(cid:50)(cid:53)(cid:36)(cid:38)(cid:47)(cid:40) EXHIBIT 1024
`PART (cid:23)

`' Article entitled, “Storage Area Networking-The
`Network Behind the Server” (Tang) (Hulsey Ex 8
`(CRDS 16302-307))
`CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Charuiel to SCSI Router
`Preliminary Datasheet (Hulsey Ex 9 (CRDS 16129-
`Verrazano FC—SCSI Bridge ~Product Overview
`(Hoese Ex 2; Quisenberry Ex 30; Bardach Ex 5
`(CRDS 40807-“823))
`Verrazanoispftware Development (Hoese Ex 3;
`Quisenberry 34; Smith Ex_.12; Bardach Ex 6 (CRDS
`Email Dated" 12/18/96 from B. Smith to B. Bardach
`re: More on the MUX, Priorities and Other (Hoese
`3 Ex 8; Smith Ex 5; Bardach Ex 20 (CRDS 4983-84))
`Compaq and Crossroads FC to SCSI Bridge
`3 Discussion (Hoese Ex 11 (CRDS 42459—475))
`— Infinity Commstor Fibre Channel Demo for Fall
`- Comdex, 1996 (Hoese Ex 15; Bardach Ex 13 (CRDS _
`-Email Dated 12/20/96 from J. Boykin to B. Smith
`‘ re: Purchase Order for Betas in February and March
`j_(Hoese Ex 16; Quisenberry Ex 24; Bardach Ex 12 A
`(CRDS 13644’—650))
`‘ McData Fibre Channel Infrastructure Meeting in San
`i Francisco '(Hoese Ex 20; Bardach Exp 15 (CRDS
`; 925 8-71))
`McData Corpolralion’s Fibre Channel Network
`5 Switching Presentation dated June '28, 1995 (CRDS
`Verrazano Manufacturing Plan (Russell Ex 8;
`' =.Quisenber1y Ex_35; Bardach Ex 7 (CRDS 39702-
`A 3710))
`"Letter Dated 4/8/95 from I. Dedek to R. Lenzirez
`. 5FC-SCSI Bridge (Dedek Ex 3 (ANCT 853-57))
`‘The FSB 8000_Bridge: Application Note I. Dedek _
`"(Dedelc Ex 4'(ANCT 346-47))
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1946
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1946

`Memo Dated 1 1/10/95 fi'on1 N. Wannamaker to J.
`Exhibit No.
`.Ded_ek re: Bridge Usage (Dedek Ex 5 (ANCT 573))
`Block Diagram of Low Cost FC/SCSI Bridge #FSB;
`8001 (Dedek Ex 6 (ANCT 565-66)) -
`Model FSB 8001/8010 Fibre Channel to scsr
`Bridge (Dedek Ex 7 (ANCT 353-54))
`Memo Dated 2/9/96 from T. Nguyen to C. Lynch re:
`SCSI to FC Bridge (FCB—8000) (Dedek Ex 8
`Memo Dated 2/10/96 from J. Anthony. to J. Dedek ‘
`re: FSB—80‘00/East Coast Trip Early March (Dedek
`Ex 9 (ANCT 401-06))

`FSB'-8001 266M Bridge and BOM Report (Dedek
`Ex 10 (ANCTA5 76-80))
`« Physical Exhibit of Ancot Product‘FSB—800l
`:Bridge, Version 3 (Dede1c'Ex 11)
`Physical Exhibit of Ancol Product FSB—8OO Bridge, _
`Version 3 (Dedek Ex 12)
`Ancot Document Bearing Method A and Method B __
`3 with Chart Showing Proposed Implementation.
`:(Dede1< Ex 13 (ANCT 1145-46))
`: Memo Dated.4/6/96 fi'om Wanamakerlto . .
`f_Koenig, J. Dedek, M; Hale re: FSBEOOX Status
`. _(Dedek Ex 14 (ANCT 545-47))
`Dated 3/29/96 from J.‘Dedek to R. Yoimtolnbiau V
`3'; re: FC/SCSI Bridges w/Attached Tables (Dedek Ex ,
`:15 (ANCT 600-08))
`V *
`' jFax Dated 5_/)3‘/96 from J. Dedek to J. Anthony re:
`:;Encore FC Bridge Order (Dedek Ex 16 (ANCT .
`AAFSB-8001/8010 Datasheet»(Dedek Ex 17 (ANCT
`‘Memo Dated 6/28/96 from Jimto Jan, Chris and
`Dean re: DEC-FC Bridge Opportunity, 6/27/96‘
`.Meeting (Dedel-: Ex 18 (ANCT 1212-13))
`2503874 0.1
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1947
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1947

