Charles R, Stearns
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`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 1 of 11)


`BYRON BOVR,I,~, 099~, ~996)
`JEF~:Rt’~Y "1", KIEHL (t992-~99~5)
`0227) ia published we~kly fbr $492 per year ~f<~r AGU
`U~Joa, 2(R~ Ek~da Av¢,. N.W . Washi+~gl~m DC
`(202) ,$62-~9+~;} TWX 7!0-822-#300. FAX:
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 2 of 11)


`Annual Cycles of Tropospheric Water Vapor
`Air Re,sources LaboratoO,, Nafiomd G~z’eanic and Atrao.*pher£ Administration. Silver Spring. Marfl~md, and Department of
`Depgtrrment of Meteorology. University of Mat3,1attd, College Park
`Air Resources LabomtoO’, Nalionat Oecanb: and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryla~d
`To understand better the annual cycles of atmos pheric humidi.ty, r~diosonde dale were u~ed to
`c~ate eli~atol.o~es of tem~rature, d~’ poim., relative humidity, and precipitahle wa~er Jn lh~ lower
`~opospheve lbr 56 k,calions around the w~ld for the ~od 1973-1~. On lhe basis of the annual
`mnge~ of re~afive humidity at the surfs(cid:128) ~d at the 850, 7~. and 5~ mbar levels and lhe rntio of the
`~nual ma~imum to minimum surface to 5~mbar p~.ip~ble water, we have defined five h~midity
`regimes: ~’1] middle- and ~ghdafitt~de .continental (2) midd~e~ and hiO~qatitude ~eanic, (3) mid-
`latitud~ monsoon, (4) ~rapic~ oceanic, as~d (5) tropi¢~ monism. For .each re,me we descri~ the
`v~y in ~base, Relative h~i:~ty ~nges i~ ~he other three r~g~m~s are m~emte ~:o l~e, ~nd i.n the
`controls ~¢.aso~M humidity v~tions. T~y¢ ~sults surest that the assumption of consist re}afire
`humidity made in some climate m~els is not always jostled and that precipitable water is not a strong
`function of temperature in the troDes.
`IRe, P~z~bhakara et el. [ 1985] presented seasonal maps of PW
`over the open oceans for 197%.198~ and confirmed the
`As a foundation for understanding tong-term change in general global p:~.~er~s deduced from radiosonde-based stud*
`water vapor and related processes, the annual cycle of
`ies but with ~:.t~d~ more detail in the tropics and southern
`oceans. Later ~t~.;.dies by Liu [1986] and Liu and Niiter
`humidity must be understood. Investigations of the water
`have foct~sed on variations of surt~lce relative humidity and
`vapor-greenhouse effect l~edback [e.g., Rind et el., 1991;
`PW at oceani~ ~ites with an eye towa~ improved p~me-
`Ravel andRamanathan, 1989] used seasonal ~d geoga~hic
`variations as su~ogales for long-term change. These studies
`terization of occ::~a-atmosp~ere fluxes t~ sing ~motely sensed
`PW. Recently, t!~e seasonal cycMs of clear sky up~r tropo~
`empIoyed satellite water va~r and radiation dma, respec-
`t:ively and ~e sho~ness of the satellite record ~d ant. allow
`sphmc relative humidity have been dete~ia~ from
`testing the assumption that seasona~ and spatial changes
`et eL, 1991] and by the St~tosphefic Aerosol ~d Gas
`reve~ patterns og long-term change.
`Surprisingly, there are few studies in the literature of the Experiment (SAGE ID [e,g., China et el., 1992]. Because
`observed annual cycle of h~midity above the surface. A few
`these satellite obse~wations are possibIe in eiear skies only,
`the annual cycle may not be fully resolved in regions with a
`early investigators [Reimn 1960a, b; Bannon and ~teele~
`distinct, cloudy season.
