`J Squared, Inc. – Ex. 1010, p. 1
`:1949, I951. 1953. 1956. I958. 1959, 1960. I961, 1963. I965. 1967
`COPYRIGHT © 19:6. I925. I931, 1936. 1941,
`PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1950, mm, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960, I961, 1963, 1965, I967
`BY G. x. c. MERRIAM co.
`COPYRIGHT © I961, 1966
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be
`reproduced or copied in any form or by any means-graphicg electronic, or mechanical,
`including photocopying, recording,
`taping, or information and retrieval systems_~
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`i I
`,E, 0.7» ;_ >1»
`_.t!!!m"megwngmmnmwmwmflmmmbIu-‘rwwmmzwfiflwmmmmewtmmumwl‘u-nwfluflm‘uvwr “gem
`J Squared, Inc. — Ex. 1010, p. 2
`J Squared, Inc. – Ex. 1010, p. 2
`pal-lows \'bel-(,)oz, ~az\ n pl but sing or pl in constr [ME bely, be-
`low, belwes - more at BELLY] 1 : an instrument
`01- machine that by expansron and contraction
`draws in air through a valve or orifice and expels it
`through a tube; also : any of various other blowers
`2 ; LUNGS
`3 :
`the expansible part in a camera
`be]1.pull \'bel-,pul\ n :a handle or knob attached to
`a cord or wire by which one rings a bell; also : the
`cord itself
`beu.weth.er \'bel-'wem-or, -.we_tl_I-\ n [ME,
`sheep of a flock, leader, fr. belle bell + wet/wr,‘ fr.
`the practice of belling the leader of a flock] : one
`that takes the lead or initiative : LEADER
`beu.wort \'bel-,wort, —,wo(a)rt\ n 1 : BELLFLOWER
`2 ; any of a small genus (Uvularia) of herbs of the hnmd bellows
`lily family with yellow drooping bell—shaped flowers
`1be1.ly \‘bel-e\ n [ME bely bellows, belly, fr. OE belg bag, skin;
`akin to OHG balg bag, skin, OE bltlwan to blow] 1 a : ABDOMEN l
`b : the undersurface of an animal’s body; also : hide from this part
`c : worm, u‘renus
`cl : the stomach and its adjuncts; also : appetite
`for food 2 : the internal cavity : INTER‘IOR 3 : a surface or object
`curved or rounded like a human belly 41 a : the part of a sail that
`n‘lLlSC 0
`swells out when filled with wind 1) z the enlarged fleshy body of a
`finally vb : to swell or bulge out
`1be1.ly.ache \'bel-é«,ak\ n : pain in the abdomen and esp, in the
`bowels : couc
`2bellya0he vi, slang : to complain and find fault whiningly or peevishly
`bel.ly-band \‘bel—e-,band\ n : a band around or across the belly:
`as a : GIRTH b : BAND 4b
`belly button 11
`: NAVEL 1
`to land an airplane without use of
`bel.ly~land \'bel-é-,land\ vi :
`landing gear ._ belly landing a
`lie-long \‘bi-‘lon\ vi [ME belongs/t, fr. be- + longen to be suitable
`~ more at LONG] 1 a : to be suitable, appropriate, or advantageous
`b : to be in a proper situation
`2 a : to be the property of a person
`, or thing —— used with l0 b : to become attached or bound by birth,
`allegiance, or dependency ‘3 : to be an attribute, part, adjunct, or
`function of a person or thing 4 : to be properly classified (whales
`~ among the mammals)
`be.long—1ng n 1 : POSSESSION — usu. used in pl.
`2 : close or inti-
`mate relationship
`Be.lo.rus-51an \,bel-6-‘rosh-on\ n
`1 z a native or inhabitant of
`Belorussia, U.S,S.R.
