In The Matter Of:
`Lindsay Corporation v.
`Valmont Industries, Inc.
`Dr. Craig Rosenberg
`January 12, 2016
`Min-U-Script® with Word Index
`Lindsay v. Valmont

` 2 ____________________
` 4 ____________________
` )
` 6 Petitioner, )
` )
` 7 vs. ) Case IPR2015-01039
` ) Patent 7,003,357 B1
` )
` 9 Patent Owner. )
`22 JANUARY 12, 2016
`23 (9:05 a.m. to 12:41 p.m.)
`24 Charles W. Motter
` Kansas CCR No. 441
`25 Missouri CCR No. 617
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` 1 I N D E X
` MR. BROWN 107
` 4
` 7 Exhibit 2001 Notice of Deposition of Dr. Craig 5
` Rosenberg
` 8
`11 Exhibit 1001 Copy of United States Patent 60
` 7,003,357 B1
` Exhibit 1004 Copy of Scott Reference 111
` Exhibit 1007 Copy of United States Patent 69
`14 7,010,294 B1
`15 Exhibit 1009 Declaration of Dr. Craig 18
` Rosenberg Under 37 C.F.R. Section
`16 1.132
`17 (All exhibits are attached.)
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` 2 ____________________
` 4 ____________________
` )
` 6 Petitioner, )
` )
` 7 vs. ) Case IPR2015-01039
` ) Patent 7,003,357 B1
` )
` 9 Patent Owner. )
`12 produced, sworn, and examined on January 12, 2016,
`13 between the hours of 9:05 a.m. and 12:41 p.m. of that
`14 day, at Hovey Williams LLP, 10801 Mastin Blvd., Suite
`15 1000, Overland Park, Kansas, before Charles W. Motter,
`16 Missouri CCR No. 617 and Kansas CCR No. 441, in a
`17 certain cause now pending in the United States Patent
`18 and Trademark Office, before the Patent Trial and
`19 Appeal Board, wherein Lindsay Corporation is the
`20 Petitioner, and Valmont Industries, Inc., is the
`21 Patent Owner.
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` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S
` 2 For the Petitioner:
` 3 Mr. Scott R. Brown
` 4 10801 Mastin Blvd., Suite 1000
` Overland Park, KS 66210
` 5 913.647.9050
` 913.647.9057 Fax
` 6
` 7 For the Patent Owner:
` 8 Mr. Wes Musselman, Jr.
` 9 1717 Main Street, Suite 5000
` Dallas, TX 75201
`10 214.747.5070
` 214.747.2091 Fax
`12 Court Reporter: Mr. Charles W. Motter
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 (Deposition commenced at 9:05 a.m.)
` 3 and between counsel for the Petitioner and counsel for
` 4 the Patent Owner, that the deposition of DR. CRAIG
` 5 ROSENBERG may be taken in shorthand by Charles W.
` 6 Motter, RDR, CRR, a Certified Court Reporter, and
` 7 afterwards transcribed into typewriting; and the
` 8 signature of the witness is expressly reserved.
` 9 * * * * *
`11 of lawful age, produced, sworn, and examined on behalf
`12 of the Patent Owner, deposes and says:
`15 Q. Good morning. My name is Wes Musselman
`16 and I'm representing Valmont Industries, the patent
`17 owner, in an inter partes review proceeding.
`18 Do you understand that you're here to
`19 provide your deposition in connection with that
`20 proceeding?
`21 A. I do.
`22 (A discussion was held off the record.)
`23 (Exhibit 2001 marked for identification
`24 by the reporter.)
`25 Q. (By Mr. Musselman) Mr. Rosenberg, I'm
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 going to hand you what's been marked as Exhibit 2001
` 2 and I'll represent to you that's a notice of your
` 3 deposition at the date and time it was originally
` 4 scheduled of December 18th, 2015.
` 5 Do you understand that you are here
` 6 pursuant to a notice of deposition in the inter partes
` 7 review proceeding?
` 8 A. I do, yes.
` 9 Q. And that we're here today as a result of
`10 an agreement between the parties to reschedule your
`11 deposition until today?
`12 A. Yes.
`13 Q. Have you been deposed before?
