e ster’ s
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`1. English language——Dictiona1'ies.
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`,..a.c.m~..e» .m«..u...»...~.., .».i..4....-:.»..i-.»ma~s.\»=..w.»..«s. W
`Abbre viatioi

`itor of an am
`pressing curviatri‘:1‘.l‘Crila.S'd(17°f gta=1‘tK1‘l.)E:Iilts4—-:- liiiiiislm
`.llg{,.£::‘l::‘_l¥ V’ (1933) : to execute with era
`.5; . 1
`i‘° °”°“”“ ** W‘
`my and Cmflanitoai held to be the progciiitui
`_m3_,dfi_;d _
`31,3, with ‘+ 5“ 1:,’ [L (“WU-‘I41’!/ad~, hzirnatlf
`mm,” 2 _ “NE” ‘J d'3’”5 dryad — more at
`mn \'ha_n'm_ld _ COBRA
`pap,-0 }mmu‘d “'95'\ " [NL /Ianjadryar, fr.
`of pink Skin 347-“) that has a reddish pink in
`/Ptizins —— imllndeach buttock and that was V
`ml \ha__mal\ C Aalso sacred baboon
`[mes (as Turgel
`I l1t1mmalportcr](ca. 1760):
`‘ " [Heb HE _Y) _
`‘k of Esth 'ttW'1ll- an enemy of the Jews lia .
`|_m3n_ t,_ :1‘ '0F_ 13 Otting their destruction
`W1;m;z 3;
`iHh°'» -.t0Sh\ n, pl -tnsch-en \-, '
`pastryv “firth ‘7’"€’l. Haman + rash pocket, bail
`mm" th I 3 filling (as of poppy seeds D
`ti cwish holiday Purim
`{C FLA‘: " 15k. fr. Iiamartcmeln to miss tli:
`H [L hm t
`side Dr [hna u.\' hooked, fr. humus hook) (19* ,
`:2 second row of the Carpus in mammii
`‘"' °"3°r\ '7" hum-burg \-,bgrg\ ,, [G Hu,,,;,.
`l}l’l ilggfi). 1 a : ground beef b : a patty ul‘
`' 1 “°"s'S““g °f 3 Patty of hamburger in :1 sp],
`5] (14c) : one ft
`irse to which the il‘I;)C(t;3‘Su;,lf:edf:klSli:Eli1(:3lL‘1s mtanhld
`-“S-tad\ My (1928) : HAM-HANDED
`ari:io%\‘“:_clyh l2{t:lléi\ng ddexteritgi or
`a V
`a-nial-‘t6-iié-cin\ n [Sir William Hflmiltoji
`§3)0i_: {E-1tl§t1Ion_tliat is used to dcscribeiid}
`:5 of SP3.‘-be airiidetlm terms of cpmponcntj aim
`when time is
`“tn: Emii mm is Equal 1° muml
`"0 expllcitly part of the fuiicti
`II \-iié\ rt (1901 .
`Jr associated with AiuXa1'?d6lEl}'(iflll3I‘111lliIlglE‘laIll1’firif
`‘ -1.110111; central guvgrnment’ broad inter (em
`‘genyeml d_ t
`15 rust of the oliti
`ri —— Hamiltonian \-'toI.]na.9,CR1,,%_;~pacny 0”
`'2 [Hum] (1854) : a member of a Hamitiospe
`lk. 113-\
`Iii 1844 -
`ne of ill:Hzimltic)i;,°.§’,f:g1:;ing to, or charact
`C3- 1390) : any of various
`groupings ul
`1, it to make up a single branch of the Afro-
`.i‘’“g”‘‘3“ (“ B"'.=EI'- Egyptian. and Cushitlc)
`mill ri (1610) : a grinder or crusher in which materials are bro-
`P bi’ hammers
`I‘ out vt (ca. 1632) : to produce or bring about as if by repeated
`(lianimered out an agreement)
`throw ri (1898) : ii field event in which zi usu. 16-pound metal
`attached to a flexible handle is thrown for distance
`a-mar-.t5\ n (ca. 1885) : a dcfomied claw-shaped toe
`Pr the
`‘Bond that results from permanent angular flexion be-
`one 01' both pbalzirigezil 3011115
`“’ k \‘l1a-m:>k\ n [Sp Iiamaca,
`fr. Taino] (1555) 2 a swinging
`or bed usu. made of netting or canvas and slung by cords trom
`“S at each and
`H k n [origin unknown] (1555)
`1 : 1—ltJMMOCK 2 : a fertile area
`~ Southern U.
