`acce ptfl.l'Il.'€
`ing this value are considered unacceptable. This level may be
`defined by the appropriate apparatus test standard or may be
`a level agreed to by the user and manufacturer. The method
`of rnettsurement and the test voltage for a given test object
`must be specified with respect to the acceptable terminal par-
`tial discharge level.
`I29 I — I993
`acceptance An action by an authorized representative of the
`acquirer by which the acquirer assumes ownership of soft-
`ware products as partial or complete performance of a con-
`acceptance angle (fiber optics) Half the vertex angle of that
`cone within which optical power may be coupled into bound
`modes of an optical waveguide. Note.r.' 1. Acceptance angle
`is a function of position on the entrance face of the core when
`the refractive index is a function of radius in the core. In that
`case. the local acceptance angle is
`arcsin at l'l2(i") —- n2 2
`where rr(r') is the local refractive index and ll-3 is the minimum
`refractive index of the cladding. The sine of the local ac-
`ceptance angle is sometimes referred to as the local numerical
`aperture. 2. Power may be coupled into leaky modes at angles
`exceeding the acceptance angle. See n.l.rn.' launch numerical
`aperture; powervlaw index profile.
`(Stdl0lJ) 812-l984w
`acceptance criteria (1) (nuclear power quality assurance)
`Specified limits placed on characteristics of an item. process,
`or service defined in codes, standards, or other requirement
`(2) (software) The criteria that a system or component must
`satisfy in order to be accepted by a user. customer. or other
`authorized entity. See al.ro.' requirement: test criteria.
`acceptance proof test (rotating machinery) A test applied to
`new insulated winding before commercial use. It may be per-
`formed at the factory or after installation, or both.
`(PE) 95—l977r
`to demonstrate the
`acceptance test (1) (A) (general) A test
`degree of compliance of a device with purchascr’s require-
`ments. (B) (general) A test demonstrating the quality of the
`units of a consignment, without implication of contractual
`relations between buyer and seller. Nn.re.' American National
`Standards should use tlte term “conformance test” as directed
`by the Standards Council of ANSI. rather than the term ac-
`ceptance test. Use of the tenn “conformance test“ avoids the
`implication of contractual relations between buyer and seller.
`See o'Lro.' acceptance testing; conformance test; routine test;
`(PEISWGIPSPD) 32- l972r, C3'r'.l0(J—l98ls
`(2) (power cable systems) A test made after installation but
`before the cable system is placed in normal service. This test
`is intended to detect shipping or installation damage and to
`show any gross defects or errors in workmanship or splicing
`and terminating.
`(PE) 400-1991
`(3) A constant current or power capacity test made on a new
`battery to determine that it meets specifications or manufac-
`turer's ratings.
`1 |06—l995, 380-l9'r'5w, 450-1995
`(4) (electric submersible pump cable) Test intended to de-
`tect damage prior to the initial installation of new cable.
`(5) (battery) Capacity test made on a new battery to deter-
`mine that it meets specifications or n1anufacturer"s ratings.
`acceptance testing (1) (A) (software) Formal testing conducted
`to detennine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance
`criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or
`not to accept the system. (B) (software) Fomtal testing con-
`ducted to enable a user. customer, or other authorized entity
`to determine whether to accept a system or component. Con-
`tr'rr.rt.' development testing. .S'.ee also.‘ operational testing; qual-
`itication testing.
`(C) 610. l2- 1990
`(2) (software verification and validation plans) Formal test-
`ing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies
`its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine
`whether or not to accept the system.
`lfl l2—l9B6r
`(3) (nuclear power plants) Evaluation or measurement of
`performance characteristics to verify that cer1ain stated spec-
`ifications and contractual requirements are met.
`(NI) N42.l'}'B-19891‘. N4220-I995
`Acceptance Test or Launch Language A test language used
`to test applications on the Apollo launch vehicle.
`(C) 6|El.l3—|993
`acceptance tests See: conformance tests.
`accepted test A test on a system or model system that simulates
`the electrical. thermal, and mechanical stresses occurring in
`acceptor See.‘ semiconductor.
`access (1) (A) The process of obtaining data from or placing
`data into a storage device. .S'yr.=orrym.' storage access. See also.‘
`access method; access mode. (B) To obtain data from or place
`data into a storage device as in definition (A). See crl'.m_- direct
`access; indexed access; indexed sequential access; partitioned
`access; random access; sequential access; serial access.
`(C) 6105-1990
`(2) (A) Any means of establishing logical or physical corn-
`munication with a computer or communications system.
