`Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California
`One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA @ʈʉʄʉ-ʈʅ@ʇ USA
`+ʄ-ʈʆʃ-@ʈʇ-ʇʅ@@ / jowens@ece.ucdavis.edu
`Computer systems; parallel computing, general-purpose computation on graphics hardware /
`GPU computing, parallel algorithms and data structures, graphics architectures, parallel architec-
`tures and programming models.
`Stanford University
`Department of Electrical Engineering
`Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, January ʅʃʃʆ
`M.S., Electrical Engineering, March ʄ@@@
`Advisors: Professors William J. Dally and Pat Hanrahan
`Dissertation Topic: “Computer Graphics on a Stream Architecture”
`Stanford, California
`University of California, Berkeley
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
`B.S., Highest Honors, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, June ʄ@@ʈ
`Berkeley, California
`University of California, Davis
`Davis, California
`Child Family Professor of Engineering and Entrepreneurship
`Associate Professor
`Assistant Professor
`Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; member of Graduate
`Groups of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Applied Mathemat-
`ics. Visiting Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos
`National Laboratory.
`San Francisco, California
`July–December ʅʃʄʅ
`So(cid:13)ware Engineer (Sabbatical)
`Engineer in Core System Libraries group in Twitter’s Runtime Systems division.
`Stanford University
`Stanford, California
`Research Assistant
`An architect of the Imagine Stream Processor under the direction of Professor William J. Dally.
`Responsible for major portions of hardware and so(cid:13)ware design for Imagine and its tools and
`Stanford University
`Stanford, California
`Fall ʅʃʃʄ
`Teaching Assistant
`Teaching assistant for Computer Science @@, “(cid:156)e Coming Revolution in Computer Architec-
`ture”, under Professor William J. Dally. Designed course with Professor Dally, including lecture
`topics, readings, and laboratories.
`Interval Research Corporation
`Investigated new graphics architectures under the direction of Dr. Matt Regan.
`Palo Alto, California
`Stanford University
`Stanford, California
`Research Assistant
`Under the direction of Professor Pat Hanrahan, designed and built the Lightning distributed
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 1
`Silicon Studio, Silicon Graphics Inc.
`Mountain View, California
`Summer ʄ@@ʈ
`So(cid:13)ware Engineer
`Performed development work on SGI’s Firewalker video-game authoring system, mastering game
`titles to game platforms.
`University of California, Berkeley
`Berkeley, California
`Spring ʄ@@ʈ
`Teaching Assistant
`Teaching assistant for Computer Science ʄʈʃ, “Digital Design”, under Professor Richard Newton.
`Responsible for laboratory section, office hours, grading, and midterm review.
`Intel Corporation, P@ Architecture Group
`Santa Clara, California
`Summer ʄ@@ʇ
`Design Engineer
`Designed and implemented graphical user interface to Intel’s Sphinx microarchitecture simulator.
`First Person Inc. (subsidiary of Sun Microsystems Inc.)
`Hardware Designer
`Assisted in design of NTSC SBus-compatible framebuffer.
`ViewStar Corporation
`Quality Assurance Engineer
`Tested and debugged ViewStar’s Document Management System.
`Palo Alto, California
`Summer ʄ@@ʆ
`Emeryville, California
`Summer ʄ@@ʅ
`Oracle Corporation
`Technical Staff
`Tested and debugged Oracle for Macintosh.
`Redwood Shores, California
`Summer ʄ@@ʄ
`“Fast Sparse Matrix and Sparse Vector
`Carl Yang, Yangzihao Wang, and John D. Owens.
`Multiplication Algorithm on the GPU”. In Graph Algorithms Building Blocks, GABB ʅʃʄʈ. May
`(cid:156)omas Weber, Michael Wimmer, and John D. Owens. “Parallel Reyes-style Adaptive Subdivision
`with Bounded Memory Usage”. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive
`ʆD Graphics and Games, iʆD ʅʃʄʈ, pages ʆ@–ʇʈ. February/March ʅʃʄʈ.
`Jonathan Kemal, Roger L. Davis, and John D. Owens. “Multidisciplinary Simulation Acceleration
`using Multiple Shared-Memory Graphical Processing Units”. In AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace,
`AIAA Science and Technology Forum. January ʅʃʄʈ.
`Mohamed Ebeida, Scott Mitchell, Anjul Patney, Andrew Davidson, Stanley Tzeng, Muhammad
`Awad, Ahmed Mahmoud, and John D. Owens. “Exercises in High-Dimensional Sampling:
`Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling and k-d Darts”.
`In Janine Bennett, Fabien Vivodtzev, and
`Valerio Pascucci, editors, Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data – Tackling Large-
`Scale, High-Dimensional, and Multivariate Data Sets, pages ʅʅʄ–ʅʆ@. Springer, November ʅʃʄʇ.
`Jason Mak, Mauricio Hess-Flores, Shawn Recker, John D. Owens, and Kenneth I. Joy. “A Com-
`parative Study of Recent GPU-Accelerated Multi-View Sequential Reconstruction Triangulation
`Methods for Large-Scale Scenes”. In Big Data in ʆD Computer Vision. November ʅʃʄʇ.
