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`Mangosoft, Inc. and
`Mangosoft Corporation,
`Oracle Corporation,
`Civil No. 02-545-SM
`Opinion No. 2004 DNH 141
`O R D E R
`This is a suit for patent infringement. Plaintiffs,
`Mangosoft, Inc. and Mangosoft Corporation (collectively,
`“Mangosoft”), say defendant, Oracle Corporation,
`is making, selling, and/or offering for sale computer software
`that infringes two of Mangosoft’s patents: United States Patent
`No. 6,148,377 (“the ‘377 patent”) and United States Patent No.
`5,918,229 (“the ‘229 patent”). The court held a Markman hearing,
`at which the parties presented evidence and argument in support
`of their respective constructions of various terms used in the
`patents’ claims. See generally Markman v. Westview Instruments,
`Inc., 517 U.S. 370 (1996). Subsequently, the parties filed post-
`hearing memoranda.
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`Legal Standard Governing Claim Construction
`Patent infringement analysis involves two steps: first,
`properly construing the asserted claim; and second, determining
`whether the accused method or device infringes the asserted claim
`as properly construed. See Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic,
`Inc., 90 F.3d 1576, 1581-82 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (citing Markman v.
`Westview Instruments, Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 979 (Fed. Cir. 1995),
`aff’d, 517 U.S. 370 (1996)). Step one of that process - claim
`construction - presents a question of law to be resolved by the
`court. See Pitney Bowes, Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 182 F.3d
`1298, 1304 (Fed. Cir. 1999). The second step - determining
`whether the accused process or device infringes the patent -
`presents a question of fact. Id. At this stage of the
`litigation, the court is focused exclusively on the first step:
`properly construing the meaning and scope of various claim terms
`used in the ‘377 and ‘229 patents.
`Construing patent claim terms generally means ascertaining
`the meaning of those terms in light of the intrinsic evidence of
`record, which includes: the claims, the specification, and the
`prosecution history. See Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1582. But, the
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`court may consider extrinsic evidence as well. See Apex Inc. v.
`Raritan Computer, Inc., 325 F.3d 1364, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2003)
`(“Courts may also review extrinsic evidence to assist them in
`comprehending the technology in accordance with the understanding
`of skilled artisans and as necessary for actual claim
`construction.”). Extrinsic evidence is external to the patent,
`“such as expert testimony, inventor testimony, dictionaries, and
`technical treatises and articles.” Pitney-Bowes, 182 F.3d at
`1308 (citing Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1584). See generally Ferguson
`Beauregard/Logic Controls v. Mega Systems LLC, 350 F.3d 1327,
`1338 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (“The ordinary and customary meaning of a
`claim term may be determined by reviewing a variety of sources.
`Some of these sources include the claims themselves, dictionaries
`and treatises, and the written description, the drawings, and the
`prosecution history.”) (citations omitted).
`The court observed in Vitronics that, “In most situations,
`an analysis of the intrinsic evidence alone will resolve any
`ambiguity in a disputed claim term. In such circumstances, it is
`improper to rely on extrinsic evidence.” Id., at 1583.
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`Nevertheless, even when patent language is unambiguous, a court
`may still consider extrinsic evidence for limited purposes.
`Vitronics does not prohibit courts from examining
`extrinsic evidence, even when the patent document is
`itself clear. Moreover, Vitronics does not set forth
`any rules regarding the admissibility of expert
`testimony into evidence. Certainly, there are no
`prohibitions in Vitronics on courts hearing evidence
`from experts. Rather, Vitronics merely warned courts
`not to rely on extrinsic evidence in claim construction
`to contradict the meaning of claims discernible from
`thoughtful examination of the claims, the written
`description, and the prosecution history - the
`intrinsic evidence.
`Pitney Bowes, 182 F.3d at 1308 (citations omitted) (emphasis
`supplied). Consequently, the court concluded:
`Thus, under Vitronics, it is entirely appropriate,
`perhaps even preferable, for a court to consult
`trustworthy extrinsic evidence to ensure that the claim
`construction it is tending to from the patent file is
`not inconsistent with clearly expressed, plainly
`apposite, and widely held understandings in the
`pertinent technical field. This is especially the case
`with respect to technical terms, . . . . Indeed, a
`patent is both a technical and a legal document. While
`a judge is well-equipped to interpret the legal aspects
`of the document, he or she must also interpret the
`technical aspects of the document, and indeed its
`overall meaning, from the vantage point of one skilled
`in the art. Although the patent file may often be
`sufficient to permit the judge to interpret the
`technical aspects of the patent properly, consultation
`of extrinsic evidence is particularly appropriate to
`ensure that his or her understanding of the technical
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`aspects of the patent is not entirely at variance with
`the understanding of one skilled in the art.
