`United States Patent [19]
`United States Patent [19]
`Pristash et al.
`Pristash et a1.
`[ii] Patent Number:
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`[75] Inventors: David J. Pristash, Brecksville;
`[75] Inventors: Dmd J. Pnstlsh, Brecksvllle;
`Jeffery R. Parker, Concord, both of
`Jeffery R- Parker, Concord, both of
`[73] Assignee: Lumitex, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
`[73] Asslgnee: Lunutex, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
`[21] Appl. No.: 309,424
`[211 App}. NOJ 309,424
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 10,1989
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 10, 1989
`F21V 7/04
`[51] IntCl.'
`[51] Int. c1.5 .............................................. .. F21V 7/04
`[52] U.S. a.
`... 362/31; 362/32;
`[52] us. c1. ...................................... .. 362/31; 362/32;
`362/26, 27, 31, 32
`[58] Field of Search
`[58] Field Of Search ...................... .. 362/26, 27, 31, 32
`References Cited
`References Cited
`2,480,178 8/1949 Zinberg .......................... .. 350/96.l0
`8/1949 Zinberg
`3,043,947 7/1962 Amingel,y Jr
`“ " 362/32
`7/1962 Albinger, Jr.
`.... 362/32
`3/1973 Wall
`.... 362/32
`3,721,815 3/1973 Wall ............... ..
`... 40/546
`9/1973 Addington, Jr.
`3,760,179 9/1973 Addington, Jr.
`3,781,537 12/1973 Ramsey ..
`.... 362/32
`4,128,332 12/1978 Rowe
`.... 362/32
`4,257,084 3/1981 Reynolds
`4,257,084 3/1981 Reynolds
`.... 362/27
`4,323,951 4/1982 Pasco
`.... 362/31
`4,373,282 2/1983 Wragg ...
`.. 350/126
`4,373,282 2/ 1983 Wragg ............................... .. 350/126
`OWC . . . . . - .
`gammy - ' . - - - . ' - - v -
`- - - - -
`. . . ..
`4,323,951 4/1982 Pasco . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 362/31
`5/1985 Daniel .
`4,519,017 5/1985 Daniel .
`6/1987 Szeles
`4,677,531 6/1987 Szeles ..
`3/1988 Ohe
`.. 362/31
`4,729,067 3/1988 011C
`8/1988 Mori
`4,761,047 8/1988 Mori .......... ..
`8/1988 Awai et al.
`4,763,984 8/1988 Awai et a1. ......................... .. 362/32
`8/1988 Cheslak .
`4,765,701 8/1988 Cheslak .
`1/1989 Mori
`4,302,066 l/1989 Mori .................................... .. 362/31
`4/1989 Awai
`4,825,341 4/1989 Awai ................................... .. 362/32
`Primary Examiner—Stephen F. Husar
`Primary Examiner-Stephen F. Husar
`Assistant Examiner—Sue Hagarman
`Assistant Examiner-Sue Hagarman
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Renner, Otto, Boisselle &
`Mame)” Age“ 0' F"'"_Re““°” Om’ Bmssene 8‘
`Thin panel illuminator includes a solid transparent panel
`Thin panel illuminator includes a solid transparent panel
`member having one or more deformed output regions
`member having one or more deformed output regions
`which cause light entering
`the panel along an input edge
`“'hlch Cause hght Fmermg the panel along a“ mput edge
`thereof to be emitted along the length of the panel.
`thereof 80 be emitted along the length Of the [131161.
`Light may be transmitted to one or more panel input
`Llght may be transmltted to one or more panel Input
`edges from one or more light sources utilizing transition
`edges from one or more light sources utilizing transition
`devices which convert easily
`devices which convert easily focused light generally to
`the shape of the panel input surfaces.