`A(cid:13)on Geil, Yangzihao Wang, and John D. Owens. “WTF, GPU! Computing Twitter’s Who-To-
`Follow on the GPU”. In Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Online Social Networks,
`COSN ’ʄʇ, pages ʉʆ–ʉ@. October ʅʃʄʇ.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 2
`Andrew Davidson, Sean Baxter, Michael Garland, and John D. Owens. “Work-Efficient Parallel
`GPU Methods for Single Source Shortest Paths”. In Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International
`Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pages ʆʇ@–ʆʈ@. May ʅʃʄʇ.
`Jason Mak, Mauricio Hess-Flores, Shawn Recker, John D. Owens, and Kenneth I. Joy. “GPU-
`Accelerated and Efficient Multi-View Triangulation for Scene Reconstruction”. In Proceedings of
`the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV ’ʄʇ, pages ʉʄ–ʉ@. March
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Anjul Patney, Scott A. Mitchell, Keith R. Dalbey, Andrew A. Davidson, and
`John D. Owens. “k-d Darts: Sampling by k-Dimensional Flat Searches”. ACM Transactions on
`Graphics, ʆʆ:ʆ:ʄ–ʆ:ʄʉ, January ʅʃʄʇ.
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Ahmed H. Mahmoud, Muhammad A. Awad, Mohammed A. Mohammed,
`Scott A. Mitchell, Alex Rand, and John D. Owens. “Si(cid:13)ed Disks”. Computer Graphics Forum,
`ʆʅ(ʅ):ʈʃ@–ʈʄ@, May ʅʃʄʆ.
`Stanley Tzeng, Brandon Lloyd, and John D. Owens. “A GPU Task-Parallel Model with Depen-
`dency Resolution”. IEEE Computer, ʇʈ(@):ʆʇ–ʇʄ, August ʅʃʄʅ.
`Shengren Li, Lance Simons, Jagadeesh Bhaskar Pakaravoor, Fatemeh Abbasinejad, John D. Owens,
`and Nina Amenta. “kANN on the GPU with Shi(cid:13)ed Sorting”. In Proceedings of High Performance
`Graphics 2012, pages ʆ@–ʇ@. June ʅʃʄʅ.
`Stanley Tzeng, Anjul Patney, Andrew Davidson, Mohamed S. Ebeida, Scott A. Mitchell, and
`John D. Owens. “High-Quality Parallel Depth-of-Field Using Line Samples”. In Proceedings of
`High Performance Graphics 2012, pages ʅʆ–ʆʄ. June ʅʃʄʅ.
`Andrew Davidson, David Tarjan, Michael Garland, and John D. Owens. “Efficient Parallel Merge
`Sort for Fixed and Variable Length Keys”. In Proceedings of Innovative Parallel Computing, InPar
`’ʄʅ. May ʅʃʄʅ.
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Scott A. Mitchell, Anjul Patney, Andrew A. Davidson, and John D. Owens.
`“A Simple Algorithm for Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling in High Dimensions”. Computer
`Graphics Forum, ʆʄ(ʅ):@@ʈ–@@ʇ, May ʅʃʄʅ.
`“A Study of Persistent (cid:156)reads Style GPU
`Kshitij Gupta, Jeff Stuart, and John D. Owens.
`Programming for GPGPU Workloads”. In Proceedings of Innovative Parallel Computing, InPar
`’ʄʅ. May ʅʃʄʅ.
`Ritesh A. Patel, Yao Zhang, Jason Mak, and John D. Owens. “Parallel Lossless Data Compression
`on the GPU”. In Proceedings of Innovative Parallel Computing, InPar ’ʄʅ. May ʅʃʄʅ.
`Andrew Davidson and John Owens. “Toward Techniques for Auto-tuning GPU Algorithms”.
`In Kristján Jónasson, editor, Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, volume @ʄʆʇ of Lecture
`Notes in Computer Science, pages ʄʄʃ–ʄʄ@. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, February ʅʃʄʅ.
`Yao Zhang, John Ludd Recker, Robert Ulichney, Ingeborg Tastl, and John D. Owens. “Plane-
`dependent Error Diffusion on a GPU”. In Proceedings of SPIE: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2012
`/ Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications II, volume @ʅ@ʈB, pages @ʅ@ʈB–ʈ@:ʄ–ʄʃ. January
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Anjul Patney, John D. Owens, and Eric Mestreau. “Isotropic conforming re-
`finement of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes using two-refinement templates”. International
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 3
`Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, @@(ʄʃ):@@ʇ–@@ʈ, @ December ʅʃʄʄ.
`Kshitij Gupta and John D. Owens. “Compute & Memory Optimizations for High-Quality Speech
`Recognition on Low-End GPU Processors”. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference
`on High Performance Computing, HiPC ʅʃʄʄ. December ʅʃʄʄ.
