Page 1
`February 19, 2016
`10:08 a.m.
`620 Eighth Avenue
`New York, New York
`HEATHCOCK, Ph.D., held at the above—mentioned
`time and place, before Randi Friedman, a
`Registered Professional Reporter and Notary
`Public within and for the State of New York.
`Job No. NJ223854l
`Page 1 of 273
`I \_/er-itext Legal Solutions
`lnnopharma v Senju,
`IPR2015-00902 & IPR20l5-00903
`Page 1 of 273

`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Page 2
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`901 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, D.C. 20001
`Attorneys for Defendants, Lupin
`620 Eighth Avenue
`New York, New York 10018
`Attorneys for Defendants,
`4721 Emperor Boulevard, Suite 400
`Durham, North Carolina 27703
`Dan McC1utchy — Videographer
`Terrence Kim
`_ Eitexiegal Solutions
`Page 2 of 273
`Page 2 of 273

`Page 3
`C. Heathcock, Ph D.
`MR. MCCLUTCHY: Good morning. We
`are now on the record.
`Please note that the
`microphones are sensitive and can pick up
`whispering and private conversations.
`Please turn off all cellphones or place them
`away from the microphones, as they can
`interfere with the deposition audio.
`Recording will continue until all parties
`agree to go off the record. My name is --
`MR. MARGOLIS: You might want to
`go off the record for a minute.
`MR. MCCLUTCHY: Okay. Going off
`the record.
`The time is 10:05.
`(Whereupon there was a beverage
`MR. MCCLUTCHY: We are back on the
`To continue, my name is Daniel
`McClutchy, representing Veritext New Jersey.
`The date today is February 19, 2016, and the
`time is approximately 10:08 a.m. This
`deposition is being held at Goodwin Procter,
`located at 620 Eighth Avenue in New York,
`New York.
`The caption of this case is Senju
`Veritext Leg—a1 Solutiouns
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`Page 3 of 273