`the shape of the panel mput Surfaces‘
`76 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`76 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`61 \
`6| \
`71 2 /
`L A
`BMW Exhibit 1011
`Page 1 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 1 of 6
`Sheet 1 of 6
`* 8
`J 5
`FIG. 2
`24. 29\ X
`Page 2 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 2 of 6
`Sheet 2 of 6
`30 l-U
`FIG, 4 37;
`42- 45
`FIG. 5
`FIG. 6
`54 52
`54 52
`60 ^61
`TT ,/6"/5:'
`FIG. 7
`Page 3 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 3 of 6
`Sheet 3 of 6
`71 ) L
`61 \
`66 A
`FIG. 8
`Z i - J 71
`t 86
`FIG. 10
`Page 4 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 4 of 6
`Sheet 4 of 6
`93 FIG, II
`FIG. 12
`10? FIG. 13
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 15 124
`Page 5 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 5 of 6
`Sheet 5 of 6
`125 \/<
`126441 ll
`FIG. 16
`FIG. 17
`131 c
`^ \
`' W * wx
`7 % X sT—137 Ix
`FIG. 18
`Ix /inn
`' / <
`cSgf ^
`FIG. 19
`Page 6 of 14
`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Apr. 2, 1991
`Sheet 6 of 6
`Sheet 6 of 6
`FIG. 20
`157 •
`5 ; W
`FIG. 22
`FIG. 22
`\ \N
`Page 7 of 14
`ends of
`In another form of the invention, the transition device
`In another form of the invention, the transition device
`is made from a solid transparent material, and is pro
`is made from a solid transparent material, and is pro
`vided with single
`or multiple
`input and
`vided with single or multiple input and output ends of a
`desired shape. Also,
`the input and/or output ends of the
`desired shape. Also, the input and/ or output ends of the
`5 transition device may be
`transition device may be lens shaped to spread the light
`This invention relates generally, as indicated, to a
`This invention relates generally, as indicated, to a
`evenly across such surfaces, and such surfaces may be
`evenly across such surfaces, and such surfaces may be
`thin panel illuminator including a solid transparent
`thin panel illuminator including a solid transparent
`coated to absorb or reflect certain frequencies of radia
`coated to absorb or re?ect certain frequencies of radia
`panel member for conducting
`extractor means
`panel member for conducting light and extractor means
`tion. Moreover, more
`than one
`device transition may be
`tion. Moreover, more than one transition device may be
`for causing light conducted by
`the panel
`member to be
`for causing light conducted by the panel member to be
`used to transmit light from more than one light source
`used to transmit light from more than one light source
`emitted along the length thereof.
`emitted along the length thereof.
`10 to a single panel, and the panel may have one or more
`to a single panel, and the panel may have one or more
`Light panel illuminators are generally known. How
`Light panel illuminators are generally known. How
`light output regions of various shapes to produce a
`light output regions of various shapes to produce a
`ever, the present invention relates to several different
`ever, the present invention relates to several different
`desired light output distribution.
`desired light output distribution.
`panel illuminator configurations which are less expen
`panel illuminator con?gurations which are less expen
`To the accomplishment of the foregoing and related
`To the accomplishment of the foregoing and related
`sive to make and/or provide for better control over
`sive to make and/or provide for better control over the
`ends, the invention,
`the then, comprises features herein-
`ends, the invention, then, comprises the features herein
`light output from
`the panel. Also,
`the present invention
`light output from the panel. Also, the present invention
`15 after fully described and particularly pointed out in the
`after fully described and particularly pointed out in the
`provides for more efficient transmission of light from a
`provides for more efficient transmission of light from a
`claims, the following description and
`the annexed draw
`claims, the following description and the annexed draw
`light source to the light emitting panel.
`light source to the light emitting panel.
`ings setting forth in detail certain illustrative embodi
`ings setting forth in detail certain illustrative embodi
`ments of the invention, these being
`ments of the invention, these being indicative, however,
`of but several of the various ways in which the princi-
`of but several of the various ways in which the princi
`In one form of the invention disclosed herein, the
`In one form of the invention disclosed herein, the
`20 pies of the invention may be employed.
