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`To whom it may concern:
`This is to certify that the attached translation from Japanese into English is an accurate
`representation of the documents received by this office.
`The documents are designated as:
`Japanese Laid-Open Patent Application Publication No. H10—119673
`Dwaine Palmer, Translator of this document, attests to the following:
`To the best of my ability, the aforementioned translation is a true, full and accurate translation
`of the specified documents.
`I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is
`true and correct; and further declare that I am aware that willful false statements and the like
`so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the
`United States Code.
`_c_uted on April 1, 2015
`Signature of Dwaine Palmer
`Accurate Translation Services 24/7
`(19) The Japanese Patent Office (JP)
`(l l) Laid-Open Publication Number:
`No. H10-119673
`(43) Laid—Open Date: May 12, 1998
`Request for Examination (not filed)
`Number of Claims: 8
`(total 12 pages)
`(2l)Application Number: 08-270457 (22) Filing Date: October 14, 1996
`(71) Applicant: Toyota Motor Corporation
`(72) Inventor: Masami AGA
`(54) [Title of Invention]
`(57) [ABSTRACT]
`[PROBLEM] To issue a warning that is appropriate for the traveling condition or traveling
`environment of a motor vehicle.
`[RESOLUTION MEANS] A warning timing Wt based on the concept of time is used as a
`threshold value for determining whether to issue a warning. The warning timing Wt is
`compared with a predicted time to arrival To to an obstacle, and a warning is issued when
`the predicted time to arrival Tc has become less than the warning timing Wt. The warning
`timing Wt is based on the concept of time and is basically set to a time period that allows a
`crash to be avoided, but is corrected appropriately depending on the traveling
`An automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle, including obstacle
`information detecting means for detecting an obstacle in front and detecting a distance
`from the vehicle and vehicle speed detecting means for detecting the speed of the vehicle,
`the device activating warning means based on the obstacle information and the vehicle
`the device further comprising:
`means for setting a warning timing based on the concept of time as a threshold
`value for determining whether or not the warning means is to be activated; and
`means for calculating a predicted time to arrival of the vehicle to the obstacle
`based on the obstacle information and the vehicle speed;
`wherein the warning means is activated based on a relationship between the
`warning timing and the predicted time to arrival.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 1,
`further comprising means for predicting a future course of the vehicle; wherein at least one
`of the warning timing and the predicted time to arrival is corrected based on the predicted
`future course of the vehicle.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 2,
`further comprising a means for detecting a cornering condition of the vehicle, the future
`course of the vehicle being predicted at least from the cornering condition of the vehicle.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 2,
`further comprising a navigation system that allows a traveling position of the vehicle to be
`confirmed on a map; wherein the predicted future course of the vehicle is predicted based
`at least on the traveling position of the vehicle on the map.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 1,
`further comprising means for determining whether or not the obstacle is an oncoming
`vehicle, wherein at least one of the warning timing and the predicted time to arrival is
`corrected depending on the determination of whether or not the obstacle is an oncoming
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 1,
`further comprising means for determining if a turn signal of the vehicle is blinking,
`wherein at least one of the warning timing and the predicted time to arrival is corrected
`based on the determination of whether or not the turn signal of the vehicle is blinking.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 1,
`wherein the obstacle information detecting means has a function for detecting the lateral
`position of the obstacle relative to the vehicle, wherein at least one of the warning timing
`and the predicted time to arrival is corrected according to the lateral position of the
`obstacle relative to the vehicle.
`The automatic warning activation device for a motor vehicle according to claim 1,
`wherein the warning by the warning means is now activated two or more times with the
`passage of time.
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[000 1]
`[Technical Field of the Invention]
`The present invention relates to an automatic warnin g activation device for a
`motor vehicle which is suitable for use in a system for providing an effective warning to a
`driver when an obstacle is detected ahead of the vehicle.
`[Conventional Technology]
`Conventionally, technology has been proposed that detects an obstacle ahead of a
`vehicle and provides some form of warning to the driver if the distance to the obstacle is
`determined to be such that further approach will cause risk (threshold value), with the aim
`of preventing a frontal crash or a rear end crash.
