`Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`Copyright @) 1993 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Philippines Copyright 1993 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`First Printing 1993
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`10th ed.
`ISBN 0-87779-709-9 (indexed).
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. -
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-87779-708-0 (unindexed). -
`ISBN 0-87779-710-2 (deluxe)
`I. English language-Dictionaries.
`COLLEGIATE is a registered trademark of Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`Made in the United States of America
`4c) chiefly d ia;
`prob. of imit
`>opig, modi!. ol
`· of the famili
`>erennial herbs
`ruits includint
`ientals b : aa
`strong reddisii
`dung, fr. D pap
`in the form of •
`seats in GothJc
`is a topping or
`.vored and coi-
`lied by hand 1c
`. aug. or pope#
`pie : MASSES Z
`people, a pro.
`suitable to tho
`erstanding and
`:d to the mea8'
`frequently cn(cid:173)
`Jproved (a very
`of leftist polin(cid:173)
`sponsored anc
`>r state of beil!i
`3) : to cater ir
`e to be liked «
`! or intercstiQI
`I -
`ical theory thll
`e people 2 : •
`>pie living in a
`rritorial legisJa..
`1pularus. pp. ci
`have a place •
`habitants : Pro.
`'JOpulalio. Ir. l
`inhabitants in_.
`ying an area ar
`uticular energy
`cess of populai(cid:173)
`Jality or charac(cid:173)
`ng a particular
`I represents tlr
`:roup or indivi0-
`1ken for statis~
`bcrs or a biolog-
`1an numbers. R-(cid:173)
`rion growth
`) 1: a mem ber
`>eople; esp. ofta
`191 primarily le
`:oinagc of silver(cid:173)
`er in the right>.
`ism \-,li-~m\ •
`:haracterized by
`popu/us people}
`opulalion 2 •
`adv -
`: a small vivi~
`ic Ocean with a
`~rie shell. porno(cid:173)
`;, Ir. L porcellris.
`nore at FARR~
`•· and usu. tra.Jl$0.
`.rially or kaoll&
`. -
`'°us \,pc)r-S>'li-
`coating on meta.
`por-cl•no \por-'c he-(,)no\ n. pl -ni \-(,)nc\ (11, short for fungo porcino.
`bt., porcine mushroom) (1976) : a wild edi6le boletus mushroom (esp.
`Boletus edulis)
`JOr-CU•Plne \'p6r-ky;-,pin\ n, pl porcupines also porcupine [ME
`porkepin. Ir. MF pore espin. fr. Olt porcospino, fr . L porcus pig + spina
`~ ne, prickle] (l 5c) : any of various relatively large rodents having
`.<tiff sharp erectile bristles mingled with the hair and constituting an
`Old World terrestrial family (Hystricidae) and a New World arboreal
`:amily (Erethizontidae)
`fOl'Cuplne fish n (1681) : any of several bony fishes (family Diodon·
`lidae) having sharp spines covering the body; esp : a spotted chiefly
`uopical fish (Diodon hysrri;c) that is olive to brown above with white
`""°re \'por. 'por\ vi pored; por.ln11 [ME pouren] (I Jc) 1 : to gaze
`mtentl~ 2: to read studiously or attentively -
`usu. used with over 3
`: to reflect or meditate steadily
`~re n fME, fr. MF. fr. L porus. Ir. Gk poros passage, pore - more al
`1'A1'.E] ( 4c) 1 : a minute opening esp. in an animal or plant; esp! one
`)' which matter passes through a membrane 2 : a small interstice (as
`m soil) admitting absorption or passage of liquid -
`pored \'pc)rd,
`'p(ird\ adj
`p>re fun11us n (1922) : a fungus (family Boletaceae or Polyporaceae)
`kavi ng the spore· bearing surface within tubes or pores
`JIOC'•llY \'P6r-ge\ n. pl poraies also porgy [alter. of pargo. fr. Sp & Pg.