`14 A. I have.
`15 Q. About how many times?
`16 A. Six times previously.
`17 Q. Okay. So you understand that you're here
`18 to provide sworn testimony in connection with a
`19 proceeding before the United States Patent Office?
`20 A. I do.
`21 Q. Is there any reason that you cannot give
`22 accurate or complete testimony today?
`23 A. No.
`24 Q. Are you on any medication that could
`25 impact your cognitive abilities?
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. No.
` 2 Q. Okay. You understand from your previous
` 3 depositions that this will be question-and-answer
` 4 format; that unless you're instructed not to answer by
` 5 your counsel, that you will still provide an answer,
` 6 subject to any objections by your counsel?
` 7 A. I understand.
` 8 Q. I'm going to assume that you understand
` 9 my questions unless you ask me to clarify or rephrase
`10 them, so if there's any question that I ask you that
`11 you're not clear about, please ask me to clarify.
`12 A. I will do that.
`13 Q. Continue to answer audibly, as you have,
`14 so the court reporter doesn't have to decipher nods or
`15 head movements.
`16 A. Of course.
`17 Q. And you can break anytime. My only
`18 request is that you answer the question that's
`19 presently pending.
`20 So whether you need a bio break or if
`21 we've been going on any period of time that causes you
`22 to want to break, feel free to ask for one.
`23 A. Okay.
`24 Q. I'll try to break at least once an hour,
`25 but we could break with whatever frequency you'd like.
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 It's possible that I'll lose track of time and go
` 2 over, and then I'm sure you or your counsel will
` 3 remind me.
` 4 Have you provided testimony at trial
` 5 before?
` 6 A. I have.
` 7 Q. And how many times?
` 8 A. One time.
` 9 Q. One time?
`10 What was the nature of that case?
`11 A. It was a GPS -- a case involving GPS and
`12 user interface surrounding GPS devices.
`13 Q. And do you recall the parties?
`14 A. I do.
`15 Q. Who were they?
`16 A. Silver State Intellectual Technologies
`17 versus Garmin.
`18 Q. And did you provide testimony on behalf
`19 of Silver State?
`20 A. I did.
`21 Q. And was Silver State a patent owner in
`22 that case?
`23 A. They were.
`24 Q. How many patents were in suit in that
`25 case?
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. Four.
` 2 Q. Did you provide testimony with respect to
` 3 infringement, validity, or both issues?
` 4 A. Both.
` 5 Q. And was it your conclusion that the
` 6 patent-in-suit or patents-in-suit were valid and
` 7 infringed?
` 8 A. That was my opinion, yes.
` 9 Q. And approximately when did you provide
`10 that testimony at trial?
`11 A. Spring of this -- of 2015.
`12 Q. Okay. Who was the counsel for Silver
`13 State?
`14 A. Knobbe Martens.
`15 Q. Okay. And who was counsel for the
`16 defendant?
`17 A. They switched partway through the trial
`18 and it was a New York law firm that I'm not recalling
`19 the name of -- of the firm right now.
`20 Q. Okay.
`21 A. I'd know it if it was said, but...
`22 Q. Sure.
`23 And where was the case pending?
`24 A. Where was the case tried?
`25 Q. Yes.
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. In Las Vegas.
` 2 Q. What was the trial verdict, to the extent
` 3 you recall?
` 4 A. They found -- they found infringement,
` 5 but they did not find -- but they also found
` 6 invalidity.
` 7 And going back, I testify- -- I was
` 8 planning to -- to revise a previous answer, I was
` 9 planning to also speak on invalidity and was prepared
`10 to do so, but the attorneys at the last minute decided
`11 not to have me speak about the invalidity --
`12 Q. Okay.
`13 A. -- about validity --
`14 Q. Validity. And so --
`15 A. -- of the case so I ended up just
`16 speaking about infringement and being cross-examined
`17 on infringement.
`18 Q. And just to make sure that I have a clear
`19 understanding, did your expert report address the
`20 validity issues?
`21 A. Yes. My expert --
`22 Q. But at trial, you didn't provide
`23 testimony?
`24 A. That's correct. That's correct.
