`Thtse highlights do not lndude all the inf01mat1onneeded to
`lilt lltVRO• (nepafenac ophthalmic susptnslon), O.llb safely
`and el!edlvely. See lullprtsaibin9 inf01mationforll£VRO
`(nepafem ophthalmic suspension), 0.3~.
`IUVRO• (nepafmac ophthalmic suspen~on), O.l%, topical
`Initial U.S. Approval: 2005
`·--·-·--····--·INDI(AnONS AND USAGf··-···-···-······(cid:173)
`U'IRO" (nepaienac ophlhiilmlc suspension), 0.316 ~a nonsteroidal,
`ant~irJlammat111y prodrug lnli<atedf111 the treatllllflt of pain and
`llfiammalion associated v.ith c.J~ra(t surgery (1).
`·-···-·--····-DOSAG£ AND ADMINISTRATION ................. ..
`On! drop of ILEVRO• (OEp.Jfellic oplilhalmk SUlplfiSion), 0.~ should
`~ aJllllied to the affected eye llllHime-dailyi!Eginning 1 do-y prior to
`cataract sYrgery, Cllllliooedoo the day of mrgery and through the fifst
`l weeks of the postoperative period. An addttlooal drop should be
`administered 30 to 120 minutes prior to s11gt~y. (l)
`·---............ DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHs-.... - ......... .
`Sterile ophthalmic suspension 0.~ 1.7 mlia a
`4 m!. bottle and 3 ml in a 4 ml bottle. (3)
`·-................ - ..... CONTRAINDICATION$ ............... - ..... ..
`Hypersensitivity to any of the ilgredierlts in the formula or to other
`....................... WARNINGS ANO PRECAUTIONS ............ - .. ..
`illCreM bleeding time due to interferellCe with thromboqte
`aggrf9ali0n (5.1)
`Delayed htlling (Sl)
`Comeal effecu incluring keratitis (5.3)
`.. ·- ·---·----··ADVERSE REACTIONS- ·- · .. ···--(cid:173)
`Most commnnadvefle reactioos (S to 10%) are capsular opadty,
`decreased >isual Kulty, foreign body stnsatioll, inaeastd intraocular
`pressure, ard ~icty sensation. (6.1)
`To r190rt SWKnO ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact AI! on
`laboratories, Inc. at 1·800.757-9195 or Fllht
`1·80C·FDA·10S8 01 www,fda.goy!medwatcb.
`1.1 Recommended Dosing
`1.2 Usew~ Otherloplcal Ophthalmic
`Increased Bleeding lime
`llelayed Kelling
`lJ Corneal Effects
`S. 4 Con!ad lens \\~ar
`6.1 S11ious and Otherwise Important
`AdYerse lltactilns
`6.2 Oc~ar Aclve!se Reactions
`llon-Orular Adverse ReKtklns
`UVRO' (nepafma< oplltlillmicsuspens~n), OJ 'lOis iookat!d for tile
`treatllll'nt of p>ln a!ld ilOamrnaUoo assodaltd with Qlafa(t surgtry.
`Recommended Ooslf1.9
`Olil drqp of~EVRO' (flll!afenarophilillmit IUlptnJiunL OJIIsbouldbt
`•ppfird lo tho aiTcct<d I'Jf ono~lro .. daUy loqlnn'11g l ''Y prior to
`calamt S~IY, ontfte ~ nl Sflgf!ly lnd lhmugh ~~~ filll l
`~<ell oflhepompmtN! p!llod.Auddll!onaldmp sll:Juld ~
`admlllllleml30 to 120 ninuros prior 10 SUIINY.
`lEVRO' (fllllaiU~ae oiblilalmk Slllptnslon), O.JIIatay be adatilli~trtd h
`coojunnlon wnlt oth!llflllul opllthallllk medkatllllll such as
`bell-bloc\en, cafb.Jnk anhydrase inhtJttors, alpha·agMliltl, cydoplegi<s,
`~more than one topical ophthalmic ~lion Is being u~d, die
`~klnes murt be admlsistered at !tanS minutes aPl!l.
`Stetle ophthalmk !US9ensl0fl 0.3'14
`l m11n a 4ntboHie
`lEVRO' (n~fenil! ophthalmk suspension), O.llf>h cootralldkattd in
`patienls whh pt!Yious~ demonstrated hyper;ensltMty to lfVI of lbt
`ilgrtdlenllln d!e fcrmula or to olher tiSAIOs.