`Memo Dated 8/7/96 fioln Jim to Jan, Tom, Chris,
`Dean and FC Bridge Engineering re: DEC-FC
`4 Bridge, 8/7 Meeting (Dedek Ex 19 (ANCT 1302-
`‘()lfered Ohjected
`Memo Dated 8/ 19/96 from Jim to Jan, Tom, Chris,
`Dean, FC Bridge Engineering, Weil, Jozef and Gary -
`re: DEC—FC Bridge, 8116 Review Meeting (Dedek
`Ex 20 (ANCT 3546.-51))
`‘Report from Elliot Laboratories (Dedek Ex 21
`(ANCT 1581-95))
`-Memo Dated 10/30/96 from Jim to Jan re:-.Neil-
`lmportant that he remain at DEC Next Week ("Dede-l<
`Ex 22 (ANCT 1230))
`Memo Dated 10/30/96 from Jim. to Ian, Dean and ‘
`Tom re: DEC, Order Status for 34 Bridges (Dedelc ’
`Ex 23 (ANCT 1231))
`Printout oroislr; FSB—8000 Manual (Dedek Ex 24 '
`Printout of Disk, FFSB.-SHOOAO Specs (Oct—Dec) (Dedelc
`Ex 25 (ANCT 4119)) I
`FSB-8001 Schematics (Dedek Ex 2A6_(A'NCT 4037-
`Programlning Language for the ‘Field Programmable‘
`_Gate Arrays Used in the 8100 Bridge (Dedek Ex 27 '
`(ANCT 2072-89; 2105-1 1; 3515-22))
`Folder entitled, “PCS 266’-’ (Dedek Ex 28 (ANC'l"

`Folder entitled, “Low Cost FCS 266" with Attached
`Email of-4/26/96 from N. Wanamalcer to S. Holt re:
`53c77o Issues (Dedek E); 29 (ANC_T 2478; 2524.
`. 31; 2537-38))
`Folder entitled, “FSB 8010/CPU-SE” (Dedek Ex 30
`(ANCT 2626; 2664-73))
`Folder entitled, “XMIT Chip" (Dedek Ex 31 (ANCT

`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1948
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1948

`i(i)lT'ered” Objected
`Folder entitled, “RCV Chip" (Dedek Ex 32 (ANCT
`.2972; 2975-3016; 3217-22))
`Folderientitled, “FSB 8001 XMIT FPGA” (Dedek
`Ex 33 _(ANCT 3932-72))
`Folder entitled,_“FSE 3001 RCVR FPGA” (Dedck
`4 Ex 34 (ANCT 3973-4024))
`Draft Specification Ancot FSB-8001 Bridge (Dedek
`Ex 35 (ANCT 771-809))
`Engineering Plan FC/SCSI Bridge I-‘SB—800‘ 1
`(Dedek Ex 36 (ANCT 810-32))
`FSB .8001 Memory Mapland Register Descriptions
`(Dedek Ex 37 (ANCT 4064-70))
`FSBSOOI Hardware Architecture and Theory of‘
`Operation (Dedek Ex 38 (ANCT 4025-36))
`FSB 800113 Hardware Architecture arid Theory of i
`I Operation (Dedek Ex 39 (ANCT 3583-94))
`‘ Letter_Dated 4/11/97from J. Dedek to B. Smith’
`; (Dedek Ex 40 (ANCT 35-36))
`I Dataslieet for CrossP.oint 4100 Fibre Channel to ‘-
`' SCSLRou_)ter (Dedek Ex 41 (ANCT 117-120)‘)
`Letter Dated 5/16/97 from C. Schwenker to "J1 Dedek_ 5
`' re: N. Wanamal<er’s Employment with Crossroads
`t and Ancot’s Trade Secret Concerns (Response to J.
`_Dedek’s Letter to B. Smith of 4/1 1/97) (Dedek Ex
`‘ -42 (ANCT 32-34))
`, Physical Exhibit omrioor Product FSB-8001 Bridge
`‘ (Dedek Ex 43)
`4' Drawing b"y‘Jan Dedek (’Dedek_Ex' 44)
`Article Entitled, “Empirical Evidence on the
`I :'Validity ofLitigated Patents?’ by J. Allison and M.
`Lemley AIPLA Quarterly Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3,
`5 pp. 185-211, June 1998 (DeWilde 83;’ Levy 1)
`;.Draft Proposed American National Standard
`Information Systems-dpANS Fibre Channel
`_Protocol for SCSI, Revision 012 (Wanamaker Ex 4
`(CRDS 166230-304))
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1949
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1949

`Exhibit No.
`Symbios Logic — Software Interface Specification
`-Series 3 SCSI RAID Controller Software Release
`02.xx (Engelbrecl1lEx 2 (LS1 1421-1658))
`' Symbios Logic — Hardware Functional Specification
`for the Symbios Logic Series 3 Fibre Channel Disk
`Array Controller Model 3701 (Engelbrecht Ex 3
`(LS1 1659-1733))
`Syinbios Logic — Software Release Specification
`SYMplicity Storage Manager for Windows NT
`Release 0601.21.08 (Engelbrecht Ex 4 (LS1 1734-

`Symbios Logic -1-Iardiware Functional Specification
`for the Symbios Logic Fibre Channel Interface
`Board II 8113 Card (Engelbrecht Ex 5 (LS1 1781-
`RAID Manager Design Note (Engelbrecht Ex 6 (LS1
`Symbios Logic ¥ Fibre'Channel Software Design
`Document, Tachyon Specific, by Charles Binford,
`Ahmad Tawil and Robin Huber-(Engelbrecht _Ex 7 I
`(LS1 I808-25)) '
`Accounts Payable Invoices to Transoft
`Corporationpfrom LS1 (Engelbrecht 10 (LS1 ‘
`. Purchase Order and Shipping List to
`Trausoft Corporation (Engelbrecht l1 (LS1.
`News Release— Symbios Logic to
`1 Demonstrate Strong Support for Fibre ,
`Channel at Fall Comdex (Engelbrecht 12
`(LS1 2785-86))
`OEM Datashcet on the 3701 Controller
`'(Engelbrecht 13 (LS1 13,37-33))
`Adaptec AEC-7312A Product
`Announcement for Competitive Product to
`Fibre Channel to SCSI RAID Controller
`(Engelbrecht l6 (LS1 1839-47)).
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1950
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1950

