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`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0001
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0001


`1K“ ‘
` :3;
`l 1590
`f- ‘
`Carey Nachenberg
`i hereby certify that this correspondence is being
`deposited with the United States Postal Service
`08.’634 580
`July 19, 1996
`Cross CPU Pro-Fetch.
`as yet unknowu /
`2317 L//
`ATTY. DKT. N0.:
`as first class mail in an envelope addressed to:
`Assistant Commissioner For Parents, Washington,
`D.C. 20.231.
`o: ,i
`32: t.
`Date of
`Name of applicant. assignee or
`Rae'smc' Reramafiw
`"—Wj—Date of Signatur
`Pursuant to the provisions of 37 CPR. §§ 1.56 and 1.97—98. enclosed herewith is
`modified form P'I‘Ovl449 listing references for consideration by the Examiner. A copy is
`enclosed herewith of each listed reference which may be material to the examination of this
`application, and with respect to which there may be a duty to disclose.
`The tiling of this Information Disclosure Statement shall not be construed as a
`representation regarding the completeness of the list of references, or that inclusion of a reference
`in this list is an admission that it is prior art or is pertinent to this application. or that a Search has
`been made, or as an admission that the information listed is, or may be considered to be, material
`to patentability, or that no other material information exists, and shall not be construed as an
`admission against interest in any manner.
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0002
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0002


`The Information Disclosure Statement submitted herewith is being filed:
`within three months of the filing date of the application, or date of entry
`into the national stage of an international application, or before the mailing
`date of a first official action on the merits, whichever event last occurred;
`after three months of the filing date of this national application or the date
`of entry of the national stage in an international application, or after the
`mailing date of the first official action on the merits, whichever event last
`occurred, but before the mailing date of the first to occur of either:
`a final action under 37 C.F.R.§ L113; OR '
`a notice of allowance under 37 CPR. § 1.311; AND
`is accompanied by the fee (under 3'." C.F.R. § 1.l7(p)) for
`submission of this Information Disclosure Statement under
`37 can. § 1.9%); UK
`is accompanied by the following certification under 37
`can. § 1970:) that:
`each item of information contained in this
`Information Disclosure Statement was cited in a
`communication from a foreign patent office in a
`counterpart foreign application not more than three
`months prior to the filing of this Statement; OR
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0003
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0003


`no item of information contained in this Information
`Disclosure Statement was cited in a communication
`from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign
`application or, to the knowledge of the person
`signing this certification after making reasonable
`inquiry. was known to any individual designated
`under 37 CPR. § 1.56(c) more than three months
`prior to the filing of this Statement.
`Attached hereto is a check in the amount of $
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge Deposit Account No.
`19-2555 for fees (and to credit any overpayment) associated with this Information Disclosure
`Statement. A dupiieate copy of this authorization is attached.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is made by:
`The undersigned inventors; or
`The undersigned attorney of records on the basis of the
`supplied by the inventors;
`supplied by an individual aesociated with the filing and
`prosecution of this application under 37 CPR § 1.56(e);
`in the attorney's files.
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0004
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0004


`Consideration of the listed references and favorable action are solicited.
`Dated: October 25, 1996
`Respectfully submitted.
`3 bu
`Edward B. Weller. Regis. No. 37,468
`Attorney for Applicant
`Fenwick & West LLP
`Two Palo Alto Square, Suite 600
`Palo Alto, California 94306
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0005
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0005


`:3 s at
`‘sfiifl’: may“
`Carey Nachenberg
`03!684 580
`July 19. 1996
`Cross CPU Pro-Fetch Queue
`as yet unknown
`I hereby canitv that this correspondence is being
`deposited with the United States Postai Service
`as first class mail in an envelope gddressed to:
`Assistant Commissioner For Parents. Washington.
`D.C. 20231. on:
`9; £1;
`L r
`,0, 5 (a
`Date of D posit
`2! w
`Name of apnlicant, assigneo or
`Registered Representative
`Date of Signatur
`Pursuant to the provisions of 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.56 and [97-98. enclosed herewith is
`modified form PTO-1449 listing references for consideration by the Examiner. A copy is
`enclosed herewith of each listed reference which may be material to the examination of this
`application, and with respect to which there may be a duty to disclose.
`The filing of this Information Disclomre Statement shall not be construed as a
`representation regarding the completeness of the list of references. or that inclusion of a reference
`in this list is an admission that it is prior art or is pertinent to this application, or that a search has
`been made, or as an admission that the information listed is. or may be considered to be. material
`to patentability. or that no other materiai information exists, and shall not be construed as an
`admission against interest in any manner.
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0006
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0006


`The Information Disclosure Statement submitted herewith is being filed:
`within three months of the filing date of the application. or date of entry
`into the national stage of an international application, or before the mailing
`date of a first official action on the merits. whichever event last occnrre'd;
`after three months of the filing date of this national application or the date
`of entry of the national stage in an international application. or after the
`mailing date of the first official action on the merits. whichever event last
`occurred. but before the mailing date of the first to occur of either:
`a final action under 37 C.F.R. § 1.113; OR
`a notice of allowance under 37 C.F.R. § 1.311; AND
`is accompanied by the fee (under 37 C.F.R. § l.l7(p)) for
`submission of this Information Disclosure Statement under
`37 C.F.R. {3‘ 1.97m; on
`is accompanied by the following certification under 37
`C.F.R. § l.97(e) that:
`each item of information contained in this
`Information Disclosure Statement was cited in a
`communication from a foreign patent office in a
`counterpart foreign application not more than three
`months prior to the filing of this Statement: 0R
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0007
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0007


