REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2042
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.



`·2· · · · · · · · · INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION
`· · ·COMPANY,· · · · · · · · · · ·)
`·5· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · )
`· · · · · · · Plaintiff,· · · · · )
`·6· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · )
`· · · · · · · · ·-vs-· · · · · · ·) CIVIL ACTION NO.
`·7· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ) 3:14-cv-00962-JL
`· · ·J SQUARED, INC. d/b/a· · · · )
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · )
`·9· · · · · · Defendant.· · · · · )
`14· · · · ·The deposition upon oral examination of
`· · · JUSTIN DAVIS, a witness produced and sworn before
`15· · me, Kelly S. Horsley, RPR, CSR #98-R-3004, Notary
`· · · Public in and for the County of Hendricks, State of
`16· · Indiana, taken on behalf of the Plaintiff, at the
`· · · offices of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP,
`17· · Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 28th day of January,
`· · · 2015, at 9:43 A.M., pursuant to the Federal Rules
`18· · of Civil Procedure with written notice as to time
`· · · and place thereof.



`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2042
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.

`·4· ·matter was examined and testified as follows:
`·2· ·having been duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · JUSTIN DAVIS,


`·3· ·truth, and nothing but the truth relating to said
`·6· · · · · · MR. JACOB:· Initially before we start, I'd
`·7· · · ·like to put on the record that Phil and I have
`·8· · · ·talked and we're going to designate this
`·9· · · ·transcript as AEO since it's using the exhibits
`10· · · ·that are documents produced by the defendant
`11· · · ·that have been designated AEO rather than
`12· · · ·interrupt each question and answer.· And he and
`13· · · ·I then will review the transcript and redact as
`14· · · ·necessary in order that we can share the
`15· · · ·transcript with our clients.· Fair enough?
`16· · · · · · MR. BAUTISTA:· Fair enough.
`19· ·Q· ·Okay.· Morning, Mr. Davis.
`20· ·A· ·Morning.
`21· ·Q· ·My name is Michael Jacob.· I represent the
`22· · · ·plaintiff, Sauder Manufacturing.· Next to me is
`23· · · ·my partner, Tom Young.· Will you state your name
`24· · · ·for the record, please.
`25· ·A· ·Justin Davis.

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`·2· ·Q· ·If we say "Loft" or "U Loft" we're talking about


`·1· ·A· ·Loft.
`·3· · · ·the same thing?
`·4· ·A· ·Yeah, University Loft.
`·5· ·Q· ·So first job after the rental?
`·6· ·A· ·First real, yeah, real career, I guess.
`·7· ·Q· ·First real job?
`·8· ·A· ·Yeah.
`·9· ·Q· ·That's the kind of conversation I have with my
`10· · · ·son.· "We're getting a real job now."
`11· ·A· ·Grown-up job.
`12· ·Q· ·Get a grown-up job.
`13· ·A· ·Yeah.
`14· ·Q· ·Okay.· And what year did you go to work for
`15· · · ·U Loft?
`16· ·A· ·I believe it was 2006.
`17· ·Q· ·And what position did you hire in as?
`18· ·A· ·It was more of a data entry-type position in the
`19· · · ·product development department.
`20· ·Q· ·Did you have a title?
`21· ·A· ·It was called "item master coordinator."
`22· ·Q· ·Do you know if U Loft is a corporation?
`23· ·A· ·I'm not sure.
`24· ·Q· ·You're not a shareholder?
`25· ·A· ·No.

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`·1· ·Q· ·Okay.· Were you -- just for background, you


`·3· ·A· ·No.
`·4· ·Q· ·Okay.· You were just always an employee?
`·2· · · ·never became an officer or a director there?
`·5· ·A· ·Correct.
`·6· ·Q· ·Okay.· And as the item master in 2006, how long
`·7· · · ·did you hold that position?
`·8· ·A· ·Probably the first two and a half, three years
`·9· · · ·of my career there.
`10· ·Q· ·So that would take us to 2008?· 2009?
`11· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`12· · · · · · THE COURT REPORTER:· Yes?
`13· · · · · · THE WITNESS:· Yes.· Correct.
`14· · · · · · THE COURT REPORTER:· Thank you.
`15· ·Q· ·You received a promotion?
`16· ·A· ·Yes.
`17· ·Q· ·And what were you promoted to?
`18· ·A· ·Product development coordinator, I believe, was
`19· · · ·the title.
`20· ·Q· ·And as the product -- as an item master, it was
`21· · · ·strictly data?
`22· ·A· ·Yes, it was.· There were a lot of aspects to it.
`23· · · ·Basically I started out in that position where
`24· · · ·you just enter in data, but I obviously had some
`25· · · ·training in drawing and illustration-type with

