`Warncke et al.
`um Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,585,136 B2
`Nov. 19, 2013
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`1.. A ctm11bi:;1atiz:zn of a,\cl1£:irz1rad 3 rmcial iaasépcjx icm. said _1::f;W /Y) ,1
`c11;:1i,r comprising:
`an upper purtion providing a backrest for support fer a first
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`21 sittixlg. pOI'Ei:3I1 for supporting said first user in 3 Seated
`Saici SE00} ’b:,1.~::e pt::.rti<;m adzzzpted Ea) E:Upp{;1rt said ciztair, ;:111d
`cmizpxising a saddie adapteci to l1‘tE:1€EiS€1
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`with said chair being C_(JL.‘IP1s’2(i EL) szaid sad..d1e2, axaasaaid
`saniang; p::)rt1c7:;i1 laezng pai}$1{1{‘:E,71t3d 21 “(We saad szxcfdle;
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`sccromd caimfzg::,1mtir.:aa1 cmiittpri 3:223 rsaid -;:hair stilf if'u11r.’:tic:}1:1,-
`mg as :1 cizair for said firs: 11863’, and said stem} fLi:1.1cEim1-
`ing 30 that said saéidle is ztccessibkz EU said firstuSe1‘aS 21
`work siarfacéf
`so that said saddle is
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`’ticmed bealow Said siI£:i11g pcartion and fm'111i11§g, at least‘ 3
`pz:1i_mfbase~.1ergs which are structL1red so as to f:.rnm:;ar1 as
`ruckezrs far said Chair when said C€jr1I1bil1EflI0fl E5 111 said
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`secozad co;.1figu:'aiti0n.
`J Squared Exhibit 1022, pg. 1
`J Squared vs. Sauder