`Aian F1‘ecd.n1a.n
`(')sborn:.-".\‘.c(_;mw -Hill
`Mien" Ynzk CI-.ix:ag.> S2r.1”-r:n.‘£:1co
`f_.v:ni.>s\ Mmhid Mr:-4<oCiIv Milan
`Newbefrxi Sunfunlu Smul Sirvtinplitt‘
`fiydrey Te.n'or.:o
`Page 1 Of 9
`Apple v. VirnetX
`Trial |PR2015—01009
`Osborr-v /' Mcflraw-Hill
`?.‘nE'.1I'f'mil‘. Street
`Befxeiey, C aiifumin 9-‘£710
`‘>/Txafixcugxgc bulk ‘§'m.':'i;'h:|.<:c- rlimiunss for
`pxomotiens,_preIniums_. or fU!‘(d*’a"-'i‘1S€E“.<,
`D! m 4 ('Ol’1ta1;lC)3§\('n’t\E/3\ICGri|W“Hm at-ihe above uddx ~35. I-‘or informnnon (an
`:_—_‘;ran.~'.l\t1u;2.s at book distributosszsauisicie theL7.S.A., "ziense see the Irltemalional
`53C=on*;a I Information page at the and 6:?‘ this book.
`Computer Desktop Encyc.-iopedia. Ninth Eamon
`(J -ght <9 2001 by T1to Mx{ix2n~~}~!‘:1l Cmzngpaar-rhea. All rights; reserved. I’rix-\h‘¢d in-the
`.1 E'5mtcs -;wf1\Incl‘icsA.l*3.\‘/.‘+:p‘; as -persrxitted. uncle-r the Copg-r‘;ght Act (if 1976:, no part
`of :3 as publication may be re:-Jen-nri ured or disstributed in any fc-rm or by any n1e:nns, or
`red in 2'. d_ala'lnse sat r:~1rric-‘val :;_\'z:ler1'*-,, wilhmxt the prior vvritfm permis¢3i<7:1 of the
`pt:.bli=sher, with 1‘urexa’:;-p‘r.i<)11 that the pm-tgram listings n‘-any 1)(.’.E:l'I!(’.'l":':(i¥>.39.()).'k"d, and
`executed in a -ton-1px1!c«_r s’y.<;|.'mn, bus‘ ’£}3L"_\' may not hr: x;;?roclL:ccLi 5}): 13L1b.‘iiL‘:'~itin1-1
`123/L5G3'8*JE) DOC EIOC 9(J1.9E57£E.%521
`Boo}: p I :1 0-L"-7~2‘I 93U’J-'3' am} CD p /‘ti ET»-‘fl-“.7«Z19308-5
`parts of
`{$351 U—C‘7—2'l 930%‘?
`Brand.c~:*s A. Nordm
`V‘-ice Ifmsident 6-. A.:<.~.mc§sie1’u1b1isher
`Scott Rogers
`Editorial Director
`[tiger Stewart
`Senior Project Fxiitnr
`1’ax'nela Woolf
`Linda M‘:1‘1f:H,I‘i1u3 Mada?!
`Compu fer Designers
`Lauren _Mx.*C‘arth_v, '!‘abi1h:-. Cagan
`Lyssa Wexkd, ‘.V'.ic‘nae'1 '1\/Luella:
`Series Design
`Peter F. 1"1z2ncii<
`Cvuvmzr Dexign
`Clmg Scoll
`Cover Illustration
`lchn Block.
`LC ‘,_.’MM.’N,_,,,|-t:.._,
`'1‘his- book was composml vvutb. Cmul \"l':‘.\JTUR.1\“"°‘- Pub!i;~:hc1-.
`"\1r(:raw-SM! tn~.rn.-iuL;::e5!:~|i-u»-c.-dwliex;\'l1ak<k>.i1uwwx-r. bI.'L'.m'u! of im-
`lsnlosrnnuon hm. lxvn 0[3!.‘miIII.‘:l by Clebfrnt
`- nu.-_.-’.‘u.1r(}ra\~r-E!;i].u‘ at
`is Llslmm-/Macun-~-Rill elm-a. not
`;mm.bxl:ryofh1nnmn 5: mncha Seal L-rm;
`x-:1:-nun oz any I:-l'\.L\m:!io\\ and in um rim; ~.,stzi"<:1|o In: any ‘.'I'lZ-t.'» >7: «.5
`i-45 Own’
`- rhv: ac-urncy. 9dL‘<;\)6{“_c',‘(!"|.‘i
`.e.'»u .5 nI>L~.nuo.-(I {mm mac 0.‘ such i:'.hrn1:u'-un.
`Page 2 of 9
`\wu::>-as3.’.¢!:V.'. n7
`5 §§§_l'.‘.It-1:E},.‘I‘i"1.’A,T;=£)I'lk.I.‘,5':|‘l".l_' uT£o:1_‘
`“mm ‘M K
`- ..
`{saws +49.‘-)c
`m)?rsau'u ms:
`An II]
`3. fit»:
`Ihc m
`and B
`NT, I
`rm ""1
`‘ '
`" V
`“‘ “"‘ “
`"Mm )
`W011 RB‘1$0§
`Emma Sliohlll
`(1) A v.-mksmtlun nr purmnai. sump-me: in a client/5*~:rvm'
`V-n~/irrm.mcn:. Sm: ciie.-1:/smzer andjm 1!“ ..
`'::et~r:r;~cn|“«rcgrnzn:4.wu... 1-Ii.-ulrwand C}l.E.
`('5) One cm} of the m mm in a tr.-a_n:e=:E.;‘.<~.:pf"!.y ral.t!1crxship
`An applicamrx mzzxainzg in u wor>m%.a:ion o.-
`client appllcatlcn
`persom} s,-s,:m_m:Ier on u neh«~.'or?<. See nine OLE.
`cllent basexi
`Keiers £0 hardware :)I? software mm’: mm, in the I.1st‘:“:1
`rr..1chin<». (client? Cuntmstwith mu‘: hzszd.
`client machine
`A user’: svarkxtamu mm is ai\‘.nC.':'1::dtoi1I-c1'1vm1:.
`The term can 9.15:4 mic: is n poxtnble ::<cn-purer :hat is pi-Agged into flue
`network. 52-»: Efiifril and rfirvxf/sewer.
`client program Sofhamre mat runs if: the u.aer“s PC at v:ox1~'.a;i-a.ti-.>:n.
