Vol. 3000), Oct. 1988
`3% f5] ' BE
`25,51} ' fifi’fi
`fill? ' 35%
`'32? - ‘Efi
`$3 : gift < fi%§hfz§¥$$fimmm% (Gelatin-powder,
`l‘ a ‘/ 51/, filfilfi XIII E?!» filfiéfifléfil)
`”EHHE% 107 WMUE§ L, ‘6 wifinfifiuowflfié‘fl‘ J72. Zliitflilfiflliitlfflfifl’i’fi wimp“) 7‘: control tit/{TEE
`6 bintlfllfilgafimfilfi 2: fifififllfifiwmfllfiifiifi: L 71:. fillfiilgilfi’éfio fcfififllflflfi 2 W, $il§’l§fl¥l% 3
`WJlZISWTLiy’fifiliitmlbfifiéfz. EM’EFfi (fifil‘u fifilafi, gfifififlfil. S-GPT 03$?) MOI/Ytli, Elfiifl
`éttt’i'ff'ufifi 2: 73:6 J: 5 figflf’fifilfifibfiflo 7‘s.
`fifl¥fili Olympus liiiél‘gigfl Qlfifii L, Hilfififil‘fififi
`fififlfi t L “C Pentazosin 15 mg Effifi M’s. ilfilfiwfl:
`l: iii bf: (Figure 1 ). fiitffilfiflli Gelatin-powder(150
`$fi)@6&é%€fl?éé(Tflk m.¢m&§m
`Table 2&173’"<?§ZU<,
`immfiflzfififli‘ffitifil} '9 6‘“, 7F
`3(0) 2 Owfiifibzfififfimlifikbk (Figure 2 J. A
`Table 1 Number of patients.
`New hemoszauc
`8 teases»
`Acme hepamis
`Chron‘c '
`Chronic acti e
`Liver cirrhosis
`He ate
`p cgfcigagg’ua
`liver cancer
`SKEW; £5340: )xfi Ufiflfififilfil‘fililfibz “C 5%}? 2‘ fl
`tfi’lfllfié 8 W, E’Efifififi'lfiifilfié 25 fill, ‘Ié'l’fifigb‘ffll
`5% 56 W, HE?“ 69 Fill, filfiflafi 2 fill, iifi’léfificfi 3 fill,
`fifilfifififilflfifi’éfi 6 W}, 55%)}? 14 Wlw‘éé’r 183 911??)
`’22 .
`Gastroenterol. Enclose. 30 2 2249~2256, 1988
`Clinical evaluation of new hemostatic agent for hemostasis
`from biopsy in the liver.
`Fatty liver
`fifilfifilfi‘? % 4 P334
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy



`Va). 3000}, Oct. 1988
`33!} 1 m1, E3: 5mm Qifi’fifi 3? lml E‘fiiku %é{3 & i
`mlxjwfiifiw 53mins 33:33:, «337“;- z fiv-fx 1~ gag?"
`333 Wfi‘é’fibffifi‘?&
`r: 3:: yEyaéfiafi 633% LET'Q}?€§~& 1 fi'fimfiéfié 33:?)
`33.331333 €433 3 “3:333 ’23”: cantml fiésx a flifiiififigfi?
`ct L.
`55* ilLRflEmifllfifiélEfi’W 2: Liz.
`Wfifi-‘Eéfifx L1, 32} 3Q 1:533:33 3—3 "3': 393 -;-,< 3:1 $3§§+3£§£ L
`W Qjfiiflfifitfigflf‘fifi
`Method A
`filfiflififi 3333333331323 33 ‘%. B 312%; contml} 3:,L}::If£35%
`Fifi. M‘fiffiwifilfllfififififihffim .flf’fiffiééitffiiéifii
`EU ivfiéfik fifi E £32, fi%3fii§fi i3 fl, 8*GPT CO 3 21% 3.: :3
`3 >f€$§if ME.