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`·3· · · ·type of data would you input in their --
`·2· ·Q· ·But working for U Loft as an item master, what
`·1· · · ·my computer graphic technology degree.


`·4· ·A· ·All the specifications for, like, dimensions,
`·5· · · ·materials, bills of materials for products.
`·6· ·Q· ·And this would be data that would be given to
`·7· · · ·you by others employed by the company?
`·8· ·A· ·Yes, and -- yeah, I guess that would be correct.
`·9· ·Q· ·Okay.· And the others would be like, for
`10· · · ·example, engineers?
`11· ·A· ·Not necessarily.· They didn't employ any
`12· · · ·engineer-titled people unless ULC China, if they
`13· · · ·had specific engineers for that.
`14· ·Q· ·We'll get to China in a minute, but here --
`15· ·A· ·There was not --
`16· ·Q· ·-- U Loft has no engineers employed here in
`17· · · ·Indiana?
`18· ·A· ·No.
`19· ·Q· ·Okay.· And where is -- just for the record,
`20· · · ·where is U Loft's offices here in Indiana?
`21· ·A· ·Mt. Comfort.
`22· ·Q· ·I'm sorry?
`23· ·A· ·Mt. Comfort.
`24· ·Q· ·Mt. Comfort?
`25· ·A· ·Um-hum.· It's just right outside Indianapolis.

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`·3· ·Q· ·Did you ever, in this role, have the opportunity
`·1· · · ·U Loft?
`·2· ·A· ·Correct.
`·4· · · ·to inspect furniture manufactured by others?
`·5· ·A· ·We did, um-hum.
`·6· ·Q· ·And was that part of your job duties as a
`·7· · · ·product development coordinator?
`·8· ·A· ·Yes.
`·9· ·Q· ·And as the product development coordinator, did
`10· · · ·you have occasion to inspect the Sauder Trey
`11· · · ·chair manufactured by Sauder Manufacturing?
`12· ·A· ·Yes, we did.
`13· ·Q· ·Can you tell me when that first was done?
`14· ·A· ·Not exactly, no.
`15· ·Q· ·It was after 2008 when you became product
`16· · · ·development coordinator?
`17· ·A· ·Most likely, yes.
`18· ·Q· ·And can you explain to me the circumstances
`19· · · ·surrounding your inspection of that product in
`20· · · ·or after 2008?
`21· ·A· ·Can you be more specific?
`22· ·Q· ·Well, who asked you to do it?
`23· ·A· ·Okay.· Henry Simmons, at the time, was my
`24· · · ·manager in the product development department.
`25· · · ·Actually --

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`·1· ·Q· ·That was in 2008?


`·2· ·A· ·Yeah.· No.· I don't know the exact year anymore.
`·3· ·Q· ·Well --
`·4· ·A· ·But Henry Simmons was the manager.· I'm not sure
`·5· · · ·what the exact time period was.
`·6· ·Q· ·Is he still the manager?
`·7· ·A· ·No, he's gone.
`·8· ·Q· ·When did he leave?
`·9· ·A· ·It was maybe a year before I did.
`10· ·Q· ·And you left in 2011?
`11· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`12· ·Q· ·So he left in 2010?
`13· ·A· ·Yeah.
`14· ·Q· ·Do you know why he left?
`15· ·A· ·He moved on to another position at another
`16· · · ·company.
`17· ·Q· ·Do you know where he's at now?
`18· ·A· ·Not a clue.
`19· ·Q· ·Do you know what position he took immediately
`20· · · ·after leaving U Loft?
`21· ·A· ·No.
`22· ·Q· ·Did he live here in Indiana?
`23· ·A· ·I don't know.
`24· ·Q· ·You've had no contact with him after he left?
`25· ·A· ·No.

