Page 1
`15—335(JBS); 14—667(JBS);
`14—4149(JBS); 14—5144(JBS)
`INC., and
`Job NO. NJ 2238419
`Innopharma v Senju,
`IPR2015-00902 & IPR2015-00903
`_Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 1 of 173
`Page 1 of 173

`Page 2
`Transcript of deposition taken
`by and before Lisa Forlano, CCR, CRR, RMR,
`Certificate No. XI01l43, at the offices of Alston &
`Bird, LLP,
`90 Park Avenue, New York, New York,
`on Friday, February 26, 2016, Commencing at 10:38
`Page 2 of 173
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 2 of 173

`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
`(202) 408-4116
`(704) 444-1000
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`Page 4
`I N D E X
`By Mr. Diner
`E X H I B I T S
`1 2
`3 4
`7 8 9
`Cykiert—1 Responsive Expert Report of Robert C.
`Cykiert, M D., on Objective Indicia of
`Cykiert—2 Adverse reactions to sulfites article 27
`Cykiert—3 Bronuck Ophthalmic Solution document
`PROLO333509 — PROLO3335l3
`Cykiert—4 Topical Nonsteroidal Anti—inflammatory 47
`Drugs and Cataract Surgery Article, 2159 — 2168
`Cykiert-5 Document, PROLO080486 — PROLOO80492
`Cykiert—6 Document, PROLOOBO493 — PROLOO80497
`Cykiert—7 Acular information document,
`PROLO332429 — PROL0332439
`Cykiert—8 Voltaren Ophthalmic information
`document, PROLO3324l4 - PROL0332418
`Cykiert—9 Prolensa information document,
`PROL0O802189 — PROLOO80224
`Cykiert—1O Expert Report of Mark R. Prausnitz,
`Ph.D., Regarding Secondary Considerations
`Cykiert—11 WebMD document on Prolensa
`Page 4 of 173
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`Page 5
`E X H I B I T S
`Cykiert—12 Bromfenac Ophthalmic Solution 0.07%
`Dosed Once Daily for Cataract Surgery document,
`PROLO333854 — PROLO333862
`Cykiert—13 Volume 14 from the Journal of the
`American College of Nutrition, Number 3, June 1995
`Cykiert—14 Article — Adverse reactions to
`sulfites in drugs and foods, 1077 — 1080
`Cykiert—15 Vol. 99, No. 2, February 1997 article 143
`from the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Inactive"
`Ingredients in Pharmaceutical Products: Update
`(Subject Review)
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`Page 6
`VIDEO OPERATOR: Good morning, we're
`now on the record.
`Please note that the
`microphones are sensitive and may pick up
`whispering and private conversations.
`turn off all cellphones or place them away
`from the microphones, as they can interfere
`with the deposition audio. Recording will
`continue until all parties agree to go off the
`My name is Jim Roberts representing
`Veritext, with offices in Livingston, New
`Today's date is February 26, 2016.
`The time is approximately 10:38 a.m.
`The deposition is being held at Alston & Bird,
`located at 90 Park Avenue, New York City, New
`York, and is being taken by counsel for the
`The caption of the case is Senju
`Pharmaceuticals, et al. versus Lupin, LTD., et
`The case is held in the US District
`Court, District of New Jersey.
`The name of
`the witness is Robert C. Cykiert.
`Counsel will please state their
`Page 6 of 173
`— ——
`—_ —_—_——
`Page 6 of 173

