`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`WO 99/36297
`22 July 1999 (22.07.99)
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GE, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TI‘, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARlPO patent
`(GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, 52, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI,
`CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`B60R 25/00, G06F 13/00
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`15 January 1999 (15.01.99)
`(30) Priority Data:
`60/071 ,392
`15 January 1998 (15.01.98)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): KLINE &
`WALKER LLC [US/US]; 11201 Spur Wheel Lane, Po-
`tomac, MD 20854 (US).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): WALKER, Richard, C.
`[US/US]; 15000 Hunters Harbor Lane, Waldorf, MD 20601
`(74) Agents: DONNER, Irah, H. et al.; Pepper Hamilton LLP,
`1300 Nineteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036—1685
`(57) Abstract
`.L n THC- BiLLINt} Box
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`This invention addresses
`commercial uses and includes
`a monitoring
`system (310)
`which is
`a network of on,
`in, out and off—board devices
`working together with people
`to provide
`services and make accountable
`Control devices are used to
`impact. Along
`with these systems networked
`variations needed to complete
`these operations nationally and
`world wide are also provided.
`network of
`separate devrces
`IC circuits
`to create an
`system or center that can be
`remotely controlled. A control device for society to fairly and accurately monitor and control the impact of equipment use on the world
`environment, and a nation’s infrastructure while developing commercial companies to fulfill these needs and services for the equipment
`and the people who own and operate them for today and into the future are also provided. A set of Secure devices and systems are also
`included to analyze society and machine interaction.
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 1
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 1


`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`cote d’lvoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
` AL
`Llndsay Corporatlon
`Exhibit 1005 - 2
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 2


`WO 99/36297
`This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Applications Nos. 60/071,392, filed
`January 15, 1998 (112756-201), 60/089,783, filed June l8, 1998 (112756—300), incorporated herein by
`reference. This application is related to U.S. Patent Application No. 08/975,140, filed November 20, 1997,
`and PCT Application No. PCT/US 97/21516, filed on November 24, 1997, which claim priority to U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application No. 60/032,217 filed on December 2, 1996, all of which are hereby
`incorporated by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`This invention addresses environmental, social and commercial uses of a monitoring system. The
`monitoring system include, a network of on, in, out, and off board devices working together with people
`through software and interfaces to provide services and make machines and their actions accountable,
`through safe, secure communication and control devices in real time. The invention is designed to account
`for all machines vehicles and equipment and their socio-economic and environmental impact world wide.
`Along with this completely described system is additional devices networked together and
`variations of hardware, firmware and software needed to complete these operations locally, nationally, and
`around the globe. These devices and systems are completely described within this application, and the
`other two related applications incorporated herein by reference.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure l is a key-coded flowchart diagram explicitly designed to state all the PFN functions from
`the invention’s earlier patent control system embodiment (WO 98/24664 and PCT/US97/21516) stop box,
`black box which is combined presently with this billing box function designed to retrieve machine data
`to receive payment for machine use or account for impact fees to the individual, any commercial interests,
`the environment, and or for all levels of government to monitor, to cost, to report to the public, and/or
`manage machine use world wide socio—economically and environmentally.
`Figure 2 is a diagram displaying satellite technologies, G.P.S., communications, land-based phone
`systems and all wireless communication devices tied together to help keep track of the use of equipment
`worldwide and to link government, people and commercial interests in a coordinated, socially-responsible _
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 3
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 3