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`·1· ·Q· ·And after he left, who became your manager?


`·2· ·A· ·Adam Anderson.
`·4· ·A· ·No.
`·3· ·Q· ·And is he currently still with the company?
`·5· ·Q· ·No?· And when did he leave?
`·6· ·A· ·Within the last three years.
`·7· ·Q· ·Within the last three years?
`·8· ·A· ·I don't know exactly because I was gone.
`·9· ·Q· ·Okay.· But he was there when you --
`10· ·A· ·But I know that he left after I left, yes.
`11· ·Q· ·How did you find out he left?
`12· ·A· ·Through Facebook.
`13· ·Q· ·Okay.· So he was your manager when you left in
`14· · · ·2011?
`15· ·A· ·Yes.
`16· ·Q· ·Okay.· Back to my initial question of inspecting
`17· · · ·the Sauder Trey chair, Mr. -- you started
`18· · · ·telling me about Mr. Simmons.· What did
`19· · · ·Mr. Simmons ask you to do?
`20· ·A· ·That's what I'm a little confused or, I guess,
`21· · · ·gray on, whether it was Henry or Adam at the
`22· · · ·time; but they brought the chair in per request
`23· · · ·from, I guess, James to be inspected and then
`24· · · ·because he wanted to create a chair to compete
`25· · · ·the Sauder tray chair.

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`·2· ·A· ·James Jannetides.


`·3· ·Q· ·And for the record, what's his position with the
`·1· ·Q· ·When you say "James," you're talking about?
`·4· · · ·company?
`·5· ·A· ·President.
`·6· ·Q· ·So your manager, whether it was Henry or Adam --
`·7· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`·8· ·Q· ·-- brought you the actual chair?
`·9· ·A· ·Correct.
`10· ·Q· ·And that was the first time you saw the chair?
`11· ·A· ·Yes.
`12· ·Q· ·Okay.· And what did they instruct you to do?
`13· ·A· ·Document the chair so we knew all about it
`14· · · ·basically.
`15· ·Q· ·Say that again, please.
`16· ·A· ·Document the chair so we knew, you know,
`17· · · ·everything that we could visually see, how the
`18· · · ·chair looked, felt.
`19· ·Q· ·Okay.· For those of us that aren't graphic
`20· · · ·people, when you say "document," is that a term
`21· · · ·of art?
`22· ·A· ·We took photos of the chair.· And then once we
`23· · · ·took photos, we would put maybe call-outs of our
`24· · · ·findings.
`25· ·Q· ·Is "call-outs" a term of art?

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`·2· · · ·make a chair that could compete with the Sauder


`·1· · · ·look over the chair and see what we could do to
`·3· · · ·chair.
`·4· ·Q· ·Were there any discussions at U Loft about
`·5· · · ·developing a competitive chair to the Sauder
`·6· · · ·chair at the time you were asked to document the
`·7· · · ·Sauder chair or was there just a concept?
`·8· ·A· ·That was the purpose of the chair was to create
`·9· · · ·a chair that competed with the Sauder chair.
`10· ·Q· ·Was it your understanding that U Loft had made a
`11· · · ·decision to develop a chair to compete with the
`12· · · ·Sauder chair at that time they asked you to
`13· · · ·document it?
`14· ·A· ·Correct.· That would have been my understanding.
`15· ·Q· ·And who would have made that decision, if you
`16· · · ·know?
`17· ·A· ·James drives all product development.
`18· ·Q· ·So the decision would have been made by him, to
`19· · · ·your understanding?
`20· ·A· ·Right.· Nothing is created without him guiding
`21· · · ·it, I guess, or directing it.
`22· ·Q· ·Nothing gets done without his approval?
`23· ·A· ·Correct.
`24· ·Q· ·All right.· After you documented the chair the
`25· · · ·first time, what did you do with the chair next?

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`·2· ·A· ·I'm project manager.


`·1· ·Q· ·Okay.· And what do you do for CJ Boots Casket?

