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`Everything you wanted to know about CRC algorithms, but were afraid
`to ask for fear that errors in your understanding might be detected."
`Version : 3.
`: _9 August 1993.
`: Ross N. Williams.
` v3.tx:
`Company : Rocksoft”tm Pty Ltd.
`: _6 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia.
`. —61
`8 373-4911 (c/— Internode Systems Pty Etd).
`: —61
`8 379-9217 (10am to 10pm Adelaide Australia time).
`: "Rocksoft" is a trademark of Rocksoft Pty Etd, Australia.
`: Copyright
`(C) Ross Williams, 1993. However, permission is
`granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
`document provided that this information block and copyright
`notice is included. Also,
`the C code modules included
`in this document are fully public domain.
`: Thanks to Jean—loup Gailly ( and Mark Adler
`( who both proof read this document
`and picked out lots of nits as well as some big fat bugs.
`Table of Contents
`1. Introduction: Error Detection
`2. "he Need For Complexity
`3. "he Basic Idea Behind CRC Algorithms
`4. Polynomical Ari:hmetic
`5. Binary Arithmetic with No Carries
`6. A Fully Worked Example
`7. Choosing A Poly
`8. A Straightforward CRC Implementation
`9. A Table—Driven Implementation
`10. A Slightly Mangled Table—Driven Implementation
`11. "Reflected" Table—Driven Implementations
`12. "Reversed" Polys
`13. Initial and Final Values
`14. Defining Algorithms Absolutely
`15. A Parameterized Model For CRC Algorithms
`16. A Catalog of Parameter Sets for Standards
`17. An Implementation of the Model Algorithm
`18. Roll Your Own Table—Driven Implementation
`19. Generating A Lookup Table
`21. Corrections
`A. Glossary
`B. References
`C. References I Have Detected But Haven't Yet Sighted
`(Cyclic Redundancy Codes) and their
`‘his document explains CRCs
`table—driven implementations in full, precise detail. Much of the
`literature on CRCs, and in particular on their table—driven
`is a little obscure (or at least seems so to me).
`‘his document is an attempt to provide a clear and simple no—nonsense
`http ://www.r0ss .net/crc/download/crc_V3 .txt
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`explanation of CRCs and to absolutely nail down every detail of the
`operation of their high—speed implementations.
`In addition to this,
`this document presents a parameterized model CRC algorithm called the
`"Rocksoft”tm Model CRC Algorithm". The model algorithm can be
`parameterized to behave like most of the CRC implementations around,
`and so acts as a good reference for describing particular algorithms.
`A low—speed implementation of the model CRC algorithm is provided in
`the C programming language. Lastly there is a section giving two forms
`of high—speed table driven implementations, and providing a program
`that generates CRC lookup tables.
`1. Introduction: Error Detection
`The aim of an error detection technique is to enable the receiver of a
`message transmitted through a noisy (error—introducing) channel to
`d t rmin wh th r th m ssag has been corrupted. To do this,
`transmitter constructs a value (called a checksum)
`that is a function
`of the message, and appends it to th m ssag . Th
`r c iv r can then
`use the same function to calculate the checksum of the received
`message and compare it with the appended checksum to see if the
`message was correctly received. For example, if we chose a checksum
`function which was simply the sum of the bytes in the message mod 256
`(i.e. modulo 256),
`then it might go something as follows. All numbers
`are in decimal.
`Message with checksum
`Message after transmission :
`6 23
`6 23
`6 27
`4 33
`4 33
`the second byte of the message was corrupted from 23 to
`In the above,
`27 by the communications channel. However,
`the receiver can detect
`this by comparing the transmitted checksum (33) with the computer
`checksum of 37
`(6 + 27 + 4). If the checksum itself is corrupted,
`correctly transmitted message might be incorrectly identified as a
`corrupted one. However,
`this is a safe—side failure. A dangerous—side
`failure occurs where the message and/or checksum is corrupted in a
`manner that results in a transmission that is internally consistent.
`this possibility is completely unavoidable and the best
`that can be done is to minimize its probability by increasing the
`amount of information in the checksum (e.g. widening the checksum from
`one byte to two bytes).