`Cumrast with server progmru, which residesin.1 esrunx in the rsetvtark.
`. . ._.........__..._
`An azzthilechxrc In which t'm.- users 1*;
`(Hen!) ls
`1h¢n-.L]nu':~tu;igs4uac1um:- .mx:1 me sen-ur as Uses-.€uI|‘tg:1y!ng msxclzlnn. both of
`which are qmxmctcd ‘rh-. as lzical area rletwark (1 AN) or wide an->5: neuvozk '
`[Wr.,mj. 'r‘nmngimut mu 1221919305 andesuiy X9905, cltmt-,/sxewm was
`fin: hut'buu.word us wplicnfiions were -rnigx-:x!_3d from ccnualized
`minicuuxpaztexs and tmahtframes lmmlworks c-3' {.?v2‘.2'S_L31.‘l'-..llc0§!1§::'1l:l’€i'I‘3.
`in xiiemfsawer, ihe cllerit‘;3z‘mem‘»cn the nnafizxfcrfucc (Windmrrs.
`etc.) and cum perk“:-mu home or nit cat" the ::p;~3.7:.r.:1i¢~.~x prdcr1+n‘z:g.S<a'vm mngt
`in mpa':f?,y from hig,h-end Pita In :nais~.f_run\':'::«. A dittabzzse saver: ma§rAt:i:'\s
`lhedamfiw.-es nnd pzvxesews :‘!:C,I.'L>$‘.5 fmrr.
`di:+n{ Eu uxtmct data fmmn :1:
`In ixpdara rhe éaaiqme. An arppiitnKimum/er provides ad:1iLiuunli2mlr_m'm
`pr0<.-easing for the cHcm.~.. Sm (‘!{:ti1£f.ic:‘i,i1‘9’ deuclopirinrzr sgaséean;
`C1 lantjseuwer Versus the ‘Nev,
`‘flecaisae cf the 1me.rm:!.te.miz such
`as ’’Web lxgm:-.1" and "'Web c1mL‘l¢-6‘ have xcplnc-rd lha_c!1cnt,’san;#!.n'
`Z-«umwnrd, ya tbs; czikanl/x":-wéz :a_n‘I'\ii~c\‘2\Iv(‘ in co'ncc*ptua!ly tfm S{'.!I§.1‘..
`Usvera’ PCs ‘a rs; am} ciients. mu.‘-. mere an: ten» def thou-.s:u ids‘ <3£_Wk!) sewers
`ll1m'\u;l\ou 1- Ike ¥_t:.‘.er:1et c}c1ivurI:‘.;_{W'cb pagz=3. Ncvenhulesa, cliéewtf
`server is mcstiy uaat,-c‘: to ='m’r:r tu “lr:gncy," z‘=.u1\'-“r‘a’er€2 R-.1-.~cd zjayatusras.
`On xixgweb, xhc ~Xxc-at mm the b1uw~:.::r and gust l'EE<r1(zg;z\cy die:\t/
`.<-.2:-ms; cxm }mrforx'0'I'<mt- or 3 int m:fprrA‘ussifi§;: simsbiz riiapfinyinxg nf
`H1“é.€L-pagiza, more prur3:¢5sin[._r; with rrmbeddrd s:r£p!s :9; considerable
`procr«,9s5x\g, with lave _.1[.r,3}e\s‘ A nxgtx-ism‘: of bmwses‘ plug-jxns provide. all
`saw; at‘ dient p;..«:m:ng.
`‘:r::tun: with
`T.-2:: sewer aid? of the web me a mum-tier server aa" '
`nnefg and
`mt-erllnkerl Web s».~.-rvczs, npplécafirm Jorveru, d&ia’m.- ~ are
`caching *'
`re Elvzc n;.'Iux’ic.zl1'».n: server
` _
`Ix'l|.u:u);h zmec era cflcnl-; and amfuurs in 1H;
`sizanarisi, ’.hl'5;'is~nol °lr\u2‘ ciimveprici.
`Lwycause we serve: is nolhllli‘, mafia zwr rs
`xcrnan-:1 d1::$‘.(Jrl\0. and thé want does all the:
`mucessihg. Lssngtny searohée. cm bog, dam.-1 me
`ruekwurk. twmuse each aim; has '10 read rm
`entire t1'~)‘{z:b-at-e. A). 1.500 hymn per rusord.
`a d:-;lIs‘.+a;'-ta \-nth 1fK.1.{3OO mronls smds
`100MB me’ the LAM.
`A p-zrann re-.zp«:r=.*.~ii'2lL- {or pcr:r.::m’z::;;
`client/sewer analyst
`rmnlvwfi Imd LIt.'5J)g_I\ m’ :1 <;1i:{:.:u st: vx-: >','s!B'fi‘.. A ¥.rm‘.~>ie:dge cf twn—rk'r and
`tfircc fix»: .13;-.-.u:,'serm ar:‘ni':er_rures is tvquircxi. Sea: sysz.-:>.~:.~: xn.'.'.':;.-A amt ;h‘c:r.:
`ciiant/server architecture
`.-‘m etmrr,-nmmt in '.-v)‘\ich the uppficarion pr.::s.¥:s3xx\g, is xI'i.v.d>-i '1.-ohveen ciicn!
`3 the useuf d::.s'Hs'.3‘p c:;I1Ipu">"
`tcnmfiing '.vH'n sex-vars in .1 ht.-t\w:(k, in ccznlrass to
`hmpulax Desktop Encyzstopuiia
`Page 3 of 9
`I’ C
`An zzpplicatiml l:‘.a11Agcmt-.|1t suite from BMC that uses agents to report on twaxe nctlvlties on all the
`servers willxin the er.terp:lst:. Using ll‘.eir.:'o1':m'.llDnln ""k_11ow,'vzlg(‘. nwcdulusf’ [l(.\{s) aluoul cad: system czxnponcnt,
`agtrltlfi detect c\-‘ems, nnllecl information and notify system. and network admix-istrators to take corrective action.
`PAX (1) (Private Automatic I-I:<<*lu:.nge) Anizlhous-zr intercom sj.'ste;:1.
`(2) (Pal?-.llr’, Archltccluri-. Extended) A pzunllvl processing cm-'irx:nrzuz1:t siandard based on l:‘.tel"s l8(.*II RTSC chip,
`UNIX System V and Allia1*t(‘.nmputz.‘-r's p.1x'a1Iel and 3-D gmphlcs lcchxmlngies.
