legal Solutions

` CROSS BY MS. CARR . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
`Page 3
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Thomas J. Jenkins 6
`Exhibit 2 Petitioner's Response to the Real 9
` Party-In-Interest Allegations Raised in
` Patent Owner's Preliminary Response
`Exhibit 3 Mylan Website 45
`Exhibit 4 Articles of Association of Mylan N.V. 50
`Exhibit 5 Forward-Looking Statements 57
`Exhibit 6 Petitioner's Power of Attorney 84
`Exhibit 7 Steven Flynn's Linkedln Page 85
`Exhibit 8 Report of Receipts and Disbursements 86
`Exhibit 9 Wall Street Journal Article 89
`Exhibit 10 Mylan N.V. MYL (U.S.: Nasdaq) 91
`Exhibit 11 Article Entitled Mylan Launches 96
` Generic Zosyn Injection
`Exhibit 12 Article Entitled Mylan Launches Generic 102
` Subutex Sublingual Tablets
`Exhibit 13 Article Entitled Mylan to Present at 107
` Goldman Sachs 36th Annual Global
` Healthcare Conference
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`3 4
`5 6 7 8

`Page 4
`Exhibit 14 Document Entitled Corporate Governance 113
`Exhibit 15 Q2 2015 Earnings Call 124
`Exhibit 16 Document Re: Mylan, Inc. and New 132
` Moon B.V. Dated February 12, 2015
`6 7 8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 5
` - - - -
` P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S
` - - - -
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Good afternoon. My
` name is Matthew Rethage of AKF VideoTech
` Services. The time that is indicated on the
` screen is 4:40 p.m. on September 11, 2015.
` Will the parties that are present please state
` their names and whom may represent for the
` record.
` MS. CARR: Kathleen Carr for Nissan
` Chemical Industries Ltd Patent Owner, and with
` me is David Conlin, and we're both with Mintz
` Levin.
` MR. PARKER: Thomas Parker with the
` law firm of Alston & Bird here representing
` the deponent, Thomas Jenkins.
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Thank you. If
` there is nothing further, will the court
` reporter please swear in the witness.
` - - - -
` having been duly sworn,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` - - - -
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`Page 6
` - - - -
` Q. Good afternoon, Mr. Jenkins.
` A. Good afternoon.
` Q. Could you state your full name for the record,
` please.
` A. Thomas Jenkins.
` Q. Do you have a middle name?
` A. Wayne.
` Q. Could you tell me who you work for.
` A. Mylan, Incorporated.
` Q. Do you work for any other corporation in the
` world at the present time?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you work for any other business entity in
` the world at the present time?
` A. No.
` Q. I'd like to show you a document and see if you
` recognize it. For identification purposes, it
` says Mylan Exhibit 1045, but why don't we mark
` it as Jenkins Exhibit 1.
` - - - -
` (Deposition Exhibit No. 1 was
` marked for identification.)
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 7
` - - - -
` Q. Mr. Jenkins, could you take a look at that
` document that's been placed in front of you
` that's been marked as Jenkins Exhibit 1.
` - - - -
` (The witness reviewed the document.)
` - - - -
` A. Okay.
` Q. You've briefly flipped through that document;
` right?
` A. I have.
` Q. Could you tell me if you recognize it.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you tell me what it is.
` A. It's my declaration.
` Q. Could you tell me the last time that you saw
` that document that's been placed in front of
` you.
` A. I saw a copy of this document today.
` Q. Who was present when you saw a copy of that
` document today, if anyone?
` A. My counsel, Tom Parker.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. No.
` Q. Could you tell me what, if anything, you did
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`Page 8
` to prepare for your deposition today.
` MR. PARKER: Let me just -- he can
` discuss whether he met with counsel, he can
` discuss how long he met with counsel. But
` beyond that, I'll instruct the witness not to
` answer the question. Go ahead.
` MS. CARR: Well, I disagree with
` that, but we can take it one step at a time.
` Q. Could you tell me if you met with anybody
` today in preparation for your deposition.
` A. Yes, briefly.
` Q. Who?
` A. Thomas Parker.
` Q. How long?
` A. It was about 15 minutes.
` Q. Where?
` A. At the Hilton Garden Inn.