`25 Q. Okay. So going back to the six
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 depositions you've given previously, do they all
` 2 involve patent matters?
` 3 A. They -- no. No, not -- not every one.
` 4 Q. Okay. How many of them involved patent
` 5 matters?
` 6 A. Five of the six.
` 7 Q. Okay. And was one of them the Silver
` 8 State versus -- was that Garmin that you testified at
` 9 trial?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. Did you give a deposition in Silver State
`12 versus TomTom?
`13 A. I did.
`14 Q. Okay. So I guess that's a second of the
`15 six.
`16 A. Uh-huh.
`17 Q. Did you provide a deposition in Silver
`18 State versus Foursquare?
`19 A. I -- I don't recall, actually. I don't
`20 think so. I think that the third deposition
`21 revolving -- involving Silver State was an IPR --
`22 Oh, yes, I did. I did. So that was an
`23 IPR with Silver State versus Foursquare.
`24 Q. Okay. So just to confirm my
`25 assumption --
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. Uh-huh.
` 2 Q. -- so were the four patents-in-suit in
` 3 the Silver State litigation challenged in an IPR?
` 4 A. I -- I don't recall, actually, which --
` 5 I think it was just one of -- as I
` 6 recall, it was just one of the patents that was
` 7 challenged on the Foursquare IPR, but Silver State
` 8 versus Garmin, there were four patents both at the
` 9 deposition and at the trial.
`10 Q. Okay. In the Silver State versus Garmin,
`11 were all four of the patents challenged in an IPR?
`12 A. Not that -- that I was involved with.
`13 I'm not aware of that.
`14 Q. Okay. Tell me what expert witness work
`15 you did for Select Retrieval.
`16 A. Okay. Select Retrieval was the patent
`17 owner. There were a number of defendants. Overstock
`18 comes to mind. B&H comes to mind. And it was a
`19 patent around e-commerce -- a user interface for
`20 e-commerce Web sites and selectively filtering
`21 information on a Web site to successively narrow a
`22 search.
`23 Q. Who was the plaintiff's counsel in that
`24 case?
`25 A. It was Farney Daniels.
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 Q. Okay. I was going to say --
` 2 A. Took me a moment to think of it.
` 3 Q. -- I had some involvement in one of the
` 4 Select Retrieval cases, and I don't recall it any more
` 5 clearly than you --
` 6 A. Okay.
` 7 Q. -- so I completely understand.
` 8 A. Uh-huh.
` 9 Q. Did you provide a deposition in the
`10 Select Retrieval case?
`11 A. I did.
`12 Q. Was -- so Select Retrieval had sued
`13 multiple defendants, and I think that as I recall,
`14 those cases might have been consolidated for pretrial
`15 but were going to be separated out for trial.
`16 Did any of the Select Retrieval cases get
`17 tried?
`18 A. No. Actually, I was told that the day
`19 after my deposition, they settled.
`20 Q. Okay. So I'm just -- I'll see if we can
`21 approach it this way: I'm just trying to get through
`22 the -- your -- the cases involving your depositions,
`23 and we've got the three Silver State cases, Select
`24 Retrieval -- it might have been seven depositions
`25 because I think you had forgotten Foursquare, so can
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 you --
` 2 A. Well, I don't think there were four
` 3 depositions associated with Silver State.
` 4 Q. No. I think that -- sorry. I think
` 5 there were three.
` 6 A. There were three.
` 7 Q. Right.
` 8 A. And then I had one that was Location Labs
` 9 versus and that was an IPR case for
`10 Location Labs, also involving GPS and user interface
`11 issues surrounding GPS technologies.
`12 Q. And did you testify on behalf of the
`13 patent owner in that case?
`14 A. Well, let's see. It was an IPR and it
`15 was for Location Labs, which was the plaintiff, so
`16 I -- I don't recall.
`17 Q. It probably was the challenger --
`18 A. Yeah.
`19 Q. -- if they were the petitioner.
`20 A. Yeah. That's what I would imagine.
`21 Q. Okay. And you provided a deposition in
`22 that case?
`23 A. I did.
`24 Q. Okay. Has a final written decision
`25 issued in the Location Labs case?
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. I don't know.
` 2 Q. Okay.