`‘I'll? :i:5:a-carrying, caps-.cl~.y of some sirxrxtrar-3. It typically refers In a part of a packet nr freune in a
`COII\l'l'1LJ'.ZC~LitlL!l".S system that hold-". the message data in ccntrazal iu ~.l1e‘;1cadc-.:'.=, which an! cwnsiderc-5 0VcI'l‘Iead.
`payment S0fVlC6
`Software distributed for money. C.()l1'.t‘r‘.~‘-lCWiH‘».f7't.'L'L:)(d7’l".
`PB See Powerfluilliev‘.
`PBX (l’rlvate Ilratzch eXc.lm11gc) An inhousc teleplurxue swi tchkq;
`system that ir.lerco:mects' lcluphtme extemlmu: to each other, as well as
`to the uulslcle teiepllonc nclwnrl<.1t:m\y include fzmctions -3ucl- as least
`cast roufing for uuiside calls, call forvwrdingz, L\:u.l'cn_-nco. rafllng ard cull
`accourlling. Modem PBXS use all—d'tgi'.al uxetl-mzis for ~zwitc‘,-ting and may
`sup?_;01:t hath digfitul te::r.lr-als and ten;-phones along with analog
`‘°]""h°“°5‘ 3"” WPBX‘
`H I
`T” PB)‘ I g A" 533!
`. we an onera on n . anger. -..aInc Ill
`mas. (Image mtlnesy o1AT&T.;
`(bound, gums)
`(3) (Printed Circuit) Sc-9.1'1rintc!i civtui.“ board.
`('2) (Personal Computer) Any lnptap or desktop
`mrr.pur.ersud1 as Windows machir-;-. or a l\«Ia.cl:\':ush.
`ll) {Pcr:.'-;>:l-al Computer) A slamd-al:>r-.c laptop cr
`dmktnp computer r.m:1ir.;; Windows (or DOS Sor earlie:
`applications). PC lmr;lwa1~e and operating systenls 2121-:
`primarlly g0\'(.'.l'l\€d by Intel and .\/licmsoft xespcctlvely.
`The PC is the world’s largest (tn.-nputer tmse.
`PCS are also widely used as clients and servers in a local
`area network (_I..AN). PC clients prndornlzaantiy run under
`Wlndowa, but PC servcns (X36-based serV'cm) run uncle:
`‘ows, \’etWa.r.- or a variation of UNIX such as Linux
`or‘.Ir.".xWarv.=. PC servers may use Wi:1dows‘,l5/98, bu‘:
`Windows NT and 2301) are more llkely ::l\oic:,~<.
`Although there Mr: liacrally :ho*.1s.1nc'.s of PC. vendors,
`€r.u:r. morn mlci pop shops to large mail crde: l".ou:=ns (Deli,
`Gatevvay, etc.) to the major computer nmxpuuics (Compaq,
`Ill‘, elc.), -and of CDU.!"JE‘ IBM, still one of Hie W0l'ld.'$li1lg£'.Ei
`Pt‘. makers, all PC; use an Intel x86 ur mnxputible C1721.
`What's lnslde 8 P0?
`After1BM ixxtm-'1l:ced {lie 1=c=.n19s1, t1wfir5talh=.mp‘:s at
`cloning it were mostly unsu-zccswhxl. E)-i£V.‘pl for (',Tc::zlp:ag'5 first
`PC, from 1982 to ‘l§?G, there were u lot of ”a'm-.ost m:r.pal‘.blc" PCS. I-lowvever, as soon as !'nc- p:n'tofd1.e upcralirzg system
`l<l"0V.T. as ilw 3103 was suco::.s.’-.I!ly cloned and made comm-.«=.n7iaIly available-, true cmnpallbles appcarercl in ab'.md:m:e.
`Before Windows 95, adding another peripheral dn-vice to a PC was ofl-an an exercise in trial and error. Modifying
`I)0S":: infamous L‘-cnl':'.gu1atlon files (ALTT‘()EX£C.llAT and CONFIGSYSJ caused l'l'n£‘.Z':_V a uker to give up. Windows 95.
`98 and 2030 sndded Ping and l"]ny, which means for the most part, you n-.:: mplace hart‘. disks and display adapters, as
`well as Lilld a scanner, CD—ROM or other device wllhmzt difficulty.
`The FC has become .1 commodity item, wlr,-ziing its way onto the shelves of retail outlets worlclwidp. This is a
`testlr:le'n.la~.l la ll:-3 power of a com;-later stmldard, even. one Frdtlghl With 100PhU1!-—=5 and 5nv.unsistemcies.
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 4 of 9
`pnrsaul cumpular
`«H UNIX milznex. and
`Ea i':1itt3:mr.‘ed in. 1987.
`‘.2 <le<<i;;v.n\*l to hsnaiie a vauL>kj,' LE‘ .<y.~:k=r-r:-
`v.*{‘-»3r-sivsl. té'riJ‘\g_§‘\;*.I\.d2inp, Fnuuwlimz;
`II is wu.ia:!y U:-Pd tr. wrmr Web sterxaw
`§x\r1‘IrI.':h':.\rm=|1d provrties
`M1-.'ing_ user m;ru1_p'§};”x .-uni r:znz;.~.;;;-.1-_u; po-.=lLru;5:<, ,xmr.v:a ‘:3; :~;:n.c -as’ )'o;pue:.t;:,
`p:ugran‘.s for such msks as :m‘.-n-112-.t
`sf,-nv:I'ss.':L=.i:.Ing J..:taba.~L-.~.- and geexuaxutixxg rcpn.-Is. Per! mu 21:51: In-en adapted when-LINIX p'.a.t!'m'm<.
`ai.-an FLIRL.
`('13 A nut‘; £5.:r.t lhai is 1r.:rg.*i(-. i.‘iL= printu-r’s tX’.‘3n'.:):'j" unhl 1hcpri:1t<-J is (:.-:‘:'-I‘d off.
`53¢‘ V-ma“-9"! "Wt
`{2} Smne as !}.'.'H7!¢.§,!'(1nz'
`permamm! man-wry
`':n‘:A2 :,.<- n.~.rt»¢-cl.1h'a'r ryIr't?.-::n_:
`Om: p-:155abtz* <.:L:rut-i1uz|iom;HIcrs=,~z out uf a mgar
`1,. 2 an} .1, there are six ;mas>1\!«‘.pum\-.\La1icns.-12. 21, 1:1, 31, 23 and 3”.