`1 i1
`31im5§F§flfl$$§3§ ‘3’ 25%} J: {'3 33%: ’3 3L“.
`$533333} 3 it:
`£flfi§§f$¥fi§TfliifiKB§fifi 5 fiLfiWfif} é: <33, EM 2 mm
`fifi‘éfififififl?&éfiflfl§ffifi 5 fig???) 3E,» 33},
`$333313$33-53 1 3t.
`ifilfiéfiflfifififx < fiifilfii‘fififirfii 5 £33333 3?:
`1323 :3}? 73353 £3 31334..
`333%: I 33331513353333: 1f} filwliiflfi é} €33. mmfifififfi?§m
`Figure 1 New hemastntic agent.
`Needle :5
`rammed 3m
`3&3 mama:
`Figure 2 Tam different hemostatic procednrea with
`the use 9f New hemastatic agent.
`Table 2 Camposition 0f New hemostatic agent and coagulatian pathway.
`Compositian cf New hemostatic agent
`Gefiatin 3:10“!er
`Factar X!!!
`1 50mg
`166.? U
`5.2 U
`Ccaguiation pathway
`XII! activated
`Ca3+ Thrombén
`3’ ‘i
`Fibrinogen ——+ {fibrin --———-—-—-—-- Fibrin
`Gamroentemlagical Endoscgpy


`Vol. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`Li 75>
`2) Hfifiwmmififitflfifli (Figure 3
`fiEffiT%fibfcifiE%’Céi$t§'J¥§fl, Efififl’fliéflfifi
`1%,: D, A 252, B int—Nam: ciitmwafioficfifiemw
`fliiefiwmfluififiééfiw 4 oozfii‘ébfc. 35mm;
`7:. control fiéiiflfl&§E(&Tf§U’C‘bi 11 W913 3 fifi(27%)
`(+9): HilfflfléliififlcDfig 2 N 3 cm LXW’C’iti 07‘: #30).
`6 (5’)]
`(55%) oi‘éoflbfiitfi,
`fi’x‘i’fii 2 K")
`am) I tenurswmoewmommm ea), I‘éhfim :
`eeommwm e 0).
`3) Elli/EH?
`65%5’) E) 2th. Lbflflfifiémfimfii 32 WEI: 21 WJ(66%)
`9 W) (28%) ifi’t’i’fifififfii U ,
`§1¥§§7Jb§2 (5’)) (6
`%) 013366 6 n72. it? “C A g, B iii: control fititt
`LB}? 6 17> )ZiifilfiffiQfiifiE/fi 1/ 75:. gilfiifligflfi 2 EU,
`itfitfico Eflf’fifi c: 0 v > ”C Li Eifilflfifflj b: ommfiuog
`Eifgrfifiifi 1 WbiitfiflfififiéifiTflf‘f) o f: 25% Rigitflflfifl
`3%, if? ff‘ yx fly 53$, control 2% 3 fibaamflfiéfi
`c: at
`‘9 $57)} E3? L 7’3.
`itmlfiéééfifi’ @fiifgfifltfi 2 WM:
`71¢sz at
`'9 fiéflf‘b '2 t.
`2) imifitHfiEUDmfiflfifi (Table 4)
`1) mmeeemmfiwm (Table 3)
`tzflfiifi 809m] 48 (5U (60%),
`flit? 28 M (35%),
`itflfiifi ktfinfiéf‘a‘i 2: @fiht’mi A iii, B if 2: o mm
`Table 3 Comparison between two different hemostatic procedures with the use of
`New hemostatic agent and control in hemostatie time.
`Hemostatic time"
`Method A
`80 cases
`*iit'w— ishow the grade of hemostatic time
`Table 4 Comparison between two different hemostatic procedures with
`the use of New hemostatic agent and control in hemostatic situation.
`Method A
`80 cases
` .-
`2( 7)
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`Vol. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`Table 5 Comparison between New hemostatic agent,
`gelatin-sponge and control in fever after biopsy.
