`An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 1 of 10)


`An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
`Pharmaceutical Research publishes innovative basic research and technological advances ia the pharlnaceutical-biomediuai sciences: Research areas covered in
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`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 2 of 10)


`phw..maceut~cal R~aearch, ~.gL .~7, No. 4, 2000
`Reseach Paper
`What is tlie True SolubilRy Advantage
`for Amorphous iPharmaceuticals?
`Bruno C. Hancock:’3 and Michael Parks~
`Reedved September 20, 1999; accepted December 19~ 1999
`Purpose. To evakmte the m~gnitude of d~.e solubi[ity advanlage
`amorpho~s pharmaceutical materials when compared to their crystal-
`line comaterparts,
`Methods. The thermaI properties of several &ugs in their amorphous
`and erystallhae slates were determh~ed using differential scanning calo-
`rimetry. From these properties the solubility advantage ~or the alnob
`pSous form was predicted as a ruction of temperature using a shnp/e
`thermalynamic analysis. ’Ilaese predictions were compared m the
`ms u lts of experimental measurements of the aqueous so]ubifities of the
`amoqphous and crystal~ne forms of the drugs at several temperatures.
`Resttlts. By treating each amorphous drug as either an equilibrium
`supra:cooled liquid or a pseudo-equifibrium glass, the soluNlity advan-
`tage eompar~l ~o the most stable cryst~Jline form was predicted to be
`between 10 and 1600 fold. The measured solubility advantage was
`usually conNderably less than ins. aul 1%r one compound sludied in
`detail its temperature dependence was also less than predicted. It was
`calculated that even for partially m~orp~ous materials the appare~x
`solubility enhancement (theoretical or measured) is likely m inflacnee
`m-vitro and in-,vivo dissolufl.on behavior,
`Conclusions. Amorphous phammceuttcals are markedly more soluble
`flaan their crystalline counterparu% however, their experhnentN solubil-
`ity advautage is tN?icaliy less than that preNcted from sunple thermody-
`namic considerations. This appeal3 to be a~e result of difficulties
`determining the solubility of amorphous materials under true equilib-
`rium col~dition~, Simple thermodynamic predictions can provide a u
`fffl indication of the theoretical maximum solubility advantage for
`amorphous pMrmaceuticals, which directly refl~s the drivin g three
`for ~hdr iNfial dissolution.
`KEY WORDS: amorphot~,~; crystal: solubility; dissolution.
`IN1 R )DUC 1. ION
`The existence of drugs m~d excipients in multipte physical
`forms (e.g., polymorphs, ~somers) provides phammcentical sci-
`entists with an opportunity to select the preferred form(s) of
`the materiNs used in a formulation. This ~s very useful since
`critical properties, such as particle morphology and solubility,
`frequently wu:y between the different physical forms of a mate-
`rial. The amorphm~s form of ph~macologica[ly active materials
`has received considerable attmation because in theery this
`represents the most eneNctic solid state of a material (Figure
`1), and thus it should provide the biggest advantage in terms
`of solubility and bioavailabilit¥ (1) Additionally, itmay provide
`significant changes from lhc usual crystalline form in terms of
`its mechanical properties, such as elastic modulus.
