`DAVID B. GURALNIK, Editor in Chief
`West Coast, and for
`as and Colorado, but
`Vest, along with Alaska
`not yet received de-
`s the map reflects, for
`Detail has been omit-
`Eastern and Southern
`at are not shown here,
`ad Coastal speech in
`arned, not blended as
`them influence in the
`by ship around Cape
`as indicated here by
`Innopharma EX1031, Page 1


`Copyright ' 1982 and 1970, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980 by Simon & Schuster, a Division of
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`Published by New World Dictionaries/ Simon and Schuster
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`brary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
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`Metrics EX1031, Page 2
`Innopharma EX1031, Page 2


`(cid:149) (cid:9)
`S (cid:9) (cid:149)
`mono (cid:9)
`920 (cid:9)
`mon(cid:149)o (mgn) adj. clipped form of MONOPHONIC (sense 2)
`-n. clipped form of MONONUCLEOSIS
`mono- (man’S, -(cid:246); occas. mn ) [Gr. mono- < monos,
`single, alone < IE. base *mefl, small, single, whence OIr.
`menb, small] a prefix meaning: (cid:9)
`1. one, alone, single
`[monoclinic] (cid:9) 2. containing one atom or one group (of a
`specified element) [monochioride] (cid:9) 3. [< mono-molecular]
`having a thickness of one molecule [monolayer]
` (man/6 asid) adj. same as MONOACIDIC -n.
`an acid having only one replaceable hydrogen atom per
`mon(cid:149) o . a.cid . Ic (-a sid.’ik) adj. 1. designating a base or alco-
`hol one molecular weight of which can react with only one
`equivalent weight of an acid, or that has one hydroxyl
`group capable of replacing one acid hydrogen atom (cid:9)
`having only one acid hydrogen atom per molecule
`(-a t(cid:228)mik) adj. same as MONATOMIC
` (man’s b(cid:228)’sik) adj. Chem. (cid:9)
`1. designating
`an acid the molecule of which contains one hydrogen atom
`replaceable by a metal or positive radical or capable of
`reacting with the hydroxyl group (cid:9) 2. designating a com-
`pound in which a metal or positive radicalhas replaced
`’I one acid hydrogen atom -mon’o(cid:149)ba(cid:149)slc(cid:149)ty
`(-ba sisla
` (cid:9)
`(-kar’bak sil’ik) (cid:9) adj. having only
`one carboxylic acid group in the molecule
` (-kar’pa ler’a) adj. consisting of or
`having only a single carpel
` (kar pik) adj. [MONO- + -CARPIC] bearing
`fruit only once, and then dying: said of annuals, biennials,
`and some long-lived plants, as the bamboos and century
`plants: also monSo.carpous
` .os (ma n(cid:228)s’sr as) [L., the unicorn] a
`(cid:9) constella-
`tion east of Orion
` (man’s ka’zhe am, -za am) n., pl.-si.a
`< MONO- + Gr. chasis, division, akin to
`chainein, to yawn, GAPE] Bot. a cymose or determinate
`inflorescence having only a single main axis -mon’o-
`cha’si(cid:149)al adj.
`mon.o.chla.myd.e.ous (-kls mid’ss) (cid:9) adj. [< (cid:9) ModL.
`monochlamydeae, name of the group < MONO- + Gr.
`chiamyd-, base of chlamys, a mantle + -ous] having only
`one series of perianth parts, usually designated as sepals,
`in the flower
`mon.o.chlo.ride (-klfir’id) n. a chloride containing one
`chlorine atom per molecule
`mon.o.chord (man’s k6rd) n. [ME. monocorde < MFr.
`< LL. monochordon < Gr. monochordon: see MONO- &
`CHORD 1 ] an acoustical instrument consisting of a wooden
`sounding box with a single string and a movable bridge
`set on a graduated scale: used for determining musical
`intervals mathematically by dividing the string into sep-
`arate parts whose vibrations can be measured
`mon.o.chro.mat (man’s krmat) n. [< L. monochro-
`matos, one-colored < Gr. monochromalos: see MONO- &
`CHROMA] a person who has monochromatism
`mon.o.chro.mat.ic (man’s kr mat’ik) adj. [< L. mono-
`chromalos < Gr. monochrOmatos: see MONOCHROME & -ic]
`I. of or having one color: also mon’o.chroIc (krPik) (cid:9) 2.
`of or producing light of one wavelength 3. of, having, or
`having to do with monochromatism -mon’o(cid:149)chro’mat’-
`l’cal’ly ado.