`2 : the Slavic language of the Belorussiuns
`—— Belorussian adj
`lye-loved \bi-‘lav(—a)d\ adj [ME, fr. pp, of beloven to love, fr. 178— +
`lnvm to love] : dearly loved _ beloved n
`1be~low \bi-‘15\ mlv [be~ + 10w, adi] 1 : in or to a lower place
`2 a : on earth b : in or to Hades or hell 3 : on or to a lower floor
`or deck 4 : in or to a lower rank or number 5 : lower on the same
`page or on a following page
`2below1mp 1 : in or to a lower place than : UNDER 2 : inferior to
`(as in rank)
`3 : not suitable to the rank of : BENEATH
`abelow n : something that is below
`4below arlj : written or discussed lower on the same page or on a
`following page
`BeLShaz-zar \bels'shaz-afl ll [Heb BFLr/zassar] : a son of Nebu-
`chadnczzar and king of
`lbelt \‘bclt\ n [Ml—J, fr. OE; akin to OHG llrllZ belt; both fr. 9. pre-
`historic WGmeNGmc word borrowed fr. L bullcus belt] 1 a : a
`strip of flexible material worn around the waist
`b : a similar
`article worn as a corset or for protection or safety
`2 : a contin~
`nous band of tough flexible material for transmitting motion and
`power or conveying materials
`3 : a natural area characterized by
`some distinctive feature (as of habitation, geology, or life forms);
`esp : one suited to a particular crop (the corn ~> — belt-ed \'bel~
`tad\ adj m below the belt : UNFAIRLY
`“361! rt 1 a : to encircle or fasten with a belt
`: to gird on 2 a : to
`beat with or as it with a belt : THRASH b : STRIKE. HIT 3 : to mark
`with a band‘ 4 :
`to sing in a forceful manner or style N vi : to
`move or act in a vigorous or violent manner
`abelt n : a jarring blow : WiiAt'K
`the first
`Bel-lane \'bel—tnn\ n [ME,
`fr. ScGael beallminn] 1 :
`gay'of] May in the old Scottish calendar 2 : the Celtic May Day
`belt highway n : a highway skirting an urban area
`belt-ing n 1 : BELTS
`2 : material for belts
`: a small
`Beltsville Small White \‘bclts-,vil—\ n [Enlist/ilk, Md.
`white domestic turkey of a variety developed by the US, Depart—
`ment of Agriculture
`he-lu-ga \bo—‘lii»go\ 11 [Rum fr. brlyiwhite; akin to Gk phainein to
`Show M more at FANCY] 1 : a white sturgeon (Acipcni‘er 1mm) of
`the Black sea, Caspian sea, and their tributaries
`2 [Russ belukhu,
`fr. belyi] : n cctuccnn (Dolp/Ii/mptrrus luuwsl of the dolphin family
`becoming about 10 feet long and white when adult
`bel-ve-dere \‘bcl-va—,(ii(a)r\ l'l [lt, lit, beautiful view] : a structure
`(as a summcrhouse) designed to command a View
`henna \‘bE-mo\ n [LL & LGk; LL, fr. LGk llfima, fr. Gk, step,
`tribunal, fr. [mi/win to go i more at l‘OME] : the part of an Eastern
`church containing the altar : SANCTUARY
`Del-mlre \bi»'nti(a)r\ vtsmk in mire
`to cover or soil with, drag through, or
`lie-moan \bi—‘mbm w 1 : to express grief over : LAMENT 2 z to
`look upon with regret, displeasure, or disapproval syn sec DEPLORE
`be-mock \bi~'miik, -‘mol<\ Vt
`bemuse \biv'myiiz\ w 1 : to make confused : BEWILDER 2 : tocause to muse
`1ben \'ben\ (Itlv [ME, fr. OE binnan, fr. 176— + z'umm within, from
`within, fr, in] Soul : wmnN
`2hen \(')ben\ [J/‘f’p, Sm! : WITHIN
`Sben \‘bcn\ I‘l, Scot : the inner room or parlor of a 2—room cottage
`‘bench \‘bcnch\ 71
`[ME, fr, 0E lmzr,‘ akin to OHG bunk bench]
`1 a : a long seat for two or more persons
`: a thwart in a bout
`G : 0 seat on which the members of an athletic tcnm await a turn or
`opportunity to play
`2 a z
`the seat where a judge sits in court
`b : the office or dignity of a judge
`c : the place where justice “
`administered ' COURT
`: the persons who sit as judges
`3 a : a
`9 abut;
`S kitten;
`or further;
`21 ba
`a bake;
`a cot, cart;
`0 sing;
`6 flow;
`('1 flaw;
`01 coin;
`in thin;
`: the office or dignity of such an official
`seat for an official
`6 : the officials occupying such a bench 4 a t a long worktablc
`b : a table forming part of a machine
`5 :TERRACE, stump; asp : a
`former shore of a sea or lake or floodplain of a river 6 a 2 a plat
`form on which a dog is placed at a dog show 1) : a dog show
`IbenCh vt 1 :
`to furnish with benches
`2 a :
`to seat on It bench
`b : to remove from or keep out of a game
`3 : to exhibit (dogs) on
`21 anCh ~ vi
`: to form a bench by natural processes
`bench-er \'ben—chor\ n : one that sits on or presides at a bench
`bench mark n : a mark on a permanent Obit‘cl indicating elevation
`and serving as a reference in topographical surveys and tidal
`bench show 11
`: an exhibition of small animals in competition for
`prizes on the basis of points of physical conformation and condition
`bench warrant n : a warrant issued by a presiding judge or by a
`court against a person guilty of some contempt or indicted for some
`lbend \‘bend\ [’1 [ME, fr. MF bfll‘ldfl, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG
`binza, bant band _ more at BAND] 1 heraldry : a diagonal band
`2 : the half of a butt or u hide trimmed of the thinner parts 3 WE.