`For different crysta!line forms (e.g., polymorphs) the
`improved solubility of higher energy structures can be reliably
`estimated from a lmowledge of the the.rmody~tamic properties
`of the differet~.t forms (2). This is most simply achieved when
`data for the melting pofi~t, heat of [’us~on. a~.d heat capaciU of
`each form are available re.g,, (3)). In many eases it is also
`possible to directly measure the improvemems in solubility
`and biopharm aceutical per~k~rmance R~r such metastable crystal
`systems (4,5). A consideration of the data in the literat~re
`indicates that improvements i~ solubifity resulfiug from the use
`of alternate c~7stal forms can be expected to be as high as two
`fold (see later [br detai~s), an~ increases in maximum human
`plasma concentrations of up to s~x fold may be achieved (4)
`The measurement a~d estimation of the solubility and
`bioavaflability improvements that can be attained by using an
`amorphous form of a drug presents a more ag~fificant challe~ge
`becat~se of the far from equilibrium nature of the amorphous
`state. Thermodynan~c predictions of solubility enhancements
`have not been widely reported because of the difficulties
`involved in accurately characterizi~g amorphous drugs in terms
`of equifibrium thermody~amnic properties. Similarly, the deter-
`ruination o f meaningflfi experimental solubilities for amorphous
`pharmaceutical materials has been found to be extremeb~ diffi-
`cult because of the tendency for stlch materials to rapidly revert
`to the crystal.line state upon exposure to small quantities of
`solvet~ta (e.g., water vapor). Several reports in the literature
`indicate that the solubility advantage lot amoi’pb.ous &ug ~Brms
`may be qmte sig~.~ificant, fl~r example, 1.4 fold for indome~2hacin
`(6), 2 fold for cefalexin (7), 2.5 fold for tetracycline (8), and
`apNoximatdy 10 fold for a macrolide antibiotic (9) and novobi-
`ocin acid (l 0). Notably alm.ost all workers cite s~guificant ex.per-
`imeatal difficulties during solubilfi:y measurements due to
`crystalfization of the amorphous d~tg, and thus their reported
`experimental solubility catios are probably tmderestimates of
`the tree values for these materials. Otfly a few pbarmacokinefic
`investigations have beeu repo~ed (in animNs) (e.g, (l 1)), h.ow-
`ever these indicate that one should expec~ qui~e large improve-
`meres in the Nopharmaceuticai performance of amorphous
`In summary, m contrast to polymorphic crystalline drug
`forms, a simple method to estimate the theoretical maximum
`solubility of amorphous pharmaceuticals has not yet been pro-
`posed, nor has a consistent accurate method for assessing their
`apparent equilibrium solubilities been reposed. Thus, the objec-
`tive of the work reported herein was to use a simple thermody-
`uanlic approach to estimate the theoreticd maximum-sok~bil.ity
`improvement that can be achieved using m~mrphous compounds
`and to compare the resulting values with convenfionNly mea-
`sured solubility data. 11 was hoped that this approach would
`provide an estimate of the increased driving ff)rce for flee disso-
`lution of amorphous drug forms and indicate its relation to
`experimentally determined solubility values. To achieve this
`o~jective the thermal properties of several drags were measured
`using 4iff)renfial scanning cNorimelxy for use in the sok~bility
`calculations. Experimental solubility values were measured
`directly ~md/or collated ti’om the literature and then compared
`to (~e predicted values.
`Merck Frosst C~mada & Co., Kirk!and. Quebec, Canada
`Present address: Pfizer Inc. Gro~on. Connecticut 66340.
`To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`bruno, chaacock@groton,,
`lndomethacin, a hydrophobic poorly water soluble drug,
`was chosen for detailed cha~:acterization a~d study, Several
`072&8741/00/0400-0397518,0010 @ 2000 PLenum Publisifing (?(u potation
`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 3 of 10)


`Hancock and Parks
`"~\ glass
`.......... \ Tg
`orysf~l II .............
`Fig. 1. Schematic free-energy diagram for amorphous and crystalline
`materials (see text for explanation of abbreviations).
`AS~ = AH~/T}
`This simple approach treats the amorphous form as a pseudo-
`equilibrium solid state at all temperatures below the melting
`point, and it is analogous to that which has been successfully
`used to estimate the relative solubilities of different crystalline
`polymorphs (2,14). In such instances the heat capacity differ-
`once between the two forms (ACp) is usually assumed to be
`constant, and has often been approximated by ACp ~o,~ 0 or
`ACv ~ ASf when experimental heat capacity data at the tempera-
`tures of interest are not available (15-17). In this study actual
`data for the heat capacity of the amorphous and crystalline
`forms of indomethacin (18) were used for the calculations, and
`comparisons were then made with results attained using the
`commonly applied approximations. Heat capacity differences
`between the glassy and equilibrium supercooled liquid forms
`measured at the glass transition (ACp@ were also available for
`each of the materials studied and were used foi" so,he of the
`solubility predictions.
`Solubility Measurements
`other drugs (i.e., glibenclamide, griseofulvin, hydrochlorthia-
`zide, polythiazide)were studied in less detail. All compounds
`were obtained in their thermodynamically most stable crystal-
`line form from Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO. The metas-
`table c~-polymorph of indomethacin was prepared by
`precipitation from a saturated methanol solution with water. The
`amorphous form of each compound was produced by quench
`cooling molten material in liquid nitrogen. The identity of the
`different drug forms was established using differential scanning
`calorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction experiments (see
`below). All solid samples were stored in a dry environment
`(over silica gel) and were presented for analysis as powders of
`less than 120 US mesh size (- 125 Ixm).