`- Exl1ibitNo. Description
`Confidential Disclosure Agreement with Hewlett-
`Packard Dated 5/28/96. (Smith Ex 2 (CRDS 2323))
`' Offered
`O-bjected iAdmitted
`Confidential Disclosure Agreement with Hewlett-
`Packard Dated 9/24/96 (Smith Ex 3 (CRDS 2313))
`Letter Dated 12/97 from A. Leal to B. Bardach re:
`Enclosing a Copy of the Executed Original OEM
`License and Purchase Agreement Between Hewlett-
`Packard and Crossroads (Smith Ex 4 (CRDS 52581—_

`Purchasing and Licensing Agreement Between
`Hewlett-Packard and Crossroads Dated 9/22/98
`(Smith Ex 7 (CRDS 29603-646)‘)
`Preliminary Product Literatureifor Intinity
`Commstor’s Fibre Channel to SCSI Protocol Bridge
`(Smith Ex 11; Quisenbeny Ex 31 (SPLO 428-30))
`Fax Dated 12/19/96 from B. Bardach to T. Rarich ref
`Purchase Order Information (Smith Ex 16 (CRDS '
`' 4460))

`Power ofAttorney Documents Files with PTO for
`Patent Application 001,799 (Smith Ex 18)
`SWOT Analysis (Smith Ex 21 (CRDS 39777—782))
`Letter Dated from J. Boykiri to B. Smith re;
`Purchase Order for Evaluation Units from_
`Crossroads (Smith Ex 24 (CRDS 8556-57)).
`Fax Dated 7/22/96 from L. Petti to B. Smith re:
`- Purchase Order from Data General for FC2S Fibre to
`"Channel SCSI Protocol Bridge Model 11 (Smith Ex
`25;_Quisenberry Ex 23; Bardach Ex 11 (CRDS 1'
`8552-55; 8558))
`1 Notes for 9/96 Meeting with Compaq Computer
`(Smith Ex 27; Bardach 2 (CRDS 13S62—563))
`1 :Handwritten Notes ofBrian Smith, February -17,
`1997 (CRDS 7347-48)
`Memo Dated 9/27/96 from B. Bardach to B. Smith
`re: Compaq 9/1 7,Meeting Summary (Bardach Ex 4
`(CRDS 13559-560)) _
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1951
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1951

`Exhibit N°-0
`Letter Dated ll/27/96 fr.on1 B. Bardach to B.
`-Weisickle re: Comdex Technology Suite (Bardach
`Ex 8 (CRDS 4969))
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router
`Preliminary Datasheet (Bardach Ex 9; Quisenben-y
`Ex 33 (CRDS 25606-607))
`Email Dated 10/11/96 from G. Hoese to
`re: FC-SCSI Bridge Meeting (Bardach Ex 10 (CRDS
`Fax Dated 12/19/96.from B. Bardach to T. Rarich re:
`Purchase Order Inforrnation (Bardach Ex 14 (CRDS
`‘Letter Dated 1/13/97 from 13. Bardach 161. Otis‘ re: A "
`Evaluation Units (Bardach Ex 16 (CRDS 8141))
`Email.Dated 2/27/97 from‘ B. Bardacli to s.‘-'
`Miyamoto re: Kubota Purchase Order (Bardach Ex 1
`: 17 (CRDS 5227-31)) ’
`In Confidential Disclosure Agreement Between
`Hewlett-Packard Network Server and Crossroads
`(Bardachg Ex 18 (CRDS 2315))
`Confidential Disclosure Agreement Between
`Hewlett-Packard Optical Comnmnications Division
`and Crossroads (Bardach Ex 19 (CRDS 2340))
`Eimfaill Dated 2/27/97 from B, Bardach to Steve at
`‘ Exabyte» re: Exaljyte Software Compatibility Matrix
`V(Bardach Ex 21 (CRDS "4557-58))
`1 "
`" Letter Dated 10/ 1 6/96. from B. Bardach to J. Kramer
`.re~: Developing a Business Relationship with Unisys
`to Sell its FC-SCSI Bridge Products (Bardach Ex 22
`1 (CRDS 5704))
`7 Email Dated 12/30/96 from B. Smith to 13. Bardach
`re Teleconference Today re: Download Utility for
`’ NT, Delivery ofMuxes (Bardaeh Ex 23 (CRDS
`‘ 4970)) ‘
`' Email Dated 2/l7/97‘ from B. Bardach to M. Wilding I
`i re: Information on CrossPoint 4100 (Ba_rdacl1 Ex 24
`(CRDS 13643)) ‘
` -
`2503 8740.1
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1952
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1952

