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`NOKIA, INC., : IPR2015-01023
` Petitioner, :
` vs. : Patent No.
` Patent Owner. :
` The Deposition of MARK N. HORENSTEIN,
`PH.D., P.E. was taken on Thursday, December 17,
`2015, commencing at 11:03 a.m. at the law offices
`of Baker Hostetler, Cira Centre, 12th Floor, 2929
`Archer Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104,
`before Cappy Hallock, Registered Professional
`Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter, Certified
`Livenote Reporter, and Notary Public in and for
`the District of Columbia.
`3 4
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`GLOBAL EX. 2001
`Microsoft Corporation, et al. v. Global Touch Solutions, Inc.
`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
`Page 2
` On behalf of Petitioner:
` Baker Hostetler
` 2929 Arch Street
` Circa Centre, 12th Floor
` Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-2891
` 215-564-1603 (P) 215-568-3439 (F)
` johnmurphy@bakerlaw.com
` dgoettle@bakerlaw.com
` msft-gt@bakerlaw.com
` On behalf of Patent Owner:
` Sughrue Mion, PLLC
` 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20037-3213
` 202-663-7386 (P) 202-293-7860 (F)
` fkiblawi@sughrue.com
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
`Also Present:
` Nathan H. Cristler, Esq. (by phone)
` Cristler IP
` Gabriel S. Gross, Esq. (by phone)
` Latham & Watkins LLP
`Reported by:
` Cappy Hallock, RPR, CRR, CLR
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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` I N D E X
` Deposition of Mark N. Horenstein, Ph.D., P.E.
` December 17, 2015
` Mr. Kiblawi 5
` -o0o-
` E X H I B I T S
` (exhibits attached)
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Mark N. 12
` Horenstein, Ph.D., P.E.
`Exhibit 2 U.S. Patent No. 8,035,623 17
`Exhibit 3 Decision, Institution of 18
` Inter Pares Review
`Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent Application 70
` No. 2001/0011995
` -o0o-
`4 5
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - - - - -
` A Witness called for examination, having
`been first duly sworn, was examined and testified
`as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Horenstein. My name is
`Fadi Kiblawi.
` A Good morning.
` Q I'm an attorney with Shugrue Mion
`representing the Patent Owner here, Global Touch
`Solutions, in the review proceeding by the U.S.
`Patent and Trademark Office in the case between,
`dealing with Global Touch Solutions and Microsoft
`as you are, I hope, aware?
` A Yes.
` Q And would you please, for the record,
`state your name and spell it, please?
` A Yes. Mark, M-a-r-k, Mat, Horenstein,
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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` Q And we are here this morning talking
`about U.S. Patent Number 8,035,623, that is the
`subject of the Inter Partes review that is
`assigned Case Number IPR2015-01023 before the U.S.
`Patent and Trademark Office. Is that your
` A Yes.
` Q And I will refer to U.S. Patent
`Number 8,035,623 as the '623 patent. Is that
`understandable to you?
` A Yes.
` Q Before we begin, I would like to start
`with just a few preliminary matters.
` Are you suffering from any medical
`problems or taking any medications that might
`affect your ability to answer any questions today?
` A No.
` Q And you do understand that you are
`testifying under oath today?
` A That's correct.
` Q Great.
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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` And as we go through the day, I will ask
`you, you know, many questions, and some of them
`may be vague or unclear, and if that does happen
`you just please let me know. Is that okay?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` And for the record, are you represented
`by counsel today? You have counsel present with
`you today?
` A Counsel is present. It's unclear to me
`if I'm represented or not. I defer the answer of
`that question to counsel.
` MR. MURPHY: Yes, I am representing Mark
`Horenstein in this deposition.
` Q Throughout the day at some point, and
`probably often in these proceedings in the
`deposition, your counsel will object to one or
`more of my questions. The way this works is that
`you are still to answer the question unless your
`counsel specifically tells you not to. Do you
`understand that?
` A Yes.
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` Q Have you ever been deposed before?
` A Yes.
` Q How many times?
` A Approximately 30 times.
` Q And I was going to ask you, in what cases
`did you give testimony but that will be many
`cases. I will be more specific.
` Have you ever served as an expert in any
`patent proceeding before?
` A Yes.