`ples of the invention may be employed.
`panel illuminator includes a light emitting panel mem
`panel illuminator includes a light emitting panel mem
`ber made of a thin light conducting
`or film
`ber made of a thin light conducting ribbon or ?lm bent,
`cast or formed into a predetermined pattern to cause
`In ^ annexed
`cast or formed into a predetermined pattern to cause
`In the annexed drawings:
`. i is a schematic perspective view of
`light conducted thereby to be emitted along
`the length
`one form of
`light conducted thereby to be emitted along the length
`FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective view of one form of
`thereof. The effective radius of the bends,
`the number of 25 thin nel
`accordance with this invention;
`thereof. The effective radius of the bends, the number of
`thin panel illuminator in accordance with this invention;
`bends per unit length, the panel thickness, the index of
`FIG. 2 is a schematic fragmentary perspective view
`bends per unit length, the panel thickness, the index of
`FIG. 2 is a schematic fragmentary perspective view
`refraction ratio, and
`be distribution may of a solid transparent light emitting ribbon panel in
`refraction ratio, and the internal ray distribution may be
`of a solid transparent light emitting ribbon panel in
`controlled to control the panel light output and effi-
`accordance with this invention;
`controlled to control the panel light output and cf?
`accordance with this invention;
`FIG. 3 is an enlarged fragmentary side elevation view
`FIG. 3 is an enlarged fragmentary side elevation view
`In another form of the invention, the panel member
`^bbon panel of FIG. 2 schematically showing
`In another form of the invention, the panel member
`of the ribbon panel of FIG. 2 schematically showing
`comprises a solid transparent wave
`pns- a having jlow ijgjjt rayS are transmitted through and emitted
`comprises a solid transparent wave guide having a pris
`how light rays are transmitted through and emitted
`matic surface on one side to cause the light rays entering
`sucj1 panei.
`matic surface on one side to cause the light rays entering
`from such panel;
`to FIGS 4_6 ar'e perspective views of various other
`the wave guide through an input surface (end edge)
`the wave guide through an input surface (end edge) to
`FIGS. 4-6 are perspective views of various other
`exceed the internal critical angle and be emitted. The
`solid transparent light emitting panels in accordance
`exceed the internal critical angle and be emitted. The
`solid transparent light emitting panels in accordance
`size, shape and depth of the surface deformities may be 35 wjt}1
`size, shape and depth of the surface deformities may be
`with this invention;
`varied along the length of the panel to produce a de-
`FIG. 7 is a side elevation view of another form of
`varied along the length of the panel to produce a de
`FIG. 7 is a side elevation view of another form of
`sired light output distribution. Also, a back reflector
`Solid transparent light emitting panel in accordance
`sired light output distribution. Also, a back re?ector
`solid transparent light emitting panel in accordance
`may be used to redirect emitted light back through the
`t}j this invention schematically showing light rays
`may be used to redirect emitted light back through the
`with this invention schematically showing light rays
`panel. Moreover, a second prismatic film may be placed entering opposite ends of the panel and being emitted
`panel. Moreover, a second prismatic ?lm may be placed
`entering opposite ends of the panel and being emitted
`in closely spaced relation to the panel prismatic
`surface 40 therefrom-
`in closely spaced relation to the panel prismatic surface
`to redirect the emitted light rays toward a particular
`FIG. 8 is a schematic side elevation view of another
`to redirect the emitted light rays toward a particular
`FIG. 8 is a schematic side elevation view of another
`form of thin panel illuminator in accordance with this
`form of thin panel illuminator in accordance with this
`In still another form of
`the panel mem
`In still another form of the invention, the panel mem
`ber comprises a prismatic film having prism ridges run
`FIG. 9 is a top plan view of
`thin panel
`ber comprises a prismatic ?lm having prism ridges run
`FIG. 9 is a top plan view of the thin panel illuminator
`ning generally parallel to each other, with deformities 45 0f FIG. 8;
`ning generally parallel to each other, with deformities
`of FIG. 8;
`along the tops of the prism ridges to cause light to be
`FIG. 10 is a top plan view of still another
`form of thin
`along the tops of the prism ridges to cause light to be
`FIG. 10 is a top plan view of still another form of thin
`emitted. Also, diffuser surfaces, which may vary in
`panel illuminator in accordance with this invention;
`emitted. Also, diffuser surfaces, which may vary in
`panel illuminator in accordance with this invention;
`depth and/or width, may be
`FIGS. 11-14 are schematic longitudinal sections of
`depth and/ or width, may be formed along the length of
`FIGS. 11-14 are schematic longitudinal sections of
`the prismatic surfaces.