`Page 7
`appearances for the record.
`MR. DINER: Bryan Diner with the law
`firm of Finnegan Henderson, representing the
`Plaintiff, Senju, et al. With me is my
`colleague, Terrence Kim.
`doe Janusz of Alston &
`Bird, representing the Innopharma defendants
`and the witness,
`VIDEO OPERATOR: Our court reporter,
`Lisa Forlano, also of Veritext, will please
`swear in the witness.
`ROBERT C. CYKIERT, M.D., having been
`duly sworn, was examined and testified as
`Good morning, sir.
`Good morning.
`How are you today?
`All right. Good.
`How are you doing?
`thank you.
`Can you please state
`your full name and address for the record?
`Sure. Robert Cykiert, 345 East 37th
`Street, New York, New York 10016.
`Dr. Cykiert, have you been deposed
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`Page 8
`I have.
`Have you been deposed in an IP case
`By IP,
`I mean intellectual property.
`No, not that I recall.
`I'll just go over a few ground
`rules for today's proceeding, if that's fine with
`I kind of break them down into three
`parts; my questions, your breaks, perhaps, or any
`questions you have.
`So first with regard to my
`questions. My job is to ask the questions, your job
`is to answer them, and to answer them truthfully and
`Does that sound fair?
`Okay. With regard to breaks, any time
`you feel you need a break, it's fine with us,
`let us know.
`If there is a question pending,
`I would just ask that you answer that
`question and then we can take a break afterwards.
`Is that fine?
`Okay. And to the extent that you have
`any questions of a question that I've asked or are
`Page 8 of 173
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`Page 9
`unclear about something, please let me know and I'll
`be happy to either clarify or rephrase the question.
`Is that okay?
`And if I ask a question and you answer
`it, I'll assume that you understood the question.
`7 '
`Is that fine?
`Is there any reason why you
`cannot testify today truthfully and accurately?
`No, no reason.
`I'd like to mark the first exhibit.
`(Responsive Expert Report of Robert C.
`Cykiert, M.D., on Objective Indicia of
`Non—Obviousness was marked Cykiert—1 for
`16 I
`Now, Dr. Cykiert,
`the court
`reporter has just handed you a document that is
`entitled, Responsive Expert Report of Robert C.
`Cykiert, M.D., on Objective Indicia of
`Is what has been marked as Cykiert
`Exhibit 1 your expert report,
`including any exhibits
`or appendices that you have submitted in this case?
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`Page 10
`I'm sorry.
`What's the question?
`Is this the expert report that you have
`submitted in this matter?
`Yes, it looks like it.
`Can you please turn to the page
`in your expert report after page 31.
`at the top?
`On that page do you see the signature
`Is that your signature?
`Yes, it is.
`Now, on the next page, which actually
`doesn't have a page number,
`there's another
`Is that your signature as well?
`if you hold these two pages open
`I think as you are doing presently,
`page after page 31 has a date of February 3 at the
`Do you see that?
`The next page actually has a date of
`February 1, 2016 at the top.
`Do you see that?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 10 of 173

`Page 11
`Do you know why you have two signature
`pages with two different dates.
`Yeah, apparently I signed it without
`looking at the date and later I was told it was the
`wrong date,
`so I had to re—sign it again with the
`correct date.
`And which one is the correct date that
`you re—signed?
`I believe it was February 1.
`So you signed the report on
`February 1, but February 3 was the date indicated
`13' when you signed it?
`14 '
`Apparently it was the wrong day.
`24 I
`believe I signed it actually on February 1, but I
`didn't notice that it had the wrong date printed on
`it, February 3,
`so I was asked to re-sign it with
`the correct date.
`Thank you.
`Who prepared your expert report in this
`I prepared it.
`Did you prepare it by yourself?
`I prepared it with the attorneys.
`Now, at the end of your report,
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 11 of 173

`Page 12
`does it contain a copy of your CV?
`of today?
`Yes, it does.
`And is this CV current and accurate as
`I think it's accurate to within
`probably about six months or so.
`Is there anything that you would
`like to add to your CV that's not presently in it?
`Nothing right now that I can think of.
`Okay. And your curriculum vitae lists
`your current, relevant professional experience,
`Dr. Cykiert,
`in what areas do you
`consider yourself an expert?
`I'm an ophthalmologist and I have
`special expertise in what's called the anterior
`segment of the eye, which is the front of the eye,
`which includes things like cataract surgery, cornea,
`external disease, any diseases, conditions, problems
`or complications or surgeries of the front part of
`the eye.
`You're not an expert on any of these
`conditions in the posterior part of the eye?
`The posterior part of the eye is
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 12 of 173

