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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`'Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — Eleventh ed.
`my 1::
`.I II.
`Includes index.
`{Laminated unindezii’ed el
`ISBN 978-0»87779-807«1
`(Jacketed hardcover unindexed : alk. peper)
`ISBN 9784877798038
`(Iacketed hardcoverwithdigiteldown'iond : alk. paper)
`lSBN 9780-87779—809—5
`(Leatherlooi? "trio;
`tel download“: elkii'paper)
`ISBN 978-0-87779-810-1
`ISBN 973-0—87779-813-2
`ISBN 978-0-87779-814—9
`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merriam-
`Webster, Inc.
`Merriam—Webster's Collegiate” Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. principal copyright
`COLLEGIATE is a. registered trademark of Merriani-Welgeter. Incorporated
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`“(gysw'kyfi-G-té)‘ n (1601): the quality or state oi"
`[65an l-kys—wos. -kyii—os\ adj [L conspicuus. fr. cou—
`isht' an.»ncam- + spam to look — more at and (ea.
`oilsTronthe eye or mind («a chang-es) 2: attracting at-
`~success) 3: markédgby a noticeable viola.—
`ynnsecosNonesuch — con-spIc-u-ous-[y adv —
`as )-n95
`consumption”It (1899)I-'-1“Ii.5h_ oIr wasteful spending
`~c_.. mm: prestige
`ganspir-o-sist). n (1916): one who believes or pro-
`'.rhcorv 5
`Iran?kph-=45) n. pl -cles [ME conspiracie. fr L conspir-
`c. act of conspiring together
`-2 a: an agreement
`cup of consplrators- synsee PLOT 5
`f 3119““”086“):'a secret agreement to keep silent about
`ltuaItlont'Ior subject esp. in orderto promote orprotect
`ry n (1909). atheory that explains an event or set of
`.353;he resultout a secret plotIby use. powerful conspira-
`theof8f11 -
`lance-m55115-1111911..kfin-(uhpi~'ri-_\ n Q40)
`letting or secretly combining 2: a joint effort.to-
`end;..... con-5pl-ra-tlonval isshnel, -sho-n"l‘tadi.:
`“Maples-tor) n (15c),. one who conspires: 111017311
`|,\kon-.splr-o-'tér-5-al\adi (1355?:of, relating to; 0r
`can; [my .— con-splrwa-to-ri-al y \é-o—IEA adv
`1-55)r) vb con-opined: con-soloing [ME,-.fr. "AF
`compare to be in harmony, conspire, fr. com-4-spirare
`").:: PLOT, c0mmm~.vi- 1 a: tojoln'In a secret
`unlawful or wrongful not or an act which becomes
`it Of.the secret agreement (accused of conspiring to
`ovemrnent)11: SCHEME-:52 to act in harmony to-
`on‘endi circumstances :0Inspired to defeat his efforts)
`.16. k6n-\ 11de[It] (1301): with spirit or ani—
`distant-1‘1"" 2 constitution; constitutional 3 construction
`ilu(t)-stc-bol.1'kon(t}—\ n [ME cor-testable, tr AF. fr. LL
`ti. officer of the stable] (13c)--:1ahigh officer of a
`chic householdcsp.in the Middle Ages 2. the warden
`royal castle or a.fortified lown13 a: a public officer
`r5 townshipresponsible for keeping the peace and for
`bchiefly IBn't:IPQLICE OFFIIICER; am: one rank-
`ry n-‘sta-byo-dcr—e. ale-re) adj (1324): ofor misting
`iy1n,5pl..-lar-Ios (ca. 1715)1‘1:the organized body of con-
`uiticular' district or country 2'. an armed police force oIr-
`tn‘ry lines but distinct from the regular army.
`'kflnEthan(t}sE\n, pl -cles (15c)--.'1 a: steadfastness of
`res.-. commons b. rmnrrrr, mummy12:11 state
`1 '1
`ik_an(t)-stant\adj [ME, l'r'. ME, fr. Leonstantuconstants, fr.