`Once biopsy
`Table 7 Comparison between New hemostatic agent,
`gelatimsponge and control in period of suffering hypo-
`chondralgia after biopsy.
`New hemostatic agent (33cases) 37.98 i 1.06 CC)
`37.72 i: 097
`37.50 i: 0.77
`Twice biopsy
`New hemostatic agent (190ases) 38.01 i 0.58 (°C)
`37.92 :1: 0.44
`37.66 i: 0.62
`Table 6 Comparison between New hemostatic
`agent, gelatin-sponge and control in period of suffer-
`ing fever after biopsy.
`Once biopsy
`New hemostatic agent (330ases)
`Twice biopsy
`2,4 :1: 23 (day)
`2.4 i 2.7
`2.5 :i: 3.0
`New hemostatic agent (chases)
`( 9)
`2.8 i 1.7(day)
`2.2 i 1.1
`2.3 i 2.4
`Once biopsy
`New hemostatic agent (330ases)
`3.4 3L. 2.2 (day)
`3.3 i 2.3
`3.1 i 2.6
`Twice biopsy
`New hemostatic agent (19cases)
`3.6 i- 2.0 (day)
`3.0 i 1.7
`2.6 :i: 2.4
`Xflfyyfi$2.4i2.7. controlfi2.5i3.0,
`2 @Elfi?
`ii$§fl1§$i¥2.8il.7, oaawmwyeizeim,
`control §¥2.3i2.4 ‘Z‘Z’o 9, Iii/60) Bfifia‘jfli 1 [£315
`in, 2 @filfiilfo’w’f eenaomeeeeem 7:.
`C) mmfifltgfififiifik (Table 7)
`1@Elfi?i§¥fltflh§fll§5§¥3.41522.2(B), if"???
`Zfiy9§¥3.3i2.3, control fi3.1i2.6 “0&5 D , 2 Bil
`$1fi?)12i§§fli£25£$ 3.6t2.0,’c§3%‘/7\fif:/~‘/°E¥3.0i
`1.7, controlfiZfiiZA “€3,337”;
`:ne Sfifa‘iflat 1
`2 @filfiizb’wf egfifififiafiumfiééfib
`EU (67%), Jaime?) (26%). 1333219)) (7%) “(‘37)“;
`d )
`Jizflilfil tfiiifiifiw S-GPT ifi (Table 8)
`72. control fimfifiufifiw 43 WEI—Viz» 3 W 7 %)
`1 {iéifiizma’cfifiéfit e S‘GPT oi 51 WED/LL01:
`“@2150. E22? 181% (42%), Betti: 16% (37%), new
`fié’ra’ibfzmiéfi l WCOéLTfiO 112mm SMELX‘F’C
`25 o 71:.
`2 @Eifi’flififitmfiflifi‘éfi 1 fill’i’ifiéw’cw/f
`60% Rims 0, we, efiofieemmeoomm
`f 50 fiifiLX'FODZEib'Cfi ‘9 ,éfififi’flbcm 3%Fafiizfiii72
`1: control 3? E: thN‘TED? 6 b>blfifi¥fiibfifl1fifi§¥£fi L72.
`4e): emolfiiefififi L 7:5?me 2 on, among 3 in
`fififiififi): m$41§e§§i<§fiawmz 7 7%: — a. we
`3) Maegan/gnome erosion, genoao,
`S—GPT 03:5») tomb
`en§~o753£osbe no “cements/among < . e
`ffiififlfiiifi A: 2; e 11E§®fiififiifiE0~fi a L’Cfi
`a) mm§§t%§ifl (Table 5)
`lofififififlfi < fibnfwe. L2» Lfifiifiwfiififi
`1 @eoooe‘rmmnoeo 37.98il.06 (“(3),
`Winoaemmeo Tfi%fi®%$%i§ MEX: m: a.
`ammoéfli’ WI— WEE’C’): 1977 Rio?) 1982 M?