` Q. Did you look at any documents in preparation
` for your deposition?
` A. At all?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Or just with respect to that meeting this
` morning?
` Q. At that meeting this morning?
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`Page 9
` A. No.
` Q. Did you look at any documents at all in
` preparation for your deposition?
` MR. PARKER: I'm going to instruct
` the witness not to answer that question.
` Getting into his preparation for deposition
` with counsel is privileged, and I'm going to
` shut it down.
` MS. CARR: I disagree with that as
` well.
` Q. Could you tell me --
` A. Other than my declaration, I don't think I
` reviewed anything.
` Q. In preparation for your deposition?
` A. I did read the preliminary response from
` Nissan.
` Q. I'm going to show you another document and see
` if you recognize it. We'll mark this as
` Jenkins Exhibit 2.
` - - - -
` (Deposition Exhibit No. 2 was
` marked for identification.)
` - - - -
` Q. Mr. Jenkins, do you recognize that document
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`Page 10
` that's been placed in front of you as Jenkins
` Exhibit 2?
` A. From the cover page, it says Petitioner's
` Response to the Real Party-In-Interest
` Allegations Raised in Patent Owner's
` Preliminary Response.
` Q. Have you ever seen that a copy of that
` document before?
` A. I think I was provided a copy of this
` document.
` Q. When?
` A. Before it was filed.
` Q. Have you seen it since it was filed?
` A. I have not read it since it was filed.
` Q. Did you read it before it was filed?
` A. I skimmed it.
` Q. Going back to Jenkins Exhibit 1. Did you ever
` have occasion to read that document?
` A. Yeah, this is my declaration, so of course.
` Q. Could you tell me if you read the document
` that's been marked as Jenkins Exhibit 1 before
` it was filed.
` A. Oh, of course.
` Q. How long did you spend reading it before it
` was filed?
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`Page 11
` A. Well, it was something that was created in
` part by myself with outside counsel as an
` iterative process.
` Q. What do you mean by as an iterative process?
` A. Counsel and I --
` THE WITNESS: Can I answer this?
` This is privileged.
` MR. PARKER: We're not going to get
` into drafts of declarations. I mean,
` obviously counsel collaborated with the
` witness. He testified that he read it. Go
` ahead. It's an iterative process, we'll go
` from there and how far you want to take it.
` A. I certainly read every paragraph in this
` declaration, confirmed that it was true and
` that I was comfortable with everything that
` was in here, and I did so before it was
` finalized.
` Q. Did you have an understanding as to whether
` this document was completed for any particular
` purpose?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What purpose was that?
` A. It was to be used in conjunction with an IPR
` proceeding.
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`Page 12
` Q. What is your understanding of the IPR
` proceeding that it was used in conjunction
` with?
` A. The Pitavastatin IPR proceeding that Mylan
` Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated.
` Q. How much time did you personally spend working
` on this document that's been marked as Jenkins
` Exhibit 1?
` A. I don't have a precise time. I spent a
` significant amount of time on it.
` Q. Did you have an understanding as to whether it
` was going to be submitted to the patent
` office?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was that understanding?
` A. That it would be submitted to the patent
` office.
` Q. So, you had a declaration by yourself that was
` to be submitted to the patent office, and you
` didn't even bother to sign it yourself; is
` that right, Mr. Jenkins?
` A. No, that's not right.
` Q. Could you turn to the last page of the
` document, Mr. Jenkins.
` A. Yes.
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`Page 13
` Q. Do you see a signature under where it says
` respectfully submitted?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that your personal signature?
` A. This is an electronic version of my signature
` that I had my assistant prepare because I had
` to be outside of the office. I was in a rural
` area that didn't have access to a printer or a
` scanner or a fax. My outside counsel asked me
` to send an electronic version to him. And
` because I was in an area where I couldn't do
` that electronically, technically, I had my
` secretary prepare an electronic version of my
` signature, which I authorized her to do, and
` which she sent to my outside counsel. But I
` can tell you that we did not provide the
` electronic signature to outside counsel until
` the declaration was 100 percent complete.
` Before it was affixed, I agreed with
` everything that's in here, paragraphs 1 to 18.
` Q. That's a pretty well-prepared speech,
` Mr. Jenkins.
