FLJFH Elllr'--l:_-.
`AViatiDH Elite UHiTS :IIIF
`Iagdgeschwader 7
`’Nowo tny’
`Cirque du Soleil
`Cirque du Soleil
`My Call, L.L.C.
`' My Call, L.L.C.
`Ex. 1017
`EX. 1017
`page 1 of 4
`page 1 of4
`RC: 1:) 4:: Ft F {:2 r- syt h


`Front Cover
`fin 12 hloroh ”45. a formation ol
`2? Me 262: from: the Gestalt-alder
`Stabuei: warm and lll..|'.lfl 1. led bar
`the commander of JG 3. Knight‘s-
`Eroea holder Major Theodor
`Weittenb-erger. attacked E-‘Ii‘Ge ef
`the lliiiled Bomb Grow'e 611th Bomb
`squadron between Leipaig and their
`target oi the til-r. the tenthetie luol
`plant at Fiuhland. north ol Dresden.
`The Flying Forlreeeee of the USMF'a
`Filteonth Mr Foree hacl Flown horn
`their bum in ital-yr on a deep
`penetration raid. and tho-lI were on
`the approach to their bomb run at
`a halght olEEIEIt} roe-tree outer oantral
`Germ-one when the Me 252:: ttruelt.
`Scrambled from. Parehlm to
`intercept. Major W-hsanbargor were
`flying hle HER-1a ‘Green 1'. wilh ite
`dlatlnetlua it'ommodorarnarltlngo.
`|alhen he ehet down one of the
`“Ed's 5-111. Merl: Perthtlwflile'e
`epeeialle torn mireioned eeeet
`artwork elaplol: Iha morn-ant ol
`Weitrenb-erger‘e l-Iillr hi: jet forte
`hauling mode Ito approaoh in line
`Ibreaet from above lndto the rear
`ot the American formation. while
`hle Milt-1| ‘Yellow T of
`Dberfel'olwebel Heinz Arnold from
`"Hf-JG 1" fire: eff it: underwing
`batter-r o‘IEE rnm Hill“ mieeilee
`to- bring down a anon-l Ian-rob".
`Altogether, JG '.|' would elairn
`12 5-11: destroy-ad during this
`interception. The fifteenth Air Force
`subsequently aeltnowledged the lone
`of 11 Flying Fortress-re lei: hem the
`team BIG and Fnre from the 2nd HG!
`te- enemy lighter: and one to Halt
`15m: arm-art by Mar]:
`Eli-1n l-t'JTEITi-r-i
`Tn Eddie and Richard — I. LSI'III'II'IEt‘{!:l in Iflcflgfllltifll'l I'll: your inspiratinn
`and friendship ne'er ll'lE Peal IE Jew:
`in [Trent Hritnin i:|1 l'lliifi hf.‘ Daprey Publishing
`Fin-.1 rilti'lliithetl
`Midland House. West Way. Huntley. Hal-nrd. Ell-ii “T'H
`dill Parlt Avenue South. New York. N‘t'. lUlllfi. USP:
`L—mail'. inlo'fi‘ospreg'publishingmom
`U EUDB Usprel' Publishing Limit-ed
`r‘Lil right: r|:.u:n'L't.‘l. Apart l-rum may Fair dealing in: El“: |:Iu I'JJLII'IL' till: priwlle study.
`NJHL'ilnL'l'l. criticism-I er review. :L'. permiltod under the Chprrigl'll. Design and
`Patient-u .-ll.r.'r
`l‘JHR. n11 part within thlient'rnn may in: rel1n1tltleutl. ttnrucl in
`il retrieval IFHICII'I. I.” IriLIIJIIILillL'IJ.
`ll1 iLI1}'
`fill-F111 I.lll'
`[1:2 iLII-l' IIIL'ilrlli. L'lL'Iiilill'th1llL'.
`elcelriL'al. eheIILiL'al. mechanical. II]1tir_'.1l.
`|1l|tilllet1|J_-.'ing. retarding. l1l' t1ll1em'iu:
`wit-intuit prirI-r written p-ern'liseicm. .dtll ent'llririe-t :l'ltntllcl i'le acit‘lreuzecl ten the
`lSBN: Eli-'5 l SiliU-iil .5209
`lid ired by 'i'on}: Holmes
`Page design by Mark llull
`(.I-LII'LT elicit-hurl: L1}: .h-{urlt ["tmticlhwilile
`rhirtrsd-L IJHJE‘iIL'fi
`l1}: Jim lJUrlEF
`Driginnretl by PDQ nigilal Merlin fitalutinmt
`llrirLIL'tLl :Ll1r] i1t:IlJl1|'J ill Chin: [llmugl'l Hit-cilalnuilrlcru
`lnt‘lex le' J'Llan Thatcher
`HR fl‘j'
`5-4132 l
`."'LI 'Hhit'l'fi'l [Fellini-III???»