`Page 13
`connected to the front of the eye, so I'm also, as
`an ophthalmologist, an expert on all parts of the
`eye, front to back, but
`I have specific fellowship
`training in the anterior segment of the eye.
`many conditions that affect the front of the eye
`also have an effect on the back of the eye, which
`7 I
`I'm an expert on as well.
`Any other areas of ophthalmology that
`you would consider yourself an expert
`in other than
`what you just stated?
`Basically it depends how you define
`expert. What do you mean by "expert"?
`Well, do you have an expertise in any
`other areas of ophthalmology other than what you
`just described?
`I have numerous areas of expertise
`within ophthalmology. Again, depending on how you
`define "expert," I have special super expertise in
`the front part of the eye, but I'm also an expert on
`the back of the eye,
`the middle the eye,
`the sides
`of the eye and every disease and condition of the
`Okay. Are you an expert
`in the field
`of pharmacy?
`That I'm not an expert
`in, no.
`Page 13 of 173
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`Page 14
`Have you ever practiced pharmacy?
`I have not.
`Are you an expert
`in the area of
`I'm not an expert in pharmacology.
`And neither are you an expert in
`I am not an expert
`in pharmacokinetics.
`Nor are you an expert
`pharmacodynamics, right?
`I'm not an expert in pharmacodynamics.
`I should say that I know certain things about
`all those things that you mentioned simply because
`part of ophthalmology is treating conditions,
`diseases with various drugs which required me to
`know a bit about pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and
`But as you stated, you don't consider
`yourself an expert in those areas, correct?
`Again, depending on how you define
`"expert," I would say with my definition of expert,
`I'm not an expert in those, as I previously stated.
`That's fine.
`Dr. Cykiert, have you ever conducted
`any research on any bromfenac—containing product?
`Page 14 of 173
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`Page 15
`I have not.
`Have you ever conducted any research on
`any tyloxapol—containing product?
`I haven't.
`Are you an expert
`in chemistry, using
`your definition of an expert?
`I majored in chemistry in
`so I do have basic fundamental knowledge of
`chemistry, especially how it applies to the eye and
`diseases of the eye, but I wouldn't consider myself
`an expert in that.
`Thank you. Would you consider yourself
`an expert in chemical stability testing of aqueous
`liquid preparations?
`That I'm not an expert in.
`Have you ever conducted any chemical
`stability testing on an aqueous liquid preparation?
`I haven't.
`Are you an expert
`in patent law?
`I'm not.
`Are you a named inventor on any U.S.
`I am.
`How many, approximately?
`One patent.
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`Page 15 of 173

`Page 16
`And what does it deal with?
`It's a patent that blocks radiation
`from cellphones.
`So not
`involved in ophthalmology,
`No, it's not.
`Are you a named inventor on any pending
`U.S. Patent applications?
`Could you repeat that?
`Sure. Are you a named inventor on any
`pending U.S. Patent applications?
`You mentioned you have at least one
`patent. Are you comfortable reading patent claims?
`What do you mean by am I comfortable?
`Let me back up a minute.
`Do you know
`what I mean by a patent claim?
`Okay. When you read patent claims, do
`you feel you understand them?
`then, are you comfortable in
`reading patent claims?
`I can read them, certainly.
`And can you read them and understand
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`Page 17
`It depends what the patent is about.
`If it's a patent in ophthalmology or
`related to ophthalmology I feel very comfortable
`reading it and understanding it.
`Very good.
`Thank you.
`Are you an expert
`in clinical testing?
`I'm not.
`Have you ever conducted any clinical
`testing with a pharmaceutical product?
`I don't believe I have.
`And so that would include not having
`conducted any testing, clinical testing with an
`ophthalmic product, correct?
`In connection with your opinions in
`this matter, did you conduct any testing comparing a
`bromfenac —— comparing bromfenac—containing
`I did not.
`And you understand that Prolensa is a
`bromfenac—containing composition, correct?
`And you understand that Xibrom is a
`bromfenac—containing composition?
`— — Veritext Le—gal Solutions
`Page 17 of 173