`Thermal Analysis "
`Powder samples of 5-10 mg were analyzed by differential
`scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis
`(TGA) using a Seiko-220 thermal analysis system (Haake, Para-
`mus, NJ). Both TGA and DSC experiments were performed in
`a dry nitrogen atmosphere (60-100 ml/minute), heating the
`samples at a rate of 10°C/minute from ambient temperature to
`above their melting point(s). Calibration of the instruments with
`respect to temperature and/or enthalpy was achieved using high
`purity standards of indium, tin and gallium. Sample pans were
`made of alodined aluminum and were used with a vented cover:
`The mean results of triplicate determinations are reported,
`Powder X-ray Diffraction
`Powder x-ray diffraction measurements were used to con-
`firm the crystalline or amorphous nature of the starting materials
`and to identify the solids remaining in suspension at the end
`of the solubility experiments. A Scintag XDS-2000 instrument
`(Scintag, Cupertino, CA) with a nickel filtered copper radiation
`source was used and scans were taken between 2° and 70° 20.
`Samples were presented as lightly compacted powder disks.
`Solubility Predictions
`Predictions of the relative solubilities of the various crys-
`talline and amorphous forms of each drug were performed
`according to the method of Parks and co-workers (12,13). In
`this method the solubility ratio (cra/~r°) of the two forms (amor-
`phous = a; crystalline = c) being examined at any given temper-
`ature (T) is considered to be directly related to the free energy
`difference (AG) between those two forms (Fig. 1):
`AG~° = - R T in (o’~}/o-~-)
`where R is the gas constant. The difference in free energy is
`estimated from the entropy (S) and enthalpy (H) differences
`between the two forms:
`AG~° = AH~° - (T AS~°)
`Solubility measurements for indomethacin in deionized
`water were made using a closed, flat-bottomed, water-j acketed,
`glass vessel (70 mm height × 70 mm diameter) with an over-
`head 3-blade propeller stirrer operating at ~300 rpm. After
`equilibration at the desired temperature an excess of powdered
`drug was placed in the empty vessel, the stirrer started, and
`then two hundred milliliters of water were added to the vessel.
`At regular intervals a sample (~, 15 1TI1) of the liquid phase was
`withdrawn through a 0.22 ~m. filter and replaced with deionized
`water of the same temperature. Following dilution with a stan-
`dard solution of indomethacin in 50:50 methanol/water, the
`concentration of indomethacin in each sample was determined
`by UV-visible spectrometry at wavelengths of 266 and 318 nm.
`Solubility versus time profiles (over a 120 minute period) were
`determined at least four times for each form of the drug and
`at three different temperatures (5°C, 25°C, 45°C). The coeffi-
`cient of variation for replicate determinations was approxi-
`(4) mately five percent and rnean values are reported.
`and these enthalpy and entropy differences are calculated from
`the melting points (T}), enthalpy and entropy of fusion (AH~ &
`AS~), and isobaric heat capacities (C~, C~) as follows:
`AH~c = AH~ - (C~ - C~)(T} - T)
`AS~° = AS~ - (C; - C;)(ln (T}f/T))
`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 4 of 10)


`Solubility Advantage for Amorphous Pharmaceuticals 399 ’
`Table 1, Therma! Properties of Different Forms of Indomethacin Mea-
`sured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
`Characterization of Raw Materials
`Tl~e experimentally determined thermal properties of the
`different forms of indomethacin are summarized in Table 1,
`and these results are in close agreement with those previously
`reported (19,20). The two polymorphic crystal forms differed in
`their melting point by approximately 6°C and were energetically
`very similar. The amorphous form was a glass at room tempera-
`ture and required moderate heating (to above 42°C) to attain
`the equilibrium supercooled liquid state. The identity of the
`various indomethacin forms was confirmed using X-ray powder
`diffraction experiments and comparison to reference data (19).
`The t~hErmal properties of the other drags studied were taken
`from the literature (3-5,12,13, 21) or measured by DSC. These
`results are presented in the footnote to Table 2.
`Solubility Predictions
`The predicted solubility ratios for the amorphous and ~-
`crystal forms of indomethacin relative to the ,/-crystal form are
`summarized in Table 2. A detailed analysis of these predictions
`will be included in the discussion section. The solubility ratios
`calculated for the other drugs considered are also summarized
`in Table 2. The magnitude of the predicted solubility advantage
`for different crystalline polymorphs ranged from 1.1 to 3.6 fold,
`whereas the predicted solubility ratio for the amorphous drug
`forms varied between 12 and 1652 fold.