`Dan A. Alcantara, Vasily Volkov, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Michael Mitzenmacher, John D. Owens,
`and Nina Amenta. “Building an Efficient Hash Table on the GPU”. In Wen-mei W. Hwu, editor,
`GPU Computing Gems, volume ʅ, chapter ʇ, pages ʆ@–ʈʆ. Morgan Kaufmann, October ʅʃʄʄ.
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Scott A. Mitchell, Andrew A. Davidson, Anjul Patney, Patrick M. Knupp, and
`John D. Owens. “Efficient and Good Delaunay Meshes From Random Points”. In Proceedings
`of the SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, GD/SPM11, pages ʄʈʃʉ–ʄʈʄʈ.
`October ʅʃʄʄ.
`Mark Silberstein, Assaf Schuster, and John D. Owens. “Applying So(cid:13)ware-Managed Caching and
`CPU/GPU Task Scheduling for Accelerating Dynamic Workloads”. In Wen-mei W. Hwu, editor,
`GPU Computing Gems, volume ʅ, chapter ʆʉ, pages ʈʃʄ–ʈʄ@. Morgan Kaufmann, October ʅʃʄʄ.
`Jeff A. Stuart, Pavan Balaji, and John D. Owens. “Extending MPI to Accelerators”. In ASBD 2011:
`First Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data, pages ʄ@–ʅʆ. October ʅʃʄʄ.
`Yao Zhang, Jonathan Cohen, Andrew A. Davidson, and John D. Owens. “A Hybrid Method for
`Solving Tridiagonal Systems on the GPU”. In Wen-mei W. Hwu, editor, GPU Computing Gems,
`volume ʅ, chapter ʄʄ, pages ʄʄ@–ʄʆʅ. Morgan Kaufmann, October ʅʃʄʄ.
`John Jenkins, Isha Arkatkar, John D. Owens, Alok Choudhary, and Nagiza F. Samatova. “Lessons
`Learned from Exploring the Backtracking Paradigm on the GPU”. In Euro-Par 2011: Proceedings
`of the 17th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, volume
`ʉ@ʈʆ of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages ʇʅʈ–ʇʆ@. Springer, August/September ʅʃʄʄ.
`“Acceleration of 2-D
`Everett H. Phillips, Yao Zhang, Roger L. Davis, and John D. Owens.
`Journal of Aerospace
`Compressible Flow Solvers with Graphics Processing Unit Clusters”.
`Computing, Information, and Communication, @(@):ʅʆ@–ʅʇ@, August ʅʃʄʄ.
`Mohamed S. Ebeida, Anjul Patney, Scott A. Mitchell, Andrew Davidson, Patrick M. Knupp, and
`John D. Owens. “Efficient Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling”. ACM Transactions on Graphics,
`ʆʃ(ʇ):ʇ@:ʄ–ʇ@:ʄʅ, July ʅʃʄʄ.
`Jeff A. Stuart, Michael Cox, and John D. Owens. “GPU-to-CPU Callbacks”. In Euro-Par 2010
`Workshops: Proceedings of the (cid:156)ird Workshop on UnConventional High Performance Computing
`(UCHPC 2010), volume ʉʈ@ʉ of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages ʆʉʈ–ʆ@ʅ. Springer,
`July ʅʃʄʄ.
`Vladimir Glavtchev, Pınar Muyan-Özçelik, Jeffery M. Ota, and John D. Owens. “Feature-Based
`Speed Limit Sign Detection Using a Graphics Processing Unit”. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE
`Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages ʄ@ʈ–ʅʃʃ. June ʅʃʄʄ.
`Christopher P. Stone, Earl P. N. Duque, Yao Zhang, David Car, John D. Owens, and Roger L.
`Davis. “GPGPU parallel algorithms for structured-grid CFD codes”. In Proceedings of the 20th
`AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, ʅʃʄʄ-ʆʅʅʄ. June ʅʃʄʄ.
`Andrew Davidson, Yao Zhang, and John D. Owens. “An Auto-tuned Method for Solving Large
`Tridiagonal Systems on the GPU”. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Parallel and
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 4
`Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS ʅʃʄʄ, pages @ʈʉ–@ʉʈ. May ʅʃʄʄ.
`Jeff A. Stuart and John D. Owens. “Multi-GPU MapReduce on GPU Clusters”. In Proceedings of
`the 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pages ʄʃʉ@–ʄʃ@@.
`May ʅʃʄʄ.
`Andrew Davidson and John D. Owens. “Register Packing for Cyclic Reduction: A Case Study”.
`In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing
`Units, pages ʇ:ʄ–ʇ:ʉ. March ʅʃʄʄ.
`Pınar Muyan-Özçelik, Vladimir Glavtchev, Jeffrey M. Ota, and John D. Owens. “Real-Time
`Speed-Limit-Sign Recognition on an Embedded System Using a GPU”. In Wen-mei W. Hwu,
`editor, GPU Computing Gems, volume ʄ, chapter ʆʅ, pages ʇ@@–ʈʄʉ. Morgan Kaufmann, February
`Yao Zhang and John D. Owens. “A Quantitative Performance Analysis Model for GPU Architec-
`tures”. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer
`Architecture, HPCA ʄ@, pages ʆ@ʅ–ʆ@ʆ. February ʅʃʄʄ.