`And you also understand that Bromday is
`Page 18
`a bromfenac-containing composition, correct?
`You did not conduct any comparative
`testing between Prolensa and Bromday, correct?
`That's correct,
`I did not.
`Nor did you conduct any comparative
`testing between Prolensa and Xibrom, correct?
`I did not.
`Were you instructed not to conduct any
`comparative testing among bromfenac—containing
`I'11 caution the witness
`not to reveal the substance of any
`communication with counsel.
`I think that ——
`let me just read the question.
`I'll agree that if he
`answers it yes or no it's not a waiver of any
`JANUSZ: That's fine.
`I'm sorry, could you
`repeat that question.
`Were you instructed not to conduct any
`Page 18 of 173
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`Page 19
`comparative testing among bromfenac—containing
`Would you please turn to page 3 of
`Cykiert Exhibit 1, which is your expert report.
`I'd like to refer you to the bottom of
`the prior testimony section.
`Do you see that?
`Go to the first bullet point.
`I think
`it indicates cases in the last five years in which
`you have provided expert testimony;
`is that correct?
`The first case in the first bullet
`point, Chery versus Malik.
`Do you see that?
`What was your role in that case?
`I believe that was a medical
`malpractice case.
`And what was your role?
`I was an expert.
`And what was your role as an expert
`24 I
`that case?
`I don't remember the details of that
`Page 19 of 173
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`Page 20
`case right now.
`Do you remember, generally, what kind
`of expert opinions you provided in the case as a
`general matter?
`That case I don't recall.
`Thank you. That was in 2015, correct?
`How about
`the next case,
`Gallimore versus Allison. What was that case about?
`That's a medical malpractice case as
`And you appeared as an expert
`in that
`I don't think I appeared in that.
`You provided testimony in that case,
`In what capacity?
`As a defense expert.
`Did you provide testimony at trial?
`No, not at trial.
`Did you provide deposition testimony?
`So what kind of prior testimony did you
`offer in this case that led you to list this in this
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`Page 21
`23 _
`I don't know exactly the name, but it's
`a court document that's submitted to the Court.
`might be perhaps a summary judgment document or some
`attestation type of document.
`I don't recall the
`details of it.
`Such as a Declaration perhaps?
`Right, a Declaration, correct.
`Okay. And did you say that this case
`dealt with medical malpractice as well?
`Okay. There are six more cases on your
`list, beyond the Gallimore versus Allison case.
`Were all of those medical malpractice cases?
`And let's just go to this Cifuentes
`versus Staciu case.
`Do you recall what your role
`was in that case?
`that one I appeared in court.
`And were you testifying in court as an
`And what generally was the subject
`matter of your testimony?
`It was a complication during cataract
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`Page 22
`Okay. And which side in the litigation
`did you represent?
`I represented the doctor.
`So you were offering your opinions in
`defense of a malpractice suit brought against the
`Dr. Cykiert,
`is CME an abbreviation for
`cystoid macular edema?
`Yes, it is.
`If I refer to cystoid macular edema
`today as CME, will you understand what
`I mean?
`And that will be easy for both of us,
`Yes, that's a nice abbreviation.
`Is it correct that Prolensa is approved
`for post-operative treatment of inflammation and
`pain after cataract surgery?
`Now, Prolensa is not approved for
`treatment of CME, correct?
`That's not the official approval,
`that's correct.
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`Page 23
`Q e
`or oth
`It doesn't have any approval, official
`rwise for CME, correct?
`JANUSZ: Objection, vague.
`THE WITNESS: Well, approval by whom?
`By the FDA.
`Not by the FDA, no.
`Does it have approval by anyone for the
`treatment of CME?
`It has approval by many doctors who use
`it for
`that purpose off label, which is perfectly
`Administering compounds off label is
`Is that what you're saying?
`What is your basis for that?
`JANUSZ: Objection, calls for
`THE WITNESS: That's commonly
`understood that certain medications have uses
`other than the official FDA approval.
`And do you often administer ophthalmics
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 23 of 173