` 3 A. I'm not sure.
` 4 Q. Can you tell me about another case in
` 5 which you provided deposition testimony?
` 6 A. Yes. So three for Select Retrieval, one
` 7 for the Farney Daniels case -- I'm sorry, three for
` 8 Silver State, one is Select Retrieval, one is Location
` 9 Labs versus, and the sixth was the Federal
`10 Trade Commission versus Amazon, and that was not a
`11 patent case.
`12 Q. And what was the nature of your testimony
`13 in the Federal Trade Commission versus Amazon case?
`14 A. It was an unfair business practice case
`15 that the FTC is alleging against Amazon, and the
`16 issues had to do with in-app purchases, the ability to
`17 purchase additional goods, virtual goods, inside
`18 applications, and Amazon's disclosures to parents
`19 about the possibility of in-app purchases.
`20 Q. Okay. And did you provide testimony on
`21 behalf of Amazon or the FTC?
`22 A. Amazon.
`23 Q. Okay. And what was the nature of your
`24 testimony?
`25 A. Well, I just mentioned what the case was
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 about --
` 2 Q. Uh-huh.
` 3 A. -- if you could clarify your question a
` 4 bit.
` 5 Q. Yeah, yeah.
` 6 So you provided some expert witness
` 7 opinions.
` 8 A. Yes.
` 9 Q. And so you described what the case was
`10 about.
`11 What issues were you --
`12 A. Uh-huh.
`13 Q. -- asked to opine on?
`14 A. Of course.
`15 Well, to clarify, they had several other
`16 experts, human factors user interface experts such as
`17 myself, providing mostly opinion about the Amazon
`18 interfaces and how well they disclosed the potential
`19 for in-app purchases to parents.
`20 The attorneys for Amazon that hired me
`21 hired me primarily to perform a user interface
`22 usability study, so I designed and ran a usability
`23 study that collected data representative of Amazon
`24 customers about how well they performed on the
`25 interface, what they noticed, what they understood,
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 and collected the data, analyzed the data, and wrote
` 2 that up in a report.
` 3 Q. Okay. Thank you.
` 4 In the FTC versus Amazon case, would you
` 5 say that your opinions were formed based upon your
` 6 human factors expertise?
` 7 A. They were certainly guided by my human
` 8 factors expertise, but my opinions mostly -- the
` 9 majority of my opinions were formed from the data
`10 itself that was collected.
`11 Q. Okay. This might be difficult to answer
`12 but I'll try anyway.
`13 So do you -- what general areas do you
`14 consider yourself an expert in? And right now, I'm
`15 not --
`16 A. Uh-huh.
`17 Q. -- just talking in terms of this IPR.
`18 A. Sure.
`19 Q. Would you feel comfortable providing an
`20 expert opinion in.
`21 A. Sure.
`22 Systems engineering; software
`23 engineering; software architecture and development;
`24 human factors; user interface design; usability; and
`25 even GPS technologies; and lastly, virtual and
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 augmented reality or sometimes called environments.
` 2 Virtual environments, augmented environments.
` 3 Q. What about computer hardware?
` 4 A. I don't consider myself an expert in
` 5 computer hardware. However, being involved with
` 6 software engineering for 35 years, software runs on
` 7 hardware, so you become very familiar with -- with
` 8 hardware.
` 9 Q. Okay. We don't need to mark this one.
`10 I'm going to hand you what's been marked as Exhibit --
`11 or was previously marked in the IPR and filed as
`12 Exhibit 1009 and represent to you that that is a copy
`13 of the declaration -- or your declaration filed in --
`14 by Lindsay Corporation in IPR 2015-01039.
`15 And we'll try to spare you the need to
`16 review every page and confirm it, but obviously if you
`17 notice that there's anything out of --
`18 A. Uh-huh.
`19 Q. -- any page out of order or missing, feel
`20 free to let me know.
`21 Is that your signature on the last page
`22 of Exhibit 1009?
`23 A. Yes, it is.
`24 Q. Did you sign the declaration on
`25 October 23rd, 2015?
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. This signature date is April 9th --
` 2 Q. Oh, I'm sorry.
` 3 A. -- 2015.