`band, fr. OE bend letter ~ more at BAND] : a knot by which one
`rope is fastened to another or to some object
`Zbend vb bent \'bent\ DEndving [ME lye/ulna, fr, OE bendmt; akin
`to 0B brml letter] W 1 z to constrain or strain to tension <~ a how)
`2 a : to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular
`b : to force back to an original straight or even condition 6 : to force
`from a proper shape 3 : PAS
`(N a sail to its yard) 4 : to make
`submissive : SUBDUE 5 : DETERMINE, R OLVE (bent on self-destruc-
`6 a :
`to cause to turn from a straight course : Dlzl-LECT
`b : GUIDE, DIRECT c : INCLINE, DISPOSE '7 : to direct strenuously
`or with interest : APPLY N vi 1 : to curve out of a straight line or
`position; specij : to incline the body in token of submission 2 ar~
`c/mic : to direct oneself 3 : INCLINE, TEND 4 : to work vigorously
`Syn sec (‘URVE
`Sbend n 1 : the act or process of bending : the state of being bent
`2 : something that is bent: as a : a curved part of a stream
`1) : WALES w usu. used in pl. 3 pl but sing or pl in corlstr : CAISSON
`DISEASE (a case of the Ns>
`bEH-tlav \'bcn-‘da\ arlj, often cap
`[Benjamin Day “[1916 Am
`printer] :
`involving a process for adding shaded or tinted areas
`made up of dots for reproduction by line engraving ~- benday rt
`bend-er \'bcn-dar\ n 1 : one that bends 2 : SPREE
`hendsinister 71, heraldry 2 a bend drawn from sinister chief to
`dexter base
`Ibe-neath \bi“néth\ nrlv [ME better/1e, fr. OE beneot/mu, fr, 170- +
`neat/um bclow; akin to OE nit/rem nether] 1 : in or to a lower
`position : BELOW 2 : directly under : UNDERNFATH
`Ebeneath prep 1 a : in or to a lower position than : BELOW b : di~
`reetly under
`0 : at the foot of
`2 : not suitable to the rank of
`: lowering to
`3 : under the control, pro
`re, or influence of
`be-ne-di-ci-te \,ben-::v'dis-ot—é\ inter] [M ,fr. LL, bless, pl, ilTlpCL
`of btfllt’lllfr’l’fl] obs ~ used to express a wish
`Heme-dick \‘bcn—o-,dik\ n : a young lord and confirmed bachelor
`who marries Beatrice in Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing
`heme-dict \‘beIi—o—,dil<t\ n [illtciz of Benedick] : a newly married
`man who has long been a bachelor
`Ben-e-diotine \,bcn~9“dik~tan, —.tEn\ a :a monk or a nun of one
`of the congregations following the rule of St, Benedict and devoted
`esp. to scholarship and litur ,
`al worship # Benedictine adj
`beneaticdion \,ben—a-'dik-sban\
`[ME benediction“,
`fr LL
`bi’lli’t/ll'fl0]l~, lwmviicfz’o, fr. lvr’rmdil'ms. pp. of benmlircrt’ to bl
`1,, to speak well of, fr, bone well + tlif‘I’l’C to say] 1 : the invo
`of a blessing; mp : the short blessing with which public worship is
`2 often all;
`z a Roman Catholic or Anglo-Catholic
`devotion including the exposition of the eucharistic Host
`in the
`monstrnnee and the blessing of the people with it
`bene-dic-io-ry \»‘dil<- o-lr5\ un'j : of or expressing benediction
`Bene-diG-tus \—‘d1k as\ 11 [LL, blessed, fr. pp. t)f})El‘1€llit‘fil‘t’,‘
`fr. its
`first word] 1 t a ctinticle from Mt 21,9 beginning, “Blessed is he
`that comeih in the name of the Lord"
`2 : a cttnticlc from Lk 1:68
`beginning “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel”
`bene-tac-iion \,ben»o~‘fak-shan,
`'ben-o~,\ 17 [LL l)eizi7/actini1—, bene-
`jrlr‘tin, fr. L berm for! 5'. pp, of heap fat't’l‘F to do good to, fr. I) am) +
`fury/*0 to do ~ more at 00] 1 : the act of benefiting 2 :a benefit
`conferred; esp : a charitable donation
`\‘ben-anfuk-tam n
`: one that confers a benefit;
`spot‘l/ . one that makes a gift or bequest
`bene-Iac-lress \-tms\ n : a female benefactor
`be-net-ic \bel'nef~ik\ adj
`[L bz'nefit‘us,
`fr, bone + facere] : BE—
`ben-e-iice \‘bcn-oefos\ 11
`[ME, fr, MF, fr. ML benefiritmi, fr. L,
`favor, promotion, fr.