`reto stand firm, be consistent, fr; comw + stare to stand —
`1(l4c) '11.: marked by firm steadfast resolution or faith-
`blilns constancy of mind or attachment (:1 ~ friend) 2
`UNIFORM- (a nu flow): 3: continually occurring or re-
`o‘ulnerbéa~ annoyance)I-syn see Furs-rent. coN'rrNUAL
`832): something invariable orunchangihg: as a: a num-
`‘l‘lxed .valuc in a given situation or universally or that is
`ic1ol‘ some substance or instrument b'. a number that is
`potato chananal: value in a given mathematical discussion 0'. a
`6g:c'gwith I!
`lieddesignations *'
`5 51-11
`I131\‘kfin(t)‘ston-.tan\I n [fr the fact that its resistance re-
`:15leunder change. of temperature] (1903): an alloy of cop-
`iclt'elused cap. for electrical resistors and in thermocouples
`ve \kan-‘stil-tlv. 'kfin-stsw‘li‘A adi [constat'e to assert
`fr Lcanst‘atitis certain,3dsing. pres. indie. o constare
`.- firelctlna too or be
`a verbal form that ex rcsscs past
`_..n_c _on's. 21: being or re ating1to nnutterancIc as an asscr~
`lionrz'o command)1tIhat is capable of being i
`ed true or
`. onsiatlvan 5 5 1-
`late;)‘ltfin t)_-sto-'.ltit\ vb«lat-ed:Jet-in v: (1643) 1'. to
`'1: to set-or adorn withor as i with constellations
`lion ).kiinCtJ-ste'la-shon)ln[ME comteflacioun, in AF con—
`r.-.LL constellafionr cartrtellatio,‘ fr.‘ L mm- + stella Istar —— ‘
`“All? (-l4c)5.1: the configuration of stars esp.- at one's birth
`‘ arbitrary configurations of stars or an area of the celestial
`tins one of these configurationsn-3: an assemblage, collec-
`(”of us-u. related persons. qualities, or things (a. N of
`dmand5 hangsrs-on —Brendan Gill) (3 ~ of symp-
`PA‘n'IilnN.ARRANGEMENT (taking advantage of the shifting
`ethrou out the known world —H. D. LassweIli)-— con-
`I'Y \ken- ste—lo-.n‘ir—e\ adj
`emét‘ti‘ltfln(t)-stor«.nnt\ vr met-Iod: ~nat—lng (1651): 1ItIo till
`. 0111::
`ftljlaillon).kin(t)-stor-'na-shon\n [For L: F, ..fr L consterna-
`emcdo.- fr. consternare to throwinto confusion, fr. cam- +
`rub; fr. sternere to sp
`Istrlke down -— more at mw}
`azcmcnt or. dismay that "dcrs'or throws into confusion
`[3 'k Wed at each other inIN,and neither knew whatto do
`'93!“(‘kfin(t)-sto-.pit\z vi mat-ed; spot-mg [ML anticipates.
`“Pare, fr L. to crowd together, fr. com- + srrpare--to pack
`1"(E-int 811355] (1533). 511:51'to1cause constipation in 2-: to
`bile. inactive. or1duil:s'rUL'rmv scrunch clutter.. -. will
`1.1.6::n'ovels working order '—T¥mcs
`it. Supp.)
