`Founder and Director, Jacksoneye
`Mit(:hell A. Jackson, MD
`Cataract Surgery: What Really Matters
`Selecting an NSAI D for
`Page 1 of 27

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`Page 2 of 27

`3. Meekins LC, Afshari NA. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2012,23:1-2
`1. Allen D. Clin Evidence. 2008; 8(708):1-14.
`Devices, instruments,
`Quality of life2
`and lenses
`-:>-: y A''(·-!' <•
`1: ~.;: ,.. r ~ '<·
`, , , , ",,.
`o Gloal of cataract surgery is, "-ro restore vision and to improve
`quality of life, with minimal adverse effects of treatment"1
`Cataract Surgery: The Pursuit of Perfection
`EDl'CZ:P 6
`LP:E:D 4
`T 0 Z s
`F :P z
`Page 3 of 27

`Find I 0. Eur Ophthalmic Rev. 201 0;4:54-59.
`tophcal ophthalmic NSAIDs
`o Redluce the risks typical of
`inflatmmation and pain
`for sustained control of
`o Possess high COX inhibition
`therapeutic levels
`rapi~d and sustained
`o Penetrate efficiently to allow
`An effective topical ophthaln1ic NSAID s,-----h_o_ul_d_: _____ _
`NSi\IDS Are an lmportc:Int Tool for Cataract Surgery
`Page 4 of 27

`3. ILEVRO [package insert]. Fort Worth, TX; Alcon; 2013.
`2. ACUVAIL [package insert]. Irvine, CA: Allergan; 2011.
`1. PROLENSA[package insert]. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2013.
`• Guar gum3
`• Carboxymethylcellulose sodium2·3
`Visco!;ity agents
`• Requires enzymatic conversion to active form
`• Affects lipophilicity
`Formulation pH1,2
`• lncre~ases lipophilicity
`Halog~enation 1
`Improved penetration
`~ialogenation 1
`Delivery of NSAIDs
`Various Approaches lJsed to Improve Drug
`Page 5 of 27

`-Continue to evolve
`-Require efficient corneal pe~netration to reach site of C()X production
`Inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 and block the production of prostaglandins
`o NSAIDs are an important tool for cataract surge~(
`-Play a key role in postsurgical inflammation and pain
`o Prc>staglandins
`-Produce prostaglandins from arachidonic acid as a result of surgical
`-Primarily expressed in Iris and Ciliary body
`o Cy(:looxygenase (COX-1 c:tnd COX-2) Enzymes
`response that may adver~;ely affect the outcome
`o Cataract surgery is comm~on but can lead to infla1mmatory
`Wh«at really matters ...
`Page 6 of 27

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`Page 7 of 27

`4. PROLENSA [package insert]. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2013.
`3. BROMDA Y [package insert]. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2011.
`2. XIBROM [package insert] Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2010.
`1. Bronuck [package insert]. Osaka, Japan: Senju Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.; 2000.
`*In the United States and Japan. Branded bromfenac.
`Launched 2011
`Launched 2010
`Launched 2009
`Launched 2005
`Bausch ~& Lomb (ISTA)
`Launched 2000
`20 Million Patient Uses Over 10 Years*
`Extensive Global Safety Record Since 20004
`: >
`2005 ~
`~00 : >
`formulation bromfenac
`ophthalmic solution
`Approved in the US:
`An advanced(cid:173)
`Postcataract Surgery
`NSAID in the US for
`Approved in the US:
`First Once-Daily
`October 20103
`Postcataract SurgE~ry
`NSAID in the US for
`First Twice-Daily'
`Approved in the US:
`March 20052
`Approved in Japan:
`Dosed Twice Daily
`Jully 20001
`Inflammation Associated With Cataract Surgery
`Bromfenac: A Long History of Treating Ocular
`Page 8 of 27

`PROLENSA [package insert]!. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2013
`-· None
`o Contraindications
`and through the first 14 days post
`surgery, continued on the day of surgery
`once daily beginning 1 day prior to
`-· Instill one drop into the affect~ed eye(s)
`o Dosage and Administration
`who have undergone cataract surgery
`and reduction of ocular pain in patients
`treatment of postoperative inflammation
`solution) 0.07°/o is indicated for the
`-· PROLENSA (bromfenac ophthalmic
`o lndlications and Usage
`PR<)LENSA™ (bromfenc:tc ophthalmic solution) 0.07°/o
`Page 9 of 27