`Shubhabrata Sengupta, Mark Harris, Michael Garland, and John D. Owens. “Efficient Parallel
`Scan Algorithms for many-core GPUs”. In Jakub Kurzak, David A. Bader, and Jack Dongarra, edi-
`tors, Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators, Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational
`Science, chapter ʄ@, pages ʇʄʆ–ʇʇʅ. Taylor & Francis, January ʅʃʄʄ.
`Yao Zhang, John Ludd Recker, Robert Ulichney, Giordano B. Beretta, Ingeborg Tastl, I-Jong Lin,
`and John D. Owens. “A Parallel Error Diffusion Implementation on a GPU”. In Proceedings of
`SPIE: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011 / Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications, volume
`@@@ʅ, pages @@@ʅʃK:ʄ–@. January ʅʃʄʄ.
`Pınar Muyan-Özçelik, Vladimir Glavtchev, Jeffery M. Ota, and John D. Owens. “A Template-
`Based Approach for Real-Time Speed-Limit-Sign Recognition on an Embedded System using
`GPU Computing”. In Michael Goesele, Stefan Roth, Arjan Kuijper, Bernt Schiele, and Konrad
`Schindler, editors, DAGM 2010: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Symposium of the German
`Association for Pattern Recognition, volume ʉʆ@ʉ of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
`ʄʉʅ–ʄ@ʄ. Springer, September ʅʃʄʃ.
`Andrew Davidson and John D. Owens. “Toward Techniques for Auto-Tuning GPU Algorithms”.
`In Para ʅʃʄʃ: State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing. June ʅʃʄʃ.
`Anjul Patney, Stanley Tzeng, and John D. Owens. “Fragment-Parallel Composite and Filter”.
`Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), ʅ@(ʇ):ʄʅʈʄ–
`ʄʅʈ@, June ʅʃʄʃ.
`Everett H. Phillips, Roger L. Davis, and John D. Owens. “Unsteady Turbulent Simulations on a
`Cluster of Graphics Processors”. In Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference,
`AIAA ʅʃʄʃ-ʈʃʆʉ. June ʅʃʄʃ.
`Jeff A. Stuart, Cheng-Kai Chen, Kwan-Liu Ma, and John D. Owens. “Multi-GPU Volume Render-
`ing using MapReduce”. In HPDC ’10: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on
`High Performance Distributed Computing / MAPREDUCE ’10: (cid:156)e First International Workshop
`on MapReduce and its Applications, pages @ʇʄ–@ʇ@. June ʅʃʄʃ.
`Stanley Tzeng, Anjul Patney, and John D. Owens. “Task Management for Irregular-Parallel
`Workloads on the GPU”. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2010, pages ʅ@–ʆ@. June
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 5
`“Fast Tridiagonal Solvers on the GPU”.
`Yao Zhang, Jonathan Cohen, and John D. Owens.
`In Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
`Programming, PPoPP 2010, pages ʄʅ@–ʄʆʉ. January ʅʃʄʃ.
`Dan A. Alcantara, Andrei Sharf, Fatemeh Abbasinejad, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Michael Mitzen-
`macher, John D. Owens, and Nina Amenta. “Real-Time Parallel Hashing on the GPU”. ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, ʅ@(ʈ):ʄʈʇ:ʄ–ʄʈʇ:@, December ʅʃʃ@.
`Kshitij Gupta and John D. Owens. “(cid:156)ree-Layer Optimizations for Fast GMM Computations
`on GPU-like Parallel Processors”. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech
`Recognition & Understanding, pages ʄʇʉ–ʄʈʄ. December ʅʃʃ@.
`Anjul Patney, Mohamed S. Ebeida, and John D. Owens. “Parallel View-Dependent Tessellation
`of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces”. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2009, pages
`@@–ʄʃ@. August ʅʃʃ@.
`Luke J. Gosink, Kesheng Wu, E. Wes Bethel, John D. Owens, and Kenneth I. Joy. “Data Parallel
`Bin-Based Indexing for Answering Queries on Multi-Core Architectures”. In Proceedings of the
`21st International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, volume ʈʈʉʉ of
`Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages ʄʄʃ–ʄʅ@. Springer, June ʅʃʃ@.
`“Message Passing on Data-Parallel Architectures”.
`Jeff A. Stuart and John D. Owens.
`Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. May
`Brian Budge, Tony Bernardin, Jeff A. Stuart, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Kenneth I. Joy, and John D.
`Owens. “Out-of-core Data Management for Path Tracing on Hybrid Resources”. Computer
`Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2009), ʅ@(ʅ):ʆ@ʈ–ʆ@ʉ, April ʅʃʃ@.
`Everett H. Phillips, Yao Zhang, Roger L. Davis, and John D. Owens. “Rapid Aerodynamic
`Performance Prediction on a Cluster of Graphics Processing Units”. In Proceedings of the 47th
`AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA ʅʃʃ@-ʈʉʈ. January ʅʃʃ@.