`).-rile-ted) 124105617) 11: affected with constipation2
`cc, expression, or action -
`tas'pa-sbon). 71 (lie) 1: abnormally delayed
`Passage of usu. dry: hardened feces
`conspicuity O OOI'IS‘h'iCtOI‘
`con-atlt-u-en-cy1\kcn-’sdch-won(t}sé.-'sti—cho-, -'st'j—chfi-an(t)—\ n, pl
`-ciee (1831).1 a'. a body of citizens cnfiflgdto elect a representative
`(as to a legislative or executive
`:the residents"In an elec—
`toral district 1:: an electoral
`strict 2 ab: a group or body thatpa-
`tronizes. supports or offers representation creating” .a grass-roots
`5~ forcontinuing the project —Frecl Reed)
`:the people involved"In
`-' or served by an organization (as a business or institution) (regards its
`corporate customers as its p'rlrnc~ —Andrcw Hacker)
`1con-aili-u-ont \-wont, -cnt\ n [F consh‘ataar fr. MF,‘ fr prp. of con-
`.rthuer to constitute, in L commuters] (1622) -1: one who authorizes
`another to not as agent: PRINCIPAL 2: a_member of a constituency
`3: an essential p:art COMPONENT, ELEMENT ':4 a structural unit of a.
`definable syntactic, semantic, or phonological category that consists of
`'one or more linguistic elements (as words. 'morphcmes. or feathIes)
`and that. can occur as a component of a larger construction syn see
`2corlsltl‘tutlrit adr‘ [L constituent; cannons-rispprp oi" comma] (1660)
`11:serving to form. compose. or make up a 'unit or 'wholIe:cQ1_uIO-
`NBNT <~ parts) 2' having the power ‘to create a government or
`gameor amend Ia.I constitution _(a N assembly)_— corItIystitqug_ent-iy
`con-silvtuiq \'k§n(t)-stc-,tfit,-.tyi1t\ vt nut-ed; -tut-Ing [ME, frLeon—
`memo; pp. of constiméi'e to set up, constitute, fr. com- + stealer-e to set
`— more '31 STATUTE] (150)
`,1'.. to appoint to an office, fimction, or
`dignity-2:531: or, screamsn: as a: ENACP b: FOUND 135(1): to
`give due or lawful: form to (2).: to legallyprocess 3: MAKE UP,
`FORM. com-om: (12 months «a» a year) (high school dropouts who 1--1
`a major problem"In large city slums ~J. B.Conant>51.
`con-atlI-tu-tlon \.kin(t)—sto—'tii—shon.'tyii-\ :1 (Me) -1.'. an established
`law or custom: ORDINANCE 2 a: the physical makeup of the individ-
`ual es .wlth respectbto the health, strength, and appearance of the
`body a. hearty~)__
`:the structure, composition, physical makeup.
`or nature of some
`l".’(the w ofsociety):
`:thc act of establishing,
`making. orsettingup 4: the mode in which3a state or society'rs orga-
`nized; esp: the manner in which sovereign poster is distributed 5 a
`: the basic principles and laws of a nation. state: or social group that
`‘ determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee cer-
`‘5’tain rights to the,people in it‘- b: a written instrument embodying the
`rules of a political or social organization - con-sti-tu-ilon-loss \-Ins“
`1conI-sil-t'u'«ion-"oi\-s_h11:1£:l. -sho—n'1\ac#(168I2)3'1 :relatinhto nherent
`in. or affectingthe constitution of bodyor mind".
`:.of relating to". or
`entering into the fuddafitental makeup of something: InssBN'mtIr'. 3
`_Hiring in accordance with or authorized by tlicIconstit-utjonof a state
`'or society' <a~ governmeno' 4: regulated byor ruling accordingto a
`constitution (111' ~ monarchy) 5: oror relating" to a constitution (3.~
`crisis) I:6 loyal to or Supporting on established constitution or form
`of government
`”constitutional n (1829): a walk taken for one’s heeltb-
`coft-‘sll-tUI-tiqn-al-lamI\-Ish(o-)no-.li—z_am\ n (13:32) adherenceto or
`government accordingto. constitutional principles; also: a constitu-
`1 tional system ofgovernment —con-eti-tu-tion-ai-Isl \-list) I:
`con-slI-iu-ilon-al-I--ty \-.ti't—sha-'na-lo-Ite.-.tyil-I-\ n (1787): the quality
`or state of being constitutional; esp: accordance with theprovisions of
`a constitution (qdefined the.he of the law)
`con-atl-Itu-iion-el-Ize \-‘tfi-sbna-.llz.. -sho-n'o-.liz)v: Lind; Liz'dn
`I(1:831'to provide with a constitution: organize along constitution
`princ{ales— con-all-tu-iion-aI-I-za-tlon \-. «shno—Ist-shan.-show.
