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` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
`CASE: IPR2015-00774
`CASE: IPR2015-00958
`Patent 8,585,136
`Linda E. Horner
`Josiah C. Cocks
`James A. Worth
` Friday, April 1, 2016
` 3:00 P.M.
`Reported by: Goldy Gold, CSR, RPR
`Job No. 105768
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
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`J Squared vs. Sauder

`Page 2
`Page 3
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 1940 Duke Street
` Alexandria, Virginia 22314
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 3001 West Big Beaver Road
` Troy, Michigan 48084
`looks like we have two items to
`discuss. The first is the notice in
`the patent owner's request for oral
`hearing that you wish to bring in
`physical exhibits of two commercial
`products, one made by the patent owner
`and the other made by the petitioner.
`Is that correct?
` MR. YOUNG: That is correct.
`12 And I would be happy to support or
`advocate in favor of my proposal
`14 whenever Your Honors are ready.
`Please go ahead.
` MR. YOUNG: Okay. I have looked
`at two of the rules of Federal Rules
`of Evidence, 403 and 1006, regarding
`demonstrative exhibits. And it seems
`to me that there are three factors
`that -- three or four factors that are
` One is whether or not these
`chairs would be a waste of time, would
`2 waste the Court's and the parties'
`time. That, I believe, works in our
`favor because if a picture is worth a
`thousand words, an actual article may
`be worth 10,000 words. And these will
`be very, very helpful, I believe, to
`the Board in achieving an even deeper
`understanding of the exact same chairs
`that are illustrated and described in
`the various exhibits that have been
`submitted by patent owner, along with
`the declarations, particularly the
`declaration of Mr. Bontrager; lots and
`lots of pictures of these same
` Whether or not they would cause
`confusion, I believe, again, the
`argument goes in our favor. They
`20 would avoid confusion, mistake, or
`lack of information. They don't add
`anything that's not in the materials
`already submitted, but they certainly
`bring it to light.
` The third and last matter I
`Page 4
`Page 5
`believe that should be addressed is
`the question of authenticity.
` I can tell you with respect to
`the commercial product of the
`petitioner, the chair that we have and
`propose to bring, was furnished to us
`as a response to our discovery request
`by litigation counsel for petitioner.
`That was not Mr. McKeown. It was
`11 Mr. Bahret and another gentleman who
`are litigation counsel in the pending
`civil action. So that chair comes
`directly from the petitioner.
` And as far as the patent owner's
`chair is concerned, again, it would
`take about ten seconds to see that it
`is a perfectly faithful physical
`representation of what is shown in our
`various exhibits.
` And I will also inform you that
`it is our plan to have Mr. Bontrager,
`23 who is one of the three declarants for
`patent owner, attend the hearing.
` And I would like to add as a
`2 (Pages 2 to 5)
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`third issue the question of whether
`there is any problem with that, of
`having him come. Is that something I
`need to clear with you folks in
`advance, and if so, I'd like to do
`that today.
` But in any event, if Mr. McKeown
`had any question about the
`authenticity of either one of these
`articles, depending on the time when
`the oral argument is set by the Board,
`I'd be happy to make them available to
`him at his office a couple of hours in
`advance or whatever, and he can take a
`look at them or, of course, he can
`look at them immediately in advance of
`the hearing. I don't think there is
`going to be any question regarding the
` So, in summary, it appears that
`the traditional considerations pretty
`23 much work in the patent owner's favor,
`and I would suggest that the Board
`25 will be pleased to have these articles
` So in our reply, we've pointed
`out that there is nothing in the
`record right now that compares the
`patent owner's claim construction and
`claims to the petitioner's chairs.
` So asking to bring those in
`three weeks prior to the oral hearing,
`it is supplemental information. It's
`entirely new evidence.
` We're preparing for the hearing.
`12 And at this late date, aside from the
`fact that it attempts to remedy a
`deficiency in the record, it's just
`highly prejudicial.
` As far as the pictures that are
`in the record, this is not a design
`patent case. It is a utility patent.
