`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 7,051 ,147
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`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209
`Oracle Corp. v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`I, John Middleton, state and declare as follows:
`I was an employee of Crossroads Systems, Inc. from 1997 until 2001. ·
`I started at Crossroads in February of 1997. For most of my tenure at Crossroads I
`was a vice-president of engineering.
`During 1997, I worked on the "Verrazano" project, which ultimately
`became Crossroad's first storage bridge product. During this time period, I worked
`with both Geoffrey Hoese and Jeffrey Russell on the Verrazano project. My role
`on V errazano was hardware engineering manager
`During the last half of 1997, it is my recollection that Crossroads had
`approximately 10 technical employees (in other words, those that would be
`involved in designing and building working products). During that time, all of
`those personnel, including myself, were dedicated to work on the V errazano
`that is, creating a functional, working product.
`Neither Verrazano, nor its ultimate embodiment in Crossroads'
`storage bridge products, utilized the access controls. By access controls, I mean the
`ability to control access from a host computer to the same storage available to
`another host computer. Access controls were later added to Crossroads' router
`products after the Verrazano project was completed. However, development of the
`Verrazano project (which was Crossroads' initial storage bridge) was required in
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`order to create a product having access controls, as access controls were
`incorporated into the storage bridge and require the bridge's components in order
`to function. Without a working storage bridge, there was not a way to implement
`access controls. In other words, until the Verrazano bridge could be completed,
`Crossroads had no working device which could implement access controls.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
`that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on: May ll, 2015
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