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`Main entry under title:
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`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).—ISBN 0-87779-202-X
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`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
`II. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`ity by means of physical construction, legal restrictions, toll ?
`requirements, or other limitations
`-i-ty \ik,sesa'bilad-E,
`(.)al<-,ak-, chiefly subslana
`9.5-\ ll -ES 2 the quality or state of being accessible
`ac-ces-51-ble \=v'-abal\ adj IF, tr, LL accc.rri'/zilis, fr. L accessus
`(past part. of accedere to approach) + -ibllir -ible — more at
`ACCEDE] 1 :capable of being used as an entrance : providing
`access (one ascent ~ from earth —-John Milton) 2 a : capable
`of being reached or easily approached (a town N by rail)
`tcasy to meet
`11 : easy to get along with, talk to, or deal
`with : APPROACHABME, COMMUNICATIVE (an ~ and genial man)
`3 : capable of being influenced or affected : OPEN (~ to the
`flattery of this honest praise —Elinor Wylie) 4 : capable of
`being used, seen, known, or experienced : AVAILABLE (a book
`~ to all students) : COMPREHENSXBLE (readily ~ to the non-
`professionul reade —.l.K.Galbraith) —ac-ces-si-my \-blé,
`-i\ adv—ac-ces-si-me-ness \-balnés\ n -55
`lac-ces-sion \ik‘sesl-tan, ak-,ak-\ n -s [MF, fr. 1. acce.rst'mi—,
`accesrla, fr. acczrsur + -fan-. -to -ion] 1 a : something added
`as to a collection or formal group : ACQUlS!TlDN (new ~.r in the
`paintings department of the museum)
`b : a specimen under
`consideration or study : examination sample (all ~s of volun-
`tecr tomatoes were susceptible)
`2 azthc act of becoming
`joined (as in a confederacy or union) : ADHERENCE (French ~
`to the European Defense Community)
`I) 3 the act by Which
`one nation becomes party to engagements already in force
`between other powers
`0 : the mode of acquiring property by
`which the owner of a corporeal substance (as land or cattle)
`becomes the owner of ar addition by growth. increase, or labor
`3 : increase by something added : augmentation from without
`(the greatest ~ of positive knowledge has come in our own
`time —W.R.Inge) 4 : the act of asscnting or agreeing (~ to
`the determination made by Congress —Samucl Williams)
`5 a : 3 coming near or to : APPROACH, ARRIVAL : ADMlSSlON
`(marriage represents full ~ to adult
`life —H,M,Parshley)
`b : the act of attaining or coming to high office or a position of
`honor or power (the ~ of a new queen) 5 :a sudden fit or
`(as of
`feeling) : OUTRURST (sharp N: of
`-Mary Austin)
`'7 : a hiring or rehiring of an employee
`Vaccessinn \“\ vr accessioneci; accessinned; accessiomng
`\—sh(9)nir_]\ accessiorisno record in the order of acquisition
`listing essential data (as author, title, and publication date of a
`book) :entet (an accession) in a special record book, list, or
`file (each book in the library bad heen carefully ~cd) (the art
`gallery has an efficient way of ~i'ng newly received paintings)
`ac-ces-sion-al \-shaifl, -shnal\ ad1:of or constituting an
`accession 2 Aoomo.~:Ai.
`accession book ri
`: a record book used for accessioning
`accession number n : a number assigned to an acquisition
`(as a library book) indicating the order of its receipt
`accession service in : a form of service used in the Church of
`England on the anniversary of the accession of the sovereign
`to the throne
`accessions register 71, Brit : ACCESSION BOOK
`ac-ces~sit \ak’sesét\ n -s [L, be came near, 3d pers. sing perf.
`ind, of acccdere to come near, approach, accede—-more at
`ACCEDE] : a distinction awarded in British and other European
`schools to one who has come nearest to a prize : an honorable
`ac-ces-so~ri-al \:aks:';:s6rEal\ adj [Iaccessory + -all
`or relating to an accessory (~ guilt) 2 : relating to an acces-
`sion or increase : SUPPLEMENTARY, ADDITIONAL (~ services
`included sorting and packing)
`ac-ces-so-ri-us \,=s'=E;s\ n, pl accesso-Iii \-E5, -§,E\ INL,
`fr. ML, accessory] 1 : a muscle reinforcing the action of
`another 2 : ACCESSORY NERVE
`ac~ces-so-rize \ik'sesa.riz, ak-, ak-\ vr -ED/~lNG/-S [accessories
`-ize] : to furnish or provide with accessories {dress . ..