`So we also pointed that out in our
`reply, that the pictures don't get you
`there. If you're trying to prove
`copying, you need to compare your
`claims to the product. And this is
`just an attempt to end around, as I
`said, a deficiency in the record to
`Page 6
`Page 7
`Page 8
`available to see them in person and
`how they're constructed and how they
`4 work.
`Thank you, Mr. Young.
` Mr. McKeown, would you like to
` MR. MCKEWON: Sure.
` This is not an issue about the
`Federal Rules of Evidence. This is an
`issue about the Board's trial practice
` The record is closed. This is
`supplemental information. There's no
`physical evidence in the record. This
`17 would be highly prejudicial to the
`petitioner for the reason that in our
`reply we've pointed out that there's
`been no comparison of the petitioner's
`product to the claims in this case,
`because what we're talking about here
`is not an infringement trial. The
`only relevance this has is the
`secondary consideration.
`Page 9
`bring the chairs to the hearing and
`basically, in essence, supplement what
`is, like I said, a hole in the record.
` As to the patent owner's chairs,
`there's claim charged in the record
`that maps the claim allegedly to these
`chairs for approving commercial
`success. We're not talking about a
`copying indicia here; we're talking
`about commercial success.
` And I'll also point out there's
`an extraordinary remedy already in the
`record that there is video in the
`record of the same chair. So if the
`pictures are worth a thousand words,
`the video's got to be worth a lot more
`than that. And I don't know that
`bringing the physical evidence to the
`hearing will do anything more than
`complicate the hearing and complicate
`our preparation at a time when the
`record is closed.
` And as I've said, we've already
`briefed these deficiencies, and it is
`3 (Pages 6 to 9)
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`Page 10
`Page 11
`just an attempt to supplement.
` So if the Board is inclined to
`grant Mr. Young's request, I would
`suggest that we would have to brief
`the issue as an item of supplemental
`information. It's not a Federal Rule
`of Evidence issue.
` And given that the oral hearing
`is only a couple of weeks away, I
`think we would have to push off the
`oral hearing. So I would oppose
`introduction of any of this new
`evidence at this late date for the
`reasons I've expressed.
`17 All right. Thank you, Mr. McKeown.
` Give me just a moment. I will
`confer with the Panel, and we may be
`able to get you an answer right away
`on this one.
` MR. YOUNG: May I just make one
`comment, Judge?
`25 Yes, please.
`Page 12
` MR. YOUNG: If I understood
`3 Mr. McKeown correctly, he was saying
`that the patent owner's chair would
`not be present to fill a hole in the
`record. But because the record, and
`particularly Mr. Bontrager's
`declaration, is quite complete in
`taking the chair through a very
`exhaustive analysis of the patent
`claims, so what he's really saying is
`that it would be duplicative. And I
`guess I would have to sort of agree
`14 with him there.
` But, again, I think having the
`real-life physical article, as opposed
`to having the Board having to go back
`and look at a video and recall
`elements and aspects of the physical
`article from that, is still the most
`efficient way to go. And I can't
`imagine that bringing this article is
`going to result in pushing out the
`oral argument date.
` This is much, much more simple a
`Page 13
`2 matter than Mr. McKeown is trying to
`3 make it.
` MR. MCKEWON: And I'll just add
`before the Panel breaks that, as I
`said, video is an extraordinary
`accommodation that's rarely present in
`these cases. If physical evidence
`9 were desired, rather than asking for
`the video, the time to have asked for
`physical evidence would have been
` We're just three weeks away from
`the oral hearing here, and that's what
`15 we're talking about here is just the
`time to prepare.
` And I'll just finally add that
`this is only relevant for secondary
`considerations, and we have a 102
`ground in this case, so I think it's
`just unnecessary complication and
`expense for the petitioner to prepare
`for this at this late date.
`25 Okay. Mr. Young, anything further?
` MR. YOUNG: No. I think we've
`exhausted the subject, Judge.
`5 Very good. Please hold for one
`6 moment, and I'll be right back with
` (Whereupon, a recess was taken.)
`10 All right. We're back. That didn't
`take long.
` The Panel has conferred.
` We agree with Mr. McKeown that
`this would be supplemental
`information; that it's unusual to
`first interview physical exhibits not
`of record at the oral arguments.