` Q And have you been deposed in that
`capacity before?
` A Yes.
` Q Also 30 times or fewer times?
` A No. Fewer.
` Q Do you have maybe a rough estimate?
` A No more than half a dozen.
` Q Half a dozen. Okay.
` And who did you represent in those cases?
` A I would have to think a minute.
` Q Take your time.
` A I represented Mitec Corporation. I
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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`represented Hopkins Corporation and Linq
`Industrial Fabrics.
` Q Have you ever testified at a trial
` A Yes.
` Q How many times, do you recall?
` A It depends on what you are counting as a
` Q Well, have you ever testified in, say, a
`district court patent infringement lawsuit?
` A Yes.
` Q Have you ever -- have you ever served as
`an expert in a proceeding before the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office?
` A Yes.
` Q Have you ever served as an expert in an
`Inter Partes review proceeding before?
` A Only as being deposed. But not before
`the Board.
` Q All right.
` A I'm sorry, I take that back. I did
`testify before the Board in an IPR proceeding.
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` Q Do you remember how long ago that was?
` A More than ten years.
` Q Okay.
` Probably another type of proceeding
`because the IPR is only a few years old but
`probably a similar proceeding?
` A I'm not sure. I remember going to the
`Patent and Trademark Office and offering brief
`testimony or declaration or something like that.
` Q Okay. I guess to be more specific, in
`the last three years have you provided any
`testimony or served as an expert in any proceeding
`before the Patent and Trademark Office?
` A You mean at the PTO?
` Q In a proceeding before the Patent Office
`like an Inter Partes review or a re-examination?
` A I have given deposition for two IPR
` Q And who did you, who retained you in
`those cases? Who are you serving as an expert for
`in those two?
` A One was Mitec, which I mentioned, and the
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`other was Hopkins.
` Q Did you do anything to prepare for
`today's deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q Can you -- did you speak with anybody in
`preparation for your testimony today?
` A Yes.
` MR. MURPHY: Objection. I would like to
`caution the witness not to reveal the substance of
`any conversations you may have had with counsel.
` Q Okay, and how long did you take to
`prepare for today's deposition?
` A Do you want -- I'm going to say on the
`order of 15 hours.
` Q Okay. And I understand that you reside
`in Boston?
` A That's right.
` Q When did you come down to prepare for
`this deposition?
` A Yesterday.
` Q Yesterday, so you spent the day yesterday
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` A That's right.
` Q And you did speak with your counsel in
`preparation for this?
` A That's right.
` Q Okay.
` All right, well, let's go ahead and start
`with the first exhibit. I would like to hand
`you --
` MR. KIBLAWI: Let's mark this as
`Horenstein Exhibit 1.
` (Horenstein Deposition Exhibit No. 1 was
`marked for identification.)
` Q So you have just been handed what has
`been marked as Horenstein Exhibit 1 which is your
`declaration in the '623 patent, correct?
` A It appears to be my declaration.
` Q Okay.
` Now, if you turn to Page 4 of your
`declaration there is an overview of your relevant
`experience, correct?
` A Right.
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` Q And this continues to Page 6. The
`section ends on Page 7 but your relevant
`experience continues through Page 6, correct?
` A That's right.
` Q And the bottom of Page 6 you indicate
`that your CV is attached, is enclosed as
`Attachment A; is that correct?
` A That's what it says.
` Q Okay.
` MR. KIBLAWI: For the record, it appears
`this might have been inadvertently omitted so we
`don't have the CV to really look at right now.
` MR. MURPHY: I apologize for the
` MR. KIBLAWI: That's okay.
` Q As I was saying for the record, it
`appears that your CV was inadvertently omitted
`when the declaration was filed in this IPR
`proceeding, so maybe we can just go through just
`an overview of your educational and work
` Where are you currently employed?
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` A Boston University.
` Q And what is your position there?
` A I'm a professor of electrical
` Q And how long have you been at Boston
` A Since 1979.
` Q Okay. As a professor?
` A Well, on the faculty. I started as an
`assistant professor and was promoted up through
`the ranks.
` Q Okay.
` I guess will you briefly summarize your
`educational experience after high school? I don't
`think we need your high school experience.
