`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation:
`An Implementation Using the
`Patrick Geremia
`Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code provides a simple, yet powerful, method for the detection of
`burst errors during digital data transmission and storage. CRC implementation can use either
`hardware or software methods. This application report presents different software algorithms and
`compares them in terms of memory and speed using the Texas Instruments (TI(cid:228)
`) TMS320C54x
`digital signal processor (DSP). Various common CRC codes will be used.
`TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
`Digital Signal Processing Solutions
`April 1999
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 1
`Application Report
`Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................3
`Coding Theory Behind CRC.............................................................................................................................3
`Fundamentals of Block Coding.............................................................................................................3
`CRC Coding .........................................................................................................................................5
`CRC Code Examples............................................................................................................................5
`Algorithms for CRC Computation.....................................................................................................................6
`Bitwise Algorithm ..................................................................................................................................6
`Lookup Table Algorithms ......................................................................................................................7
`Standard Lookup Table Algorithm ........................................................................................................7
`Reduced Lookup Table Algorithm ........................................................................................................8
`TMS320C54x Implementation..........................................................................................................................9
`General Considerations ........................................................................................................................9
`CRC-CCITT ................................................................................................................................9
`CRC-32 10
`CRC for GSM/TCH ...................................................................................................................10
`CRC for GSM/TCH/EFS Precoder............................................................................................11
`GSM FIRE Code.......................................................................................................................11
`Code Availability.............................................................................................................................................12
`Appendix A. CRC-CCITT Listing†...................................................................................................................13
`Appendix B. CRC-32 Listing† .........................................................................................................................18
`Appendix C. GSM/TCH Listing.......................................................................................................................23
`Appendix D. GSM/TCH/EFS Precoder Listing†..............................................................................................25
`Appendix E. GSM FIRE Code Listing† ...........................................................................................................30
`Figure 1.
`CRC Generation Using a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) .............................................6
`Table 1.
`Table 2.
`Table 3.
`Table 4.
`Table 5.
`Table 6.
`Common CRC Codes and Associated Generator Polynomial ....................................................5
`Benchmarks for CRC-CCITT ......................................................................................................9
`Benchmarks for CRC-32...........................................................................................................10
`Benchmarks for GSM/TCH .......................................................................................................10
`Benchmarks for GSM/TCH/EFS Precoder................................................................................11
`Benchmarks for GSM FIRE Code.............................................................................................11
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 2
`Application Report
`Error correction codes provide a means to detect and correct errors introduced by a
`transmission channel. Two main categories of code exist: block codes and convolutional
`codes. They both introduce redundancy by adding parity symbols to the message data.
`Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes are a subset of cyclic codes that are also a subset
`of linear block codes. The theory behind block coding and more specifically CRC coding
`is briefly discussed in this application report as well as most common CRC codes.
`CRC implementation can use either hardware or software methods. In the traditional
`hardware implementation, a simple shift register circuit performs the computations by
`handling the data one bit at a time. In software implementations, handling data as bytes
`or words becomes more convenient and faster. You choose a particular algorithm
`depending on which memory and speed constraints are required. Different types of
`algorithms and the results are presented later in this application report.
`Coding Theory Behind CRC
`Fundamentals of Block Coding
`A block code consists of a set of fixed-length vectors called code words. The length of a
`code word is the number of elements in the vector and is denoted by n. The elements of
`a code word are selected from an alphabet of q elements. When the alphabet consists of
`two elements, 0 and 1, the code is binary; otherwise, it is nonbinary code. In the binary
`case, the elements are bits. The following discussion focuses on binary codes.
`There are 2n possible code words in a binary block code of length n. From these 2n code
`words you may select M = 2k code words (k < n) to form a code. Thus a block of k
`information bits is mapped into a code word of length n selected from the set of M = 2k
`code words. This is called an (n,k) code and the ratio k/n is defined to be the rate of the
`The encoding and decoding functions involve the arithmetic operations of addition and
`multiplication performed on code words. These arithmetic operations are performed
`according to the conventions of the algebraic field that has, as its elements, the symbols
`contained in the alphabet. For binary codes, the field is finite and has 2 elements, 0 and
`1, and is called GF(2) (Galois Field).
