`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209
`1 of 97
`Oracle Corp. v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.

`P>!i< I
`Lcl.ken Seprembef! 18 ec 19. 2000
`.~ -Mt '1\IITlt s~;,,~ts :':fiT~ ;cT '::"'11:(cid:173)
`r:~ :- l[ ;.I[-'''::[IIIN ::S1IH-::,. :r ~r,.Jo!!
`iIol.'sr;l-f ~ ;', ;st!;W
`';'~.s.O:l ~(!( ~,H~·.s :rti'ASI.
`INC ••
`F,o,-::M;': ~,,-; 7i;C'lJ'lO.I.X.iT,
`,I. :-tL. .. :~t =:"l'<:>AAfltti
`:ltl'AAIIJ...:' : [-;-.:«,:
`;m: .•• =-,t~\""f;. :::CAPJAAT;::H
`~o It.} 110, 10M IN~I\'I;.o''''L 0P,l;. DtPQS;TlCl'
`:,r o:;r;,:.rrnu 1fCIC~;:
`,;r:"'O-lll(a U" U. =r,QO
`Qll,.&.L Dl~nl~ ~r ~~c.'l'1Itl' 1tOtS!. pro4\ic,~
`., .. wLtn.:r, .t ~ha l".t.ftc. Dr th. r.rendant, lind !h.Ily
`311 s.,~. H. :1)0'). " ) ; •••• to flf: ,.~ •• Ifl4 on ,.,t.
`~J"n, .... ttk.n 1" ~lIt .. bo .... ,t)'l.J 111\d "' ..... r.d (au ••
`11. :(j~O • • "OS •••• tD .,:1 p •••• r.'pecti, .... ly. b.fDr.
`Sandr. $. ·av."., en • .It! .11" lOr t:llo Stat_ 01 T,:o:' ..
`:9::'1 ':TlIo ""_n".n t:.Plt.r. 1;;1'\(1 t:!)n9'''s~ .t.ustin. r.!( ....
`I.,')f"" '>'i •• CfI.IIO .r.OJ~I\.n4. It fJLDrlOM
`.. JaloH)l.ltl..
`Jo"'.~"'~ ~~ :h_ ;.,s_,_l ,I ..... (>~ Cldl Proc..s ... r ••
`FO~ tHt "UnltI",
`John E. Gluac
`Guy, CU'Y. "a,. , Flddenr lch.. 1.1..
`.01 • Stuet
`suit. 1 iOO
`5an Diego. Califoa::nh UI01-.2n
`roll; THE. DErtl'lDAHTII
`DaYld D. aah!e,.
`Hull T.
`Fulbright. & JavouU, LLP
`1900 on . . . r Lean Centu
`.. 00 Con.Qt ••• Avan.ue
`Au~t1n. Tax..
`p..g.; 2
`• , ,
`• • 1.
`11 " U
`14 .. U
`10 .. ,.
`" "
`" 20
`" :.,
`15 ,.
`1 N D E X
`. Appear.ance~ ............................................... ...
`Exhibi ts ............................. ..
`GEorF1\ty HOESE
`Examination by Mr. Bahler'"
`ChAnQ_s and SiQnatur ................................... 379
`Reporter'. C.rtlf1cat1on ......... -
`... -
`.. .. .... 381
`Or9A"tuuortal C:han
`"'_"al_1;I r":-'!;'I 'r1t19_ Product
`V.~'.tA"o 'oU ...... D<tvtllo~,,'
`V.fU.tAftO 5yst •• ''' .. uetu...
`S~ft:var. ln91",unf'l9 'U~U, U/O""
`.1tn.a.' •• 1;011l-
`.... v.o .. Tn"'el lUnu • .ry
`ll11n '-_11
`Cro,ut-oads and "_htt 'ad.ard
`SID rtbu Ch ..... d ho'l"_. JlU/U
`· lUU/U ,-.. U
`" 11
`" 17
`CC*p.t, a"d Crto ..... a.d. K t~ '1;51
`arid,. DUtu .... ""
`.itn ... • l-Ab .or..booll
`.,tn. ... ' Ub .OtabOOIi
`W:lt,.. ... ' LAb Nor..boolil;
`Ir'I!1n1ty I:--.Jtu,1' ribu en&nnel
`Pe.o tor r.U Cc.cIu, stU
`uno,,' I-_il
`,. ... l1NMl'y Cro ...... d. c:.UOO
`Prod\lf;t ,.,.".,.. boc\alel\t
`Wi tfta'" .M t. 'aper Oft tUu·.
`Channal to .!lest A.&:ba.aine
`"it,.. .. ' WhIu hpar .,.. rLbr.
`Channal t. SCSI Add ..... lnV
`With. lIanctw~ltt." Notation ..
