`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 1999
`Muller et at.
`Inventors: Shimon Muller, Sunnyvale; Ariel
`Hendel, (Tupertino; Louise Yeung, San
`Carlos, all of Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Sun Mlcmsystems, Inc., Mountain
`View, Calif.
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/885,116
`Jun. 30, 1997
`Int. CL“ ............................. G06F 13/38; G06F 15117
`[52] US. Cl.
`Field of Search ............................ 395120073, 200.7,
`395120068, 200.66, 200.75; 3701386, 389,
`428, 392
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`Primary Examiner—Mark H. Rinehart
`Attorney, Agent, or Finn—Blakely Sokololf Taylor &
`A multi-layer switch search engine architecture is provided.
`According to one aspect of the present invention, a switch
`fabric includes a search engine, and a packet header pro-
`cessing unit. The search engine may be coupled to a for-
`warding databasc memory and one or more input porLs. The
`search engine is configured to schedule and perform
`accesses to the forwarding database memory and to transfer
`forwarding decisions to the one or more input ports. The
`header processing unit is coupled to the search engine and
`includes an arbitrated interface for coupling to the one or
`more input ports. The header processing unit is configured to
`receive a packet header from one or more of the input ports
`and is further configured to construct a search key [or
`accessing the forwarding database memory based upon a
`predetermined portion of the packet header. 'l‘he predeter-
`mined portion of the packet header is selected based upon a
`packet class with which the packet header is associated.
`23 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`L: "was


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`é'//////////fl//////A W/l/l/flflfl/fl/Wz’l‘WW/ll/IMW’7/l/////////7///////////¢
` \\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\
`flM/l/M/ll/AWWI/l/lflfl/lmW/é W
`Swi lching
`To nodes and end-stations
`FIG. 1




`US. Patent
`Aug. 17,1999
`Sheet 3 0f9
` 140
`c: E’—
`§ 3
`% 5


`US. Patent
`Aug. 17,1999
`Sheet 4 0f 9
`BLOCK 510
`B I
`L 2 K
`BLOCK 520
`A R B I
`BLOCK 530
`BLOCK 540
`FIG. 5


`US. Patent
`Aug. 17,1999
`Sheet 5 0f 9
`FIG. 6


`7 2

`LAYER 2 (C2)
`FIG. 7A


`® 748
`FIG. 7B
`7 80


`mm wREAD
`F'G- 8“
`‘-——L2 SASEARCH % L3 SEARCH -————-’