`Exhibit No.
`Obj ected Admitted
`Letter Dated 2/3/97 from B. Bardach to W. Downer
`-re: Sequent Computer Systems re: Licensing
`Sequent’s_l to 8 FS—SCSl Technology (Bardach "EX
`25 (CRDS 5422-23))
`_ Signed Exclusiyity Agreement ‘Between Compaq
`and Crossroads Dated 8/17/98 (LiVolsi Ex 3 (CRDS
`LUN Management Software Specification, Revision
`1.0 (LiVolsi Ex 5; Quisenberry Ex ‘52 (CRDS
`Miscellaneous Documents Regarding Comdex
`(Quisenberry Ex 2 (CRDS 27415—465))
`_ CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Channel to SCSI
`Router Preliminary Datasheet _(Quise_nberry_
`Ex 3 (CRDS 4933-34)) '
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre to Channel to SCSI‘
`‘Router Preliminary Datasheet; Crossroads
`Company and Product Overview
`(Quisenberry Ex 4 (CRDS 25606; 16136))
`Hewlett—Pacl<ard Roseville Site Property Pass
`.(Quisenben'y Ex 7 (CRDS 27413-414))
`' B... Smith email
`Bardach re: Teleconference
`M Today re: Download Utility for NT, Delivery ‘of _
`Muxes etc._ (Quisenberry Ex 8 (CRDS 4970)) V
`, iAncot Power Point Presentation (Quisenberry Ex 177 S
`CRDS 51_783—786))i
`IOS Power Point Presentation (Quisenbeny Ex 18 in
`(CRDS 51845; 51960))
`' 1'
`Ancor Power Point Presentation (Quisenbeny Ex 19
`(CRDS 5l777-782))
`Storage Concepts Power Point Slides (Quisenberry
`. Ex 20 (CRDS 51689; 51846-848»
`A Ancot Fibre Channel to SCSI Bridge Preliminary
`‘ Datasheet (Quisenberry Ex 21 (CRDSAZ2758-767))
`Nondisclosure Agreement Between. Adaptec and
`' Crossroads Dated 10/ 17/96 (Quisenberry Ex 25
`(CRDS 8196))
`P 25038740.]
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1953
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1953

`Offered Obiected
`Exhibit No.‘
`Fibre Channel to SCSI Bridge Applications
`(Quisenberry Ex 32 (CRDS 5723-2_6))
`Verrazan-o Engineering Verification Plan, Version
`1.1 (Quiscnberry Ex 39 (CRDS 43991-44054))
`Organizational Presentation on the External Storage
`Group (Lavan Ex 1 (CNS 182242-255),)
`Bridge Phase II Architecture Presentation (Lavan Ex
`2 (CNS 182237-295»
`Attendees/Action Items from 4/12/96 Meeting at
`BTC (Lavan Ex 3 (CNS 182241))
`Brooklyn Hardware Engineering Requirements
`' Documents, Revision 1.4 (Lavan Ex 4 (CNS
`Brooklyn Single—Ended scsr RAID Bridge
`Controller Hardware OEM Manual, Revision 21
`(Lavan Ex 5 (CNS _177 169-191))
`Brooklyn SCS-SCSI Intelligent Eictemal
`. Bridge Definition Phase Exit Documentation (Lavan _
`.Ex 6 (CNS 177397-611))
`I‘ Coronado Hardware Engineering Requirements A
`’ Document, Revision 0.0 (Lavan Ex 7 (CNS 176917-
`1 932))
`, ESSIFPG Organization (Lavan Ex 8 (CNS 178639-
`‘Adaptec MCS ESS Presents: Intelligent Extemal 1/o« ‘
`_ Raid Controllers “Bridge" Strategy (Lavan Ex
`‘(CNS l78606—638))
`’;A13c-7313 Fibre Channel Daughter Board (for
`Brooklyn) Engineering Specification, Revision 1.0‘
`:,(Lavan Ex 10 (CNS 176830-85.0))
`_ Physical Exhibit - First Coronado Prototyne (Lavan
`1 Ex 11) .
`_'Physical Exhibit -Rev.‘ B "PCB, 10-96 (Lavan Ex 12)
`1 Physical Exhibit — Complete Brooklyn Product with
`a Single-Ended SCSI Motherboard (Lavan Ex 13) -
`13111 or Material (Lavan Ex 14 (CNS 177211-214»
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1954
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1954

`Emu»: No.
`AEC—4412B, ABC-7412/B. Extemal RAID
`Controller Hardware OEM Manual, Revision 2.0
`‘ (Lavan Ex 15 (CNS. l77082—12'3))
`Coronado II, AEC—73 12A Fibre Channel Daughter
`(for Brooklyn) Hardware Specification," Revision 1.2
`(Lavan Ex 16 (CNS l77192—210))
`AEC—4412B, AEC74l2/3B Extenial RAID
`Controller Hardware OEM Manual, Revision 3.0
`(Lavan EX [7 (CNS l77124—1_65))
`Memo Dated 8/15/97 to AEC-7312A Evaluation
`Unit‘Customers re: B001 ‘Release Notes (Lavan Ex
`18 (CNS 182_878—879))
`Brooklyn Main Board (ABS-0302)‘ MES Schedule‘
`(Lavan Ex_ 19 (CNS 177759-763))
`News Release Q Adapter: Adds Fibre Channel
`Option to_ its External RAID ‘Controller Family
`(Lavan Ex 20 (CNS _182932s934))_
`AEC-4412B/7412B User’s Guide (Lavan Ex 21)
`Memos T. Lavan to Walker re: Weekly
`Status (Lavan Ex 213) L.
`Memo B. Morris to M. Gluck, J. Walker, T.‘
`» Lavan, B. Allison and M. Hardy re: Product ~
`j Priority List (Lavan Ex'2l4)
`Memo D. Matthews to T. Lavan re: LUN -
`Zoning and Extended Copy Key E_RDs ‘
`(Lavan Ex 215)
`G6322/G7324 Exlemal RAID Hoard _
`Controller-User_’s Guide (Lavan BX 216)
`(‘Data Bookf AIC.—789S PC1 Bus Master Single Chip
`’ SCSI Host Adapter (Davies Ex 1 (CNS 182944-
`. 964))
`Data Book- AIC_—1 16(l Fibre Channel Host Adapter-
`ASIC (Davies Ex 2 (CNS 181800-825))_
`Viking RAID Software (Davies Ex 3'(_CNS 180969-
`25013740.: ‘
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1955
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1955