`was accessurized for aftcndark wear with rhinestone and pearl
`earrings —Fcsht‘on Accessories)
`lac-ces-so-ry also ac-ces-sa-ry \ll\‘ses(o)r€,
`ak-,sk-, chicjly
`substarid 9's-\ n -ES [ME accesrarie, acccssarie,
`l ML accesv
`fr. L accessus (past pan. of aceedere to accede) +
`thing of secondary’
`-orius -ory—more at Accept] 1a
`or subordinate importance (as in achieving a purpose or an
`effect) (the pclican‘s pouch is an ~ to catching fish) : an
`adjunct or accompaniment (some counsel regard the yury as
`. impersonal and inanimate accessories of the court -13 M.
`Lustgurten) b (1) :an object or device that is not essential
`in itself but that adds to the beauty, convenience, or effective-
`ness of something else (spotlights, reflectors, and other auto
`accessories ) (household accesrories such as small tables and
`lamps) (the accessories of the estate include ii putting green
`and a tennis court) (2) : any of several mechanical devices (as
`pistons or tablets) that assist in operating or controlling the
`tone resources of an organ (3) zany of various articles of
`apparel (as a scarf, belt, or piece of Jewelry) that accent or
`otherwise complete one’: costume 2 : one that is accessory’
`as a : a person who is not actually or constructively present
`but contributes as an assistant or instigator to the commission
`of an offense— called also accessory before the fact,‘ compare
`PRINCIPAL ld b : one who knowing that a crime has been
`committed aids, assists. or shelters the offender with the intent
`to defeat justice — called also accessory after rlicjact; compare
`PRINCIPAL Dc 3 : a mineral that is accessory
`Iaccessory also accessory \“\ adj ‘i of 11 thing a : aiding or
`contributing in a secondary or subordinate way (~ substances
`in nutriLion):supplementary or secondary to something of
`greater or primzr
`importance (an N function of the tongue)
`: ADD|TlO.NAL (si ewalLs lead to ~ buildings)
`ti : incidental
`to a main contract or some other obligation (as by being given
`as security) (a mortgage is ~ to the main obligation); Speci/
`: constituting a subordinate contract (as a mortgage or pledge)
`designed to assure the fulfillment of a
`riot principal contract
`(an ~ contract) (an ~ obligation)
`of a person : assisting
`or aiding as i-i subordinate‘ esp : uniting in or contributing to
`a crime, but not as the chief agent (charged .
`. with being
`~ to the felony —Sir Walter Scott) 3 :present in a minor
`a roc
`amou‘:i)t and not essential as a constituent (an ~ mineral in
`accessory body 71 : a differentiated structure originating in the
`Golgi material and included in the neck of the spermatozoon
`accessory burl ri : a bud growing near and in addition to a
`normal axillary bud
`accessory cell 2: :one of the epidermal cells surrounding and
`adjacent to the guard cells, differing in configuration from
`other epidermal cells, and apparently functioning as part of
`the stomatal apparatus
`accessory chromosome rt : a sex chromosome;
`rpecij : an
`X chromosome that is soliuiry and unpaired in one sex (as in
`certain insects)
`accessory fruit It : a fruit (as the apple, strawberry, or fig)
`of which a conspicuous portion consists of tissue other than
`that of the ripened ovary—called also pseudocnrp
`accessory gland rt : any of certain glands (as the colletcrlum)
`associated with the reproductive organs of insects
`accessory nerve also accessory n zeixher of the llth pair of
`cranial nerves, being a motor nerve, arising partly from the
`lateral wall of the medulla and partly from the cervical spinal
`cord supplying the pharynx, trapczius, and sternocleidomas-
`told muscles as well as sending fibers to the vagus nerve in
`higher vertebrates, and being absent from lower forms
`accessory nucleus :1 : any of certain small masses or layers of
`gray m:IllCl' «3djZ1C€l‘C to the inferior olimry body, there being
`typically two on each side — called also accessory alivary body
`accessory pancreatic duct ri
`accessory scale it 2 3 modified scale or elongate scalelike
`projection at the base of the pectoral or pelvic fins of certain
`bony fishes
`accessory shoot n : a shoot developed from an accessory bud
`accessory stop n : a stop knob used on an organ to control
`a coupler or other mechanical device rather than a register of
`access road :1 : a public road affording access to a particular
`area (as a military establishment or source of raw materials“:
`or to a through highway (the route will have several access
`roads and exits — N. Y. Timcs)
`ac-ciac-ca-tu-ta \(.) chaka‘ 'ra\ n. pl acciaccaturas \-uraz\
`or acciaccatmre \-l ,rfi, »urE\ [IL lit.. crushing, fr, accmcca-c
`to crush (prob, fr. Sp acliacar to imputc falsely, accuse, fr. Ar
`sin it"m'
`Jnrzrc‘ :72;
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`the lCilr3 oi’ the ‘arr
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`L) we \. er:
`ztiscvds —.:aw.