`US. Patent
`Aug. 17,1999
`Sheet 9 0f9
`FIG. 9


`The invention relates generally to the field of computer
`networking devices. More particularly, the invention relates
`to a multi-layer switch search engine architecture.
`Local area networks (LANs) have become quite sophis-
`ticated in architecture. Originally, LANs were thought of a
`single wire connecting a few computers. Today I.ANs are
`implemented in complicated configurations to enhance fune-
`tionality and llexibility. In such a network, packets are
`transmitted from a source device to a destination device; in
`more expansive networks, this packet can travel through one
`or more switches and/or routers. Standards have been set to
`define the packet structure and layers of functionality and
`sophistication of a network. For example, the TCP/IP pro-
`tocol stack defines four distinct multiple layers, e.g.
`physical layer (layer 1), data link layer (layer 2), network
`layer (layer 3), transport layer (layer 4). A network device
`may be capable of supporting one or more of the layers and
`refer to particular fields of the header accordingly.
`Today, typical LANs utilize a combination of Layer 2
`(data link layer) and Layer 3 (network layer) network
`devices. In order to meet the ever increasing performance
`demands from the network, functionality that has been
`traditionally performed in software and/or in separate layer
`2 and layer 3 devices have migrated into one multi-layer
`device or switch that implements the performance critical
`functions in hardware.
`One of the critical aspects for achieving a cost-effective
`high-performance switch implementation is the architecture
`of the forwarding database search engine, which is the
`centerpiece of every switch design. Therefore, it is desirable
`to optimize partitioning of the functional modules, provide
`efficient interaction between the search engine and its “cli-
`ents” (e.g., switch input ports and the central processing
`unit), and optimize the execution order of events, all of
`which play a crucial role in the overall performance of the
`switching fabric. Also,
`is desirable to support diverse
`traffic types and policies by providing flexibility to match
`different packet header fields. Ideally this architecture
`should also allow for a very high level of integration in
`silicon, and linearly scale in performance with the advances
`in silicon technology.
`A multi-layer switch search engine architecture is
`described. According to one aspect of the present invention,
`a switch fabric includes a search engine, and a packet header
`processing unit. The search engine may be coupled to a
`forwarding database memory and one or more input ports.
`The search engine is configured to schedule and perform
`accesses to the forwarding database memory and to transfer
`forwarding decisions to the one or more input ports. The
`header processing unit is coupled to the search engine and
`includes an arbitrated interface for coupling to the one or
`more input ports. The header processing unit is conligured to
`receive a packet header from one or more of the input ports
`and is further configured to construct a search key for
`accessing the forwarding database memory based upon a
`predetermined portion of the packet header. The predeter-
`U: u.
`mined portion of the packet header is selected based upon a
`packet class with which the packet header is associated.
`Other features of the present invention will be apparent
`from the accompanying drawings and from the detailed
`description which follows.
`The present invention is illustrated by way of example,
`and not by way of limitation, in the figures of the accom-
`panying drawings and in which like reference numerals refer
`to similar elements and in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates a switch according to one embodiment
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a simplified block diagram of an exemplary
`switch element that may be utilized in the switch of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the switch fabric of FIG. 2
`according to one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 4 illustrates the portions of a generic packet header
`that are operated upon by the pipelined header preprocessing
`subblocks of PIG. 5 according to one embodiment of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 5 illustrates pipelined header preprocessing sub—
`blocks of the header processing logic of FIG. 3 according to
`one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 illustrates a physical organization of the forward-
`ing memory of FIG. 2 according to one embodiment of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a flow diagram illustrating the forwarding
`database memory search supercycle decision logic accord-
`ing to one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIGS. 8A—C are timing diagrams illustrating three exem-
`plary forwarding database memory search supercycles.
`FIG. 9 is a flow diagram illustrating generalized com—
`mand processing for typical forwarding database memory
`access commands according to one embodiment of the
`present invention.
`A search engine architecture for a high performance
`multi-layer switch element is described. In the following
`description, for the purposes of explanation, numerous spe-
`cific details are set forth in order to provide a thorough
`understanding of the present invention. It will be apparent,
`however, to one skilled in the art that the present invention
`may be practiced without some of these specific details. In
`other instances, well-known structures and devices are
`shown in block diagram form.
`The present invention includes various steps, which will
`be described below. While the steps of the present invention
`are preferably performed by the hardware components
`described below, the steps may alternatively be embodied in
`machine-executable instructions, which may be used to
`cause a general-purpose or special-purpose processor pro-
`grammed with the instructions to perform the steps. Further,
`embodiments of the present invention will be described with
`reference to a high speed Ethernet switch employing a
`combination of random access memory (RAM) and content
`addressable memories (CAMs). However, the method and
`apparatus described herein are equally applicable to other
`types of network devices such as repeaters, bridges, routers,
`brouters, and other network devices and also alternative
`memory types and arrangements.
`An overview of one embodiment of a network element
`that operates in accordance with the teachings of the present


