`Fbfirth Edition
`Michael Agnes
`David B. Guralnik
`EDITOR iN CHIEF 1951—1985
`Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
`Webster’s New World College Dictionary/ Michael Agnes, editor in chief.-—4th ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0-02-863118-8 (thumb-indexed). — ISBN 0-02-863119—6 (plain).
`—ISBN 0-02w863120—X (leatherkraft). — ISBN 0-02-863471-3 (deluxe).
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Agnes, Michael.
`PE 1628.W5629 2000
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`conspicuous [constriction
`con-spicu-ous (ken spik'yo—o as) adj. EL conspicuus, open to view <
`conspicere, to look at, observe < com—, intens. + specere, see: see
`1 easy to see or perceive; obvious [a conspicuous billboard] .2
`attracting attention by being unexpected, unusual, outstanding, or
`egregious; striking [conspicuous bravery, conspicuous folly] —SYN.
`NOTICEABLE —con-spic’u-ously adv. —con-spic’u-ous-ness n.
`sconspicuous consumption [[coined by VEBLEN iu‘The Theory of
`the Leisure Class] showy extravagance .in buying or using goods or
`services, meant to impress others with. one’s wealth, status, etc.
`con-spira-cy (ken spir’e sé) n.,-pl. --cies 11MB conspiracie, prob. via
`ML conspiruncia. < L conspirarc: see GONSPIRE]
`1 a planning and
`acting together secretly, esp. for an unlawful or harmful purpose,
`such as murder or treason 2 the plan agreed on; plot 3 the group
`taking part in such a plan 4 a combining or working together [the
`conspiracy of events] --5YN. PLOT
`con-spira-tor (ken spir'at or) n. [ME conspiratour < OFr < ML
`conspirator < pp. of L conspirore: see CONSPIRE] a person who
`takes part in a conspiracy
`1 of or characteristic of
`con-spira-to-rial (ken spir’e tor’e 91) ad].
`a conspirator or conspiracy 2 conspiring or fond of conspiracy f
`con-spir’a‘to’ri-ally adv.
`con-spire (ken spir') vi. ->spired’, --5pir’-ing [[ME conspiran < OFr
`conspirer < L conspirare, to breathe together, agree, unite < corn-,
`together + spirure,
`to breathe: see SPIRIT]
`to plan and act
`together secretly, esp. in order to commit a crime 2 to combine or
`work together for any purpose or effect [events conspired to ruin
`him] wvt. [Here] to plan or plot
`an spi-rito (kart spir’i to) [It] Musical Direction with spirit; with
`const or Const ubbrev.
`1 constable 2 constant 3 constitution 4
`constitutional 5 construction
`con-sta-ble (kan'sto bel; Brit kun’—} n. [ME < OFr conestable < LL
`comes stabuli, h't., count of the stable, hence Chief groom < L comes,
`companion, fellow (see GOUNT2) + stabulum, STABLEZ]
`1 in the
`Middle Ages, the highest» anking official of a royal household,
`court, etc. 2 the warden or keeper of a royal fortress or castle 3 a
`peace officer in a town or village, with powers and jurisdiction
`somewhat more limited than those of a sherifif 4 [Chiefly Briti a
`police officer
`Con-sta-ble (kun'ste bel, kan’-), John 1776—1837; Eng. landscape
`con-stabu-lary (ken stab’ye ler’é) n., pl. —-lar'-ies {[ML constubu—
`1 the territory under the jurisdiction of a constable 2 con-
`stables, collectively, as of a district 3 a police force characterized
`by a military organization but distinct from the regular army *
`adj. of constables or a constabulary: also con-stab'u-lar (—ler)
`Con-stancei (ksn’stans) n. llFr < L Constantia, lit, constancy: see
`CONSTANCY] a feminine name: dim. Connie
`Con-stance2 (kan’stens) 1 city in SW Germany, on Lake Con—
`stance, in the state of Baden-Wordemberg: pop. 69,000: Ger. name
`KONSTANZ 2 Lake (of) lake bounded by Switzerland, Germany, &
`Austria: 208 sq mi (539 sq km); a. 46 mi (74 km) long. Ger. name
`con-stancy (kan'ston as) :1.