`1960; Taller. 1.%81 used radiosonde observations to ch~rac-
`terize seasona~ varialions in precipitable water (PC) b~t did
`While earlier studies have ft’mused o~ particular aspects of
`not consider other measures of water vapor or their vertic;d
`tropospheric l~umidity, none has explicitly explored the
`annual cycle of both relative, and specific humidity at a
`profiles. Later work showed seasonal variations in specific
`humidity’ IRao~mt~sson, 1972; Peixoto et el., 1981: Peixoto
`representative sample of stations globally. Using radiosonde
`and Oort, 1983; Oort, 1983] but was bas~ on radiosonde
`data ..........................................
`humidity variables, which leads us to the identification, of
`data that were (1~ t~en ~f~ I973. wMch ~e known to ~e
`five distinct water vapor regimes. Then seasonal variations
`of poor quality relative to more modern measurements, (2)
`gridded or zonally aver~ed, which is l~ely to mask local
`in relative humidity are explained and interpreted in greater
`variability M humidity, or (3) compiled into monthly means,
`wkic~ cannot be ase~ to de~ve supplement~ h~midity
`variables without introducing bias [Elliott and G~ffen, I~1 ~,
`Using microwave observations from the Nimbus 7 s~tel-
`Copyright 1992 by lhe American. Geophysical Union.
`Paper number 92JD01999.
`Daily radiosonde reports, provided by National Climatic
`Data Center (tape deck 6103L from J,muary 1973 t.hrough
`December 1990, formed the basic data set. The 56 stations
`selected t Figure 1 and Table 1) are a subset of the 63-station
`This i~,1~teriai n:ay be protected by Copyrigm ~a,,, T;tie "~ iJ.S. Code
`18, !85
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 3 of 11)


`between PW and other vaHaNes, Becau~ the stations
`Organization Identification Numbers, ~at~ons. and
`Fig. 1.
`Map of the humidity regimes of each vadiosonde sta6on "
`midd[e-and b~ghqalimd~ ~’eani~ (MO), mi/~-Ia~itud~ modem
`(MM}, tropical oce~c ~TOL a~d tropical monsoon (TML
`- 8,7
`- 17.5
`"It .3
`572 ~/702
`-- 131.5
`47.5 ~ 111,3
`-,I 1.5
`-~ t 55.0
`1713 3
`-- I?.5
`- t9(3
`Hong Kung
`New Amsterdam
`SL Paul
`Mould Buy
`San Diego
`Great Falls
`S~n Juan
`Rio de J;meiro
`Pue~o Montt
`Port Hedland
`network described and u sod by A ngelt and Korshover l 1983]
`for analysis of t.ropos~heric and stratospheric temperature.
`However. Ettiott et aL [15N~] identified some problems with
`the original 63-st, a(ioa set for the analysis of humidity data,
`Thirty-nine of the 56 stations used here have very few
`missing data, at ieast for one observation time per day. The
`other 17 were indudedto We reasonable global represen~
`tadon of climatic zones, even though they could not be ttsed
`l~r the Rill 18 years.
`The radiosoude repo~ includes temperature ( T~ and dew
`poim depression at aft levels, geopotential heigN of manda-
`tory levels, and surface pressure and pressure of other
`significant levels, These were converted to dew Imin(. {Td)
`and relative humidity (~) al each levd and precipitab]e
`wa~er (PW) inthe su~hce to 850 mbar (PW,,-8) a.nd su~hce to
`(PW,¢.~) layers. Preci.pitab~e water is a measure of
`column water va~r coment and is the integral be~’~n two 68~4
`pressure leveN (p~ and p~) of specific humidity (q I: 7~E6
`where ~¢ is the gravimtion~d acceleration. Because of the
`known poor performance of radiosonde hygristors in cold,
`d~ e~vm)~menIs, and ~cause almosl a~l ot’~hewater vapor
`in the atmosphere is in the lower troposphere, ~o data above
`5N) mb~ were used. Details on data quality control are given
`by ()’t~,n [19921.
