`O O 0 mobile communications series
`Robert I. Desourdis, Jr.
`David R. Smith,Wi|iiam D. Speights,
`Richard J. Dewey, John R. DiSaivo
`pu safety
`" unication
`Ex. 1014
`Page 1 of 4
`Page 1 of 4
`TK 6570.P8E47 2001
`Emerging public safety wire—
`less communication systems
`Library oFCongrcss Cataloging—in—Publication Data
`Emerging public S;1ii:r_\'\i'irclc$s communication systems:r Robert 1.
`p. cm. — [Artcch House mubilu communications serics]
`Includcs bibliographical tctcrctlt‘es and index.
`iSBN "'359006-5?5'6 (:alk_ paper!
`1. Public satcty radio sen'icc,
`2. Wireless conilmmication 'i_\-'.\[t_'l'l'ls.
`i. Dcsourdifi. Robert 1.
`11. Series.
`l:}L'.\l.!l||'Llih. _]r.
`. ’2
`British Librar}r Cataloguing in Publication Data
`Emerging public safety \\'ircless communication systems.
`mobilc communications scrics]
`|. Public safety radio service
`i. Desourdis. Robert 1.
`iSl’tN UdS‘MJUGfiifidi
`{Arlt’cli House
`Cover design by lgor Vald man
`All product photographs 1n Appendix ‘3;\ arc used with permission.
`(:85 Canton Street
`Norwtiod, MA 02062
`All rights reserved, Primed and bound in the United Start-s {it-America. No part ofthis book
`may be reproduced or utilized in any Form or by any means. clcctmnic or 111echanical.
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`All terms mentioned in [his book Iliat are known to hr: trademarks or sci—vim: marks have
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`Intcrnational Standard Book Number: 03900657541
`Library til-(:Ongl'css Catalog Card Number: 2001035914
`Page 2 of 4
`Page 2 of 4
`ass Communication Systems
`and modification of, sensitive infot—
`required to assign levels of access for
`:rmined by the need for access, the
`n audit trail for access, and limiting
`vise access, all authorized users must
`fore gaining access.
`and optimize the utilization of system
`are generated, to provide information
`ta may include the total number and
`nterconnect calls, how quickly a sub—
`iv often and how long subscribers are
`rrovide an assessment of how the sys-
`rs malte informed decisions regarding
`found to be lacking.
`)f radio users on the system. There is
`:m and how much. The information
`rm needs to expand to maintain or
`)re users. In some cases the informa—
`n, for apportioning costs to users of
`e number of messages, average mes-
`private, and telephone interconnect)
`)er and length oftime ofbusies; call—
`rngth and time of call for telephone
`:tworlt management, Project 25 has
`.t Protocol (SNMP) for the interface.
`rl that allows a network manager end
`0 exchange management information
`work can be effectively managed.
`I rds
`of the MPT 1327 established UK.
`potential replacement,
`the Digital
`erd Mobile Radio Systems
`Interchange of Information and Signaling (DIIS) standard being developed
`by E'I‘SI. A detailed description of the new European 'I'E'I'RA standard for
`public safety and other SMR applications is provided.
`5.3.1 M PT 132'!" '-
`This section presents a briefintroduction to the MPT 1327 related standards
`for analog trunking. These standards, first published in 1988 under the aus-
`pices of the UK. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), have beCome
`the de facto standard for radio trunking systems throughout the world out—
`side North America.
`'l'he standards are now administered by the Radiocommunications
`AgenCy and c0pies are available from their Web site (httpdiwwvmadiogov
`.ukf). The standards cover the following areas:
`MPT 1327: Basic protocol rules for analog trunked land mobile radio
`MP1" 1343: Specific implementation of the protocol rules for commer-
`cial radio networks.
`MPT 1347: Performance requirements to be met by the network fixed
`MPT 1352: Test schedule for approval of radio units on to the trunked
`Note that the protocol rules and test schedules relate only to the radio
`air interface, but this technology achieves the same level of interoperability
`between agencies and manufacturers as that shown in Figure 5.17 (from Pro-
`ject 25). There has been no attempt to standardize any interfaces within the
`infraSIruCturE: or between infrastructures or to establish standard gateways to
`external services {such as the PSTN or PABX).
`17. Access to the MPT 1327. MPT 1343. MP'I' 1347. and Ml’ll' 1352 standards can be ob—
`tained from the UK. Radiocommunications Web site {http:lfmw.radio.gov.ukf}. A list
`of LMR radio systems worldwide, of which MI’T 132? systems constitute a substantial
`proportion, can be accessed at the following Web address: httpn’a"homesitt.neti-vvwitbqnJ
`for_trs.htm. Note that there are no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information.
`liylde Micro Systems,
`specialized MPT I32? supplier at
`httpflwwwfyldcmicrocomi: Motorola, now mainlyr supplying third—party infrastruc-
`ture, at
`IIIIPIHW’W'.m0?0l‘0la.c0mr’li Noltia. search for MPT 1327 or Acrionet, at
`htthimmmokiacomi: and Tait, litlp:HMVW.tall"-V0ri£l.comi".
`Page 3 of 4
`Page 3 of 4
`Emerging Public Safety Wireless Communication Systems
`The level of functionality delivered by Ml’T 1327’ is typical for that
`time (circa 1988) and comprises:
`I Analog voice;
`a Circuit mode data typically at 1,200 bps;
`- Status messages on the control channel;
`- Short data messages, also on the control channel.
`The payload for the short data messages is 46 bits of free format data,
`and up to four such messages can be sent to a single address at a time.
` NewarkArehitecture
`the system manufacturer is
`Because the infrastructure is not standardized,
`able to select the appropriate network layout for the user application. A typi-
`cal LMR trunking system is shown in Figure 5.5, and this is appropriate for
`MPT 1327 implementations. Traditionally, large communication systems
`have been made up from hierarchical switching network architecture with
`much of the system intelligence concentrated in a few system nodes. Unfor-
`tunately, such systems do not exhibit graceful degradation and often a single
`failure can lead to complete loss of service.
`in a distributed architecture,
`the system intelligence is distributed
`throughout the network, leading to improved reliability and inherent fall-
`back capability. These are important Considerations to be aware ofwhen ana—
`lyzing the offerings from different manufacturers.
`The MPT 1327 radio system is based on simple FDMA principles and
`in many ways parallels APCO Project 16 concepts. There can be any number
`oftraffic channels per base station. limited only by the manufacturer’s imple-
`mentation (typical maximum is 32 channels).
`A typical public safety implementation may have six traffic channels
`supported by a single control channel. The protocol supports the option for
`dedicated 0r time—shared (between different sites) control channel or even
`minimum mode operation in which the control channel can revert to carry—
`ing traffic in heavily loaded situations.
`The MPT 1327 protocol does not support handover between sites, and
`most system implementations use large cells and have radio coverage limited
`by receiver noise level considerations rather than by cochannel interference.
`This convention means that MPT 1327 has followed the typical LMR
`implementation for widely spaced radio base high-level sites, rather than the
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