`[EL constantia < constons, prp. of con-
`starc < com-3 together + store, to STAND] the state or quality of
`being unchanging; specif., a) firmness of mind or purpose; resolute
`ness b) steadiness of affections or loyalties; faithfulness c) free—
`dom from variation or change; regularity; stability
`con-stant (kan'stont} adj. MAE do OFr constouni < L constans: see
`1 not changing; remaining the same; specif., a) remaining
`firm in purpose; resolute in) remaining steady in afi'ections or loy-
`alties; faithful c) remaining free from variation or change; regu-
`lar; stable 2 going on all the time; continual; persistent [constant
`interruptions] —n.
`1 anything that does not change or vary 2
`Math, Physics :1) a quantity that always has the same value (in
`full absolute constant) in) a quantity, vector, etc. assumed to have
`one value throughout a particular discussion or investigation (in
`full arbitrary constant): opposed to VARIABLE -—5YN. FAITHFUL,
`CONTINUAL —con'-stantly adv.
`Con-stant (kon stan”), Benjamin (Henri Benjamin Constant de
`Rebecque) 17611830; Fr. writer & politician, born in Switzerland
`Con-stan- a (kdn stan’tsa) seaport in SE Romania, on the Black
`Sea: pop. 49,000
`I[so named because of its CON-
`con-stantan (kan’sten tan’) :1.
`STANTetemperature coefficient of resistance]! an alloy of copper (c.
`55%) and nickel (c. 45%), used in pyrometers and thermocouples
`Con-stan-tlnel (kan’sten tén’, -tin’)'n. IIL Constantinus < constans:
`see CONSTANCY] a masculine name
`Con-stan-tine2 (k'an'stan tén’; Fr ken scan ten') city in NE
`Algeria: pop. 441,000 ,
`Con-stan-tine I (kan’stan ten’, -tin’) (Flavius Vulcrius Aurelius
`Constantinus) A.D. 280?—337; emperor of Rome (806-337): converted
`to Christianity: Called the Great
`Con-stan-tI-no-ple (kan’stan to no'pel) former'name (AD. 330-
`1930) for ISTANBUL
`con-steI-late (kan'sts lav) vi., Vt. —-lat’ed, --iat‘-ing |[< LL constel-
`latus: see fol] to unite in or as in a constellation; cluster
`con-stei-Ia-tion (kan’sto la’shen) :1. [[ME constellacion < OFr < LL
`constellatio < constelldtus, set with stars < L com-, with + pp. of
`stellurc, to shine < stalls, STAR]
`1 a) a group of stars in the sky,
`usually named after some object, animal, or mythological ”being
`that 1t supposedly resembles or suggests b) the area of the sky
`assigned to such a group of stars: currently the sky is considered to
`have 88 constellations 2 any brilliant cluster, gathering, or collec-
`tion 3 Astral. the grouping of celestial bodies at any-particular
`time, esp. at a person’s birth 4 Psychol,
`73. group of related
`thoughts or feelings regarded as clustered about one central idea
`—con-stel»1a-tory (ken stel’e tore) adj.
`con-ster-nate (kan’star nat') vt. --nat'ed, mnatzing |[L con-
`sternutus, pp. of consternare: see fol] to overcome with consterna-
`tion; unnerve; dismay
`con-ster-navtion (kan’stor na'slien) n.