`Janssen Ex. 2040
`Lupin Ltd. v. Janssen Sciences Ireland UC
`(Page 4 of 5)
`acceplubi ily
`tion) : acknowledge or recognize as ap ropriute, permissible,
`or inevitable : agree to (refused to ~ t e dangerous working
`conditions -—P.E.lJames)
`c : to regard and hold as true : be-
`lieve in (by ~i‘ng the proposition that all men are created
`equal) d : to receive into the mind : UNDERSTAND (words mean
`. . . what we ~ them as meaning -J.L.Lowes) 5 a: to make
`an affirmative or favorable response to (as an invitation or
`offer) (~ing an invitation to speak) : undertake the respon-
`sibility of (as a task or employment) (if he ~s ajunior partner-
`ship in the firm)
`In : to allow (a train) onto the particular sec-
`tion of a line under local control—— used of a block operator in
`the manual block-signal system 6 : to assume orally, in writ-
`ing, or by conduct an obligation to pay (~t'ng 8 bill of ex-
`'7 of a deliberative body : to receive (a report)
`officially (as from a committee) 8 : to be sexually responsive
`to; esp : to allow to mount and copulate —— usu, used of a
`female domestic mammal ~ vi : to receive favorably something
`offered — usu. used with of (no person .
`4 shall .
`. .~of any
`present -1/, S. Cnnimzutiorz)
`syn see RECEIVE —accept
`service : to agree that a writ or process shall be considered as
`regularly served when it has not been
`ac-cept-abil-i-ty \=,:s'bilsd-E, -ate, -i\ rt -35 : the quality or
`state of being acceptable
`ac-cept-able \s'-t3bal\ ad/‘ EME. fr. MF, fr. LL acccptabilii,
`fr. L acceptor: + -abilis -able] 1 2 capable or worthy of being
`accepted (no compromise could ever be ~) : SATISFACTORY
`(~ living conditions) :conforming to or equal to approved
`standards (~ English usage) 2 a : WELCOME, PLEASING (com-
`pliments .
`, are alway-s~ to ladies—Jane Austen) b : barely
`satisfactory or adequate (performances varied from excellent
`to ~) —ac.r.ept-ably \-blé, -i\ adv
`ac-cept-ance \:'rtan(l)s\ n -5 [Ml-‘, fr. accepter to accept +
`-ance] 1 :the act of accepting («v of an offer) : favorable
`reception <~ by society) : APPROVAL (the theory found wide
`~) :ACQ(.‘lESCENCE (passive ~) 2 :the quality or state of
`being accepted or acceptable or esp, of being received favor-
`ably or with approval : ACCEPTABILITY (some men cannot be
`fools with so good N as others —Roberr South) 3 : an agree-
`ing either expressly or by conduct to the act or offer ol another
`so that a contract is concluded and the parties become legally
`4 a : the act of accepting a time draft or bill of exchange for .