`cf H:-nun. For e-msnpie, with the sea cci :a.'.zm§xr:.'x
`perpendicular recovdfng
`Si. : vc.~n'¢w! r:€cr41':'ng,
`par Sam ‘fly \~urks;rz1':*:~m. Sm per cent lnccnasfn".
`S-.~Eh-.-are Ficu‘-siJ.1§,' based um a per user basis. Fa: &:.Ml;'(ay3v, u.1DD-war Hren-'~=e means 13:-ai 3;:
`136! seat licensing
`ha H30 s1;e::Iilc2:5;,~r=;sa\cd users have accvzse to the pmgzazn. Per smut |:‘rx;-:>r.L'm; :5
`1ini5feri~-1 by prmliding us<‘.r-1!,-.vd
`security to ‘(he dtm<::o:_y co:~.Eahu':‘.g thxz pzvgnam. C«)m:'ae£ with r,rmr:um-.711‘ 11:52:: i.-Lg.
`vswrgizezd. Lcmgnpersistenuc
`the lime in }~l\::5ph€-r dot remai1‘.s\' i1‘:':.Ii11§:\.s!c!CI aftxrr t<eE
`(1) Tn n
`p|:<5$§§1D13 reduce flicker, but genemhz gin;-<a.f~]il<-: inmngns lhxzt lirxgm’ 0:: screen lot 2 .:..c .011 of a .w.:k:r;nd.
`2) In ubject Icahn-':Eng}'; the slazagc of an <vb,'ect an 3 dsak or «zthcr perzmtwnt storage: dtv:-."t‘.
`persistent data
`Ihhz «hes. ex:-.~€s
`Yszazvt with lr::v1;1iz'::£s.‘uzrA.
`from sesrsion tu S€b‘..‘?i32‘.‘I. Pusisrani-darn is sznrad. in n~:¥:1t2'ua.se on dzsknr tap:-.
`;;2rsl3ten~t link
`sw 3..-.¢ .'m1«
`;\n object l'.'1:1l x‘w:Z\U.l'Li:~.'.‘8 to exist after the ‘_L‘fDgl’;S1l‘. eta? {‘1‘,'¢‘zl’(t£d it has Mm Lu1J<>adcd.Ar.
`persistent 0L\}{}cf
`‘a«~t‘.s daas and «:um~.:-.: state ::\u:.: be anwari for use in subsazq-mm sesszox-us. Ln .')'U}fiCl tm-hnwicgy-, pr:-rsicience mans
`See ngr:r::_
`personal Eégi
`pnarsormi communicator
`See FDA.
`Syr.mn;.m".vu< with "m .ucnrnpuzr.=:',“ "Riv.-:-kiup u-zrzyzztxtr," and "lag.r<'c:p compu.!e:r." ih izsat
`perscmai compute:
`cor/\puLer that :;s:'v'<~§ L‘-nc user in Um: c:5.‘icu or !Iuxm.u A :uI11}'rl?',n- §><>:‘.%4..3:'.nl c:.\1r:'[.~!.sii>r system. with {mater van cos‘: as
`5iW-t* 345 !F1.f*(r53 or as much as $8,000 G! mo:e. Size: is ‘owed on tmsmury and xfls£:I.*ap:+<';ty. Spam is [2432-:1 on tiiv (_Ti‘i3
`that runs 1!, and culpLatq'.ui1i*y in based un Ihrs :._vp(s and r-,-sniulinn of its mzonirrsr and gwrinu.-r,
`:'\4a}c:r Suppfiiers of Perscmzal Comput W Tm: pe:".9onid ccmpuler world is dtwmilthtuniby ‘r‘s'il'.‘(i0'.v5-l5.'!.~5:.d P6" V,
`‘L we 52*: lhausands of venda '..:1=. in at m .
`mu, fm1.!xs:B;=m:ilr($ pup shops ha hLg,:- ccxmyrmies such as Cnmpaq, H1’
`and lB".1.'f'he altemale {J-\-.;'2‘.r:r\.1l con1;_‘nx.!c.- $mnci.1td L9 1'1;v;?r."s Madnknsh, '-vhich L: -‘.‘-‘K13-'Ir\n'.i.lc L3)‘ :\p[;-11.3. K~.4a:i and
`Cnrmm;d:.vru nrtre carwd L‘»IJ.|'li'1I2i:'t$K>‘pz-‘z‘2i\'c n1che.a,i:ul Atari re:1zx'1'»§-«.i ha its gut:-v.5::g_ man-,; an-,1 Cu: ur-.Dd.':.z'€ has since
`£'3US!-.".1§lS dacgrs
`‘!’2\érix1¢!11.v.»h"y began -In 14277, whv.-n App!->, xemae Shack ._:mi~(3on-n-:odo:e
`The Htstzory of Pszrzonal Conmuirers
`imtoduced the.
`nil‘--t!xn'=111«::'t i?mnpumr:< as mu.-)um-.-r pzoduzxiss. "|'1\e-filrstnmchinws used an 8~bl".-niK>*1'np;'ucu:;;::;:
`win: « :xua:<isJr.u:u ul L’:-JK oi (‘Nun-:Iry and floppy disks for storage. ‘lhc Appié £1‘ Atari 5300, and Cururttximt I34 b<em:n>.=
`popular E-.or:~.c co:nputua, md Apph». wu su::czx~.u’:21 in cuunpames rafter eh»? VI9'i!,.‘_a2r spnpnstshrzbrra was l:1‘.'ru1i\m::d.
`Hoawvcr, the busi
`wtuizl /ms :i=<x:n r1£'u1ur:a3cd by me I/.'£4U pmce.-9'50: and CP.f.\4 cg-»2xsn%.';2\.g Sj.’£:fet':, used by
`Page 5 of 9
`protocol stack
`Yo .
`The itiez .114. by of f\”Oln’.‘0lS used in :2 co::1n:uni:at:'uns nc:wu:'.-<. Network arcliilcctui-rs,-; qesi
`protocol stack
`in layers, such as ‘PCP/IP, CS1 and S.’\.A, axe mt'rrr-ed to. as stacks. S-—.‘-e CPS}.
`protocol SURE
`311119. as ;1."alo(:u.‘ s.‘a.7k.