`2E$ififli$§flf§€2¥ 38.01i0.58,4z':’7%‘/Xfi€‘/~y“
`a) 6 defiafiizéli 406 were 50,281 @110) figefifiififibifi
`tee/92:0“, contr01fi37.66:0.62 T250. 1216
`2921, been): 286 on (0.569%) Tab '9.
`CD 33¥Fafifli 1 ram,
`2 @itfiicfiswf o%%llfli§+
`n7:i§it%§flifi%ifi§oib%fi%$$ 0.022% kit/{e
`b) itflnfifit%§¥3§2 (Table 6)
`1@eooizemmeneeee2.4523(8), Efify
`a BE 6 meagre e. fifiéfiififiofi%fii§§?fifi§.
`512'» 5 ohm, womemeve < 2h floczfiéifibfiefi
`bfctameflfiw t 7:; '2 7:513:12)”: 13 our?! 9 on (69.2%)
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`V01. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`&% E 03 25>
`Table 8 Comparison between New hemostatic agent, gelatin-sponge and
`control in elevation of S-GPT after biopsy.
`Once biopsy
`Hemostatic agent
`Elevation of S~GPT
`1 9 cases
`New hemostatic agent
`1 9
`:b> o fz$bifi§§flé n1 1/ n 25 ‘5‘. ¥% 6 %> LX£®EEW7¥E§§E
`diflufififficzio’wc 1~ :7 y Exgflafi XIII E¥®E3P7r
`@fififi“ ’Efgégfifififié’CfiWigng) D , Sampling error
`wwyhaziaim ch b :2 VEV,?£§[§I% XIII E???
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`Vol. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`figmgw t???» 621%.
`%lz%b>6®¥%fib>§rw at “3 fifilmlli5603§éfilfil$b§
`mm: Lifib’ififiifi énmlitié 8E§f€uén5
`w fi
`1 ) xfilfg’égfli control filltb’fi, 11111324151, filfifi
`2 r3? ‘/ 9%, control fitthKT ’b 115% 1: 72? 6 J: 5 QE‘H’F
`4) flififilllifiélfififitmlfifl k L ”(@175 «among
`1) Tfi’fifififi, WE E71 1 fiflfifi§@fi%r-QI 721%?
`07’ >17 - I~§E§® i é: 20—. Gastroenterol, Endosc., 21 :
`54~59, 1979.
`2) fififififi 3 % 27 @Bfiififfifimfifiiéfi‘fi. ififtfifil’fi
`fifilfifi (if‘afi’ififl) @fi%fiv%®ffiifik¥%fi%-.
`Gastroenterol, Endosc., 26 Z 2439~2455, 1984.
`3) 13553;?“54 I %§Lm$&&l8 %®1l:11‘[1§2‘~3‘fi. @1384? No, 1,
`10~12, 8315333, $33, 1982.
`4) Ejlfifii‘éfiflfifil
`$3 I mfififiififi t Efliffill (t éffiififi
`Hfiwfififi % 1 fififillfififi” é F‘nfififi. fifilfi? 153
`197~203, 1960.
`5) $7? lfi I Tru-cut fiwfifiwtfia‘fik’; Ufififi. WE
`fiNo. 4, 71~74, B$E$§i $353; 1985.
`6) $513813 : fifififilfifi‘l‘i’lfillouf, BEHQfiE No.1.
`3~5, “Zigifi’é. iii, 1982.
`7) $735113 I $1fi1§3®flflm5fifi EB’Efi, No. 1, 13~15,
`B$E$§E $33, 1982.
`EB, #fflififi. ffillféfifi‘gl,
`8) @H‘fiflf, SEEIHEZ, 431E
`fizfifié‘, LUEEIfiE, E12881“, 4335512, fifilfiafi. may
`Elfif I fiffifiTHflfififi%®tfilflllzfiT é Gelform 1m:
`5%. Gastrotenterol, Endosc., 2? I 85~90, 1985.