`IlL consternatio < con-
`sternore, to terrify < com-, intens. + base akin to L stemax,~head-
`strong restlve < E base *ster-, rigid, stiif > STARE, STRENUOUS]
`great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or bewfldered
`consti-pate (kan'sto par) vt. --pat’ed, —-pat'-ing [[< L constipatus,
`pp. of constipore, to press or crowd together < com-, together +
`stipare, to cram, pack: see STIFF] to cause constipation in
`con-sti-pa-tion (kau’ste pa’shan) n. [[ME constipocioun < 0113‘ con-
`siipution < L constipatio: see pres] a condition in which the feces
`aria hard and elimination from the bowels is infrequent and diffi-
`cu t
`con-stitu-ency (ken stich'oc on sé) n., pl. --cie5 |[< fol, + cs] 1 all
`the people, esp. voters, served by a particular elected official, esp. a
`legislator 2 the district of such a group of voters, etc. 3 a group of
`clients, supporters, etc;
`con-stitu-ent (ken stich’oT) ant) adj. i[< L constituens, prp. of con-
`stitucre: see fol] 1 necessary in forming or making up a whole;
`component [a constituent part] 2 that can or does appoint or vote
`for a representative 3 authorized to make or revise a political
`constitution or establish a government [a constituent assembly] —
`n.- 1 a person who appoints another to act as agent or representa-
`tive 2 a member of a constituency, esp. any of the voters repre-
`sented by a particular official 3 a necessary part or element; com—
`ponent 4 an element of a word or construction (En: in “they
`painted signs” the main elements they and painted signs are called
`immediate constituents; the further morphologically indivis1ble ele~
`ments they, point, -ed, sign, and .5 are called ultimate constituents)
`—SYN. ELEMENT _con-stit’u-entiy adv.
`con-sti-tute (kan’ste to‘ot', —ty(Tot') Vt. --tut'ed, —-tut"ing [[ME con-
`stituten < L constitutus, pp. of consiituere, to set up, establish <
`com—, together + stutuere, to set: see STATUE]
`1 to set up (a law,
`government, institution, etc); establish 2 to set up (an assembly,
`proceedings, etc.) in ale a1 or official form 3 to give a certain office
`or function to; appoint our officially constituted spokesperson] 4
`to make up; be the components or elements of; form; compose
`[twelve people constitute a jury] 5 to be actually as designated
`[such action constitutes a felony]
`con-sti-tu-tion (kan’ste tfi‘o'shen, -tyo_o’—) n. {[ME constituciouu <
`OFr constitution < L consiitutio; see prec]
`1 the act of setting up
`or making up; establishment, appointment, or formation 2 the
`virajv:lin which a thing is made up; structure; organization; makeup
`3 t e physical, or rarely mental, makeup of a person [a man of
`strong constitution] 4 the way in which a government, state, soci—
`ety, etc. is or anized 5 a decree, regulation, or custom 6 a) the
`system of fun amental laws and principles of a government, state,
`society, corporation, etc, written or unwritten b) a document or
`set of documents in which these laws and principles are written
`down 7the Constitution the document containing the fundamen‘
`tal laws of the United States: it consists of the seven original
`articles, adopted in 1789, and twentyrseven amendments
`con-sti-tu-tional (-sha nel) ad].
`1 of or in the constitution of a
`person or thing; basic; essential 2 for improving a person’s consti-
`tution; good for one’s health 3 of, in, authorized by, subject to,
`dependent on, dealing with, or in accordance with the constitution
`of a nation, state, or society [constitutional rights, a constitutional
`monarchy] ,4 upholding the constitution en. a walk or other exer-
`cise taken for one’s health
`con-sti-tu-tion-al-ism (-she nol iz’em) n. 1 government according
`to a constitution 2 adherence to constitutional principles or gov-.
`ernmeut ~con’-sti-tu'-tion-ai-ist n.
`con-sti-tu-tion-al-ity (kan’ste trTo’she nal’o te, -tyo_o'—) n. the qual-
`ity or condition of being constitutional; esp, accordance with a
`constitution of a nation
`1 in com—
`con-sti-tu-tion-ally (kan’ste too'shen 91 e, ~tyo‘o'—) adv.
`position or physique [constitutionally frail] 2 by nature or team»
`perarnent [constitutionally incapable of lying] 3 in accordance
`with the (or a) constitution
`con-sti-tu-tive (kan’ste tmt’iv, —tyo_ot’—; ken stich’o—o tiv') adj. {[LL
`constitutions: see CONSTITUTE]
`1 having power to establish.
`appoint or enact 2 making a thing what it is; basic 3 forming a
`part (oil; constituent; component —con'-sti-tu‘-tively adv.