`l would like to acknowledge the kind contributions of Niel: Beale. Walter]
`liot'ne. lid-1i: Creole. l’etel Perri-clan] Richard Smith and Ham-l ieiri Step-Fer
`dullllg Eltl.‘ Ftcpdrflliun ell-[lilo 't'ululnc. I Wuuitll itliu like [u uehutuwictlgl.‘ .lt-‘iill'tl-t‘ed
`ll-LIL'l1I11I:'et Hut]? i.I1LI.I Illl.‘ lairtlurfi' Lil-Ii; T. a: his l:It|t:-lt is: torrential reading l-till'
`any-one wanting Ill L'l1tiLlil'L' further intn Il'le FiLteiIutiug. l'liatthrf t:-l' lhix Ill'Ll.l
`{are Hilnlingrnpl'lyl.
`1:.IIII IIiIIR'ii NH H:
`l‘l'lth herein-telling .torie'a .15 n1lll'lcr-ritnli'ee. as: Tint-taihle. the Edit!“ wnultl he
`To. melee.
`interested in hearing Frnm any ineliI'itlLIal 1tI-‘h-r- may have relevant phnrngrrlrlh't.
`documentation or first-hand experience; relating to the norld's elite pilots. and
`their aircraft. of the various theatres ell—war. Fire; material used will be credited
`to its original source. Please write to Ten]: Holmes via e-rnaii at:
`.I'nl I'rrn-rrr. we rel-311.1.-
`$3 [Jag-ref; .I”.'.Ili'1"r'1."x.i.n:g firm: to Mir-J Iii-omi- ii rte-II I'dlr'gr'lll'I'Il-{lfl .I'rflril'rro'l.
`n'lletjwlr tree frJliorJorrenJmt'. eM-u'ommerrui' Fur-Fair: em}. Hiram-41h”? aPJoJoreuiIu-Ioejflm
`Ir Paws-yer sire. rmrl'ii' if at: [WWWFJ'I'DM {weir-z a-r rem'r'lrt. Usll-I'r? Prrlil'lr'n'irurg rrrrre-ri
`l-i'l'il' agile: m In origin-ill ("immune-f ml [pl-fr: elf-Liner Flor-Emu may for l'o'ni'rrf'. sound" in
`.r rel'rret-trr'I auteur .er rr'.erm.lrr.l'.re'a' ru olJ.'_|.'_|"|i|r|'l'J ii}! .rri: merrier. ri'ereromr. errderm-ner'i
`ntn:r.|'e|"r'r.'_|.‘l er Winnoe'n‘ {rattler n's :“rrhrr'rte‘r-l'nirrrd.
`roll-flayed iii-tr rem-Ned [refine-die": Inf—Illa?
`.r'l'FJJ'I‘ rat-leper! mrr tourmaline fimefipmilfiri'lurfi Pro-grarirrrir life resting thrill-Nil"
`page 2 of 4
`page 2 of 4
`{El flower Pubhshing * wwospreypuhlrshingeom


`Simultaumusly. re: the snuth. “-34 ].iheratnrs Emu: rhe |"i+-merirh Prir
`Force struck at l]1l.' iel airlield and facility at Neuherg.
`fie. ifthis Wcrc net eunugli. EU add m the LUfU-‘r'ilfih‘lh Wen. 11:1]: EILII'I'II'IeI'
`{ inm man-cl was n-z'sweupe rating in daylight. and it despairchecl 4'5"? aircrat-r
`te hemh targets in Rheine. as well as its marshalling }';lrtlti [while B- 1.751.11-
`isl. Air Divisieri slnlch Rheirie airfield}. mere railways yards and it
`vim‘lltcr at Miinsrer anel an e-il refine Fl" in Bremen-
`'[Ihe Cirrt'liirwn'lrisrrrt': and [ii .IJEi I" were ordered m intercept and engage
`[he 13- 1 Ts ell-the .i-rtl Air Divisier: sl U915 hrs user the Leipeig. Dresden
`and filinmnira arr-1s. Sneaking our of misty skies nnl'rhmsT nFDI'q-sdrn in
`Hedge inrntarimts nF .i'ittfli'irstrengrh at til'HlU-T'Sflfl met res. the jets used
`the Lernbined advantages ul'speed and surprise tu evade the ester: and
`i‘IL'iLLi for the htrrt'llH'rs. nppm-aehing limm films-.- and lH'llll'lLl. It: least six
`"heavies' were claimed she-r elnwn —-nne each h]: rhe Keerrrrodm'e. Malinr
`"Il'l'reissenlierger. and Leutnant {FritIJ Hillier. Leutiunt Schltfln'er.