`A code is linear if the addition of any two-code vectors forms another code word. Code
`linearity simplifies implementation of coding operations.
`The minimum distance dmin is the smallest hamming distance between two code words.
`The hamming distance is the number of symbols (bits in the binary case) in which they
`differ. The minimum distance is closely linked to the capacity of the code to detect and
`correct errors and is a function of the code characteristics. An (n,k) block code is capable
` errors.
`of detecting dmin – 1 errors and correcting
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 3
`Application Report
`im is the k-bits information word, the output of the encoder will result in an
`i =
`1,0 2,....,
` where G is called the
`ic , defined as
`n-bits code word
`generator matrix of dimension nk·
`. Every linear block code is equivalent to a systematic
`code; therefore, it is always possible to find a matrix G generating code words formed by
` [ ],PIG k=
` where
`the k information bits followed by the n-k parity check bits, for example,
` matrix of parity checks. The parity
` identity matrix and P is a
` )( knk
`kI is the
` matrix so that
`check matrix H is defined as a
`. If the code is
`. Since all code words are linear sums of the rows in G,
`systematic, then
` 2,....,1,0
` for all I,
`. If a code word c is corrupted during
`we have
`ectransmission so that the receive word is c' = + , where e is a non-zero error pattern,
`then we call syndrome s the result of following multiplication,
` - dimensional vector. The
`, where s is
`syndrome s is dependent on the error pattern. If the error pattern is a code vector, the
`errors go undetected. For all other error patterns, however, the syndrome is nonzero.
`Decoding then uses standard array decoders that are based on lookup tables to
`associate each syndrome with an error pattern. This method becomes impractical for
` increases.
`many interesting and powerful codes as
`Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear block codes with an algebraic structure that enables
`encoding to be implemented with a linear feedback shift register and decoding to be
`implemented without using standard array decoders. Therefore, most block codes in use
`today are cyclic or are closely related to cyclic codes. These codes are best described if
`vectors are interpreted as polynomials. In a cyclic code, all code word polynomials are
`. This polynomial is chosen to
`)(xg of degree
`multiples of a generator polynomial
`be a divisor of
` so that a cyclic shift of a code vector yields another code vector. A
` can be mapped to a code word polynomial
`message polynomial
` 2,....,1,0
` (systematic form), where
`i xxm
` by
`)(xg .
`remainder of the division of
` is the
`) . This is
`The first step in decoding is to determine if the receive word is a multiple of g x(
`done by dividing it by
`)(xg and examining the remainder. Since polynomial division is a
`linear operation, the resulting syndrome
`)(xg depends only on the error pattern. If
`is the all-zero polynomial, transmission is errorless or an undetectable error has
`)(xg is nonzero, at least one error has occurred. This is the principle of CRC.
`occurred. If
`More powerful codes attempt to correct the error and use the syndrome to determine the
`locations and values of multiple errors.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 4
`Application Report
`CRC Coding
`CRC codes are a subset of cyclic codes and use a binary alphabet, 0 and 1. Arithmetic is
`based on GF(2), for example, modulo-2 addition (logical XOR) and modulo-2
`multiplication (logical AND).
`In a typical coding scheme, systematic codes are used. Assume the convention that the
`)(xm to be the
`leftmost bit represents the highest degree in the polynomial. Suppose
`)(xg the generator polynomial,
`)(xc the code word polynomial and
`message polynomial,
`xgxmxc =
` which can also be written using the systematic form
`we have
`kn +
` by
` is the remainder of the division of
`, where
`)(xc contains k-information
` represents the CRC bits. The transmitted message
` CRC bits, for example,
`bits followed by
`. So encoding is straightforward:
`knx -
`)(xm by
` bits to the message, calculate the CRC bits
`, that is, append
`)(xg , and append the resulting
` CRC bits to the message.