`invention is illustrated in FIG. 1. The network element is
`used to interconnect a number of nodes and end-stations in
`a variety of different ways. In particular, an application of
`the multi-layer distributed network element (MLDNE)
`would be to route packets according to predefined routing
`protocols over a homogenous data link layer such as the
`IEEE 802.3 standard, also known as the Ethernet. Other
`routing protocols can also be used.
`The MLDNE’s distributed architecture can be configured
`to route message traffic in accordance with a number of
`known or
`future routing algorithms.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, the MLDNE is configured to handle message
`traifle using the Internet suite of protocols, and more spe-
`cifically the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the
`Internet Protocol (IP) over the Ethernet LAN standard and
`medium access control (MAC) data link layer. The TCP is
`also referred to here as a Layer 4 protocol, while the IP is
`referred to repeatedly as a Layer 3 protocol.
`In one embodiment of the MLDNE, a network element is
`configured to implement packet routing functions in a dis-
`tributed manner, i.e., different parts of a filnction are per-
`formed by different subsystems in the MLDNE, while the
`final result of the functions remains transparent
`to the
`external nodes and end-stations. As will be appreciated from
`the discussion below and the diagram in FIG. 1, the MLDNE
`has a scalable architecture which allows the designer to
`predictably increase the number of external connections by
`adding additional subsystems, thereby allowing greater flex-
`ibility in defining the MLDNE as a stand alone router.
`As illustrated in block diagram form in FIG. 1,
`MIDNE [0| contains a number of subsystems “0 that are
`fully meshed and interconnected using a number of internal
`links 141 to create a larger switch. At least one internal link
`couples any two subsystems. Each subsystem 110 includes
`a switch element 100 coupled to a forwarding and filtering
`database 140, also referred to as a forwarding database. The
`forwarding and filtering database may include a forwarding
`memory 113 and an associated memory 114. The forwarding
`memory (or database) 113 stores an address table used for
`matching with the headers of received packets. The associ-
`ated memory (or database) stores data associated with each
`entry in the forwarding memory that
`is used to identify
`forwarding attributes for forwarding the packets through the
`MLDNE, A number of external ports (not shown) having
`input and output capability interface the external connec-
`tions 117. In one embodiment, each subsystem supports
`multiple. Gigabit Ethernet ports, Fast Ethernet ports and
`Ethernet ports. Internal ports (not shown) also having input
`and output capability in each subsystem couple the internal
`links 141. Using the internal links, the MLDNE can connect
`multiple switching elements together to form a multigigabit
`The MLDNE 101 further includes a central processing
`system (CPS) 160 that is coupled to the individual sub-
`system 110 through a communication bus 151 such as the
`peripheral components interconnect (PCI). The CPS 160
`includes a central processing unit (CPU) 161 coupled to a
`central memory 163. Central memory 163 includes a copy of
`the entries contained in the individual forwarding memories
`113 of the various subsystems. The CPS has a direct control
`and communication interface to each subsystem 110 and
`provides some centralized communication and control
`between switch elements.
`FIG. 2 is a simplified block diagram illustrating an
`exemplary architecture of the switch element of FIG. I. The
`engine that provides access to the forwarding and filtering