` We do have the videos of the
`patent owner's chairs to view and
`consider in the record, and we have
`the pictures in the record of the
`petitioner's chair.
` We're going to proceed on the
`record as it stands now. So we will
`not allow those physical exhibits of
`4 (Pages 10 to 13)
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`Page 14
`Page 15
`chairs to be brought in for inspection
`by the Panel during the oral hearing.
` MR. MCKEWON: Thank you, Your
`5 Honor.
` MR. YOUNG: Well understood.
`Thank you.
`9 will move on to item number 2, which
`was the issue of patent owner's
`request to file a paper of some sort,
`either motions for observations on
`cross-examination or another paper in
`another form, to note areas of
`testimony referenced in the reply
` Mr. Young, maybe you can explain
`exactly what you're seeking here.
` MR. YOUNG: As you know, looking
`back on the order of events, after the
`patent owner filed its trial book and
`the declarations of the three
`witnesses along with two deposition
`transcripts that Mr. McKeown came here
`to Michigan and deposed each of the
`Page 16
`declarants, I cross-examined two of
`the declarants, and the entire
`transcripts of all three depositions
`5 were submitted by Mr. McKeown in his
` Now, looking at some previous
`decisions of the Board and looking at
`the thorough register, what jumped out
`at me was, I had no opportunity and
`11 would have no opportunity to submit
`anything in writing prior to oral
`argument to refute in particular the
`allegation by Mr. McKeown that the
`testimony -- the deposition of the
`testimony of the three witnesses
`constituted a -- and I will quote --
`"a jumble of inconsistent testimony,"
`end quote, particularly regarding a
`claim construction, when my own review
`of the transcripts indicated to me
`that that was simply not the case.
`23 And I felt it was a simple matter of
`referring the specific testimony and
`to bring this to the Board's attention
`Page 17
`to dispose of that issue in a rather
`expeditious way.
` My mistake, and I'm upfront
`about recognizing it, was not
`following, correctly following
`specific procedure in calling the
`Board to ask for permission to file my
`9 motions for observation. And I
`apologize for that and would request
`only that I be able to do it now for
` The content, I think, was still
`valuable in expediting the approach to
`15 what will become -- I believe can
`become a rather tedious matter at oral
`argument of going through this
`testimony witness by witness and line
`by line in the various deposition
`transcripts, when it can easily be
`done on paper in advance with no
`prejudice to anybody.
` So that was our purpose in
`submitting the motions for observation
`that we submitted.
` We drew on the language of a
`previous decision by a previous Board,
`recognizing that while it was unusual
`to permit observations from counsel
`for patent owner, that it made sense
`in this particular case for two
`reasons: One, it was patent owner's
`first opportunity to reply to a new
`issue that the petitioner had raised
`in his written reply. And, second,
`that it was an expeditious way to do
`things, that it just didn't make sense
`to defer it for oral arguments. And
`so that's what was motivating us.
` Now, after Mr. McKeown objected
`to it, seemingly on a procedural
`basis, our latest proposal to the
`Board -- and we're open to suggestion
`on this -- we're trying to help the
`Board, not hinder matters and not slow
`things down, but rather to make life
`as easy and straightforward as
`possible for all concerned.
` We would propose to submit as a
`5 (Pages 14 to 17)
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`Page 18
`Page 19
`substitute for the observations a
`simple listing of the deposition
`transcript portions that are relevant
`to this particular issue or the issues
`that we have raised. It would be a
`short version and a non-argumentative
`version of what we have proposed in
`our motions for observation.
`11 Okay. Mr. Young, thank you for that
` Mr. McKeown, the Board has in
`the past on several occasions allowed
`such a non-argumentative list in cases
`such as this, where patent owner has
`not had an opportunity to, for lack of
`a better word, do a redirect of the
`19 witness.
` Do you have a -- let me hear
`21 what your position is on something
`like what patent owner is proposing.
` First, I think Mr. Young is
`25 mistaken when he said he did a
`Page 20
`cross-examination. He did a redirect
`of his witnesses and had the
`opportunity to redirect all three of
`them. So there's no cross-examination
`at issue here.
` In terms of what the Board has
`done previously, and specifically with
`respect to the cases that were cited
`and the e-mails to the Board, neither
`one of those are on point.