`Id. at 1309 (citation omitted) (emphasis supplied). See also Key
`Pharms. v. Hercon Lab. Corp., 161 F.3d 709, 716 (Fed. Cir. 1998).
`Giving proper effect to disputed technical terms in a patent
`requires a court to construe them as they would be construed by
`those skilled in the relevant art. See Hoechst Celanese Corp. v.
`BP Chems. Ltd., 78 F.3d 1575, 1578 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (“A technical
`term used in a patent document is interpreted as having the
`meaning that it would be given by persons experienced in the
`field of the invention, unless it is apparent from the patent and
`the prosecution history that the inventor used the term with a
`different meaning.”). See also Ferguson, 350 F.3d at 1338 (“In
`the absence of an express intent to impart a novel meaning to the
`claim terms, the words take on the full breadth of the ordinary
`and customary meanings attributed to them by those of ordinary
`skill in the art.”). Here, nothing suggests that the terms in
`dispute are used in the patents in any way other than as they
`would be commonly understood by those skilled in the relevant
`art. With respect to the patents at issue here, a person skilled
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`in the relevant art would hold a bachelor’s degree in computer
`science or electrical engineering and have two to three years
`experience in the field of distributed computing.
`In this case, the court has, with appreciation, relied upon
`the capable expert testimony presented by the parties to obtain a
`general understanding of the computer system described in the
`‘377 patent, as well as the method for providing “distributed
`control over a structured store of data” described in the ‘229
`The Patents at Issue.
`Generally speaking, the patents, taken together, teach a
`“distributed shared memory system.” They describe computer
`systems consisting of groups of computers linked by a network
`connection, also known as a “cluster” or “computer cluster.”
`Each computer, or “node,” in the cluster manages its own memory
`(both volatile and non-volatile) and, employing the inventions,
`makes that memory available to other nodes in the cluster. And,
`says Mangosoft, unlike earlier systems, which only provided a
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`means for sharing data stored in non-volatile memory (e.g., hard
`disks), these inventions allow nodes to also share volatile
`memory (e.g., random access memory or “RAM”) with other nodes in
`the cluster. Thus, the inventions teach a means by which nodes
`may share both non-volatile and volatile memory space, by
`creating a “pool” of shared memory space which is accessible by
`all nodes participating in the system.
`The ‘377 patent teaches a computer system that allows
`multiple computers to share volatile and non-volatile memory
`resources. Claim 1, the sole independent claim of the patent,
`A computer system having a shared addressable memory
`space, comprising
`a data network for carrying signals representative
`of computer readable information, and
`a plurality of computers, each of said plurality
`of computers sharing the shared addressable memory
`space and including
`an interface, coupled to said data network,
`for accessing said data network to exchange
`data signals therewith,
`a local volatile memory device coupled to
`said computer and having volatile storage for
`data signals,
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`a local persistent memory device coupled to
`said computer and having persistent storage
`for data signals, and
`a shared memory subsystem for mapping a
`portion of said shared addressable memory
`space to a portion or the whole of said
`persistent storage and said volatile storage
`to provide thereby addressable persistent and
`volatile storage for data signals accessible
`by each of the plural computers, said shared
`memory subsystem including
`a distributor for mapping portions of
`said addressable memory space across
`said plurality of local persistent
`memory devices, to distribute said
`addressable memory space across said
`plurality of local persistent memory
`devices, and
`a disk directory manager for tracking
`said mapped portions of said addressable
`memory space to provide information
`representative of which of said local
`persistent memory devices has which of
`said portions of said addressable memory
`space mapped thereon.
`The ‘377 patent, 15:56-67 - 16:1-23 (emphasis supplied).
`The ‘229 patent is a continuation-in-part of the application
`that issued as the ‘377 patent, and it incorporates the ‘377
`patent by reference. See ‘229 patent at 1:4-10, 14:58-65.
`Drawing on the ‘377 patent’s shared memory system for providing
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`an addressable shared memory space across the physical memory
`devices of multiple computers on a network, the ‘229 patent
`teaches methods for providing distributed control and persistent
`storage for a “structured store of data,” including database
`records and web pages.