`several forms of solid transparent light emitting panels
`the prismatic surfaces.
`several forms of solid transparent light emitting panels
`In each instance, the panels may be shaped to fit a 50 in accordance with this invention;
`In each instance, the panels may be shaped to ?t a
`in accordance with this invention;
`particular application. Also, different
`sources may FIG. 15 is a top plan view of one form of transition
`particular application. Also, different light sources may
`FIG. 15 is a top plan view of one form of transition
`be used to supply the panels with different types of
`device in accordance with
`this invention for converting
`be used to supply the panels with different types of
`device in accordance with this invention for converting
`radiation and reduce or eliminate others.
`an easily focused cross-sectional shape of light to the
`an easily focused cross-sectional shape of light to the
`radiation and reduce or eliminate others.
`Further in accordance with the invention, the panel
`shape of a panel input surface;
`shape of a panel input surface;
`Further in accordance with the invention, the panel
`the 55
`input surfaces may be lens shaped or tapered to alter
`FIGS. 16-19 are schematic perspective views of vari
`input surfaces may be lens shaped or tapered to alter the
`FIGS. 16-19 are schematic perspective views of vari
`input light ray distribution. Also, such panel input sur
`ous other forms of transition devices in accordance with
`input light ray distribution. Also, such panel input sur
`ous other forms of transition devices in accordance with
`faces may be coated with an antireflective or other
`this invention; and
`this invention; and
`faces may be coated with an antire?ective or other
`FIGS. 20-22 are schematic perspective
`views of
`FIGS. 20-22 are schematic perspective views of sev
`In accordance with another aspect of
`eral different shapes of panels constructed in accor-
`eral different shapes of panels constructed in accor
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a
`transition device is provided for converting easily fo- 60 dance with this invention,
`transition device is provided for converting easily fo
`dance with this invention.
`cused light received from a light
`shape of
`cused light received from a light source to the shape of
`the panel input surface. In one form of the invention, the
`the panel input surface. In one form of the invention, the
`transition device includes an optical fiber
`transition device includes an optical ?ber transition
`Referring now in detail to the drawings, and initially
`member having a round or other shaped connector at
`Referring now in detail to the drawings, and initially
`member having a round or other shaped connector at
`one end to permit a source of light to be easily focused 65 to FIG. 1, there is schematically shown one form of thin
`to FIG. 1, there is schematically shown one form of thin
`one end to permit a source of light to be easily focused
`thereon, and a rectangular or other shaped connector at
`panel illuminator in accordance with this invention
`panel illuminator in accordance with this invention
`thereon, and a rectangular or other shaped connector at
`the other end corresponding in
`including a solid transparent light emitting panel 2 and
`including a solid transparent light emitting panel 2 and
`the other end corresponding in shape to the panel input
`a light source
`3 which generates and focuses light, in a
`a light source 3 which generates and focuses light, in a
`Page 8 of 14
`predetermined pattern, either directly on a panel input
`tion ratio, and the internal ray distribution determining
`tion ratio, and the internal ray distribution determining
`predetermined pattern, either directly on a panel input
`edge 4 or on a transition device 5 which is used to make
`the light output and efficiency of the panel,
`the light output and efficiency of the panel.