`ft. L phager. fr . Gk phagros) (1671) 1 : a blue-spotted crimson food
`Ssh (Pagrus pogrus of the family Sparidae) of the eastern and western
`Atlantic; also : any of various fishes of the same family 2 [alter. of
`""8>'1 : any of vanous bony fishes (as a menhaden) of families other
`!han that of the porgy
`i!IDl'k \'p6rk, 'p6rk\ n [ME. fr. OF pore pig. fr. L porcus - more at FAR·
`IOW) ( 14c) 1 : the fresh or salted flesh of swine when dressed for food
`l: government money. jobs, or favors used by Politicians as patronage
`,....k barrel n ( 1909) : government projects or appropriations yielding
`-.:h patronage benefits; also: PORK 2
`'fQl'k bell?.: n (ca. 1950) : an uncured side of pork
`JOrk-er \ piir·k~r. 'p6r-\ n ( 1657) : HOO' esp : a young pig fattened for
`table use as fresh pork
`{llll'k•ple hat \'piirk-,pi-, 'p6rk-\ n Hr. its shape) (1860): a hat with a
`low telescoped crown, flat top, and "brim turned up all around or up in
`!:lack and down in front
`110rky \'p0r-ke. 'P6r-\ adj pork•l-er; •est ( 1852) : resembling a pig
`.:. FA T
`~r·kf. \'por-kc\ n. pl porkies (1900): PORCUPINE
`'°"' \ p6m\ also por•no \'p6r-(,)nli\ n. often attrib (1962): PORNOGRA·
`llllC"nog•ra•pher \por·'nii.-gr;-far\ n (1850) : one who produces por(cid:173)
`JOr•nog•ra·phy \-fe\ n [Gk pornographos. adj .. writing about prosti(cid:173)
`.. tes, fr. porn€ prostitute + graphein to write; akin to Ok pernanai to
`~I. poros journey - more at FARE. CARVE) (ca. 1864) 1 : the depic(cid:173)
`oon of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause
`'IC1ual excitement 2 : material (as books or a photograph) that de(cid:173)
`;.cts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement 3
`;; 1hc depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick
`•tense emotional reaction (the -
`of violence) -
`por0 n0oaraph·ic
`\,l>Or-n>'gra-fik\ adj- por.no.graph·i-caMf. \-fi-k(:i-)lc\ adv
`pny \'p6r-ne\ adj porn·loer; •est (1961): o , relating to, involved in ,
`<.- being pornography
`ros•l•tY \p::.-'ra·s~·tc, p6-\ n. pl -ties (14c) 1 a : the quality or
`Kate of being porous b : the ratio of the volume of interstices of a
`material to the volume of its mass 2: POR.E
`fO'rous \'piir-:>S. 'por-\ adj ( 14c) 1 a: possessing or full of pores b
`: containing vessels (hardwood is - > 2 a : permeable to fluids b
`: permeable to outside influences (his ima,inatton is astonishingly _.
`-Elizabeth Hardwick) 3 : capable of being penetrated <- national
`roundaries) (a - defense) -
`po-rous•IY adv -
`po-rous•ness n
`...,..phyr•la \por-'fir-c-a\ n [NL. fr. ISV porphyrin) (1923) : any of
`fl:Veral usu. hereditarr abnormalities of porphyrin metabolism charac(cid:173)
`terized by excretion o excess porphyrins in the urine
`tor•PhY•rln \'p6r-f;-ran\ n [ISV, fr . Gk porphyra purple) (1910): any
`,:l various compounds with a structure that consists essentially of four
`'i') rrole rings joined by four =CH- groups; esp: one (as chlorophyll
`"' hemoglobin) containing a central metal atom and usu. exhibiting
`biological activity
`ier .. phy·rlt·lc \,p(Jr-fa-'ri·tik\ adj fML porphyriticus. fr. Gk. por(cid:173)
`pliyrilikos. fr. porphyrites (lithos) porphyry) (I Sc) 1: of or relating to
`;iorphyry 2 : having distinct crystals (as of feldspar) in a relatively
`inc-grained base
`..,..,phY·roposln \,p6r-f;>-'rap-s.on\ n [Gk porphyra purple + E -opsin
`~ m rhodopsin)] ( 1930) : a purple pigment in the retinal rods of fresh(cid:173)
`oater fishes that resembles rhodopsin
`f!ar•PhY•rY \'p6r-ffa.)re\ n. pl ·rles [MEporphiri, fr . ML porphyrium,
`er. of L porphyrires. fr. Gk porphyrites Wthos), lit ., stone like Tyrian
`,..rple. fr. porphyra purple) (I 5c) 1 : a rock consisting of feldspar
`=stals embedded in a compact dark red or purple groundmass 2
`- an igneous rock of porphyritic texture
`pr·poise \'por-pas\ n [ME porpoys. fr. MF porpois. fr . ML porcopiscis.