`no—lo- n
`ccn-stl-tu-ilon-al-ly \—'til-sl:nc-le, -'tyh--~shc-no-le\ adv (1742) 1
`:iu accordance with one’s constitution (nu unable to grasp subtleties)
`:.in structure. composition. or constitution (despite repeated heat—
`figs the material remained ~ the same) -2: in accordancewith.apo-
`al constitution (was not ~ eligible to fill the office}1-
`con--stl-lu»tlve \‘kan(_t}~sto—.tii——tiv. -.tyil.-' kon-‘sti-cho-tiv) adj (1592) 1
`:having the power to onset or establish: consmucmvn 2: consrrr-
`UENT. Bsan'IIAL 3: relating to or defindent on constitution (IaI~
`property of all electrolytes) — con-ell
`dive-1y adv» .
`con-strain \kon—‘strém vtI [ME fr: AFconsented-e, fr. L so
`are to
`consider, constrain, fr 'mm- 5+ .vm‘ngere: to draw tight —- more. at
`1 mm] (140)11 1 a: .toforce by imposedstricture. restriction, or=11n1i~
`tation b: to restrict the motion of (a mechanical body) to a particular
`:mode 2: oompnass; also. to clasp tightly 135: to secure by or as if by
`5 bonds: CONFINE; broadly: LIMIT 4:to force or produce"to an unnat-
`5ursl o'r strained manner (a ~ed smilc)r55 : to hold back by or as it by
`force (ruins: my mind not to wander from the task —-—Charlcs Dickens)
`syn see FORCE — con-stmlned-Iy \w'stru-nod-le, -'strsnd-lé\ advi
`con-stralnt \kon-Istrint) :1 [ME, fr, MF consortium, fr. comm]
`(156) 1 a: the act of constraining b: .the state of being checked,- re-
`stricted. or compelled to- avoidorgperfoi‘m-someaction.‘(the~ 'and
`5 monotony of a monastic lité‘ ——MatthevvArnold);5 'c5-:' :15 constraining
`condition, agency, or force: ICl-IIBCIICI I(put legal r-Ius IontIhI be
`-itIies)I:-' 2 a: repression of:one'it own teenage, behavior
`: a sense of béln'g"constrained. hmmnssmsm"
`con-etrlct \kon—‘strllm vb ILconstricted, pp, of.cansmngere] vi (113?)
`come 0 [hi
`1‘a: to makenarrowor draw together‘Ib-. co
`sass; WWW? (“$.91
`netvc)’ 2. to'‘s'tuitify,stop";
`”miller: ~ vi: Ito'be-
`comeIconstricted.eyn1"see act-mum“
`‘r\'n (1735)
`or orifice or compressesan organ
`\y\yet \zh\- vision, beige )k,“.1%., Le, 5') see Guide to Pronunciation
`Page 3 of 4
`unhollnese or. unique
`un-ho-lyr honJhb-ifl an? (bet. 12c): 1'. showing disregard3for what I:
`holy: menu 2 : descrvhrg of censure (an ~ alliance>3 : very un-
`p:leasant con-aernKan ~ mess) — un-ho-Il-neae n .-.:.2
`un-hood \-'hud\ v: (13c): to remove a hood or covering hum-
`Lin-hook \-'hlllr\ vr (161DI' 1: .to remove fi'om a hook 82:to uhi'asben
`by disengaging a book 3: to free from a habit or dependency
`unvhopad \-'hbpt\ ad} (14c) archaic: not hoped for orexpocted
`un-horse \-'hors\ 91 (14c): to dialed
`from or :1le from a horse
`umhou-soled \-'hau-zald\ ad} (1532 archaic: not having received the
`.shortl before death.