`Me-DATA Fibre Channel Intustructure
`He.tino, 12/9/96, San rrancisco
`Verrazano En9inel!rinq Verification
`nin. Version 1.1
`hlvlnq b4ten U('st duly tworn, ttst1!1ed
`tolIO .... s:
`Hornlnq Mr. HOes8.
`GOod DaOrnlno.
`Q. Would you ple,se Itate your- full n..unt1
`A. Geoffrey 8rlln Hoese.
`O. Mher. do you Uv., 51",?
`In Austin, Texas.
`How old are you?
`I .. 39 Y"" old.
`O. All rlQht. stl'. Now, you r •• liz. that th1$
`i •• deposition taken 1n connectlon with a
`lawsuit ...., two hWluits. Th!! deposition i.$
`b.inq taken on of Pathli9ht and also on behalf
`ot Chaparral, and it', in conneetion with two dUterent
`lawsuits. They're both tU.d by Cros,roads, one
`aQainst pathllQht, one Iqlin.t Chaparral, In connectlon
`with pltent S,t41,"2. 00 you have that unclerstand1n9'?
`I understand that.
`Okay. Now, both. ot. those parties h.ava served
`notice" upon Chlparral, thl corpor.ation, to require
`C!\aparral to produce. wi tn ••• to te.tify on its behalf
`with respect to s.l.c:ted topic... Are you • ..,are of
`C;1Veps COURt" RepoRt"mg
`I (Pcl.ges I ro 6)
`(512) 301-7088
`CRDS 66587
`2 of 97

`C:;I:0ITRey ho<:sl: •
`HR. GIUST: You .aid Chapart'bl, not
`I don' t qui te
`1 Crossroads.
`THE WITN£$S: Yeah.
`under:st.and that. So--
`IBY MR. SAHL£fU well. both parties hAve
`serv@d d@po.ltion notlce~ upon c.rouroAds to r-equir.
`8'Oflll:I., to produce a wltnells to testify on its
` with respect to select.d topics. Do you
`understand that?
`I und.r!ltand that. Yes.
`And you have been a.let::ted by Cro5~Hoad.s to
`testify on ita b* with ru:pect to Df tho ••
`selected top1cs.
`That 1.s correct.
`In add.ition. you h,.v'! betn served ,.
`notice. or rather Croa,roads has heen served a nottce
`by both pu'tles to have you appear .!Ii!! an individual and
`testify. Do you under:Hand that?
`Okay. Do you understand that you're hiH.
`today tor both pl,.lrpose~?
`I 8uppose. Yes.
`'(ou"re 80 InronuIn9 Die,
`dId not know that betorehamd ",hEther we Were qolnq to
`do that today or tomorrow or whatevec.
`O. Nell, this 11 presently .schtdultd tor today
`I don't plan to use a lot ot tOmorrow • .1
`and tomorrow.
`we ait here, but It depends on how thin(]. go. All
`HR. clust: Just ao you'll Itnow, ~'d
`Uke to 'ict sepa~ate tran.crlpt. tor the lOeb) 16)
`portion and the individual portion.
`l11\. BAHLtR: Well, it'8 .11 qolng to be
`kInd of ball.d up together.
`MR, GlUST: So you don't pIon on hHtlnq
`tho JOlbl161 topIc. and then dolnq tho IndIvIdual
`MR. GIUST: Okay. Well, 1t you're just
`90ing: to go throuCilh it all, we'll aee how it 90.'.
`HR, BAHLER. All rlqht.
`18Y tU~. BNiL£~} Hr. lIo.~e, have you ever had
`your depos1t10n takan b.tore?
`Q. Okay. Ju_t.o that you understand what'.
`qoinq on here -- or p.rhaps this ha. b.en explained to
`you by coun8el. I'. sure It has, but just .0 you know
`where I' .. cow:l!.inQ froll. you're under oath.
`1\, Uh-huh.
`HR. BAHL[~: No.
`t didn't plah on doin9
`"C¢.ken Septembl:R 18 ex 19, 2000
`I).,.r,.. 10
`course, Hr. Gluat Instruct, you not to answer, ~nrj
`there are certain ln~tancr:s wherB that miqht be the
`CaSe. All rlqht1
`1\. That', all r1(]ht.
`O. All rl(]ht. And otherwut, it Mr. Glu"t dO@5
`not instrllct you not to answer, you hav@ to go &heAd
`And answer the question. All r1.Qht1
`the-tO, correct.
`Q. Hr. !-Ioese. where do you work t.oday?
`1 am elrlployed by Crou:roads Syste~!.
`Q. What 13 your poaltion there?
`A. My title is director ot strateqlc
`How lon9 have you worked tor CrOSSroads
`Four years and 'OJIII!! months.