`Header File with Structure Definitions (Davies Ex 4
`-(CNS 180009-018))
`'AAdaptec'Schematics re AIAC-340 (Kalwitz Ex 14 A
`.. (CNS 177215-251»
`Bridge Product Line Revievv (Manzanares Ex 3
`;(CNS 177307—336))
`4 mumwo.
` D-l52
`C++ SourceCode for the SCSI Command Handler _
`(Davies Ex 5 (CNS 179136-168))
`Header File Data Structure (Davies Ex 6 (CNS
`SCSI Command}-Iandler (Davies Ex 7 (CNS.
`Coronado: Fibre Channel to SCSI Intelligent RAID
`Controller (Kalwitz Ex 1 (CNS l82_804—8OS))
`(I Bill of Material (Kalwitz Ex 2 (CNS 181632.-633))
`Emails Dated 1/13-3/31/97 from P. ‘Collins to M0
`re: Status Reports (Kalwitz Ex 3 (CNS 182501-511)). _
`i Hardware Schematics for the Fibre Channel
`- Daughtercard for Coronado (Kalwitz Ex 4 (CNS
`;AEC Bridge Series Products-Adaptec External
`Controller RAID Products Pre—Release Draft, v.6
`(Manianares EX 4 (CNS 174632/653))
`Estorage Router Block Diagram Drawn'_by K. Arroyo
`[S (Arroyo Ex 11)
`V Concept 9l0 Series Rea1—Time RAID Storage
`Solutions, Product Brochure (Bock Ex 2 (S 0000_l_--‘
`Concept 821-SW Real-Time RAID Storage
`‘Solutions, Product Brochure (Bock Ex 3 S 00003-4))
`‘:_iFibreRAID 907 Real—Time RAID Solution, Product
`‘Brochure (Bock Ex 4 (S 00009-10))
`7:-‘Article entitled, “Storage Concepts" by Martin Bock f:
`'7.-(Bock Ex 5 (S 00014))
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1956
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1956

`Exhibit No
` Offered Objected
`FibreRAID 814 Real—Time'RAlD Solution, Product
`-Brochure (Bock Ex 6 (S 00019-20))
`Article entitled, “Storage Concepts VideoStar and
`' Fib1'eRAlD” by Martin Bock (Bock Ex 7 (S 00021))
`Article entitled, “SGI Gets a Dose of Fibre from
`Storage Concepts" by Martin Book from Silicon
`Graphics World, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Bock Ex 8 (S 00024-
`, 25))
`Products Shipped Log (Bock Ex 9 (s O0026—29)) '
`Concept C814 FCS Disk Array. Subsystem SCSI
`’Comn1and'Specific’ation'(Bocl< Ex 10' (S 00272-
`329)) '
`Concept C814 HFCS Disk Array Subsystem Product.
`Specification (Bock Ex 1 1 (S 00330-348))
`3 Concept C_8l4 FCS. Disk Array Subsystem User
`A Guide (Bocl<_Ex 12 (S 0O395—5O9))
`Concept 910—SW Disk Array Systems Users Guide.
`(Talati Ex 13 (S 00349-394))
`. Concept '910~SW SCSI Command Specification
`(Talati Ex 14 (s 001 1 21-209))
`l1Sx7O System Specification, Steve Sicola, Revision
`4 (Pherson Ex 2 (CPQ 1648-1707))
`A Hand-Drawn Document by Michael ‘Barrett at
`Deposition (Pherson Ex 3)
`7 ;'Pac1<'et of Documents Containing Diagrams,
`' Schematics, Emails and Product Information
`(Pherson Ex 4 (CPQ 1292-1806))
`Email Dated 1/17/97 fro1r_1_G. Dolkas to J. numg‘
`,re: Minutes of 1/13 Phone Conference (Dunning Ex
`‘pl-(HP 156-57))
`: Email Dated 1/27/97 from G. Dolkas to J . Dunning
`re: Minutes of 1/20 Phone Conference Dunning Ex
`2(H1= 159-60))
`I Email Dated 2/1'/97 from G. Dolkas to .1. Dunning
`re: Minutes _of 1/27 Phone Conference (Dunning Ex
`3 (HP 161-62))
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1957
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1957