` A Sure. I have a bachelor's degree in
`electrical engineering from MIT, which I received
`in 1973, and a master of science degree from the
`University of California Berkeley, which I got in
`1975. And a Ph.D. from MIT which I received in
`1978, and those were all in electrical
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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` Q And would you briefly describe your work
` A Sure. After graduating MIT I worked for
`one year at a company called Spire Corporation.
`And after that first year I started working at
`Boston University and have worked there ever
` Q And what position did you hold at Spire,
`Spire Corporation?
` A My title was research scientist.
` Q And do you recall what did you do, what
`did your position entail?
` A I worked on high voltage pulsed power
` Q Do you recall if you were there for one
`full year?
` A I think it was about 11 months. I don't
`recall exactly when I started.
` Q And in your work there at Spire
`Corporation, did you ever, were you ever involved
`in developing or working on commercial products?
` A Yes.
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` Q Can you describe those commercial
`products and the work that you were involved in?
` A One of Spire's product lines were a
`series of high voltage pulsers that were used for
`semiconductor processing, and I worked on the
`development of those products.
` Q Is that high voltage pulsers?
` A Pulsed power.
` Q Pulsed power.
` You will have to excuse my ignorance a
`little bit here, but to a lay person can you
`describe what the high voltage pulse power is? Is
`it a motor, a drive?
` A It's a high voltage power source that is
`capable of producing very fast and energetic
`pulses that last a very short amount of time on
`the order of nanoseconds to microseconds.
` Q Please go ahead.
` A And they are used for a variety of
`physical studies that include semiconductor
`processing and nuclear weapons effects studies,
`which you may be familiar with, the phenomena of
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`EMP, electromagnetic pulse.
` Q Okay, so it seems like the products you
`were working on were not products that were
`released to the general public. A user like
`myself would not be able to go to the store and
`pick one of these up.
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A Anyone could order one, but they were
`rather expensive so typically a company would buy
` Q And these products, did they have a
`man/machine interface?
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A They did.
` Q Okay. And a microchip?
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A They have microchips in them, yes.
` Q All right.
` MR. KIBLAWI: Let's turn to another
`exhibit. Can you mark this as Exhibit Number 2.
` (Horenstein Deposition Exhibit No. 2 was
`marked for identification.)
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` Q So you've just been handed what has been
`marked, I think, Horenstein Deposition Exhibit
`Number 2, which is the '623 patent, correct?
` A That's right.
` Q So before we go on, actually, I will hand
`you another exhibit.
` (Horenstein Deposition Exhibit No. 3 was
`marked for identification.)
` Q And now you have been handed what has
`been marked as Exhibit Number 3, which is a paper
`entitled Decision Institution of Inter Partes
`Review. Correct?
` A Correct.
` Q So in the IPR for the '623 patent, did
`you render some opinions on the validity of this
` A I did.
` Q And just very generally, what were those
`opinions in a very general sense?
` A I compared the '623 patent primarily to
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
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`one reference, which I will call the Hinckley
`reference, and determined that two of the claims
`at issue were anticipated and the other one was
`obvious based on a comparison with the Hinckley
` Q Okay, so if you turn to Exhibit Number 2,
`the Institution Decision on Page 12, do you see
`that? It's under the section entitled Order.
` A Yes.
` Q And do you see the listing of the grounds
`of rejection in that section, A and B?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` Now, do you understand, are you aware
`that the grounds of rejection that are at issue in
`this Inter Partes review proceeding are limited to
`just these two grounds?
` MR. MURPHY: Objection, calls for a legal
`conclusion. Foundation.
` A All I know is what is written on this
`decision which specifically addresses those three
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` Q All right. And do you see that it is
`limited to just these three claims?
` MR. MURPHY: Same objection.
` Q This proceeding is limited to just --
` A Page 12 only talks about these three
` Q Okay, so do you understand this IPR case
`is limited to just claims 24, 30 and 31 of the
`'623 patent?
` MR. MURPHY: Same objection.
` A What I do understand is that this
`document addresses only those three claims of the
`'623 patent, claims 24, 30 and 31.
` Q Is it your understanding that no other
`claims are at issue -- sorry, the validity of any
`other claims, no other claims are at issue in this
`case -- let me restate that.