`lmr’mlicar] 1 : an ecclesiastical office (as a
`to’which the revenue from an endowment is attached
`2 : a feudal estate in lands :
`—— benefice vr
`be-net-i-cence \bo«'Iief-3—son(t)s\ 17
`[L brain formic], fr. bc’szicus]
`1 : the quality or state of being beneficcnt
`be-net-i-cent \~ ant\ mlj [bacl formation fr. ln’nnficem‘t’] 1 : do»
`ing or producing good; sport] : performing acts of kindness and
`charity 2 : productive of benefit 7 be-net-i-cent-ly adv
`\,bcnvo-'fish-ol\ adj
`favor, benefit]
`1 : conferring benefits : ADVANerFous
`2 :
`civing or entitling
`one to receive for onc’s own benefit 7 ben-e-ti-cial-ly \—'fish—e»
`lE\ adv ,, ben-e-ti-cial-ness n
`in;y health or wcll~bcin
`ADVANTAGEOUS stresses a choice or prefer»
`ence that brings superio [y or greater Succes
`in attaining an end;
`PROFITARLE implies the yielding of useful or lucrative returns
`bene-ii-ciary \—’fish~e'—,cr-E,
`-'fish ar)rE\ n : one who receives
`something: as
`a :
`‘ n designated to receive the income
`of a trust estate
`: the [K
`n named (as in an insurance policy)
`to receive proceeds or benefits accruing .1 beneficiary adj
`Ibenue-iit \‘bcn~o-,fit\ 71 [ME, fr. AF hen/rt, fr.
`l. f7€llt1j(lt"llllfl,
`ncut. of limo java/s] 1 arr/mic : an act of kindness : BENEFACTION
`2 a : something that promotes well~being : ADVANTAGE
`b : useful
`aid : HELP
`3 a : financial help in time of sickness, old age, or nu.
`: a payment or service provided for under an
`annuity, pension plan, or insurance policy 4. : an entertainment or
`g gi
`yu furious;
`zh vision
`all out;
`it loot;
`ch chin;
`u foot;
`a less;
`y yet;
`é easy;
`yii few;
`J Squared, Inc. — Ex. 1010, p. 3
`J Squared, Inc. – Ex. 1010, p. 3
`rock ’n" roll
`Rochelle powders \ro-,shel-\ npl [La Rochelle, France] : srinmrz
`esp. when the base color is red 3 3 a sheepskin tanned with sumac
`and colored and finished to imitate morocco
`Rochelle salt 11 : a crystalline salt KNaCl l{405.41{2() that is a mild
`purgai ivo
`11‘031‘ \‘r6(o)r, ‘ro(o)r\ vb [M oren, fr, OE lflrian; akin to OHG
`rErE/z to bl)‘
`Skt l-fiyati he hr
`cs] vi 1 a : to utter or emit a full
`roche moudon-née \‘rosh-,m'tit-°nu'z“
`'rosh~\, n, pl Ioohes mon-
`loud prolo
`:1 sound 1)
`: to sing or shout with full force 2 a : to
`ton-nées \rhme 0r ~‘Etz\ EF, lit., fleecy rock] : an elongate rounded
`make or emit aloud confused sound 1)
`: to laugh loudly 3 : to be
`ice-sculptured hillock of bedrock
`boisterous or disorderly 4 : to make a loud noise in breathing (as
`roch.ei \‘rLich—et\
`II [ME, fr. MP. in OF,
`(assumed) OF roe
`hors s afflicted with roaring) ~ Vt 1 : to utter or proclaim with a
`2 : to cause to 1
`coat, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG roc coat] : a white linen vest~
`merit resembling a surplice with close—fitting sleeves worn by bishops
`21‘031' 11 1 : the deep cry of a wild beast 2 : aloud deep cry (as of
`and pr
`ilegcd prela s in some ceremonies
`pain or anger)
`3 : a loud continuous confused sound
`: a
`boisterous outcry
`‘lrock \‘r'a'k\ vb [ME rokken, fr. 013 rorrcicm,‘ akin to OHG l‘ltcken
`to cause to move] rt 1 a : to move back and forth in or as if in a
`roarver \‘rGr-or, 'ror»\ n 1 : one that roars, 2 : a horse subject to
`: to wash (placer gravel) in a cradle
`2 a :
`to cause to
`sway back and forth b (l) : DAZE. STUN l2) : DISTURB, UPSET ~ vi
`Hoar-mg \‘rfii‘ip, 'rOr—\ n : noisy respiration in a horse caused by
`1 : to become moved backward and forward under impact
`2 : to
`nerve paralysis and muscular atrophy and constituting an unsound
`move onesclf or itself rhythmically back and forth syn sce SHAKE
`ness in the horse
`2rock n 1 : a rocking movement 2 : ROCK ‘N’ ROLL
`zroaring allj : Tnmvmo, nooMiNo
`Stock n [ME l‘OC, fr, MD recite; akin to OHG rot/co distaff, roe coat]
`: Dismrr
`iroast \'rf>st\ vb [ME rnstmz, fr. OF rostir, of Gmc origin; akin to
`OHS l'fi.€l€ll
`to roast] vi 1 a : to cook by exposing to dry heat (as in
`4r00k 17. often attrib [ME rokke. fit ONF rogue. fr. (assumed) VL
`an oven or before a fire) or by surrounding with hot embers, sand, or
`rorcn] 1 : a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or
`stones (N a potato in ashes}
`b : to dry and parch by exposure to
`2 2 a concreted mass of stony material; also : broken pieces
`heat (a
`coffee) (~ chestnuts)
`2 :
`to heat (inorganic material)