`Anjul Patney and John D. Owens. “Real-Time Reyes-Style Adaptive Surface Subdivision”. ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, ʅ@(ʈ):ʄʇʆ:ʄ–ʄʇʆ:@, December ʅʃʃ@.
`Sanjiv S. Samant, Junyi Xia, Pınar Muyan-Özçelik, and John D. Owens. “High performance
`computing for deformable image registration: Towards a new paradigm in adaptive radiotherapy”.
`Medical Physics, ʆʈ(@):ʆʈʇʉ–ʆʈʈʆ, August ʅʃʃ@.
`“Fast Deformable
`Pınar Muyan-Özçelik, John D. Owens, Junyi Xia, and Sanjiv S. Samant.
`Registration on the GPU: A CUDA Implementation of Demons”. In Proceedings of the 2008
`International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (First Technical Session
`on UnConventional High Performance Computing), UCHPC ’08, pages ʅʅʆ–ʅʆʆ. July ʅʃʃ@.
`Mark Silberstein, Assaf Schuster, Dan Geiger, Anjul Patney, and John D. Owens. “Efficient
`Computation of Sum-products on GPUs (cid:156)rough So(cid:13)ware-Managed Cache”. In Proceedings of
`the 22nd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pages ʆʃ@–ʆʄ@. June ʅʃʃ@.
`John D. Owens, Mike Houston, David Luebke, Simon Green, John E. Stone, and James C. Phillips.
`“GPU Computing”. Proceedings of the IEEE, @ʉ(ʈ):@@@–@@@, May ʅʃʃ@.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 6
`Adam Moerschell and John D. Owens. “Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environ-
`ment”. Computer Graphics Forum, ʅ@(ʄ):ʄʆʃ–ʄʈʄ, March ʅʃʃ@.
`Aaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, and John D. Owens. “Resolution-Matched Shadow
`Maps”. ACM Transactions on Graphics, ʅʉ(ʇ):ʅʃ:ʄ–ʅʃ:ʄ@, October ʅʃʃ@.
`John D. Owens, William J. Dally, Ron Ho, D. N. Jayasimha, Stephen W. Keckler, and Li-Shiuan
`Peh. “Research Challenges for On-Chip Interconnection Networks”. IEEE Micro, ʅ@:@ʉ–ʄʃ@,
`September/October ʅʃʃ@.
`Mark Harris, Shubhabrata Sengupta, and John D. Owens. “Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with
`CUDA”. In Hubert Nguyen, editor, GPU Gems 3, chapter ʆ@, pages @ʈʄ–@@ʉ. Addison Wesley,
`August ʅʃʃ@.
`Shubhabrata Sengupta, Mark Harris, Yao Zhang, and John D. Owens. “Scan Primitives for GPU
`Computing”. In Graphics Hardware 2007, pages @@–ʄʃʉ. August ʅʃʃ@. Best Paper Award.
`Kwan-Liu Ma, Robert Ross, Jian Huang, Greg Humphreys, Nelson Max, Kenneth Moreland,
`John D. Owens, and Han-Wei Shen. “Ultra-Scale Visualization: Research and Education”. Journal
`of Physics: Conference Series, @@:ʃʄʅʃ@@ (ʉpp), June ʅʃʃ@.
`John D. Owens. “Towards Multi-GPU Support for Visualization”. Journal of Physics: Conference
`Series, @@:ʃʄʅʃʈʈ (ʈpp), June ʅʃʃ@.
`John D. Owens, David Luebke, Naga Govindaraju, Mark Harris, Jens Krüger, Aaron E. Lefohn,
`and Tim Purcell. “A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware”. Computer
`Graphics Forum, ʅʉ(ʄ):@ʃ–ʄʄʆ, March ʅʃʃ@.
`John D. Owens. “(cid:156)e Installation and Use of OpenType Fonts in LATEX”. TUGboat: Communica-
`tions of the TEX Users Group, ʅ@(ʅ):ʄʄʅ–ʄʄ@, December ʅʃʃʉ.
`Adam Moerschell and John D. Owens. “Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environ-
`ment”. In Graphics Hardware 2006, pages ʆʄ–ʆ@. September ʅʃʃʉ.
`Leo Szumel and John D. Owens. “(cid:156)e Virtual Pheromone Communication Primitive”.
`Phillip B. Gibbons, Tarek Abdelzaher, James Aspnes, and Ramesh Rao, editors, Proceedings of the
`Second IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, volume ʇʃʅʉ
`of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages ʄʆʈ–ʄʇ@. Springer, June ʅʃʃʉ.
`Aaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe Kniss, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens. “Gli(cid:13):
`Generic Data Structures for the GPU”. In Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Edge Computing
`Using New Commodity Architectures, pages D–ʄʈ–ʄʉ. May ʅʃʃʉ.
`Shubhabrata Sengupta, Aaron E. Lefohn, and John D. Owens. “A Work-Efficient Step-Efficient
`Prefix Sum Algorithm”. In Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Edge Computing Using New
`Commodity Architectures, pages D–ʅʉ–ʅ@. May ʅʃʃʉ.