`Ullerliihilrich Pli'ifii'r tLritl Ulwrli'lLiI-L'ebel flrliulti. Miiller fired il she-rt
`hursr ar nl1e I’m-17" Frmn his ,i'l'l mm cannon Hum .1 range n+-_i{lfl metres.
`closing tcr I‘S'El merres. and watched as rhe lelit wing broke away and the
`humble: plunged in Le- a spin inwards L114.- eatlh. Helmet-er. helLi-Ie it reached
`The gmrmt‘l rhe aiIcI'aFr explm‘leti.
`Aim Flying with Illl'lr'eissenl'ierger that day. and pnssihlg.’ Fm" rhe first time
`uperatienally in 3.11 Me 261. was Majur Heinrich Ehrler. whe alse shut
`:i Pr-IT. Thcmgh Einlul had m—n ricl'k'ilm 1-=.'iI.'h Tl'l'l' tin-gm; (They’re
`during The Spanish Civil ‘Wtr. ir was with a Hair unir. and his Flying career
`commenter] in [Til] when he juiitetl ‘iJ'l'Li i"?- in Hurst-fly.
`Eh I'lcr claim-ad his iinr Vicmr'f in Ha]; elirlmr gnu-.1 r Wlte r: 11!; slim Lia-we .1
`Eirisrnl Blenheim- s‘ifllil T? was designnrecl ii.."_[{'.
`'i at The I're|=_:iIiI1in_i_'rI elf
`FEIZIELLBTF' 1941., and lieu]- menths later the unit commenced epernriuns
`Heuptmenrr Heinrieh Ehrler poem
`for a photograph in the cockpit el
`hi: El 1m-E e1 Petseme. in Finland.
`on 2'! Hereli 1941:]. Subsequently
`promoted to maior. this highly?
`regarded Elm-ureter? aee would
`tu'fll‘lluflllll' joln the Gnu-l1 wade-nub
`of JG 1' in March 19-15. However. hie
`career was dogged by pent events
`in the Far North that trouble-cl him.
`and whie‘h may. in some way.
`have hasten-d his dlfll‘l‘l thl
`following month
`page 3 of 4
`page 3 of 4
`'3' Deere;r F'ule-I shi'ig - memos]:I'eypublishmgeelv


`The Ravi Iflsflaml'sl'arl 15h gunsight
`was a standard fitting In the mkplt
`all th- l'iln IRA-“Ia fightlr. An
`mmph In sun has In In fielded-
`nwnr pnfifiw shuns-I and in this right
`fll‘lhfl instrument panel
`The Ravi Iflaflmnl'l'aiarl 15h gunsight
`"in-II and Ila-chad intn it: cnmhll
`snarling. halting dl'lacthr through
`thl "Hutu glass. TI-m sight
`inmrparltad I sun visor. night vision
`flltar. light hulls- nnd dlmmar switch
`against thc Red Air FDIC: tic-In hast-s in N nrwayand Finland- l'ihrlcfs tally
`btgan tr.1 gnaw in rail]: 1942. and by 22 August. whcn h: was appuinttil
`Smfilhtyfiéu Ufa-“JG '3. his scam- Imd climbed m ] 1.
`In j'LL'iL' a mattarnf weal-ts I'll: haul hnnsmcl his trill}r m {i4 vicmrics. :‘LI'I-El. nn
`4 Septcmhtr l1: recall-rd the Knight’s Cross. 011 3? March 1943. Ehtlrr
`shut down fi'l't Russian lighters {alJ'IIIJsI Certainly P403]. and In: rep-tutti].
`this Fern nn hjiincwhcn In: amunmri far fnurfinvicr Hunk-ants. Pushing
`his scan: to 95'. with his IDUth kill lacing claimcd thn: Following clay. Six
`days rariltr. on I Ila nu. I11.- l'lail lawn appulnlt'd Mmmmad'mrurliflfi 5.
`Ehrlars mud For multiplcshills in on: clay was rep-canal mi 1? Munch
`194-4 [tight] and again an 25 May {taint}.
`Fulluwlng his 112th winery. which was athiCVflJ L111 3 August lfl'i’i [[11:-
`day after he run-0k mm ma m‘l itffdgdgssi'firtwdsrfil. Eh rler was awarded the
`[)alcicavcs m 1111: Knight's E Imss.
`Humvrr. his spactacular caret-r was IJEfingi'l‘l: sharply to an End
`fvllflwihg the new-ms of IE Nun- mlJ-rr 1544 When. in clearWuather. a. lbrce
`nff’lfl [.ancnsrcts n'F rhn: l-Uilils Has 9 anal [i 1 F" Eqns attached thn: {icrlnan
`page 4 of 4
`EE' Ospreyr Publishing - nwnspreypublishmgcom

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