`no item of information contained in this Information
`Disclosure Statement was cited in a communication
`from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign
`application or, to the kriowledge of the person
`signing this certification after making reasonable
`inquiry, was known to any individual designated
`under 37 C.F.R. § 1.56(c) more than three months
`prior to the filing of this Statement.
`Attached hereto is a check in the amount of S
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge Deposit Account No.
`194555 for fees (and to credit any overpayment) associated with this Information Disclosure
`Statement. A duplicate copy of this authorization is attached.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is made by:
`The undersigned inventors; or
`The undersigned attorney of records on the basis of the
`supplied by the inventors;
`supplied by an individual associated with the filing and
`prosecution ofthis application under 37 C.F.R. § l.56(c);
`in the attorney's files.
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0008
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0008


`Consideration of the listed references and favorable action are solicited.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dated: October 25, 1995 Mugg—
`Edwaxd B. Weller. Regis. No. 37.468
`Attorney for Applicant
`Fenwick 8.: West LLP
`Two Palo'Alto Square. Suite 600
`Palo Alto, California 94306
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0009
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0009


`Serial No.:
`. Docket No;
`Applicant: Carey Nachenberg
`5: several sheets if necess.
`1 783‘
`Iabiun. at El.
`Ahhn, el al.
`I 4.444.444
`-H 4.444.444
`FilingDate: 74’19i9fi
`mini—mIf A- re riate
`-- 5 421.006
`4444444 --:-
`-fl 4444444
`44444444 Mi_n_
`“I 4444444
`*4 4.)
`532] .340
`Document Number
`OTHER DOCUMENTS Includim Author.Titie.Date. Pertinent Pa es.Etc.
`Veldman. Frans, "Virus Writing Is High-Tech Infosecurity Warfare". Security on the i-Wa)‘
`95,1995, pp. L-i - L-lfi, USA.
`Symantec Corporation. "Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95 & Special Subscription Offer",
`1995. U.S.A.
`"'1'11undBIBYTE Anti-Virus Utilities User Manual", ThundorBYTE B.V.. 1995, pp. i - 19L
`Wijchen. The Netherlands.
`"Virus Infection Techniques: Part 3", Virus Bulletin, January 1995. pp. 006-007. Oxfordsh'u'e.
`"UK — Sophos Intros Unix Virus Detection Software 00’261'95", Newsbytes News Newark.
`Jan. 26. 1995. U.S.A.
`Cohen, Frederick E, "A Short Course on ComputerViruses". John Wiley cit Sons, Inc. Second
`Edition. pp. 54-55. 199-209, 1994, U.S.A.
`Veldman. Frans. "Heuristic Ami-Virus Twhnology". Proceedings oflhe International! Virus
`Protection and Information Security Council, April 1. 1994.
`EXAMINER: Initial errences considered. whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; Draw
`line through ciiaiion 1
`- t m conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with unit
`communication to a .licant.
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0010
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0010


`Air}. Docket No;
`Serial No:
`Applicant: Carey Nachenberg
`56 several shoals if necess
`OTHER DOCUMENTS ncludin; Auihor. Title, Date, Pertinent P5155. Bic.
`Filing Dale: 2836
`Group: 2394-
`2'7 E 3"
`Kamey. Iames. "Changing the Rules on Viruses: Trend Micro Devices Inc.'s PC Rx 4.0 virus
`Detection Software". PCMagazr'rre. August. 1994, Vol. 13. No. 14‘. p. N536. U.S.A. I
`Wells, Joseph. "Viruses in the Wild".Pmceedings ofrhe International! Virus Protection and
`Infomlmion Security Council. April 1. 1994.
`Gordon. Scott. "Viruses cit Netware". Proceeding: oflhe International Virus Protection and
`Information Security Cortncil'. March 31. 1994.
`Solomon. Alan, "Viruses 8: Polymorphism". Proceedings affhe international Virus Protection
`and Information Security Council. March 31. 1994.
`Case. Tori. "Viruses: An Executive Brief‘. Proceedings of the International Virus Protection
`and Information Security Council'. March 31. 1994.
`information Management”. CMA - the
`Gotlieb, Leo. "End users and responsible computing:
`Management Accounring Magazine. September. 1993. Vol. 61', No. 7. p. 13. USA.
`"Network Management: LAN Buyers Guide: Network Management; Buyers Guide". MN
`Magazine. August, 1992. Vol. i"; No, 8.1:. 188, U_S.A.
`"Anti—virus Company Claims Polymorphic Breakthrough 01:10:92". Newrbytes News Network,
`July 10, [992. U.S.A.
`Schmidt, Patricia. "Security; data security issues; Lesson 44; Tutorial". MN Magazine,
`March. 1992. USA.
`line through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include cop)f of this form with nexl
`communication to a licant.
`(also Form PTO—1449)
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0011
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 0011

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