`:2; I' .
`:" .2
`un-hur-riod fiberédz-Jhe-réfladflcaf 1774)::16thurl-1IedI: LEISU'RBLY
`(an. m ace) — un- urorled-Iy adv
`unl-pregxm. foams — more at 0N3]: one:single (unicellular)
`unl-algal \[f'yIl-negal- 31\ ad:(1914).:tof.relating to! orderived from a
`or cella ~ culture)
`Uni-ate or Unluat \‘vfi-nE-uat. a-\ n [Ukrainién one in re-
`ver of the union ofthe Greek and Roman Catholic churches fr. uniya
`union. fr. Pol Hoffa, fr. LL unto-— more at UNION] (1833): a Christian
`of a church admin
`to an Easternrite andIdlscleIhte but submitting to
`a! aluthofity— nlata W
`un-ax-I-aiI\.yI1-nE-'ak—séI-91\Iad"(ca. 1828) 1: having only one axis H2
`: arm-relating to only. onea'xls
`2. ,I
`unbbrow \w-no-hram n' {1988): a single '36ntlnu0us'brovv'IresuIltln'g
`from the growing to that of eyebrows
`unl-bemier-al byfi-n -'lraI:I.-I-rol‘y-'k'h-maI'-\'alt: [unir'+ LL”camera room.
`uchbeamr— more at CHAMnERiI(1853: having or eonslsfln'gI_IofaIsingle
`lative chamber: unl-cam-or-a -ly’adv
`,. .
`CEF abbr [UnitedNations Interfiotibrml _Cftt'Iwen'IsIEmerge'
`Its fo
`er name] United Nations Children'5Hand
`unl-ca ulu-lar \.y"I1-ni-'seI-y::‘-lor\ ad] (1858)“:havingo'rI co
`single cell <~ microorganisms}
`unl-corn \‘yfi-no~.lcolI':rt\ nI [ME Marne), ft.
`,L'Ifr. LL‘ 'unido'm'
`having one horn. frl' tail? + cor-nu horn"
`there at HORN] (13c).I a
`mythical animal generally'de ictedwith the body h'n‘d head i;
`the hind I: 'of'a,stag, the alof-aI Ilioh'. andI: sing! horn
`of. the fore ead'
`unieomloifintndi(184k1)”???Iona;' inflow
`st-o r:
`(13.69):3'.ve3:133"llmt has'a’single wheel 33::i‘susu,
`polled by
`.'.'"' unl-cyI-clist \--;si-k(o-)list_\_n
`univdlomon-slow-B 5’):\.'511-hI-'d'a-I'much-'11:)! -.-Iint-amt)-
`s‘h(o-)n'l also -.dl‘-\’a‘dj (1883): oNp-pmnnsroNAL "22‘?-'
`.unI-dII-man-slonyeI-I-ty \ men t)-shomologue ‘I.
`‘r'e ahnnl. 315-".’j-sh‘a-n'l I
`_adII.(1883)-.1":ihiiiollrlng, fuInctIoI
`'I'r'no‘vinving ‘Iorr624
`:IIponsIve In- a' singledIrectIon”'(a“‘~"
`:not subjecttochangeIorrgverIsal ofdire gun....uIII'III-
`dlinlac-Itlal'I—al-i'v dd)!“
`1 .;
`unldlrelational current”):11833): bmis‘cr
`unl-qgea-tIlo'n Wenaifa-I'kfi-{hofih1: (1851311133131
`prqc'éss'.61' rest: I or u'nIifyin' :Ithe s'tate‘ ofbe931111313.
`uInI-fooflI-BIB \Ji'd-IIE-aIt'tad!