`constr abbreu. construction
`con-strain (ken stran’) Vt. EME constrainen < OFr constraindrc < L
`constringerc, to bind together, draw together < com-, together. +
`stringere, to draw tight: see STRICT]
`1 to force into, or hold 111,
`close bounds; confine 2 to hold back by force; restrain 3 to force;
`compel; oblige [he was constrained to agree] —5YN. FORCE
`con-strained (ken strand’) ad]. 1 compelled; forced; obliged 2
`forced and unnatural [a constrained laugh] econ-strainfledly
`(—stran’id 1e) adv.
`[[ME constrainte < OFI': see CON'
`con-straint (ken strant’) 11.
`1 a constraining or being constrained; specif., o) confine-
`ment or restriction b) compulsion or coercion 2 a) repression of
`natural feelings or behavior 1)) forced, unnatural manner; aWk‘
`wardness 3 something that constrains
`con—strict (ken strikt’) vt. l[< L constrictus, pp. of constringere: See
`1 to make smaller or narrower, esp. at one place,
`binding, squeezing, or shrinking; contract 2 to hold in;
`restrict —con-stric'-tive adj.
`con-Stric-tion (-strik’sben) n. [[ME constriccioun < L constrictia] 1
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`' "
`un-hal-lowed (-hal'odladj.
`1 nothallowedorconsecrated; unholy 1 561
`i a 1
`unhallowed / unimproved
`2 wicked; profane; impious
`only one direction 2 for sending or receiving radio or sound Waves
`un-hand (-hand’) Vt. to loose or release from the hand 01‘ hands or
`in or from a particular direction
`one’s grasp; let go of
`unidirectional current DIRECT CURRENT
`1 not handsome or attractive;
`un-hand-some (~han’sam) adj.
`uni-fi-able (yo—o’ne fi‘e bel) adj. that can be unified
`plain; homely 2 not gracious or courteous; rude; unbecoming 3
`uni-fi-ca-tion (yo—o’na fi ka’shen) n. the act of unifying or the state
`stingy; mean satin-handsomely adv.
`of being unified
`1 not handy;
`un-handy (-han’de) adj. mhand’i-er, -~hand’i-est
`Unification Church an American religious denomination founded
`inconvenient or inaccessible 2 not clever with the hands; awkward
`in 1964 in Korea by its leader, Sun Myung Moon (1920» l, as the
`—un-hand'i-ly adv. —un-hand’i-ness n.
`Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
`un-happy (>liap'é) adj. --pier, «pi-est
`1 unlucky; unfortunate 2
`unified field theory Physics any theory that attempts to explain
`sad; wretched; sorrowful 3 not suitable or apt; ill—chosen 4 {Obs.]
`two or more field theories using one set of mathematical laws, as in
`evil; reprehensible —un‘hap'-pily adv. —un-hap’-pi~ness n.
`the unification of the field theories of magnetism and electricity:
`un-har-ness (-har’nis) vt.
`1 [Archaic] to remove the armor from (a
`see GRAND cuisine (FIELD) THEORY
`knight, etc.) 2 to remove the harness or gear from
`uni-fier (yo‘o’no fi’ar) n. a person or thing that unifies
`'un-healthy (-hel’thé) adj. —-hea|th’i-er, mhealth’i-est 1 having or
`uni-fi-lal‘ (yo‘o’na fi'ler) adj. IiUNI- + FEAR] of or having only one
`showing poor health; sickly; not well 2 harmful to health;
`thread, wire, etc.
`unwholesome 3 harmful to morals or- character 4 dangerous or
`uni-fo-li-ate {~f6’1é it) adj.
`1 bearing only one
`risky [an unhealthy situation] —un-health'icly adv. ~un-health’i«
`ness :1.
`leaf 2 our. of Lnnromom'rs
`1 bearing
`[um— + FOLIOLATEli
`um-fo-lio-late (afo’ie a 1st) adj.
`1 not heard; not perceived by the ear 2 not
`un-heard (-hurd’) adj.
`only one leaflet although compound in structure: said as of the leaf
`given a hearing 3 former var. of UNHEARDAOF
`of the orange 2 having leaves of this sort
`unheard-of (-herd’uv’) adj.