`Other error detection techniques exist that involve performing complex
`transformations on the message to inject it with redundant
`information. However,
`this document addresses only CRC algorithms,
`which fall into the class of error detection algorithms that leave the
`data intact and append a checksum on the end. i.e.:
`<original intact message> <checksum>
`2. The Need For Complexity
`In the checksum example in the previous section, we saw how a
`corrupted message was detected using a checksum algorithm that simply
`sums the bytes in the message mod 256:
`Message with checksum
`6 23
`6 23
`4 33
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`Message after transmission
`6 27
`4 33
`A problem with this algorithm is that it is too simple. If a number of
`random corruptions occur,
`there is a l
`in 256 chance that they will
`not be detected. For example:
`Message with checksum
`Message after transmission :
`6 23
`6 23
`8 2O
`4 33
`5 33
`To strengthen the checksum, we could change from an 8-bit register to
`a 16-bit register (i.e.
`sum the bytes mod 65536 instead of mod 256)
`as to apparently reduce the probability of failure from l/256 to
`l/65536. While basically a good idea, it fails in this case because
`the formula used is not sufficiently "random"; with a simple summing
`formula, each incoming byte affects roughly only one byte of the
`summing register no matter how wide it is. For example,
`in the second
`example above,
`the summing register could be a Megabyte wide, and the
`error would still go undetected. This problem can only be solved by
`replacing the simple summing formula with a more sophisticated formula
`that causes each incoming byte to have an effect on the entire
`checksum register.
`Thus, we see that at least two aspects are required to form a strong
`checksum function:
`WIDTH: A register width wide enough to provide a low a—priori
`probability of failure (e.g. 32—bits gives a l/2”32 chance
`of failure).
`CHAOS: A formula that gives each input byte the potential to change
`any number of bits in the register.
`Note: The term "checksum" was presumably used to describe early
`summing formulas, but has now taken on a more general meaning
`encompassing more sophisticated algorithms such as the CRC ones. The
`CRC algorithms to be described satisfy the second condition very well,
`and can be configured to operate with a variety of checksum widths.
`3. The Basic Idea Behind CRC Algorithms
`Where might we go in our search for a more complex function than
`summing? All sorts of schemes spring to mind. We could construct
`tables using the digits of pi, or hash each incoming byte with all the
`bytes in the register. We could even keep a large telephone book
`on—line, and use each incoming byte combined with the register bytes
`to index a new phone number which would be the next register value.
`The possibilities are limitless.
`the next arithmetic step
`However, we do not need to go so far;
`suffices. While addition is clearly not strong enough to form an
`effective checksum, it turns out that division is,
`so long as the
`divisor is about as wide as the checksum register.
`The basic idea of CRC algorithms is simply to treat the message as an
`enormous binary number,
`to divide it by another fixed binary number,
`and to make the remainder from this division the checksum. Upon
`receipt of th m ssag ,
`th r c iv r can perform the same division and
`compare the remainder with the "checksum"
`(transmitted remainder).
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`(6,23) as
`Suppose the the message consisted of the two bytes
`These can be considered to be the hexadecimal
`in the previous example.
`number 0617 which can be considered to be the binary number
`Suppose that we use a checksum register one—byte
`then the checksum is the
`wide and use a constant divisor of 1001,
`While in this
`remainder after 0000—0110—0001—0111 is divided by 1001.
`this calculation could obviously be performed using common
`garden variety 32-bit registers,
`in the general case this is messy.
`we'll do the division using good—'ol
`long division which you
`learnt in school
`Except this time,
`it's in binary:
`00AD =
`9= l00l
`- r -777
`0617 = 1559
`0116: I.
`02 = 2 = R*MAIND*
`In decimal this is "1559 divided by 9 is 173 with a remainder of 2".
`Although the effect of each bit of the input message on the quotient
`is not all that significant,
`the 4-bit remainder gets kicked about
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`quite a lot during the calculation, and if more bytes were added to
`the message (dividend) it's value could change radically again very
`quickly. This is why division works where addition doesn't.