`Page 4
`C. Heathcock, Ph D.
`Pharmaceutical versus Lupin Ltd. and Lupin
`Pharma and Innopharma Licensing. This Case
`is filed in the U.S. District Court,
`District of New Jersey, Case No.
`The name of the witness is
`Dr. Clayton Heathcock.
`At this time,
`the attorneys
`present will identify themselves and the
`parties they represent, and then our court
`reporter, Randi Friedman,
`Veritext, will swear in the witness and we
`can proceed.
`Justin Hasford of
`Finnegan, on behalf of plaintiffs. And I'm
`here with my colleague, Terrence Kim.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Dan Margolis from
`Goodwin Procter,
`for Lupin.
`Jitendra Malik of
`Alston & Bird, for the Innopharma
`witness herein, having been duly sworn, was
`examined and testified as follows:
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Good morning, Dr. Heathcock.
`Good morning.
`Would you please state your name and
`address for the record.
`My name is Clayton Heathcock,
`H—e—a—t—h—c—o—c—k. My address is Martinez,
`How many times have you been deposed
`Something between 15 and 20.
`I don't
`know an exact number.
`I'm not sure.
`Do you understand the deposition
`I do.
`Let me tell you how today's deposition
`will proceed.
`I represent plaintiffs in this
`Today I will ask you questions, and I ask
`that you answer my questions truthfully and
`If you need a break,
`just let me
`know, but
`I would ask that if I have asked a
`question, please first answer the question and
`then we can take a break.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`1 '
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Page 6
`If for any reason you do not
`understand a question that I ask, please let me
`If you answer a question,
`I will assume
`that you understood the question;
`is that okay?
`Is there any reason why you cannot
`testify truthfully and accurately today?
`I am handing the
`court reporter what I would ask to be marked
`as Heathcock Exhibit 1.
`For the record,
`Heathcock Exhibit 1 is entitled "Responsive
`Expert Report of Clayton H. Heathcock,
`Ph D."
`It includes Appendices A, B and C.
`(Heathcock Exhibit 1 was marked.)
`Is Heathcock Exhibit 1 your responsive
`report and appendices in this case?
`Yes, it is.
`Please turn to Page 29.
`Does your signature appear on Page 29
`of your responsive report for this case?
`Yes, it does.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`C. Heathcock, Ph D.
`Who prepared your responsive report
`Page 7
`for this case?
`I did.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection,
`I prepared it along
`with a lot of help from the attorneys that
`I'm working for.
`How did the attorneys help you prepare
`this report?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection.
`Just be
`careful not to reveal
`the substance of any
`communications with the attorneys, but you
`can answer the question.
`I understand.
`way this report was constructed was that we
`had several meetings via telephone
`I was provided with documents
`to review; mainly Dr. Bailey's expert report
`and the art that he cited in it. And I
`was —— and we held conference about my
`responses and my opinions with regard to
`what he had opined.
`They then took my —— my ideas.
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`Page 8
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`them into a draft of a report, which was
`provided to me.
`I then revised it, provided
`some chemical illustrations to illustrate
`some of the things that I said and then back
`and forth. That's the way it was prepared.
`Did defendants‘ counsel provide you
`the documents on which you are relying on your
`opinions in this case?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`They provided me
`with Dr. Davies‘ report and the prior art
`that he cited. And as I recall,
`I did some
`limited amount of literature work on my own
`and turned up,
`I think, a couple of things
`that they had not provided me. But
`I don't
`remember the details of that.
`Do you remember what those two
`documents were?
`I don't.
`Please turn to Paragraph 6 on Page 2
`of your responsive report for this case.
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`Page 9
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`It reads,
`"I am a chemist with over 50
`years of experience in organic chemistry and
`medicinal chemistry.
`I am currently Emeritus
`Professor at the University of California at
`A copy of my curriculum vitae and list
`of publications is attached as Appendix A."
`Do you see that?
`Do you consider yourself an expert in
`organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Do you consider yourself an expert in
`other areas besides organic chemistry and
`medicinal chemistry?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I do.
`consider myself an expert in genealogy and
`an expert in breeding Ridgeback show dogs,
`for example.
`Do you consider yourself an expert in
`any other scientific areas besides organic
`chemistry and medicinal chemistry?
`Ve_ritext Legalgolutions
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`Page 10
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`that would
`depend how you define expert.
`for about
`ten years, have operated a seminar in the
`QB3, which is a quantitative biosciences
`I know a lot about biological
`science. And I do consider that I have some
`expertise. Not as much as inorganic
`chemistry and medicinal chemistry, but you
`I can carry out very comfortably
`conversations with people about topics in
`those fields as well.
`Have you ever held yourself out to the
`public as an expert
`in any other areas besides
`organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I don't recall that
`I've been asked to before.
`Have you ever been qualified by any
`court or by the patent office as an expert
`in any
`other areas besides organic chemistry and
`medicinal chemistry?
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`Page ll
`C. Heathcock,
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for legal conclusion.
`Not that I
`can recall.
`In the court appearances I have
`I have been qualified as a medicinal
`chemist or an organic chemist.
`Is Appendix A to your responsive
`report a copy of your curriculum vitae?
`it is.
`Does your curriculum vitae list your
`relevant professional experience?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I guess that
`would depend on what you mean by "relevant."
`It does list my —— the positions I've held
`and some but not all of the important
`positions I've held outside the University
`of California. And some but not all of the
`honors that I've received.
`Does your curriculum vitae list your
`professional experiences as is relevant to this
`Veritext Legal S01u—ti0ns
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`Page 11 of 273

`Page 12
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`You may answer.
`I consider my contribution to
`this case to be in the area of organic chemistry,
`and it does —— my CV does give a good summary of
`my background in organic chemistry.
`Please turn to your curriculum vitae
`at Appendix A to your responsive report.
`And let me direct your attention to
`the first page.
`Okay .
`Are you there?
`On the first page of your curriculum
`let me direct your attention to the
`section entitled "Professional History."
`Ri ght .
`In particular,
`let me direct your
`attention to a line that begins "Organic
`Chemistry Division;" do you see that?
`1 5
`2 1
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`Page 13
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Have you been a member of the Organic
`Chemistry Division of the American Chemical
`Is there a separate Medicinal
`Chemistry Division of the American Chemical
`there is.
`Have you ever been a member of the
`11 Medicinal Chemistry Division of the American
`23 l
`Chemical Society?
`Please turn to the next page of your
`curriculum vitae, and let me direct your
`attention to the section entitled "Research
`Do you see that?
`I do.
`Do your research interests include
`drug discovery?
`Is organic synthesis your field of
`specialty, and are most of your publications in
`that area?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Veritext L:ga1—So1utions
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`Page 13 of 273