`1 not heard of before; unprecedented
`UNI-form (yo‘o'na form’) adj. liMFr uniforme < L uniformis < unus,
`or unknown 2 unacceptable or outrageous [unheard-of effrontery]
`ONE + formic, —FORM]]
`1 u) always the same; not varying or chang-
`un-helm (-helm’) viz, vi. [Obs] to remove the helm or helmet (of)
`ing in form, rate, degree, manner, etc; constant [a uniform speed]
`un-hinge (—hini’) vt. ”hinged’, —-hing'-ing 1 a) to remove from the
`1:) identical throughout a state, country, etc. [a uniform minimum
`hinges b) to remove the hinges from 2 to dislodge or detach 3 to
`wage] 2 o) having the same form, appearance, manner, etc. as
`throw (the mind, etc.) into confusion; unbalance or upset
`others of the same class; conforming to a given standard [a row of
`un-his-toric (un’his tor’ik) adj.
`1 not historic or historical 2
`uniform houses] b) being or looking the same in all parts; undiver-
`Linguis. not having a historical basis; accidental, as the b in thumb
`sified [a uniform surface] 3 consistent in action, intention, effect,
`Also un’-his-tor’i-ca|
`etc. [a uniform policy] —n. the official or distinctive clothes or
`to free from a hitch 2 to unfasten;
`un-hitch (un hich’) Vt.
`outfit worn by the members of a particular group, as policemen or
`release; detach ‘
`soldiers, esp. when on duty wvt. vto clothe or supply with a uni-
`form ——SYN. STEADY #uniform with having the same form,
`un-holy (hole) adj. —-lier, --li-est [[ME < OE unhulig < un—, not +
`appearance, etc. as —u'ni—form’ly adv.
`halig, HOLYII
`1 not sacred, hallowed, or consecrated Zwicked; pro—
`fane; mipious 3 {Informal} outrageous; dreadful —un-ho’-li-ness aUniform Code of Military Justice the body of laws governing
`meringbfirs of the U.S. armed forces: superseded the Articles of War
`un-hook (—hook’) vt.
`1 to remove or loosen from a hook 2 to undo
`or unfasten the hook or hooks of will. to become unhooked
`Uniform Commercial Code a codification of commercial laws
`designed to provide uniformity among the states
`unhoped-for (-hopt’for’)‘ adj. not hoped for; unexpected [an
`unhoped-for advantage]: also [Now Rare] un-hoped’
`uni-formed (‘fomd’l adj. wearing a uniform
`un-horse (-hors’) vt. --hor5ed', --hors’-ing 1 to throw (a rider) from
`1 of or holding the
`uni-formI-tar-ian (yo‘o’na for’me ter’é en) adj.
`doctrine of uniformitarianism 2 of or adhering to uniformity in
`a horse 2 to overthrow; upset
`something —n. a person who adheres to some doctrine of uniform-
`un-hou-seled (~hou’zeld) adj. [Archaic] Without having been given
`the Eucharist [he died unhouseled]
`unl'formiitari-an-ism (-iz’em) n. the doctrine that all geologic
`un-hu-man (~hyo'o’mon) adj.
`1 rare var. of: a) IN'HUMAN b) SUPER.—
`changes may be explained by existing physical and chemical proc-
`HUMAN 2 not human in kind, quality, etc. —un-hu’-manly adv.
`esses, as erosion, deposition, volcanic action, etc, that have oper-
`unh—unh (un’un’, 4111‘) interj. alt. 5p. of UH-UH
`ated in essentially the same Way throughout geologic time
`un'hur-ried (on honed) adj. not hurried; leisurely; deliberate w—
`univformsity (ero'ne for’me to) n., pl. -ties [[ME uniformite < MFI <
`un-hur’-ried|y adv.