`payment when due according to the specified terms. the drawee
`usu. indicating acceptance by writing accepted and his signa-
`ture across the face of the draft or bill
`it : a draft or bill of
`exchange drawn by the seller either on the purchaser or on a
`bank in accordance with previous arrangement made with it by
`the buyer for the purchase price of the goods—- see BANK
`ACCEPTANCE, TRADE Accct-'rANc£ 5 : ACCE'PTATlON 2 6 ac-
`ceptaiices pl. Brit : entries in a horse race the handicap
`weights for which have been accepted by the owners or their
`agents 7 : the period during which the female esp. of a do-
`mestic mammal will permit copulation : HEAT. esrnus
`acceptance credit ri 2 an authorization given by a bank to at
`specified beneficiary to draw drafts upon the bank up to a
`specified amount
`acceptance for honor or acceptance supra protest: the
`action of an acceptor for honor
`acceptance house or accepting house n : a banking insti-
`tution in England specializing in financing foreign trade by
`allowing the use of its name as drawee on bills of exchange and
`by frequently acting also as fiscal agent and financial adviser
`(as for foreign nations or municipalities) -— compare MER-
`ac-cent-ant \='st:ant\ ad} [F, fr. pres. part. of accepler to ac-
`cept] : willing to accept ZRECEPUVE :lending to accept pas-
`sively (an N type of mind)
`at:-cep-ta-lion \.ak.sep't5shon\ n -s [ME acceptaciouri. fr. MF
`accepmtian, fr. acceprcr + -ration] 1 : ACCEPTANCE-21 exp 2 fa-
`vorable reception or approval 2 BEUEF (a faithful saying and
`worthy of all ~ -1 Tim l:l5 (AV)) 2 :the generally ac-
`cepted meaning of a word or understanding of a concept (the
`term .
`. will be used in its Common ~-H O.Taylor)
`accepted adj EME. fr. past part. of acceplell to accept] : gen-
`erally approved : widely used or found (there are three ~
`types of pump) : generally agreed upon 2 tmci-iAt.Lt-;Nc.eD,
`Y a v
`!comézr~irioi¢AL (~ interpretation of the poem) ——ac~cept-ed-
`ac-cept-er \ik'septa(r), a-,9-,e
`'ak,s-\ ri -s [ME, fr. acceprcn
`+ -27] 1 : one that accepts 2 : ACCEPTOR 2
`ac-cep-ti-late \ak'septa,lEt\ vi -co,/-mo/-s [back-formation
`fr. acccpiilatign] :to discharge (a claim) by acceptilation
`ac-cop-ti-la-tiou \(.)ak.septa‘lEshan\ n -s [L accepxilaiion-,
`accepzilario, fr. accepri lazizm-, Iatia, llt., bringing the receipt,
`fr. accepli (gen. of acceptum receipt, fr. neut. of acceptur, past
`art. of acct‘ ere to accept) + Ianbn-, lalio act of bringing. fr.
`am: (suppletive past part. ofjerre to bear) + -ion-, -in —ion —
`more at ACCEPT. HEAR, TDLERATEJ 1 Roman or civil law : a
`formal verbal acknowledgment by a creditor or other obligce
`that his claim has been satisfied with or without payment,
`2 [ML acccprilation-, acceprilatio, fr. L] in the theology of
`Duns Scam: 2 the act of God by which the merit of Jesus
`Christ was accepted as sufficient for man's salvation
`accepting pres part 0/ ACCEPT
`ac~cep-lion \ak'scpshan\ n s [ME accepcioun. fr. M1’ or L;
`MF acceptimt, fr. L acceptian-, acceptlo, fr. «zcceptur 4- -fan—,
`-io -ion] : AccEi>'rA1"1oN
`a_c-cept-ive \(‘)ak:septiv\ ad] 1 !RECEFTl\.'E (~ of every new
`idea) 2 : acceptable or appropriate (a psychologically ~ way
`of living)
`ac-cop-tor \ik'septa(r). a—,9-.e-,
`'ak,s-\ n -5 EL, fr. acccptus +
`—or] 1 : ACCEPTER 1
`2 : one (as the drawee) that accepts an
`order or a bill of exchange 8 : a substance or particle capable
`of combining with another specified substance or particle
`(oxygen is a hydrogen ~) (ammonia and bases are proton ws)
`(a proton is an electron pair ~) (wool is a dye ~) — compare
`DONOR 2 4 a : a circuit that combines inductance and capaci-
`tance in series so as to resonate to a given impressed frequency
`-— compare REJECTOR b: HOLE 2e(l) c:an impurity occurring in