`edge 4 or on a transition device 5 which is used to make
`the transition from
`source 3 target shape to
`the When the wave guide 25 is bent, certain light rays
`When the wave guide 25 is bent, certain light rays
`the transition from the light source 3 target shape to the
`light emitting panel input edge 4 shape as shown. The
`that were previously
`reflected will be
`that were previously internally reflected will be emitted
`light emitting panel input edge 4 shape as shown. The
`light that is transmitted from the light source 3 to the 5
`if the bends are below a critical radius. The critical
`if the bends are below a critical radius. The critical
`light that is transmitted from the light source 3 to the
`light emitting panel 2 may be emitted along the length
`radius is the radius of curvature at which these light
`radius is the radius of curvature at which these light
`light emitting panel 2 may be emitted along the length
`of the panel as desired
`to produce a
`output light rays first start to be emitted. By making the bends 26
`rays ?rst start to be emitted. By making the bends 26
`of the panel as desired to produce a desired light output
`distribution to fit a particular application.
`more or less pronouced,
`percentage of
`more or less pronouced, the percentage of light emitted
`distribution to ?t a particular application.
`A light source 3 of any suitable type may be used,
`can be controlled for a given input ray distribution,
`can be controlled for a given input ray distribution.
`A light source of any suitable type may be used,
`including, for example, any of the types disclosed in 10 As schematically shown in FIG. 3, as certain light
`As schematically shown in FIG. 3, as certain light
`including, for example, any of the types disclosed in
`copending application Ser. No. 125,323, filed Nov. 24,
`rays strike a bend surface 26 of panel 24, they exceed the
`rays strike a bend surface 26 of panel 24, they exceed the
`copending application Ser. No. 125,323, ?led Nov. 24,
`1987, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,897,771, granted Jan. 30,
`internal critical angle and are emitted. If desired, one
`internal critical angle and are emitted. If desired, one
`1987, now US. Pat. No. 4,897,771, granted Jan. 30,
`side of panel 24 may be provided with a back reflector
`side of panel 24 may be provided with a back re?ector
`1990, and assigned to the same assignee as the present
`1990, and assigned to the same assignee as the present
`27 that reflects the light emitted from that side back
`27 that re?ects the light emitted from that side back
`application, which is incorporated herein by reference.
`application, which is incorporated herein by reference.
`15 through the panel towards an application as schemati
`through the panel towards an application as schemati
`Light source
`3 includes a
`Light source 3 includes a radiation source 8 such as an
`cally shown in phantom lines in FIG. 3. Moreover,
`cally shown in phantom lines in FIG. 3. Moreover,
`arc lamp, an incandescent bulb, a lens end bulb, an LED
`arc lamp, an incandescent bulb, a lens end bulb, an LED
`selected light emitting areas 28 of the panel 24 may be
`selected light emitting areas 28 of the panel 24 may be
`or a fluorescent tube or
`the like,
`and may
`or a ?uorescent tube or the like, and may have a collec
`coated with a transparent coating 29 having a different
`coated with a transparent coating 29 having a different
`tor 9 which collects the light emitted by the radiation
`tor 9 which collects the light emitted by the radiation
`refractive index than
`the light conducting ribbon or film
`refractive index than the light conducting ribbon or ?lm
`source 8 and uniformly focuses the light on the input
`source 8 and uniformly focuses the light on the input
`20 25 to cause changes in the attenuation of light being
`25 to cause changes in the attenuation of light being
`end 10 of the transition device 5 with predetermined
`end 10 of the transition device 5 with predetermined ray
`emitted from the panel 24 as further schematically
`emitted from the panel 24 as further schematically
`angles to fit a particular application. For the thin panel
`angles to ?t a particular application. For the thin panel
`shown in phantom lines in FIG. 3.
`shown in phantom lines in FIG. 3.
