Based on the actuarial valuation obtained in this respect, the following table sets out the status of the provident fund
`plan and the amounts recognised in the Company's financial statements as at the balance sheet date:
`Reconciliation in present value of obligations (’PVO’) — defined
`benefit obligation:
`Current service cost
`Past service cost
`Interest cost
`Actuarial loss / (gain)
`Benefi s paid
`PVO a the beginning of the year
`PVO a the end of the year
`II) Change in fair value of plan assets:
`Expected return on plan assets
`Adjustment to opening balance
`Ac uar'al gain/(loss)
`Contributions by the employer
`Benefits paid
`Fai va ue of plan assets at the beginning of the year
`Fai va ue of plan assets at the end of the year
`III) Reconciliation of PVO and fair value of plan assets:
`PVO a end of the year
`Fai Value of plan assets at the end of the year
`Funded status
`Un ecognised actuarial gain/(loss)
`Ne liability recognised in the balance sheet (Refer note 7)
`IV) Net cost for the year:
`Cu rent service cost
`Past service cost
`Interest cost
`Expected return on plan assets
`Actuarial losses/(gain)
`Interest expense pertaining to the Trust
`Net expense recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss
`(Refer note 26)
`V) Category of assets as at the end of the year:
`Investment in PSU bonds
`Investment in Government Securities
`Bank Special Deposit
`Investment in other securities
`Bank Savings Deposit
`VI) Actual return on the plan assets:
`VII) Assumptions used in accounting for the provident fund plan:
`Discount rate (%)
`Salary escalation rate (%)
`Expected rate of return on plan assets (%)
`Provident Fund
`As on 31.03.2015 As on 31.03.2014
`? in million
`? in million
`Annual Report 2015 | 199
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`(Page 200 of 212)

`(i) The Company has ente ed into foreign currency forward and futures contracts which are not intended for trading or
`speculative purposes but for hedge purposes to establish the amount of reporting currency required or available at the
`settlement date of certa'n payables. The following are the outstanding foreign currency forward contracts entered into by
`the Company:
`As on 31.03.2015
`As on 31.03.2014
`Buy or Sell
`Cross Currency
`(ii) The year—end foreign cur ency exposures that have not been hedged by a derivative instrument or othenNise are given below:
`a. Amount receivable "n oreign currency on account of the fol owing:
`Foreign Currency
`As on 31.03.2015
`? in million
`Amount in
`As on 31.03.2014
`? in million
`Amount in
`Foreign Currency
`Foreign Currency
`Export of goods
`Other receivables
`? 2126
`b. Amount payable in fo eign currency on account of the following:
`Foreign Currency
`As on 31.03.2015
`? in million
`Amount in
`As on 31.03.2014
`? in million
`Amount in
`Foreign Currency
`Foreign Currency
`Import of goods and services
`Other payables
`200 | Lupin Limited
`C F
`? 10586
`Janssen Ex. 2002
`Lupin Ltd. v. Janssen Sciences Ireland UC
`(Page 201 of 212)

`Foreign Currency
`As on 31.03.2015
`? in million
`Amount in
`As on 31 .03.2014
`? in million
`Amount in
`? 24484
`Foreign Currency
`? 10224
`Foreign Currency
`43. Details of Derivative Contracts:
`The Company enters into derivative contracts in order to hedge and manage its foreign currency exposures towards future
`export earnings. Such derivative contracts are entered into by the Company for hedging purposes only, and are accordingly
`classified as cash flow hedges.
`The category wise break—up of outstanding derivative contracts entered into by the Company is as under:
`(Amount in million)
`Forward Exchange Contracts
`Option Contracts
`As at 31 .03.201 5
`As at 31 .03.2014
`Cross Currency
`The changes in the fair value of the derivative contracts during the year ended March 31, 2015 aggregating ? 92.6 million
`(previous year ? 265.5 million) designated and effective as hedges have been credited to the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve and
`? 42.6 million (previous year ? 36.8 million) is credited to the Statement of Profit and Loss, being the ineffective portion thereof.
`44. The aggregate amount of revenue expenditure incurred during the year on Research and Development and shown in the
`respective heads of account is ? 8455.9 million (previous year ? 8112.0 million).
`45. The aggregate amount of expenditure incurred during the year on Corporate Social Responsibility and shown in the respective
`heads of account is ? 125.8 million.
`Donations (Refer note 28)
`Employee Benefits Expense (Refer note 26)
`? in million
`46. The information regarding Micro Enterprises and Small Enterprises has been determined to the extent such parties have been
`'dentified on the basis of information available with the Company. This has been relied upon by the auditors.
`Dar iculars
`As at
`? in million
`As at
`? in million
`3rincipal amount remaining unpaid to any supplier as at the end of the
`accounting year
`"i. nterest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier as at the end of the
`accounting year
`"ii. The amount of interest paid along with the amounts of the payment made to
`he supplier beyond the appointed day
`"v. ”he amount of interest due and payable for the year
`v. ”he amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of the
`accounting year
`vi. ”he amount of further interest due and payable even in the succeeding year,
`until such date when the interest dues as above are actually paid
`Annual Report 2015 | 201
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`Lupin Ltd. v. Janssen Sciences Ireland UC
`(Page 202 of 212)