`in:+'Lfolmm leaf—moreI”
`it:IILADIB](1849)'C:1 hayingon!)rone;leaf“! 'UNIFOiJOLATE
`unl-to-Il'oo-Iate \Jffi-iE-o-Iililt adj [uni+- LLroiianm'lemet: of on.
`Ellyn: Ieag(ca. 1859) ofa Weof: comfound but having on'ly'a'IsingIlIe
`leafletfinddlstinguishable' froma sim fgleafby th'e basai‘join'“m'-.‘
`mfig'lgelp'é"fr.'MP inLfluilbrmts‘. 'fr.
`'trnifi‘+'£7?!th Lform} (150)”1
`my: the samezform.manner.
`ordegree: not v
`or,more“(~81procedureszfz In): Itemin
`conduct or opinion (2» interpretation of laws). 3. 61 lhc'
`:11 others $91119ngto oneruleor.mode: coNsomrv-rfig.pre-
`nth: an unvaried
`cc of surface, pattern.-or color;'(~ red
`'I'b'ri'clr buses“) 5: re ti
`to'or' being converged of a series whose
`itemare functions insue m'ann'er that the ab'sol t'eI'value of the dif-
`ference between the sum of the firstIn terms of the"se'ri'es‘and“ the sum
`of all terms can beIt'naric' arbitrarily small for allvalues gSIII'Ithe domain
`of the.funct16n's by' chobSIng the nth “term sufficiently or919'
`in‘ th'e'
`'berie's -—- unl-lorl't'blv.‘l'yIl-pofiféfm—lé.
`.yIl-na-'\ Iadv
`I‘I 40m:-
`naea \‘yIl-na-lrammedn.
`‘IuIIImIormv: (ca. lfig1)I
`:to Iii-i
`sumo?» n (1743'): dress of a dauncdve'deslgs orI Irésmo worn by
`members of a p
`cup and sen-vi"
`as _aI rnIean‘s' or:
`'bro'adly: distinctiveIor” e
`teflstic' 010
`Unlloi'rIn 1956)——abommudic‘atiom'code Word fertile113mg:
`unl-for-m Amt-bah \yfi-no—Jbr-me—‘ter-e—en‘lh‘ile840)1:ari'acllierent
`of the doctrine of uniformitarianisni 2' ari'Ia'd Io'IcatIeIof uniform ty
`unlfonnltarlan adff
`”‘ ‘ 1' "
`unlI-IorI-quI-Itar-I-an-Ism' \-e-a-.n:
`I 1'865): ageologidal
`rthat processes 306115 In the‘ sanie manner as atpresent add“over long
`spans of time are sufficient to account _for all current. geologicalfi'fea-I
`’tures and all' past geolo cal changes '—'comp'are CIATASTRO'P'HISM
`unl-for-ml-tvIp vil-né-‘i r-‘mIc-IIEI\n. pl—tlaa (15%;) 1""'.' the qualityor
`state of being" mime:
`: aninstance ofmitItIilfo'r'mi
`anIgTIygeaoun '3f50r3319931'5mmc'
`qu— vt -
`8502) '.to maléeihinto a innit or a“coherentwhole:IUNITB ab?