`of such ma cs
`3 : consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral
`With access of air and without fusing to effect change (as expulsion
`matter: also . a particular mass of it 4 a : something like a rock in
`of volatile matter, oxidation, or removal of sulfur from sulfide ores)
`EFUGE b : something
`3 :
`to beat to excess 4 : to criticize severely ~ vi 1 2 to cook
`that threatens or causes disaster -— often used in pl,
`5 : a stick
`food by heat
`2 z to undergo being roasted
`candy with color running through 6 slang : DIAMOND m on the
`2roast n 1 : a piece of meat suitable for roasting Z : a gathering at
`rocks 1 : in or into a state of destruction or wreckage
`Z : on ice
`cubes (bourbon on the rocks)
`which food is roasted before an open fire or in hot ashes or sand
`rock and roll var of ROCK ’N’ ROLL
`3 : an act or process of roasting; spr’cif : severe banter or criticism
`areast adj : ROASTED (w beef)
`rock and rye n 2
`l e whiskey flavored with orange, lemon, and occas.
`pineapple and cherry
`roaster \‘i'6~stor\ u 1 3 one that roasts 2 : a device for roasting
`3 : something adapted to roasting: as
`: a suckling pig 1)
`: a
`rook-a-way \‘rrik-o-,sz_t\ n [R0cltaway, New Jersey] : a light low
`young domestic fowl
`four-wheeled carriage with a fixed top and open sides
`rock bass 1‘! 1 z a sunfish (AmMOplites rupesrris) found esp. in the
`rob \‘rlib\ vb robbed; rob-hing [ME robben, fr. 0F robzr, of Gmc
`origin; akin to OHG mubfin to rob — more at REAVE] Vt 1 a (1)
`upper Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region
`2 a : a striped
`(Rorrus .mxurilix)
`b : any of several sea basses
`: to take something away from by force : steal from (2) : to take
`Pnralnhrnx) of the California and adjoining Mexican coast
`personal property from by violence or threat
`b (1)
`to remove
`rock bottom u z the absolute bottom or foundation
`valuables without right from (a place)
`(2) : to take the contents of
`rock-bound \‘rtik—‘baund\ adj : fringed, surrounded, or covered
`(a receptacle)
`c : to take away as loot : STEM, 2 a : to deprive of
`with rocks : ROCKY
`something clue, expected, or desired 10
`: to withhold unjustly or
`' injuriously ~ vi ' ta commit robbery — rob-her n
`rock brake n : any of several ferns that grow chiefly on or among
`roam-lo \‘rdbwdo, r6:‘b2tl~(,)o\ n, pl robalos or robalo [Sp] : a
`shook (Centrnpomzo‘ mldecimnlis)
`rock candy n : boiled sugar crystallized in large masses on string
`ro-band \‘rf‘iqbltncl\ l'l [pi-ob. fr, MD rabant] : a piece of spun yarn
`Rock Cornish 11
`: a crossbred domestic fowl produced by inter
`or marline used to fasten the head of a sail to a spar
`breeding Cornish and white Plymouth Rock fowls and used esp. for
`small roasl’ers
`robber fly n : any of numerous predaceous flies (family Asilidae)
`that sometim
`‘losely resemble the bumblebees
`rock crystal n : transparent quartz
`rob-bery \‘1'1ib~(
`the act or practice of robbing; specif
`roek‘er \‘rtik—or\ n 1 a : either of two curving pieces of wood or
`larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or
`metal on which an object (as a cradle) rocks
`: any of various
`objects that rock upon rockers (as an infant’s my having a seat
`Irobe \‘r6b\ 11 [MB fr, OF, robe, booty, of Gmc origin; akin to
`placed between side pieces)
`(1 : any of various objects in the form
`OHG razzbfin to rob] 1 a : along flowing outer garment; esp : one
`of a rocker or with parts resembling a rocker 2 : any of various
`devices that work with a rocking motion
`used for ceremonial nCCdsirms or as a symbol of office or profession
`rocker arm n : n center-pivoted lever to push an automotive engine
`l) : a loose garment for informal wear esp. at home (as a bathrobc)
`valve down
`3 : a covering of pelts or fabric for the
`lower body used while driving or at outdoor events
`lroCk-et \‘r'zik-ot, r‘zi»’l<ct\ n EMF rothtte, fr. OIt roe/tetra, dim. of
`irobe vt
`: to Clothe or invest with or cover as if with a robe ~ vi
`rum garden rocket, fr, L crucu] 1 2 a yellowish flowered European
`1 : to put on a robe
`2 : narss
`herb (Erma saliva) of the mustard family sometimes grown for
` f“br“\ n, pl robes (1e chambre
`robe rte cham.bre \,r5b-d
`salad 2 : DAME's VlOLl-ZT; also : any of several plants resembling
`dame‘s violet
`\,rob(z‘i-\ [F] : DRESSING cow.