`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`THE WITNESS: Yes. That's
`Page 14
`Let me direct your attention to the
`section of your curriculum Vitae entitled
`"Publications." Does the "Publications" section
`of your curriculum vitae list all of your
`since 2004?
`Yes, it does.
`Did you publish your last paper in
`I did.
`How many years ago is that?
`That would be eight years ago.
`Have you published only one paper
`Have you published only two papers in
`the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry?
`I don't remember that, but I could
`read through this list and see.
`Please do.
`Okay, yes, you're right.
`Two papers
`24 I
`on my Compactin with Levinolin(sic.), a synthetic
`\./eritext Legal S—o.1uti_0ns
`Page 14 of 273
`Page 14 of 273

`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Page 15
`Did both of the papers that you
`published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
`involve statins?
`Have you ever published any papers
`involving bromfenac?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Have you ever published any papers
`involving any non~steroidal anti—inflammatory
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Have you ever published any papers
`involving tyloxapol?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Have you ever published any papers
`involving any non—ionic surfactant?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Veritext Legal Solutions”
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`Page 16
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Have you ever published any papers
`involving benzalkonium chloride?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not.
`Take a look,
`if you would, at
`Paragraph 22 in your responsive report.
`It's on
`page 5?
`It states "During the last four years,
`I have testified as an expert, either at
`deposition or trial as set forth in Appendix B."
`Please turn to Appendix B to your
`responsive report. Does Appendix B to your
`responsive report list the cases over the past
`four years in which you have testified at
`deposition and trial?
`Over the past four years, have you
`testified at deposition and trial in 12 separate
`cases besides this case?
`I counted 11. Oh, 12. There's
`— Veritext I:g21l?()1uti0ns
`H _ -I
`— _
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`Page 17
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`another page.
`Sorry about that. Yes, 12. Let's
`see -- so what was the question?
`Over the past four years, have you
`testified at deposition and trial in 12 separate
`cases besides this case?
`Yeah. Deposition and/or trial, yes.
`In all the cases in which you have
`testified at deposition and trial, have you
`testified on behalf of the generic pharmaceutical
`that's correct.
`Have you ever testified that a
`pharmaceutical patent was novel and non—obvious?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection.
`I have not testified
`to that.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Calls for a legal
`In fact, I've given
`that opinion to lawyers, but
`I have not been
`22 I
`asked to testify in those cases.
`23 .
`Just to be clear, have you ever
`testified that a pharmaceutical patent was novel
`— —
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`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`and non—obvious?
`Page 18
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Calls
`for a legal conclusion.
`I have not testified
`that a patent in suit was novel.
`testified that other patents were novel.
`Is it fair to say that your specialty
`in your career has been synthetic organic
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`THE WITNESS: Yes. Synthetic
`organic chemistry is involved in lots of
`other disciplines. Most notably medicinal
`chemistry. And my expertise has been in the
`synthesis of complex compounds.
`I'm handing the
`court reporter what I would ask to be marked
`as Heathcock Exhibit 2.
`For the record, Heathcock Exhibit
`2 is the transcript of the trial in
`Astrazeneca, et al. v. Mylan, et al.
`In Re,
`Rosuvastatin Calcium Patent Litigation, case
`number 08 MD 1949, Monday, February 22nd,
`23 I
`24 -
`Page 18 of 273
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`Page 19
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`2010, 9:30 a.m., U.S. District Court for the
`District of Delaware.
`(Heathcock Exhibit 2 was marked.)
`turn, if you would,
`Heathcock Exhibit 2,
`to Page 215 in the small
`numbered pages.
`It's going to be Page 55 toward
`the bottom of the big numbered pages.
`Do you see about halfway down, it says
`"Cross—examination by Ms. Bourke"? And she says,
`"Good afternoon, Dr. Heathcock.
`Is it Heathcock
`or Heathcock?"
`And you say, you answer, "Heathcock;"
`you see that?
`Are you the Dr. Heathcock who
`testified at trial that was transcribed in
`Heathcock Exhibit 2?
`if you would,
`to page 218.
`going to be the next page of the document. Let
`me direct your attention to Page 218, Line 6
`through 10.
`Page 19 of 273
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`Page 20
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`You were asked: "Question: And in
`those cases that we just mentioned, you testified
`that your specialty in your career has been
`synthetic organic chemistry;
`is that right?"
`And you answered:
`"That's correct."
`That was your sworn testimony;
`that's right, yeah.
`You can put this document aside for
`I think that's what I just told you
`too, but...
`Aside from your work in this case,
`have you ever consulted for any party on a matter
`involving bromfenac?
`Aside from your work in this case,
`have you ever consulted for any party in a matter
`involving a non—steroidal anti—inflammatory drug?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`You have to give me
`time to think this over, because I've served
`as a consultant for almost 50 years with
`companies, and it is possible that one of my
`Page 20 of 273
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`Page 21
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`consulting appointments may have exposed me,
`I can't put my finger on a specific
`It would have been with Abbott or
`Merck or one of these companies that may
`have been —— very likely core developing
`NSAIDS. And I probably did consult with
`chemists about, but
`I don't remember
`Aside from your work in this case,
`have you ever consulted for any party on a matter
`involving tyloxapol?
`Aside from your work in this case,
`have you ever consulted for any party on a matter
`involving any non—ionic surfactant?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, Vague.
`THE WITNESS: Not that I can
`Aside from your work in this case,
`have you ever consulted for any party on a matter
`involving benzalkonium chloride?
`No, not that I can recall.
`Page 21 of 273
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`Page 22
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Have you ever given any presentations
`on any matters involving bromfenac?
`Have you ever given any presentations
`on any matters involving any non—steroidal
`anti—inflammatory drug?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`I think I probably
`have as a part of a chemistry course when I
`was teaching organic chemistry.
`I'm sure
`that I've explained NSAIDS and what they
`generally are and how they generally work to
`my students.
`Do you remember which NSAIDS you were
`referring to?
`It would likely have been the most
`well—known ones.
`Probably ibuprofen and
`indomethacin, and, you know, examples that would
`have illustrated the chemistry.
`Why are ibuprofen and indomethacin the
`most well—known examples of NSAIDS?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection,
`THE WITNESS: Because they were --
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`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`they were compounds that were widely used
`both as prescriptions and over—the—counter,
`Have you ever given any presentations
`on any matters involving tyloxapol?
`Not that I can recall.
`Have you ever given any presentations
`on any matters involving any non—ionic
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`THE WITNESS: Not really, except
`perhaps as an example, when explaining how
`surfactants behave and what they're used for
`in a class.
`Do you remember which surfactants
`those were?
`I don't.
`Have you ever given any presentations
`on any matters involving benzalkonium chloride?
`' No.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Page 23 of 273
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`Page 24
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Are you an expert in pharmaceutical
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`I am not.
`I don't
`hold myself out to be an expert
`formulations, except to the extent that
`chemistry and the interaction of ingredients
`would be involved.
`Have you ever held yourself out to the
`public as an expert in pharmaceutical
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Are you an expert in the field of
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`THE WITNESS: Could you define
`what you mean by "pharmacy"?
`What's your understanding of the field
`of pharmacy?
`Well, pharmacy to me would encompass a
`number of different areas. And certainly the
`_ — — — _
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`Page 24 of 273