` The one case that was mentioned,
`complete deposition transcripts, that
`14 was submitted. So the Board
`authorized a complete transcript to be
` And the second case, it was an
`issue of -- it was argued that the
`petitioner was making new arguments in
`their reply. So that the Board
`authorized a sort of index, saying,
`"So, okay, so we can understand your
`position. Give us a sort of index of
`24 what you think the new arguments are."
` This is neither of those cases.
`Page 21
`This is just an attempt to get the
`last word. And, certainly, every
`patentee would love to help out the
`Board see their position by getting
`the last word.
` Mr. Young is invited to discuss
`at the oral hearing all of these
`alleged mischaracterizations and spend
`as much time on them as he would like.
`These are not lengthy deposition
`transcripts. I don't believe any of
`these three depositions lasted longer
`than three hours, so I don't think the
`Board will have a difficult time
`getting through any of these.
` And I would just mention, the
`burden here in this proceeding is on
`the petitioner. So asking for the
`last word and the last filing in the
`record -- certainly every patentee
`22 would love to come in after the
`petitioner reply and file an index of
`24 what they think are arguments that are
`helpful to their position, but we can
`set that precedent here.
` Again, this is highly
`prejudicial to the petitioner at a
`time when we're preparing for the oral
`hearing, and I would encourage
`7 Mr. Young to spend as much time as he
`8 would like at the oral hearing
`discussing these issues. In fact,
`there's a PTAB case that distinguishes
`the cases that he's cited for that
`very reason, which is you have plenty
`of opportunity at the oral hearing to
`bring up whatever you would like to in
`the record, so I think that is the
`natural solution to this issue.
`18 All right. Thank you, Mr. McKeown.
` I don't think there is any
`specific case directly on point
`because every case seems to turn on
`the discussion of the Panel and the
`specific facts that present themselves
`to the Panel in each case. So I don't
`feel compelled by any particular
`6 (Pages 18 to 21)
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`Page 22
`Page 23
`precedent to go one way or the other
`on this.
` I think Mr. McKeown raises a
`good point that these deposition
`transcripts are fairly brief and that
`the Panel is capable of reading
`through them and making its own
`determinations of whether testimony
`has been properly or improperly
` And, Mr. Young, you are free to
`argue at the hearing if you feel that
`something has been mischaracterized by
`the petitioner in the reply.
` So at this point, we're not
`going to allow any further filings
`18 with regard to the deposition
`testimony or the reply brief in
`response by patent owner.
` So I think we're going to leave
`the record as is for now and move
`forward with preparing for the
` Are there any other matters that
`Page 24
`need to being addressed at this stage?
` MR. YOUNG: Just one question.
` I know that both Mr. McKeown and
`I have proposed that we argue both of
`these IPR issues at the same hearing,
`and I assume the Board will go along
`8 with that.
`10 Yes.
` MR. YOUNG: But the difference
`that we have is that Mr. McKeown is
`talking about one hour and I'm talking
`about two hours. I'm asking for two
`hours. I'd certainly be willing to
`compromise that it be an hour and a
` Have you Board members got any
`thoughts about how much time you would
`allocate to this oral argument, and
`21 whether this is one or one-and-a-half
`hours per party or for the entire
`very good question.
`Page 25
` We typically give half an hour
`per party, per case. In this case, I
`need to confer with the party and I'll
`issue a hearing order. But that's
`typically what the amount of time
`that's allotted.
` Because we have two cases here,
`and we have different prior art in
`each cases and slightly different
`issues to address, my instinct is an
`hour per party, per case. So a total
`of an hour per -- I'm sorry. An hour
`total per party. So half an hour
`basically allotted for each case,
`although we won't separate it out
`necessarily to half an hour per case.
` MR. YOUNG: I'm pretty sure I
`can make do with that. That's good to
`hear. Thank you. And I understand
`you haven't committed to that.
` MR. YOUNG: But if that's the
`25 way it goes, that sounds fine to me.
`just to be clear, we're talking about
`two hours total time for the hearing,
`one hour per side.
` And, also, you had asked the
`question earlier about having -- I
`know I'm not going to say his name
`properly -- Mr. Bontrager.