`lncrused Bleeding Time
`Wrth semt Mnsleroidal anti-inflammatory <tugsinduding lMO'
`[nepafenac opllthalmk susptrulon), OJII,ture exists the potenl~l fer
`OO.ool bleedl"J lime due to lnterfiiiiK!wilh tlltombo<yte
`aggreg3tlon. There 111¥1 bll'CI reports !hal ocularly appll!d OOillletddal
`antHnnammatory GIUiJI may cause ~treastd bletd~ of ocularli$ues
`Ondutfng hyphema) in conjullCtiOIIIWth ocular Slllg!ly.
`~ ~ recommtM!d lhalllEVI.Q' (neJNfenu cpllthalmk 111Spe11Sion), OJ%
`bt 111ed Wilhca3tion In j).ltienU w'illllnownbleedlr.g tendencies 01 who
`are rK!Ivilg otller medicatioos which may prolong illtedilg time.
`8.1 Pregnancy
`8.l Nursing Mothers
`8.4 Pediatric Use
`8.5 G«iakic Use
`11 DtsCRimON
`12.1 M~challismofAcdon
`12J PharmiKllklntlkl
`ll.l Carclr~gmts~. ~Wiagtnesls,lmpoirment of
`11.1 Slow cr DelaY!'! Htal!ng
`11.2 Awldlng(o~~lnali~ of tile l'roduct
`11 J Contacllens \'/tar
`17.4 lnlt~current O<ular Cooditions
`11.5 (OilCOmilanl Topkallkubr lhc!apy
`11.6 Sha!:e Wdl8doct US<!
`••Sections or subseclio~s omi!led hom lht lui Pf?S(rllmg Infirmation are
`Delaytd Htaling
`Topical non~temldal anti-inflammatory rlnf9S (llSAIDs) lilcludillg llEVRO'
`(nep.1fenac Ol'llthalmk SIJ!Iltnslon), O.l~. may slow 01 delay healing. Topical
`cO<tl<osreroldsare also !mown to slow orde!ay heallr11. (one omit alit ust of
`topiCll NSAIDs and topi<alsterotds may ktcrtast the pot!fiiUI for healing
`Use of tojilcd NSAIDs 11111 result ill keratilis.ln 100'!1 SIJS(eptible patient~
`cooUnued llll of topical HSAJDs fillY result In eplllttlhl breakdown. cofllloll
`thiMing. corneal erosion, <crneal a lura lion 01 corneil perforation. These
`t'i!nts mar be sight threate~n~ Patienu IMihf'lldtiiCe of <omeal !jllthel~l
`breakdown sllculd Immediately dl!<ontinueuse oftcpkal NIAIDs lndudilg
`llEVl\0' (nepallflli t¢thalmk suspension), O.llo>and should be dose~
`rnooilortil for rorn~l bealtli.
`Postmad:dlng !XJlllleiiCe with tcpbl HIAI>s sugglltl that pallenu with
`<ompl!c.ted ocular surgeries, con'!! a! deeemlloo, <Olml ej!ilbellal def!(ls,
`diabetes mellitus, ac~ar sulf3ct diseases (t.l).. dry eye syndrome),
`rbtullaloW arlhrtlls, or l!lltat ocfllarsul\)efies within a shlllt p!flod of time
`may be at Increased 11!1 for corm! advmetvtnU wllch fillY t«cme sight
`threaten~ lopkal IISA!Os should be used with aution In tilele patients.
`Postmartellng e~erleiiCe with t01>1Gil NIAI>s llso sugg!SU that use more
`thin I d:.y priOI to swgtl)' 01 we btrnd 14days post-surgt~Y may i'.aease
`patient rht a~~d smrity of COintal adre~e events.
`IUVRO' {nepafenac ophthaknlc SIIS~nsion), OJ!> should 1101 be
`adminl~ertd ~ililtllling contKt llll!es.
`Because clinical ~!Idles 111 <ordU<ttd under widely varying cornliUons,
`advt~e rt.~clkin flits cbst~ve<l In tile clitkalslud'tsof a oiug tili!OOI be
`directly compartd to therarosln the clinical studies of another dfii\J and m~
`not rtRKt lhe rates observed io p11ctict.