`Now, Crossroads ~- wel L,
`loin that -- navt: you
`b.en at Cro.t$roads since the veE"Y beqinnlng of
`1 h,)ve beEn at CE"oS~rOad3 b@fore tt; wj$ t'lCilTled
`Cro.s.sroads. Thece was it COl1lpany in existence that
`essentially convBI"ted into Ct'o.ssro.d:s. We chanQt:d our
`name to CI"o.tsroads that I was employed at.
`Okay. Now, wh~n I asked you how long you I d
`25 worked et Ctossroad", you said four yt>au .nd 50fl\IIt
`1 months. Old that include your work at CrOSSroads
`proper and your work at tha prttdeeessot company stacked
`That 1s COfrect.
`Okay. Whit lollS the namll at the predeeessor
`Intin! ty Commstor.
`that'lt c:orrect.
`Okay. And you .tatted at Infinity COIf\ll\Stor
`tour years ahd !lome month .. ago?
`That ia correct.
`And .!IIometiJlle in the Infinity CommStor wa.s
`chanq_d into CrO$sroeds?
`That 1s COrrect.
`00 you have II college degree, s1r~
`I do not.
`Q. Whit "'a. your .... wh.n soct of tect\nlcal
`education dQ you t'lavt. it any?
`I have a vari.ty or on-the-job expeuence and
`education of variOUi sort .. in technlc:iIl tteldJ!l. So
`t'" not !lure how to answer
`that f
`.- v.-VU. que!Stion.
`Okay. Let me 9tt tnora sp~ciUc. lou have a
`1'i19h school deql88?
`I have a - ... 1 grad\uated trem high school.
`Y .. ,
`Did yOu attend .. ny college7
`v •• , 1 did.
`In Loui8iana.
`And how 10"9 dId you attend coll.Qo?
`I -- let' 8 se.. On the ord.f or two and a
`halt yeare, maytHt a bit JlIOre. Hy r.eell,etlon 1t ~
`little yaquI there.
`"hat c::olleq! in Louls1~na .spectt'1cally'?
`I attended the Unl\,.rslty or Southwestern
`I a1.:lo attended Louisiana State University.
`O. Which one d1d you attend Urst?
`A. University of Southw88tern Loulsiana.
`O. When cl1d you ,tArt at the Unlveulty of
`Southwestern Lou!atanal
`In 1979, poa'ibly Uklo9 S01ll. course work
`before, mayb. In '78.
`I donlt :specitically recalL
`And when did YOu stop goinq to SouthweHern
`I -Ill not exactly certJin.
`1 lolou1d qu.n 1981.
`Okay. And whtt were you atudyin9 ,lit the
`24 Univere1ty ot Southwestern Louishna?
`My .lbajor was phllo:lophy.
`The oath that you took at the be91nnino of
`your depo.itlon lIS the same OAth th.t you would taka at
`I und.r.tand that.
`And in het, this dllfl:pc.1Uon 1t as it you were
`tost1tyln9 at trhl. All r10ht)
`I~od. head"
`And the •• cond point h, you have to 91ve oral
`answers. ShakinG )'Out' ... noddln9 your head up and down
`Ot ri~ht and left i .. wonderful.
`I undu-'tand you
`completely, but to the court reporter --
`I undeutand.
`-- it" eo_plete .ilene.. So you he.d to !Jive
`or,l answers to all .Y qu.st1ons.
`1 und.rstand,
`It at any till. you doni t undar.t.nd any ot ay
`I f at any
`que.tiona, pl •••••• k •• to cl.rl ty thea.
`t1tt1e you want to take • .breat, pleas. let •• know.
`Throu9hout the dapoaitlon your cQUJ\ael,
`21 Mr. Glu.t, m.ay object, and h. h ••• rlCtJht to do that,
`of couue. Tho •• objection. If. not b.1nq ruled upon
`by any judCil' here today. What happens with re:a:pect to
`• deposition il that the obj.etton. ar • • uted on th.
`record. and th.n the anaw.,. .1. 91venl unlees, ot
`Ifll do the .AlII. tot' you.
`C:;lvens COURt RtpoRtmg
`2 (Po;\gl:s 7 to 121
`(512) 301-7088
`CROS 66588
`3 of 97

`C;eowey hoc:sc •
`Okay. NOW, yotJ .sald you also studied .t LSU.
`2 When did you Itart at 1.50'1
`It was the next "traester.
`Sllhe:equent to USL.
`I'm not positive.
`So 1 think that was in 1981.
`Q. What die! you study .t LSU7
`Same field. Old additional work tl\ pbysics.
`Q.....t LSU?
`Both at USL and LSU. Hore .so, perhapa, at
`How long were you at LsU,?
`A year-.
`Q. Till 19821
`Two aeftlesters, perhaps three.