`Irockdat \' ‘ik‘at\ it, often nttril) [it rare/term, lit.. small distaff, fr.
`rob-in \'r'zib‘on\ 11 [short for robin l-edlircarr] 1 a 2 a small European
`dim. of l‘Ot‘iZfl distaff. of Gmc origin; akin to OHG rock!) distaff]
`thrush (Er-ir/mcur rubecnla)
`resembling a warbler and having a
`1 : a firework consisting of a case partly filled with a combustible
`brownish olive buck and yellowish red throat and breast b : any of
`composition f
`tencd to a guiding stick and projected through the
`various Old World songbirds that are related to or resemble the
`air by the 1:
`tion resulting from the rearward discharge of the
`European robin
`2 :
`1 large No. Ame can thrush (Tardy: migra-
`liberated by combustion; also : such a device used as an in-
`torl‘us) with olivnccous gray upper pa _. blackish head and tail,
`iary weapon or as a propelling unit (as for a lifesaving line or a
`black and whitish streaked throat, and chiefly dull reddish breast
`and undcrparts
`whaling hat-pooh)
`2 : a jet engine that operates on the same
`principle as the firework rocket, consists essentially of a combustion
`Rob-in Gooddel-low \,rii -on~'gutl-.iel-(,)G, —e(~w)\ n : a mischie‘
`and an exhaust nozzle, carries either liquid or solid propel-
`vous sprite in English folklore
`lants which provide the fuel and oxygen needed for combustion and
`Robin Hood \-'ht'id\ n : a legendary English outlaw noted for his
`thus make the engine independent of the oxygen of the air, and is
`courage, courtesy, and skill in archery and for his habit of robbing
`the rich to aid the poor
`used esp. for the propulsion of a missile‘ms a bomb or shell) or a
`vehicle (as an airplane)
`3 : a rocket—propelled bomb, missile, or
`robin I‘m-breast
`\v»'l‘e(i»,brcst\ n [ME, fr. Rabin, nickname for
`Robert] : ROBIN
`Grock-et \' 'ik~at\ vt : to convey by means of a rocket ~ vz’ 1 : to
`Robdrhson Cru-soe \,riib—o(n)-s:>n~‘kri,i—(,)so\
`: a shipwrecked
`rise up swiftly, spectacularly, and with force 2 : to travel rapidly
`in or as if in a rocket
`sailor in Defo' ”5 Robinson Crusoe who lives for many years on an
`uninhabited island
`rocket bomb :1 1 : an aerial bomb designed for release at low
`ro-ble \‘ro-(,)bla\ n [AmerSp, fr. Sp, oak, fr. L robur] : any of
`altitude and equipped with a rocket apparatus for giving it added
`several onks of California and Mexico
`momentum 2 : a rocketvpropelled bomb launched from the ground
`\‘rti-biit. -b:)t\ n [Czech fr. robota work; akin to OHGV
`rookie-leer \,riik~a.‘ti (o)r\ n 1 : one who fires, pilots, or rides in a
`arabez’z trouble, L orbur orphaned] 1 a : a machine that looks like
`2 :
`it scientist who specializes in rockctry
`a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or
`rocket plane 11
`: an airplane propelled by rockets or armed with
`rocket launchers
`talking) of a human being; also : a similar but fictional machine
`whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized
`rocket propulsion n : propulsion by means of a rocket engine
`h : an efficient. insensitive, often brutalized person 2 : an auto-
`rocket-Iv \‘i‘iik-o—ti'é\ n : the study of, experimentation with, or
`matic apparatus or device that performs functions ordinarily
`use of rockets
`ascribed to human beings or operates with what appears to be al-
`rocket ship 11 : a rocket—propelled craft capable of navigation beyond
`most human intelligence
`3 : a mechanism guided by automatic
`the earth’s atmosphere
`controls 7 ro-hOi-ism \«,inam\ It
`rock-fish \‘rak-,fish\ n : any of various valuable market fishes that
`robot bomb n 1 : GUIDED MISSILE z z a powered missile not subject
`to control after launching
`live among rocks or on rocky bottoms
`a : any of several fishes
`(family Scorpaenidac)
`b :
`striped bass
`roubot-lza-tion \,rO-,blit~ov‘ 7—shan, -bst.\ n
`1 :
`the process of
`c : any of several groupers d : GREENLING in
`turning a human being into it robot 2 : AUTOMATION
`rock garden 71
`: a garden laid out among rocks or decorated with
`robot-ize \‘rTS-,bllt-,
`-bnt.\ Vt
`: to make automatic
`rocks and adapted for the growth of particular kinds of plants (as
`Io-bust \i'5~‘bost.