` MR. PARKER: Objection.
` Q. Could you tell me who SDR is.
` A. She's my assistant, Sharon Raneger.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 14
` Q. Do you have a common practice of submitting
` documents to the patent office that don't have
` your own personal signature on them when
` you're supposed to sign them yourself?
` A. That's a loaded question, and I don't think I
` agree with the premise. But I can tell you
` that I don't have a lot of experience, I'm not
` registered in the patent office. I don't
` typically submit anything to the patent
` office. In fact, this may be the first thing
` I've ever submitted to the patent office.
` Q. Have you personally submitted a document to
` court?
` A. I have filed documents with District Courts,
` yes.
` Q. Have you ever filed a declaration or an
` affidavit with the District Court?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. Did you sign that yourself personally?
` A. Typically we use electronic signatures.
` Q. Have you ever submitted a declaration or an
` affidavit that was supposed to be signed by
` you personally and had somebody else sign it
` for you?
` A. No, and I didn't do that in this case either.
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`Page 15
` Q. I think you just told me, Mr. Jenkins, that
` you did not sign this document personally, did
` you?
` A. This is an electronic version of my signature,
` which I asked my assistant at the request of
` counsel to prepare for me.
` Q. Did you ever look at the final version of the
` document that's been marked as Exhibit 1
` before you had your assistant attach your
` signature to it?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. What type of device did you look at the final
` version of the document on?
` A. On my iPhone.
` Q. So, you looked at some document on little tiny
` type and then told your assistant she could
` sign your name to it; is that right?
` MR. PARKER: Objection, harassing
` the witness, mischaracterizing his testimony,
` lack of foundation.
` A. It was an iterative process going back and
` forth with this document over several days.
` The changes that were made, and I'm not sure
` even sure there were any, from the version
` that I have seen when I was last in any office
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 16
` until when it became finalized were minimal.
` And I was able to review the document in its
` entirety. It's only a four page document,
` there's only 18 paragraphs. I was able to
` confirm by reading it on my iPhone that
` nothing was changed, and I agreed with
` everything that was in the document at the
` time. And I notified my secretary that she
` could place the electronic version of my
` signature on the document.
` Q. Do you have an auto pen, Mr. Jenkins?
` A. No; I don't even know what that is.
` Q. Does this signature on page 4 look like your
` signature?
` A. I don't even know how to answer that question.
` My secretary actually, you know, wrote the
` signature. I think I testified to that. This
` is an electronic version of my signature,
` which I authorized my secretary to do for me
` since I had to be outside of the office, I was
` not anywhere close to being able to get to a
` scanner, printer or fax in order to get this
` back to my outside counsel in the time that it
` needed to be filed. So, I had my secretary
` affix an electronic version of my signature,
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 17
` which I authorized, which was asked by my
` counsel to the document after I determined it
` was finalized.
` Q. Could you tell me what's electronic about the
` signature, Mr. Jenkins.
` A. My signature, my secretary signed it, and then
` she transmitted it electronically to my
` outside counsel.
` Q. So, she transmitted her signature of your name
` to your outside counsel, is that what you
` meant?
` A. No, that's not what I meant.
` MR. PARKER: Mischaracterizes the
` witness' testimony, objection.
` Q. Maybe I misunderstood. I thought you just
` said that she signed your name and put her
` initials and sent it to your counsel. Is that
` not what you just said, Mr. Jenkins?
` A. No. What I said was my secretary sent an
` electronic version of my signature, which I
` authorized her to make for me to outside
` counsel.
` Q. Why was it so last minute that you needed to
` have your secretary sign your name to a
` declaration, Mr. Jenkins?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 18
` MR. PARKER: Objection,
` mischaracterizes the statement, no foundation
` and asked and answered.
` Q. You can answer the question.
` A. It wasn't last minute. We worked on this
` declaration for several days. At the time it
` was finalized, I had to be away from the
` office. I have a practice of not signing
` documents until they're 100 percent finalized.
` Q. So, this document that's three and a half --
` no, I guess 3.25, I think I was told, pages
` long is the sum and substance of your
` testimony on the topic that's the subject of
` your declaration; is that right?
` A. This is my declaration.