`Okay. And you oventually l@ft ~SU after two
`.selnester ..... -
`..... Yu.
`0 . · - r1ght? Now, why did you 90 from. South\oleet
`Louhilana to LSUl
`Oh, 1 think it involved. woman.
`Q. All rlQ'ht. Perfectly understandable. We
`21 won't get into that. ThiS do.~n·t involve "nytllin9
`that's relevant to this case, does it?
`t hope not.
`O. All rlQht. And than you were at LSU. and then
`l .... v. LSU?
`you started LSU in 19B!. Why did yQLI
`L.~ken SepcernbeR 180.: 19. 2000
`P"f,< 16
`And what 15 an embedd.ed system?
`It's kind of a v.goUt, generic term reterrin;
`to software that runs dltectly on ... microprocessor
`.. without ... lot ot ua,er 1ote:ctace or o~eut1n9' systeJ!l or
`thinQI of that sort.
`G~n~rally in What were these eml;ltdded syste:us
`01lUeld control 3y.tem$ or various sotts ot
`control systems. That'. one. So I did a couple ot
`thln9s of that sort. 1 did - .. there's ...
`lItix 0: thln95
`relating to control systems mainly.
`J\nd one of those Imaller contract
`O. All right.
`jobs led to your beinq -- or your tald.nq it. permAnent
`POSition. al a chiet enqine.r ot an ~/fM udio st.ation'?
`That's eorrect. That's" (air staterunt.
`O. w • .s the radio station?
`K~OF and KAsC.
`what Wa$ th4t agoaln7"
`~OF and KASC.
`And one W85 an AM $t.tion~ and one wa~ br. FM
`that·s Correct.
`And where was
`Abbev1l1e, Louisiana.
`Q. Abbeville?
`I "".nt to work.
`0.....11 rl~ht.
`There were a v.rlety of reu:Ons tar that.
`On. ot which "'., that you went to work. riCjJht?
`,.*11, I the univers1ty b.c.u •• I went to
`work. There were a vlorlety ot reu:ona why 1 went to
`work. 50 J dontt know what the cau~.l chain really is
`there that you wanted. but --
`Okay. And what "'.as your Ur&t job atter
`lea.vinq LSU1'
`A. What my f1rst JOD .lter le"vlnq LSU.
`Probably worked tor .. comp.ny called Control
`syst.m.to1oqists, Incorporated.
`Could you be a little S10W4H with. th"t?
`15 Control ... --
`It wa, '1"1 odd
`They went by the initials CSI.
`name. Control SystelJlatoloqi,sts --
`One word, Systa.atoloqlsts?
`Yeah. The,. kind. of constructed thb odd word
`they mAd. up. So Sy,telQto1og1sts.
`That's much better.
`Out or "ayne,, P,"A"'Y"N-E.
`PA£/C 17
`O. What did you do .3 the chief @nginecl' at. that
`J\H -- tir.8t of all, when w.s that?
`It was late ·81 or early '92 throuQh. I would
`lAY,' 84.
`O~ Whet did you do as a chief engineer tOt that
`radio atation?
`1 was responslbla fot the maintaining the
`a.ll.1.sions ot the station, the tran3Id!uion$ ot the
`station in tenu ot the trequenci&s; m"lnUln1ng the
`trans.ittaIS .nd equ.lpment tj) ensure that: the station
`12 was in cOrl'.pl1ance with requlat.lons, FCC regulations.
`was re~ponslble for the repair bnd gen@ul maintenance
`Qf studio equipment, transftlittets, et cetera.
`There are certain le9611y-defined dut~e5
`by re9ulation ot the rcc thAt .. chicf enqineet u
`reepon,ib1e for, and 1 had those responubilitles.
`euch as JI'Ia1ntain1nq tranSfttoitter 1095 and reCOtd:.:,
`et cetera.
`Q. Here YOu. ever on the air?
`On occlllion.
`Q. All r1;ht. You left the: radio station in what
`t beUeve it w~s 1984.
`O. Where did you 90~
` 15
`P"f,c 18
`And how 10n9 did you ,",ork at CSt?
`A. Approximately .loht -.onth ...
`O. When did you start .t CSt?
`I don't rac:.U tb. sp_clUe dat •••
`O. What did you do wl\ile at CS1?
`I did two bade job.. Fhld ... vlce
`installation and repa1r of autoution and supervlsory
`control .Iyste .. , enunc1ator panel I tor Oilfield control
`.y.tuls and thlnq. ot that ... and 1 alao worted eo •• on
`the deJiqn and ):Ir09r~ino of similar sYlt~.
`O. Wa. CSt·. busine.s oUtiald control ,yate.5?
`Y ...
`'1'01,1 worked there .t9ht IIlOnths?