` Do you understand that the validity of no
`other claims is at issue in this proceeding?
` MR. MURPHY: Objection. I'm just going
`to, so I don't have to say it every time, I will
`have a standing objection on the question of what
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`Dr. Horenstein is expected to know about how IPRs
` A I don't have an understanding one way or
`the other on that issue.
` Q How much are you being compensated today
`for your testimony today?
` A I'm not being compensated for my
`testimony. I'm being compensated for my opinions.
` Q So you're not being paid for your time
` A I am being paid for my time.
` Q How much are you being compensated for
`expressing your opinions today?
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A I am being paid to attend and participate
`in this deposition at my customary rate for being
`retained by Microsoft which is $275 per hour.
` Q Okay.
` Okay, let's turn back to Exhibit
`Number 1, your declaration. And if you would
`please turn to Page 22 of this declaration. There
`is a section entitled Anticipation and Obviousness
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`Overview, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q This is the section where you start to
`talk about the validity and invalidity of various
`claims of the '623 patent; is that correct?
` A That's right.
` Q It states that in your opinion claims 24
`and 30 of the '623 patent are anticipated by
`Hinckley; is that correct?
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A Could you repeat that question? Sorry.
` Q This section states, and I quote, "The
`challenged claims 24 and 30 of the '623 patent are
`anticipated by Hinckley." Is that correct?
` A That is my opinion.
` Q And that claim 31 would have been obvious
`in view of Hinckley; is that correct?
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A That's also my opinion.
` Q What is your understanding of
`anticipation in the realm of the patent law?
` A It means that you look at every element
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`of the claim at issue, and if you can find each of
`those elements in one embodiment of a prior art
`reference or described as one entity in a prior
`art reference then the claim is anticipated by
`that reference.
` Q So it's your understanding, then, that
`for a patent claim to be considered invalid as
`anticipated, an embodiment in a prior art
`reference much teach all the elements of that
` A That is my understanding.
` Q And what is your understanding of
`obviousness in the realm of patent law?
` A It means that each element of the claim
`can be found in one reference at various places in
`the reference or sometimes two references that can
`be combined to show that all elements of the claim
`were known prior to the filing date of the patent.
` Q So let's turn to the patent, the '623
`patent which I believe is Exhibit Number 2.
` Have you read the '623 patent?
` A Yes.
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` Q And if you look at the cover page of this
`patent, do you see the section entitled Related
`U.S. Application Data?
` A I do.
` Q And there is an indication there that
`this patent is a continuation of Application
`Number 11/785,063.
` Do you see that?
` A I see -- I see that on the cover page.
` Q Did you review this Application
`11/785,063 in preparing your declaration for this
`IPR proceeding?
` A I believe I did.
` Q Did you review the file history of this
` A Yes, sir. You're talking about the '781
`application or the application for the '623?
` Q Sorry, I apologize. I'm talking about
`the 11/785,063 application, just the application
`at issue to Patent Number 7,727,781.
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review the file history of
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`Application Number 11/785,063 in preparing your
`declaration for the current IPR proceeding?
` A I'm sorry, you asked me about the
`prosecution, the file history of which patent?
` Q The patent number 7,772,781.
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Now, do you see on the cover page, and
`the related U.S. application data of the '623
`patent, do you see it continues and states that
`the '781 patent is a continuation of Application
`Number 10/961,373?
` A Yes.
` Q I refer to this as the '373 application.
`Is this understandable to you?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review the '373 application file
` A Yes.
` Q And did you -- that application issued as
`Patent Number 7,265,494, correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And did you review the '494 patent?
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` A Yes.
` Q Now, the cover page of the '623 patent
`and the related application data section continues
`and states that it's a continuation-in-part of
`Application Number 09/806,860 which I will refer
`to as the '860 application. Did you review the
`file history of the '860 application?
` A I believe I did.
` Q It indicates that the -- the '623 patent
`indicates that this application issued as U.S.
`Patent Number 6,984,900.
` (Reporter requests clarification.
` Q 6,984,900. Did you -- which I will refer
`to as the '900 patent. Did you review the '900
` A Yes.
` Q And finally on this section, the cover
`page of the '623 patent, it continues to state
`that the '900 patent is a continuation-in-part of
`Application Number 09/169,395 which I will refer
`to as the '395 application. Did you review the
`file history of the '395 application?