`PROLENSA [package insert]!. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2013
`-Some ocular NSAIDs increase bleeding time due to interference with platelet
`aggregation in conjunction with ocular surgery
`o Increased bleeding of ocular tissues
`-Other NSAIDs
`-Phenylacetic acid derivatives
`-Acetylsalicylic acid
`o Potential for cross-sensitivity
`may increase potential for healin~~ problems
`-Concomitant use of topical NSAIDs and steroids
`-All topical NSAIDs and corticosteroids may slow or delay healing
`o Slow or delayed healing
`in asthmatics
`-Overall prevalence of sulfite sensitivity is unknown, likely low, and n1ore common
`symptoms and life-threatening or less severe asthmatic episodes
`-Sulfite allergic reactions may occur in susceptible people and include anaphylactic
`-PROLENSA contains sodium sulfite
`o Sulfite allergic reactions
`PROLENSA™ Warnings and Precautions
`Page 10 of 27

`PROLENSA [package insert]!. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2013
`• Blurred vision
`• Photophobia
`• Eye pain
`• Foreign body sensation
`• Anterior chamber inflammation
`-Most common adverse reactions (3o/o-8o/o of patients)
`o Post cataract surgery clinical trial experience
`-PROLENSA should not be administered while wearing
`contact lenses
`o Contact lens wear
`-These events may be sight threatening
`• Corneal thinning, erosion, ulceration, or perforation
`• Epithelial breakdown
`In some susceptible patients, use of topical NSAIDs may result in
`-Use of topical NSAIDs may result in keratitis
`o Kel"atitis and corneal reactions
`PROLENSATM Warnings and Precautions
`Page 11 of 27

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`Page 12 of 27

`S coRNEAL p~
`potency and corneal
`bromine increases
`Halog•~nation with
`PROLEN~SA rM Effect
`PR<)LENSA-Powere~d for Penetration
`Page 13 of 27

`Data on file. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated.
`BROMDA Y [package insert]. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2011 ..
`Baklayan GA, et al. J Ocu/ Pharmacal Ther. 2008;24(4):392-398.
`Clinical significance of in vitro data is unknown.~
`.... ············c~~"~~···· .......................... ~ ·· .. .
`0 ~
`o Not a prod rug
`o Fa~cilitates penetration
`thr~ough the cornea
`o lnc:reases the lipophilicity
`o lnc:reases the potency
`ag4ainst COX-2
`Proven Potency and PE~netration
`with bromine
`The lbenefits of halogenatio11
`Bro1mfenac: The Halo~~enation Effect
`Page 14 of 27

`which facilitates corneal
`increases lipophilicity
`Lowering 1the pH
`S coRNEAL p~
`PROLEN~SA rM Effect
`PR<)LENSA-Powere~d for Penetration
`Page 15 of 27

`st.dution) 0,.07%
`{bro1:r-,1f~n:5c op.lith~tmk;
`ate D. et aL Expert Opin Drug De/h( 2006;3(2 ):275-287
`1.,5 7~4
`Tear fluid
`The Effect of pH on Penetration
`Page 16 of 27

`S coRNEAL p~
`which facilitates corneal
`increases lipophilicity
`Lowering 1the pH
`potency and corneal
`bromine increases
`Halog•~nation with
`PROLEN~SA rM Effect
`PR<)LENSA-Powere~d for Penetration
`Page 17 of 27

`-· Solution: dose uniformity vvithout the need to shake
`-· Convenient once-daily dosing
`-· More physiologic pH
`-· Lower pH improves corneal penetration, thus lower concentration
`o Formulation:
`-· Facilitates penetration through the cornea
`-· Increases the lipophilicity
`-· Increases the potency against COX-2
`o Effect of halogenation with t)romine:
`Wh«at really matters ...
`Page 18 of 27

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`Page 19 of 27

`PROL02807 41
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`*Secondary endpoint = pain free; tPrimary endpoint = SOlS grade 0.
`[Ocular, topical, inhaled, or oral corticosteroid use within 15 days]
`Typical exclusion criteria
`dose if prematun
`+or 1 week after lc
`I ~
`Day 14
`Final dose
`1 Drop per Dayr for 16 Days
`Day -1
`Start dosing
`y t
`' /
`sad of s
`Scree ·
`Day 22
`Visit 6
`Day 15 (±1)t
`Visit 5
`Visit 4
`IDay 3
`Visit 3
`Day 1 *
`Visit 2
`Study 1 = lEast; Study 2 =West
`Visit 1
`Two Double-Masked, Multicenter, Vehicle-Controlled, Randon1ized Studies
`Bro1mfenac 0.07°/o QD Phase 3 Clinicalllrials
`§.!~~Y Q~~Ja~
`Page 20 of 27