` 4 Q. Right. I have the wrong one.
` 5 Did you sign it on April 9th, 2015?
` 6 A. The one in my hand, yes.
` 7 Q. Yes. I'm interested in how you prepared
` 8 your declaration, and by that, I mean -- I mean as you
` 9 know, experts prepare declarations in a number of
`10 ways. Some like to write their own in their entirety,
`11 some work with counsel to develop a report, and I
`12 guess maybe others take what counsel has -- a
`13 preliminary draft by counsel and then edit it to put
`14 them in their -- the expert's own words.
`15 So can you describe for me how you
`16 prepared your expert report in this case?
`17 A. Sure.
`18 I reviewed the '357 patent, I reviewed
`19 the prior art, and I worked with counsel to draft this
`20 declaration. Some of the sections, I took the first
`21 pass at the draft; other sections, counsel, you
`22 know -- you know, through speaking with counsel, was
`23 able to come up with ideas that reflect my opinion.
`24 In the end, though, every word in this
`25 declaration represents my opinions and was thoroughly
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 reviewed by myself to make sure that there was nothing
` 2 in here that did not accurately represent my opinions
` 3 on this matter.
` 4 Q. So everything in Exhibit 1009 you've
` 5 adopted as your own opinion, whether you wrote every
` 6 word or not, and had an opportunity to edit or rewrite
` 7 in any way that you felt necessary.
` 8 Is that fair?
` 9 A. Yeah. Just to rephrase to make sure
`10 that -- that I heard you right and that we're saying
`11 the same thing --
`12 Q. Sure.
`13 A. -- that even if I didn't -- if, on a
`14 section, I didn't take the first draft of it, I edited
`15 every section so that it was -- it represented my
`16 opinion. It does represent my opinion.
`17 Many sections were first drafted by
`18 myself. A few were not. But there was
`19 back-and-forth, and in the end I took the final
`20 pass --
`21 Q. I understand.
`22 A. -- at making sure this represents my
`23 opinion in the matter.
`24 Q. Okay. Thank you for clarifying.
`25 A. You bet.
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 Q. I don't believe your declaration
` 2 indicates -- has a separate section that identifies
` 3 the documents reviewed in connection with preparing
` 4 your report.
` 5 Do you recall?
` 6 A. I don't recall like a "materials
` 7 considered" section.
` 8 Q. Yes.
` 9 A. No, I don't recall that. I don't recall
`10 that. But I can verbally let you know the materials
`11 considered.
`12 Primarily, it was the '357 patent itself,
`13 the subject patent, the prior art references of
`14 Pyotsia, Abts, Scott, Walker, AIMS, and I believe
`15 there was one other, too, that I -- I think it's
`16 fallen off --
`17 Q. Maybe Williams? I don't recall.
`18 A. That doesn't ring a bell, actually.
`19 Q. Yeah. Okay.
`20 So I want to try to get a -- as complete
`21 as we can list of the things you considered, in
`22 preparing your report, and I'll start off by saying
`23 that this isn't really a memory test, so is it fair to
`24 say that in your report if you indicate that you
`25 reviewed a document, that you then did, in fact,
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 review it?
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 Q. So if we forget anything here but it's
` 4 identified in your report, we're comfortable knowing
` 5 you've reviewed it?
` 6 A. That's correct. Yes.
` 7 Q. Okay. Do you recall reviewing the
` 8 petition or a draft of the petition from this IPR in
` 9 connection with preparing your report?
`10 A. I believe so.
`11 Q. Okay. Do you recall, well, whether it
`12 was a draft or a final version of the petition that
`13 you reviewed?
`14 A. That I don't recall.
`15 Q. Was there anything in the version of the
`16 petition that you reviewed that you disagreed with?
`17 A. No. I -- not that I recall, no.
`18 Q. Do you recall whether or not you reviewed
`19 the prosecution history for the '357 patent?
`20 A. I did, yes.
`21 Q. Okay.
`22 A. I believe there's a parent patent to that
`23 as well. To the '357 patent.
`24 Q. Okay. And you reviewed the parent
`25 patent?
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 A. Yes.
` 2 Q. And its prosecution history?