`The ‘229 patent contains 5 independent claims (claims 1, 30,
`31, 34, and 35) and 32 dependent claims. All terms disputed by
`the parties are included in independent claim 1, which teaches:
`A method for providing distributed control over a
`structured store of data, comprising:
`providing a plurality of nodes inter-connected by
`a network, each of the plurality of nodes sharing
`a shared addressable memory space of a shared
`memory system and including (i) an interface for
`accessing the network, (ii) a local volatile
`memory device coupled to the node and providing
`volatile storage, (iii) a local persistent memory
`device coupled to the node and providing
`persistent storage, and (iv) a shared memory
`subsystem for mapping a portion of the shared
`addressable memory space to at least a portion of
`the persistent and volatile storage to provide
`thereby addressable persistent and volatile
`storage accessible by each of the plurality of
`nodes, the shared memory subsystem including (a) a
`distributor for mapping portions of the
`addressable memory space across the plurality of
`local persistent and volatile memory devices to
`distribute the addressable memory space across the
`plurality of local persistent and volatile memory
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`devices, and (b) a disk directory manager for
`tracking the mapped portions of the addressable
`memory space to provide information representative
`of which of the local persistent and volatile
`memory devices has which of the portions of the
`addressable memory space mapped thereon;
`storing on each node an instance of a data control
`program for manipulating the structured store of
`data to provide multiple, distributed instances of
`the data control program;
`interfacing each instance of the data control
`program to the shared memory subsystem; and
`operating each instance of the data control
`program to employ the shared memory system as a
`memory device having the structured store of data
`contained therein, whereby the shared memory
`system coordinates access to the structured store
`of data to provide distributed control over the
`structured store of data.
`‘229 patent, 28:21-59 (emphasis supplied).
`The parties disagree as to the meaning of the following
`phrases, as used in the ‘377 and ‘229 patents: (1) “shared
`addressable memory space”; (2) “local memory device”; (3) “shared
`memory subsystem”; (4) “structured store of data”; and (5) “each
`of said plurality of computers.”
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`II. Claim Construction.
`“Each of Said Plurality of Computers”
`The parties agree that the word “plural” means two or more.
`They disagree, however, as to what is meant by the word “each,”
`when used to modify the phrase “of said plurality of computers.”
`As noted above, the ‘377 patent describes a “computer system
`having a shared addressable memory space, comprising . . . a
`plurality of computers, each of said plurality of computers
`sharing the shared addressable memory space.” ‘377 patent,
`15:58-63 (emphasis supplied).
`Oracle asserts that the quoted language requires all of the
`computers participating in the shared memory system to share the
`shared addressable memory space. Oracle’s position rests upon
`its interpretation of the words which describe a “plurality of
`computers” participating in a shared memory system, and require
`that “each of said plurality” share the shared addressable memory
`space. In other words, according to Oracle, if the “plurality”
`of computers participating in the system is five, then all five
`of those computers (i.e., each computer making up said plurality)
`must share the shared addressable memory space.
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`Mangosoft, on the other hand, says the phrase “each of said
`plurality” requires only that two or more of the computers in the
`overall system actually share the shared addressable space. That
`is, Mangosoft asserts that the phrase “each of said plurality”
`does not modify the “plurality of computers” that form the
`system, but instead refers to a smaller subset of computers
`(i.e., a new plurality). So, according to Mangosoft, if the
`plurality of computers participating in the shared memory system
`is five, only two of those computers need actually share the
`shared addressable memory space. The court disagrees.
`Mangosoft’s interpretation of the disputed claim language is
`not supported by the precedent upon which it relies, nor is it
`consistent with customary uses of the words “each” and “said.”
`Had Mangosoft intended the interpretation it advances here, it
`likely would have used language such as “comprising . . . a
`plurality of computers, some of which share the shared
`addressable memory space.” Alternatively, it might have said “a
`plurality of which” or “two or more of which” or “a subset of
`which” share the memory space. It did not. Instead, the ‘377
`patent uses very specific language, which must be given meaning.
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`Mangosoft’s interpretation of the disputed language does not give
`meaning to the words “said” or “each” and, instead, “render[s]
`the contested terms surplusage.” Wright Med. Tech., Inc. v.
`Osteonics Corp., 122 F.3d 1440, 1444 (Fed. Cir. 1997). See also
`Lantech, Inc. v. Keip Mach. Co., 32 F.3d 542, 546 (Fed. Cir.
