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`by "13 Unites States Code Title 35. Section .
`22, 181 and 368. Possession uulside the US.
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`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0001
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`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0001


`Carey Nachenberg
`I mey certify that t
`SERIAL N0.:- -.
`February 9.1996
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`ATrY. DKT. N0.:
`WASHINGTON, 11c. 20231
`DI ‘
`1'10“ 0 4 PM
`Pursuant to the provisions of 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.56 and 1.9798. enclosed herewith is
`modified form PTO-1449 listing references for consideration by the Examiner. A copy is
`enclosed herewith of each listed reference which may be material to the examination of this
`application, and with respect to which there may be a duty to disclose.
`The filing of thislni'ormation Disclosure Statement shall not be construed as a
`representation regarding the completeness of the list of references, or that inclusion of a reference
`in this listis an admission that it is prior art or is pertinent to this application, or that a search has
`been made. or as an admission that the information listed is, or may be considered to be, material
`to patentability, or that no other material information exists, and shall not be construed as an
`admission against interest in any manner.
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0002
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0002


`The Information Disclosure Statement submitted herewith is being filed:
`within three months of the filing date of the application, or date of entry
`into the national stage of an international application, or before the mailing
`date of a first official action on the merits, whichever event last occurred;
`after three months of the filing date of this national application or the date
`of entry of the national stage in an international application, or after the
`mailing date of the first official action on the merits, whichever event last
`occurred, but before the mailing date of the first to occur of either:
`a final action under 37 C.F.R. § 1.113; OR
`a notice of allowance under 37 C.F.R. § 1.311; AND
`is accompanied by the fee (under 37 C.F.R_. § 1.l7(p)) for
`submission of this Information Disclosure Statement under
`37 CPR. § l.9’7(c); 0R
`is accompanied by the following certification under 37
`C.F.R. § 1.9703) that:
`I each item of information contained in this
`Information Disclosure Statement was cited in a
`communication from a foreign patent office in a
`counterpart foreign application not more than three
`months prior to the filing of this Statement; 0R
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0003
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0003


`no item of information contained in this Information
`Disclosure Statement was cited in a communication
`from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign
`application or, to the knowledge of the person
`signing this certification after making reasonable
`inquiry. was known to any individual designated
`under 37‘ C.F.R. § 1.56{c) more than three months
`prior to thefiling of this Statement.
`Attached hereto is a check in the amount of $,_____.
`The Commissioner is hereby. authorized to charge Deposit Account No.
`19-2555 for fees (and to credit any overpayment) associated with this Information Disclosure
`Statement. A duplicate copy of this authorization is attached.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is made by:
`The undersigned inventors; or
`The undersigned attorney of records on the basis of the
`supplied by the inventors;
`supplied by an individual associated with the filing and
`prosecution of this application under 37 C.F.R. § 1.56{c);
`in the attorney's tiles.
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0004
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0004


`Consideration of the listed references and favorable action are solicited.
`Dated: October 25. 1995
`Respectfully submitted,
`Edward B. Weller, Regls. No. 37.463
`Attorney for Applicant
`Fenwick & West LLP
`Two Palo Alto Square, Suite 600
`Palo Alto, California 94306
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0005
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0005


`Serial No:
`Applicant: Carey Nachenbcrg
`Filing Date: 29:96
`Group: 2304
`Filing Date
`IfA- - rial:
`3 -
`‘ seseverel sheets if Iv
`Document Number
`—-—-—OTHER DOCUMENTS includin_ Author. Title. Date Pertinent Paes Etc.
`T D
`Veldman. Frans, “Virus Writing Is High-Tech Infosecurity Warfare". Security on the I-Way
`’95. 1995, pp. L—l - L—16,'U.S.A.
`Symantec Corporation. “Norton Anti‘v’irus for Windows 95 & Special Subscription Offer".
`1995, USA.
`"ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus Utilities User Manual“. ThunderBYTE B.V., 1995. pp. i - 191.
`Wijchcn, The Netherlands.
`"Virus Infection Techniques: Part 3", Virus Bulletin, January 1995, pp. 006-007. Oxfordshire,
`”UK - Sophos Intros Unix. Virus Detection Sofiware 011263 ". Nmsbyfes News Network.
`Juli. 26, 1995. U.S.A.
`Cohen. Frederick 13., "A Short Course on Compuoer Viruses“. John Wiley 6': Sons, Inc. Seeond
`Edition. pp. 54-55, 199-209, 1994, U.S.A.
`Veldman. Frans, "Heuristic Anti-Virus Technology“. Proceedings aft-’19 International Vim:-
`Prorecrian and Information Security Council. April 1, 1994.
`EXAMINER: Initial if references considered. whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; Draw
`line through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next
`communication to a- - licant.
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0006
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0006


`Atty: Docket: NOJ
`Serial No.:
`Applicant: Cmy Nachenbcrg
`Filing Dane; 29396
`Group: 2304
`Title Date.
`Kamcy. James, "Changing the Rules on Viruses; Trend Micro Devices [rials PC Rx 4.0 virus
`Detaction Sofiware". PC'Magazine. August. 1994. Vol. B. No. 14: p. N536. USA.
`_Wells. Joseph, "Viruses in [he Wild".Proceedl'ngs afthz International Virus Protection and
`Infill-traction Sammie Council. April 1. 1994.
`Gordon. Sgott. "Viruses &. Netware". Proceedings afthe International Virus Protection and
`Information Security Council. March 31. 1994.
`Solomon. Alan, "Viruses 82. Polymorphism", Proceedings of the International Virus Protection
`and Information Security Counctf. March 31. 1994.
`Case, Tori. "Viruses: An Exccutivc Bricf'. Proceedings ofthe International Vim-Protection
`and Information Security Come“. Match 31. 1994.
`Gotlieb. Lao. "End users and responsible computing: Information Management". CMA - the
`Management Accounting Magazine. September. 1993. Vol. 6?. No. 7. p. 13. U.S.A.
`"Network Management; LANBuym-s Guide: Network Nhnagement. Buyers Guide". IAN
`Magazine.Augu5t. 1992. Vol. 7'. No. 8. p. 188. U. S..A
`f'Anti-vims Company (321ij Polymorphic Breakthrough 0711082". Newsbytes News Network,
`luty to. 1992. USA.
`Schnaidt. Patricia. "Security: data security issucs; Lesson 44; Tutorial", IAN Magazine.
`March. 1992. U.S.A.
`Skulason, Fridrik, "For Programmers". Virus Bulletin. July 1990. pp. 10-11. Orton. England.
`I I I I I I
`EXAMINER: Initial if references considered. whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609: Draw
`line. through citation if not in confumiance and not considered. Include copy of this form withl next
`communication to an - licartt.
`(also Form PTO-1449)
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0007
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0007

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