`WO 99/36297
`PCT/US99/009l 9
`Figure 2a is a list or directory of government agencies that are already designed to issue their mass
`data back to the web account pages that this invention creates through its ability to acquire machine data
`and deliver it to these agencies and thereby allow them to due their government functions and report their
`gathered data and activities to the public, commercial interests and government on the specialized web
`pages described in this application (for local, state, regional, national and/or globally, if sanctioned).
`Figure 2b is an illustration that shows the invention and its explicit capability, as has always been
`stated from the first patent to monitor and control humanities equipment, machines vehicles and
`environment to provide a better social, economic, and a more informed public governance for every facet
`of technical and equipment use.
`Figure 3 is the add—on billing box system designed to initially receive payment for use of
`equipment and to due it through credit card billing. However, this system is the precursor of the OEM
`factory primary focal nodes that will be a part of all of humanity’s machinery along with personal and
`environmental PFNs to help humanity assess and account for the use of resources and impact of all
`equipment on the world.
`Figure 3a is an extension of Figure 3 and it illustrates how a card swipe is used and incorporated
`in the billing box or any PFN to enter credit card data into the MMN and account for any machine uses
`economically. The card swipe illustrates how all the devices can be coupled and or interfaced and have
`their manufacture software installed into the PFN for securing their interface to a host piece of machinery
`and deliver a specific data input or service under the electronic control of the processor in the PFN.
`Figure 4 is a example drawing of the function of a standard PFN secure box structure and a detail
`of the physical properties that are desirable to create the PFN interface to perform all the accountable
`functions of communications data storage remote control in the standard sedan.
`It is not the only
`configuration the invention will be and the description of the structure and materials are meant to also
`illustrate the concept of a secure environment for all these sensitive expensive electronical devices and
`critical accountable devices to monitor and control humanities equipment, machinery and/or vehicles.
`Figure 5 is a cutaway view of the secure box illustrating the mobility of the shelves and or trays
`that hold the interfaced devices as well as a structural illustration of a suggested design for the PFN
`secure containment in a sedan as pictured in the dash shown in Figure 4.
`Figure 6 is a diagram of three shelves that are on rollers and powered to eject and retract inside
`the secure PFN interface and it also shows a suggested arrangement of protected PFN devices, secured
`customer preferred C.O.T.S. products, and a power tray as a good possible device array for a PFN.
`Figure 7 is a parts combination map of device coupling for the prototypes of the PFN's
`components. It is also to show the varied level of commercial developments in a general way. Most all
`devices couple together or interface from left to right and the sophistication of the technology goes from
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 4
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 4


`WO 99/36297
`the most simplistic, at the top of the page, to the most complex, at the bottom of the diagram. This is
`only a general rule as their are a multitude of combinations that will function well to perform many and
`most all necessary task by different combinations. The device combining criterion is basically cost and
`efficiency for purpose and function desired.
`Figures 8-12 show the Mac, PC, P82 keyboard, mouse, and serial ports and, in fact, the next 5
`to 7 Figures are just to name the standard computer connection, e.g., SCSI,IEEE 1394 and the new
`interfaces, IrDA ports, like in Figure 11, as well as, other electronic and automotive connectors in Figure
`12. All of these physical connections are all utilized for many of the peripherals and for the many varied
`PFN configurations.
`Figure 13 is the standard cordless phone short-range interface as has been described earlier as
`an optional PFN interface. The drawing is an illustration of another use with a cordless phone and a
`laptop or palm top to get on land phone lines for data transfer without a hard, i.e., connected to the wall.
`There are two drawings, one pictorial and the other a block circuit drawing, with two options, A or B.
`Figure 14 is a personal locator belt that illustrates a G.P.S. system coupled to a reflex pager for
`registering and reporting a person’s geographic location on a page request to at least one remote location.
`The present invention uniquely interfaces (on board) a network of separate devices and or
`interfaced 1C circuits together, to create a "Primary Focal Node" (PFN) (ultimately in some form on
`every piece of equipment in the world). This is an interactive control center (ideally secured and
`protected) and connected to many peripheral devices and sensors, that can be remotely controlled and
`monitored from the (PFN). The (PFN) is able to, record and play back various data of different
`mediums, report this data back, or communicate it with off board "Gateways" to computer networks (like
`servers on the WWW) and/or receive from these Gateway servers commands to restrict unauthorized,
`and or affect normal uses of the vehicle/equipment in relationship to its cost and legitimate operation to
`society and the environment, and or regulate the vehicle to a compliance level to meet with any legal
`parameters and or commercial contractual agreements in real time. The present invention also uniquely
`provides a control device for society to fairly and accurately monitor and control the impact of equipment
`use on the world's environment and a nation's infrastructure.
`The invention's (PFN) on board will provide the initial technical processes and hardware to fulfill
`these needs and services for the equipment and the people, who own and operate them for today and into
`the future. The total invention is designed to be a set of secure devices and systems interfaced on and
`off board to analyze society and machine interaction, and to safeguard this world's environment, which
`is the physical support system of humanities existence.
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 5
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 5