`Sung W. Park, Lars Linsen, Oliver Kreylos, John D. Owens, and Bernd Hamann. “Discrete
`Sibson Interpolation”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ʄʅ(ʅ):ʅʇʆ–ʅʈʆ,
`March/April ʅʃʃʉ.
`Aaron E. Lefohn, Joe Kniss, Robert Strzodka, Shubhabrata Sengupta, and John D. Owens. “Gli(cid:13):
`Generic, Efficient, Random-Access GPU Data Structures”. ACM Transactions on Graphics,
`ʅʈ(ʄ):ʉʃ–@@, January ʅʃʃʉ.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 7
`Sung Park, Lars Linsen, Oliver Kreylos, John D. Owens, and Bernd Hamann. “A Framework
`for Real-Time Volume Visualization of Streaming Scattered Data”. In Proceedings of the Tenth
`International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, pages ʅʅʈ–ʅʆʅ. November
`Joe Kniss, Aaron Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens. “Octree
`Textures on Graphics Hardware”. In Technical Sketches Program, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005. August
`Aaron Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe Kniss, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens. “Dynamic
`Adaptive Shadow Maps on Graphics Hardware”. In Technical Sketches Program, ACM SIGGRAPH
`2005. August ʅʃʃʈ.
`John D. Owens, David Luebke, Naga Govindaraju, Mark Harris, Jens Krüger, Aaron E. Lefohn,
`and Tim Purcell. “A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware”.
`Eurographics 2005, State of the Art Reports, pages ʅʄ–ʈʄ. August ʅʃʃʈ.
`Leo Szumel, Jason LeBrun, and John D. Owens. “Towards a Mobile Agent Framework for
`Sensor Networks”. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors,
`EmNetS-II, pages @@–@@. May ʅʃʃʈ.
`Aaron Lefohn, Joe Kniss, and John Owens. “Implementing Efficient Parallel Data Structures on
`GPUs”. In Matt Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter ʆʆ, pages ʈʅʄ–ʈʇʈ. Addison Wesley, March
`John Owens. “Streaming Architectures and Technology Trends”. In Matt Pharr, editor, GPU
`Gems 2, chapter ʅ@, pages ʇʈ@–ʇ@ʃ. Addison Wesley, March ʅʃʃʈ.
`Andrew T. Riffel, Aaron E. Lefohn, Kiril Vidimce, Mark Leone, and John D. Owens. “Mio: Fast
`Multipass Partitioning via Priority-Based Instruction Scheduling”. In Graphics Hardware 2004,
`pages ʆʈ–ʇʇ. August ʅʃʃʇ.
`Ujval J. Kapasi, Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Brucek Khailany, Jung Ho Ahn, Peter Mattson, and
`John D. Owens. “Programmable Stream Processors”. IEEE Computer, ʆʉ(@):ʈʇ–ʉʅ, August ʅʃʃʆ.
`Brucek Khailany, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Ujval J. Kapasi, John D. Owens, and Brian
`Towles. “Exploring the VLSI Scalability of Stream Processors”. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual
`International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, pages ʄʈʆ–ʄʉʇ. February
`Ujval J. Kapasi, William J. Dally, Brucek Khailany, John D. Owens, and Scott Rixner. “(cid:156)e
`Imagine Stream Processor”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
`Design, pages ʅ@ʅ–ʅ@@. Freiburg, Germany, September ʅʃʃʅ.
`John D. Owens, Brucek Khailany, Brian Towles, and William J. Dally. “Comparing Reyes and
`OpenGL on a Stream Architecture”. In Graphics Hardware 2002, pages ʇ@–ʈʉ. September ʅʃʃʅ.
`John D. Owens, Ujval J. Kapasi, Peter Mattson, Brian Towles, Ben Serebrin, Scott Rixner, and
`William J. Dally.
`“Media Processing Applications on the Imagine Stream Processor”.
`Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, pages ʅ@ʈ–ʆʃʅ. Freiburg,
`Germany, September ʅʃʃʅ.
`Ben Serebrin, John D. Owens, Brucek Khailany, Peter Mattson, Ujval J. Kapasi, Chen H. Chen,
`Jinyung Namkoong, Stephen P. Crago, Scott Rixner, and William J. Dally. “A Stream Processor
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 8
`Development Platform”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design,
`pages ʆʃʆ–ʆʃ@. Freiburg, Germany, September ʅʃʃʅ.
`Ujval J. Kapasi, Peter Mattson, William J. Dally, John D. Owens, and Brian Towles. “Stream
`In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Media and Streaming Processors, pages
`ʄʃʄ–ʄʃʉ. Austin, TX, ʅ December ʅʃʃʄ.
`Brucek Khailany, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, Peter Mattson, Jinyung Namkoong, John D.
`Owens, Brian Towles, Andrew Chang, and Scott Rixner. “Imagine: Media Processing with
`Streams”. IEEE Micro, ʅʄ(ʅ):ʆʈ–ʇʉ, March/April ʅʃʃʄ.