`a semiconducting material and containing holes that contribute
`to the conductivity of the material
`acceptor for honor or acceptor supra protest :one who
`accepts a protested bill of exchange on which he is not already
`liable For the honor of some party to the bill, the acceptor being
`liable to the holder and all parties subsequent to the one for
`whose honor he accepts
`accepts pres id ring of ACCEPT
`ac-cess \‘ also ik‘s- or ak's-\ n -59 011611 attrib [ME, fr,
`MP & L, MF EICCES arrival. ft. L accersu: approach, access,
`admittance, fr. accessm past part. of accedere to approach —
`more at ACCEDE] L. [influenced in meaning hy Ml-‘ accession &
`L accessio — more at ACCESSION] a : an attack or onset of ill-
`ness or disease (an N of paralysis the afternoon previous
`——George Ttcltnor) b : a fit or spell of intense feeling (he had
`such an ~ now —Oliver La Fargo) :otn‘tmRsr (~cs of pessi- ‘
`mism ——S.H.Adams)
`2 a (1) zpermission, liberty, or ability
`to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from (~
`to every room) (~ to the president) (a country with ~ to the
`sea) (2) : admission to sexual intercourse (3) : a landowner's
`legal right to pass from his land to a highway and to return
`without being obstructed b : freedom or ability to obtain or
`make use of (give them ~ to jobs of confidence or trust —~N. Y.
`Times) : ability or means to participate in, work in. or gain
`insight into (~ to the liberal arts) G : a way by which a thing
`or place may be approached or reached : PASSAGEWAY (zi lock
`built to give ~10 the sea) d (l) tthc action of going to or
`teaching : APPROACH, ENTRANCE : passage to and from (pro-
`vide a means of ~ to the lake) (completed plans for ~ tracks
`to the factory) £2) : approach to God through Jesus Christ —-
`used esp. in titles of prayers (the Anglican prayer of humble
`3 : an increase by addition (a sudden w of wealth)
`4 ab: a tan assembling or meeting esp. of the British Parlia-
`ment b : a coming to office or sovereignty
`accessory var of ACCESSORY
`access cleric n : a safe-deposit attendant who is responsible for
`admitting to the vault only properly accredited persons whose
`signatures hc has verified
`access control I: : a condition in which the common-law rights
`of property owners and others to access, Ii ht, air, or view in
`connection with a public road are controlle by public author-

`: Auifirv, DISQUILTUDB (having few wants he had little cause
`for ~) (even the more peaceful hours .
`. had beneath them
`it is remove only on approaching the sanctuary] : ZUCCHEITO
`_so_l! Deo sitdgloria to God alone be the glory; fr. the fact that
`solider comparative a‘ soup
`a perpetual undercurrent of a prchensivc ~ ——Havelock Ellis)
`2 a : urgently attentive an
`sometimes excessive care and
`solidest superlative a soup
`pmtectiveness (caring for the sick child with great ~) 1) : an
`solid geometry n p: a branch of geometry that deals with the
`attitude of solicitous concern or attention (inquired after
`figures of three-dimensional space
`her welfare with marked ~)
`3 : a cause for or source of
`solid hoof n : a hoof (as of a horse) that forms a continuous
`solicitude —— usu. used in pl. (worn by the ~s of daily life)
`syn see CARE
`encasement of the distal part of a foot - compare CLOVEN FOOT
`- solid-hooied \
`=\ adj [solid hooj + -ed] 1 :SOLIDUNGUl.A(‘£
`\sa;ll~:a:tud(°)nas, -isa-ltyii-\_adj [L sol-
`. 2 _: MULE-F001
`licitudlri-, sollicirudo
`+ E -0us] : marked by solicitude : 50-
`solidi pl of soupus
`'50;-Id \'s2il<';d\ adj -ER/-EST [ME rolzde, fr. MF, fr. L spIi'a'us,'
`S0-lid-I-£1-able \sa'lida,fiobol, t,:Is'=tt\ adj : capable of being
`akin to Cvk halos, entire -— more at SAFE] 1 a : having an
`iso-lid-1-Iui-ca-tion \sa,lidaié'kishan\ n -5 [fr. solidify, after