`- I\- tho-banad?— unl-flar\-{fig-$11n
`'u'n -Iat-‘er.-alI\.yu-ni~'1a-ta-ral ‘-' 3~trsl\¢':di '(1802)
`1 _:a 'doneor
`IIItakenby. on'eII person or party. 13'. of. relating to, or affecting one side
`or a subject: ONE-amen c.constituting or realm“ to' 6' contract or
`Iiengagement by which an e‘itiir'ess obligation to do or forb'ear is impose
`on only one' partyI 2 a”gnawing parts arranged On“one sI1.de (a' w
`more) 15:???er or}pet-1019119139. on. or‘3affectingone'sldeIIoIlIlthe
`mos 1W '
`y or one6
`parts ~ exop
`u'Ira-3'1""ofi"l"i'u'1'\7,—53§I"I:"'I3"f"'.nm 53's(1925):
`"u ' field
`'a'po e'yo
`an -s
`a— :-
`-zcrn r:
`"unilatbral El’ction'(as in' intemaflIgb—al affairs) ”regardless ofoutside sup-
`[”3‘.';gfi-‘P’W‘F’T'giro: advocacy of suchapolchyI'_— unl-latgar-al-
`- would] ~11"? :-'.'2I
`unII-iinwe-al \-I'li-n9-::l\ ad}. (1935'): tIraclnIgIIdescent through either the
`'th3terna]or paternal line oytuyI
`tini-Ilh-o-ar women-hem ad!'(1910)'developing inof involving a
`series of stagesash. from the primitiveto themore advanced
`Page 4 of 4
`unlalln-gual \5y11-ni-‘Iio-gwel, - 59's“ad! [unt-‘+ L
`guage -.— more at 'mINItIJuEJ (1
`:IcotInposed in
`un-“'iCIu-aionaohen-i-‘ln-zhand\ ad: (1325)'Ii’ree'1mm
`-nl-'lfl-1:va ad: (1:153):containing
`un-imng-In-abaa;\.an-o-'mai-na-bal -'-ma-J::-\:2er
`able or comgrehensible<<~ horror) —— un-lma
`un-Immeac vehte Len-im-‘pe-eho-bah. ad: 17
`as a: reliable beyond a doubt <~ evidence-
`Ilable to accusation: eroAcrL-xnmI(IaInI
`‘ ”P°'I;fé’"l'l"t‘.tdl\ ad: (1602) a;
`1101"]! rave
`pm In:
`«'p V
`2unimproved and (16693110: improvedzas an not'ilfit
`otherwise improved.for use ~land)_ basi:Inotmay
`vantageously ~tlomvorttmi es)' c:Inct Eclectivel' '
`-ed \.on-i.n-'ht;-bo-tod\ (1880)1'1":
`ormal (a festive
`exuberance Hobo boisterous]
`-Iv adv— un-In-hl -It-od-neaa
`un-InI-tlate \'.5n'-a-_'t'il-'sh(Ic_-)ot\ ad: (1801)
`mono —-'Itunlnlate 1:
`unvin-st'all \.on-lm.'stbl\ ‘i't(19"85)'-'."to;remove (soup;
`puter system esp. by using aspeciallydes
`unMin-terleat bon-Etn--tro§t5I
`(1890) :'lack of inte'reStg_I '2:
`unlntaraIsItad ad? (1661).:foot intere'st'e'd:
`useoesee Dlsm'rnnns'ran
`nu-cIe-ate' hyfi-niJntI-ldept. I‘nyfl-lI'q
`1 nucleus {:1~yeast cell).
`union \‘yun3yo'mI'n [ME fr."AF fr' LL u'nio
`lulu-I" one'—':inor'eIat ONE] (155) 1 a: an act of. :1}:
`o'Ir‘e things‘into one: as, (I): the;
`joining Invo' ’or'I
`rs are or more separatb' and ind'epe '
`political unit
`uniting in marriage; also: SIIIXUAL INTSECOURSEI‘.III_I[3
`gethIer of Iievere'd par-3''b;:' a”'unified‘_cqngilti'onN
`1101':(agracious ~ ofexcellence and strengthfg'
`made one: something forni’e'd by acomb'II'rIrI
`members; as
`Its a 'cohl'ederatlon‘ 'ot' lode
`tions or. persons)?Ifor sIoI'me common purpb
`c' 'wh'oie formed use.fromiI
`and ”'ahd'
`vioualy'g'o'Verhed separately (33'
`which haveIaurrendcred or dele'gat theirIIlarintflphl ‘
`emrii'e'rit'orthe whole’o'r-to a"newly creategovern enIt (
`1789) 'II‘(I2)‘_capi.' the"fetli'ara_lunionor stn'tesI‘I'durI' g'th“
`A'rnerlcbheivawm-t rem 2: anorganizationgpnl
`”cam usfirbyidtng' recreat onal”‘sociai”ctiitnml
`lac no.aw:“the building housing”silica or
`of all’elementsIbelongingto one or” more f a givenc"
`moresets-L‘ célle'd alsbg'oinfi'LI-unt''e
`. ... L... I
`eihble'rnatlc of the union oftwoor .