`For each station, observation time (~0 and 12~ UT},
`~d variaMe, monthly means were calculated from the daffy
`datm To characterize the mean ~nnuN cycles, the 18 years of
`monlNy means were ~veraged to obtain kmg-te~
`To measure the amp!itude of the annual c cries, tfiera~ges
`of monthly mean RH were computed ~s the difference
`between the maximum and minimum long-term monthly
`mean values. A PW ratio was defined as the raao of the
`maximum to minimum long-term monthly mean PW,-~.
`additiom the surface tempm~mre {T;) nmge and mean
`annu:N T.,. and PWs> were computed. To anNyze p~ase
`relationships among vocables, lhe months
`mimma and maxima occurred were recorded. Two varNbles
`were con stalered to be in phase when the maximum and
`miNmum of one occurred within one month of the maximum
`and minimum of the other.
`Positive lalitude and km .gitude are degrees rmrth and ea.~t, respe-c-
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 4 of 11)


`TABLE 2, Amplitudes m~d Phase Rela~mnships of the Annual Cycle~ of Tre, p~spheric HumidRy ~’or the F~ve }tlJ.midi~y Regimes
`Humidity Regime
`PW Ratio
`Rtt Range*
`Variables i~ Pha~ Wi~h PW
`Middle- and highdatimde contmentM
`Middle- and high4atitude oceanic
`Mid-la~itud~ mousc~n
`1 an~ t~ at el! leve~s
`m}dtro~ospheric RH
`Midtropospherie RH and 7)
`PW ratio i~ the ratio of the maximum to rnia}mt~m m(mthty mean v;dues of ~m~)ce to 5Ni-mbar precipitabl~ water. RH
`difference ~etween maxhn~m and minimum moathiy me.a~ rela,iv~ humid~ y, evaJua~ed at l~e suff~ and a~ ~he 830, 700, and 5tY~ mbar
`~’Ihe ranges are categorized as small. ~15%; moderale, 15~30%; and large,
`~Daytime su~ace relative humidity does nol a~ways fulh~,~, these patterns and can exhiN~ a moderate ammal range.
`each regime tended to have geographic similartties, we
`naraed ~hem a¢cordi,~giy.
`Poleward of about 20= latitude where the annual cycies ot
`T and PW are in phase, most stations ha~e small RH. tanges.
`A subset of these with hig~ PW ~-atios we designate the
`midd~e- and high-latitude continental regime. The subse~
`with less annum variation of PW. found along windward
`coasts or o~ islands, is called the midale- and bighdatimde
`i~eanic regime. The third mid-lmiiude ~gime atso shows
`m~est annual changes in PW but sizable annual ranges of
`RH. These stations have a distinct rainy sea,on at~d so were
`grouped as the midqatitude monsoon regime.
`Stations between 20~N at~d 20’~S have distinct annual
`cycles in PW buI not in T~ The tlopicN oceanic
`characterized by a small PW ratio and stuN1 RH ranges in the
`planela~, boundary layer IPBL) but substantial variations
`RH in the midtroposphere. (I~ Nis analysis, the s~rface and
`850-mb~r data are considered representative ol" the PB L, and
`the 7(gg and 5(~)-mbar levels are considered the midtroN>
`sphere.} The tropic~d monsoon regime stations have larger
`PW ratios and a la.rger RH range throI~ghout ihe lower
`tm~sphere. The stations are idemified by their regimes i~
`FNure 1, and the quantitative tim.its oF the RH ranges and
`PW ratios a~ given in qMbte 2.
`In the remainder of this section we describe additiom~!
`%aiu~gs of these humidity regimes and show an example of
`each. Where availaN.e, we show nighttime data because
`the middle- and high-ia~mde, continental and mid-Iatimde
`monsoon reNmes, daytime surface RH is often more v~i-
`able than RH Mott or t~an su~tce RH at night.
`influence o}? the la~d ~lfface as a source of moistare, a~d the
`possibility of evaporation being less than its 0otential value.