`Exhibit No.
`Email Dated 3/11/97 from G. Dolkas to J. Dunning
`re: Minutes of 3/10 Phone Conference (Dunning Ex
`4(1-[P 177-73))
`E/mail Dated 4/7/97 from G. Dolkas to J. Dunning
`ref Minutes of 3/3 1/ Phone Conference (Dunning Ex
`5 (1-IP.203~04)_)
`‘Email Dated 4/19/97 from G. Dollcas to J. Dunning
`re: Minutes of 4/ 14'Conference (Dunning Ex 6 (HP
`Email Dated 5/5/97 from G. Dolkas to J. Dunning
`re: Minutes from 4/284Phone Conference _(Dunning
`Ex? (I-[P217-18))
`. Email Dated 5/12/97 from 'G.'D'olkas to 1. iDuinr1i_i'1gi ’
`re: Minutes of 5/5 Phone Conference (Dunning Ex 8‘
`(HP 220-21))
`"Email Dated 5/19/97 from G. Dolkas to J. Dunning?‘
`re: Minutes from 5/12 Phone Conference (Dunningj
`Ex 9 (HP 223-24))
`_ ‘iEmail'Dated 7/28/97 from Dunning to
`re: A thought About Additional Cost Savings
`(Dunning Ex 10 (HP 236-38))

`‘ Email Dated 5/17/97 from J. Dunning to G." Do1l<as-
`i re: Send "us the Code (Dunning Ex 11 (HP 272))
`-I-Iew1ett—Pac1<ard Service and User Guide Manual for
`HP A330A, A3511A, A3511Z Fibre Channel SCSI
`Multiplexor_(Preliminary) (Dunning Ex 12 (CPQ
`7 .'
`Hewlett-Packard Service and User Manual for Fibre
`- Channel SCSI Multiplexer (Dunning Ex 13 (HP

`:;He\ivlett-Packard Roseville Site Property Pass for
`;' Bnan Smith (Dunning Ex 14 (HP 489))
`' Distribution Agreement Between Hei/s/lett—Paekard
`and Crossroads (Dunning‘Ex 15 (HP 326-33))
`Hewlett-Packard Preliminary Teclinieal Data Sheet.
`for the HP A3308A', A351 1A, A351 1AZ Fibre
`Channel-SCSI 1V_1ultiplexor(Dunning Ex 16 (HP
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1958
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1958

` ' Admitted
`Exhibit No. Descriptio‘n
`l-1ewIett’—Paekard Preliminary Technical Data Sheet
`_for the HP A33OA, A351 IA, A351 IAZ Fibre‘
`_Channel—SCSl Multiplexer (Dunning Ex 17 (HP
`Background on Fibre Channel SCSI (Dunning Ex 18

`Background on Fibre Channel SCSI (HP 1-12)
`OEM Price List (August 1999) (Regan Ex 7 (PH
`HPFC-SO00 Tachyon User's Manual, First Edition _
`(PT1 172419-839)
`I Fall Comdex: A Storage Overview, 1996 (ANCT
`470; ANCT 472)
`"RA1D:'Manager 5 with RDAC '5 for
`_ User's{Guide‘(1v1etaStor_e) (LS1 1853-2294)
`‘Demonstrative: Block Diagram SYMBIOS LOGIC
`Series 3 Fibre Channel Disk Array Controller,
`[ Model 3701 Hardware Functional Specification (LSI
`‘ 71570)
`:Claim Chart:iDetai1ed Analysis of Invalidity of
`': Claims in View of the 3701 Product
`V.4 -
`5' Claim Chart: Detailed Analysis of Invalidity of
`:Claims in View ofthe HSx72 Product
`~ ::Claim Chart: Detailed Analysis of Invalidity of
`If Claims in Viewof the Coronado Product
`:Z'CV of Gary Stephens
`‘'‘{CV‘ of Brian Berg (Ex .1 to Berg Report)
`H ?iExpe1t Witness Experience of Brian Berg (E_x 2:t_o _
`' ;Berg Report)
`i}'‘Public Speaking and Conference Participation of
`_“Brian Berg (Ex 3 to Berg Report)
`.,VPublicatio11s ofBrian :B_erg (Ex 4 to Berg Report)
`"US. Patent No. 5,041,381 (Hoese) (Ex 7 to Berg’
`.CV of Kenneth Flamm (Ex 1 to Flam'm Report) I
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1959
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1959

`Exhibit No.
`Pathliglil SAN Router and Gateway Sales Analysis
`‘(Ex 3 to Flamrn Report)
`VPS Software Activations Analysis (Ex 4 to Flamm
`VPS Pricing History (Ex 5 to Flarnm Report)
`Conservative Estimate of Pathlight Revenue from
`VPS Activation.(Ex 6 to Flamm Report)
`Estimated Cost to Pathlight of Rewriting _v1>s (Ex 7
`to Flamm Rcpoit)
`LostVProt_'1ts to Pathlight ifiit Remoyed. Access
`Control from VPS and Received no'Revenues from_
`VPS Sales (Ex 8 to4Flamm Report) 5
`Procom Technology R2000 Failover RAID User's
`Guide, December 1996 (PTI 177762-786)
`"Mylex Offers OBMS and VARS High Performance‘
`SCSI—to—SCSI RAID Controller with Active/Active
`Failoveli", March 17, 1997 (PTI 177903-905)
`' DAC960SX/DAC960SF SCSI Co1nn1andARefe're:r1ce‘
`Manual, Fimiware Version 3.3, 11/21/97'(’PTI
`"A Shared Disk File System for a Cluster of IRIX
`Workstations", Matthew T. O‘Keefe, Universitytof
`Minnesota (PTI 178424-460)
`Mylex Raidfx Manager Version 7.09 _User Guide;
`‘ 1998 (1>._r117:3714-777).' b
`Disk Storage in a Dual Server Cluster, Williarn V,
`Couitright II, Symbios Logic,;August 28, 1996 (PTI
`"Path1igl1tSAN Gateway-Value‘:Add Functions" _
`"Accom-modating Huge Data Far1n“s"',’Robin 1’uroh_it,‘
`\‘/eritas Software, May 22,_2000 (PTI 173621)
`LUN Security for_SANs Wl1'ite‘Paper,-Hu Yoshida,
`_ Hitachi, 1999 (PTI 173718-721)
`Veritas SANPoint.Cont1'ol (PTI 173722-732) ‘
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1960
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1960