`Page 24
`off label?
`It depends on what you mean by "often."
`It depends on the ophthalmic, it depends on the
`patient's condition.
`It depends on numerous
`Have you administered ophthalmics off
`label before?
`I have, as have thousands of other
`ophthalmologists every day.
`Are you familiar with the ophthalmic
`Is it approved by the FDA for the
`treatment of CME?
`No, it's not.
`In fact,
`there are no ophthalmic NSAIDs
`that are approved by the FDA for the treatment of
`CME, correct?
`And there are no ophthalmic NSAIDS
`approved by the FDA for the prevention or
`prophylaxis of CME, correct?
`Do you draw a distinction between
`treatment in prophylaxis with respect to CME?
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`Page 25
`there is a distinction.
`What is it?
`Well, broadly, prevention means putting
`a patient on a drug to try to prevent a condition
`from occurring. And treatment is the condition or
`disease already exists and you're using a drug to
`try to cure or treat that disease or condition.
`And the explanation you just gave as
`between prophylaxis and treatment would similarly
`apply to the prophylaxis and treatment of CME?
`That's correct.
`Other than for the treatment
`post—operatively of inflammation and pain after
`cataract surgery, Prolensa is not approved for
`anything else, correct?
`I'm not aware of anything but
`those two
`things you mentionedn
`the approved indication on the
`Prolensa label is not limited to cases where the
`patient is unable to receive corticosteroid
`treatment due to allergy, correct?
`Could you repeat that again?
`The approved indication on the
`Prolensa label is not limited to cases where the
`patient is unable to receive corticosteroid
`Page 25 of 173
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`treatment due to allergy;
`is that correct?
`Page 26
`That's correct.
`And the approved indication on the
`Prolensa label is not limited to cases where the
`patient has diabetes, correct?
`That's correct.
`Are you familiar with the term "sulfite
`sensitivity" with regard to ophthalmics?
`Are asthmatics a class of people that
`could have sulfite sensitivity?
`Asthmatics can and so can anybody else.
`Some people are allergic to sulfites.
`When someone is allergic to sulfites,
`how does that manifest itself clinically?
`Just like any allergy,
`there are
`various manifestations.
`Sometimes it could just be
`itching of the skin.
`Some people can get hives.
`Some people can get respiratory problems,
`they have
`difficulty breathing, and in the most severe cases
`they can have what's called anaphylaxis, which is a
`severe life—threatening reaction where they can't
`their blood pressure drops,
`their heart may
`24 .
`even stop.
`So there's a broad spectrum of allergic
`reactions that can occur with sulfite.
`Page 26 of 173
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`Page 27
`And in the context of ophthalmics,
`issue of sulfite sensitivity, was that known for
`I'll just object to the
`Go ahead.
`You can answer.
`That's been known for a while. Several
`drops contain that, and we know some patients have
`sulfite allergies.
`Was it known prior to 2003 that
`there -- some people who were sulfite sensitive in
`the context of taking ophthalmics, for example?
`Same objection.
`I can't tell you
`specifically what year the sulfite allergy
`issue came up with in ophthalmics.
`I'm not
`sure why you picked 2003, but
`I couldn't tell
`you exactly what year,
`so I can't answer that
`I'd like to mark the next
`document, please.
`(Adverse reactions to sulfites article
`was marked Cykiert—2 for identification.)
`Page 27 of 173
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`Page 28
`Now, Dr. Cykiert,
`the court reporter
`has just handed you a publication to Yang, et al.,
`and it is entitled, Adverse Reactions to Sulfites.
`It's a couple—page document.
`You can take a look at
`it and let me know when you're ready and I'll ask
`you some questions.
`Do you want me to read the entire
`document before you ask me questions?
`Well, how about I ask you some
`questions, and to the extent you need to refer to
`the document in greater detail you should feel free
`to do so.
`just a few moments ago you were
`talking about anaphylactic shock,
`I believe.
`Do you recall that?
`You see in that first paragraph of this
`article on the first page,
`left—hand column, it says
`—— second sentence,
`In the United States more than
`250 cases of sulfite—re1ated adverse reactions,
`including anaphylactic shock, asthmatic attacks,
`urticaria and angioedema, nausea, abdominal pain and
`diarrhea, seizures and death have been reported.
`Page 28 of 173
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`Page 29
`Do you see that passage?
`JANUSZ: Object to scope here as
`in the context of what we were
`talking before about sulfite sensitivity and some of
`the manifestations of sulfite sensitivity, does the
`list that I just read include some of the
`10 manifestations that you were aware of for sulfite
`Same objections.
`I mentioned earlier all
`these things that are listed in this article
`before I saw the article.
`Okay. And at the bottom of the first
`page it indicates that this article was published on
`November 1, 1985;
`is that correct?
`Uh—huh. And if you look at the
`paragraph bridging the first and second page --
`sorry, strike that.
`If you look at the second column of the
`first page, you see where it identifies six
`Page 29 of 173
`V—er_itext I:eg s —
`— —_
`Page 29 of 173