`(1) (_‘:e2-Ainp; zr -ziumn of a new systuut, .l’r-.>:otyping ts esscnt.-cl for .1‘,.1x’i:'yiv.g infusmzxllun reqr.~i1'en\u-1-~
`ihe clasigtt of a sysiexn (functional specs) must he finaiived before the ‘
`'str=n'. can be built. While al\ll‘iyZiCa..i\'~g;~‘"_.r,€dd'
`people truly lmvc :1 :Eear picture of require-.me:1ts, others may not.
`Usin fc:L:rt'n-» ..cr.e:ra:icr.1a:1 ‘.i-‘W193, svs':e1ns u'tI‘.?ll‘_J‘t!9 an-I 11::-Js can develun she. new 5* stem to L-titer.
`— .
`S _
`i3b.I..u:s ‘-an
`be cm.-.:‘:lr.~.t‘l and mmupitlstod w ..9 me uscr l.‘JUZ‘.llCC!'S ‘he program. Once us. we tangible output cw".
`or papa,’
`zixcycan figuru ‘gut what's n1‘::.<aing 01' what the DEX’. quesziun inigitt be if this wen: 2: p:t‘JdLtr'I’.or‘. system if pxnm|n~,a_n,_.
`is carefully done, the and IESLLI‘. can be .a wor'2<*'.ng system.
`Evrzn if the final system is rcpmgz-ammcul in olim-r languages for shmd&ru.l‘.2-.aL'_on or r:\'au.lL'.nc eI:'i cncy, prot;.:~,rp'._ng
`has served to provide spam ications for u wmkirig system rather t'n-gm .1 theoretical one.
`satiny: _:n'olotypx.Izg.
`(2) Sucf:
`SE; u f-_,,- .3 ..mi(~_t;|a: ,
`a,- of ‘,5-1c\:(.\1r1n1t:1‘.l<.'at.".)r'.::
`.:rvi~:e. See. 1;-.~'cc:’3:‘onz'rr .
`: *—
`Scutng up 2 !F.'iE:U1nntL'.:\icaii<:“§ .«:e_rv1'ce for a pa::i<:u‘:ar custom:-r. (‘nrnrnmi ca;r.-ieis provision
`rircuits by fcro3rr=n\:n3rt_7, their cuniputers to swltc.‘\ cuslozncr lines into the arpruprinze zxezworks.
`Sec ttm ys. var.
`it e
`roxv :.:_-rvcr ‘that caches incomln Web *a -es on t1‘.c1‘..ard disk. If the next
`tv in a
`[ox cache
`A In
`P 8»
`y S
`requested by .1 browse . already :1 {lie praxy cache, Ute page is retnevred !;:c.=tI1y mstead offro''.:1thel11mmet.Wlli:
`proxy cadres, the browsers must be u>nt'l,mrec‘. to use the proxy server. 59;: prcxy. . 1:27‘, r('L'.*n'seyr11x3I cache, lransvm-ml
`crrcltc and I/‘Jab cache.
`proxy server Also called .1 ”p.roxy” or ":rpp!tca~tn.-x |l‘Vx‘.l gateway.” ii is an application that breaks the mimectlvn
`bezwaen sender and t'ec.elvar. A.]l'i.nput ls forwardeci out a diffe:'en1 pr:
`dosing a fiiraighl path l>v.t'\vt-er. two networks
`am] prcV'cI|i'ir_g a hacker fruuzohtainirtginlaiial addmsrses and details of a private network.
`Proxy servers are available for common Internet sen-icc:.; for oxampie, an 1-11'1"? proxy is used for Web access, and
`an ‘~iM"l'I’proxy is u.-;n-.rl few «H-r\.ail. Pmxius generally cmuloy network z1cid:e:§z translation t'I\lAT‘, which presents 0.’-.1:
`organ..A.a"' ‘.1011-wicle II‘ addn;-5:; to ihc lnternet. It furmcls all user reqitcsts In the lnfiemcl and farm raspcnses bank out to
`the taypruaprlate 'J:Ki18. Prmder. may also caclxc We‘: pages, so th-1: the next requebi -:an be obtained locally. Pmxies are
`orily nne tool that can he used to bzuilxt 2. firewa!l. See L.»‘..‘v',_,".7rcn'>a.’l, proxy vaciw and SO:IK5 sen-r.'r.
`PR/‘SM (Processor Res-ouru=..'Sy.¢:en‘.s Manager) ?la:dware circiits and micracode bu . rnio CHM Systcrn/'39?)
`nusi.-tfragites that support logical partitions (LPARS). LPA';\'s 1-flew the running of multiple sysmnt images on .1 :-single
`pm-0:29.90: complex. ?:'.;r<‘h such image has :1 full compiemctll ofCl‘l.ls (decdcmtecl or shared), Central “tit”.-I“-1i_’.t*.. expaxuiefl
`storage zuld c'tmtu1cls. L-’.SCO;\' turd FlCO.\I r'1ar.r.L-is may be tthared. across ;xnag_er_: using ll‘:-, MU‘ feerare. l’rom')LII1c9d
`“pri5m,." PR]':'-M was derived from VM, tl1eIB'M operating system: that providex zxu; pic systmr. images. in software.
`S:-4: .'.:=.r.;<, MIF and VM.
`PRT 50
`Sea ,u.v-In.‘ ~3:::'aen.
`(1) t_"Pi:oSe:ond_! Sc: :spa('~3,«":it1:e.
`(2) (1-"S——-Perasonasi S-:-rvicos)
`IBM office auto:r~.ar'.cn :uf5wa:‘E" fnr f"Cs, minis and xixairflantes, wt-zirh im:lu::1es wu:-l
`pr0cessl:\g_. ulcrtronéc mat‘. and Library servi nest.
`(3) (Pu.+tSc:tp:) Sec L’:-stscyipl.
`._.. _
`; 'mtm<.iuce;i in 199C.'l"he original giwonle-‘A: is-aimed an i:1to.gmte:i :rLor.i‘.or
`An eazly Z1!f\'l horra compute».-.r scri
`:51 ad easy~tu-;-pun case. The fire: 155/; was a 2&1 with an ISA ‘nus.
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 6 of 9
`('I'l".l.-: Small Outline P3(‘lr\:1K(‘.) A very-l‘:.i-\, plaatig :ectar-.guln_: su'rE:wte mount chip p.1<:knge‘.vitl\ g.ilI—wing
`pins 0:: i=5 Iwi) s;l‘:0rt sides. T¥}Ol’s are acnut a third ax: thick as 30] chips Sen g:»c!.’-wing lead, SOP, SO,’ and chip pazcmgc.