`Exhibit No.
`Applications in Storage Area Networking, Veritas
`.(PT1 173755-761)
`LUN Security Considerations" for Storage Area
`Networks, Yoshida, Hitachi, 1999 (F lamm Depo Ex
`3 (PTI 173762-766))
`Procom Technology R2000 Failover RAID User's
`Guide, Revision 2.0, December 1996 (PTI 174510-
`Veritas Software Extends Online Disk Management
`‘ for Microsoft Windows Enterprise Environments,_
`: .May 23, 2000 (PTI 174626-627)-
`: SAN Management'— A Guide to Managing Multi-
`_ vendor Storage Area Networks, Veritas, 2001 (PTI
`; 174730-735)
`' Sharing SCSI Tape Backup Devices in a Fibre
`,_ Channel SAN Environment, TD Systems
`Corporation (PTI 2753774383)
`IBM 7190 scsr Host to SSA L,oop-Attachment
`3 i_i Model 100 Installation and User's Guide, August-
`, 1997 (PTI 175810-870)
`iMylex Dual Controller Configurations using the
`Mylex DAC960SX and DAC96OSX1 Disk Array
`‘Controllers, May 4, 1997 (PTI 175942-955)
`I-"Dataquest names Mylex World's Number One Non—‘
`- captive RAID Controller Vendor in new 1998
`-’report", October 13, 1998 (PTI 176082-083) I
`Intemet Technology Strategy: Summing Up‘ 1
`Storage: Our Quick Guide to an IT megatrend,
`J Salomon Smith Barney, January 24, 2001 (PTI
`A 91810375062)’
`{Veritas, High Availability Clustering in a Microsofi.
`-j Windows Environment (PTI 181509-528)
`fl Letter dated May l2,_ 19.98 from Pathlight to IBM re‘
`;- Inquiry # RMSS 0506-01, Fibre Channel to SCSI
`3 ;Bridge,-with attachments (PT1 48922-49266)
`Letter dated July 1998 from Pathlight to IBM r_e
`inquiry # 98RMSS 0710-1, Fibre Channel to SCSI
`Gateway, with attachments (PTI 50005-O87)
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1961
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1961

`IBM Production Procurement Agreement between
`.lBM and Pathliglit Technology, Inc., signed January
`14, 1999 (PTI 50088-154) ’
`Letter dated April 21, 1998 from IBM to Pathlight re
`Request for Proposal, Inquiry # RMSS 0506-01,
`Fibre Channel to SCSI Bridge, with attachments
`(PTI 82749-769)
`' Emails dated March 15-16, 1999 between Randy
`Hood and Richard Lamperd, re Resultsof "road
`map" discussion (PTI 48213-214)
`Handwritten notes dated May 17,1999 (PTI 48202-
`4 204) -
`Memorandum dated June 3, 1999 from James H.
`Watson, Jr. to Randy Hood and Said Rahmani re
`IBM SAN Router Negotiations Update (PTI 47847-
`: Fax transmissiondated Junei7, 1.999 from J.H.
`' Watson, Jr. to Dick Lamperd attaching Path1ight's
`response to request for information (PTI 48184-186)
`'?_Pathligl1t OEM Price List, August 1999 (PTI 48416)
`‘Fax transmission dated September 29, 1999 from
`ilames H. Watson, Jr. to Randy Hood re information‘
`: transmittal, with attaelunents (PTI 47939-950).
`;.Email dated September 29, 1999 from James H; r
`?_Watson, Jr. to Karen Ward and Brandon Wong re
`' A-Tachyon Enhancement plus... implementation .
`;proposal (PII 47912-913)
`iHandwritten notes dated September 30, 1999‘(PTI
`' =_;4793o)
`', Letters dated October 5, 1999 from Randolph Hood
`"Flo Richard Lamperd re pricing announcement for
`"2000, 1DualFC(SW)-4DS with VPS quotation, VPS
`software quotation, Existing SAN Gateway upgrade
`quotation (PTI 47922-925)
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1962
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1962