`For instance, according to technology disclosed in J P07—l 32787, a reference
`distance determined to be such that further approach will cause risk (threshold value) is
`computed from the distance to the obstacle, the change over time of the distance to the
`obstacle (speed relative to the vehicle) and the traveling speed of the vehicle, and a
`warning consisting of light braking is issued to the driver when the actual distance to the
`obstacle is less than this reference distance. Also, this prior patent publication proposes
`taking into account the coefficient of friction of the road surface in computing the
`reference distance serving as the threshold value for applying the light braking.
`The warning by "light braking“ is highly effective as this type of warning because
`it can be directly sensed by the driver. Also, the light braking has the effect of slightly
`reducing the speed of the vehicle, and such an action is appropriate as a preliminary action
`against a potential accident. For these reasons, "light braking" is widely implemented as
`this type ofwaming means.
`[Problem to Be Resolved by the Invention]
`However, with conventional automatic warning activation devices including the
`examples disclosed in the aforementioned patent publication, a limit distance where
`crashing of the vehicle into the obstacle is inevitable if traveling is continued without
`taking any action is set as a "reference distance (threshold value)", and a warning is issued
`when the distance to the obstacle is less than this reference distance.
`However, the conventional method relying on the concept of "distance" as a
`threshold value for determining if a warning is to be issued has the following serious
`The first problem is that with a conventional method that uses the concept of
`distance, an appropriate correction of the threshold value may not be possible when
`attempting to make improvement by issuing a more accurate warning by taking into
`consideration the coefficient of friction of the road surface or by taking into consideration
`other traveling conditions of the vehicle in detail (although no problem may arise under
`normal traveling condition,).
`More specifically, with a conventional automatic warning activation device, the
`reference distance (threshold value) for issuing the warning (including light braking) is
`computed on the assumption that the vehicle will "definitely" crash into the obstacle if the
`vehicle continues to travel in the same manner, in other words, that the vehicle is traveling
`toward the obstacle. However, with this method, there is a problem that if the vehicle is
`traveling a curved road and a guard rail erected along the road is detected as an obstacle
`located ahead of the vehicle, a warning will be issued in error (even though there is no risk
`of a crash). In such a case, if the warning consists of light braking, the brake would be
`activated unexpectedly, and this would seriously impair the driving comfort of the vehicle.
`Furthermore, when the vehicle changes lanes to pass a leading vehicle, the
`vehicle may temporarily approach fairly close to the leading vehicle. In this case as well,
`there is a problem that a warning such as light braking may be issued even though the risk
`of a crash is low.
`Also, when the vehicle passes by an oncoming vehicle while traveling through a
`curve, the oncoming vehicle may be identified as an obstacle located in front of the vehicle,
`and a warning may be issued even though the risk of a crash is low.
`[001 1]
`If the warning is issued more readily or less readily depending on the traveling
`condition and/or traveling environment of the vehicle in an attempt to overcome such
`problems, with a conventional method, the correction must be made after converting an
`element of the traveling condition of the vehicle and the traveling environment into the
`concept of “distance". However, there is a problem that it is a highly difficult process to
`implement the required correction as the correction of the threshold value based on the
`conventional concept of "distance" (from the perspective of the specific method of
`correction and setting of the correction coefficient). This is the first problem.
`The second problem (which may not have been appreciated in the past) is that a
`threshold value based on the concept of "distance" is highly difficult to apply when an
`attempt is made to directly incorporate a temporal element in the manner of issuing the
`As a specific example, because a warning based on light braking causes the
`vehicle to decelerate when the driver does not expect such a deceleration, it is desirable not
`to use this type of warning unless there is absolute necessity. In such a case, a first
`preliminary warning of lighting a lamp may be activated, and a second preliminary
`warning of sounding a buzzer may be activated before the main warning by light braking is
`finally activated, and thereby the problem can be substantially resolved, as in the
`embodiment desc