`L uniformitusll state, quality, or instance of being uniform
`uni- {yoo’ne, -ni; before a vowel, often, no) liL < anus, ONE] prefix
`uni-fy (yoTo’ne fi’) vt., vi. --fied', --fy'-ing [[MFr unifier < LL unifi-
`‘ one; having or consisting of one only; regarded as a single entity
`ccra: see UNI— & »FYlI to combine into one; become or make united;
`[unicellularg unisex]
`Uni-ate (yo‘o’né it, at) n. [Russ uniyat < uniyu, the union estab—
`uniiu~gate (yo—o nij’e gar; ycTon‘e jo'o'gat’, —git) adj. {[U'NI- + JUGATEil
`lishing this church < VL unto, UNION] a member of any Eastern
`Bot. having only one pair of leaflets: said of a pinnate leaf
`Christian Church in union with the Roman Catholic Church but
`uni-lateral (yo—o’na lat’er 3]) adj.
`iiModL unilaterulis: see UNI— 82,
`with its own rite, customs,- etc. —adj. of such a church Often
`1 of, occurring on, or affecting one side only 2 involving
`regarded as an offensive term Also U'ni-at’l-e at’, -e it)
`or obligating one only of several persons or parties; done or under-
`uni-axi-al (yo—o’né ak’sé 91) adj. having a single axis: said as of some
`taken by one only; not reciprocal [a unilateral contract] 3 taking
`crystals —u’ni-ax’i-ally adv.
`into account one side only of a matter; one~sidecl 4 UNILINEAL 5
`uni-bod (yo—o’ne bade) adj. designating or of a type of construc—
`turned to one side 6 Biol. arranged or produced on one side of an
`tion use in motor vehicles in which the floor, roof, panels, etc. are
`axis —u’ni-lat'-er-al-ism' n. ——u'ni-lat'-er~ally adv.
`welded together into one unit, thereby eliminating the need for a
`uni-lin-eal (—lin’é al) adj. showing descent through only one line of
`separate frame
`the family, either that of the father or that of the mother wu'ni-
`uni'cam-eral (yo—o'ne kam'er 9]) adj. [UNI- + CAMERAL]! of or having
`Iin’-ea|-ly adv.
`a single legislative chamber
`uni-Iin-ear ("lin’e or) adj. of or following a single, consistent path
`UNICEF (yc‘r‘o’na sef’) n. United Nations Children’s Fund: formerly,
`of development or progression
`United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
`uni-lin-gual (-lin’gwel) adj.
`1 of or in one language 2 using or
`uni-cel-lu-Iar (yo‘o’ns sel’yo‘o lar) adj. [[UNI- + CELLULAR] having or
`knowing only one language
`consisting of a single cell
`1 eas
`uni-corn (ycTo’na korn’) n. ilME unicorne < OFr < L unicomis, one-
`ug-ii-Iu-SiOhed {nn’i lo—o’zhond) adj. free from illusions or false
`horned < Imus, ONE + cornu, HORNil
`1 a mythical horselike animal
`uni-locu-lar (ydo’ne lak’yo—o ler) adj. having, or made up of, only
`with a single horn growing from the center of its forehead 2 ii< a
`one loculus, compartment, cell, or chamber
`mistransl. of Heb ream, wild oxii Bible 3 two-horned, oxlike animal:
`Dent. 33:17
`un-im-peach-able (un’iin pech’o bell adj. not impeachable; that
`cannot be doubted, questioned, or discredited; irreproachable —
`uni-cos-tate (yo—o’na k'as’tat’) adj. Bot. having only one main rib:
`un'-im-peach'-ably adv.
`said of a leaf
`1 not bettered improved, or
`un-im-proved (un’im pro—ovd’) adj.
`vuni-cy-cie (ydo’ne si’kel) n. [[UNI— + (BI)CYCLE]I a onewheeled vehi-
`developed [unimproved land, with no buildings on it] 2 not naed to
`cle straddled by the rider who pushes its pedals ——u’ni-cy’-clist n.
`good advantage ' 3 not improved in health
`uni-di-men-sional [yiro’ne do men’sha nel) adj. having only a sin—
`See the inside front cover for pronunciatic'm information:
`gle dimension
`The symbol a is used to mark terms of American origin.
`uni-di-rec-tional (-rlo rek’she nel) adj.
`1 having, or moving in,
`W u
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`unimpressionable- .
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