`WO 99/36297
`The invention comprises hardware, hardware embedded software (firmware), software
`programming, peripherals device and sensors on board and communication devices and computer
`network systems off board to do this monitoring and accounting business in a realistic and fair manner
`socially and economically. The invention is a composite of a number unique innovations that also
`interface uniquely with other commercial products to develop a complete and thorough accounting
`system, which is completely described in this application and the related filings.
`A great deal of explanation is necessary to explain how the world’s societies can utilize the total
`invention system in an optimal manner. So this discussion is based on humanities state of existence
`technically and socially and how the invention can best be a tool for societies to fairly make and assess
`their decisions crucial to a healthy existence presently and into the future. This summary of the invention
`will address accountability, responsibility and freedoms, as it pertains to world's societies, commerce,
`and the environment.
`The present invention accomplishes the accounting and service tasks, by performing them in an
`efficient, economically expanding, but money saving and responsible manner. The general purpose and
`scope of this invention is to automate a data collection process, through two-way communication, that
`controls an onboard network of devices, sensors, machines, and to utilize data gathered from each
`machine's Primary Focal Node (PFN) to appraise it's impact and affect on the environment world wide
`and on any nations infrastructure. The present invention also provides software systems and support
`people to form the necessary set of mechanical and system structures for humanity to control its
`machines and its economy from now long into the future in a secure manner (i.e., technically, socially,
`and physically).
`Newly created industries (e.g., commercial businesses evolutions), all technical devices and their
`interfaces, as well as any integrated circuit evolution for onboard, outboard and off board systems (e.g.,
`hardware, firmware, software interfaced C.O.T.S. and personnel) to implement the present invention will
`be completely described and illustrated as the invention relates to these socio—economic and
`environmental goals.
`Examples of goals include: conserving and using the world's materials and energy sources and
`resources intelligently and fairly to insure peace in the world, while accounting for that use and any and
`all impact on this world's environment and humanity's general health physically, socio—emotionally and
`economically; also, to help provide, organization and control for the maintenance of individually free,
`lawful and secure societies world wide; tojoin individuals and their nation states and societies with an
`accurate understanding of their physical world and their impact on it and each other; and to provide more
`safe convenient and unintrusive and or individually respective services through new products and
`innovative uses of already existing technologies to improve the quality of life.
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 6
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 6


`WO 99/36297
`PCT/U S99/009l 9
`The invention's (PFN) is designed to ultimately create an economic accounting tool to evaluate
`and bill for the use of resources and provide a fair impact fee system for societies infrastructures as well
`as create an economic structure and device to fairly bill other safer and less toxic energy sources and
`systems. The invention's control system is a necessary technical evolution that can adjust the worlds
`economic tool, while helping to assure the least disruptive socio-economic path for a healthy and stable
`environment. For this to happen it is necessary to evaluate and account for all the use and impact for any
`and all energy sources as they are used in real time by all of humanity world wide.
`Ultimately secure devices and secure communication are extremely necessary for the systems
`to have credibility and be respected for their accuracy and fair reporting. For this reason it is important
`that the accounting process be as secure as possible. The invention's secure (PFN) secure box and off—
`board systems(continuation from the earlier patent) can serve as an ideal economic transition device or
`tool, for the replacement of a gallon of gas, a barrel of oil or the tons of coal and coke, which are the
`measured products of fossil fuel industries that power the industrial nations and their economies. The
`world seems determined and destined to reduce it's dependancy on these products. And having options
`is the best form of security to calm real fears for scarcities for what ever reason. Having a way to
`measure use and impact has been a real major drawback to other energy sources especially some of the
`new ones, which will utilize readily available compounds and elements found in nature, world wide.
`So how can they be economically regulated and made part of the economic tool and it‘s tax base?
`Oil products as unsafe as they are to transport, store, and use are easy to account for in charging and
`taxing for their use. For this reason the exploration and exploitation of different energy systems and
`technologies are forced to stay on the back burner, especially for mobile vehicles and equipment. It is
`important to remember individuals and their societies can make good changes and bad changes and good
`changes require knowledge and thoughtfulness on the economic impacts as well as the environmental
`impacts. It is important to have order and control when there is any change in the world’s economic tool
`and the world presently has an oil-based economy.
`However, with a desired change on the horizon, this is the perfect time to commercialize the
`invention as a transition system and ultimately as a permanent system for humanity to evaluate, appraise
`and control all of it's technology into the future. Before this time the inventions technology would be
`too expensive for any individual mobile piece of equipment. But presently, with all the merging
`technologies and new services and innovative products linking telecommunication, interactive highways,
`smart cars and automated robotics systems along with personal computers and global positioning systems
`and the tremendous development in standard automobiles, as well as a deepening concern for the world's
`environment, the time is absolutely right for this network remote control data record and accounting
`system that offers security, organization, accountability and a host of new services and products to the
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 7
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 7