`Serlounnd Othtr~~ilf lraportjnl
`Advene Rnrtions
`The fciiOI\ifl!ladvttse reactions are d~ct~~sed in q<Palet delaM In olher
`• lnueased Bleeding nme IMWruilgs or.d Precoulions 5.11
`• DelajNHt~ifll(lll:m/llgscmdflffi)U(/otlsJ.l)
`• Comeilllfects (WI!IIllilgsrmd l'rt<W!IMJ S.J)
`Oculn Advent Rea<Uons
`The mOll htquent~ reported ocular idverse reactions folowing atafa{(
`surge!)'~~~~ capsulill opacMy, decrea~edvisual iK'llty, fcr!lgn body
`sensation, IIKreastd kttraoculir pcessurt, a~~d sticl'y sensation. lhese
`read ions O<cuned In IPJliOlinule~ S to 1096 of patients.

`011ofrO<OIM M!v!n< ~t«1bl!IKMI~ Milllldi<nee r/ipN:dy
`llD~IK~<»>l~llVIltdtN,ar.wll tdt~rlryqt.lij iaarfll
`011tllg.IK'IIil cl!cOillcrtonial ~11!111. c(1111 ,._ oor!lr prwitll\
`Scmf aflhllt lfaolans mq bt tl'f COIIlf<l'.tO!t cf ll'.tllti"ICI!IIJ9kll
`Non·O<•IirA~nrn ltocllans
`Noo·tcu'ar idltf!t rut11oos rtported iln iaddence of Ito 4!11N1Lded
`~eadadlt, hypertension. r.~usearvomlt:ng, illllln111HI~
`T trllogelll<lffeds,
`Pregnancy category C: R!ploductlon !tulles pe~onn!d 114lh •f~fenac
`ilrablil!s ~~~ tlllilt~ldase~ u, to 10 119119/dat bm lflta!ed no
`f'>l!dfO(t olltra~otenldtyd.Jt 10 ~m~ llespU !he lndil!l~n of
`llliltll'oll tarlcly. At this ~ose,t~e 1nhNI ¢lsma tJpolllt lD oep¥(cid:173)
`and ~mftAICU appaimildy 10 a.."ld 6JO li"lts ~u,... plo!N
`eif01111! • dle riQI!In!Rffd h1NIIIIljl009ittlulmk dose fill All
`OO.IIIilmlllrtoli ~ <?: IO~W11Uil«illfdwliUJ111di.
`INrtast<l ptSthlpla~nloss, Mduc!d fet.lllfti1\U and !!owtll. aod
`N!f)'flf>K ~asbttn !llo·Nrtto!IOSS tht jlacenlal b.lnierln at~ Thtre •rt
`no adtqoatr ~~~ wtfl-<oftlroll!d sludltsill prtgnant womtt~. 8tciiCIII
`n lrnd ~product~n n•4lel are noiiiNiays pitdictl~t olhumilllrtsponse,
`ll!VRO' (n!f)'fmc ophlh~rric s~n), 0.!11 shdt be ustd during
`prtgnancy only If the poleo1131 btntlil )ustlfie~IJle polffithl rl!k to the
`Hon·lmtogenk fffects.
`Becatse of the knowlltfftc~ of prostaglanlln blosynthllis Wlllitlng
`d11gs oo the fetal cMdkwascwlmymm (dcs•re rJ liltd>Jctus llllriimts).
`lilt ust oiiLEV~ (nepafeaac op~thailrklllspenllool), O.l'lOd.rtng late
`pl!glllncy lf111111d lltai'OIIW.
`IJ Nvl'llllt Molhvl
`llu tug~ or:rttt41r1 lwMI rrilt.ltulsf 1111111N9s 111t euttd Ill
`t!IINIIrd,cW!a!lloilllllt~wh61ttMO' (,.,.,_
`opllth1lmk IIJlPttlltnl, O.ll61slllmrllsttRdto 1 n!Ng ~n.
`tflllllrk u ..
`Tile safety alld efftctt<t!j)tsJ oiU.EVRn' (ltp.~f!llGC cplilhcjmk
`IU!l)!alloo), O.lllln ptdiatrk ,~below !he ageoflO ~¥1 haY! nal
`No ovml) d"!ferencesln wfety •nd effectlvenm hm betfl obmved
`belwetn eldetty and yoongtr p•llents.