`47. As per best estimate of the management, provision has been made towards probable non—saleable return of goods from
`customers, as per Accounting Standard 29 (AS—29).
`? in million
`? in million
`Carrying amount at the beginning of the year
`Add : Additional Provisions made during the year
`Less : Amounts used / utilised during the year
`Carrying amount at the end of the year
`48. Details of purchases, sale of goods and inventories:
`A) Details of purchases of stock—in—trade:
`a) Formulations:
`— Liquids
`— Vials
`Creams and Powder
`b) Others
`Purchases of formulations include samples.
`B) Details of sale of goods:
`a) Formulations:
`— Liquids
`Creams and Powder
`b) Bulk Drugs, Intermediates and Chemicals
`c) Others
`Year ended
`? in million
`? in million
`Year ended
`? in million
`? in mill'on
`489 .7
`Above excludes items distributed under free schemes and samples and the value is net of trade discounts.
`202 | Lupin Limited
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`(Page 203 of 212)

`C) Details of inventories (finished goods including stock—in—trade):
`a) Formulations:
`— Liquids
`— Vials
`Creams and Powder
`b) Bulk Drugs, Intermediates and Chemicals
`c) Others
`D) Details of work—in—process:
`a) Formulations
`b) Bulk Drugs, Intermediates and Chemicals
`E) Consumption of raw materials:
`b) PEN G
`c) Others*
`As at
`? in million
`? in million
`Year ended
`* containing various raw materials, none of which represents more than 5% of total consumption of raw materials.
`49. Related Party Disclosures, as required by Accounting Standard 18 (AS-18) are given below :
`A. Relationships-
`Categoryl : Subsidiaries:
`_upin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA
`yowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Limited, Japan
`_upin Australia Pty Limited, Australia
`_upin Holdings B.V., Netherlands
`Pharma Dynamics (Proprietary) Limited, South Africa
`-Iormosan Pharma GmbH, Germany
`ulticare Pharmaceuticals Philippines Inc., Philippines
`_upin Atlantis Holdings SA, Switzerland
`_upin (Eu ope) Limited, UK
`_upin Pharma Canada Limited, Canada
`exico S.A. de C.V., Mexico
`C-ienerc I-ealth Pty Limited, Australia
`3ellwether Pharma Pty Limited, Australia
`ax Pharha Pty Limited, Australia (upto 17 December 2014)
`_upin Phi ippines Inc., Philippines
`_upin -Iealthcare Limited, India
`C-ienerc I-ealth SDN. BHD., Malaysia
`yowa Cr'tiCare Co., Limited, Japan (formerly I’rom Pharmaceutical Co., Limited)
`iddle East FZ—LLC, UAE
`_upin C-imbH, Switzerland (from 15 August 2013)
`_upin nc., USA (from 27 June 2013)
`_upin Zarmaceutica do Brasil LTDA, Brazil (formerly Farma World Importacao e Exportacao
`De Medicamentos LTDA — EPP, Brazil (from 17 December 2013))
`anomi B.V., Netherlands (from 30 January 2014)
`_aboratorios Grin S.A. de C.V., Mexico (from 30 September 2014)
`Annual Report 2015 | 203
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`(Page 204 of 212)