`. and esp. Florida that is usu. l-iighcr.than its sur-
`U185 itiid_tliat is characterized by hardwood vegetation and deep
`llsfflfh S011
`) \lia-me\ adj ham-mi-er; -est (1929) : marked by exaggerated
`.“3l|- Self-conscious theatricality - ham-mi-ly \'lia—m9-lé\ adv --
`*“l'I1les.-.- \'1i-.1-rm‘:-nas\ ri
`11*!’ \ h_ain-par\ vt ham-pered; ham-per-lug \-p(a-)rli3\ [ME] (l4c)
`Mesttict the movement of by bonds or obstacles '. IMPEDE b 2 to
`El"B\\'ltl’1 the operation of : DXSRUPT Zn : CllR]],RES’1‘RA.lN 1): to
`em with : ENCUMBER
`Huron, rrtAiviMi31., cum, rcrrck, sHACKbE, MANACLE mean to
`Y Ur impede in moving, progressi g, or acting. HAMPER may im-
`ill? effect of any impeding 01' restraining influence <,ii’U7lflEl’eK] the
`“fixation by refusing to cooperate). TRAMMEL suggests entzingling
`W Cfinfining within :1 net (rules that trammel the artist’: creativi-
`.5 -CLOG usu. implies a slowing by something extraneous or encum-
`li (_a court system clogged by frivolous suits). FETTER suggests a
`‘ fling so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost
`Italian fetlered by an antiquated class system). SIIACKLE and MAN-
`Earc stronger than FETTER and suggest total loss of freedom (a
`d rhucklerl by stubborn prejudice) (a people manncled by tyran-
`hampers, alter. of ltanaper, iit.. case to hold goblets, fr.
`‘Winter, fr. In-map goblet, of Gmc origin; akin to OE I-mazpp bowl]
`3 large basket usu. with 11 cover for packing, stoiing, or trans-
`lng articles (as food or laundry)
`_\'ham(p)-.shir, -shor\ n [I-Iumpslzire, England] (1918)
`901 A British breed of large hornless black-faced mutton-producing
`, White-belted swine
`’- called also I:ldU1]).\‘]'llrZ Down 2 : any of an American breed of
`‘ml’ \‘l'iam(p)-st:>r\ H [(3, fr. Ol-1G hamustru, of Slavic origin; akin
`RUSS cliutnéiirorzl hamster, of Iranian origin; akin to Av liamaé.s-tar-
`l;::0}:'] (V1607) : alny of r;Isukfainily](Ct‘icetinae) of small Old World
`Ewing very arge c ee ‘ pouc es
`"5l1‘lng\'ham-.strii)\ n (1565)
`1 ii : either of two groups of tendons
`ll above and behind the hook of a quadruped
`1% back of the human knee
`is :
`:i large
`ring rt.-strung \-.strorj\; -string-ing \-.strin-in\ (1641)
`1 : to
`he ineffective or powerless : CRIPPLE (I-mmstrung by guilt)
`2 : to
`= by cutting the leg tendons
`Ting muscle n (ca 1888) : any of three muscles at the back of the
`‘bit that function to flex and rotate the leg and extend the thigh
`‘Mus \’ham-ya-lcs\ n. pl -u-li \-.11, -.lE\ [NL, fr. L, dim. of humus
`llca. 1751) : ii hook or hooked process (as of a bone)
`31 or hum-1.ah\'liam-29. 'h2‘iin-\ n [Ar hamzali, lit., compression}
`lhfi Sign for a glottal stop in Arabic ortliography usu. represent-
`lfi ‘En lish by an apostrophe
`\n [Chin (Beijing) Ham} (1736)
`' ed control through an ap-
`iilwe bureaucracy. zi ievivzil of learning, and the penetration of Bud-
`:1 small Villas:
`H 1 3 legenrda E ( _e . 12c) :
`it 2 : the Chinese peoples esp. as distinguished from non-Chinese
`anish Dnricc and hero of
`.MuU8OllEIlt) elements in the population
`7! [ME lramer fr OE humor
`3511 \'hand\ It, often attrib (ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG liant hand] (bef.