` 3 A. Correct.
` 4 Q. Did you review anything else in
` 5 connection with preparing your declaration in this
` 6 matter?
` 7 A. There were a few other documents that
` 8 Scott Brown sent to me, although I -- I can't recall
` 9 them by name, but they were other, I think, decisions
`10 by the board and some -- one or two documents that you
`11 authored as well that I reviewed. Objections, I
`12 think, to my declaration that I reviewed as well.
`13 Q. But you probably reviewed the objections
`14 after --
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. -- you signed your declaration.
`17 A. That's correct.
`18 Q. The one that was filed.
`19 A. That's correct, yes.
`20 Q. As far as the board decisions, did --
`21 were -- did you review the board decisions before the
`22 declaration that was filed or after?
`23 A. I believe I reviewed those both before
`24 and after.
`25 Q. And did you base your opinion at all on
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 any of the board decisions or opinions expressed in
` 2 your declaration?
` 3 A. Not that I recall. I recall -- I don't
` 4 recall relying on the board's decisions as -- nearly
` 5 as much as the prior art and how that maps to the
` 6 subject patent.
` 7 Q. Okay. If, during the course of your
` 8 deposition today, you recall having relied on any of
` 9 the board decisions in connection --
`10 A. Yeah.
`11 Q. -- with forming your opinions, will you
`12 let me know?
`13 A. Absolutely. Absolutely.
`14 Q. Have you been retained by Lindsay as an
`15 expert witness in the past?
`16 A. No. Just for this case.
`17 Q. And by "Lindsay," you understand that I
`18 mean Lindsay Corporation, the petitioner in the IPR?
`19 A. I do, yes.
`20 Q. Okay. Have you been retained by the
`21 Hovey Williams firm for any matters in the past?
`22 A. No.
`23 Q. Okay. Do you know how you were
`24 identified as a potential witness in this case?
`25 A. I do. I do. I -- it was through an
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 expert witness search firm called Rubin Anders, I
` 2 believe, and Rubin Anders had my CV and I assume Hovey
` 3 Williams reached out to Rubin Anders looking for
` 4 experts and Rubin Anders connected us, so they're
` 5 essentially the intermediary.
` 6 Q. Okay. And you maintain a Web site at
` 7, is that correct?
` 8 A. That's correct.
` 9 Q. All right. But they didn't -- as far as
`10 you know, in this instance they didn't contact you
`11 through the Web site?
`12 A. No. As far as I know, it was through
`13 Rubin Anders. Rubin Anders told me about the
`14 opportunity and set up the initial interview --
`15 Q. Okay.
`16 A. -- with Scott Brown.
`17 Q. Is it fair to say that you actively seek
`18 to provide expert witness services in litigated
`19 matters?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. Did more than half of your income in 2015
`22 come from serving as an expert witness?
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. Okay.
`25 A. But not more than half my time. It's
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 interesting. I'm involved with a number of other
` 2 start-ups, too, that take a lot of time.
` 3 Q. So, yeah. I think I understand.
` 4 A. Uh-huh.
` 5 Q. So you invested more than half of your
` 6 time in start-ups and other matters that might produce
` 7 income in the future, or a small amount of income,
` 8 relatively small amount of income, at present --
` 9 A. Correct.
`10 Q. -- but the amount of time you did spend
`11 on expert witnessing in 2015, the majority -- that
`12 provided the majority of your revenue from 2015?
`13 A. That's correct.
`14 Q. Can you tell me what you did to prepare
`15 for your deposition today?
`16 A. I reviewed my declarations, I reviewed
`17 the prior art, and I met with Scott Brown yesterday.
`18 Q. And did you spend the entire day on
`19 preparation?
`20 A. I did.
`21 Q. In preparing for your deposition, did you
`22 review the petition filed by Lindsay in this case?
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. Did you review the patent owner
`25 preliminary response filed in this case to prepare for
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`Dr. Craig Rosenberg - January 12, 2016
` 1 your deposition?
` 2 A. I did, yes.
` 3 Q. Okay. Did you review the board's
` 4 institution decision in this case to prepare for your
` 5 deposition?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. Okay. Did you see anything in the
` 8 institution decision

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