`Category II:
`Jointly Controlled Entity:
`YL Biologics Ltd., Japan (from 23 April 2014)
`Category III: Key Management Personnel (KMP)
`Dr. D. B. Gupta
`Dr. Kamal K. Sharma
`Vice Chairman
`s. Vinita Gupta
`r. Nilesh Gupta
`rs. M. D. Gupta
`Chief Executive Officer
`Managing Director
`Executive Director
`Category IV: Others (Relatives of KMP and Entities in which the
`KMP and Relatives of KMP have control or significant influence)
`Dr. Anuja Gupta (Daughter of Chairman)
`rs. Kavita Sabharwal (Daughter of Chairman)
`Dr. Richa Gupta (Daughter of Chairman)
`rs. Pushpa Khandelwal (Sister of Chairman)
`rs. Shefali Nath (Wife of Managing Director)
`s. Veda Nilesh Gupta (Daughter of Managing Director)
`Bharat Steel Fabrica ion and Engineering Works
`D. B. Gupta (HUF)
`uman Welfa e and Research Foundation
`_upin nternational Pvt. Limited
`_upin nvestments Pvt. Limited
`oldings Pvt. _imited
`atashree Gomati Devi Jana Seva Nidhi
`ovamed Investments Pvt. Limited
`Dolynova Industries _imited
`Qahas Investments Pvt. Limited
`Synchem Investmen s Pvt. Limited
`Visiomed Investmen s Pvt. Limited
`Zyma Laboratories Lmited
`Concept Pharmaceu icals Limited
`Shuban Prints
`B. Transactions with the related parties:
`Sr. Transactions
`Sale of Goods
`Sale — Research Services—IP
`Sale — Research Services—Others
`on rac
`)C t
`ec noo
`icense ees
`Income from Royalty
`uaran ee ommission ncome
`(?in million)
`x enses
`x enses
`d/R tR .
`204 | Lupin Limited
`Janssen Ex. 2002
`Lupin Ltd. v. Janssen Sciences Ireland UC
`(Page 205 of 212)

`Sr. Transactions
`(? in million)
`8. Remuneration Paid
`Purchases of Goods / Materials
`Investments during the year
`1. Advance against Investment
`2. Refund of Advance against Investment
`3. Donations Paid
`4. Dividend Paid
`5. Business Compensation Expenses
`6. Services Received
`7. Expenses Reimbursed
`8. Dividend Income
`9 Deposits paid for Leave and Licence
`' arrangement for premises
`20. Refund of Deposits paid for Leave and Licence
`arrangement for premises
`2] Deposits received for Leave and Licence
`' arrangement for premises
`Corporate guarantee issued by the Company
`o the bankers of wholly owned subsidiary
`Corporate guarantee withdrawn by the Company
`o the bankers of wholly owned subsidiary
`Out of the above items, transactions in excess of 10% of the total related party transactions are as under :
`Sr. Transactions
`Sale of Goods
`Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Sale — Research Services—IP
`oldings SA
`Lupin Atlantis
`Sale — Research Services—Others
`a) Contract R & D Services
`oldings SA
`Lupin Atlantis
`b) Technology License Fees
`Laboratorios C-irn S.A. de C.V.
`Related party
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2015
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2014
`(? in million)
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Annual Report 2015 | 205
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`(Page 206 of 212)

`Sr. Transactions
`Income from Royalty
`Generic Health Pty Limited
`5. Guarantee Commission Income
`yowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Limited
`Ken Expenses
`_up'n Investments Pvt. Limited
`3ha at Steel Fabrication and Engineering Works
`Expenses Recovered / Rent Received
`_up'n Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`_up'n (Europe) Limited
`_up'n GmbH
`3ha ma Dynamics (Proprietary) Limited
`yowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Limited
`Remuneration Paid
`Dr. D. B. Gupta
`amal K. Sharma
`r. Nilesh Gupta
`3urchases of Goods / Materials
`Concept Pharmaceuticals Limited
`Shuban Prints
`nvestments during the year
`_upin Atlantis Holdings SA
`11. Advance against Investment
`iddle East FZ—LLC
`12. Refund of Advance against Investment
`iddle East FZ—LLC
`13. Donatons Paid
`uman Welfare and Research Foundation
`14. Dividend Paid
`oldings Pvt. Limited
`Rahas Investments Pvt. Limited
`Visiomed Investments Pvt. Limited
`Zyma _aboratories Limited
`15. 3us'ness Compensation Expenses
`yowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Limited
`16. Services Received
`_up'n Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`_up'n (Europe) Limited
`17. Expenses Reimbursed
`_up'n Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`-Ior”nosan Pharma GmbH
`_up'n Atlantis Holdings SA
`18. Dividend Income
`_up'n Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`19. Deposits paid for Leave and Licence arrangement
`or premises
`Related party
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2015
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2014
`(?in million)
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsdiary Company
`Subsdiary Company
`Subsdiary Company
`Subsdiary Company
`Subsdiary Company
`Key Management
`Key Management
`Key Management
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`3ha at Steel Fabrication and Engineering Works
`206 | Lupin Limited
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`(Page 207 of 212)