`Page 30
`sulfiting agents?
`13 I
`Same objection.
`THE WITNESS: What do you mean by
`sulfiting --
`Let me refer you to the second column,
`second full paragraph on the first page. There it
`talks about a number of different sulfites
`identified in various products.
`Do you see that,
`the different
`Okay. And sodium sulfite is listed
`there, correct?
`Same objection.
`THE WITNESS: Where is sodium sulfite
`l8_ BY MR. DINER:
`not sure --
`The fifth line down.
`Could you point to the paragraph?
`That paragraph.
`It says six sulfiting agents.
`Vefitext Legal S01ution—s
`Page 30 of 173
`Page 30 of 173

`Page 31
`And one of the six sulfiting agents
`includes sodium sulfite, correct?
`Same objection.
`that is listed
`And you're familiar with the ophthalmic
`Bronuck, correct?
`that correct?
`I am.
`And Bronuck contains sodium sulfite;
`Same objection.
`I'd have to see the
`packet insert to be sure.
`(Bronuck Ophthalmic Solution document
`PROL0333509 — PROLO333513, was marked
`Cykiert—3 for identification.)
`Now, Dr. Cykiert,
`the court reporter
`has just handed you a document marked as Cykiert
`Exhibit 3, bearing Bates numbers PROLO33509 through
`Following up on my last question and your last
`I would direct you to the second page of
`Cykiert Exhibit 3,
`the left—hand column at the top.
`You see the box that identifies the composition of
`Page 31 of 173
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`Page 31 of 173

`Page 32
`Okay. And back up a minute. Would you
`agree that this translation appears to be the
`package insert information concerning the ophthalmic
`formulation known as Bronuck?
`Are you asking me to vouch that the
`translation is correct?
`I'm asking you to let me know if you
`agree that this appears —— that Cykiert Exhibit 3
`appears to be the prescribing information for
`141 Bronuck.
`Okay. And back to the left—hand column
`of the second page, do you see that box towards the
`top identifying the ingredients in Bronuck?
`Do you see next to additives a list of
`additives in Bronuck?
`Do you see that it —— strike that.
`Bronuck, according to this document,
`contains sodium sulfite, correct?
`Page 32 of 173
`_——— _—
`Page 32 of 173

`Page 33
`JANUSZ: Objection, scope.
`It says dry sodium
`Can you go back to Cykiert
`Exhibit 2, please? Now, Cykiert Exhibit 2
`identifies that sulfites, such as sodium sulfite,
`can be used in ophthalmics. And if it will help you
`to answer the question I'll refer you to the bottom
`of page 1 and the paragraph bridging the right-hand
`column to the top of the second page of Cykiert
`Exhibit 2.
`JANUSZ: Objection, scope.
`I see that.
`Okay. And it indicates that —— strike
`So this document indicates that it was
`known in November of 1985 that adverse reactions to
`sulfites, such as sodium sulfite, could occur in
`ophthalmic eye drops, correct?
`JANUSZ: Objection, scope and to
`the extent it mischaracterizes the document.
`I didn't read the
`whole document, but it says in the first

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