`On that orcSer. Yeah.
`Old YOIl tat •• job aftor than
`I did a nw.bll' ot " .. ller, you know, not
`17 Cull-tim • • ~loym.nt, but con.ult1nq job. or contr,ct
`job:., one ot wh1ch led to a lonqlt-tenl job ,. chief
`enotneer of an AM/nt radl0 JtaUon.
`Ju*t Olherally. what were thoae i •• ller
`contraet job •• If you reelll?
`0lJi9n antS progoralNl1n9 of various eorts of
`amh.dd@d sys:teJl\s.
`Did you eay erab.dded eystem?
`INode head .. )
`I don't
`MR. GttIST: Objection. OverbrOAd.
`(BY tal. BAltL£RJ Did you take ol job arter
`that7 It WI •• pretty broad quest1on. Did you take a
`job atter you leCt the radl0 atat1on?
`Okay. "aU, what did you do next?
`1 "'ant to know.
`eire if it'l overbroad.
`1 Ip.nt about tout lII.onth:l traveUn9 in Europe.
`briaUy ca •• back to did 30me .dd1t1cnal
`few Inonths, then move-cI
`contract proqrllauainC) work ror &
`to New York City.
`"'hy did you leave the ndio statiOIl?
`1 w.~ ready to l.ave Loui"hna, and the thllo
`statlon WI. 1n Louish,ne.
`O. All r1ght. Four ~nth' 1n Europe, And then
`you eu.. back Ind did aOrle more contract proqrammin9
`17 work. Whet lort or ~ontraC't progoramminq work did you
`do _ner you return.d fro. EurOpe?
`1 d.tiqned Ind i1!llpieMented I eouple of
`diftarant ,d.ul'tlon tra1nin9 system" tor aircnft
`control .yateJb'.
`O. W.e ehh sofeware work?
`That~' correct. in ~.rt. It also entailed
`undeutanaln9 the control Iystelfts involved. et cetera.
`.a.. rea •• rch along those 11nts. "I'orkinq with trainers
`CROS 66589
`3 (PAges 13 W 181
`4 of 97

`C:;COJ1:RCY hocsc •
`p.g; 19
`to devltlop .. tr.1nlno ftodal that you can develop the
`simulation towards to .U.ct.
`And then you htt -- well, aftft you stopp.d
`doin9 th .. t you .oved to New York City?
`Tnat's COrl'"act.
`O. Md whan wa, that?
`I belIeve thlt ""as! 1n .arly 'e4 t mid '84. A.3
`we approach the prestnt t.h. dates will get cd.sper,
`but -- hopefully.
`I:m't that always the cas.? All rt9t\t. What
`dId you do 1n New York City st,utinq 1n circa 19841
`I worked for .. company, .. start-up cOll'lpany.
`Initially the naae of the company w .... PCa Limited. No,
`14 wait. That wa. later. What ..... , the nartle of that
`PC 3mnethln9. Later it turned into Seen
`Okay. What did you do tor PC sOllltlthln9!
`I -- the ihit1al company formed to do various
`aorta ot eontrac:t conJiultlnq Jlervieea around pes, such
`as networking. thin;. of that .ort. So initially I wa,
`r8spon:dble for that in the company either by virtuilly
`doin; that .yselt initi.lly, and then by ha.vln9 other
`p~ople do it Aa we were able to .tart to do that.
`Okay. Old. you term -- were you part ot the
`Lakm ScptembeR 18 ec 19. 2000
`vaque, because w. d1d lOt' ot thln9'2. Yuh.
`O. What does SCSI sU,nd ton
`Small computet 'Y5t-ern, int.rhe!'. I b.l1~v~.
`Wa.$ the Scan TechnoloQh5, did ':.hey .buy
`hardwi!lr. components (rom Others and ."5errble them into
`II network with software and sell those'?
`MR. GIUST: Objection. Compound.
`I-d actually uy it's
`9 Cont'lqurinq syst.l:zft!l into a net,,",ork was on. ot those
`ftuttlnQ component2 together wa" one of thos.
`IBY HR. BAHLER) Old they make tiny custom
`hoxes, custom stora'le elem.ents'?
`Ne did !"lot manufacture any hardwa!"e dev~ces at
`Q. All rl9ht.
`we ptototyped aome hardware tor dOIng specifIC
`thin!]" but we did not tnanuhcture- -- or sell eny
`products thilt wilre h"rdware daviclts thAt w,=
`2'0 milnutacture-d.
`O. What optical 3tOU~1l deVIces were used by Sc~n
`At that polnt there were a number ot cornpanl!'s
`thllt raoduccd what -- OPtical worm deVIces ""hlCh were
`2~ write onc., minl .. storllge devices. These were -- It's
`torn.at1on of the Itart-up?