`9)§%§%,fiflx%.§% E,K@%X,Efi
`imififi, EUJEE, fiE$%¥,
`fiEo-IE-‘Efil, $EE?S%,
`5%, 1239351 I
`EfififiTfiififfiafi 7 4 7' U ymgxmmzz. Gastroente-
`rol, Endosc., 27 I 2753~2758, 1985.
`10) Elfifig’, Elk??? I BEmfiTfiééfigommlmva
`fifiififlW—WV4’ £7 Difiifiilfilifiwmfi Gastroenterol, Endo-
`sc., 26 I 1149~1151, 1984.
`11) fiflififi I E‘filfififiTWififfiCOVIf 9 Uifilfiifitflnifi.
`Eilfifi No. 4, 68~70, Bligifi’é, fig, 1985.
`12) fifiéfia‘fii @1833? fibrin fififiifiifififlwlfigfi. AIW
`2%, 9 I 903~916, 1980.
`f: I
`7%, BEEZBE. %§EE‘, Milifififi, LUZ:
`EUfEWEfifiMflODWfi. $3112? 39 i 1943~1945, 1984.
`14) fig '33:, fiflfiififi U118 1:. EWFER. 4191mm 2
`GT—XIII mmmf’fifl liliéfi‘é 94154943442). fifi tfifik, 20 :
`471~476, 1986.
`15) Fflhfi—x E‘fifiifi. 1W$fi1fit0T~XlIIOJ¥£émca
`LAT. fifitfifilfi, 20229~44, 1986.
`16) fifififik, UJZS 1:, E $83, )flhfid, miififllfi :
`GT-XIII @fififillvwf. Emtfififiim I 13~27, 1986.
`17) Blaine, G: Absorbable gelatin sponge in experimen-
`tal surgery. Lancet, 261 I 427~429, 1951.
`18) Pilcher, C., Meacham. W.F.: Absorbable gelatin
`sponge and thrombin for hemostasis in neurosurgery,
`Experimental and clinical observations. Surg. Gynec.
`Obstet, 81 I 365~369. 1945.
`19) 1552*
`123514 E,
`71???? i, EE‘EEU, fififlllg,
`fitfifififi, 20 : 45~46, 1986.
`fi-fibclfll’gfifié E: @fltblfifi’. HEEwfi§fi$fi
`83~88, Efifilflfifi. iii, 1980.
`21) fiflfifilfi 2 EfifififiTfiifiwfififififitfifi. 313%
`fi$fiifi-B§J§§fifififi tiifi'lzlllé‘afi): Jr 6—, 75~79,
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`V01. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`13 73>
`EEEEWS’Z E33, 1979
`1531831153311 ‘Wfifi HEE£1ZE155%§SUE£JF%®EE
`HEEa‘fib‘f’rfix— 11313333133? 5.31% rHi‘flfib: i 5—,
`135 i#, EKEBE 331:1
`23) fig ”E”, 1111335333.
`Efflfilfifl, E IZ’EE. LEEEZfi‘, K155113133, ENER.
`E ENE, 531%??? REM/257x. E21? E.
`EIEE, ENE; 1333383311, R1333}? 3+EEE. ESE
`EL, 2%?k—E,E71<?¥:, EH 5%, M 31396 {33471133,
`531583313” Eifi‘fltfinfil GTXIIIODEEEEEEE—tbfi‘fifi
`($2313) —Efikfifififi, 20 8537~8542 1986
`24) 1*
`333%, 5135338, fififififi, {ZEQKHE EEHE‘E,
`132332, {EEEW $853312. W313 EIMEEEXE
`7 1~ 21/331131: ct 59353330133333? "EEEWRE 1: at 2:111”
`MWEIJEODE‘HSOZESEMEE . w 9133*“ 81 Z 208~212,
`fiflflEfi‘é, $253613, $323332, fifiEJ/m, EEER‘,
`1%, E133 E, EWEZIEEfiX7
`9 7'7 yxfiibcck 311333331 Lfiiiflflit 3:03.31231313 (E
`2 313). Progress of Digestive Endoscopy, 21 I 125~129,
`26) 937k E, 135% 93, 121% i, Eifififia‘, EMIEW,
`EE*E'1. fififlg‘,
`333:, WEEK, Ibflflfifig
`E. 71333, 81 2005~2011 1984
`1%. 3271*
`.78, 127% i, 1%‘ZRE131‘, E11333”.