`• L porcus pig + piscis fish - more at FARROW. FISH) ( 14c) 1 : any of
`1 family (Phocoenidae) of small gregarious toothed whales: esp : a
`·'!:llllnt-snouted usu. largely black whale (Phocoena phocoena) of the No.
`Atlantic and Pacific 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 2.4 meters) long 2 : DOLPHIN la
`.rect \P~·'rekt, pa-\ adj [L porrectus. pp. of porrigere 10 stretch out,
`Ir por- forward + regere to direct - more al PORTEND. RIGHT] (15c)
`• extended forward <-
`0rld11e \'p6r-ij, 'par-\ n (alter. of porrage) (ca. 1643) : a soft food
`.ade by boiling· meal of grams or legumes in milk or water until thick
`- por·rldgy \-i-je\ adj
`ln•ger \·•n-jar\ n [alter. of ME poteger, potinser. fr. AF potageer,
`MF fX!lager of pottage, fr. potage pottage] ( l 522l : a low usu. metal
`I wnh a single and u•u. flat and pierced handle
`\'piirt, 'p6rt\ n [ME. fr. OE & OF. Ir. L porrus - more at FORD)
`. I 2c) 1 : a place where ships may ride secure from storms : HA·
`,.. 2 a: a harbor town or city where ships may take on or discharge
`porcino • portentous
`2port n [ME porte. fr. MF, gate, doo r. fr. L porta passage. gate: akin to
`L portus port) (bef. 12c) 1 chiefly S cot: OATE 2 a: an opening (as in
`a valve seat or valve face) for intake or exhaust of a fluid b : the area
`of opening in a cylinder face of a passageway for the working Ouid in
`an engine; also : such a passageway 3 a : an opening in a vessel's
`side (as for admitting liJ!ht or loading cargo) b archaic: the cover for
`a Porthole 4 : a hole m an armored vehicle or fortification through
`which guns may be fired 5 : a hardware interface by which a com(cid:173)
`puter communicates with another device or system
`lport n [ME. fr. MF. fr. porter to carry, fr. L ponare) (14c) 1 : the
`manner of bearing oneself 2 archaic : STATE 3 3 : the position in
`which a military weapon is carried at the command port arms
`•port vt (Sport) ( 1580): lo turn or put (a helm) to the left -
`used chiefly
`as a command
`•port n [prob. fr. 'port or >port) (ca. 1625) : the left side of a ship or
`aircraft looking forward -
`cafled also larboard; compare STARBOA RD
`-port adj
`•port n [Oporto. Portuaal] (1691) : a sweet fortified wine of rich taste
`and aroma made in Portugal; also : a similar wine made elsewhere
`tpor·ta·ble \'plir-t;-b"I, 'p6r-\ adj [ME, Ir. MF, fr. LL porrabilis. fr . L
`portore to carry - more at FARE) (I 5c) 1 a : capable of being carried
`sawmill) b: usable on many comput(cid:173)
`or moved about (a - TV) (a -
`ers without modification <-software) 2 archaic : BEARABLE -
`ta·bll·i-tY \,piir-t:>-'bi-1::.-te. ,p6r-\ n -
`por•ta•bly \'p(jr-t;>-ble, 'por-\
`?portable n (1883): something that is portable
`•por-tage \'p0r-1ij. 'p6r-, 3 is also p6r-'lazh\ n [ME. fr . MF. fr. porter to
`carry) (I Sc) 1 : the labor of carrying or transporting 2 archaic : the
`cost of carrying : PORTERAGE 3 a : the carrying of boats or goods
`overland from one body of water to another or around an obstacle (as a
`rapids) b : the route followed in making such a transfer
`•por•taae \'p0r-tij, 'p6r-: p6r-'tazh\ vb por•taged; por0tag.ing vt
`( 1864) : to carry over a portage -.,, wi : to move gear over a portage
`tpor.tal \'plir-t' I, 'p6r-\ n [ME. fr . MF. fr. ML portale city gate. porch,
`fr. neut . of portalis of a gate, fr. L porta gale - more at PORT) (I 4c) 1
`: DOOR. ENTRANC£, esp: a grand or imposing one 2 : the whole archi·
`tectural composition surrounding and including the doorways and
`porches of a church 3: the approach or entrance to a bridge or tunnel
`4 : a communicating part or area of an organism; specif: the point at
`which something (as a pathogen) enters the body