`In case you're wondering, using this 4-bit checksum the transmitted
`message would look like this (in hexadecimal): O6l72 (where the O6l7
`is the message and the 2 is the checksum). The receiver would divide
`O6l7 by 9 and s
`wh th r th r maind r was 2.
`4. Polynomical Arithmetic
`While the division scheme described in the previous section is very
`very similar to the checksumming schemes called CRC schemes,
`the CRC
`schemes are in fact a bit weirder, and we need to delve into some
`strange number systems to understand them.
`The word you will hear all the time when dealing with CRC algorithms
`is the word "polynomial". A given CRC algorithm will be said to be
`using a particular polynomial, and CRC algorithms in general are said
`to be operating using polynomial arithmetic. What does this mean?
`Instead of the divisor, dividend (message), quotient, and remainder
`(as described in the previous section) being viewed as positive
`they are viewed as polynomials with binary coefficients.
`This is done by treating each number as a bit—string whose bits are
`the coefficients of a polynomial. For example,
`the ordinary number 23
`is l7 (hex) and lOlll binary and so it corresponds to the
`l*x”4 + O*x”3 + l*x‘2 + l*x”l + l*x‘O
`or, more simply:
`x”4 + x”2 + x”l + x‘O
`the message, and the divisor can be represented
`Using this technique,
`as polynomials and we can do all our arithmetic just as before, except
`that now it's all cluttered up with Xs. For example, suppose we wanted
`to multiply ll0l by l0ll. We can do this simply by multiplying the
`:x::x::x:w >
`><><><l\J >
`) XA3 + x”l + x”O)(
`x 3
`x 2
`x O
`= XA6 + x”5 + x”4 + 3*x”3 + x”2 + x”l + x‘O
`to get the right answer, we have to pretend that x is 2
`At this point,
`and propagate binary carries from the 3*x”3 yielding
`x”7 + x”3 + x”2 + x”l + XAO
`It's just like ordinary arithmetic except that the base is abstracted
`and brought into all the calculations explicitly instead of being
`there implicitly. So what's the point?
`The point is that IF we pretend that we DON'T know what x is, we CAN'T
`perform the carries. We don't know that 3*x”3 is the same as x”4 + x”3
`because we don't know that x is 2.
`In this true polynomial arithmetic
`the relationship between all the coefficients is unknown and so the
`http ://www.r0ss .net/crc/download/crc_V3 .txt
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`coefficients of each power effectively become strongly typed;
`coefficients of x‘2 are effectively of a different type to
`coefficients of x”3.
`With the coefficients of each power nicely isolated, mathematicians
`came up with all sorts of different kinds of polynomial arithmetics
`simply by changing the rules about how coefficients work. Of these
`schemes, one in particular is relevant here, and that is a polynomial
`arithm tic wh r
`co ffici nts are calculated MOD 2 and there is no
`carry; all coefficients must be either 0 or 1 and no carries are
`calculated. This is called "polynomial arithmetic mod 2". Thus,
`returning to the earlier example:
`(XA3 + x”2 + x”O)(x”3 + x”l + x”O)
`= x”6 + x”5 + x”4 + 3*x”3 + x”2 + x”l + x‘O
`the 3*x”3 term was propagated using the
`Under the other arithmetic,
`carry mechanism using the knowledge that x=2. Under "polynomial
`arithmetic mod 2", we don't know what x is,
`there are no carries, and
`all coefficients have to be calculated mod 2. Thus,
`the result
`I x”5 I XA4
`I XA3
`I x”2 I x”l
`As Knuth [Knuth8l] says
`"The reader should note the similarity between polynomial
`arithmetic and multiple—precision arithmetic (Section 4.3.1), where
`the radix b is substituted for x. The chief difference is that the
`coefficient u_k of x”k in polynomial arithmetic bears little or no
`relation to its neighboring coefficients x”{k—l}
`[and x”{k+l}],
`the idea of "carrying" from one place to another is absent.