`1994) (“All limitations in a claim must be considered
`As used in the ‘377 patent, the phrase “said plurality”
`refers to the plurality of computers that form the system. And,
`the word “each” refers to that same plurality of computers; it
`does not refer to a new, smaller subset of the original plurality
`of computers. Accordingly, the court construes the disputed
`language - “A computer system having a shared addressable memory
`space, comprising . . . a plurality of computers, each of said
`plurality of computers sharing the shared addressable memory
`space” - to mean: a computer system having a shared addressable
`memory space, comprising two or more computers, every one of
`which of those two or more computers participating in the system
`has access to, and may contribute to, the shared addressable
`memory space.
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`The court, however, agrees with Mangosoft to the extent it
`says that not all computers on a particular network must
`necessarily participate in the system described in the ‘377
`patent. In other words, the ‘377 patent teaches a system in
`which fewer than all computers on a network may participate in
`the described shared addressable memory system. See, e.g.,
`“Summary of the Invention,” ‘377 patent at 2:22-29 (“The
`invention provides systems that can create and manage a virtual
`memory space that can be shared by each computer on a network and
`can span the storage space of each memory device connected to the
`network.”) (emphasis supplied). See also “Abstract,” ‘377 patent
`at page 1 (“Distributed shared memory systems and processes . . .
`that optionally spans across each memory device connected to the
`computer network. Accordingly, each node on the network having
`the distributed shared memory system of the invention can access
`the shared memory.”) (emphasis supplied).
`“Shared Addressable Memory Space”
`Here, the parties’ dispute appears to focus on whether the
`“shared addressable memory space” must be addressed by a common
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`addressing scheme. Oracle asserts that it must, while Mangosoft
`disagrees. Specifically, Mangosoft says:
`[T]he shared addressable memory space is shared by the
`plural computers. That method of sharing and
`addressing, however, need not be through the use of
`common addresses. Indeed, it is the shared memory
`subsystem, . . . that allows the different computers to
`address the shared addressable memory space without the
`requirement of common addresses. As [Mangosoft’s
`expert] explained, the shared memory subsystem provides
`the necessary translation to allow the various nodes to
`address the shared addressable memory space, even if
`they don’t utilize common addresses, or by the analogy,
`a common language (e.g., some speak English, some
`French, some Norwegian). While Oracle argued that the
`nodes all must speak English (or use common addresses),
`that argument ignores entirely the role of the shared
`memory subsystem in providing the necessary
`translation. Moreover, it ignores the claim language
`that does not contain the “common addresses”
`limitation, the Federal Circuit law that prohibits
`reading into the claim limitations from the preferred
`embodiment, and the doctrine of claim differentiation.
`Mangosoft’s Supplemental Brief (document no. 46) at 11.
`Claim 1 of the ‘377 patent does not specifically require
`that the nodes participating in the shared memory system utilize
`a “common” addressing scheme. Instead, claim 1 simply provides
`that the memory subsystem component of each participating node
`tracks the data and available memory space in the system. See,
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`e.g., ‘377 patent 7:27-37 (“The memory subsystems further track
`the data stored in the local memory of each node and further
`operate network connections with network 38 for transferring data
`between the nodes 12a-12c. In this way, the memory subsystems
`32a-32c access and control each memory element on the network 38
`to perform memory access operations that are transparent to the
`operating system 16. Accordingly, the operating system 16
`interfaces with the memory subsystem 32 as an interface to a
`global memory space that spans each node 12a-12c on the network
`38.”). It would, then, appear that the “memory subsystem”
`functions in a manner similar to a traditional network server,
`translating the various addressing schemes utilized by each node
`on the system.
`In other words, the memory subsystem is capable of
`translating the various “languages” spoken by each participating
`node; they need not all speak a common language. And, contrary
`to Oracle’s suggestion, claim 1 of the ‘377 patent does not
`require the use of either “common memory addresses” or “global
`memory addresses;” those requirements appear only in particular
`embodiments of the patented system. The court will not read
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`those embodiments into the patent as limitations. See, e.g.,
`Electro Med. Sys., S.A. v. Cooper Life Sciences, Inc., 34 F.3d
`1048, 1054 (Fed. Cir. 1994) (“[A]lthough the specifications may
`well indicate that certain embodiments are preferred, particular
`embodiments appearing in a specification will not be read into
`the claims when the claim language is broader than such
`Accordingly, the court construes the phrase “shared
`addressable memory space” to mean memory space distributed across
`the volatile and non-volatile memory of all nodes participating
`in the patents’ shared memory system (though not necessarily all
`nodes on the network), which shared memory space can be accessed
`by the various participating nodes using one or more addresses.