`probabt~ accom~ts R~r tNs dagtime variabiti:ty in surNc¢ RH
`in these two reNmes.) Therefore we ~lied more on
`than on daytime surface RH variabiiiiy to determine
`station’s water vaN~r regime, although some siations, par-
`ficulady in the tropics, have oniy daytim~ observalions.
`Middle- and High~Lz~dtude COntinental Hamidi~.~ Regime
`~,e middle- and high-latitude continental (MC) Immidity
`re, me is chim~ctefized by a pronounced a.nm~al cycle in PW
`and small variations in RH. Munich, Germany, Is a go,~
`e~ample of the MC regime I Figure 2). Both PW.~ and PWs-.
`reac~ a maximum in late st~mmer, as do -bolh T and Td, A~
`MC ~t.ations. summer PWs-5 can be 3 to l(} times greater tha~
`winter PW.~.._s, while boundary layer and midtroposphcric
`RH ranges are generally less than 15%.
`Ah:hough not used ~o classiC’ slations, ~he annual mca~
`and annual range of T, and the annum mean PW~.,~ provide ~::
`additionM distinguishing c~agacteristics of each regime "’he
`MC sites exhibit h~.rge annual ranges in T.,. more than 20~’C,
`mid low annual mean T,, less than iff’C. As one would ~:.
`exact, .on the ~asis of ~he Clausius-.Clapeyro~ rdaliorL ::~::~
`annuat ;nea~ PW~,..~ is also low. 0.2 ~o 1.5
`Mi~Mle- a~d High-Latitude Oceanic HumidiO’ Regime
`Qualitativdy resembling t.he MC regime, the middle- and
`high-}ati~lIde oceanic ~MO) regime shows the moderating and
`moistening influences of the ocean, island and coastal sta-
`tions polewa~ of 40~ tend ~o show MO characteristics
`(Figure IL and Valentia, Ireiand, is a typical exam#e
`(Figure 3). At MO sites, RH ranges a~ small, paaictflarly
`above the PBL where ~he}, tend to be less than 10%. This,
`combined wi~h small annual r., ranges {less than 15~CL
`resuits in smaller .PW,.~ ratios (1.5 to 3) than at MC s~tes..As
`at MC sites, 1", Ta. and PW are in phase. ~a~iag iu summer.
`AnmtM mean T, is generally less than 15"C. and anm~a] mean
`PW,.-~ is (L5 to 2.0 ¢m. Jan Mayen IMaad. at 70.6°N. and
`Casey, An:tarctica, at 66.2~S~ are. respectively, the most
`noO~herly and southerly MO stations.
`"[’~e smaller T., range and PW ratio ai MO stalions
`compared with MC stations a~ consistent with the findings
`of Reitan l1960a, bl, who noted that the PW ratio is a good
`indicator of comi~wntali~y, commonly expressed as the
`anntml range of tempe.rotate. Peixot.o e? aL [19811 also tkmud
`seasonal changes in suH~ce to 300-tuber PW more marked
`over [and lha.o over sea.