`·4· ·A· ·Project.
`·3· ·Q· ·Product manager?
`·5· ·Q· ·Oh, project.· I'm sorry.
`·6· ·A· ·That's my title.
`·7· ·Q· ·Are you still with them?
`·8· ·A· ·Yes.
`·9· ·Q· ·Okay.· And in this contemplated move to Richmond
`10· · · ·that you're talking about, are you going to
`11· · · ·continue to work with them but in Richmond?
`12· ·A· ·That's actually confidential.
`13· ·Q· ·Okay.· Are you going to another company or
`14· · · ·staying with them?
`15· ·A· ·It's -- I guess it's another company, but I will
`16· · · ·be staying with them in some manner.· But that
`17· · · ·would be confidential.
`18· ·Q· ·And you weren't terminated by them that
`19· · · ·precipitated the move?
`20· ·A· ·No, definitely not.
`21· ·Q· ·Okay.· Do you know a gentleman by the name of
`22· · · ·Gordon Tan?
`23· ·A· ·Oh, yes.
`24· ·Q· ·Who is Gordon Tan?
`25· ·A· ·Gordon Tan worked at ULC China Malaysia as a

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`·4· ·Q· ·So you've met these individuals in your
`·2· ·A· ·Sauder actually now has a furniture division
`·1· · · ·Sauder after you left U Loft?


`·3· · · ·or -- sorry -- funeral product division.
`·5· · · ·employment with your --
`·6· ·A· ·Correct, trade shows.
`·7· ·Q· ·-- Boots Casket Company?· Am I saying it
`·8· · · ·correctly?
`·9· ·A· ·Correct.
`10· ·Q· ·But prior to that time you had not worked with
`11· · · ·those people?
`12· ·A· ·No.
`13· ·Q· ·When you did the first documentation of the
`14· · · ·Sauder Trey chair, U Loft labeled the project
`15· · · ·"the Trey chair"?
`16· ·A· ·Correct.
`17· ·Q· ·Correct.· Why did they use the name "Trey"?
`18· ·A· ·It was -- honestly, it was just, it was an easy
`19· · · ·reference for those that were asking for it, a
`20· · · ·competitive chair.
`21· ·Q· ·Did they ever use that, the "Trey" name in any
`22· · · ·communications outside of U Loft, to your
`23· · · ·knowledge?
`24· ·A· ·I do not recall.
`25· ·Q· ·Okay.· Is it possible?

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`·4· ·Q· ·Okay.· Well, in fact, the next email just above
`·1· ·A· ·Well, if James instructed to send a follow-up,
`·3· · · ·follow-up.
`·2· · · ·then I would have most likely sent some sort of
`·5· · · ·it on November 23rd is Mr. Jannetides is sending
`·6· · · ·your design concept.
`·7· ·A· ·Okay.
`·8· ·Q· ·So you did some design work.· Is that a fair
`·9· · · ·statement?
`10· ·A· ·Yes.
`11· ·Q· ·Okay.· And it's attached.
`12· ·A· ·Okay.
`13· ·Q· ·I mean, it says it's attached.
`14· ·A· ·Right.· We don't know where it is but --
`15· ·Q· ·Well, I don't have it.· I just don't have it.
`16· ·A· ·Okay.
`17· ·Q· ·So is this the first time you did a design
`18· · · ·concept of the Trey chair for U Loft that was to
`19· · · ·be a competitive product to the Sauder chair?
`20· ·A· ·I can't guarantee it was the first design or
`21· · · ·concept, but it was a design or concept.
`22· ·Q· ·But you were, in 2008, creating design concepts
`23· · · ·for U Loft for a competitive product to the
`24· · · ·Sauder Trey chair?
`25· ·A· ·That would be correct.