` Q. You chose not to add anything further for the
` rest of page 4 or for page 5; is that right?
` A. This is my declaration, I don't know how else
` to answer that question.
` Q. You didn't have anything else to add on the
` topic other than what's on this declaration, I
` take it; is that right?
` A. This is my declaration.
` Q. Looking back at page 1 of your declaration,
` that's a paragraph on page 2 that says: I
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 19
` either have personal knowledge of the facts
` stated in this declaration or believe them to
` be true based on my experience, review of the
` business records or information I have
` otherwise received in the course of my duties.
` Do you see that sentence?
` A. I do.
` Q. Could you tell me what items in this
` declaration were not based on your personal
` knowledge of the facts stated in the
` declaration.
` A. Everything in this declaration is based on my
` personal knowledge.
` Q. So, there's nothing in the declaration that's
` based on -- strike that.
` So, there's nothing in this
` declaration that's a statement of fact that
` you believe to be true based on your
` experience, review of business records or
` information otherwise received in the course
` of your duties? Is that what you're saying?
` A. No. I guess the way I would frame this is
` that my personal knowledge is based upon the
` experience that I have acquired in my job.
` And as part of my job, I do review business
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 20
` records, I do have experience in my job. And
` based on that day-to-day experience, that
` personal knowledge I have acquired gave me the
` ability to say what I've said in my
` declaration.
` Q. Then why does it say, or believe them to be
` true based on your experience, review of
` business records or information I have
` otherwise received in the course of my duties?
` A. Perhaps it should say and.
` Q. So, you get all the way to line 4 and there's
` a mistake in your declaration?
` MR. PARKER: Objection,
` mischaracterizes his testimony.
` A. I don't think it's a mistake. I'm just trying
` to clarify it for you because you've parsed it
` a different way than I did.
` Q. Looking down at paragraph 5, there's a
` sentence that says: MPI prepares and files
` abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA) with
` the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
` Do you see that?
` A. I'm sorry, you lost me. Where are you at?
` Q. Paragraph 5, the third sentence.
` A. MPI prepares and files abbreviated new drug
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`Page 21
` applications (ANDA) with the U.S. Food and
` Drug Administration (FDA), correct statement.
` Q. So, is that what happened in the situation
` involved with the ANDA that Mylan filed on
` Pitavastatin?
` MR. PARKER: Objection, vague.
` A. The Mylan entity that filed the abbreviated
` new drug application for Pitavastatin was
` Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated.
` Q. Are you sure that Mylan, Inc. did not file the
` ANDA for Pitavastatin?
` A. Well, Mylan Pharmaceutical, Incorporated owns
` all of the ANDAs, so a subsidiary of Mylan,
` Incorporated will own the ANDAs. Mylan,
` Incorporated may file the ANDAs, actually do
` the submission to the FDA.
` Q. So, this thing about MPI about filing the
` ANDAs is inaccurate; is that true,
` Mr. Jenkins?
` MR. PARKER: Objection,
` mischaracterizes his testimony.
` A. No. I mean, it's an ANDA that is owned by MPI
` that is filed by, on their behalf, I guess you
` could say, Mylan, Incorporated employees.
` Q. That's not what this says, though,
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 22
` Mr. Jenkins, is it? It says MPI prepares and
` files ANDAs; right?
` A. Again, I think you're just parsing this a
` different way than I did.
` Q. I'm parsing it according to what the words say
` on the page, aren't I, Mr. Jenkins?
` A. No, that's not the way I read it. MPI does
` prepare the ANDAs and works with Mylan,
` Incorporated so that they with can file these
` ANDAs with the FDA. The actual employee that
` sends the button over to the FDA is a Mylan,
` Incorporated employee, in most instances.
` Q. Who?
` A. Who what?
` Q. Who is the person that presses the button that
` you just referenced?
` A. I'm sorry, I should be more clear. I don't
` know if it's a button. I'm not involved in
` the actual submission of ANDAs to the FDA, and
` I don't know which person would have done that
` in this instance.
` Q. If you're not involved in the actual
` submissions of the ANDAs, Mr. Jenkins, then
` how is this statement that MPI prepares and
` files abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA)
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`Page 23
` with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
` FDA based on your personal knowledge of the
` facts?