`, akin to OHG
`1 51 ll) : the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb when modi-
`rasping organ (2) : the forelimb segment (as
`_e kq’;’€:7I
`.h1§ar(7l1J£ stone. (._‘vk_ak-me‘ t7t>in_t.
`'ghcr than the
`“Idle and uséd to II
`oolconsisting ofasultd 4
`’“ii‘‘ M or 'a”3:lil“‘r‘;‘%
`$l1_1&§ corresponds to the hand irrespective of its form or function-
`3111 3 55 a hammer in form or action‘ as
`Wtcialization h : a part serving the function of or resembling a
`‘5 M (1) : the hind foot of an ape
`(2) : the cbela of a crustacean
`5::::5;:§si.:al;°i::"%k“sawe in
`methmg resembling a hand: as
`(1) : an indicator or pointer on a
`tion of a mod -
`D 'gmtE.1h‘3 P1"°P€"iI1El
`31 (1516 ~.'r of zi clock)
`(2) : INDEX 5
`(3) :
`:1 cluster of bananas de-
`‘ that strikes tiiml"g“m th-at Str.‘k"'.5 "W Prim“ °f
`Ritthtd from a single flower group (4) : a branched rootstock of gin-
`9 (1) , a emfgng Pm t0 Ignite the carlridst,
`(5) = ll bunch of large leaves (as of tobacco) tied together usu. with
`In 1'“ fa‘ P13Y|DB on various cram’
`, ,, hand ‘Mp
`° méllfit in a piano action
`Other leaf
`2 II : personal possession - usu. used in pl. (the docu-
`ms fell into the ~.s of the enemy)
`- ACCELERATOR b —- under the hummer
`(ftplmne) 3 3 3 metal sphere thrown for iiistar
`used in pl. (left the matter in her ~49)
`1} filzhllng on either ~) I: : one of two sides or aspects of an issue
`:red* ],-.1
`uh _
`‘11gument(on the one - we can appeal for peace, and on the other,
`pl. rtgtflleatcdly \X/ltil1|?)l‘\flSallP:\:/)i‘i-llinay
`3 are war) 4 : a pledge esp. of betrothal or bestowal in marriage
`.3131: of penmansliip : HANDWRITING (wrote in a fancy ~)
`WRE 6 it : SKILL, i\utL.I't‘Y (tried lier ~ at sailing)
`ls : an instru-
`rd°a":;)t’5ia19-‘"1’:é Egnzgitcgatf an opinion or nltiti.
`“lal Dari (had :1 ~ in the victory)
`7 : a unit of measure equal to 4
`repeated blows of a lldamiiltesi?
`ll’; falsgni E; L
`for the height of horses
`8 n : assis-
`:1’; |(—',EFESrtl‘f{":1‘l;5al‘1"l()Y£'1ca fitnlrce suggesting 21 ha I a
`1 effort (lend :1 ~) b : PARTICIPA-
`liamqnei--er \'ha.mgr;r\F;,fe"°C> (mm m "'
`:1 round of applause
`9 u (1) :
`:1 player in a card
`'1 (1921) ; an Emblem consisfin
`_ d,
`(2) : the cards or pieces held by a player
`In : a
`Exp, 33 3 Symbo] of Soviet Cami‘: i_| Crime KM
`gfinc or board game
`idv (ca_ 1733) : with great force v_mSm
`. It
`l-Sl¢_r0_uiid in a game
`e : the force or solidity of one’s position (as in
`old longs‘) --— hammer-a.nd—to'u lg°r"°r Vm .
`10 rt
`:1 person who performs or executes a particular
`(1953) : DULCIMER 1 —called algsladl
`4 .