`1‘15, WERE-“E13, WW???“
`EHEEEB, 1%:11'1133,
`53315215156, EEEfiZHEEfib‘
`3Hflfi§fiffi<3fififi4 7 E~5’° V1123]? Gastroenterol.
`Endosc, 283 1519~1527, 1986.
`8) #fi%~, 73% E: V—V—Hfififificuéfifioxfé‘
`335%. Gastroenterol Endosc” 262 1154~1155, 1984.
`29) EEEEBE, EBEE. E11 WEE, 71(E1Zu, $323ng.
`IWEE—313, 133%:FE fiEfiBEflE1C$3§HME¥E®fi
`303")”3111191 Gastroenterd Enclose” 29 28~39, 1987
`)EPHHEE, Efi’fifig. EMEE'. fififigfiiififi‘éfififl
`Bofiwfifi. fiEE‘E’, 81835~857, 1984.
`31) ENEEMEB : flfi'f’iffifififlfi ; EHEEEODEEHEEE’WEESW
`131%. H’EEE No.4, 55~60, Bfiiggfi, E733, 1985.
`571331163513 3 151 2913
`’E‘Z’E BEWGBE 4 132013
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`iii“ >8
`Vol. 30(10), Oct. 1988
`Fukashi SUGIURA, Yoshinori NISHIZATO, Toshihiko SAITO,
`The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical College.
`The hemostatic effect of new hemostatic agent, consisting of gelatin powder, human
`thrombin and XIII clotting factor, was evaluated by hepatic biopsy of the cases with
`hepatic disease. The Studied cases were 107 in elusive of S—acute hepatitis; lB-chronic
`inactive hepatitis ; 32—chronic active hepatitis ; 37-cirrhosis; 2—hepatoma ; 3—-metastatic
`carcinoma of liver;4—-primary biliary cirrhosis;and 8—fatty liver. Two hemostatic
`methods adopted. In A-method by which a Silverman needle is extracted up to the hepatic
`surface after biopsy, 2ml of new hemostatic agent is injected and a bioptic needle is
`retained for a minute.
`In B-method by which a Silverman needle is extracted up to lcm
`from the hepatic surface after biopsy, 1ml of this agent is injected, further 1ml is injected
`at a position of 5mm from the hepatic surface and a biopsy needle is retained for 30
`seconds. As a result, no significant difference was observed between A and B methods with
`new hemostatic agent, showing evidently shortened hemostatic time and favorable hemos—
`tatic condition, compared with the control group in which no hemostatic agent was used.
`Complete hemostasis was attained particularly in 2 cases of hepatoma and 3 cases of
`metastatic carcinoma of liver on which tumor biopsies were performed. Then, adverse
`effect after biopsy was investigated comparatively among groups of new hemostatic agent,
`gelatin-sponge and control by number of biopsy. No significant adverse effect was
`observed in this agent in the assessments of pyrexia after biopsy, number of pyrexial days,
`number of days with pain and rise in S-GPT. Thus, it was presumed that new hemostatic
`agent is of a very high usefulness as a hemostatic agent for hepatic biopsy.
`Figure 3 Classification of hemostatic situation in the liver surface.
`(75 e—isata : p. 2241)
`Gastroenterological Endoscopy


`((Junko Sh'roko £3 75‘
`ngjfiggfifi ; p.2237~2243}>—
`Kamrsawa (if? EfiXl‘fiy
`$3‘I?E§SZE I p,2244~2248)_
`I- A‘~
`Sakurabayashi (i if
`Efi)‘: W
`71:1;Eflfi ; p.2249~2256>>—

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