`I was not. princIpal ot the t1r"', if th .. t's
`3 wha t you mean.
`Okay. How was it th ... t you got hooked up with
`this PC lIomethinq cOllpany7
`Throuqt\. neW.:IIpap.r ad.
`Okay. And the PC loraethln9 COhlpany eventually
`be.e:ame $clln TechnoloQ!iesl
`A. Thlt's correct.
`Q. Wheh wu: that?
`I would que,s that WIS in ISS, in mid to lat.
`I'm hot certai".
`Ok.y. And how long wu'e you wIth Scan
`I tftOv.d to Austin in -- when did 1 move to
`I think it was in "7. And that'a not
`16 Austin.
`answertn'} you.r qutstion directly, bu.t I did 30m.
`conau1ting work tor thera, tor which I was never paid,
`.tter I JBoved hera. and that w,s ray laat work tor that
`So that w •• about 19811
`I think that w .. s ln mId' &1. Hlqht have b~en
`l'te '86. but 1 think it was mid '81.
`wh ... t was Se.n TechnoloQie,' bUlinesa?
`The bua1ne5s t,.n.sitioned trom general !lupport
`ex1atinQ technoloQY now stUl, but it's tvolv~d ". hir
`At that point in til!lC there WaS an
`optiCal .edl. elMilar to I dI.k .stong. media .but
`nOhlU.qnetlc. "qain, the C.D-RCIi' that you could .... rit.
`6 Onc. on but not .rase. so eutted. tOWArds all klnd ot
`applle.tlons. We u!ed tho,e de-vices.
`We ,1.0 had scanner devices at that
`point ita time. Theeo W.'en't t.he variety ot Optlcal
`se.nners. lraa;. scannen thlt. are on the markttt tOday.
`Theee were fairly lito.1ted amounts, some of WhlCh
`interfaced via SCSt interface.
`..,hen did you first beeoftle tar.aliar wu.h
`the SCSI InttrCAc.'
`I probably held somll awareness ot the SCSI
`intertace _. it eVOlved. Betore the SCSI inteeface 1016.$
`the SCSI 1nterface 1t was the SASI interfacL>. WhlCh Wil5
`a proplI"i_tary intert'acB common. on 51 and AA well. Inaybe-
`not C:OJUftOn. bl,lt implemented on S100 syst~ntS ~nd thlng$
`or that sort; and I had 30m8: tamilurity with thlot,
`although. not. reAl intlmate f.rrtlllarity with thilt.
`So there w~a no qiven POU\t 10 tim ..
`where I :ludden1y le,Hoed ot it. I lust 9radually
`,i4 Qlin*d more knQwledQe ot it as it 9alned more
`iatplementat10ns 1n the tield. You know, 6$ 1 t becaMe
`p..gc 21
`of PC_ in ott ice environmente to a bumine •• aoct.l
`tryin; to devtlop and m.ll .y.teN thlt -- tryln9 to
`think o! the be.t wey to lay thi ... -
`to enable optic.l
`storage ot docUJlent date for oruce jyatfUl,.
`I don't
`rec"ll that ~. had. al •• lon at ... t.-Ient., per se, but
`that would be lomethin9 of that lort.
`Old Scan rechnolo9le. have a commercial
`We did. M. had a number of commercial
`pt"oduct. or syatema.
`Q. What wer. tho •• co-..ercial products?
`Oh. I don't recall thea by --
`O. wor. th.y optlc&l --
`-- naae, but --
`-- stong. pcoduct.1
`They "Ire conti9\lr.tionl of' optical stor_;,
`peoducts 1n cOl\junction with varlous software,
`somltime. custOIa, lIoalti ... ctt the ahelt.
`O. Were thlse SCSI-belled ayet ••• ,
`They dId incorporate SCSI aubayateru. YeS.
`And SCSI 10 S-C-S-I. right?
`That t a eorrect.
`Just tor the b.n.tit of our court reporter,
`24 whenever you or I
`.... y SC51 it' • • pelled S-C-S-I, riqht?
`That'a appropriate.
`1 more co_on, r Wat more expo.!led to it, and 1 leiarnld
`.or. about it.
`Old you USI that knowledoe whilt at Sc .. n·
`To 10lle dlgrae. Yeal\.
`Other than thea. optical worlD. deviCes And
`scanner d*vice., wh"'t other d.vicea were b@ing used by
`Sean Techno1oqiesl
`A. Thlt', a very broa4 qu •• tion.. Can you A_
`O. What other .torlge device,?
`Ther. were stand .. rd off-the-shelf disk devlces
`or various sort ••
`Na911etlc •• dial
`O. All rlght. Anythlnq .ls.?