` by
`by dividing
`)(' xc
`For the decoding part, the same algorithm can be used. If
` is the received
`)(' xc
` is a multiple of
`message, then no error or undetectable errors have occurred if
`)(xg , that is, if
`)(xg , which is equivalent to determining that if
` is a multiple of
`)(xg is 0.
` by
`the remainder of the division from
`CRC Code Examples
`The performance of a CRC code is dependent on its generator polynomial. The theory
`behind its generation and selection is beyond the scope of this application report. This
`application report will only consider the most common used ones (see Table 1).
`Table 1. Common CRC Codes and Associated Generator Polynomial
`CRC Code
`CRC-32 (Ethernet)
`(Channel coding for speech traffic
`GSM TCH/EFS pre-coding
`(Preliminary channel coding for Enhanced
`Full Rate)
`GSM control channels – FIRE code
`(Channel coding for control channels)
`Generator Polynomial
`++ xx
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 5
`Application Report
`Algorithms for CRC Computation
`Bitwise Algorithm
`The bitwise algorithm (CRCB) is simply a software implementation of what would be done
`in hardware using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). Figure 1 illustrates a generic
`hardware implementation. The shift register is driven by a clock. At every clock pulse, the
`input data is shifted into the register in addition to transmitting the data. When all input
`bits have been processed, the shift register contains the CRC bits, which are then shifted
`out on the data line.
`Figure 1. CRC Generation Using a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
`In the software implementation, the following algorithm can be used:
`Assume now that the check bits are stored in a register referred as the CRC register, a
`software implementation would be:
`1) CRC 0
`if the CRC left-most bit is equal to 1, shift in the next message bit, and XOR the CRC
`register with the generator polynomial; otherwise, only shift in the next message bit
`3) Repeat step 2 until all bits of the augmented message have been shifted in
`Faster implementations can be achieved by handling the data as larger units than bits, as
`long as the size does not exceed the degree of the generator polynomial. However, the
`speed gain corresponds to a memory increase, since precomputed values (lookup tables)
`will be used.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 6
`Application Report
`Lookup Table Algorithms
` is
`, where
`A code word can be written as
`)(xm . Let us augment the message by a
`the CRC polynomial of the input message
` bits.
`= a
`We therefore have
`, where
` is the new
`added a
`)(' xmx kn-
`-bit word. The CRC of the augmented message is the remainder of
`. Expanding the
`divided by
`. We have
`)(xg , let us call it
`)(' xr
`dividend, we obtain:
`. Expanding the result, we have
`+----- aa
`-------- a a
`, so that,
`The last equation relates the check bits of the augmented message with the check bits of
`- kn
`the original message. Note that if
`, then
`. Different algorithms for CRC
`)(' xr
`computation may be viewed as methods to compute
` from
` and
`)(xb . Practical
`values for a
` are 8 or 16, since it corresponds to many machine word lengths.
`Standard Lookup Table Algorithm
`The idea behind the standard lookup table algorithm is to precompute the CRC values of
`-bit word values are necessary,
`all augmented bits combinations. Therefore,
`which limits practical implementations to small a
` values.
` bits to 0
`Assume now that the check bits are stored in a register named CRC, the algorithm will be
`1) CRC 0, that is, set the (
`r kn --
`2) XOR the a
`that is, XOR with the (
` input bits with the CRC register content shifted right by
`- - - -
`n k
`n k
` bits
`find the corresponding value in the lookup table and XOR the CRC register content
` bits, that is, XOR with the (
`shifted left by a
` bits. This is the new CRC
`r -a
`4) Repeat steps 2 to 3 until you reach the end of the message.