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` A Yes.
` Q And it states that this application
`issued -- sorry. It says that the '395
`application issued as U.S. Patent Number 6,249,089
`which I will refer to as '089 patent. Did you
`review the '089 patent?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you understand what a
`continuation-in-part application is?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What is your understanding of a
`continuation-in-part application?
` A Continuation-in-part means that a prior
`patent forms the basis and then new material can
`be added and the claims of the CIP patent are
`generally different than those of the patent from
`which it continues.
` Q Okay.
` If you will turn back to Exhibit
`Number 1, your declaration, did you prepare this
`declaration that we have marked as Exhibit
`Number 1 regarding the '623 patent?
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` A Yes.
` Q Did anyone assist you in preparing this
` A Yes.
` Q Did anyone other than you write any of
`the portions that are contained in this
` A Well, this declaration was a
`collaborative effort between me and two of the
`attorneys representing Microsoft and many of the
`portions are mine. Some of the legal explanations
`were first drafted by the attorneys and then sent
`to me for review.
` Q And do you -- I got to ask this, but do
`you agree with everything that was written in
` A Yes.
` Q So counsel did provide a draft of at
`least portions of this declaration?
` MR. MURPHY: Objection. I want to
`counsel the witness that the general tone of these
`questions is fine as far as privilege but not to
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`get into specifics about our communications.
` A So I will answer your question by saying,
`as I did before, it was a collaborative effort but
`I edited the final draft and changed wordings on
`all of the sections and agreed with all of the
`opinions that I have put in the declaration. In
`other words, the end product is mine.
` Q And did you review the declaration for
`any mistakes?
` A You mean like typographical errors?
` Q Any type of mistake, typographical or
`factual mistakes, et cetera.
` A Yes, to the best of my knowledge.
` Q And are you aware of any corrections that
`need to be made at this time in this declaration?
` A None that I'm aware of right now.
` Q Okay, and can you please turn to Page 7
`of the declaration, and in Pages 7 through 9 there
`is a list of materials that you reviewed; is that
` A That's right.
` Q Did you consider any other materials
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`other than what is listed on these pages in
`preparing this declaration?
` A None that informed my, the opinions that
`I have given in this declaration.
` Q So the opinions that you have given in
`this declaration are formed by only these
` MR. MURPHY: Object to form.
` A The documents listed under Materials
`Reviewed are the ones I used to form my opinions.
` Q Did you consider any other materials in
`forming your opinions in this declaration?
` A Well, as you know, there are other IPR
`proceedings that are going on between Global Touch
`and Microsoft, and I read lots of documents in
`writing declarations pertinent to each of those
`IPR proceedings, so there is a larger collection
`of documents I have reviewed. But the ones I used
`to form my opinions about the '623 patent are
`listed on Pages 7, 8 and 9.
` Q So who selected these materials and
`documents for your review?
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`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
`Page 31
` A I'm not sure I understand your question.
` Q Did you select any of these materials
`yourself or were they provided to you to review in
`preparing your opinion?
` A Both.
` Q Do you recall which, if any, of these
`materials you selected yourself?
` A I could recall some of them. I'm not
`sure -- some of them I found on my own but were
`also suggested by the attorneys, so it would be a
` Q Do you recall which ones you selected on
`your own?
` A Reference I, Larry Baxter Capacitous
`Sensors was a reference that I first provided.
`The one above it, 50 Years Old: The Proximity
`Switch is a short article, and I don't recall
`whether I came up with that first or the attorneys
`came up with it first, but it's one I found in my
`general literature search. The same with
`reference G, the same with references F and G. I
`don't remember who first found those references.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`Mark N. Horenstein - December 17, 2015
`Page 32
` Q Okay, can you please turn to Page 12 of
`your declaration. There on Page 12 you see there
`is a section entitled --
` A Excuse me. Whatever is buzzing there is
`very distracting. I don't know if it's coming
`through the speakerphone or not, but if we could
`make it not happen.
` MR. MURPHY: It sounded like it was
`coming through the speakerphone.
` If the folks attending over the
`speakerphone could mute their lines that would be
` Q So there on Page 12, do yo