`1 of the present invention to operate effi
`illuminator l of the present invention to operate effi
`FIG. 4 shows another form of light emitting panel 30
`FIG. 4 shows another form of light emitting panel 30
`ciently, the light source 3, transition device 5 and light
`ciently, the light source 3, transition device 5 and light
`in accordance with this invention including a solid
`in accordance with this invention including a solid
`emitting panel 2 must be designed to fit each other as
`emitting panel 2 must be designed to ?t each other as
`25 transparent wave guide
`31 similar
`transparent wave guide 31 similar to the wave guide 15
`well as the particular application. However, it should be
`well as the particular application. However, it should be
`of FIG. 1 but having a prismatic surface 32 on a side 33
`of FIG. 1 but having a prismatic surface 32 on a side 33
`understood that the light source 3, transition device 5
`understood that the light source 3, transition device 5
`which is covered by a back reflector 34. Accordingly,
`which is covered by a back re?ector 34. Accordingly,
`and light emitting panel 2 may also be used
`separately if
`and light emitting panel 2 may also be used separately if
`when the prismatic surface 32 is struck by light rays
`when the prismatic surface 32 is struck by light rays
`. ,
`. .
`, „
`entering an input end edge 35 of the wave guide 31,
`entering an input end edge 35 of the wave guide 31,
`Light emitting panel 2 comprises a solid transparent 30 causing the light rays t0 exceed the internal critical
`Light emitting panel 2 comprises a solid transparent
`causing the light rays to exceed the internal critical
`or translucent wave guide 15 made of glass, plastic or
`or translucent wave guide 15 made of glass, plastic or
`angle and be emittedj the emitted light rays will be
`angle and be emitted, the emitted light rays will be
`other suitable transparent or translucent material, with
`reflected back through the panel by the back reflector
`other suitable transparent or translucent material, with
`re?ected back through the panel by the back re?ector
`disruptions 16 on at least one side 17 formed as by cut-
`other the side 36 of the panel as schemati-
`34 ancj
`disruptions 16 on at least one side 17 formed as by cut
`34 and out the other side 36 of the panel as schemati
`ting, molding, coating, forming or otherwise causing
`ting, molding, coating, forming or otherwise causing
`Cally shown in FIG. 4. The angles and/or depth of these
`cally shown in FIG. 4. The angles and/or depth of these
`mechanical, chemical
`other deformations in the exte- 35 prismatic surfaces 32 may be varied along the length of
`mechanical, chemical or other deformations in the exte
`prismatic surfaces 32 may be varied along the length of
`rior surface 18 thereof. When these disruptions 16 are
`the panel 30 to produce uniform or other desired light
`rior surface 18 thereof. When these disruptions 16 are
`the panel 30 to produce uniform or other desired light
`struck by the light rays entering the panel input edge 4,
`struck by the light rays entering the panel
`edge 4, output from the other side 36 of the panel,
`output from the other side 36 of the panel.
`they cause some of
`light rays to exceed the internal
`are shown entering
`jn piG. 4, the light rays
`the panel
`they cause some of the light rays to exceed the internal
`In FIG. 4, the light rays are shown entering the panel
`critical angle and be emitted from the panel. The
`30 through an end edge 35 generally perpendicular to
`critical angle and be emitted from the panel. The
`30 through an end edge 35 generally perpendicular to
`amount of light emitted from the panel will depend on
`the prism edges 37. Also, an end reflector 38 is shown
`amount of light emitted from the panel will depend on
`the prism edges 37. Also, an end re?ector 38 is shown
`the type, shape, depth and frequency of the disruptions
`on jjjg end ecjge 39 0f the panel opposite the input end
`the type, shape, depth and frequency of the disruptions
`on the end edge 39 of the panel opposite the input end
`16. For example, if the exterior surface 18 is mechani-
`edge 35. However, if desired, light rays may be caused
`16. For example, if the exterior surface 18 is mechani
`edge 35. However, if desired, light rays may be caused
`cally deformed at decreasingly spaced intervals as the
`to enter the panel 30 from both end edges 35, 39, in
`cally deformed at decreasingly spaced intervals as the
`to enter the panel 30 from both end edges 35, 39, in
`distance from the light
`be there will the end reflector 38 would be eliminated, which event
`distance from the light source 3 increases, there will be
`which event the end re?ector 38 would be eliminated.