`In the case where a = -n
`k , steps 2) and 3) will be slightly different:
` input bits with the CRC register, that is, XOR with the (
`2) XOR the a
`r kn
` bits
`1,..., r0
`3) Find the corresponding value in the lookup table. This is the new CRC value.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 7
`Application Report
`Reduced Lookup Table Algorithm
`+-- a1
` is equal to
` with
`This algorithm is a variant of the standard lookup table algorithm to fit applications where
`memory space is of primary importance. The amount of required memory to store the
`n k-
`lookup table is significantly reduced and equal to a
` (
`-bit words. The basic idea is
` into the sum
`to split the expression
`. Each term of the sum can be
`+------- a
`either 0 or 1. If
` is 0, then
`i r ikn
` ----- a
`0. So you only need to precompute a
` values corresponding to
`xg xR
`. The algorithm will be (if
`1) CRC 0, that is, set the (
`r kn --
`2) XOR the a
` input bits with the CRC register content shifted right by a
`the ( )a----
` bits
`3) on each bit of this value (a
` bits), if it is equal to 1 then find the corresponding value in
`the lookup table and XOR the CRC register content with it
` bits to 0
` bits, XOR with
`4) XOR this value with the CRC shifted left by a
`bits. This is the new CRC value.
` bits, that is, XOR with the(
`a - 1
`5) Repeat steps 2 to 4 until you reach the end of the message.
`In the case where a = -n
`k , steps 2) and 4) will be slightly different:
` input bits with the CRC e.g. XOR with the (
`2) XOR the a
`r kn
`1,..., r0
` bits,
`4) The value computed in step 3) is the new CRC value
`Note that only step 3 differs from the standard lookup table algorithm. As expected, there
`is an increase of processing due to the fact that each bit must be tested and if it is equal
`to 1 then a XOR operation must be performed.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 8
`Application Report
`TMS320C54x Implementation
`General Considerations
`The TMS320C54x DSP is a 16-bit fixed-point DSP. Interesting for the implementation of
`the examples given:
`X 40-bit Arithmetical and Logical Unit (ALU)
`X Two 40-bit accumulators (A and B)
`X Efficient memory addressing modes
`X Multiple bus structure
`X Barrel shifter
`CRC codes with a size smaller than 40 bits are relatively easy to implement. Depending
`on the type of algorithm used, 8-, 16-, or up to 32-bit data is used.
`Tables 2 to 6 illustrate the results obtained from simulation done on 256 input words,
`which were randomly generated by a C-program using the rand() function. CRCB, CRCT,
`and CRCR are the function names corresponding, respectively, to the bit-wise algorithm,
`standard lookup table algorithm, and reduced lookup table algorithm. You can refer to the
`assembly code in the appendixes.
`As expected from the theory, we have a trade-off between memory requirement and
`processing speed between the different algorithms. One trade-off is that the reduced
`look-up table algorithm does not offer any advantage over the two others; this is
`understandable, since in both cases, testing of all input bits must be performed.
`The standard lookup table algorithm is 2.7 times faster than the bit-wise
`implementation, but requires 16.5 times more memory, due to the lookup table
`essentially (see Table 2).
`Table 2. Benchmarks for CRC-CCITT
`† Number of 16-bit words.
`‡ To process one word. Includes return instruction.
`§ To process array of 256 words. Includes function calls, returns, main loop, and
`specific initialization.
`¶ To process one byte. Includes return instruction.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 9
`Application Report
`The standard lookup table algorithm is 3.8 times faster than the bit-wise
`implementation, but requires 10.7 times more memory, due to the lookup table
`essentially (see Table 3).
`Table 3. Benchmarks for CRC-32
`† Number of 16-bit words
`‡ To process one word. Includes return instruction.
`§ To process array of 256 words. Includes function calls, returns, main loop, and
`specific initialization.
`¶ To process one byte. Includes return instruction.
`Only one algorithm has been implemented (see Table 4) due to the small CRC size
`(3 bits). The lookup table oriented algorithms would have required to work on 3-bit
`entities that are not really supported efficiently by the TMS320C54x architecture.