` A. Because I've been working at Mylan for a year
` now and that's the way things worked. We've
` filed multiple ANDAs since I have been there,
` I've talked with multiple people that work at
` Mylan, I know how the Mylan, Incorporated
` entities work in conjunction with the
` subsidiaries, and I know how we process ANDAs
` to the FDA.
` Q. Based on one year of experience, is that what
` you said?
` A. I've been at Mylan, Incorporated since August
` of 2014.
` Q. Have you ever had your deposition taken
` before, Mr. Jenkins?
` A. I have.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Once.
` Q. What was the instance where you had your
` deposition taken?
` A. It was a lawsuit in which my law firm was
` seeking the repayment of outstanding legal
` fees.
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`Page 24
` Q. Which law firm?
` A. Howrey, LLP.
` Q. So, are you generally aware, Mr. Jenkins, that
` you're required to tell the truth at your
` deposition?
` A. Absolutely.
` MR. PARKER: I would just instruct
` Mr. Jenkins to take the time that he needs to
` review his declaration that he feels
` necessary.
` MS. CARR: Counsel, I don't believe
` that coaching statements are allowed under the
` PTAB rules, so I would request that counsel
` kindly refrain from doing that.
` MR. PARKER: There was not a
` question pending.
` MS. CARR: You're not entitled to
` coach during a deposition, a cross-examination
` deposition, Mr. Parker, you should know that.
` Q. Mr. Jenkins, looking at paragraph 18, you have
` a sentence there that says: I hereby declare
` that all statements made herein of my own
` knowledge are true and that all statements
` made on information and belief are believed to
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 25
` be true.
` Do you see that, those three lines
` there in paragraph 18, the beginning of that
` sentence in paragraph 18?
` A. I do.
` Q. Could you tell me which statements that
` paragraph is referencing by all statements
` made on information and belief?
` A. I don't know how to answer that question.
` Q. Why not?
` A. I don't even know what you're asking me to do.
` Q. I'm asking you to tell me, looking at
` paragraph 18, what statements in your
` declaration are referenced by the language,
` all statements made on information and belief?
` A. Do you want to go through each one, each
` paragraph?
` Q. Sure, if you would like to.
` A. Is there a difference between on information
` and belief and on my own knowledge, I'm not
` sure I know the differentiation. I don't know
` if I can differentiate. I can tell you
` looking at paragraph 1, that's my title, I
` know that that's my title.
` Q. Mr. Jenkins, I believe earlier in your
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`Page 26
` testimony, you said that every statement in
` your declaration is based on your own personal
` knowledge of the facts; isn't that true?
` MR. PARKER: Objection,
` mischaracterizes his testimony.
` A. Yeah, I believe everything in here is based on
` my personal knowledge.
` Q. So, my question for you, again, is what
` language in your declaration is referenced by
` all statements made on information and belief.
` I want to know what statements in your
` declaration are made on information and
` belief.
` A. You mean as opposed to my own personal
` knowledge?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Everything in here is based on my personal
` knowledge.
` Q. So, you have language that you just threw into
` your declaration that doesn't have any
` relevance to the declaration; is that right?
` MR. PARKER: Objection,
` argumentative --
` A. Personally --
` MR. PARKER: Let me finish.
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`Page 27
` Objection, mischaracterizes his testimony,
` harassing the witness, for one thing.
` A. I guess I would just point out it says and
` again. So, it says they're based on my
` knowledge and on information and belief to be
` true. I mean, my knowledge is based on
` information that I retained and saw in the
` course of my everyday employment, and that's
` the reason I believe them to be true. But
` they're based on my personal knowledge.
` Q. So, are we interpreting that sentence, you
` kind of just read the word that in that
` sentence there, didn't you, Mr. Jenkins? It
` says and that all statements made on
` information and belief are believed to be
` true?
` A. I'm sorry, I don't see the, what you're trying
` to say.
` Q. Have you ever in your "career" heard of the
` concept of making a statement on information
` and belief?
` A. I have heard that.
` Q. Could you tell me what your general
` understanding of that language means.
` A. Based on information that I have seen, that is
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`Page 28
` the belief.
` Q. Do you have an understanding as to whether
` that language is used in circumstances where
` the statement is not made on the bas

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