`interior filled with matter : being without an internal cavity
`(the knob is heavy because
`suchApa_irs as E ratify: ratification] 1 : an act or instance of
`it is ~> (the stalks of some plants *
`solidifying 2 : the condition of being solidified
`are not ~) (3 ~ tire) — opposed to hollow b (1)
`: set in 1
`‘ so-lid-i 11-er \=>
`i(a)r, -ie\ )1 -s : one that solidifies
`type without loads _or other spacing material between the lines
`I so-lid-I y \sa'1ida. i\ vb -no/-mo/-5 Ilsolirl + -l'f}']‘VI : to
`: (‘.L0_SE (2 forbidding page full of ~ black paragraphs)
`make solid or compact or hard‘ as a : to alter (a fluid) to a
`: having no intervening space (the ~ elements of a compound
`solid ‘state (~ concrete)
`b : to give a feeling of reality to
`c : not interrupted by any break or opening (the
`(details that solidified the composition)
`c : to cause to take
`outer walls ~ and windowless) (the law requires a driver
`on strength and_ assurance (~ir_1g one‘s knowledge) : make
`to stay on his own side of the N line)
`2 a : havin
`secure. substantial. or firmly fixed (factors that ~ public
`opinion) ~ Vl
`to become solid : umoen (hot paraffin
`involving three dimensions : CUBIC (2: ~ paraboloid) (% ~
`solidifies as it cools)
`foot contains 1728 ~ inches) b :of, relating to, or dealing
`with solid magnitudes (a ~ equation) —— see SOLID GBOMEIRY
`Sohtl iniection n 2 the injection of atomized fuel oil into the
`3 a : marked by density or compactness : of uniformly close
`combustion chamber of a diesel engine under the pressure
`and coherent texture or consistency : not disintegrated, loose,
`of the_liquid fucllitself -— compare AIR INJECHON
`or spongy (a ~ mass of rock) (rain fell in ~ sheets) (the
`sol-id-ish \'szI1sdish\ adj : com aratively solid
`surgeon scraped back to ~ healthy bone) b : possessing or
`so-lid-I-ty \sa‘lidad-E,
`-idatfi. -R ri
`-25 [MF salidiré, fr. L
`characterizedbyrthe properties of a solid : bein
`solidirat-. solidirur, fr. rolmlus solid + «ital , -itas -ity] 1 : the
`gaseous nor liquid (the pavement is not yet ~) (p ysics of
`quality or state of being solid :
`lack of an interior cavity
`the N state) 4 : of goo_d and substantial quality or kind
`: DEN_Sl'l'Y, COMPACTNESS (stone oppressed him with its inde-
`(~ comfort). as a : having merit or soundness (based his
`structible ~ ——Aldous Huxley) (felt the rubbery ~ as the club
`decision on ~ reasons)
`: made firmly and well : STURDY
`came down —Ernest Hemingway) 2 : the quality or character
`(a N chair) (firm ~ walls)
`c‘ (1) : full sounding and having
`(as in a human being, act, institution) of being sound in a
`: excellent
`in '
`a strong rhythmic drive (~ jazz music)
`moral, mental,
`financial, or other
`res ect
`every respect — used esp. of popular music
`(1 of immunity
`3 : something solid : a solid body 4 archaic : space within a
`: capable of resisting severe challenge (intradermal inoculation
`closed surface : VOLUME 5 : the ratio of the projected area
`of the virulent agent in guinea pigs resulted in ~ immunity
`of the blades of a rotor to the area swept by the blades
`in all trials) 5 : united or consolidated so as to form an
`solid-looking \'
`s\ adj Elsolld + looking]
`: giving an
`integral whole: as a of time : having no break or interruption
`impression of soli worth or substance (solid-looking well-fed
`(stand for three ~ hours) b : UNANIMOUS (a ~ delegation)
`(the N vote of a delegation) (group opinion is ~) c : united
`sol-id-ly adv [lsolid + —ly] : so as to have or give an effect of
`or joined in intimacy : being_on good terms V used with with
`solidity: as a
`FIRMLY (~ constructed
`(make oneself ~ with the chief) 6 a : having or marked by
`(2) : SECURELY (set ~ on its base)
`In : on soundly