`Table 4. Benchmarks for GSM/TCH
`† Number of 16-bit words
`‡ To process one word. Includes return instruction.
`§ To process array of 256 words. Includes function calls, returns, main loop, and
`specific initialization.
`¶ To process one byte. Includes return instruction.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 10
`Application Report
`CRC for GSM/TCH/EFS Precoder
`The standard lookup table algorithm is 3 times faster than the bit-wise
`implementation, but requires 16.2 times more memory, due to the lookup table
`essentially (see Table 5).
`Table 5. Benchmarks for GSM/TCH/EFS Precoder
`† Number of 16-bit words
`‡ To process one word. Includes return instruction.
`§ To process array of 256 words. Includes function calls, returns, main loop, and
`specific initialization.
`¶ To process one byte. Includes return instruction.
`The reduced lookup table algorithm is not implemented, because it would not have had
`any advantages over the bit-wise algorithm. This is even more obvious than for the
`previous codes, since the FIRE code is 40 bits long and fetching 40 bits from memory
`requires extra overhead.
`The standard lookup table algorithm is 2.7 times faster than the bit-wise
`implementation, but requires 14.3 times more memory, due to the lookup table
`essentially (see Table 6).
`Table 6. Benchmarks for GSM FIRE Code
`† Number of 16-bit words
`‡ To process one word. Includes return instruction.
`§ To process array of 256 words. Includes function calls, returns, main loop, and
`specific initialization.
`¶ To process one byte. Includes return instruction.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 11
`Application Report
`Three CRC computation algorithms and their implementation using the TMS320C54x
`DSP have been considered in this application report, as well as various commonly used
`CRC codes.
`The bit-wise algorithm and the standard lookup table algorithm appear to be the most
`appropriate depending on the application requirements, that is, memory usage or
`computation time optimization. The results of the simulation based on five CRC codes
`show that the standard lookup table algorithm is about 3 times faster, but requires about
`14 times more memory than the bit-wise algorithms.
`The code provided in this application report is easily adaptable to other CRC codes and
`should provide you a good startup point, when considering implementation of cyclic
`redundancy check.
`Code Availability
`The associated program files are available from Texas Instruments TMS320 Bulletin
`Board System (BBS). Internet users can access the BBS via anonymous ftp.
`1. Ramabadran T.V., Gaitonde S.S., “A tutorial on CRC computations”, IEEE Micro, Aug
`2. ETSI GSM 05.03 Specification, “Channel Coding” , August 1996, Version 5.2.0.
`3. John G. Proakis, “Digital Communications”, 3rd edition.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 12
`Application Report
`Appendix A CRC-CCITT Listing†
` (C) Copyright 1997, Texas Instruments Incorporated
` .mmregs
` .def Entry, Reset
` .title "CRC CCITT"
`genCRC .set 1021h ; Generator CRC Polynomial value
` ; g(x) = x16 + x12 + x5 + 1
`inport .set 0h ; IO address
`* Stack setup
`* Reset vector
`BOS .usect "stack",0fh ; setup stack
`TOS .usect "stack",1 ; Top of stack at reset
` .sect "vectors"
` bd Entry ; reset vector
` stm #TOS,SP ; Setup stack
`* Main Program
` .sect "program"
` .include "c5xx.inc"
` ld #crc,DP ; scratch pad mem -> DP=0
` portr #inport,@nbDataIn ; nb words
` addm #-1,@nbDataIn ; for repeat
`† Part of the tables are truncated.
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
`Patent Owner Ex. 2009 Page 13
`Application Report
`* CRCB (word wise)
` stm #input,AR2 ; copy inputwords in RAM
` rpt @nbDataIn ;
` portr #inport,*AR2+ ; read them from IO space
` ld #genCRC,16,B ; BH = CRC gen. poly.