`'io— ,‘ibast\ adj [L rolmrrus oaken, strong,
`rock hind u : any of various spotted groupers commonly found about
`rob/m. mbm- oak, strength] 1 a : having or exhibiting , trength or
`rocky coasts or reefs
`Vigorous health : VltiilRUUS
`b :
`firm in purpose or outlook
`Z : ROUGH, RUDE 3 : requiring strength or vigor
`rocking Chair 12
`: a chair mounted on rockers
`(m Coffc f:
`syn see lilEAL'l HY w ro-bnstcly adv # ro-bust-ness
`rocking horse n : a toy horse mounted on rockers —— called also
`\-‘bos(t‘i»nas, -(_,)bos<t)‘\ r1
`Io‘bus-tious \,rii~'bas'chos\ adj 1 : ROBUST
`2 : rudely vigorous
`rockding \‘r'ak-lin\ n 1 any of several small rather elongate marine
`: not
`EROUS — robus-tious-lv adv r revhns-iious-ness n
`cods (family Gadidac)
`rock lobster n 1 : srnvv LOBSTER 2 : the flesh of the Cape, crawftsh
`roe \‘ ik\ n [Ar midi/til] : a legendary bird of great size and strength
`believed to inhabit the indian ocean area
`esp, when canned or frozen for use as food
`roc-ammole \‘riik-om~,bol\ n [17, fr. G rockenbnllc, fr. rec/(en, rog~
`rock maple n : a sugar
`aple (Acer raccharum)
`gen rye + belle bulb] : a European leek (Allium scorodoprasmn)
`rock ’n‘ roll \,r'zik-on— 6l\ )2 1 : music characterized by a strong
`used for flavoring
`J Squared, Inc. — Ex. 1010, p. 4
`J Squared, Inc. – Ex. 1010, p. 4
`unit of monetary value of Latvia from 1922 to 1940
`2 : a Coin
`: any
`2laryngeal n 1 : a laryngeal part 2 a : a laryngeal sound it
`representing one lat
`of a set of several (as three) phonemes reconstructed for Proto:
`lat-a-kia \,lut~:>«'k6-o\
`r1 [Latukilu seaport in Syria] :
`:1 Superior
`Indo-Furopean chiefly on indirect evidence
`aromatic Turkish smoking tobacco
`'C \,lzn‘on-'jit—il<\ adj : of, relating to, or characteristic
`llatch \‘lach\ vi [ME luchen, fr, OF, lwccan; akin to Gk lam/mnein
`of laryn
`s; also : af ected with laryngitis ~— laryngitic n
`to take, seize] 1 :
`to catch or get hold — used with on or onto
`lar-yn-f IS \,lfll"2)l
`ns\ 11 [NL] : inflammation of the larynx
`2 : to attach oneself (Ned onto a rich widow)
`larvyn-gol-o-gy \.lur-en-,li1‘a-jE\ n [ISV] : a branch of medicine
`Hatch l’l : a device that holds something in place by entering a notch
`dealing with diseases of the larynx and nasopharynx
`or cavity; Specif : the catch which holds a door or gate when closed
`even if not bolted
`la-rymgo-scope \lo-‘rin‘go-,sl<op\ n [ISV]
`: an instrument for
`alatch vb ' CATCH, FASTEN
`examining the interior of
`the larynx w la-ryn-go-scopvic \lo-
`,rin—gs—'sktip-ik\ 0r la-ryII-go-scop-i-cal \—i«kol\ adj — la-ryn-
`latch-6t \ It h-ot\ n [ME laehef, fr, MF, shoestring, fr, Iaz snare,
`go-scop-i-cal-ly \»k(a-)lé\ adv — lar-yn-gos-cmpy \.lar-en-
`fr. L faqtll’llX ~ more at DELIGHT] :
`:1 narrow leather strap, thong,
`or lace that fastens ll shoe or sandal on the foot
`lar-ynx \‘1zir-ig(k)s\ n, pl la-ryn-ges \lo-‘rin-(.)jez\ or lar-ynx-es
`latch-key \‘l
`T\ n 1 : a key used to lift or pull back a latch
`[NL luryng-,
`fr, Gk]
`the modified upper part of
`of a door
`2 :
`1 front door key
`trachea of airlbrenthing vertebrates having in man, most other
`latch-stung \—.(s)trii]\ n : a string on a latch that may be left
`mammals, and a few lower forms a set of elastic vocal cords
`hanging outside the door to permit the raising of the latch from
`lass-car \'lzIs-kor\ 11 [Hindi Ins/2km- army] : an East Indian sailor,
`the outside or drawn inside to prevent intrusion
`army servant, or native Lu'tillcryman
`llate \'lfit\ adj [MIL late, slow, fr. OE la’t: akin to OHG In: slow,
`las-civd-ous \lo-'siv»E—os\ adj [L lascivia wnntonness, fr. lascivus
`OE lilail to let] 1 a (l) 1 coming or remaining after the due, usual,