`In fact
`polynomial arithmetic modulo b is essentially identical to multiple
`precision arithmetic with radix b, except that all carries are
`Thus polynomical arithmetic mod 2 is just binary arithmetic mod 2 with
`no carries. While polynomials provide useful mathematical machinery in
`more analytical approaches to CRC and error—correction algorithms,
`the purposes of exposition they provide no extra insight and some
`encumbrance and have been discarded in the remainder of this document
`in favour of direct manipulation of the arithmetical system with which
`they are isomorphic: binary arithmetic with no carry.
`5. Binary Arithmetic with No Carries
`Having dispensed with polynomials, we can focus on the real arithmetic
`issue, which is that all the arithmetic performed during CRC
`calculations is performed in binary with no carries. Often this is
`called polynomial arithmetic, but as I have declared the rest of this
`document a polynomial free zone, we'll have to call it CRC arithmetic
`instead. As this arithmetic is a key part of CRC calculations, we'd
`better get used to it. Here we go:
`Adding two numbers in CRC arithmetic is the same as adding numbers in
`ordinary binary arithmetic except there is no carry. This means that
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`each pair of corresponding bits determine the corresponding output bit
`without reference to any other bit positions. For example:
`There are only four cases for each bit position:
`(no carry)
`Subtraction is identical:
`In fact, both addition and subtraction in CRC arithmetic is equivalent
`to the XOR operation, and the XOR operation is its own inverse. This
`ff ctiv ly r duc s th op rations of the first level of power
`(addition, subtraction)
`to a single operation that is its own inverse.
`This is a very convenient property of the arithmetic.
`the arithmetic discards any
`By collapsing of addition and subtraction,
`notion of magnitude beyond the power of its highest one bit. While it
`seems clear that 1010 is greater than 10, it is no longer the case
`that 1010 can be considered to be greater than 1001. To see this, note
`that you can get
`from 1010 to 1001 by both adding and subtracting the
`same quantity:
`1010 = 1010 + 0011
`1010 - 0011
`This makes nonsense of any notion of order.
`Having defined addition, we can move to multiplication and division.
`Multiplication is absolutely straightforward, being the sum of the
`first number, shifted in accordance with the second number.
`x 1011
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`lllllll Note: The sum uses CRC addition
`Division is a little messier as we need to know when "a number goes
`into another number". To do this, we invoke the weak definition of
`magnitude defined earlier:
`that X is greater than or equal
`to Y iff
`the position of the highest
`1 bit of X is the same or greater than the
`position of the highest
`1 bit of Y. Here's a fully worked division
`(nicked from [Tanenbaum8l]).
`_ll0 = Remainder
`That's really it. Before proceeding further, however, it's worth our
`while playing with this arithmetic a bit to get used to it.
`We've already played with addition and subtraction, noticing that they
`are the same thing. Here,
`though, we should note that in this
`arithmetic A+O=A and A—O=A. This obvious property is very useful
`In dealing with CRC multiplication and division, it's worth getting a
`feel for the concepts of MULTIPLE and DIVISIBL3.
`If a number A is a multiple of B then what this means in CRC
`arithmetic is that it is possible to construct A from zero by XORing
`in various shifts of B. For example, if A was 0lll0l0ll0 and B was ll,
`we could construct A from B as follows:
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`. ..11.
`.11 .
`. ..
`if A is 0111010111, it is not possible to construct it out of
`various shifts of B
`(can you see why?
`see later) so it is said to be
`not divisible by B in CRC arithmetic.
`Thus we see that CRC arithmetic is primarily about XORing particular
`values at various shifting offsets.
`A Fully Worked Example
`Having defined CRC arithmetic, we can
`simply a division, because that's all
`details and gives an example.
`now frame a CRC calculation as
`it is! This section fills in the
`to choose a divisor.
`In maths
`To perform a CRC calculation, we need
`marketing speak the divisor is called
`the "generator polynomial" or
`simply the "polynomial", and is a key parameter of any CRC algorithm.
`It would probably be more friendly to call the divisor something else,
`the poly talk is so deeply ingrained in the field that it would
`now be confusing to avoid it. As a compromise, we will refer to the
`CRC polynomial as the "poly". Just think of this number as a sort of
`parrot. "Hello poly!"