`WO 99/36297
`economics of the world presently, and will help for any secure merging or trusted interaction in the
`future. With the present developments in machine messaging and the latest energy sources and power
`train developments with electric vehicles, e.g., Electric Wheel, GM’s EVl cars are provided a most
`important ingredient for their economic acceptance "accountability controls" for their responsible use
`in and of a societie’s environment and infrastructure. And it is a mistake to believe these new
`technologies will not bring their hazard environmentally as well, e.g., leaking, and gassing battery
`contents, etc. So the remote control monitoring recording and accounting will provide stability during
`this very necessary evolution for mobile platforms and stationary equipment and also to monitor the
`environmental impact of fossil fueled equipment. And finally, even if they are dependent on nuclear
`energy or electrical service the monitor, control and recording system of the invention will be able to
`report to society all the gathered data necessary to appraise and evaluate these use and impact costs.
`On each individual piece of equipment, the secured (PFN) is linked to the invention’s peripheral
`sensor system and processes pertinent data on each individual host machinery and transmits it to local,
`nationwide and worldWide computer processing and mass data storage devices for the environment, for
`traffic data, for law enforcement, etc., where it is evaluated in real time and processed according to
`predetermined software programs at all the above-mentioned levels.
`For example, if it was an environmental data link evaluating the impacts of new energy sources
`any trial and error negative impacts on the environment and or any chosen commercial direction could
`be determined quickly to reduce the cost to everyone. The entire invention will allow; the public,
`commercial energy systems and resource suppliers ,other commercial service suppliers and government
`a new device and system to fairly revenue and be costed accurately and account for all use and impact
`of the worlds resources, materials and a society’s infrastructure.
`The invention‘s control system is needed and is being brought out and commercialized in a
`timely and responsible fashion so as not to rock the economic structure of the world as driven by fossil
`fuels. But to marry with these present systems and allow for timely world, national, commercial and
`public change with stability in all the economic markets and the public and private companies that will
`be affected.
`The final aspect to keep in mind with this invention‘s impact is an awareness for all humanity
`to realize that a changing economic base can be an expanding economy and in this case change does not
`have to spell scarcity and disparity to any individual or business in existence now and/or into the future.
`However, humanity's intellect and growth has always performed optimally when coupled with flexibility
`in any socio-economic change, which is directly proportional to it's survival. And it is crucial that every
`individual be as responsible as possible in these changes and the use of all these interfaced technologies.
`And not just be driven by self interests, but remain always cognizant to those whom their actions will
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 8
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 8