`A. Wt d1d haYI variou. tape d~vlce5~
`Tape d4Jvlce" aho .aqnetlc?
`Rlqht. We did not use tho,e 1n ilny
`unlJSU.II1"- you knoW',
`those were aU otf-the-$hBIt type
`deviCe ••
`bld Scan Technol091e, hav@ " product
`d •• iqnation tor lt, products?
`Cln you rep •• t that?
`Old they I\Avl a nam_, the Scan 'rllchnolo91e5
`2S Whizb.n9 Storaq. Unit or .olll"tn1nq. or • nwnbeC?
`C;lvcns COURt' RCPORt'lng
`1J (Pages 19.0211)
`(512) 301-7088
`CROS 66590
`5 of 97

`I don't speelt'1cally r~c.ll. I tend to think
`that they did, but I can't recall what it wOllld be.
` it w"o.
`Ooe. scan technoloqh3 exist today?
`Not to fttY ~no""l.dq ••
`Now, you moved to Austin In approximately ml~
`t beHeve it wa3 -- 1 beli.vl! tha.t's coctec:t.
`why did you IlIOve to Au.tlnl
`My intent w .. u
`to 90 back to school.
`O. Ok.y. Did you do thlt?
`A. For. period.
`O. Univer,lty of Tc)t~s?
`That'::s corl'~ct.
`O. When dId you st.rt University of Texa:l?
`I did not ofUcially onroll.
`I oudited
`I also worked in II couple of d:Lfferent hbs.
`o....t un
`In what .school?
`It was 1n ••
`Thl. v . . Iold '871
`1 ao. Y.».
`Q. Okay. You neVer actually enrolled at UT?
`I don't ~peclfic.lly recall. Therl! wa .. !I~III."
`'CAken SeptembeR 18 ec 19.2000
`P"IF 2R
`.ystems th.t did -- well, they had a couple of
`products. A.II these products wet"!!: at"ound T:-990
`~ystem .. , which wa .... llinicompl,ltf:( desiqn from Texas
`Instrument ...
`They had initially some :system.s
`emulated the 99(1 proce.ssor or 5ub5ections of that
`proc:es!or at tenx, the p«rforlflll.nce th3lt they stated In
`the name of their comp .. ny. ThBY .subsequently came up
`9 with ayatefu that ran 990-bl.nd system~ 1n PCs an.d
`a11m .. ·.d .some interaction b.twe~n the 990 5y~tell\ running:
`1n the PC and the PC itself.
`1\nd did they have ~ cOlI\mercial product ~
`They had" number ot Cornmerchl prodoJcts.
`O. What dld you do -- well. how 10n9 did you worlc
`lor renx TeChnologIes"?
`I was employed as a contract worker for.
`l ' believe. SU, tI\Onth.s.
`1 WAS then converted to ~:.Jll
`I WAa a tull-tune employ ... for about year- and 4
`So you were at TenX TachnoloQie.! from hte
`1981, either aa a contract employ@'e or '5 • l'ull·tim~
`e~loy.e. tor .. pproximately two year5?
`~. Correct.
`Okay. What cUd you do tor TenX TechnoloQu.!
`250 whUe a.t TenX Tachno1ogtes1
`IQrt of en;ro11ment that 1. not II; re:ghtra.Uon but tnat
`.. 11ows you to do ce;rt.ln thlnQs.
`Give them. mohey. And they let you 90 to class.
`So •• thin~ ot that sort. Riqht.
`Q. All r19ht. How 10n9 did you do that?
`About a, m.aybe a llttle le,s.
`And then _ ...
`Couple of •••• 't.r.' wortt\.
`O. Why did you pick AUltln?
`I -- well, 68 1 sald, .Y Intent was to study
`1 spent. couple of weeks vls1tinq the
`13 Un1\renity of Houston. which had ~oma int.rest11'19 work
`goinCj on with Paul Chu, and I vhlted -"H And ~pent
`some time in tlc:1l1tle,J ta.inq what they were
`doln9: and 1 spent aOme time at UT, and I liked what UT
`was dolnq best.
`And ",h.t spec1!1cally About UT attr.cted you?
`Itls hard to n .. il down the spfllc1t'1ca. Dontt
`really recill.
`"ell, 'What .specifically 1n the physics
`depArtlter\t. wh4lt 'Were they do1r~C) that inter-eated you?
`"Qain, that l
`• hard to "til down 'pecifics, and
`1 don't really recall. There were A t~w thInq!l thay
`2~ ware doin", that ware real intereatih",. W"3 •
`1 was • programmer.
`O. What proqr8tM\lnq hnquaQ"s do you know?
`A. What pr09rilJMlinq -- I'm so.n:y. Could you
`O. Wl10t proq;raJMI.1n() lanquageS do you kno<ot'? well,
`let me .ask I better question. Strik.e that. what
`proQramm1nq lanC)uaqes can you program 1n?