`more uniform emission of light from the surface 18 45
`FIG. 5 shows another form of
`emitting panel 40
`more uniform emission of light from the surface 18
`FIG. 5 shows another form of light emitting panel 40
`when viewed from a distance. Also,
`16 disruptions jn accordance with this invention comprising a solid
`when viewed from a distance. Also, such disruptions 16
`in accordance with this invention comprising a solid
`may vary in depth and shape along the length of the
`transparent prismatic film 41 having deformities 42
`may vary in depth and shape along the length of the
`transparent prismatic ?lm 41 having deformities 42 cut,
`panel 2 to produce a desired light output distribution.
`molded or otherwise formed
`along the top of the prism
`panel 2 to produce a desired light output distribution.
`molded or otherwise formed along the top of the prism
`A back reflector 20 may be provided on
`the of
`21 side edges 43. Although the deformities 42 are shown as
`A back re?ector 20 may be provided on the side 21 of
`edges 43. Although the deformities 42 are shown as
`the panel 2 opposite
`the side
`17 with
`disruptions 50 being of a generally triangular shape, they may be of 16
`the panel 2 opposite the side 17 with the disruptions 16
`being of a generally triangular shape, they may be of
`therein. In like manner, an end reflector 22 may be
`any desired shape that causes light to be emitted, and
`therein. In like manner, an end re?ector 22 may be
`any desired shape that causes light to be emitted, and
`provided on the end edge 23 opposite the input edge 4
`may vary in depth and shape along the length of the
`provided on the end edge 23 opposite the input edge 4
`may vary in depth and shape along the length of the
`to minimize the amount of light escaping from these
`prism edges 43 to produce a desired light output distri
`to minimize the amount of light escaping from these
`prism edges 43 to produce a desired light output distri
`bution. In this embodiment, light rays are caused to
`bution. In this embodiment, light rays are caused to
`Another light emitting panel 24 in accordance with 55 enter the panel 40 from one or both side
`edges 44, 45 in
`Another light emitting panel 24 in accordance with
`enter the panel 40 from one or both side edges 44, 45 in
`this invention is schematically shown in FIG. 2 and
`a direction generally parallel to the prism edges 43.
`this invention is schematically shown in FIG. 2 and
`a direction generally parallel to the prism edges 43.
`comprises a thin light conducting ribbon
`bent or film 25 Alternatively, diffuser surfaces 46 may be formed
`comprises a thin light conducting ribbon or ?lm 25 bent
`Alternatively, diffuser surfaces 46 may be formed
`into a wave form of predetermined pattern. Although
`along the top edges 47 of the prismatic surfaces 48 of a
`into a wave form of predetermined pattern. Although
`along the top edges 47 of the prismatic surfaces 48'0f a
`the dimensions of
`the panel 24 may
`as vary, an example,
`prismatic film light emitting panel 49 as schematically
`prismatic ?lm light emitting panel 49 as schematically
`the dimensions of the panel 24 may vary, as an example,
`the panel 24 may be approximately
`and thick 60 shown in FIG. 6. These diffuser surfaces 46 may vary in
`the panel 24 may be approximately 0.020 inch thick and
`shown in FIG. 6. These diffuser surfaces 46 may vary in
`have an overall height of approximately
`and inch, depth and/or width along the length of the panel 49,
`have an overall height of approximately 0.040 inch, and
`depth and/or width along the length of the panel 49,
`be of any desired width or length depending on the
`and may comprise a roughened surface, a lenticular
`be of any desired width or length depending on the
`and may comprise a roughened surface, a lenticular
`particular application. Such a panel 24 may be made in
`surface, or a prismatic surface or the like that cons