` mvdm @nbDataIn,AR1 ; AR1 = length of message
` stm #input,AR2 ; AR2 points to input word
` ld *AR2+,16,A ; initialize CRC register
`next calld CRCB ; perform CRC computation
` or *AR2+,A
` nop
` banz next,*AR1- ; process all input words
` sth A,@crc ; store result in memory
`* CRCT (byte wise)
` stm #input,AR2 ; AR2 points to inputword
` mvdm @nbDataIn,AR1 ; AR1 = length of message
` ld #0,A ; clear Acc A
` rsbx SXM ; no sign extension
` stm #t_start,AR3 ; AR3 = LTU start address
`next1 calld CRCT ; process LSByte
` ld *AR2,-8,B ; BL = LSByte
` ld *AR2+,B
` calld CRCT ; process MSByte
` and #0FFh,B ; BL = MSByte
` banz next1,*AR1-
` stl A,@crc ; store result
`* CRCR (word wise)
` stm #input,AR2 ; AR2 points to inputword
` mvdm @nbDataIn,AR1 ; AR1 = length of message
` ld #0,A ; clear Acc A
` stm #rtw_start-1,AR3 ; AR3=LTU start address-1
`next2 xor *AR2+,A ; AL = CRC XOR inputWord
` calld CRCRW ; process input word
` and #0FFFFh,A
` banzd next2,*AR1-
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
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`Application Report
` stm #rtw_start-1,AR3 ; AR3=LTU start address-1
` stl A,@crc ; store result
`done b done
`* CRCB routine : bit-wise CRC calculation
`* input : 1) 16-bit input words in AL
`* 2) CRC generator polynomial in BH
`* 3) OVM = 0
`* ouput : CRC value in AH
`* BRC, REA, RSA, A, C, SP modified
`* Code size = 10 words
`* Cycles = 11 + 5*N = 91 for N = 16 bits
`* A = |A31.............A16 A15................A0|
`* <------ CRC ------> <---- input bits---->
`* B = |B31.............B16 B15................B0|
`* <-- polynomial --->
`CRCB stm #16-1,BRC ; BRC = 16-1
` rptb CRC_end-1 ; repeat block
` sftl A,1,A ; A = A << 1, C=MSB
` xc 1,C ;
` xor B,A ; if C=1,
` ; AH = new CRC
` ; = AH XOR gen.
`CRC_end ret ; end of repeat
`* CRCT routine : standard lookup table CRC calculation
`* with bytes as input
`* input : 1) 8-bit words in AL
`* 2) AR3 = LTU start address
`* 3) DP = 0 = DP(temp)
`* 4) SXM = 0
`* ouput : CRC value in AL
`* A, B, AR4, SP modified
`* code size = 10 words
`* cycles = 12 cycles
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation: An Implementation Using the TMS320C54x
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`Application Report
`* A = |A31.............A16 A15................A0|
`* <------- CRC ------->
`* B = |B31........................B7........B0|
`* <-- input-->
`CRCT ; AL (low part of Acc A) = CRC bits
` stl A,-8,@AR4 ; AR4 = CRC >> 8
` stl A,8,@temp ; temp = CRC << 8
` xor @AR4,B ; B = (inputByte) XOR (CRC>>8)
` ; = Offset in LTU
` adds @AR3,B ; B = Offset + LTU start address
` stlm B,AR4 ; AR4 = absolute address in LTU
` retd
` ld @temp,A ; AL = CRC << 8
` xor *AR4,A ; AL = new CRC
`* CRCRW routine : reduced lookup table CRC calculation
`* with words as input
`* input : 1) 16-bit words in AL
`* 2) AR3 = LTU start address - 1
`* ouput : CRC value in AL
`* A, B, C, AR3, BRC, RSA, REA, SP modified
`* Code size = 15 words
`* Cycles = 11 + 5*N = 91 for N = 16 bits
`* A = |A31.............A16 A15................A0|
`* <------- CRC ------->
` stm #16-1,BRC ; BRC = 16-1