`sound judgment or knowledge :
`thoroughly grounded (~
`logical or reasonable grounds (the result may be ~ inferred)
`thinkers) (~ learning)
`c archaic : SERIOUSLY,
`lN1'ENSlVELY d : without reservation
`PRUDENT; often :
`well-established financially : having un-‘
`: wnoi.i.i', UNANIMOUSLY (~ behind the move) (voted the
`impaired credit (~ New Englanders) (the ~ men of the com-
`precinct ~ for the party candidate)
`c : serious in purpose or character : not trivial
`solid-mouth. \'s=,-\ also solid-moutlied \:s-J-\ adj‘, of a
`: not vain or frivolous (time for ~ reading) 7 : entirely
`sheep : having a complete set of teeth — compare EROKEN5
`‘ of one substance, formation, kind, or character: as a : en~
`tirely of one metal : containing the minimum of alloy necessary
`solgicl-ness ri -I-:s : the quality or state of being solid
`to impart hardness (~ gold) b : being or consisting of a
`solid iiewel n : a newel into which the ends of winding stairs
`single uniform color or tone
`0 : having decorative details
`are built — distinguished from hollow
`worked on solid material (a ~ frame) syn see FIRM
`2solid \“\ adv :SOLlDLY; often : UNANIMOUSLY
`solid of revolution [3solI'd] : a mathe-
`Ssolid \“\ n -5 [ME, fr. L salidum, fr. neut. of solldus, adj.]
`matical solid conceived as formed by
`1 : a magnitude that has the three dimensions length, breadth.
`the revolution of a plane figure about an
`and thickness : a part of space (as a cube. a sphere) bounded
`axis in its plane
`solids pl of SOLID
`on all sides 2 a : a substance that does not flow perceptibly
`under moderate stress, has a definite capacity for resisting
`-\ 7: pl but usu
`solids-not-fat \
`forces (as compression, tension, strain) which tend to deform
`constituents of milk
`sing in corzstr :
`ii, and under ordinary conditions retains a definite size and
`other than bulterrat and water (solids:
`shape — compare GAS, LIQUID b : material in solution or‘
`not-/at is lowest in summer)
`suspension that when freed of solvent or suspending medium
`solid solution :1 Dsolidl : a homogeneous
`has the form and qualities of a solid — usu. used in pl. (the
`solid phase (as austenite) capable of
`existing throughout a range of chemical
`~s of the blood) (milk ~s include salts, protein, and sugar)
`— see SOLIDS-NOT-FAT 3 : somethin (as a substantial mass)
`composition — used chiefly of crystalline
`that is solid: as a : a compact mass 0 masonry or comparable
`materials; often distinguished from in-
`termctallic compound; compare MIXTURE
`fabrication (as a wall or pier) as distinguished from one
`containing a void or an opening b : coal in place that has not
`solid system n : an underground elec-
`trical distribution system in which the
`been sheared, undercut, or similarly prepared for blasting
`conductors or cables are buried rather
`c (1) : a solid color
`(2) : a printing plate having an entirely
`than pulled into ducts
`smooth surface without etching or design of any kind that is
`solid newel
`used for printing a solid color and esp. a tint
`(3) : one of
`sol-i-dim; \'saladam\ ri -s [L, neut. of
`the darkest or heaviest priming areas of a halftone as dis-
`solidus solid] 1 : the dado of a pedestal 2 : an entire sum
`tinguished from middletone or highlight areas
`: textile
`: WHOLE — used in various phrases (as in solidum, singuli‘ in
`or other material of :1 solid color ~ usu. used in pl,
`(1 : a
`compound word whose members are joined together without
`sol-ic1«un-gu-la \,sfila‘dangyale\ n pl. cap [NL, fr. L solidus +
`2 hyphen
`urzgula hoof — more at UNGULA] in some classifications : a
`sol-i-da-go \,s:ila'd5(.)g5\ ll [NL, fr. ML soldago an herb
`group coextensive with Hippoidea
`reputed to heal Wounds,
`fr. soldarc to make whole, make
`sol-id-un-gu-la: \:s:::5l9(r)\ also \-los\