`ILEVAO' (~ opll!Nimk mspen!IMI. O.l'lO Is a ntrilt, flltlhl
`n0111ttrOidl1•~11-lnflammatory (IISIID)piOdllg lot opbth*"" wst.lllh
`ml GllMI)' (ntpilti1J< lflhlhal-ni: Sllsptns!ool. O.l!icool41M l119 tl
`ntpafmc. Nep~feniiC h dtslgMt!d ~llyas l·tmi»-1·
`bel'olljttnultlltllmlltwidl ~ ~>"11*1Cll fMnllliof(J$H1411l0l.
`lhllr«tnl~o!~ls. dO!···
`Ntpal'"'c b a yellow crysllllirlt poll~tr. llle molroUr weljhl or
`nepafmc b 2l4 18.
`ll£VRO' (nepaJtn.c opMholmlc stsperuicn), O.l!li b wpplid as • II Kilt,
`aqueoos susp!llslon with • pH iiJIPIOiillately ~ 6.8.
`The osmolaMty of il£VR0' (lltpaf!Nr OfhtilaktkiU!l)!llllo•),OJ% Is
`!iiCll 'Ill a11l£VRO' (....,altnlc Gphdlalmk susp!llslOI!),O.J!i co!UIIIs:
`AltM: nep~o'uacO.l111n.Ht1\l!l: boric adli, p~rt gl)!lt "rtlo .. er
`914P.soti:JI1 dilo1dt. 9.111~ altclyill!l¥ctfu!ose sodll;m. edt!R
`lrJdroddtM'ol~llilto~llpHKd Jd!dwlt!l USP.
`1L 1 Mt<Millft II Atllta
`Mill~ ocut11 doslllg. fl!1llftnat peneua:es tilt cornea ard h
`ccn~tntd ill' 011111 tiss111 llydrolase! toamlenoc,a n011steroi<lal
`alltl~miN!Ory drug Htp>ltnac m llllemul! theu<jlt tu Inhibit
`lilt &lloa of ptOstagii!IJIII H syntllase (cydoolllJlnlst), ia!fll'lllle
`reqwlrtd f01 pr01ttglindin prodwdlon.
`ll.l Pharmacoilnetla
`following bUatml toplal ocular one<-dallyd~!ln9 ~r ll£\~0' (nep>ftn.c
`ophtNimk suspe!Uioo), O.ll6,the ccn:enhoilonl cr nejlifflolc and
`mfllllc pea\!d 11 a median Ume of OS hou .. nd 0.7S hol(,t~sp«llltly
`oe bod! DaJlllld ~ay 4. lilt mean ll!ady-soo Cmi1 fof ntplfti1J< incl
`fou11ftnll W11t0.847 ±01691'4fd and 1.13± 0.491 ng/tr~
`~lmac at<oc~a1trallau up 10 l001f9'trlolftd a'llfmir at
`_,.UOUIIP-.IOCC"f/loi dllnotiiHI<IthtillliO~II
`<YPl.O. C'IP!C"· one.. OP!f 1,o1111 OPJM).I'ltllftn, dnq·rk.,
`hi!!Mtronshvllvflq mll\tdlutd m$boismolc0111anltlilly
`a< millsttrod dnJtsm •nitty
`Web PI 1010719· 0514
`Nl\l.'W( ..... fO
`ll1fllnnnl ol Fdty
`htplltMI .. not bftn IYM!Il!d to iong-ltml carrilogtlli:kystldtts.
`IIIIIWff dirOilO!OOlllabma'loASwtrt cbstmd IIIO!Iltlt ha1Dt11 CI'IIJ
`c~ls npos!d frl iiw 10 1119l"eur:sulptlslm NepallftacwJS not m~nk
`ill dlt Aillts assayorlil ~t mo~~e lymphoma fwward mutatlollllo!Y-Olil
`dt~t~ up to5,000 mgltg did oot resulllllin tncrtase In dit f«Ntlon of
`mlaonwde.ted 'olytlvcma1kujllv«))nirJ viVo In the moullrniclonudevs
`assay in tht bolt marrow of mice.
`Ncp•f~Mc did not Impair fertility when adrn!nlsltltd oraUyto ma~ and
`ftmalt lllllt J mg/kg.