`You can choose any poly and come up with a CRC algorithm. However,
`some polys are better than others, and so it is wise to stick with the
`tried an tested ones. A later section addresses this issue.
`1 bit) of the poly is very
`The width (position of the highest
`important as it dominates the whole calculation. Typically, widths of
`16 or 32 are chosen so as to simplify implementation on modern
`computers. The width of a poly is the actual bit position of the
`highest bit. For example,
`the width of 10011 is 4, not 5. For the
`purposes of example, we will chose a poly of 10011 (of width W of 4).
`Having chosen a poly, we can proceed with the calculation. This is
`simply a division (in CRC arithmetic) of the message by the poly. The
`only trick is that W zero bits are appended to the message before the
`CRC is calculated. Thus we have:
`Original message
`Message after appending W zeros
`augm nt d m ssag by the poly using CRC
`Now we simply divid
`arithmetic. This is the same division as before:
`1100001010 = Quotient
`(nobody cares about
`the quotient)
`10011 )_1fi1_0fi0_1fi0fi = Augmented message (1101011011 + 0000)
`=Poly 10011,,.,,....
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`_ll0 = Remainder = TH: CH*CKSUM!!!!
`The division yields a quotient, which we throw away, and a remainder,
`which is the calculated checksum. This ends the calculation.
`the checksum is then appended to the message and the result
`In this case the transmission would be:
`the other end,
`the receiver can do one of two things:
`a. Separate the message and checksum. Calculate the checksum for
`the message (after appending W zeros) and compare the two
`b. Checksum the whole lot
`comes out as zero!
`(without appending zeros) and see if it
`in the next section, we
`These two options are equivalent. However,
`will be assuming option b because it is marginally mathematically
`A summary of the operation of the class of CRC algorithms:
`l. Choose a width W, and a poly G (of width W).
`2. Append W zero bits to the message. Call this M’.
`3. Divide M’ by G using CRC arithmetic. The remainder is the checksum.
`That's all there is to it.
`7. Choosing A Poly
`Choosing a poly is somewhat of a black art and the reader is referred
`to [Tanenbaum8l]
`(p.l30—l32) which has a very clear discussion of this
`issue. This section merely aims to put
`the fear of death into anyone
`who so much as toys with the idea of making up their own poly. If you
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`don't care about why one poly might be better than another and just
`to find out about high—speed implementations, choose one of the
`arithmetically sound polys listed at the end of this section and skip
`to the next section.
`First note that the transmitted message T is a multiple of the poly.
`To see this, note that l)
`the last W bits of T is the remainder after
`dividing the augmented (by z ros r m mb r) m ssag by the poly, and 2)
`addition is the same as subtraction so adding th
`r maind r push s th
`value up to the next multiple. Now no:e that if the transmit:ed
`message is corrupted in transmission :hat we will receive T+E where E
`is an error vector
`(and + is CRC addi:ion (i.e. XOR)). Upon receipt of
`this message,
`the receiver divides T+E by G. As T mod G is O,
`mod G = E mod G. Thus,
`the capacity of the poly we choose to catch
`particular kinds of errors will be de:ermined by the set of multiples
`of G,
`for any corruption E that is a multiple of G will be undetected.
`Our task then is to find classes of G whose multiples look as little
`like :he kind of line noise (that will be creating the corruptions) as
`possible. So let's examine the kinds of line noise we can expect.
`SINGL~ BIT ~RRORS: A single bit error means E=lOOO...OOOO. We can
`ensure that this class of error is always de:ected by making sure that
`G has at least two bits set to 1. Any multiple of G will be
`construc:ed using shifting and adding and it is impossible to
`construc: a value with a single bit by shifting an adding a single
`value wi:h more than one bit set, as the two end bits will always
`TWO—BIT ERRORS: To detect all errors of the form lOO...OOOlOO...OOO
`(i.e. E contains two 1 bits) choose a G that does not have multiples
`that are ll,
`lOOOOl, etc. It is not clear to me how
`one goes about doing this (I don't have the pure maths background),
`but Tanenbaum assures us that such G do exist, and cites G with 1 bits
`(l5,l4,l) turned on as an example of one G that won't divide anything
`less than l...l where ...