`Ujval J. Kapasi, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Peter R. Mattson, John D. Owens, and Brucek
`Khailany. “Efficient Conditional Operations for Data-parallel Architectures”. In Proceedings
`of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages ʄʈ@–ʄ@ʃ.
`December ʅʃʃʃ.
`Peter Mattson, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Ujval J. Kapasi, and John D. Owens. “Communica-
`tion Scheduling”. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Architectural Support
`for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages @ʅ–@ʅ. November ʅʃʃʃ.
`Brucek Khailany, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Ujval J. Kapasi, Peter Mattson, Jin Namkoong,
`John D. Owens, and Brian Towles. “Imagine: Signal and Image Processing Using Streams”. In
`Hotchips 12. August ʅʃʃʃ.
`John D. Owens, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, Scott Rixner, Peter Mattson, and Ben Mowery.
`“Polygon Rendering on a Stream Architecture”. In 2000 SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on
`Graphics Hardware, pages ʅʆ–ʆʅ. August ʅʃʃʃ.
`Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, Peter Mattson, and John D. Owens. “Memory
`Access Scheduling”. In Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
`pages ʄʅ@–ʄʆ@. June ʅʃʃʃ.
`Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Brucek Khailany, Peter Mattson, Ujval Kapasi, and John D. Owens.
`“Register Organization for Media Processing”. In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International
`Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, pages ʆ@ʈ–ʆ@ʉ. January ʅʃʃʃ.
`Scott Rixner, William J. Dally, Ujval J. Kapasi, Brucek Khailany, Abelardo Lopez-Lagunas, Peter
`Mattson, and John D. Owens. “A Bandwidth-Efficient Architecture for Media Processing”. In
`Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages
`ʆ–ʄʆ. December ʄ@@@.
`Anjul Patney, Stanley Tzeng, Kerry A. Seitz, Jr., and John D. Owens. “Piko: A Design Framework
`for Programmable Graphics Pipelines”. CoRR, abs/ʄʇʃʇ.ʉʅ@ʆ(ʄʇʃʇ.ʉʅ@ʆvʅ), January ʅʃʄʈ.
`Yangzihao Wang, Andrew Davidson, Yuechao Pan, Yuduo Wu, Andy Riffel, and John D. Owens.
`“Gunrock: A High-Performance Graph Processing Library on the GPU”. CoRR, abs/ʄʈʃʄ.ʃʈʆ@@(ʄʈʃʄ.ʃʈʆ@@vʄ),
`January ʅʃʄʈ.
`Kerry A. Seitz, Jr., Alex Kennedy, Owen Ransom, Bassam A. Younis, and John D. Owens. “A GPU
`Implementation for Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Modeling”. CoRR, abs/ʄʆʃ@.ʄʅʆʃ(ʄʆʃ@.ʄʅʆʃvʄ),
`September ʅʃʄʆ.
`Stanley Tzeng and John D. Owens. “Finding Convex Hulls Using Quickhull on the GPU”. CoRR,
`abs/ʄʅʃʄ.ʅ@ʆʉ(ʄʅʃʄ.ʅ@ʆʉvʄ), January ʅʃʄʅ.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 9
`Jeff A. Stuart and John D. Owens. “Efficient Synchronization Primitives for GPUs”. CoRR,
`abs/ʄʄʄʃ.ʇʉʅʆ(ʄʄʄʃ.ʇʉʅʆvʄ), October ʅʃʄʄ.
`Luke J. Gosink, Kesheng Wu, E. Wes Bethel, John D. Owens, and Kenneth I. Joy. “Bin-Hash
`Indexing: A Parallel Method For Fast Query Processing”. Technical Report LBNL-@ʅ@E, Lawrence
`Berkeley National Laboratory, ʅʃ August ʅʃʃ@.
`Michael Kass, Aaron Lefohn, and John Owens. “Interactive Depth of Field Using Simulated
`Diffusion on a GPU”. Technical Report ʊʃʉ-ʃʄ, Pixar Animation Studios, January ʅʃʃʉ.
`John D. Owens, Shubhabrata Sengupta, and Daniel Horn. “Assessment of Graphic Processing
`Units (GPUs) for Department of Defense (DoD) Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Applications”.
`Technical Report ECE-CE-ʅʃʃʈ-ʆ, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni-
`versity of California, Davis, October ʅʃʃʈ.
`John D. Owens. “GPUs tapped for general computing”. EE Times, ʄʆ December ʅʃʃʇ.
`John D. Owens. “On (cid:156)e Scalability of Sensor Network Routing and Compression Algorithms”.
`Technical Report ECE-CE-ʅʃʃʇ-ʄ, Computer Engineering Research Laboratory, University of
`California, Davis, ʅʃʃʇ.
`Leo Szumel and John D. Owens. “On the Feasibility of the UC Davis Metanet”. Technical Report
`ECE-CE-ʅʃʃʆ-ʅ, Computer Engineering Research Laboratory, University of California, Davis,
`John D. Owens. Computer Graphics on a Stream Architecture. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University,
`November ʅʃʃʅ.