`WO 99/36297
`impact. However, this is quite impossible to achieve if they are not aware of their impact and not in
`communication with others and all their machines to reduce any synergistic affects world wide. This is
`the major function of the invention for society . To keep social awareness involved with private interest,
`at an individual level, while providing a basis for a fair exchange and knowledge.
`The direction for economic growth and or individual financial success should be one that
`improves the quality of all life and preserves economic stability, and by any means does not disadvantage
`or disrespect others or the environment. This requires accountability for everything humanity does or
`does not do as a whole and or individually. With accountability insured by real accurate and up to date
`knowledge, society in mass can be very efficient in all the decisions regarding how to do all it's business
`together with it's technology and life. But it is extremely important that this be accomplished with less
`economic disruption and deceptive behavior, which has plagued humanity in the past as a necessary evil
`to give some base order to our societies in the way we account exchange provisions between individuals.
`Presently, the world only has receivable values and is unaware of the cost values as a group or
`individually in many cases.
`It is important to have all the data so all individuals can appreciate the
`world’s spread sheet and understand bottom line issues that affect everyone.
`There needs to be good communicative working relationships between all parties so that business
`can give good and necessary services, while governments can oversee and support a healthy commercial
`environment, and insure a fair and healthy interaction or interchange between the public and the business
`community, as well as, all branches of government itself. The present invention‘s purpose and design
`is to address these fears and dispels phobias for the individual in a socially, culturally, and economically
`sound and responsible manner, so all of humanity can function well publicly, governmentally,
`environmentally, economically and/or commercially, provided the individuals are all responsible and
`stay "Critically Aware".
`"We the People", the public, are all of these things and can continue, through the invention, to
`be empowered in the same manner as constitutionally guaranteed with the most up-to—date data and
`interactive communication system owned in part, individually, and publicly, as well as, supported
`commercially . This will enable us to open the correct opportunities for the individual and society
`through the ability to make efficient, intelligent, social, environmental, technical decisions that are sound
`commercial choices.
`The major answer is fairness and for it to work presently it must be accountable. The invention
`achieves this goal on a planetary level by combining communication technology, computer technology
`and all industrial technologies into a monitoring and control system of communicating equipment with
`its societies. It accomplishes this from first data acquisition with the invention’s "primary focal nodes",
`Virtually on every piece of equipment. The primary nodes process and record all types of data that impact
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 9
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 9


`WO 99/36297
`the environment and/or have socio-economic importance. Then all forms of commercial, private and
`publicly owned communication devices are used to transfer and or copy data to (gateways) for computer
`networks, where it is processed and recorded in mass management and storage systems, and if so deemed
`proper at national levels, retransmitted to the world wide web where it is presented to the public as ,world
`and national web pages. Local web pages, and state web pages, are prepared at their levels through the
`area of data acquisition and approved through security protocols before they are posted on the WWW
`in their respective pages. Ultimately all knowledge could be freely available, however, presently, the
`inventions recognizes the need for national state security systems and provides for editing protocols for
`any national security agencies intervention before presenting it worldwide.
`Ideally, knowledge and
`individual development will replace real fears with the proper social mechanisms to grow trust.
`The web pages are tied together in a traditional web mosaic technology to allow the individual
`to surf and view all data as is used by governments and commercial interests and respond directly to
`issues at all the levels of interest and evolvement. This data would have many informative tools to
`explain terminology objectively in one section. And in another portion of each page it would feature a
`point of view section, where government officials would state their individual positions on issues or raw
`data interpretations, the same for industry, and the same for research and educational organizations (by
`individual) and the same for the general public. This portion of the invention that provides feedback is
`the Machine Messaging Network (lVflVlN) and it's interface with the WWW completes the accountability
`function for all societies and individuals.
`This invention is designed to enfranchise the individual into all local, state, national, world issues
`and give a real voice to the individual as policy is being determined. The invention is also designed to
`enhance the development of the individual to continue to improve the quality of human existence on this
`Through this invention's complete system, society can slow the blind random, sometimes
`deceptive and more often ignorant commercial attempts to develop economy or control it or any specific
`industry in an effort to gain market share and present a public image. Many times these are false pursuits
`and merely to create economy --which, granted could be necessary and serve a timely economic purpose-
`thus making them worthy in and of itself). But, in so many cases these efforts, that are based on false
`or superficial data, and better deserve the term scam, i.e., many present pseudo-science projects, research
`groups and organizations involved with environmental protection. So, more importantly, the invention
`can give industries and governments real data, as well as in real time, provide any investors which will
`help insure and guide technical development through financial incentives to use resources wisely, to meet
`real informed and known needs, while being truthful to the public and suppling real and needed desired
`products and services. The invention can reduce any need to provide a false economy by providing more
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 10
`Lindsay Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 - 10


`WO 99/36297
`real innovations and opportunities. And this provision of real and valuable service for the growth of the
`economy can remove the "soft money" of today and stop the buying of results by funding and granting
`research with money that has private interest origins as well as funding our representatives with similar
`political commercial goals. This “soft money” will be used

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