`The participating nodes need not, however, utilize a common or
`global addressing scheme. As described in the embodiment
`depicted in Figure 3 of the ‘377 patent, the use of a “global
`address generator” is optional. ‘377 patent at 8:41-47.
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`“Local Memory Device”
`The parties disagree as to whether a local memory device
`must be “attached” to only a single computer (Oracle’s view), or
`whether it need only be “accessible” by a computer without having
`to go through another node or computer controlling access to that
`device (Mangosoft’s view). Neither party has, however, explained
`precisely how this dispute is, for purposes of Mangosoft’s
`infringement claims, a meaningful one. Nevertheless, because the
`parties seek an interpretation of that term, the court will
`provide one.
`The court concludes that, at the time the ‘377 patent
`issued, one of ordinary skill in the relevant art would
`understand that the word “local” is used to describe computer
`devices that are directly attached to a single computer’s
`processor (by, for example, the computer’s bus), without the need
`for an intervening communication channel. Thus, “local” devices
`are distinct from “shared” or “networked” or “remote” devices
`which, by virtue of some intervening communication channel, might
`be accessed by more than one computer (though a “local” device
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`might also be “shared” with other nodes, through such an
`intervening communication channel).
`Nevertheless, Mangosoft asserts that the use of the word
`“coupled” in the claim language (i.e., “local . . . memory device
`coupled to said computer”) suggests that the device need not be
`“directly attached” to the computer but may, instead, communicate
`with the computer’s processor in a more “indirect” manner. See
`‘377 patent at 16:1-4. See also ‘229 patent at 28:29-32. The
`court is not persuaded. The use of the word “coupled” simply
`makes clear that the local memory device in question must be
`“local” to the particular computer being described. It does not
`serve to modify or redefine the commonly understood meaning of
`the word “local,” as used at the time the patents issued.
`Were the court to construe the disputed claim language as
`Mangosoft suggests, that construction would ignore the word
`“local.” In other words, by simply requiring a computer memory
`device that is somehow “linked” to a computer (whether directly
`or indirectly), Mangosoft’s construction would recast the claim
`so that it merely requires “a memory device coupled to a
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`computer.” Importantly, however, the claim language requires a
`local memory device that is coupled to a computer. To avoid
`rendering the word “local” entirely superfluous (or, at best,
`redundant), it must be given a meaning other than “coupled.”
`Accordingly, as used in the ‘377 patent (as well as the ‘229
`patent), the word “local” when used to modify a computer device
`means a computer device (e.g., a hard drive) that is directly
`attached to a single computer’s processor by, for example, the
`computer’s bus (though it may, of course, be accessed by other
`computers through any number of the interconnection technologies
`discussed in the exhibits to the declaration of David Klausner
`(submitted with Mangosoft’s Opposition Brief (document no. 43)).
`That is to say, a computer memory device that is “local” to one
`computer may also be shared with, or accessed by, other computers
`on the network (or, of course, other computers participating in
`the shared memory system).
`“Shared Memory Subsystem”
`Both the ‘377 and ‘229 patents describe the use of a “shared
`memory subsystem for mapping a portion of said shared addressable
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`memory space to a portion or the whole of said persistent storage
`and said volatile storage . . ..” ‘377 patent at 16:6-9. See
`also ‘229 patent at 28:31-34 (“a shared memory subsystem for
`mapping a portion of the shared addressable memory space to at
`least a portion of the persistent and volatile storage . . ..”).
`Oracle asserts that the “shared memory subsystem” described in
`the patents is a means-plus-function claim. The court disagrees.
`First, the absence of the word “means” undermines Oracle’s
`claim. See, e.g., Al-Site Corp. v. VSI Int’l, Inc., 174 F.3d
`1308, 1318 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (“[W]hen an element of a claim does
`not use the term ‘means,’ treatment as a means-plus-function
`claim element is generally not appropriate.”). Second, the claim
`element “shared memory subsystem” recites sufficiently definite
`structure to dispel the argument that it is a means-plus-function
`claim. Third, the phrase “shared memory subsystem” appeared in
`both patents and technical literature at the time the ‘377 patent
`issued. See, e.g., Exhibit J to Mangosoft’s Opposition Brief,
`United States Patent no. 5,341,475 (describing a communication
`system for exchanging data, which employs a shared memory
`subsystem). See also Mangosoft’s Opposition Brief at 15-16
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`(representing that the phrase “shared memory subsystem” appeared
`in at least nine U.S. Patents filed before the ‘377 patent, as
`well as in academic literature).