`Mid-Latitt¢de Mot~aoon Humidi~= Regime
`The mid-latitude monsooo (MM} stations are coastal sites
`between about 20~ and 40° latitude and show more anm)al
`variabiiily in RH ~h;m either MC or MO stations, At Rio de
`J~eiro, Brazil, tk~r example, surface RH is maximum m
`winter, but aloft RH is maximum in summer, it~ phase wi.t~
`T, T,~. and PW (Figure 4L This aummertmxe maximum in
`midtroposp~eric hnmidity corresponds with a summertime
`maximum in precipitation [Eischefd er el, i~I I. The sea-
`sonal humidity variations at MM stations are related to
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 5 of 11)


`Fig. 2. The a~nua! cycles of temperature, dew ~mt, relative humidity (at lhe ,surface and at 850. 7~, and 5~)
`UT, Data are load-term monthly me~s ~or the period 1973-t986. MuMch is im example of the middle- and hi~-latit~de
`Tropical Oceanic Humidity Regime
`seasonal circulation ~lnd convection patterns, so the term with the rainy season at ~ ake [National Oceanic and
`"’monsoon,+ is appropriate for the regime
`Atmospheric AdrninistraUo:i, 1982]. As ,~ result, roost Of the
`At MM slations, RH ~’anges can approach 50%. both in the
`a~nual change in PW is above 850 tabor, and PW,:5 is in
`PBL and the told’troposphere, Ra~ios of PW~.~ are compara-
`plaase with midtropospheric Ta and
`ble to the MO stations, 1.3 to 3, At MM stations, annual
`At TO stalions the ~atio &maximum to minimum PW,.~ is
`mea~ PW,¢.~. is beiween t.4 and 4.0 c.m, a~d a~ual mean T,
`less than :,’ ,6. and monlhly :mean PBL RH is high, always
`is typicaIIy greater than t.5~C, with annual ra~es of 5<’ to
`a~ve ~t%, with a smMI annum ra~e. Midtroposphedc RH
`is lower than in the PBL (in fact:, a monolonic decrease of
`RH with decreasing pressure is noted in most re#mes),
`it is more v~fiable; the annnal range can approach 5~)L For
`TO stations, ammal meat~ Ts is generally ~eater than 20~C,
`In marked conlrast t~ H~e MC. MO. and MM regimes, the
`and annu~ ~nge of T, is less than 5~C, warm all year.
`~ropicM ~ceanic (TO) ~:me is ch~acterized by a PBL with
`Annual mean PW:: at TO sites is ~igh. 3 to 5 cm, All TO
`a relatively constant n~¢,~sture content and a more. vadable
`stations ~e within 20~ of the equator and are either island or
`midtroposphere. W~e l~]and is a typical TO station ¢Figure
`coastal sites (Figure
`5). Bo~nda~ layer T and T,~ are in phase, wi~h a s~i~t
`The PW ratios we compute are ¢om~ble to
`maximum in the summer. The~ combine to give a uniformly
`m~ist PBL as seen in the RH data. resulting in high PW in
`infer from Prabhakara et aL [1985] and Liu [1986] for the
`tropical Pacific~. Our restdts are also consistent with those of
`the surface to 850-tabor layer, greater lhan 2 era. "Ehe annual
`range of T in the midtroposphere is negligible, but Tu varies Liu and Niiter { 199. 0j~ who found tr~picaI oceanic surface
`by more than 10°C> leading to RH ra.nges of abot~t 30%. The RH to vary by tess than 1~:$ over the course of the year and
`high midtropospheric RH in summer and fall is associated
`to be generally between 70 and 80%. The RH variability
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 6 of 11)


`18 A89
`~, 850
`"1" "1" ". 700.
`i0 1t
`~ sfc-SDO
`~ ~0~
`7= 40-~
`2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 !1 12 2 3 (cid:128) 5 6 7 ~ 9 ~0 1~ 12
`Month Month
`Fig. 3. Same as Figure 2 but for Valentim Ireland. Data are long-term 0000 UT monthly means for the period
`1973-1990. Valemia is an example of the middle- and high-latitude oceanic humidity regime
`above the PBL can be compared with the results of Rasmus-
`effects of cloud cover and precipitation. As in the MM and
`son 1i972], who noted that zonally averaged RH showed TO regimes, seasonM variations in convection and in mois-
`maximum January to July changes, in excess of 20%~ in the
`tare advection, related to Mrge-scale atmospheric circulation
`subtropical midtroposphere. Our RH range is larger proba- patterns, control seasonal humidity variations at TM sites.