`Page 25
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`medicinal chemistry aspect,
`I consider myself an
`expert in.
`The delivery of medicinals,
`certainly have sufficient knowledge to consider
`myself an expert in.
`Is that sufficient?
`Have you ever practiced pharmacy?
`Have you ever held yourself out to the
`public as an expert in the practice of pharmacy?
`Are you an expert
`in pharmacology?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`I have some
`considerable expertise in pharmacology to
`the extent that pharmacokinetic properties
`of drugs are part of pharmacology.
`understand that.
`I understand absorption,
`distribution, metabolism.
`So I do consider
`I have expertise in that part of
`Have you ever held yourself out to the
`public as an expert in pharmacology?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not been
`Page 25 of 273
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`Page 26
`12 I
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`asked before whether —— I think you're the
`first person who's asked me that question.
`So just to be clear, have you ever
`held yourself out to the public as an expert
`Not previously.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Dr. Heathcock, can
`you slow down and give me a chance to object
`so we're not talking over each other,
`Have you ever held yourself out to the
`public as an expert in pharmacokinetics?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not, but
`would have if I had been asked.
`Have you ever taught any courses in
`23 I
`Page 26 of 273
`Not where that was the single topic.
`Are you an expert
`in pharmacodynamics?
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`Page 26 of 273