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`·4· · · · · · MR. JACOB:· I haven't put you to sleep yet,
`·1· ·Q· ·For the moment.
`·2· ·A· ·Right.
`·3· · · · · · MR. BAUTISTA:· You're not done?
`·5· · · ·have I?
`·6· ·Q· ·Okay.· Now, this is a cut-and-paste email that
`·7· · · ·Vic sends to you that you're now circulating to
`·8· · · ·this team?
`·9· ·A· ·To the -- yes.
`10· ·Q· ·Is this the
` team?
`11· ·A· ·Everyone that needed to be involved in that,
`12· · · ·yes.
`13· ·Q· ·Okay.· And this is a big order; correct?
`14· ·A· ·Yeah.
`15· ·Q· ·This is a lot of merchandise?
`16· ·A· ·A good potential, yes.
`17· ·Q· ·And U Loft didn't have any product to fill an
`18· · · ·immediate buy, did they, at this time?
`19· ·A· ·They would not have, no.
`20· ·Q· ·Okay.· And on the next line you cut and paste
`21· · · ·here as, "13,000 Frank is asking higher ups for
`22· · ·
` extra funding to purchase these
`23· · · ·quantities this year."
`24· ·A· ·Okay.
`25· ·Q· ·What is that?
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`·1· ·A· ·I don't know.
`·2· ·Q· ·Who is Frank?
`·4· · · ·Frank
`·3· ·A· ·I don't know exactly, but there's above that


`.· And they were from
`·5· · · ·and
` from
`·6· ·Q· ·Okay.
`·7· ·A· ·The names sound familiar, but I don't know them
`·8· · · ·personally.
`·9· ·Q· ·And then the next page is an earlier email on
`10· · · ·the same day.
`11· ·A· ·Okay.
`12· ·Q· ·This is another email you authored.
`13· ·A· ·Yes.
`14· ·Q· ·And this preceded the one we just talked about.
`15· ·A· ·Okay.
`16· ·Q· ·So the
` was looking for U Loft to quote a
`17· · · ·competitive product to the Trey chair in April
`18· · · ·of 2010?
`19· ·A· ·Yes.
`20· ·Q· ·And you would agree with me that at the time
`21· · · ·U Loft did not have a competitive product that
`22· · · ·it could sell in April of 2010 to the
`23· ·A· ·Yes.
`24· ·Q· ·Okay.· And this was a big enough inquiry to
`25· · · ·warrant U Loft --
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`·3· · · ·Sauder Trey chair?
`·2· ·Q· ·-- bringing the project development back on the


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`·1· ·A· ·Right.
`·4· ·A· ·It appears so, yes.
`·5· ·Q· ·You will agree with me on that?
`·6· ·A· ·Yes.
`·7· · · · · · (Plaintiff's Deposition Exhibit No. 8
`·8· · · ·marked for identification.)
`·9· ·Q· ·I'm going to show you what I've marked as
`10· · · ·Exhibit No. 8.· That's another email authored by
`11· · · ·yourself on May 7, 2010.
`12· ·A· ·Okay.
`13· ·Q· ·Do you recognize that?
`14· ·A· ·Yes, vaguely.
`15· ·Q· ·And you're writing Sandra.
`16· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`17· ·Q· ·This is Sandra in China?
`18· ·A· ·Yes.
`19· ·Q· ·So
`.com is a Chinese company?
`20· ·A· ·I -- yeah, I can't recall if they worked
`21· · · ·directly for ULC or if she was working for
`22· · ·
`.· That is the Chinese company.
`23· ·Q· ·Is
` a vendor to ULC China?
`24· ·A· ·I don't recall.
`25· ·Q· ·What do they manufacture?


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`·2· · · ·is fairly self-explanatory -- well, let's go
`·3· · · ·through it, I guess.· Let's go to page ULC4384,
`·4· · · ·which is the third page from the back.· And that
`·1· ·Q· ·And without going through the whole thing, which


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`·5· · · ·is an email from Sandra in China to you
`·6· · · ·regarding the mold.
`·7· ·A· ·Okay.
`·8· ·Q· ·And on the next page she concludes the email by
`·9· · · ·saying, "Could you please buy one chair from
`10· · · ·market to show us their instruction?"· You see
`11· · · ·that?
`12· ·A· ·Okay.
`13· ·Q· ·What is she asking you to do, if you remember?
`14· ·A· ·It appears that she's asking us to buy another
`15· · · ·chair.
`16· ·Q· ·Is she asking to you buy a Sauder chair?
`17· ·A· ·She doesn't specifically state that.· That would
`18· · · ·be an assumption.
`19· ·Q· ·Okay.· Let's go to page ULC4383.· It's an email
`20· · · ·dated July 1st from Mr. Jannetides to you
`21· · · ·two thirds of the way down.
`22· ·A· ·Okay.
`23· ·Q· ·And James says to you, "Yes we can send sample
`24· · · ·Justin help."
`25· ·A· ·Okay.