`switch element 100 depicted includes a central processing
`unit (CPU) interface 215, a switch fabric block 210, a
`network interface 205, a cascading interface 225, and a
`shared memory manager 220.
`Ethernet packets may enter or leave the network switch
`element 100 through any one of the three interfaces 205,
`215, or 225. In brief, the network interface 205 operates in
`accordance with a corresponding Ethernet protocol
`receive Ethernet packets from a network (not shown) and to
`transmit Ethernet packets onto the network via one or more
`external ports (not shown). An optional cascading interface
`225 may include one or more internal links (not shown) for
`interconnecting switching elements to create.
`switches. For example, each switch element 100 may be
`connected together with other switch elements in a full mesh
`topology to form a multi-layer switch as described above.
`Alternatively, a switch may comprise a single switch ele-
`ment 100 with or without the cascading interface 225.
`The CPU 161 may transmit commands or packets to the
`network switch element 100 via the CPU interface 215. In
`this manner, one or more software processes running on the
`CPU 161 may manage entries in an external forwarding and
`filtering database I40, such as adding new entries and
`invalidating unwanted entries. In alternative embodiments,
`" however, the CPU 161 may be provided with direct access
`to the forwarding and filtering database 140. In any event,
`for purposes of packet forwarding, the CPU port of the CPU
`interface 215 resembles a generic input port into the switch
`element 100 and may be treated as if it were simply another
`external network interface port. However, since access to the
`CPU port occurs over a bus such as a peripheral components
`interconnect (PCI) bus,
`the CPU port does not need any
`media access control (MAC) functionality.
`the two main
`Returning to the network interface 205,
`tasks of input packet processing and output packet process-
`ing will now briefly be described. Input packet processing
`may be performed by one or more input ports of the network
`interface 205. Input packet processing includes the follow-
`ing: (1) receiving and verifying incoming Ethernet packets,
`(2) modifying packet headers when appropriate, (3) request-
`ing buffer pointers from the shared memory manager 220 for
`storage of incoming packets,
`requesting forwarding
`decisions from the switch fabric block 2“), (5) transferring
`the incoming packet data to the shared memory manager 220
`for temporary storage in an external shared memory 230,
`and (5) upon receipt of a forwarding decision, forwarding
`the buffer pointer(_'s) to the output port(s) indicated by the
`forwarding decision. Output packet processing may be per-
`formed by one or more output ports of the network interface
`205. Output processing includes requesting packet data from
`the shared memory manager 220, transmitting packets onto
`the network, and requesting deallocation of buffer(s) after
`packets have been transmitted.
`The network interface 205, the CPU interface 215, and the
`cascading interface 225 are coupled to the shared memory
`manager 220 and the switch fabric block 210. Preferably,
`critical functions such as packet forwarding and packet
`buffering are centralized as shown in FIG. 2. The shared
`memory manager 220 provides an efficient centralized inter-
`face to the external shared memory 230 for buffering of
`incoming packets. The switch fabric block 210 includes a
`search engine and learning logic for searching and main-
`taining the forwarding and filtering database 140 with the
`- assistance of the CPU 161.
`The centralized switch fabric block 210 includes a search
`U: u.