`•portal adj fNL porra transverse fissure of the liver. fr . L. gate] ( 1845)
`1 : of or re ating to the transverse fissure on the underside of the liver
`where most of the vessels enter 2 : of, relating to, or being a portal
`portal system n (portal vein] (185 ll : a system of veins that begins and
`ends in capillaries
`portal-to-portal adj (1943) : of or relating 10 the time spent by a
`worker in traveling between the entrance to an employer's property
`and the worker's actual job site (as in a mine) <- pay)
`portal vein n ['portal] ( 1845) : a vein that collects blood from one part
`of the body and distributes it in another through capillaries: esp : a
`vein carrying blood from the digestive organs and spleen to the liver
`por·ta·men·to \,p<'lr-t>'men-(,)16, ,par-\ n. pl ·men.ti \-(,)te\ [II . lit. ,
`act of carrying. fr . portare to carry, fr . L) (1771): a continuous gliding
`movement from one tone to another <as by the voice)
`por•ta·Pak or por•ta•pack \'piir-1>,pak. 'p6r-\ n [portable + <pock)
`(1970): a small portable combined videotape recorder and camera
`port arms n [fr. the command port armstl (ca. 1890): a position in the
`manual of arms in which the rifle is held diagonally in front of the body
`with the muzzle pointing upward to the left; also : a command to as(cid:173)
`sume this position
`por•ta•tive \'por-t;-tiv, 'por-\ adj [ME porrarif. fr. MF. fr . L porratus.
`pp. of portarej (14c): PORTABLE
`port-cuJ.lls \p0rt-'k::.-l:>S, p6rt-\ n rME port
`co/ice. fr. MF porte colefce, lit ., slidmg door] ~~~< :J
`-.!:;t'\l · ·· · · ~ t
`(14c) : a grating of iron hung over the gate-
`way of a fortified place and lowered between
`~' -=-
`• • •
`grooves to prevent passage
`port de bras \,p(>r-d::i-'bra\ n [F. lit.. carriage
`• •• •••
`••••••• ' \
`of the arm) (1912): the technique and prac-
`lice of arm movement in ballet
`Port du Sa.tut \,p6r-d::.-s:>-'lii, -sa-: -sol-'yii.
`:· \
`-sal-\ n CF port-du-solu1. port-salur. fr . Port du
`,· \
`. I
`Salut, Trappist abbey in northwest France l
`(188 ll : a sem1sofl pressed npened cheese of
`::::~k.:'/~t::cveor originated by Trappist
`Porte \'piirt. 'p6rt\ n [F, short for Sublime
`Porte. lit.. sublime gate: fr . the gate of the
`sultan's palace where justice was adminis-
`tered) (I Sc) : the government of the Ottoman
`porte co-chere \,p0r1-kO-'sher. ,p6rt-\ n [F porre cochere. lit.. coach
`door] (1698) 1 : a passageway through a building or screen wall de·
`signed to let vehicles pass from the street lo an interior courtyard 2
`: a roofed structure extending from the entrance of a building over a n
`adjacent driveway and sheltering those gelling in or out of vehicles
`por-tend \por-'tend, p6r-\ vt [ME. fr. L portendere. fr . por· forward
`(akin 10 per through) + tendere to stretch - more al FOR. THI N] (I 5cl
`1 : to give an omen or anticipatory sign of: BODE 2 : INDICATE. SIG·
`por•tent \'~r-,tent . 'pc)r-\ n [L portentum. fr. neut. of portentus. pp. of
`porrendereJ (ca. 1587) 1 : somethinJ! that foreshadows a coming event
`: OMEN 2: prophetic indication or stgnificance 3: MARVEL PRODIGY
`por•ten•tous \p6r-'ten·t~s. por-\ adj (I Sc) 1 : of, relating to. or con(cid:173)
`stituting a portent 2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : PRODIGIOUS 3
`a : being a grave or serious matter (......,decisions) b : self .. consciously
`\~\abut \"\kitten. F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\au\ out
`\ ch\ chin
`\ e\ bet
`\ c\ easy
`\g\ go
`\ i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\ j\ job
`\Q\ sing \ o\ go
`\ o\ law \oi\ boy \lh\ thin \lb\ the \ii\ loot
`\il\ foot
`\)'\yet \zh\ vision \8. k. ". <r. er. Lr. lf. Y\ see Guide to Pron unciation