`Sr. Transactions
`Related party
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2015
`For the year
`ended 31.03.2014
`(? in million)
`20. Refund of Deposits paid for Leave and Licence
`arrangement for premises
`_upin Investments Pvt. Limited
`21. Deposits received for Leave and Licence arrangement
`or premises
`Dolynova Industries Limited
`22. Corporate guarantee issued by the Company to the
`bankers of wholly owned Subsidiary company
`-Iormosan Pharma C-imbH
`yowa CritiCare Co., Ltd, Japan (formerly I'rom
`3harmaceutical Co., Limited)
`23. Corporate guarantee withdrawn by the Company to
`he bankers of wholly owned Subsidiary company
`yowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Limited
`C. Balances due from / to the related parties:
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Subsidiary Company
`Sr. Transactions
`2. Advance against Investment
`Deposits paid under Leave and Licence
`arrangement for premises
`Trade Receivables
`Trade Payables
`Controlled Entity
`(? in million)
`Commission Payable
`Expenses Payable
`Expenses Receivable
`9. Advance from Customer
`Income Receivable
`HI Deposits received under Leave and Licence
`arrangement for premises
`12' Letter of Comfort issued by the Company to
`the bankers of subsidiary companies
`Corporate guarantee issued by the Company
`to the bankers of wholly owned subsidiary
`i) F'gures in brackets are for previous year.
`ii) Related party relationship is as identified by the Company and relied upon by the Aud "tors.
`Annual Report 2015 | 207
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`(Page 208 of 212)

`50. Sale of research services include ? 227.7 million in respect of income accrued w.e.f. April 1, 2013 for providing captive
`research services at cost plus an arm's length mark—up in relation to certain products development under Amendment II dated
`March 15, 2015 to the Product Development Agreement dated October 8, 2012, as amended, between the Company and
`Lupin Atlantis Holdings SA (LAHSA). The rights, interest and title to the said products and their use togetherwith all associated
`intellectual property rights vest with LAHSA.
`in terms of Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 read together with Accounting Standard 6 (AS — 6)
`During the year,
`"Depreciation Accounting", the management of the Company has, based on independent technical evaluation, reassessed the
`remaining useful lives of fixed assets to align with those specified in Schedule II and undertaken the componentization of major
`items of fixed assets with effect from April 1, 2014. In terms of these evaluations, changes have been made in the useful lives
`of certain assets from their previous estimates as under:
` Asset Previous useful life Revised Useful Li e
`Plant and Equipment
`Furniture and Fixtures
`Office Equipment
`9.7 to 21.1 years
`15.8 years
`10.5 years
`6.2 to 21.1 years
`10 to 15 yea s
`10 yea s
`8 yea s
`3 to 6 yea s
`Pursuant to the transition provisions prescribed in Schedule II to the Compa
`the carrying value of assets, net of residual value, where the remaining use
`April 1, 2014, and has adjusted an amount of ? 610.8 million (net of de
`erred tax of ? 314.6 million) against the open"
`Surplus balance in the Statement of Profit and Loss under Reserves and Surplus.
`nies Act, 2013, the Company has fully deprecia
`ul life of the asset was determined to be nil as
`The depreciation expense in the Statement of Profit and Loss for the yea
`change in the useful lives of the assets.
`is higher by ? 1618.2 million consequent to
`Excise duty (Refer note 28) includes ? 32.9 million (previous year ? 34.2 mi
`on opening and closing stock.
`lion) being net impact of the excise duty provis'
`No borrowing cost has been capitalised during the year.
`54. Previous year's figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year's classification
`Dr. Kamal K. Sharma
`Vice Chairman
`DIN: 00209430
`M. D. Gupta
`Executive Director
`DIN: 00209461
`R. A. Shah
`DIN: 00009851
`Vinita Gupta
`Chief Executive Officer
`DIN: 00058631
`Dr. Vijay Kelkar
`DIN: 00011991
`Dr. K. U. Mada
`DIN: 00011395
`Ramesh Swaminathan
`Chief Financial Officer
`R. V. Satam
`Company Secretary
`ACS — 11973
`Signatures to note 1 to 54
`For Lupin Limited
`Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta
`DIN: 00209378
`Nilesh Gupta
`anaging Director
`DIN: 01734642
`Richard Zahn
`DIN: 02937226
`Dileep C. Choksi
`DIN: 00016322
`: Mumbai
`Dated : May 13,2015
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`(Page 209 of 212)

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`(Page 210 of 212)

`Corporate Office
`Laxmi Towers, ‘B’ Wing
`Bandra Kurla Complex
`Bandra (East)
`Mumbai 400 051
`Tel.: +91 (22) 6640 2222
`Registered Office
`159, C.S.T. Road, Kalina
`Santacruz (East)
`Mumbai 400 098
`Tel.: +91 (22) 6640 2323
`Janssen Ex. 2002
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`(Page 211 of 212)

`www_ lupin_C0m
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`(Page 212 of 212)

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