`A 2-‘t-channel ;zrc‘.;j,3, which makes up onu’l"l li:-.e, See Tfi.
`(’l'ermi:mI: and $‘=.ay Resi-:lr_-nt) Roferr. tn a program that rcmains in :r.en‘ory wlu-n tliu use: exits. i‘: in order
`t-sly ave: ble at the press or n hotkcv. "[8119 wen: popular under l'.‘Cr'J 1:0 quickly pop up acalendar,
`‘lmt it b(- lITlnlL‘L.
`.:alcL:ln:<~.r or other utility, became DOS did nolhav-1
`swittcliiuig. Stamiards for writing 'l'SK=i were nm
`codified early on, and I-
`ozl-er and regu;ar applicatiims. Aitor Winulcwvi; 3.0, TSRS became
`; u:'tnn cnnfliczed will. a
`meet, sinctz any F10? or Witid-owe application could be cm-.vc-Iiftrrilly Eask 5\*«’ll’Cl‘.l‘.d in a separate window.
`See ITU.
`(True and ’,1‘-,1ln;l-er Cavuniainnd .\lrmh‘nn': A programmzng laxigzzage endersvcl by ISO -.hat is used to-write test
`zsuites .-
`~3m:m:nica:ions systems. 'l'1‘L.\l is used fc: "l.1lac'.< box 1'e‘:li.ng," whirh mearua that all interaction to the
`:1-y.<tem is via messages. rat}-.er than by F! uscr with a mouse. Test suites are built in a t1ic:nr¢'himl and modular nw.nm»r,
`allowing zxrczny prograrnnuu-5 tube involved ii the project Numerotis t-:1;-com vendors use TTCN for tlteirproducts, and
`O1'g{sILl2.’tliDn$ suit}: as the ITEJ, ATM l-‘mum and E181, -pmviil-: TTCN cor.formanr.e"te§t.9 for new stzmdarcls.
`~ »
`I1 4
`“ Tl
`TTFN Digispeak for gcodbyc (""ta ta for now").
`TT font
`(1) (Tmnuistor Transzistor Logic.) A digital circuit compu-sad of bipolar trzansistors wired In a cexirain mzuuicr.
`ITL ]o§;l<: has beer. widely used since the early da;.-s- v.‘ digital ci'mit:'y. TIT. designations xnay appear or. inpu: or
`nutput pnvrs of V;-n-mu: devices, which ix-.:Iic.".tc-5 a digital circuit in contrast tu an analog circ-uit.
`(2) -"_'['ime To lJl\’{.‘; A set maxim'..n1 amount of time a packet is allcwecl to propagate th~r_mgh the network before it
`is dizera nlerii
`(3) ('l'}1mu5h The Lcms) Refers to :\ u‘.ng;1c-iuns raflcex camera that lot: Hm gfim-ngmphttr ‘.’l(’W‘ the scene tlimugh the
`same lens that captums :1ic.'r:mgc.
`Sm: 'l‘.'lZ0.
`TTY protocol
`(To>.lc~.T\"pewriter p:u'.o(';)l) A inw-apecd asy11c‘nmr.ous com:nu.'\Ecutiu1:.~'p:ulo:olwit11lin1ite<i nine
`ermr checldng. See :cl:t_t_;;rewr:\‘z;r.
`See C‘RT;::iLl r»'a:x.':m.' mbe.
`tunable laser
`A laser that can ¢;'uu\-ge its fr‘rJq1:t:nv.‘y over a given range. In time, tumble lasers are vxpe-;:ted to be
`capable ofswitc':.l.::g frequz.-muleson a packet-b}'—parkot basis.
`tuner An ._-1“-in-,,.«';~ pm: .-,f 3 radio 31- TV that lcclga on 10 n s(>.le<:le<‘. L‘.-1rl‘lPl‘ fre.;yen._v (station, -'.'l‘.a'nnel) amt‘. filters
`uui the amdio and video signals for z\Inpli§iu.I’.lV-.=1 and displaj.-'.
`'l'r.:msm'xtting data-s':i-uciurod in one protocol fo:-treat within Ihe form-as of arother protocol. Tunnel'tm'_-;
`allows mher t),-pas of transmission streanzs to be cauied will1in {lit-‘. prevailing protocol. 52% H’ fllttrlcifirlg /and LZTP.
`1'1 relzttional database ITI’-1TI.’11a;(‘lI‘.L‘nl., .1 rm‘nr<':, or raw. See re!m:'-.2-ml drlfiilaise.
`A C cznnf-il.-2' frcun Borlancl used to create a wide v.n-iuty of cnnmmrrial produtls. l‘: is known far its
`Turbo C
`nod ;lt-Emggei‘. lic-ria‘.1d's obieci-Orlcnh:-'.l ueisicm; nf C are Turbo C++ and 150'”
`‘ I: vr.
`The DOS version of this <.iala1bns<* is writtm in T-.1 rE*.o C. The W'i.nc‘ows ve.~.:io:1 is writ‘ 1 in Mi:msr>f'z (I.
`turbo code
`A C\q;>c c.~.‘
`zanne‘. ccalir-43, that uses a con-colmiurual code :1 nd 3: typ ";t‘ Viterbi decoder that a;--.xipul.-s n
`Cuniirzuuub ‘.«":El'-.l(! ratl-uer t.-mar a 3- or 1. See cmizwulimtninl rnric am] 'v’i!.'~:'l![ dawfisr.
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 7 of 9
`(VO‘-.u.mev,v':X!EL) Alhmmlin-.ex\six:n;n1pixel.F.vuxelreprz.-serésa;;us:rLélt;.-of3-D:1~.1:aia1>.<zasapixel raprzzwaam
`u ;.w:i.=1tMd\l$';1’I of1.>0i:.'1l5in2-D'.€m::.
`t‘.5 usvdins:icm‘.:”~.cand medicala?;.r‘.i:?:\t§cnsthatprzxx--n343UH-J.gBS.