`is 32767 zeros.
`ERRORS WITH AN ODD NUMBER OF BITS: We can catch all corruptions where
`E has an odd number of bits by choosing a G that has an even number of
`bits. To see this, note that l) CRC multiplication is simply XORing a
`constant value into a register at various offsets, 2) XORing is simply
`a bit—flip operation, and 3)
`if you XOR a value with an even number of
`bits into a register,
`the oddness of the number of 1 bits in the
`register remains invariant. Example: S:arting with E=lll, attempt to
`flip all three bits to zero by the repeated applica:ion of XORing in
`ll at one of the two offsets (i.e.
`"~=~ XOR Oll" and "«=~ XOR llO")
`This is nearly isomorphic to the "glass tumblers" party puzzle where
`you challenge someone to flip three :umblers by the repeated
`application of the operation of flipping any two. Most of the popular
`CRC polys contain an even number of 1 bits.
`(Note: Tanenbaum states
`more specifically that all errors wi:h an odd number of bits can be
`caught by making G a multiple of ll).
`BURST ERRORS: A burst error looks li<e E=OOO...OOOlll...llllOOOO...OO.
`That is, E consists of all zeros except for a run of ls somewhere
`inside. This can be recas: as E=(lOOOO...OO)(lllllll...lll) where
`there are z zeros in the .EFT part and n ones in the RIGHT part. To
`catch errors of this kind, we simply set the lowest bit of G to 1.
`Doing this ensures that LEFT cannot be a factor of G. Then,
`so long as
`G is wider than RIGHT,
`the error will be detected. See Tanenbaum for a
`clearer explanation of this;
`I'm a little fuzzy on this one. Note:
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`‘anenbaum asserts that the probability of a burst of length greater
`than W getting through is (O.5)”W.
`‘hat concludes the section on the fine art of selecting polys.
`Some popular polys are:
`_6 bits:
`32 bits:
`[X25 standard]
`8. A Straightforward CRC Implementation
`That's the end of the theory; now we turn to implementations. To start
`with, we examine an absolutely straight—down—the—middle boring
`straightforward low—speed implementation that doesn't use any speed
`tricks at all. We'll
`then transform that program progessively until we
`end up with the compact
`table—driven code we all know and love and
`which some of us would like to understand.
`To implement a CRC algorithm all we have to do is implement CRC
`division. There are two reasons why we cannot simply use the divide
`instruction of whatever machine we are on. The first is that we have
`to do the divide in CRC arithmetic. The second is that the dividend
`might be ten megabytes long, and todays processors do not have
`registers that big.
`d th m ssag through a
`to f
`So to implement CRC division, w
`division register. At this point, we have to be absolutely precise
`the message data.
`In all the following examples the message will
`be considered to be a stream of bytes (each of 8 bits) with bit 7 of
`each byte being considered to be the most significant bit
`(MSB). The
`bit stream formed from these bytes will be the bit stream with the MSB
`(bit 7) of the first byte first, going down to bit 0 of the first
`byte, and then the MSB of the second byte and so on.
`With this in mind, we can sketch an implementation of the CRC
`division. For the purposes of example, consider a poly with W=4 and
`the poly=lOlll. Then,
`the perform the division, we need to use a 4-bit
`<————— Augmented message
`= The Poly
`(R mind r: Th
`augm nt d m ssag
`is the message followed by W zero bits.)
`To perform the division perform the following:
`Load the register with zero bits.
`the message by appending W zero bits to the end of it.
`While (more message bits)
`reading the next bit of the
`Shift the register left by one bit,
`augmented message into register bit position 0.
`If (a 1 bit popped out of the register during step 3)
`Register = Register XOR Poly.
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`The register now contains the remainder.
`the IF condition can be tested by testing the top
`In practice,
`bit of R before performing the shift.)
`We will call this algorithm "SIMPLE".
`look a bit messy, but all we are really doing is
`This might
`"subtracting" various powers (i.e. shiftings) of the poly from the
`message until there is nothing left but
`the remainder. Study the
`manual examples of long division if you don't understand this.