`wanton ~— more at LUST] : LEWD, LUSTFUL —— las~civ-i-ous-1y adv
`or proper time (N spring)
`(2) : of, relating to, or imposed because
`—~» las-civ-i-ous-ness n
`of tardiness
`b : of or relating to an advanced stage in point of time
`la-ser \'la‘zor\
`71 [light amplification by stimulated emission of
`or development <~ Middle Ages); SIN’Cif
`: far udvonccd toward
`radiation] : a device that utilizes the natural oscillations of atoms
`the close of the day or night (N hours) 2 a : living comparatively
`recently b : being something or holding some position or relation-
`for amplifying or generating electromagnetic waves in the visible
`region of the spectrum
`ship recently but not now (N belligercuts)
`c : made, appearing,
`Hash \‘lash\ vb [ME [GS/1W1] vi 1 2 to move violently or suddenly
`or happening just previous to the present time <~ quarrel) syn see
`DEAD -— late-1y urlv w late-ness n
`: DASH 2 : to strike with or as if with a whip 3 :to make a verbal
`attack or retort ~ VI
`zlate adv 1 a : after the usual or proper time
`b : at or to an
`2 a : to assail with stinging words b : DRIVE, GOAD c : to cause
`advanced point in time
`2 : not long ago : RECENTLY -— of late
`to lash —- lash-er 21
`lat-ed \‘lit-od\ adj : BELArsn
`218511 n 1 a (1)
`: a stroke with a whip or with anything slender,
`Ila-teen \lo~'lEn\ adj [F (voila) [mine lateen sail] : being or relating
`pliant, and tough
`the flexible part of a whip; also : WHIP
`b : a sudden swinging blow 2 : a verbal blow; also : SPUR 3 : EYE-
`to a rig used esp. on the north coast of Africa and characterized by
`a triangular Sail extended by a long spar slung to t], low mast
`2lateen ll 1 also la.teen.er \-'tE—nor\ : a lateen:
`Slash vt [ME laryclmn to lace, fr. MF lucier‘ — more at LACE] : to
`bind with a rope, cord, or chain — lash-er n
`rigged ship
`2 : a lateen sail
`Late GIBEK n : the Greek language as used in the
`lash-ing n : something used for binding, wrapping, or fastening
`3d to 6th centuries
`lash-ings \'lash—inz, -onz\ n pl [fr. gerund of flash] Brit : a great
`Late Latin n : the Latin language used by writers
`plenty : ABUNDANCE
`in the 3d to 6th centuries
`lash—up \'ltlSh-.9p\
`:1 Plush]
`1 : something improvised : CON-
`lat-en \‘lat-“m vb laten-ing Vim-nip, -°n~in\
`: to grow late ~ vt
`: to cause to grow late
`lass \'l:Is\ n [ME [as] 1 : young woman : GIRL 2 : SWEETHEART
`lassde \‘las-E\ n : LAss, GIRL
`la-terbcy \‘lfitfim E\ n 1 : the quality or state of
`,1 can 2
`being latent : DORMANC‘Y 2 : something latent
`las-si-tude \‘las‘o—,t(y)iid\
`n [ME fr. L lassitudo,
`La Téne \lii—‘ten, —‘ 1n\ adj [Lorene shallows of
`weary ~ more at LET] 1 : WEARINESS, FATIGUE 2 : LISTLESSNEss,
`the Lake of Neuchutel, Switzerland] : of or relating to the later
`llas-so \‘las-(,)o,
`ln-‘sii\ n, pl lassos 0r lassoes [Sp lam, fr. L
`perioil of the Iron Age in Europe assumed to date from 500 XLC. to
`luqums snare # more at DELIGHT] : a rope or long thong of leather
`la-ten-si-fi-ca-tion \15-,ten(t)-sa—fe-'l<z‘t-shan,
`[blend of
`with a running noose that is used esp. for catching horses and
`cattle : LARIAT
`‘lmwzt and irzrunsifimiion] : intensification of a latent photographic
`image by chemical treatment or exposure to light of low intensity
`ilasso w : to catch with or as it with a lasso : ROPE # lasso-er n
`—* la-ten-si-fy \-‘ten(t)—so~,fl\ vr
`Ilast \'last\ vb [ME laxtcn, fr, OF,
`listen to last, follow; akin to
`lla-tent \'lfit-“nt\ adj [L llllfll’ltn linens, fr. prp. of ltItFrU to lie hid-
`OE lfist footprint] vi 1 :
`to continue in time : go on
`2 a :
`den; akin to 01—10
`lung den, Gk lumhamiu to escape notice]
`remain fre