`(\'o-,ri*t'm’L1‘v._nluBemzh.ln=:.,Yx:-ulcers,WY,www.§béncl\..f_oLrE} Ami,-;n\1iac‘.lm:s$nisoundcardsand 1‘:‘.'u_!;'§c
`zsomvnmthat 1;.::‘e:\\z’:§of}: i:1h2—‘:996)I\r:rge£I§l".’ __
`in 1975:.:a0c(;_\\.'9Eimruzucs. u sym.hes12.erant,urpairiaciliiygp.,-.pu:}ae-u.NewYo:‘3~_‘.'z<\‘.\tv.‘Tll|mc<.'u:ud.il\o:‘4'’uyen:'\
`.ky\1:hw15'I:'.€,'r am‘: hue: xnowed Er.lc- software»In: mm! uequxxnczcx and uxusir:-n>.i£:x1edu;'>p§is:z\huus V'uf_.‘:!.:a utilitiesnu;
`TL!:‘.3cliumhwas fouiidcd in 195:5in"suit,PA.and.'b€.came known{orus 2.vs:;~;rE~w;nn2ngM"-u‘s‘:i~mundlineof
`high-«.=mlsnurrl¢m:m/£2.-.rnzumzmel»‘.1:='ax\u.l:i am:alsofxapxzhifandart‘.named:\ftt~‘1'heachnzs tram aro-.u*.dthewmid
`ends as lvickflm }.’.<n\lv:g<: at-.=J.l.').\ymnn,
`VPO (\«‘<.r\ua‘.!‘roc-2:.-so:Ct«mp!e>.-5 An IBM malnfrzmemu1tip.tot&~.851ng that uses ss:v»'ss'u'a c«mputts
`runlrul r.r.\rt=i.
`VPN {‘v".~;l:us! P:‘1-ml:Neiwnfkfi A pr':v.\\t:ausawurk thatisism“-Zgnra~:~l within a ;:u‘.~E:'.ne‘rwu:'k. Fmymxs,cumrnnn
`cmrlijxzs have built\’I’Nsthatappear as5‘-flvMc1\;<xtL0I1n| nr'\n£*cn\3tic.rcm!ne!‘~nrl\':.r{‘.t.'«the cueslomcrt,i‘n:tp}1ys‘.:a1lg'sh\:r_\
`EKx:§I3!u'H\€VTL1Ifl(B w‘uh uthcrcuskcnzrufi,\,'Z’?\‘grawfuy1’:-traccurilyoftiprivatel\L‘i‘W;3I§_(Vii! accesscmrtul-antienn’-,'p!’x>n.
`v.'h51r;'Lnkéngadv-.m-lxx;n~«:4theécgnomies of5::-Jluandlmlkf.-iz\'_z;\z.nagen\cnx(animusoflnrg,e.‘;‘JLI1’I1scmm-mr‘xs.\_F."Nz:hxm:
`theInlcrmt,L<5{'\1s<.‘i:‘.$ydue inthe=:m\s:az:'ttineatofhnckssranucks.'1‘hu‘~'1"1\1-addsLim!extra:iayemf.«ser:m'i1y,am:1huge
`growthIn \-TN men isosqwrtnd.
`£’:'l”I‘II‘.DP. .'.?I‘l-’..1Prr.-c. PVC, scrézilyrmd lrazséfiszrrni I;/IN-nx:m.u::'.
` VP ratlo
`{\"irU.)alPmcessosrmlio} '§h.':numt-erofv‘sfl.\:.:1pmcessarsthan aphyxicsl pL'oce'.‘~:u’32‘ss;s1xnu1.n.'-ng.
`(VeL'tuu- fer S'.~u.m<‘i) The mm§u?en\cI\i oi Ehc speed ci a v-2-cm:ctr axrzuy‘ p:‘0¢£‘:!S0f
`Sea t;ivt:.'zu' raaifty.
`bunzilq-rl xviriu iuu'm:rcL:s sound tartlgs,
`rs under fighl
`VRAM Sn»: video .‘Z.4.M.
`L\'cv.':'n:a1 Rcdun-zi-.mcy Check} Arienurchackivx-gB\€fh\‘3 rhatgenerxics zmd tests aparitybit (orsuchmi: of
`data tlmf is: :u-wed or iransxr-.i‘e:2>.d.
`VRFEM. WixmalRmilzyM011:-lin_;:_Language) A3-DgraphicsEanguagc(maxiontheWei..~°~.L'1c.:downluudmp,a
`VEQH:page,itscnnmniscanbeviéwt:-_;‘.,rotatedand niallipulata.-c!.Si:nu1a\t»:=<ltr-musambe"ava11»:aJ in'tc."‘ "="rvéV';~1M?..
`‘me: firstVRM1‘.viswc-Iwas \NébSp.m;fromESLsf’-‘.sz>a*OpenIztventargrup1\i”cs_iibmrj wasthebasis (=3:doveiuping
`v1knw_~.r is iauncimd. is-om €"-‘itilin ma Wu.-3.: browser,
`VRtv1L.Wsb‘£’X, \‘w‘<:t‘1rW1x-w andT’our\t:ninEmether‘r\’122z1ovvaW,-wt-m.zmd.‘Miurlwizxdaw.’ VoyagerareMm:view».-Ls.
`I21 [Virm1! Stnnxgu) A2.-.zy.i'.;,«rx,‘z.-uuimnx;:u!e';
`(runWangLnkr::.~Juces.lén'3"1’;’7’,w'm‘c‘nuse -Jirl-um!nmznuryledmiqr-;
`(1)(‘Jirtuxs1Storags) Same as rnrtnau’ mrm:,ur_y.
`VSAM (Virtual Stum_:r,r Ac.cess .Vk:l'mrE} An IBM:1:-3:23-.3xncfnud for ea-2:-‘mgr,‘,~'5ia, widely urvszl in {BM n1:xiv\§.mmes.
`ll uwe ‘z'm:1§+lrur: mc-ih-Mi for ~:zrga\~.i7;im_a, da‘.'z'.~
` I "~'v¢ Tm-.\\:ml) 13 srnfll earth stetér-1*. Em‘ .:«au.-!l'.te Irnrwni:-:ion fix-nt h2:naEus up {u 56
`‘:5thathm=d§r:th:31‘1 clam ralu{up‘.0';.5:m .\:’x'r.=i:s;’~.n=.-1}arecalicd“’§'SA’E';:."
`:"v'::ry Smsfl kp-.\,r:uu~ sa
`K".>:%9,/Sm of digiiai ':!(1l\Sr:‘.‘ms.cn. VS
`(1) (VME S-.:b:,y:a'.t.:m Buss!