`Mm‘ (‘Wu portraits by the same ~) In (1) : a person employed at
`50 lfmlmm *
`fiifixsgfldagor or giilnci-at risks ()2 ranch ~) (2) :fWO‘1:’|lKER. EMPLOYEE
`- [Evin
`0,8 overa un re ~.r
`I: : amembero as ip’s crc\v <all~s
`,,}ud,,c,,§ gfifgginiggfinlguons Droduced of $3
`:1 : a person skilled in a particular action or pursuit
`e : a
`.13,-_'hed\ n (1562)
`1 _ tge "‘_°9PDGr)
`ttvtcialist or veteran iii a usu, designated activity or region (a China
`Stliklng part of all
`: style of execution : WORKMAN-
`3 -
`tilt? (the (V of El master)
`c : the feel of or tactile reaction to some-
`Ring (35 Silk or leather)
`12 : a punch made with a specified hand
`_— se_e SHARK illustration
`flocked him out with a good right ~) —- at hand 1 : near in time or
`d1 (1875) - h3V|I'1g the hammer concealed (3 ~
`Place : within reach (use Whatever in
`11 (1897) :
`mareceiving or deserving attention
`. of also at the hand of : by or through the action of -— by
`nd the bacivgfsggllf :1'l:lg‘rl;1nV;l1;§§ll‘1dl1I'1 upiionetfil
`I-with the hands or a liand-worked implement (as a tool or pen) rather
`hammer mill a handicap
`2 : from one individual directly to another (dc-
`than with a machine
`liver the document by hand) —— in hand 1 : in one’s possession or con-
`2 : in reparation 3 : under consideration -— on all hands or on
`every lion : EVERYWHERE — on hand 1 : in present possession or
`readily available
`2 : about to appear : PENDING 3 : in attendance
`: PRESENT -- on one’s hands : in oiic’s possession or care (too much
`time on my hands) — out of hand 1 2 without delay or deliberation;
`also : in a summary or peremptory manner 2 : done with : FINISHED
`3 : out of control
`4 : with the hands (fruit eaten out oflumd) -- to
`hand 1 : into possession 2 : within reach
`‘hand adv (bef. 12c) : with the hands rather than by machine
`3l1nnt‘l V! (15c)
`1 ii obs : to touch or manage with the hands; also : to
`deal with In : FURL 2 : to lead, guide, or assist with the hand (~ a
`lady into a bus)
`3 n : to give, pass, or transmit with the hand (~ a let-
`ter to her)
`: to present or provide with (~ezl him a surprise) —
`hand it to : to give credit to : concede the excellence of
`hand and foot adv (bef. 12c) : TOTALLY, ASSIDUDUSLY
`lumd int 11 (Dc)
`1 : a short-handled ax intended for use with one hand
`2 : a prehistoric stone tool having one end pointed for cutting and the
`other end rounded for holding in the hand
`linnd-hug \‘han(d)-.bag\ n (1852)
`l : surrcnse 2 : a bag held in the
`hand or hung from a shoulder strap and used for carrying small per-
`sonal articles and money
`huntl-ball \—,bol\n (1886)
`1 : a game played in a walled coun or against
`a single wall or board by two or four players who use their hands to
`strike the ball 2 : a small rubber ball used in handball
`hand-bar-row \-.b:ir-(,)fi\ 12 (15c) 2 a flat rectangular frame with handles
`at both ends that is carried by two persons
`Iluud-bns-ket \-.bas«kat\ rt (15c) : a small ponable basket —- usu. used
`in the phrase to hell in a Iiandbasket denoting rapid and utter ruination
`hand-bell \—,be1\ n (bef. 11c) 2 a small belt with a handle; esp : one of a
`set tuned in a scale for musical performance
`llantl-bill \-.bil\ n (1753) : £\ small printed sheet to be distributed (as for
`advertising) by hand
`hand-blown \-'bl6n\ adj (1925) : made by glassblowing and molded by
`lmnd-book \'ik\ n (bef. 126)
`1 ll : a book capable of being conve-
`niently carried as a ready reference : MANUAL 1:
`: a concise reference
`book covering a pniticular subject
`2 u z a bookmaker’s book of bets
`1) 2 a
`lace wliere bookmaking is carried on
`hand» rendth \-,brettli, -,brctli, -.bredtb\ ri (bef. 12c) : any of various
`units of length varying from about 2% to 4 inches based on the breadth
`of i\ hand
`hand-cur \‘h:ni(d)-,kiir\ n (1850) :
`:1 small four-wheeled railroad car
`propelled by a hand-operated mechanism or by 21 small motor
`hand-czurt \-.kEirt\ n (1640) : a cart drawn or pushed by hand
`hunt] cheese 7: (1890) : a soft cheese with a sharp pungent odor and fla-
`vor that was orig. molded by hand
`\'han(d)-.k1asp\ it (1583) : HANDSHAKE
`‘hand-cru t \-.kra.t‘t\ n (bcf. 12c) : HANDICRAF1“
`‘hundcrait vi‘ (1947) : to fashion by handicraft
`liand-crafts-man \-.kraf(t)-smon\ ri (l5c) : a person who is skilled in
`handicraft —— hand-crafts-man-ship \-ship\ rt
`‘hand-cuff \-.kof\ n (1695)
`: a metal fastening that can be locked
`around a wrist and is usu. connected by a chain or bar with another
`such fastening — usu. used in pl.