`Solubility Measurements
`The experimentally determined solubility versus time pro-
`files for the various indomethacin forms are_shown in Figs. 2a,
`2b and 2c. At 5°C the enhanced solubility of the amorphous
`form relative to the ~/-crystal is clearly seen. A maximum solu-
`bility for the amorphous form occurred at approximately 10
`minutes and the solubility of the ,/-crystal form reached a
`constant value at approximately the same time in the experi-
`ment. At 25°C the m,’iximum in the solubility versus time profile
`for the amorphous form was more pronounced. The peak solu-
`bility occurred within the first 10 minutes of the experiment
`and the solubility of the amorphous form was consistently
`greater than that of the ~/-crystal form. At 45°C the peak solubil-
`ity for the amorphous form occurred very rapidly and declined
`equally quicldy. The (x-crystal polymorphic form also had a
`modestly improved solubility relative to the ~/-crystal form at
`45°C, The maximum solubility ratios attained at each tempera-
`ture for the indomethacin forms are smnmarized in Table 3,
`along with selected data for other drugs which have been
`reported in the literature. These literature data were chosen
`based on their apparent reliability and the possibility of being
`able to compare them with predicted values (i. e., both thermody-
`namic and solubility data were available). The experimental
`Table 2, Predicted Solubility Ratios for Indomethacin and Other Drug Compounds
`Solubility ratioa
`This work:
`Carbmnezapine (3)
`Chloramphenicol palmitate (4)
`Iopanoie acid (21)
`Mefenamic acid (5)
`Glucose (12,I3)
`Iopanoic acid (21)
`1.1- 1.2
`38 - 301
`25 - 104
`!6 ~ 41
`1.7 - 2.1
`1.7 - 2.0
`1.6 - 2.0
`1..6- 1.9
`1~6- 1.8
`1.5 - 1.7
`2.3 - 2.8
`112- 1652
`16 - 53
`38.- 441
`21 - 113
`12- 19
`48 - 455
`The range of values reflects the use of different ACp values for the calcnlations (see text for details).
`Glibenclamide: Tg = 58°C, ACpTg = 0.45 J/g/K, T~---- 177°C, AHf = 108 J/g,
`Griseofnlvin: Tg -- 91°C, ACpxg = 0.36 J/g/K, Tf = 221°C, AH~ = 107 J/g.
`Itydrochlorthiazide: Tg = 112°C, ACpTg = 0.31 Jig/K, Tr = 274°C, AH~ = 104 J/g.
`Polythiazide: Tg = 73°C, = 0.34J/g/K, Te = 220°C, AHf = 97 J/g.
`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 5 of 10)


`3.0 ..... ¯
`Predicted Solubilities
`Hancock and Parks
`~ .0.5
`~_ =~-~= = ~
`~ 2.5
`0 20 40 60 80 100 120
`Time (minutes)
`Fig. 2. Experimental aqueous solubility profiles for amorphous and
`crystalline indomethacin (. amorphous; ¯ ,/-crystal; ¯ a-crystal) (A)
`at 5°C.(B) at 25°C (C) at 45°C.
`solubility ratios varied between 1.1 and 4.0 for the crystalline
`polymorphs and 1.1 and 24 for the amorphous forms.
`Characterization of Undissolved Material
`Immediately after each experimental solubility determina-
`tion with the different forms of indomethacin the solid material
`suspended in the dissolution medium was recovered. This was
`achieved by fiItration and vacuum drying, and the recovered
`material was then analyzed by DSC, TGA and powder X-ray
`diffraction. The identities of the solid materials were ascertained
`by comparison to reference data (19) and are summarized in
`Table 4.
`The soh~bility ratios predicted for the amorphous indo-
`methacin from 0°C to the crystalline melting point using the
`different heat capacity approximations are shown in Fig. 3a.