`(B) Any nteans of obtaining the use of such :1 system.
`(C) Any actions that result in a flow of information involving
`such a system. (D) That part of a public network connecting
`the customer premises to the public network switching system
`(central office).
`(C) 610.7-I995
`(3) To obtain data from or plate data into a storage device as
`in delirtition (A). Syrrwrynt: storage access.
`(C) 610.10-1994
`access arm in a magnetic disk device. an arm that supports and
`positions one or more magnetic heads. Sec (tl.ro.' voice-coil
`(C) 6ll1l0—l994
`access code (telephone switching systems) One or more digits
`required in certain situations in lieu of or preceding an area
`or ofiice code.
`(COM) 3|2-|977w
`access control The prevention of unauthorized use of a re-
`source. including the prevention of use of a resource in an
`unauthorized ntanrter.
`(CILM) 302.10-I992
`access control field (ACF) The p.r'(Jt'(Jr.'0ll L-wrtrol r)r_far‘niarr'mt in
`a slot, which is used to support the act-es.r' c'rnrrrr;£fnrtcrir;n.
`(CILM) 8802-6-1994
`access control function The generic name for the Qaened Ar-
`br'rr'ar.rcd (QA J Access and Prc-Ar'br’rr'atcd (PA) Access flirte-
`tiarrs in the DQDB Layer‘ that control access to the medium
`in this part of ISOHEC 3302.
`(CILM) 8802-6- I994
`access-control mechanism (software) Hardware or software
`features. operating procedures, or management procedures
`designed to permit authorized access to a computer system.
`See also: computer system; hardware; procedure; software.
`(CISE) 729-[9835
`access coupler (fiber optics) A device placed between two
`waveguide ends to allow signals to be withdrawn from or
`entered into one of the waveguides. Sec al.ro.' optical wave-
`guide coupler.
`(Stdltlfl) 812-19tl4w
`access lilting A fitting pennitting access to the conductors in a
`raceway at locations odter than at a box. See rJl.ro.' raceway.
`[I I9]
`accessibility (1) (software) The extent to which software facil-
`itates selcctive use or maintenance of its components. See
`(rise: components; maintenance; software.
`(CISE) 729-19335
`(2) (telephone switching systems) The ability of a given inlet
`to r'each the available outlets.
`(CUM) 312-l9Ti'w
`(3) (A) (As applied to equipment). Admitting close approach;
`not guarded by locked doors, elevation. or other effective
`means. See ¢rl‘.r'r;: readily accessible. (B) (As applied to wiring
`methods.) Capable of being removed or exposed without
`damaging the building structure or finish or not permanently
`closed in by the structure or finish of the building. See m‘.-lo:
`concealed; exposed.
`nal partial discharge level
`ion that accelerates the drive
`speed change as a function
`160i. I69]
`ility that allows the binding
`rction or a series of actions.
`lerates some unit in a corn-
`.S'ec ul'.t'o.' hardware accel-
`(C) 61tl.|l'I-I994
`: board that replaces or aug-
`ssor with a fnster' processor.
`(C) 6lU.l0-1994
`:s the inertial reaction of a
`neasurirtg linear or angular
`form. an accelerometer con-
`I mass arrangetnent in which
`rest position, relative to the
`ongravitational acceleration
`‘s sensitive axes.
`l7"2-l983w. 528-I994
`reering) Directional lighting
`Ir draw attention to a part of
`re condition assumed by an
`.-cepting a correctly received
`LLC upon accepting a cor-
`(CELM) 8802-24994
`ent and circuits) Demon-
`my analysis or analyses of
`Jnstrated to be adequate by
`(PE) 337-1995
`I noise level (1) (A) Error-
`sent during test that is con-
`dischruge measurement
`and shunt reactors) Encr-
`sent during test that is con-
`exceed 50% of the accept-
`td in any case should be
`acceptable energised back-
`test should rtot exceed 50%
`trge level, and in any case
`an acceptable tenninal dis-
`(PE) C5'l'.l24—l99Ir
`evel present during test that
`table partial discharge level
`oise_ however. can exceed
`mating from the specimen.
`:riod of voltage application.
`rge level (1) That specified
`trge value for which mea-
`'alues exceeding said value
`c method of measurement
`Ll. object should he specified
`al discharge level.
`(PE) C57.| l3~l988s
`acceptable terminal partial
`maximum terminal partial
`rd terminal partial discharge
`Insidered unacceptable. The
`zest voltage for a given test
`acceptable terminal partial
`(PE) C51124-l99|r
`inal partial discharge level
`al discharge values exceed-