`ill two d~le ~. rando."nl~ dinkal tOils le which pall111ts W«t dlltd
`dally beginning 011 day prbr to Qlaract llrgttY, cMttalltd on lilt tfJr of
`llf9tTJ an~ tor lilt fi~t IWilweetl of the pcslcperalltt per loll, ILEVRO'
`(nej)ltmop~t~t~10J!i&.IIIOilltAI!C s~rdiical
`tlacy ~ lo ill veltdt In tru~ !"'loprQ!!Yt pain and
`lrtMn!l dlfctllftf fttidt kr mobltln ol 0111!1 pdll oaumd.s tilly
`as ~ 1 pos 1-lllti)IIJ lrutllenl tlftd «If wlrkiPicr Rllllltlen t1
`ldlil!nmatitn Wll slcj•lfiCJttly bttt11 tl>ln whld• ln bolh stutks al QY
`7 oiOd d'J 14 pitSI~U'ifiY.
`lnllamrnltlol and 0<1llar Pain Rosohrtion Results or lltp•ftMI
`o,hlllllmlc IV!JtMion, O.l% Jti'JUI Vehlde a! Day 14 Ptsi111'911Y
`(AII·laodoml!ed Populollon)
`.. ~--~· fccfii' , HIIIf'IIUtl
`,...,, ....... ........
`:.....,l ....... _
`JJUS...., --
`.,.. .... --
`"' -
`..... (Mil,.
`..... ....,.,,..._,.
`f'!..WIItrU:Ittf .... d(,_.., ........ ., ... ~ ••
`A/14 .. Mr .. ll.tMfl~
`iliNtftnlll4rP*IIK'Ifllll•t~· "'fn'4•1ditlt .. ~llllllhtrtllm4A
`UVRO' (n~~f1:1111 ophthlllnllc S'lspensloo), O.l!l ~ sup~lld In~ whl~,
`tval, itwd!ll(lly pdyelh~eno. DROP-IAINEit' lfil!ltnlll< wllh• n11ur.11 ~w
`denslt) polyelhyl[oo dkp1nslng pllg and gliypolypropyll!)f ca1 presmted
`il•n••<~Wl•Pll.7ml fill ooly). llllljltrevidtnce bprovidrd wlfl~ashllnk
`b1nd atound the dosure and ntckam oltile jl>clage.
`Sttragt: Slott •t l-lS'C IJ6. n·n
`Pa!lerlllsllo.W be ln'om!d oflhe ,assllllry~ ~ow cr d~htalng
`!NfOCOltwhile ISlr.g IIOo~eroidol intHnftaOOIIIe<y ci"1J9I (IISA«ls).
`Anl~lng Conllmw"tnoflhtProiuct
`Paden II shoald be lostructed toaYOid alowlng the lip oltht rllpeoslng
`Cll\~lntt tO COIIUCI thttyl OIIUIIOLMi".<jSII1ciU~ bc<1m this could
`t~~tselhe tip to b«ornt cootamlnited bf common bact11la known tocme
`01ular ~ftltloos. Setlous d.lrruge to !he eye il"ld wblequenl ~ss of ~!1011
`mayrtsull hom wilng cootamilated ;olulion~
`Ust oltl't 111111 bonlt for both eJtS t nolrt<lHIIIIltn1el wkh topical t)'t
`tkop; !hi( lit lls!d tussooattoo wldl 111rgery.
`Ctt~lld lwWou
`llEVRn' (~ tpl:llwlrric S~lpensio~. Q.J'lO siiOil<! POl be
`ifmlslet!d wt11t 11rtMint onoo 1ms.
`lr.ttrclrnlll 01:flli"Ctnc111oas
`Plden6 !Mu~ bt ild¥l2d W mtr rltwlop an llllllllrr!llt tcvllr
`riilll(e.g. CIIWil,OI islt«JGA)OiioY!OClllaf 1111JifY, tl'cyshockf
`17.5 CtiiiDIDitaDITtpkaiOcularlberapy
`~ mcrtlhill oAt IDpk,j op/>tllalmk oolillllon isbt~llld,lht m!dltlnts
`must budmlnlntrtd atle~ s.-.:n<ttsaplrt
`17.6 ShhWeiiB!fartUst
`P~lents shoold belll!bucted to shale well before eMh w.
`U.S. '•tent Nos. 5,471.014; 6,401,609; and 7,169,767
`' I Trademark of NO'IIItis
`fort 1\l:lrdi.lms 76134 USA
`0 l014NC'Iactb

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