`Because of the relatively large difference in free energy between
`the crystalline and amorphous forms of the drug the magnitude
`of the predicted solubility ratio is considerably higher than
`that recorded for the c~-crystal polymorph. The temperature
`dependence of the solubility ratio for the amorphous form is
`approximately logarithmic in all instances and the solubility
`ratio increases with decreasing temperature. Whereas for typical
`crystalline polymorphs the effects of changes in ACp are quite
`small (15-17) the effects on the predictions for the amorphous
`form are quite large. Comparison of the predictions for the
`amorphous indomethacin made using the approximations
`AC~’c ~-" 0, AC~’c ~ ~Cptg or AC~ic ~ AS~ with that made using
`experimentally measured heat capacity data reveals some inter-
`esting features. For the experimental heat capacity data the
`prediction follows the case where AC~’° ~ ACpTg above Tg. At
`Tg, where the heat capacity changes, there is a stepwise change
`in the predicted solubility ratio and the predicted values below
`Tg follow the case where AC~’e ~-- 0. The case where AC~’e ~
`AS~ provides an intermediate estimate of the solubility ratio
`at all temperatures. It can be clearly seen from this anatysis that
`there should be a significant stepwise increase in the solubility
`advantage at the glass transition temperature and the most
`appropriate ACp approximation is different above and below
`Tg. These features were not noted by Parks and co-workers in
`their studies of the solubility of amorphous glucose because
`all of their work was performed at temperatures above the glass
`transition temperature (12). The significance of these findings
`to the behavior of pharmaceutical dosage forms containing
`amorphous drug forms with glass transition temperatures which
`are close to physiological and/or ambient temperatures (e.g.,
`indomethacin) is obvious.
`Experimental Solubilities
`The experimentally measured solubilities of amorphous
`indomethacin were consistently greater than those of the ~!-
`crystalline form over a 40°C range in temperature and for a
`period of at least two hours following the start of the solubility
`determinations (Figs. 2a, 2b & 2c). The peak solubility for
`the amorphous indomethacin always occurred within the first
`10-15 minutes of the experiment and was as much as two fold
`greater than the ’steady-state’ solubility achieved at the end of
`the experiments. It appeared that the higher the temperature
`the more pronounced was the peak in the solubility versus time
`profile. Over the duration of the solubility experiments the
`amorphous starting material partially converted to the two most
`common crystalline polymorphs (Table 4). This change in phase
`may have been mediated by dissolution in and supersaturation
`of the aqueous dissolution media. Alternatively, it may only
`have been necessary to expose the solid amorphous indometha-
`cin ~o the solvent molecules in order to trigger crystallization
`in the solid state (22). Whatever the means of interconversion,
`it is’ cleat" that initially the amorphous drug was very highly
`soluble in the aqueous dissolution medium but that the maxi-
`mum level of supersaturation relative to the solubility of the
`Lupin Ex. 1042 (Page 6 of 10)


`Solubility Advantage for Amorphous Pharmaceuticals
`Table 3. Experhnental Solubility Ratios for Indomethacin and Other Drug Compounds
`Solubility ratio
`This work:
`Carbamezapine (3)
`Chloramphenicol pah-nitate (4)
`Iopanoic acid (21)
`Mefenamic acid (5)
`Glibenclamide (30)
`Glucose (12,13)
`Griseofulvin (29)
`Hydrochlorthiazide (23)
`Iopanoic acid (21)
`Polythi_azide (23)
`II-crystal/I- crystal
`1 ;6
`45°C, water
`5°C, water
`25°C, water
`45°C, water
`2°C, 2-propanol
`12°C, 2-propanol
`17°C, 2-propanol
`26°C, 27propanoi
`40°C, 2-propanol
`58°C; 2-propanol
`30°C, 35% t-butanol (aq.)
`37°C, phosphate buffer (aq.)
`30°C, dodecyl alcohol
`23°C, buffer (aq.)
`20°C, methanol
`20°C, ethanol
`20°C, isopropyl alcohol .
`21°C, water
`37.°C, HC1 & PVP (aq.)
`37°C~ phosphate buffer (aq.)
`37°C, HC1 & PVP (aq.)
`~/-custal form could not be sustained. Thus the measured solu-
`bility of the amorphous drug declined to a nearly constant level
`within a period of about 20~60 minutes. Similar dissolution
`ldnetics have been previously reported for many metastable
`drug and excipient forms and they were not unexpected in this
`study. The correlation of the transformation kinetics in-vitro to
`the in-vivo situation is unknown, however it can be appreciated
`that it is likely that some level of in-vivo solubility enhancement
`would be achieved with the amorphous form of indometha-
`cin (11).
`The range of temperatures that was selected for the experi-
`menta[ solubility determinations is typical of that encountered
`by pharmaceutical products during their normal manufacture,
`packaging, storage, and use. Over this temperature range the
`expected increases in solubility with temperature were clearly
`seen for both the amorphous and ",/-crystal forms of indometha-
`cin (Figs. 2a, 2b, 2c; Table 3). Interestingly the steady-state
`solubility of the amorphous form at 5°C was approximately
`equal to that of the stable y-crystal at 450C. The alterations in
`solubility with temperature were of a similar magnitude for
`both forms and might have been amenable to a detailed thermo-
`dynamic analysis if data were available at a greater number

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