`With regard to the word “mapping” - a function performed by
`the shared memory subsystem - Oracle asserts that it means
`“assigning a correspondence between the addresses of portions of
`virtual memory to the addresses of portions of physical memory.”
`Oracle’s Claim Construction Brief (document no. 36) at 23.
`Mangosoft, on the other hand, says that Oracle’s construction of
`the word is too narrow in two respects. First, it says the word
`“mapping” means simply “defining or establishing a relationship,”
`rather than assigning a direct correspondence. Mangosoft’s Claim
`Construction Brief at 16. Next, it says that the plain language
`of the claim provides only that a portion of the shared
`addressable memory space must be mapped to a portion or the whole
`of the system’s persistent and/or volatile storage. It does not,
`says Mangosoft, require the mapping of portions of the system’s
`virtual memory to portions of the system’s physical memory.
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`The word “mapping,” as used in the patents at issue, would
`be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to mean
`“creating an association between.” See, e.g., Oracle’s Claim
`Construction Brief at 23 (citing IEEE Standard Dict. of Elec. and
`Electronics Terms (6th ed. 1996) at 627 for the proposition that
`to “map a range of addresses” means “to create an association
`between a range of a process’s address space and a range of
`physical memory or some memory object, such that a reference to
`an address in that range of the address space results in a
`reference to the associated physical memory or memory object.”).
`Accordingly, the memory subsystem described in the ‘377 patent
`and the ‘229 patent creates an association or relationship
`between the shared addressable memory space and some or all of
`the local persistent and local volatile memory space of the
`participating nodes.
`“Structured Store of Data”
`Finally, the parties disagree as to the meaning of the
`phrase “structured store of data,” as used in the ‘229 patent.
`See, e.g., ‘229 patent at 28:24. Specifically, they disagree as
`to whether the referenced data must reside exclusively in
`EXHIBIT 1020 - PAGE 0023


`Case 1:02-cv-00545-SM Document 60 Filed 09/21/04 Page 24 of 30
`persistent storage. Oracle asserts that it must, while Mangosoft
`says storage of the structured data need not be limited to
`persistent (i.e., non-volatile) devices.
`The claims of the ‘229 patent do not make clear whether the
`referenced structured store of data may be (or must be) located
`in any particular form of memory. In support of its view that
`such data must reside exclusively in non-volatile storage, Oracle
`points out that the specification repeatedly describes the
`structured store of data as being “persistent data.” See, e.g.,
`‘229 patent at 3:19-22 (“The invention can be understood as
`structured storage systems, and related methods, that employ a
`globally addressable unstructured memory system to maintain a
`structured store of persistent data within a shared memory
`space.”). Consequently, says Oracle, if the data themselves are
`“persistent,” they must necessarily reside on a persistent (non-
`volatile) storage medium. And, according to Oracle, by
`repeatedly stating throughout the specification that the data are
`“persistent,” the patentees have (albeit implicitly) defined the
`phrase “structured store of data” to mean data which are stored
`on a persistent memory device. See, e.g., Bell Atl. Network
`EXHIBIT 1020 - PAGE 0024


`Case 1:02-cv-00545-SM Document 60 Filed 09/21/04 Page 25 of 30
`Servs., Inc. v. Covad Communs. Group, Inc., 262 F.3d 1258, 1277
`(Fed. Cir. 2001) (“[T]he written description provides guidance as
`to the meaning of the claims, thereby dictating the manner in
`which the claims are to be construed, even if the guidance is not
`provided in explicit definitional format. Because the patentees
`used the [disputed] term throughout the entire patent
`specification, consistent with a single meaning, they defined
`that term by implication.”) (citations and internal punctuation
`omitted). See also SciMed Life Sys., Inc. v. Advanced
`Cardiovascular Sys., Inc., 242 F.3d 1337, 1344 (Fed. Cir. 2001)
`(“While it is true, of course, that the claims define the scope
`of the right to exclude and that the claim construction inquiry,
`therefore, begins and ends in all cases with the actual words of
`the claim, the written description can provide guidance as to the
`meaning of the claims, thereby dictating the manner in which the
`claims are to be construed, e

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