`Page 27
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`Are you an expert in ophthalmology?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`I'm not.
`Are you an expert
`in any field of
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`I have no
`medical training and no medical practice in
`my background.
`Have you ever prescribed medication to
`a patient?
`No. Certainly I would not be allowed
`to do that.
`Have you ever treated an inflammatory
`23 I
`disease of the eye?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not.
`Page 27 of 273
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`Page 28
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Have you ever administered any
`bromfenac product to a patient?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not.
`Have you ever dispensed any bromfenac
`product to a parent?
`Have you ever administered any
`non—steroidal anti—inflammatory drug product to a
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`if I'm the
`patient, yes,
`I do that regularly. And I
`do —— I have administered NSAIDS to other
`members of my family. And so, yes. But not
`as a doctor.
`19 '
`Have you ever dispensed any
`non—steroidal anti—inflammatory drug product to a
`Same answer.
`Have you ever administered any product
`containing tyloxapol to a patient?
`Page 28 of 273
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`Page 29
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`I have not.
`Have you ever dispensed any product
`containing tyloxapol to a patient?
`I have not.
`Have you ever administered any product
`containing any non—ionic surfactant to a patient?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection. Vague.
`Calls for speculation.
`I don't know.
`I mean,
`I may have because I had four
`children and I administered all sorts of
`things to them that were prescribed by their
`doctors, and some of them may have been
`Have you ever dispensed any product
`containing any non—ionic surfactant to a patient?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for speculation.
`THE WITNESS: Only under the same
`sort of circumstances.
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`Page 30
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`Have you ever administered any product
`containing benzalkonium chloride to a patient?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for speculation.
`THE WITNESS: Well, again,
`if I am
`the patient,
`I probably have because I've
`used lots of eyedrops.
`I've had cataract
`surgery. And actually other eye surgery,
`I've administered these things to myself,
`I'm sure.
`Have you ever dispensed any product
`containing benzalkonium chloride to a patient?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Lacks foundation.
`I guess it would be
`under the same circumstances.
`I've never
`sold it.
`Have you ever conducted any research
`on any bromfenac product?
`Have you ever conducted any research
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`Page 31
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`on any non—steroidal anti—inflammatory drug
`I don't think so.
`Have you ever conducted any research
`on any product containing tyloxapol?
`Have you ever conducted any research
`on any product containing any non—ionic
`I don't think so, no.
`Have you ever conducted any research
`on any product containing benzalkonium chloride?
`Have you ever designed a drug in which
`you replaced a carboxylic acid group with a
`tetrazole group?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection,
`foundation. And vague.
`In a way, yes,
`I've —— in my capacity as consultant to
`medicinal chemists who were developing new
`drug products,
`I have certainly suggested to
`medicinal chemists that they make that
`substitution because tetrazole is an
`Page 31 of 273
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`Page 32
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`isosteric replacement for carboxyl group.
`have not carried out
`those experiments
`myself. But professors usually don't carry
`out experiments. We usually suggest them to
`students, and they do it.
`So in interacting with medicinal
`chemists, Pfizer, Merck or one of the main
`they might make those kinds of
`suggestions and they do it, it's like the
`same as if my students had done it, so...
`So that's something where I can say I have
`had that kind of experience.
`Just to be clear, have you yourself
`ever carried out a synthesis in which you
`replaced a carboxylic acid group with a tetrazole
`Not with my own hands, no.
`Are you an expert
`in clinical testing?
`MR. MARGOLIS: Objection, vague.
`Calls for a legal conclusion.
`I'm not —— I've
`not done any -— I'm an expert to the extent
`that my expertise has to do with evaluation
`Page 32 of 273
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 32 of 273

`Page 33
`C. Heathcock, Ph.D.
`of clinical testing results of our —— well,
`about 20 years,
`I was a member of advisory
`boards for either Abbott Laboratories or
`Plexxikon, and part of my responsibility was
`to review clinical test data. And these
`would be presentations that would be
`presented by scientists who were gathering
`the data. And so I understand how clinical
`test data is presented —- is acquired,
`presented and evaluated, but it's not been
`my responsibility to make decisions other
`than just make observations.
`Take a look,
`if you would, again at
`Heathcock Exhibit 2. And let me direct your
`attention to Page 222 on the small numbered
`Its Page 57 at the bottom of the large
`numbered pages.
`Let me direct your attention on Page
`222 to Lines 12 —— sorry, Lines 9 through 13.
`You were asked:
`You do
`not consider yourself an expert
`in clinical
`Page 33 of 273

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