`sound, fr. L salidare, fr. soliclus solid] 1 cap : a very large
`adj [L salidus solid + urzgula hoof + E -or, —ous]
`: soun-
`genus of chiefly No. American herbs (family Compositae)
`that are distinguished from members of Aster by no definite
`lsol-id-un-gu-late \-lat,
`-,l2Tt\ adj [L solidus solid + urzgula
`characters but usu. have stems resembling wands, small heads
`hoof + E -4216]
`: having a single hoof on each foot (horses
`with yellow or occas. white ray florets, and an inflorescence
`and other ~ mammals)
`which varies
`from a thyrsoid paniclc to axillary capitate
`Zsolidungulate \“\ n -s : a solidungulate animal
`clusters — see i3yER‘s-wi-;I-:0, GOLDENROD 2 -Es : any plant of
`sol-1-dus \'s’.iladas\ n, pl soli-di \-.di\ (ME, fr. LL. fr. _L
`the genus Solidago
`solidux solid —~ more at SAFE] 1 : an ancient Roman gold coin
`solid alcohol :1
`: a product consisting of ordinary alcohol
`introduced by Constantine as successor to the aureus and
`converted to a gel (as b means of a soap or calcium acetate)
`used until the fall of the Byzantine Empire 2 [ML solidus
`and used on a small sca e as a fuel
`shilling, fr. LL, a gold coin; fr. its use as a symbol for shilling]
`solid angle ri
`: the angular spread at the vertex of a cone or
`: DIAGONAL 4 3 a also solidus curve_[L, solid, adi] : a
`similar figure measured by the area intercepted on a unit
`curve usu. on a temperature-composition diagram for‘ a
`sphere about the vertex as center by the cone surface
`binary System that corresp(_>nds_ with a 1iquidus_and that in-
`sol-i-dar-ic \:s.’ilo:darik\ adj
`[solidarity + -ic]
`dicatcs temperatures below which only the solid phase can
`1) also solidus point 2
`the point of. temperature at
`sol-i-dar.i.1y \-}dero1E\ adv :
`in 2 solidary manner : so as to
`which a substance and esp. a metal or alloy is about to melt
`be solidary
`: incipient melting point
`sol-i-da-rism \'sh'lada,ri7oni\ ri -s [solidarity + —z'sm] 1 : SOL-
`so-lier-i-a-cc-ae \s6.liré'a'sE.E\ n pl. cap INL. fr. Salieria
`IDARITY 2 : a theory in sociolo v: the mutual interdependence
`genus of algae + -aceae]
`21 family of red algae (order
`of members of society offers a
`asis for a social organization
`Gigartinales) having multiuxial
`thalli and inhabiting the
`based upon solidarity of interests
`W3l'lTl6F S615
`sol-i-da-Iist \-_rést\ fl -5 [solidarity + -isl] : an advocate of
`soli-fid-i-an \,sBlo‘fid€on
`,sal-\ ri -S [soli- + Lfides faith +
`E -ion — more at FAITH] 2 one who holds that faith alone
`sol-i-da-ris-tie \:=-s:ristik\ _odj [solfdarisl + -ic]
`: of or
`without achievement or personal merit is sufficient to insure
`relating to solidarity or solidarism : based on solidarism
`salvation —— compare NULLIFIDIAN
`(~ concepts)
`1 ans
`sol-i-dar-i-ty \.s£la'darad-5,
`-i also -der-\ n
`ES _[F
`sfgligfid-i-an-ism \-E2,nizam\ n -s : the doctrine of the soli-
`Solidurité, fr. rolidaire solid _y + -ité -ity] 1 : an entire union
`so1.i~fluction also soli-fluxiou \:s61a, :sa1a+\ rt -s [L salum
`of interests and responsibilities in a group : community of
`round, soil + -i- + fluctiori-, fluctio act of flowing, fnfluctus
`interests, objectives, or standards (~ that knits together
`_past part. of fluerc to flow) -1» -ion-, -2}: -ion — more at FLUID]
`innumerable hearts —Joseph Conrad)
`2 Roman, civil, &
`: the slow creeping of wet soil and other saturated fragmental
`Scots law : the quality or state of being solirlary
`material down a slope resulting sometimes in thedormation
`of small
`terraces : the selective movement of soil particles
`,sol-i-da-rize \‘s’a1ada,riz\ vi
`-ED/-ING/-S [F sqlidariser, fr.
`solidaire + -iser -ize] : to come together : attain a state of
`and rock waste in

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