`(krms tiz’rn) n. [MONOCHEOMAT-
`mon(cid:149) o. chro (cid:149)ma(cid:149) tism
`(sc) (cid:9) + (cid:9)
`-ISM] total colorblindness in which all objects
`appear as shades of gray
`mon.o.chronie (man’s krm’) n. [ML. monochroma <
`Gr. monochromos, of one color < monos, single + clsroma,
`color] (cid:9) 1. a painting, drawing, or photograph in one color
`or shades of one color 2. the art or process of making these
`adj. -mon’o’chro’mist n.
`mon.o.cle (m(cid:228) na k’l) n. [Fr. < LL. monoculus, one-eyed
`< Gr. monos, single (see MONO-) + L. oculus, EYE] an
`eyeglass for one eye only -mon’o’cled adj.
`mon.o.cll.nal (man’s kli’n’l) adj. Geol. (cid:9) 1. dipping in one
`direction: said of strata, or rock layers 2. of strata dipping
`in the same direction -n. same as MONOCL5NE
`mon.o.cline (man’s kiln’) is. [< MONO- + Gr. klinein, to
`incline: see LEAN’] a monoclinal rock fold or structure
`(man’s klinik) (cid:9)
`mon.o.clin.ic (cid:9)
`adj. (cid:9)
`& (cid:9)
`[see (cid:9) prec. (cid:9)
`designating or of a system of crystallization characterized
`by three axes of unequal length, two of which intersect
`obliquely and are perpendicular to the third
`[ModL. (cid:9) monoclinus (cid:9) <
`mon.o.cli.nous (cid:9)
`(-kli’nas) (cid:9) adj. (cid:9)
`MONO- + (cid:9) Gr. hung, a bed, couch: see CLINIC] having
`stamens and pistils in the same flower
`-kak’) (cid:9) adj. [Fr. (cid:9) < mono-,
`mon(cid:149)ocoque (cid:9) (man’a kk’, (cid:9)
`MONO- + coque, a shell < L. coccum, scarlet berry < Gr.
`kokkos, a seed, gall of kermes oak] (cid:9) 1. designating or of a
`kind of construction, as of an airplane fuselage, in which
`the skin or outer shell bears all or most of the stresses
`2. designating or of a kind of construction, as of an auto-
`mobile, in which the body and chassis are one unit
`mon.o’cot.y.le.don (m(cid:228)n’a kat"l (cid:9)
`’d’n) is. Bot. any of a
`subclass (Monocotyledoneae) of flowering plants having
`an embryo containing only one seed leaf, and usually
`having parallel-veined leaves, flower parts in multiples
`of three, and no secondary growth in stems and roots, as
`lilies, orchids, grasses, etc.: sometimes clipped to mon-
`o(cid:149)cot’ -mon’o(cid:149)cot’y(cid:149)le’don(cid:149)ous
`(ma nak,ra sº) n., Pt. -des [MONO- + -CRACY]
`government by one person; autocracy
`*mon.o.crat ( m(cid:228) na krat) n. a person who favors
`monocracy, esp. monarchy: term applied by Thomas
`Jefferson c. 1790 to pro-English Federalists in the war
`between England and France
`mo.noc.u.lar (ma nakya lar) adj. [< LL. monoculus (see
`MONOCLE) + -AR] 1. having only one eye 2. of, or for use
`by, only one eye -is. a field glass or telescopic device with
`a single eyepiece
`mon.o.cul.ture (m(cid:228)ns kul’char) n. [MONO- + CULTURE]
`the raising of only one crop or product without using the
`land for other purposes
` .cle (-si’k’l) is. same OS UNICYCLE
` .clic (man’s siklik) adj. 1. of or forming one
`cycle, circle, whorl, etc. 2. Chem. containing one ring of
`atoms in the molecule
`mon.o.cyte (mans sit’) n. [MONO- + -CYTE] a large,
`nongranular white blood cell with a relatively small,
`kidney-shaped nucleus -nion’o’cyt’ic (-sit’ik) adj.
`mon.o.dist (mania dist) is. a writer or singer of monody
` (manes dr(cid:228)’ma, -dram’s) n. drama acted,
`or written to be acted, by only one performer -mon’o-
`dra’mat’ic (-dra mat ik) adj.
`mon.o.dy (man’s d) n., p1. -dies [LL. monodsa < Gr.