`bly because we are not taking a zonal mean. The large-seaM
`At TM stations, PW~-.~ ratios are between 2 and 3. In both
`the PBL and midtroposphere, RH ranges are large, generally
`cause of these seasonal changes is probably seasonal
`changes in convective activity and precipitation associated greater than 30%. Annual mean PW<5 at these sites is i .5 to
`with the north-south movement of the intertropical conver-
`5 cm. Annual mean T, is high. i5° to 30°C, with annual
`gence zone, as suggested by Prabhakara et al. [1979].
`ranges between 4° and 12°C.
`Tropical Monsoon Humidity Regime
`Much more seasonal variability is evident, in tropical
`The assumption that RH is approximately constant, both
`over the course of the year and over longer periods, is often
`monsoon (TM) locations. There are two subtypes of the TM
`regime. The first is the humid Coastal climate, for example made and formed the basis of the early modeling study of the
`effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide by Manabe
`Bombay, India, where the boundary layer remains humid all
`year but the midtroposphere has a distinct dry season. The
`and Wetherald [1967]. They argued that holding RH constant
`second is an inland regime, as at Niamey, Niger (Figure 6),
`in a radiative-convective climate model is more reasonable
`where the dry season is evident at all levels. In both
`than holding absolute humidity constant, on the basis of
`subtypes, midtropospheric T shows little variation, but PBL
`observations of both humidity variables~ They showed fig-
`T has a minimum in winter and a secondary summer mini-
`ures from Telegadas and London [1954] as evidence that
`mum when T,~ is maximum. The secondary minimum during
`relative humidity changes little over the course of the year.
`the moist season is probably due to the surface cooling
`Close examination of those figures, and of figures pro-
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 7 of 11)


`6.~v~v~v~ sfc--500
`~ sfc-850
`.~.." .’. ".’. 700
`Fig. 4. Same as Figure 2 but for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data are long-term 1200 UT monthly means for the period
`1973-1990. Rio de laneiro is an example of the mid-latitude monsoon humidity regime.
`sented by Rasmusson [1972], Rind et al. [1991], and Chiou et
`al. [1992], reveals that summer to winter RH changes as
`large as 20% are typical in some regions of the troposphere
`for zonally averaged RH for seasons or representative
`months. Furthermore, from the above analysis of station
`data, it is clear that lower tropospheric RH can range over
`50% locally over the course of a year. To understand better
`the nature of the annual cycle of RH, this section presents an
`expression for the time rate of change of RH and discusses it
`in terms of the water vapor regimes described above.
`Relative humidity does not vary independently but is a
`result of the combined effects of T and Td:
`RH = ~
`where e, is the saturation vapor pressure. Using the Clau-
`sius-Clapeyron equation, we can express es as
`eo = es(To), and To = 273 K. The time rate of change of
`RH is then given by
`Ot Rv
`1 OTd 1
`T~ dt
`T2 ~t
`Of course, here we are not considering the day-to-day
`variations in T, Ta, and RFI; rather, we are taking monthly
`mean values of each variable as representative of the daily
`values and considering month-to-month changes in the
`means. To gain some insight into the processes that can lead
`to seasonal changes in RH, we consider the two cases of
`approximately constant and of seasonally varying RH.
`Approximately Constant Relative Humidity
`es(T) = e0 exp
`where L is the latent heat of vaporization, taken to be
`constant, Rv is the gas constant for water vapor,
`--~ 0 (~)
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 8 of 11)


`lg, lgl
`700 soo
`1 O0
`CCCCO sfc-850
`Same as Figure 2 but for Wake Island. Data are long-term 0000 UT monthly means for the period 1973-1990.
`Wake Island is an example of the tropical oceanic humidity regime.
`and when RH decreases with time,
`Since T,i can never exceed T, the time rate of change of Td
`must be slightly less than that of T, and this discrepancy
`grows as RH decreases.
`The water vapor regimes that exhibit minimal RH changes
`over the course of the year are the MC and MO regimes and
`the TO regime in the PBL. In the latter tropical case, PBL T
`and Td are almost constant, so (6) is satisfied because both
`sides are approximately zero. In the MC and MO regimes, T
`and Ta vary in phase, therefore their time rates of change
`always have the same sign. At Valentia (Figure 3), seasonal
`changes in T and Td are almost identical, but at Munich
`(Figure 2) the time rate of change of T exceeds that of Ta, as
`required by (6).