`IUliht no", I a. probatlly competent to program
`1n C. It's been awhile ~lncc I' ve proqranvned in any
`other languillie. So t could probably do some assem.bler.
`but not at a production h·v.,l without !10m., prac:tlce.
`And I could prob~bly pick. up' some others that I I YI! done
`in the p.nt with a Httl. work. but 11m very rusty.
`Ok~y. What specitic p[oqrammin9 were you
`dolng tor TenX Te-Chnologhs?
`TenX had decided to set ott 1n a new prodl.!ct
`direction at that time and do .sOm8: products wlth thes,
`18 WOB type device.. so 1 waS involve-d in pro9r~mming:
`portions or the 1nterhcII: and drive-rs tor tho~e d~vi'..:e5
`ln I new type of product they were doing.
`O. Okty. These were optical !ltorage deV1Ce$t
`'thAt's correct.
`Q. they SCSI-based device.s'!
`Ye3, they were.
`O. All right. And when did you leave TtmX
`real 900<1 1I1x ot th.oretic.l work and *xp.rimental
`2 work. They were cto1nq 80 ••,tlnq thlnqs in
`nonlinear dyna.ica, which 11 ",hare I ended up doln9
`.oftle lab work with. prot.tsor thllre I don't recall.
`Th. quaU ty and the oper\n.J~ of the
`people that. w •• an important tactor in my,
`th't I was _bl. to hav. acceas to these facil1tIes.
`ap1l:e of ,." not hav1nv an und.r9r.duate da9r •• ,
`I "'a.
`.ble to do aou graduate type work .. nd work wi th
`9uduate students on cart.1n projecta.
`that was
`1111<1 did you eventually -- well, you
`Q. Ok.y,
`~topped·· you did that tor about a year. riqht?
`Aouqhly a 11ttle 10 .. ,
`Then what did you do?
`A. Well. so.etta. durin9 the course of that
`1 50uqht I!IlIlploy.~nt.
`O. Where?
`}lnypllce that would hire me, but I el'ldflld up
`el\ployed on a contract baSiS with I CQDlpiny c.lled TenX
`T.chnologi •••
`O. When w • .s thia?
`I think that was late •• ,.
`O. Whet WI. Tenxla 'technologlet ' busina.s?
`The businesa thAt the co..,ant 'lola. based on we,
`Technolo;I .. ?
`1 beUeve 1t 'lola. mid, u.r;ly to mid '99.
`Sound .. rlO'ht..
`I think that',s rioht. Could have
`been -. alqht have t(') ~hltt th"t back. Could haove beer.
`·ee. but I think it was
`'89. I'. pretty sure it was
`"ha~ did you do l'le)(t1
`I went to werk tor nell Comput!'r CorpOt,)tJon
`O. Why d1d you lellve tenx rechnolooies,?
`I "'as laid ott.
`Okay. How lon9 did yolol work (or Cell"?
`.a.pproxllutely t-.,o ••
`And what did you do while at Dell?
`II!I.. GIUST: Obj*ction. Overbroad.
`I WIS A systems
`IBY MR. BAHLE!'.) MY pa.rticular systems'?
`There were -- 1 'II not sure how to answer tha~
`Can you that?
`O. Hell. what did you do while: at OeU as a
`,yatea" prOorAJl"JtIcrr tor those two years?
`1 initially proqralUft.d some Q'enerlc proqram~
`to do dia'i'noatic .nd related functions toe ,to rage
`products for diet drives. includin9 tormattln9 tho:ie
`prod~ct. and dolnq l.b.linq and thin9' like thAt that
`C:;IVC:M COURt RepoRt'11lg
`5 (P~gcs 25 to 30)
`(512) 301-7088
`CROS 66591
`6 of 97

`<:;eoITRe!:) hoese •
`DOG< 31
`were useful tOr hctory inltalbtion.s .nd I. variety of
`other purpose ••
`Sub:utquent to that 1 WAS involved in the
`qualification and desiqo of disk 5torag@ subsystem.s and
`MID Iysteta&.
`O. Wh,.t·.1 a RAID _yate",?
`.\. MID 1. en acronym tor redundant arrey ot
`It is • system that conglomeratea
`Inexl'ens1ve disks.
`disks for; redundancy purpose:s to do dl,% 'torage.
`"-re these SCSI-hased RAID systtt!l.S?
`The MID S),Jtll!ms I initially worked on they
`we~e not SCSI-based. Suhsequ~nt to that I dId do a
`lesser amount of work wlth SCSI-cased PAID systems.
`Nhat was the network or the int.rt"ce used 1 ...
`th@ P.AIO sy~tem!ll that yOll were wo

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