`singing alone < monos, alone (see
`monªidia < mon(cid:246)idos,
`MONO-) + aeidein, to sing: see ODE] 1. in ancient Greek
`literature, an ode sung by a single voice, as in a tragedy;
`lyric solo, generally a lament or dirge 2. a poem in which
`the poet mourns another’s death *3. a monotonous sound
`or tone, as of waves 4. Music a) a style of composition
`in which one part, or voice, predominates, and the others
`serve as accompaniment; homophony, as distinguished
`from polyphony b) a composition in this style -mo’ nod ic
`(ma nadik), mo . nod ’i’ cal adj. -mo’ nod 11 ’ cal (cid:149)ly ado.
`mo.noe.cious (ma nshas, mfl-) adj. [< MON- + Gr.
`oikos, a house + -loGs] 1. Bot. having separate male
`flowers and female flowers on the same plant, as in maize
`2. Zool, having both male and female reproductive organs
`in the same individual; hermaphroditic -mo’noe’clsrn
`(-siz’m) is.
`mon.o.fil.a.ment ( man ia fil a mant) is. a single, untwisted
`strand, of synthetic material: also
` (ma nag’s me) n. [Fr. monogamie <LL.(Ec.)
`mono gamia < (,r. mono gamia: see MONO- & -GAMY] 1. the
`practice or state of being married to only one person at a
`time 2. [Rare] the practice of marrying only once during
`life 3. Zool. the practice of having only one mate -mo-
`noga.mist is. _mo . noga . mous, mon(cid:149)o(cid:149)gam(cid:149)Ic
`gam’ik) adj.
`mon.o.gen.e.sls (man’s jen’a sis) is. [ModL.: see MONO-
`& GENESIS] 1. Biol. the hypothetical descent of all living
`organisms from a single original organism dr cell 2. Zool.
`asexual reproduction, as by budding or spore formation
` .ic (-ii net’ik) adj. 1. of or pertaining to
`monogenesis 2. designating or of animals without alter-
`nating asexual and sexual generations
`mon.o.gen.ic (-jen’ik) adj. 1. [MONO- + GEN(E) + -IC]
`Biol. designating or of a mode of inheritance in which a
`character is controlled by one pair of genes 2.
`+ -GUN + -IC] Zool. producing offspring of one sex only,
`as females only in some species of aphids -mo(cid:149)nogeny
`(ma naj’s ne) is.
`mo.nog.e.nism (ma naj’s nlz’m) is. [MONO- +
`-GEM +
`-ISM] the doctrine that all human beings are descended
`from a single pair of ancestors
`mon.o.glot (mania glat’) adj. [Gr. monoglottos: cf. MONO-
`& (P0LY)GL0T1 speaking or writing only one language
`---n. a monoglot person
`mon.o.gram (manFs grams) is. [LL. mono gramma < Gr.
`mono-, MONO- + grammo, letter: see GRAM’] a character or
`figure made up of two or more letters, often initials of a
`name, combined in a single design: used on writing paper,
`ornaments, clothing, etc. - ot. -grammed’, -gram’ming
`to put a monogram on (-gra mat’
`ik) adj.
`mon.o.graph (manFs graft, -graf’) is. [MONO- + -GRAPH]
`1. orig., a treatise on a single genus, species, etc. of plant
`or animal 2. a book, article, or paper written about a
`particular subject; esp:, a scholarly writing on some de-
`tailed aspect of a subject -mon’o-graph’ic adj.
`mo.nog.y.nous (ma naja nas) adj. 1. of or-characterized
`by monogyny 2. Bot. having one style or pistil
`mo.nog.y.ny (-ne) is. [MONO- + -GYNY] the practice or
`state of being married to only one woman at a time
`mon.o.hy.drate (man’s hidret) n. a hydrate containing
`one molecule of water per molecule of combining compound
`mon.o.hy.dric (-hi’drik) adj. [MONO- + -HYDRIC] 1. same
`as MONOHYDROXY 2. [Rare] having one atom of replace-
`able hydrogen
`mon.o.hy.drox.y (-hi drak’se) adf. [MONO- + HYDROXY]
`having one hydroxyl group in the molecule
`mo.nol.a.try (ma nala trº) is.
`[MONO- + -LATEY] the
`worship of only one god, where several are believed to
`exist: distinguished from MONOTHEISM _rno . nol a .ter is.
` (man ia laar) is. a layer or film one molecule
`mon.o.lin.gual (man’s liqgws l) adj. [MONO- + LINGUAL]
`using or knowing only one language
`Metrics EX1031, Page 3
`Innopharma EX1031, Page 3

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