`It should be clear that the above algorithm will work for any width W.
`9. A Table—Driven Implementation
`The SIMP.E algorithm above is a good starting point because it
`corresponds directly to the theory presented so far, and because it is
`so SIMPLE. However, because it operates at the bit level, it is rather
`awkward :o code (even in C), and inefficient to execute (it has to
`loop once for each bit). To speed it up, we need to find a way to
`enable the algorithm to process the message in units larger than one
`bit. Candidate quantities are nibbles (4 bits), bytes (8 bits), words
`(16 bits) and longwords
`(32 bits) and higher if we can achieve it. Of
`4 bits is best avoided because it does not correspond to a byte
`boundary. At
`the very least, any speedup should allow us to operate at
`byte boundaries, and in fact most of the table driven algorithms
`operate a byte at a time.
`let us switch from a 4-bit poly to a
`For the purposes of discussion,
`32-bit one. Our register looks much th
`sam ,
`xc pt th box s
`represent bytes instead of bits, and the Poly is 33 bits (one implicit
`1 bit at the top and 32 "active" bits)
`<————— Augmented message
`l< ———— ——32 bits ---- ——>
`The SIMPLE algorithm is still applicable. Let us examine what it does.
`Imagine that the SIMPLE algorithm is in full swing and consider the
`top 8 bits of the 32-bit register (byte 3)
`to have the values:
`t7 t6 t5 t4 t3 t2 tl t0
`t7 will determine whether the Poly
`In the next iteration of SIMPLE,
`will be XORed into the entire register. If t7=l,
`this will happen,
`otherwise it will not. Suppose that the top 8 bits of the poly are g7
`g6.. g0,
`then after the next i:eration,
`the top byte will be:
`t6 t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 t0 ??
`— t7 *
`(g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g1 g0)
`[Reminderz + is XOR]
`(that will control what happens in the next iteration)
`"he NEW top bit
`now has the value t6 + t7*g7. The important thing to notice here is
`that from an informational point of view, all the information required
`http ://www.r0ss .net/crc/download/crc_V3 .txt
`Patent Owner Ex. 2008 Page 13
`Patent Owner Ex. 2008 Page 13

`Page 14 0f35
`in the top TWO bits of the
`to calculate the NEW top bit was present
`original top byte. Similarly,
`the NEXT top bit can be calculated in
`advance SOLELY from the top THR<< bits t7,
`t6, and t5.
`In fact,
`the value of the top bi: in the register in k iterations can
`be calculated from the top k bi:s of the register. Let us take this
`for granted for a moment.
`Consider for a moment that we use the top 8 bits of the register to
`calculate the value of the top bit of the register during the next
`iterations. Suppose that we drive the next
`8 iterations using the
`calculated values (which we could perhaps store in a single byte
`register and shift out
`to pick off each bit). Then we note three
`* The top byte of the register now doesn't matter. No matter how
`many times and at what offset the poly is XORed to the top 8
`they will all be shifted out
`the right hand side during the
`8 iterations anyway.
`* The remaining bits will be shifted left one position and the
`rightmost byte of the register will be shifted in the next byte
`the register will be subjected to a
`* While all this is going on,
`series of XOR's in accordance with the bits of the pre—calculated
`control byte.
`Now consider the effect of XORing in a constant value at various
`offsets to a register. For example:
`0l000l0 Register
`...0ll0 XOR this
`XOR this
`XOR this
`The point of this is that you can XOR constant values into a register
`to your heart's delight, and in the end,
`there will exist a value
`which when XORed in with the original register will have the same
`effect as all the other XORs.
`Perhaps you can see the solution now. Putting all the pieces together
`we have an algorithm that goes like this:
`While (augmented message is not exhausted)
`Examine the top byte of the register
`Calculate the control byte from the top byte of the register
`Sum all the Polys at various offsets that are to be XORed into
`the register in accordance with the control byte
`Shift the register left by one byte,
`reading a new message byte
`into the rightmost byte of the register
`XOR the summed

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