`zl1|ll'll1C|lff vi (1720)
`1 : to apply handcuffs to : MANACLE 2 2 to hold in
`check : make ineffective or powerless
`hand down vl (1692)
`1 : to transmit in succession (as from father to
`son) )2 z to make official formulation of and express (the opinion of :1
`hand-ed \'h:.ui-dod\ adj (15e)
`l : having a hand or hands esp. of a spec-
`ified kind or number —— usu. used in combination (:1 large-Izanzled
`man) 2 1 using a specified hand or number of hands —— used in combi-
`nation (right-Imndezl) (a one-handed catch)
`hand-ed-ness \-nas\ n (1915)
`1 : a tendency to use one hand rather
`than the other
`2 a : the property of an object (as zi molecule) of not
`being identical with its mirror image b : either of the two configura-
`tions of an object that may exist in forms which are noriidentical i1iir-
`ror images
`hund-fast \‘lian(d)\ n (ME, fr. OEI1tmdfaei-t] (1611) archaic : a con-
`tract or covenant esp. of bctrothal or marriage
`hand-feed \'lian(d)-'fEd\ vt -fed \-'fcd\; -feed-ing (1805) : to feed (as
`animals) by hand
`hand-ful \'hzin(d)'il\ n, pl handfuls \—.fi'1lz\ also hands-Eul \'hain(d)z-
`,ful\ (bef. 12c)
`1 : as much or as many as the hand will grasp
`2 : 8
`small uantity or number 3 : as much as one can manage
`ass I1 (1882) : a small mirror with a handle
`hand-grip \‘han(d)-.grip\ ll (bcf. 12c)
`1 :
`:1 grasping with the hand 2
`: HANDLE 3pI : hand-to-hand combat
`hauilvgun \-.g9n\ 71 (150) : a firearm (as a revolver or pistol) designed to
`be held and fired with one hand
`hand-held \-,lie1d, -'held\ adj (1923) 2 held in the hand; esp : designed to
`-, e
`pehopspatcd while being held in the hand (~ computers) —- hancllleld
`li-and-hold \'hand-.hold\ n (1643)
`1 : noun, GRIP
`2 : Something to
`hold on to (as in mountain climbing)
`hand—liold-ing \-.h5l-din\ Pi (1967) : solicitous attention. support, or in-
`struction (as in the use of new technology)
`‘lmnd-I-cap \'lia.n-di-,kap, -dc-\ n [obs. E handicap (a game in which
`forfeit money was held in a cap), fr. hand in can] (1754)
`1 ll : a race or
`contest in which an artificial advantage is given or disadvantage im-
`posed on a contestant to equalize chances of winning b : an advantage
`given or disadvantage imposed usu.
`in the form of points, Strokes,
`weight to be carried, or distance from the target or goal
`2 ll : a disad-
`vantage that makes achievement unusually difficult b : a. physical dis-
`\3\ abut \"\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \;1‘\ map, mur
`\ai‘i\ out
`\ch\ chin \e\ bet
`\é\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\i\ lob
`\i)\ sing \6\ go \é\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \\'i\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \ii, _, “. oe, Fe, ue, E, V\ .1-ee Guide to Pronunciation

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