`,\:\ .'.uxi!ia.-3;"X>er.$~:c'zuc::" prut:x*n|on {he ‘.-‘ME‘nus: 1’.-mvuallcwx h5gh~*5p¢.*-:31 tmsmfer
`between:1-auras.It wasin5122:lbs’! £219m.1‘.r.t:=.a:-lw.f:~.n-ethe64~§.>§timplementation nxriverz.
`(2! If/esti'56al'SSdu1!A:>r!x A rfiggltul xnndulaiia;-N. xlmuxlzod ;'.e\rr:':u;s,s:r.l by Zcniih in(:31-19. nwmirrnnrsand tam‘-.-zzriai
`:r.'ar':sb“<i:2n3c~n for HIV. See r’{—\".‘SEi.
`SP2‘! DOS/V5 E.
`hmpsutu Deskhwz: Entyclnpedta
`Page 8 of 9
`work lunstlon
` ~m~—
`bouum 9;’ me in Lmsket ,'\‘.,s2mn;,-.1-,v.‘;,; warkflow sets rum‘-re that (:n.'mm um rioc1:mer.ts rnax-‘:2 along. al a p:es::':tac«*l pace and
`that the aipprtxpriate pefson prrxcssvs Uwern in the c.:,rrc-:26: cmfm.
`mzmxlng, bxause altnc.-\xg’:a
`I;x$:;y_rzx1xxag'avr:.:l¢1’aan-.' irrto ex‘
`.5; software amlicalicszs zna-,1 wqulrc e_xie.:13l‘:e_rt.~;ur
`indqtwzndezu \\'o:ls:'Inw software &';'lu'::nit1ph a w?'.ulL- upjnlluntirzn, .« w'or5:!!ow em-,t£.m ;:mr.': be able to invoke izxdivklxxal
`rrruthma wltlmln >2n- ulrpiicnticm. ms z>rL:w.1I_ wa-.-..lo.1: of applica!.ixxz-$3-ftw'n1vs have lcaxnccl up with worldin-.».'-.:s1nlora la.
`prux-ix.-'.c {hr n|:pr<\'_.wI:uIe1:x
`xfxsc ‘*.:«“ l.-"m‘ may hmxc slewvlopz.‘-d fmzir vwn worlcflow rapabilily. Wo:‘kfEuw -slnndnrds
`dcvclzt-xx-d by the \\’or}'.flcx-I Mm m,~;s~:1'u':nl Cuczilrlon (WW:-‘{L"I) are ;1'.q;a:'fed l;; pnovi-.1»: lT1lt§l‘:‘:f:fi1'flbll3l:.' bEh*4‘eI.'ll\*J‘."Tl>;!1{)\\‘
`.-aofhvnre and the s.ppl':mumm as wall as between diftc:-en! warkflov: syatcms.
`wnrlcflow a:';!€w:m= lu not me sinm: as m‘_vsl-ig,rc-up mfzvmn;-, uflxerwime known as gr:=1.r;7z.;ar¢e. Workfluw deals wlkh
`{hrs step-l>y-§tt‘3.> pzvmssesi \‘.'h4.'.l‘€«‘lS '.\'m'l4g:.'oup syetcma ura:-. :-.')ncerrL:d wiih lnI'n:m'.:iior. yhnrimg and tluuarjad
`dlscuasiotus among, usrxs.
`ld, read The Wm-kflow I.-r'.pmrh'n; by
`For an excellurfl book. an the sublet: of wm.l:flm~.' written by an: guru in this ‘
`1‘21oma.-: M. Kmzlopculos, _r;uhlL=.l~.c.'l by Van l‘«l:\s|.run;". l‘-‘.:.=.luhold, ISBN 11442-I‘,
`‘Fne amount of pr-.ot<m r.-nu-rgy requlred lo cans-2 an eleclmn to be emilizrd fwzu 3 material.
`work function
`Two ur mom il"\I.f3lVid.Ll$i§ that gllare files and daztaE:m<;¢;..'I..'\_“\‘:.~ dulgncd nr.-an-ui u-4'»rl<,_.;rnnp:. p.-ovida
`electronic a§‘\.nr'wg uf rcquix-zd data. in gvnserzzl, psvt-dam»: -.'£<::e‘sgt1c2l'J.'i’*.v_( *.vc-1'Iq_r,r-.s~.np.<smpp:\rlupfio 50 pcoplv.-, '.~«'l’\4;.;s:,1~:
`dnpartnfiarlml ciavlcos atlpprnl vmmrixl .1\-.1--.-.ixL-d, aI1d££LN!a"§l.'Tl5fi!d0VlL‘ES sank} s£‘S'(!tz!l’ll‘l0LI$:?!‘t£l. 52:2 _g-mupwwe and
`workgwuzr switch
`A network ss-ritch r.‘csig:1ed:'or LAN iraffi-: wiklxin an e:\ler1:vx~Lse.C<;:v%;’.'=e:2\-vi-I_h c'um'r.°-class switch.-
`working GIYGCIOVY
`See currcni dfiedory.
`Tlue um; Lrgteafaca in CS/2 inirocizxcezl wui-. ‘.’ersio;: 2.G.'1'l1e We-rkplnce Shell is -.'-xhumilzlu um}.
`Wurkplace Shell
`appliscalirzn davclopvra can use V\é'orlc‘g»l.1ce Shall library furmzions wlwn developing; pmgngmns.
`Same as s vm.-d2i~.aoex.
`worksheet compiler
`Same as .<pr.~x:rIshz-ott mru;2u‘.’e2'.
`(1) A tgigig-pa-:iox1nar:e, sinyglcvttsrr computer -.x:<:d for gmphits, CAD, CAFE: sssmulaxiun and sciu-.t3:'§<;
`applscafiorwl I: is typically 21 FJSC-based mmpzztcr ihnz zuus trgxcfimé arms: vnrlzuiuax ni t.’Nl2s'. ‘I‘§ue'2mh]e:: vemh-am of
`svaxlxalulimrs we 5m1\_. HP, IBM, Conipwxq and S83. l~§l;;h~en(1 1"-z's'zt!'u;\'x-3'-‘C-’6 incrczusingly p'2'u'v’l,L‘ln- workstation pexfoxxxannce.
`(2) A term'u\al or deékiup Compnlel‘ ‘in a nerwork. in K3152-:uh!s:_v.f. wnIkf~.lalit)‘.\i5 just a gencerivs lcrrn for a us9:'a'
`machine {went machine). C entrust with server and )'!I/SL
`(3) In ihe telecmn imluezkry, a combirxcci talc.-phor.e and ocrrzpum.
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