`Relative Humidity Varies Seasonally
`From (4) it follows that when RH increases with time,
`1 aTd 10T
`-- > T2
`T~ Ot Ot
`I aTd 1 aT
`T~ at T2 at
`There are two possible scenarios.
`Dew point variations greater than temperature variations.
`If T is approximately constant, as at TO stations above the
`PBL, then (4) requires that Ta and RH be in phase, as
`observed (e.g., at Wake Island, Figure 5). Even if T varia-
`tions are not negligible, when Ta variations are much larger,
`RH cannot be constant. In the TM regime the midtropo-
`sphere experiences a period of increasing Td and RH as the
`humid season approaches and a period of decreasing Td and
`RH as the dry season approaches. At Niamey, for example
`(Figure 6), 700- and 500-mbar T changes are minimal com-
`pared with Td changes. The changes are consistent with (7)
`and (8), with Ta increasing faster than T as the moist summer
`season approaches and decreasing faster than T as the dry
`season approaches.
`Large temperature variations. If there is a pronounced
`seasonal cycle in T, as at MM stations, T and Ta vary in
`phase with RH, but the time rate of change of Ta is greater
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 9 of 11)


`?00 ~oo
`Fig. 6. Same as Figure 2 but for Niamey, Niger. Data are long-term 1200 UT monthly means for the period ! 973-1990.
`Niamey is an example of the tropical monsoon humidity regime.
`(in absolute magnitude) than that of T (e.g., at Rio de
`Janeim, Figure 4). Thus the advection of moisture (as
`measured by Td) by the monsoon circulation is more signif-
`icant than thertrml (T) advection for determining P,H varia-
`tions at both tropical and mid-latitude monsoon stations.
`Examining the annual march of RH at stations around the
`globe reveals different patterns at different locations. In
`middle and high latitudes, RH is approximately constant
`throughout the year, except at locations influenced by mon-
`soon circulations. But in low-latitude regions, horizontal and
`vertical moisture advection, combined with low-amplitude
`changes in T over the course of the year, allows for substan-
`tial seasonal variation in RH. This is especially true above
`the PBL, which highlights the need for analysis of humidity
`measurements above the surface.
`The annual cycles of PW are consistent with the RH
`patterns. In middle and high latitudes, PW follows T. In the
`tropics, however, the annual cycle of PW is more closely
`related to midtropospheric RH variations than to T variations
`and reaches maximum values during the local rainy season
`when deep convection is strong. Our results for the trope-
`sphere below 500 mbar are qualitatively consistent
`with RH variations at higher levels measured by sat*Rites [van
`de Berg et ai., 1991; Chiou et el., 1992], that is, larger
`variations in the tropics than at mid-latitudes. While these five
`regimes are quite clearly delineated in our 56-station data set,
`future work will establish whether they are sufficient to char-
`acterize the annual cycles of tropospheric humidity globally.
`The existence of distinct humidity regimes suggests that a
`single set of assumptions above the vertical structure of
`humidity, and its seasonal variations, should not be applied
`globally. One-dimensional climate models need to disfin-
`gnish between tropical and mid-latitude and between conti-
`nental and oceanic atmospheres not just in terms of temper-
`ature profiles but also in terms of humidity profiles. Our
`results can also help to evaluate three-dimensional climate
`model simulations of the global climatology of tropospheric
`water vapor.
`If one wishes to draw analogies between long-term
`changes in climate and seasonal variations in the present
`climate, tl~e assumption that PW will increase as T increases
`and RH remains constant might be valid at some middle- and
`high-latitude locations. However, it cannot be supported in
`tropical regions at least at individual stations.
`Lupin Ex. 1056 (Page 10 of 11)


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