`(3) HerBus[X:l][N:0]—The Dedicated Header Bus
`The header bus is a dedicated X-bit wide bus from each
`input port to the switch fabric 210. In one embodiment, X is
`16, thereby allowing the packet header to be transferred as
`double bytes.
`(4) FwdiAck[N:O]—Forwarding Decision Acknowledg-
`ment Signals
`These forwarding decision acknowledgment signals are
`generated by the switch fabric 210 in response to corre-
`sponding forwarding request signals from the input ports
`(see FwdiReq[N:0] above). These signals are deasserted
`while the forwarding decision is not ready. When a forward-
`ing decision acknowledgment signal does become asserted,
`the corresponding input port should assume the forwarding
`decision bus (see Fwd_DecisionW:O] below) has a valid
`forwarding decision. After detecting its forwarding decision
`acknowledgment, the corresponding input port may make
`another forwarding request, if needed.
`(5) Fwd Decision[Y:U]—Shared Forwarding Decision
`'l'his forwarding decision bus is shared by all input ports.
`It indicates the output port number(s) on which to forward
`the packet. The forwarding decision may also include data
`indicative of the outgoing packet’s priority, VID insertion,
`DA replacement, and other information that may be useful
`to the input ports.
`database 140 on behalf of the interfaces 205, 215, and 225.
`Packet header matching, Layer 2 based learning, Layer 2
`and Layer 3 packet forwarding, filtering, and aging are
`exemplary functions that may be performed by the switch
`fabric block 210. Each input port is coupled with the switch
`fabric block 210 to receive forwarding decisions for
`received packets. The forwarding decision indicates the
`outbound port(s) (e.g., external network port or internal
`cascading port) upon which the corresponding packet should
`be transmitted. Additional information may also be included
`in the forwarding decision to support hardware routing such
`as a new MAC destination address (DA) for MAC DA
`replacement. Further, a priority indication may also be
`included in the forwarding decision to facilitate prioritiza-
`tion of packet traffic through the switch element 100.
`In the present embodiment, Ethernet packets are centrally
`bulfered and managed by the shared memory manager 220.
`The shared memory manager 220 interfaces every input port
`and output port and performs dynamic memory allocation
`and deallocation on their behalf, respectively. During input
`packet processing, one or more bulfers are allocated in the
`external shared memory 230 and an incoming packet is
`stored by the shared memory manager 220 responsive to
`commands received from the network interface 205, for
`example. Subsequently, during output packet processing, the
`shared memory manager 220 retrieves the packet from the
`external shared memory 230 and deallocates buffers that are
`no longer in use. To assure no buffers are released until all
`output ports have completed transmission of the data stored
`therein, the shared memory manager 220 preferably also
`tracks bulIer ownership.
`Before describing the internal details of the switch fabric
`210, the interface between the input ports (e.g., any port on
`which packets may be received) and the switch fabric 210
`will nowbriefly be discussed. Input ports in each of the CPU
`interface 215, the network interface 205, and the cascading
`interface 225 request forwarding decisions for incoming
`packets from the switch fabric 210. According to one
`embodiment of the present invention, the following interface
`is employed:
`(1) Fwd Req[N:0]—Forward Request Signals
`These forward request signals are output by the input
`ports to the switch fabric 210. They have two purposes. First,
`they serve as an indication to the switch fabric 210 that the
`corresponding input port has received a valid packet header
`and is ready to stream the packet header to the switch fabric.
`A header transfer grant signal (see IIdrinriGnt[N:0]
`below) is expected to be asserted before transfer of the
`packet header will begin. Second, these signals serve as a
`request for a forwarding decision after the header transfer
`grant is detected. The forward request signals are deasserted
`in the clock period after a forwarding decision acknowledg-
`ment is detected from the switch fabric 210 (see FwdiAck
`[N20] below).
`(:2) HdrinriGnt[N:0]—Header Transfer Grant Signals
`These header transfer grant signals are output by the
`switch fabric 210 to the input ports. More specifically, these
`signals are output by the switch fabric’s header preprocess-
`ing logic that will be described further below. At any rate,
`the header transfer signal indicates the header preprocessing
`logic is ready to accept the packet header from the corre-
`sponding input port. Upon detecting the assertion of the
`header transfer grant,
`the corresponding input port will
`begin streaming continuous header fields to the switch fabric
`Having described the interface between the input ports
`and the switch fabric 210, the internal details of the switch
`fabric 210 will now be described. Referring to FIG. 3, a
`block diagram of an exemplary switch fabric 210 is
`depicted. In general, the switch fabric 210 is responsible for
`directing packets from an input port to an output port. The
`goal of the switch fabric 210 is to generate forwarding
`decisions to the input ports in the shortest time possible to
`keep the delay though the switch low and to achieve wire
`speed switching on all ports. The primary functions of the
`switch fabric are performing real-time packet header
`matching, Layer 2 (L2) based learning, L2 and Layer 3 (L3)
`aging, forming L2 and L3 search keys for searching and
`retrieving forwarding information from the forwarding data-
`base memory 140 on behalf of the input ports, and providing
`a command interface for software to efficiently manage
`entries in the forwarding database memory 140.
`Layer 2 based learning is the process of constantly
`updating the MAC address portion of the forwarding data-
`base 140 based on the traffic that passes through the switch-
`ing device. When a packet enters the switching device, an
`entry is created (or an existing entry is updated) in the
`database that correlates the MAC source address (SA) of the
`packet with the input port upon which the packet arrived. In
`this manner, a switching device “learns” on which subnet a
`U: u
`' node resides.
`Aging is carried out on both link and network layers. It is
`the process of time stamping entries and removing expired
`entries from the forwarding database memory 140. There are
`two types of aging: (l) aging based on MAC SA, and (2)
`aging based on MAC destination address (DA). The former
`is for Layer 2 aging and the latter aids in removal of inactive
`Layer 3 flows. Thus, aging helps re

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