`PROL02807 42
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`• Visual acuity, slit lamp examination, intraocular pressure~, dilated
`-· Ocular comfort on instillation
`funduscopic exam
`-· Ophthalmologic exam
`-· Ocular and systemic adverse events
`o Salfety:
`• pain grading of "None" on the Ocular Comfort Grading P~ssessment
`-· Day 1 resolution of ocular pain
`0 se~condary efficacy endpoint:
`• Grade 0 = 0 cells and absence of flare
`Inflammation Score (SOlS) of grade 0)
`-· Day 15 clearance of ocular inflammation (Summed Ocular
`o Primary efficacy endpoint:
`Study Endpoints
`§.!~~Y R!:~Ja~ ,
`Page 21 of 27

`PROL02807 43
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`toay 15 primary endpoint.
`Day 15t
`Day 8
`Day 3
`Day 1
`Day ·15t
`Day 8
`Day 3
`Day 1
`/ 28.2 Yo
`"'!" "· • /0
`2.70~.···"-6··~~ 5 so/
`Vehicle (n=11 0)
`-.-PROLENSA (n=11 0)
`Vehicle (n=108)
`-+-PROLENSA (n=112)
`m 40%
`i;: c:
`E 50°/o
`c: 60%
`... (.)
`tn 10%
`J: ...
`e co
`0 20%
`'0 30°/o
`:::l QO/o
`I Western Region (S;00124-WR) I
`QEastern Region (500124-ER) J
`Proportion of Patients with SOlS of Grade 0 ~
`[ ~~~i~~~y J
`Pos~toperative I nflamrr1ation
`PROLENSA TM Is Effective at Eliminating
`Page 22 of 27

`PROL02807 44
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`toay 15 primary endpoint.
`.. ,
`at Day 15 (Pool1ed Data)
`Trace Cells (0-5 cells)
`SOlS of 0 at Day 15t
`(Pooled Data)
`[ Efficacy J
`Have~ Resolution of lnflamm1ation at Day 15
`PR01LENSA rM Treated Patients Are Twice as Likely to
`~~ ~ 0 -
`... (.)
`~ 10S1
`; 20o/o
`Q) 30°/o
`a.. co
`'0 40o/o
`~ 50o/o
`a.. co
`.E 60°/o
`E ?Oo/o
`. 0
`:.;; 80°/(
`:::l en
`:·. 0
`Page 23 of 27

`(Yroportion of Subjects Pain Free at Each Study Day (Pooled Data) J
`[ ~~~i~~~y J
`Reliief [Day 1]
`PR<)LENSA TM Provid~es Rapid Pain
`?fl.~ 1 00°/o
`_ ...
`PROL02807 45
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`toay 1 secondary endpoint.
`Day 15
`Day 3
`Day 1 t
`:e: 40%
`01 50°/o
`:::::ll 60°/o
`Q.ll ·-"
`·-· 80%
`Placebo (n=218)
`-+-PROLENSA (n==222)
`Page 24 of 27

`PROL02807 46
`Data on file, Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 2012.
`#Comfort graded on the Ocular Comfort Grading Assessment (OCGA)
`- ~
`- - - - -
`Day 15
`Day 8
`Day 3
`Day 1
`Improvement Co1mpared to Vehicle in Change from Baseline
`(Pooled Data)
`Eye discharge
`Foreign body
`Ocular pain
`PR<)LENSA TM: Comfc>rt Better Than Vet1icle
`Page 25 of 27

`o Sollution: dose uniformity without the need to shake
`o Convenient once-daily dosing
`o More physiologic pH
`o Comfortable
`-Anterior chamber inflammation, foreign body sensation, eye pain, photophobia, blurred vision
`o Lo\N rate of adverse events (3~Vo-8%)
`o Eff~ective treatment for postope~rative inflammation and pain in patients
`PR01LENSA rM provides:
`who have undergone cataract surgery
`Wh«at really matters ...
`Page 26 of 27

`PROL02807 48
`©2013 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated.
`All other product/brand names are trademarks of their respective owners.
`®/™ are trademarks of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates.
`Page 27 of 27

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