` He may attend the hearing. I
`don't see a problem with that.
` Were you asking whether he would
`be able to present at the hearing or
`just attend the hearing?
` MR. YOUNG: No. No, just simply
`to attend.
`18 Yes, he may attend.
` MR. YOUNG: Okay. Thank you.
` I understand the use of a
`passport for entry identification,
`that rule is in effect now?
`24 Yes, it is. I don't know all of the
`states. There is information on this
`7 (Pages 22 to 25)
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`Page 26
`Page 27
`PTO web page about all the
`requirements for gaining entry.
` But we accept driver's licenses
`from certain states, but not from
`others. So you will want to check and
`7 make sure, and maybe just bring that
`passport, just in case.
` There are certain states where
`the driver's license does not meet the
`standards that we need, and so we do
`require a passport.
` MR. YOUNG: Well, he's from
`14 Ohio and we're from Michigan, so we'll
`have to check both states. Okay. We
`16 will do that.
` Do you have a decision as to
`time of day? Is this a morning event
`or an afternoon event?
`think we're looking at 2:00 p.m.
`22 We'll send out a notice confirming
`that time, but that looks like the
`time we're shooting for, and still on
`the 21st.
`Page 28
` MR. YOUNG: Thank you for your
`time today, and thank you for
`entertaining our requests. I'm
`disappointed that I didn't get
`anywhere with either one of them, but
`I do appreciate your looking at them.
` We look forward to seeing you on
`the 21st.
`11 Very good. All right.
` Any last issues, Mr. McKeown, or
`are we all set?
` MR. MCKEWON: No, I think we're
`good to go. I'll see you on the 21st.
`Thank you very much.
`18 Very well. Thank you both. Bye-bye.
` [Time Noted: 3:30 p.m.]
` I, Goldy Gold, a Notary Public for and
`5 within the State of New York, do hereby
` That the witness whose testimony as
`herein set forth, was duly sworn by me;
`and that the within transcript is a true
`record of the testimony given by said
`11 witness.
` I further certify that I am not
`related to any of the parties to this
`action by blood or marriage, and that I am
`in no way interested in the outcome of
`this matter.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
`set my hand this 13th day of April, 2016.
` _______________________
` * * *
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`Page 1
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`13:25 22:17
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`16:17 23:20,23
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`13:17 17:14 19:19,24
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`4:5 11:16,20,22
`articles (3)
`4:16 6:11,25
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`12:10 25:6
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`8:7 12:9 20:19 23:14
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`8:24 10:2 20:2
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`5:24 25:10,14,16,18
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`5:3 6:10,20
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`6:13 7:2
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`11:17 13:6,10 14:20
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`9:3 24:15
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`4:3,7,18 5:2 16:15
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`1:3 4:8 6:12,24 10:3
`11:17 15:8 16:8
`17:3,19,21 18:13
`19:7,10,14,20 20:5
`20:15 23:7,18
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`7:12 15:25
`Bontrager (3)
`4:14 5:22 25:9
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`10:5 14:16 22:6,19
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`3:6 4:24 5:7 8:7 9:2
`15:25 21:14 26:7
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`9:19 11:22
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`Bye-bye (1)
`C (2)
`1:16 2:2
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`capable (1)
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`1:11,11 7:21 8:18
`12:20 15:22 17:7
`19:12,17 21:10,20
`21:21,24 24:3,3,12
`24:15,17 26:8
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`12:8 18:15 19:9,25
`21:11 24:8,10
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`4:23 20:3,21 23:15
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`5:6,13,16 9:15 11:4,9
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`3:25 4:9 8:6 9:2,5,8
`13:19 14:2
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`cited (2)
`19:9 21:11
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`claim (4)
`8:5 9:6,7 15:20
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`7:21 8:6,23 11:11
`clear (2)
`6:5 25:3
`closed (2)
`7:14 9:23
`Cocks (1)
`come (2)
`6:4 20:22
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`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`J Squared Exhibit 1029, pg. 9
`J Squared vs. Sauder

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`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`J Squared Exhibit 1029, pg. 10
`J Squared vs. Sauder

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