`'Exhibitl\‘0. Description
`Email dated October 21, 1999 from Sandie Butler to
`=01rered Objectedl
`James H. Watson et al re info request in prep for
`LBM R&D units to come back for upgrade (PTI
`Handwritten notes dated October 25, 1999 (PTI
`479_l 9)
`Handwritten notes dated October 8,1999 (PTI
`Pathlight OEM Price List dated November 1999
`(PTI 48415)
`7 Email dated November 10,’ 19997 rront” James‘_H.
`- Watson, Jr. to Dick Lamperd re Agenda for our Next‘ >
`Conference Call (PTI 47875~877)
`t1'ans1nission dated November 24, 1‘999‘from
`_ Randolph Hood to Hank Watson with attachedlfax
`message and letter from Randolph Hood to R.icl1ard-
`Lamperd re 1Dua1FC(SW)—4DS with VPS quotation
`;.(PTI 47865-867)
`j Invoice number 114087 dated January 14, 2000 front
`, Pathlight to Unisys with attached fax transmission
`, dated June 26, 2000 (PTI 48317-318)
`‘Letters dated February 15-16, 92000 from Randolph
`Hood to Richard Lamperd re shipping schedule and
`‘FRU unit upgrade to VPS quotation, data mover,
`quotation, with attached memo dated February 15,
`92000 and emails dated August 5, 1999 (PTI 48256- .
`Lettersdated‘April26,2000 from Randoipbnoodtoi
`-Jan White re Extended distance fibre channel long
`.wave PMC imodulewith 2200A, scsr LVD module,
`SAN Gateway & SAN Router SCSI pricing review,
`VPS client software license (PTI 48243-247)
`«Patl11ightOEM Price Lists dated May 2000 (PTI 1
`" D-257
`f D9258‘
`. -,D-2692
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1963
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1963

`'_ ExhibitNo. Description
`Offered Objected Admitted’
`Letters dated May 4, 2000 from Randolph Hood to
`Jan White re Extended distance fibre channel long
`wave PMC module with 2200A, SAN Gateway &
`. SAN Router SCSI pricing review, SCSI LVD
`module, VPS client software license (PTI 48239-
`Amendment 3 to the Production procurement
`agreement no. 4998810008 executed on January 14,
`1999 between IBM and Pathlight Technology, Inc.
`__ D-265
`_ Letter dated May 25, 2000 to James Watson’ re
`H "Amendment #3 to Attacltment 1 to Production
`~' Procurement Agreement No. 4998810008 between
`IBM and Pathlight (PTI 423071-072)
`Email dated -May 31, 2000 from Nathan Dickerman
`to Hank Watson re Amendment #3 with attached‘
`draft (PTI 48095-098)‘
`- .Various Pathlight invoices to ,Overland'Data and_
`-. ‘IBM (PTI 170600, 170559, 170585, 170572,
`. 170534, 170545, 170277, 170424)
`_ TD Systems Omniserve 3 - Fast and Wide SCSI
`1 Server: User Guide for All Sharing Models, Rev..3
`(TDS 127-70)
`Pathlight Monthly Income Statement — FY 2000 —
`lst and 2nd Quarters (PTI 169540-542)
`- Pathlight Calendar Year 1999—Operating Expense .
`Trend Lines Last 10 Months (PTI 57288-290) »
`' American National Standard — Small Computer
`Systems Interface (SCSI); Rev. 17—B dated March 3.,
`1986 (PTI 166555-563)
`ii “Storage Networking: Storage vs. Data Sharing-
`-_ Creating Appropriate SAN Solutions —Hewlett-
`' Packard (Flamm Ex 2; PTI l8‘l250-256) .
`, LUN-Level Zoning — White Paper (Flamm Ex 4;
`PTI 177394-398)
`1 McData — A Discussion on Fibre Channel
`Infrastructure Issues (CRDS 5100-22) -
`.: iDi—266 '1
`I D-269
`-: _
`ID-271 vi
`- D—272
`_ D-273
`7 D-274‘
`25038740. I
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1964
`Oracle Ex. 1024, pg. 1964

`Exllibit N0.
`.Mark Levy Letterito Said Rahmani Khezri dated
`April 10, 2000 with attachments — “The Levy
`_Opinion"(Rahmani'Ex 81 (PTI 165433-614))
`iPathlight’s SAN Router Installation and User’s
`Guide - September! 2000 (Prestas Ex 85; Rahmarii
`Ex 89 (PTI l65032—243))
`Path_ligl1t’s Gateway Installation and User’s Guide —
`August, 2000 (Rahmani Ex 88 (PTI 167074-293))
`Hewlett Packard’s TachLite Fibre Channel Mass
`Storage Interface Controller — User's Manual, Draft
`-Ver. 2.5 (CRDS 6829-7061)
`-scsr CorninandiSupp,ort for SSA/SVCS_IgBriidgc _;-
`Terrence Kelleher (PTI 11191-307) '1
`_ SPARCstorage Array User's Guide, Rev A (PTII V
`X3Tl0 994D -‘ (Draft) Information Technology:
`I SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Rev. 18 (PTI 165977-
`. 166049)
`X3TlO Project 1047D: Information Teclmology _-,
`SCSI-3 Controller Commands (SCC), Rev. 6c (PTI
`X3r1o 995D » (Draft) sCsr—3 Primary Commands,
`Rev. 11 (Wanamaker Ex-5 (PTI 166050-229» '
`X3T10 Project 996D: Information Technology -
`SCSI-3 Block Comrnandsg(SBC), Rev. 8 (PTI
`Fibre Channel — -Physical and Signaling Interface
`(FC-PH): X3Tl1/Project 755D, Rev. 4.3 (PTI
`1 Fibre Channel - Physical and Signaling Interface
`(FC-PH): X3T11/Project 901D, Rev. 7.4 (PTI
`' 167975—l68162)
`. X3269-199X (Draft) - Information Systems -
`_ dpANS Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI, Rev.i0l2
`(PTI 166230-304)
`X3T1 1/Project l_162DT: Fibre Channel Private Loop
`SCSI Direct Attach_(FC-P-LDA), Rev. 1.8
`(Wanamaker Ex 6 (PTI 166305

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