`tional_ItI‘latgtypically in me upperIiInneIrcomerI’Iof'bohsIti
`‘designo the t‘la'g'i b': the”upper;'inr'ter 'cornerTIo'f'
`'io'us'device: for oohneetlngparts(as IoIf-'a2mob]:
`and fittin
`”on ndfim",of'refittngtb.‘ dealing verb,-
`to, or betng‘th‘e- side favor-hi
`American CivilWar Union troops):
`unlon- cordIn {1874) 1'. a card ee‘rtifyifiIgpe
`good standing in a labor union” 2: someth nothat resembl
`card esp. in-being necessary for employment o 1512'
`01.111481011931an ".4' my.
`union8mchurch r: (1847): a localchurch uniting membe
`nondnational backgrounds in an interdcnorninational: congrem;
`unolon-iaaa-Ilon. union-lee Brit var afomomzxmm-UNIoNtza
`union-lam \Wn-yo-mi-zam‘. :I: (1845): the principle 01'”310116313
`.'adherenceto” thispolicy-
`Ingor adhert
`t:oaunion as a
`tween thestates: of the United State's'fesp
`federal union
`Civil War periodl b.: the principles. theory.advocacy:
`{Mil II
`\. :I
`uinion-[st\-nist\ II: (1799):an advocate or supporter
`unlon-i-za-tlon il'drllrl-y'aI-no-'zi-shomn'Smiz
`of being unionized 2: the actionof no out: “30
`union-Ila \‘y'Iln-y'niz'\ vb-l wining VII-(181'
`'labor union ~'1212:to form orIIoiI alabor union:
`unlonlzed ad“(1900): characterlzed by the presenceof.
`of theunion:eta” sti.
`"film“! 1261*”61679)?!"12:11ml: coasts
`' the state I]
`of the tilted
`the notch”of the British nation ensigna":
`unlon. chop n (1904).: 2an establishment in Which .th
`agreement Is free to hire nonmembers as well as membe”
`11 ml ”:on conditi
`but retains nonmembers onth
`a spec i'icd-time: .
`comingmembers of the national)
`union suit 1: (1892).'1Ian undergannentpwwith shirt and
`. 22 n2—
`unlon territorvn (1979)
`' 5255353251306''1: vi
`359151051 "53335::nl'
`un ore-bane
`.1» mm
`velvins.or derived from a single parent; spec-if:.Ihvol
`ing or11$being Inheritance in which all or part at" an off-
`spring‘3 genotype (as both members of a air of hddlol
`gous chromosomes) is- derived from. assIngIIleI paren
`'1"5...: "an
`“1"”“im'lfim'ill’géffv‘ll (t's's's) '
`mic-depressive disorder. in-
`ed with. or 33mg
`there I: only adcprcssive phase -(~ depression)‘2-
`unlquo' \yt‘r-'nek\2ad!"1"; frLunions 2fr..2onto- one
`being the onlyone. HOLE(
`moreat ONE] (1602)
`~ concern was h‘isdwn comfort) (I can’t walkaway
`Wuhan-loopy.Supposellostit‘h— axley Ants):his
`-~ factorization oil a number into prime factors»
`: being without a like or equal: UNBQUAL‘Bn: (ecu
`stare at- the flames: each one new..violent, muses:
`Coover) b: distinctively characteristic:'PBCULIAR‘IF
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