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`·4· ·A· ·Send a sample of a chair.
`·5· ·Q· ·Sample of a Sauder chair; right?
`·6· ·A· ·That's what it appears, yeah.
`·7· ·Q· ·Okay.· And then we go to page ULC4382 and an
`·8· · · ·email from Sandra to you.· You see that in the
`·9· · · ·middle?
`10· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`11· ·Q· ·It says, "Dear Justin, I got the chair today and
`12· · · ·thank you."
`13· ·A· ·Okay.
`14· ·Q· ·Okay.· So would you agree with me that U Loft
`15· · · ·sent one Sauder chair from the United States to
`16· · · ·China and not two in July of 2010?
`17· ·A· ·That's what it appears, yes.
`18· ·Q· ·Does that refresh your memory that you sent a
`19· · · ·Sauder chair to China?
`20· ·A· ·I still don't recall; but, yeah, I mean, it
`21· · · ·does.
`22· ·Q· ·Yeah, there's fine.
`23· ·A· ·I don't recall physically shipping anything
`24· · · ·but --
`25· ·Q· ·Well, I don't think you took it to the post
`·1· ·Q· ·What does that mean?
`·3· ·Q· ·To do what?
`·2· ·A· ·Looks like he is directing me to take action.
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`·3· · · ·chair, but not for the mechanism."· You see
`·2· ·Q· ·You say here, "There is a design patent for this
`·1· ·A· ·Okay.
`·4· · · ·that?
`·5· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`·6· ·Q· ·"I have attached the design patent for
`·7· · · ·reference."· So you sent her the design patent
`·8· · · ·at that point; correct?
`·9· ·A· ·Yes, that's what it looks like.
`10· ·Q· ·And you opine that it "covers the ornamental
`11· · · ·design of the chair and coupling stool base."
`12· · · ·You see that?
`13· ·A· ·Um-hum.
`14· ·Q· ·So is that something the lawyer told you?
`15· · · · · · MR. BAUTISTA:· Objection.
`16· ·A· ·I don't recall.
`17· ·Q· ·What was the basis for your concluding statement
`18· · · ·to say that?
`19· ·A· ·I believe that's what the patent says but I --
`20· · · ·without seeing it in front of me, I don't
`21· · · ·remember exactly.
`22· ·Q· ·You're not quoting the patent there.· You're
`23· · · ·just --
`24· ·A· ·I don't recall.
`25· ·Q· ·And then you go on to say, "We do not want to
` !!



`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2042
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.

`·1· · · ·make a product with a similar design, it is the


`·4· ·Q· ·Okay.· What are you referring to?
`·3· ·A· ·Right.
`·2· · · ·function that we would like to simulate."
`·5· ·A· ·The possibility of having a rocker chair on the
`·6· · · ·floor with a stool.
`·7· ·Q· ·That's the function you're trying to achieve?
`·8· ·A· ·Right.
`·9· ·Q· ·Just a rocker on the floor with a stool?
`10· ·A· ·Right.
`11· ·Q· ·But not to look like the Sauder chair?
`12· ·A· ·Right.
`13· ·Q· ·And then you go on to say, "I like how you have
`14· · · ·added slots in the stool base.· This will help
`15· · · ·with airflow when a laptop computer is sitting
`16· · · ·on top of it."
`17· ·A· ·Okay.
`18· ·Q· ·So they've already sent you a proposed drawing
`19· · · ·of a product with slots in the stool base?
`20· ·A· ·That is what it appears, yes.
`21· ·Q· ·And then you told her you didn't understand her
`22· · · ·second question.
`23· ·A· ·Okay.
`24· ·Q· ·But you sent her new concept drawings, which "we
`25· · · ·would like to develop."· You see that?
` !!



`REDACTED Sauder Exhibit 2042
`JSquared Inc. v Sauder Manufacturing Co.

`·1· · · ·after we make a copy.· We'll just keep them
`·2· · · ·together.· Put a clip on it.
`·4· · · ·have a competitive product for the Sauder chair
`·3· ·Q· ·Okay.· So as of July 2010, U Loft still does not



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