`Publication links are available at http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~jowens/pubs.html.
`Adobe Digital Marketing Research Award. Scaling Convex Optimization with GPUs. PI J. Owens,
`co-PI S. Boyd (Stanford University). October ʅʃʄʇ. ʍʈʃ,ʃʃʃ.
`National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Program, based on funding from
`(cid:156)e Grainger Foundation. Parallel Matrix Factorization: Towards GPUs in the Data Center. PI
`J. Owens, co-PI T. Sahai (United Technologies Research Center). ʄ April ʅʃʄʇ–ʆʄ May ʅʃʄʉ.
`Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) STTR STʄʆB-ʃʃʇ (“Data-
`Parallel Analytics on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)”). A High-Level Operator Abstraction
`for GPU Graph Analytics (award DʄʇPCʃʃʃʅʆ). PI E. Elsen (Royal Caliber LLC), co-PI J. Owens.
`January–June ʅʃʄʇ. ʍ@ʃ,ʃʃʃ.
`Department of Defense (XDATA program). An XDATA Architecture for Federated Graph Models
`and Multi-Tier Asymmetric Computing. October ʅʃʄʅ–December ʅʃʄʉ. Prime contractor: Data
`Tactics Corporation, award W@ʄʄQX-ʄʅ-C-ʃʃʈ@ (prime contractor Oct. ʅʃʄʅ–July ʅʃʄʆ: SYSTAP
`LLC). Initial ʅ-year period: ʍʅM (UCD portion ʍʆʈʃ,ʃʃʃ).
`Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories, Laboratory Directed Research and Devel-
`opment (LDRD) program. Efficient Probability of Failure Calculations for QMU using Computa-
`tional Geometry. (Proposal No. ʄʆ-ʃʄʇʇ). PI S. Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories), co-PIs
`M. Ebeida, B. Adams, V. Romero, J. Owens. FYʄʆ–ʄʈ. ʍʄ.ʉM (UCD portion ʍʄ@@,ʃʃʃ).
`UC Lab Fees Research Program Award ʄʅ-LR-ʅʆ@ʇʇ@. Probabilistic Algorithms for New Computer
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1008, p. 10
`Architectures. PI L. Monroe (Los Alamos National Laboratory), co-PIs J. Wendelberger (LANL),
`S. Michalak (LANL), J. Owens. July ʅʃʄʅ–September ʅʃʄʈ. ʍ@ʉʇ,ʆ@ʉ.
`Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Unrestricted gi(cid:13). June ʅʃʄʅ. ʍ@ʈ,ʃʃʃ.
`National Science Foundation Supplemental Funding Request (high-school-student research
`supplement), SHF:Small:So(cid:13)ware Fundamentals for Manycore Systems (award ʊ ʄʃʄ@ʆ@@, existing
`award ʊ ʄʃʄ@ʆ@@). PI J. Owens. Awarded June ʅʃʄʅ. ʍʇ@ʃʃ.
`Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Computing. PI P. Hanrahan (Stanford), theme
`leads M. Agrawala (Berkeley), D. James (Cornell), J. Owens (UC Davis), S. Seitz (Washington). @
`universities participating, ~ʆʃ PIs. January ʅʃʄʄ–December ʅʃʄʈ. ʍʄʈM over ʈ years.
`National Science Foundation (Award ʊ OCI-ʄʃʆʅ@ʈ@) SDCI: HPC: Improvement: Infrastructure
`for Multi-Node Manycore Computing. Office of Cyberinfrastructure. PI J. Owens. September
`ʅʃʄʃ–August ʅʃʄʈ. ʍʆ@ʄ,@ʈ@.
`National Science Foundation (Award ʊ CCF-ʄʃʄ@ʆ@@) SHF:Small:So(cid:13)ware Fundamentals for
`Manycore Systems. Division of Computer and Communication Foundations—So(cid:13)ware and
`Hardware Foundations. PI J. Owens. August ʅʃʄʃ–July ʅʃʄʈ. ʍʇ@@,@ʅʈ.
`Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) seed funding
`grant Computational Tools for River and Estuary Flow Prediction. PI J. Owens, co-PI B. Younis.
`Fall ʅʃʄʃ–Summer ʅʃʄʄ. ʍ@ʃ,@ʄʃ.
`National Science Foundation (Award ʊ IIS-ʃ@ʉʇʆʈ@) HCC: Medium: Collaborative Research:
`Data-Parallel Hash Tables: (cid:156)eory, Practice and Applications. IIS—Human-centered Computing
`program. PI A. Amenta; co-PIs J. Owens, M. Mitzenmacher (Harvard). August ʅʃʄʃ–July ʅʃʄʆ.
`Proposed ʍʉ@@,@@ʇ (UCD); funded at ʍʈʆʅ,ʃ@ʇ.
`Department of Defense / Air Force Office of Scientific Research Small Business Technology
`Transfer (STTR) Program. Innovative CFD Algorithms, Libraries and Python Frameworks for
`Hybrid CPU-GPU Compute Architectures (STTR Topic Number F09B-T18). PI: D