`Capella 2010
`Cisco v. Capella

`Table of C-zmtents
`TABLE DFCDNTENTS ......................................................................... 2
`TABLE UF FIGURES ..............................................................................
`fl=1["nrLL'i.R"t’ OF CONCEPTS ........_.................................._................_.. 9
`UPDATE LNTRDDUCTIUN .................................................................. 12
`INFRDDUCTIDN ...................................................................................... 12
`WE mu A EDTTLENEEK; NOW we HAVE {;I1InLm:K ....................... 12
`WHATARE GXCS? ................................................................................. 14
`UPD.-1.TES:T;1TE|$'IENT ..................................................................-.. 1-1
`‘WHIEN 15 .-‘L S1-"|r'I'l'L'H RE.-‘s.LL‘I'
`.-‘L SWITCH? ............................... ..... 14
`...................... H-
`'.'s'n'r'.I'¢-J'r" TEE ..........
`Hnutecrs ...4...............4.......................4.......4.............................................,..................+...
`TDJ'I.I'I S'|flI'I:CI'IBE .......................................................................... 15
`v!'?'.1L'I:',':.'— Tirr flrurrmierc4:.-[r.lrcwlH-(.|m:F:'nI."-'unvr+r '
`Drhrars tn DILGS Dapluy-man! .................................................................. lfi
`The Parallel universe of 0x33 .............................................................. I?
`TECI-INOLUGIES..................................................................................... 19
`LIPIJATE E-.1'A.'l‘E['»1EN'l‘ ...................................................................... 1!!
`REVIE'“"U'F BASIC TECHNDI.flGIES......................................._... 19
`mar: ............................................................ 19
`DIED Vmldurs ................................................................................... lfl
`1—_|_l'5|-1Q‘fJl'£I¢II:'-3-f-l?5'_l'I£Ffl‘f£ 1-I-Ill-I-H-I-Ilillll-H-I-I-IlllllH-I+Hlllll-H-I-HillIIFH-IIllllH+I-Hilllll-H-I+Flllll-I-I-Hlllllli-I-HIIII 2"]
`Digital Aplpmach ........... ........................................................................... ll]
`Analog Appmach ............................................................................. 11
`.H'E'Hi'.ҤDe:'4r.fg;ge'r:ana"1"'e'na'nn'........................._.................... ..._.. ....................... 22
`figure S'|f$tvEI‘|'I$............................
`Aslnrta Fiber NarlwuI'Iv:s_ ................................................................. 23
`C Speed Burp. ................................................................................. 23
`canent Hatumrks ............................................................................. 13
`C‘ 2|II|.|1 I|3'C|:I|1!..||n|] ll‘-E
`!I|.||.|-322]-I PM -F:I=-.'!-I .'-.'}l-1!.-Elli.‘

`I'JuI11lr|-g ................................................................. 14
`cmrms [JD5 Uniphaae} _-...........H..-..............._............,.....................+................ 25
`Intellisense carp. {Gaming} ...........................................................................+..... 25
`Lucent .,............................4........4.......4.....+,....m....H...m.m...H...w...m....*...m. Zli
`hlanmraflnn ......................................................................... Ifi
`Unix Hinraayratenna, Inc. ..........................................................._._............. 2.‘!
`Dpflcal hli-era Machines {O-MM}
`Texas Instmrrnenm
`Iron {Mortal}
`LCD ................................................................................................................ 19
`.......................... 3-I]
` 3-1
`Bubbles {hflgiet} - Planer Lig;l1'l'.'\~'£I1I.-E Cinrujts .......................................................... 31
`Pm: DuveJ'g,@- and '|r’e:.-darn:
`Lbghtwave I'J||crnsI_.rs1en1s
`wmummmm ............H M ........................................................ H
`mm .....................................................................................m
`H) I‘:-chm:
`1-I.IpLi»E._:f Tmugparmt and -Q;gq£.5'u'i.rc.lIe: ........................................................- 315
`' gigggffmlfans u,[ mngngrmland Flflqur 01:25 ...............+................................ 3-7
`...................................................................... 4-I]
`J'I.I.r_p4-.Imr.r.r.n:e n_f(.'.|'q1I: ."s'.c'rmr:Irku ........................................................................................................ 4|]
`CLAKSSES HF UKC5 ......................_._._.__.___..._...................... 41
`FIG ........................................+..m.+....+..Hm.+......+..+..+........
`I'i'§'!-'.7l'{.' ....
`mmrc .............................................................. 4:]
`Hurnnmry nj'Fe'arur.-1-: Jul (‘inn .......................................................... =14
`Iruyrmnce tr; Tunable la:9:: ....................................................................._ 45
`Developers and Vendors D1 Tunable Lasers
`Turwtlle Lmrs 'H'IarII:lurs Llst
`ADI: ........................................................................................... 47
`0' 2:Il:Il I3 Cunsullnn In:
`TH: 5l:I|:I-32:!-ICIIEIE -Fau:'!-I."-u.‘ 1:455:

`Band-nl.-[dl.‘rI9................................................................. 48
`Burning ................................................................................ 48
`JD5 Uniphaae ............................................. 49
`Haw Focus, Inc. ............................................................................. SD
`+Hn-H-Hanna-H-intro-H-ubH+H-n-rui-in-Hintin-an-nnro-0-I-u--I-I-Hi--In-I-nuuinnrru-unnro-rh-H-I-Hi--rrHinrH+in||rH-h -5“
`APPIJCATTDNS ........................................................................................ 51
`LIPGRADE ST.-kTE]'vIENT ................................................................................................. 51
`DPTICAL SWI'I'CH]iIS AS CROSS-CDNTHECTS ....H....+H..............«.....+...........+.. 51
`....... 52
`Imp£e:neu£iugL'rr1tw{.?mnm'I.u I-uErJ.I IJ.:fi:!‘l'£‘l.II (.':'a1w: Ti-auqrarenl Swirchm
`FIG.......................................+.........-......-.....-.........+......................+............................. 51
`‘H513 ................................................................................. 53
`'u"I|'Il'.]I ...................................................................................................... 54
`ll-H-H-I-H-Ill!H-I-HIIIIH-I-I-I-Hlllll-I-HIIIIIH-|+HI|llH-0+0-llllll 54
`fmgficmunflng (.‘rr:x.-:-(.'u1uHm:£sH-it?!fl,|'mnr¢{J‘X£.
`GRHIMIING-.......................................................................... 55
`Exarnpfir rfflring -I‘JJE(.'s' to }';r_paII£Hiu.ii'.-19.11." .F:|'m1':n-.r.I'.-i ............................................ ............. 5[i
`Sufi-.u'l‘iruring [fir E11-gr::.1'1.-e Router Pan‘.-.' .......................................................... 53
`....................... .........
`Bridges .....
`BasabEI1::| .................................................................. 11']
`Train: Englnaamd ........................................................................ 151
`Taraizfl Huutarsasfilng Gnrrnactors .... ......................... ................................................
`Dflttsas Fllng Cannecims ......................................................................... E3
`MARKET DRIVER'S ................................................................................ 64
`INTERNE'1" GR{J‘W'l‘H .................................................................... 6-1
`I’J.I'.FIer InternE'.|' Tmflrc Hanrmew _................................................................. {I5
`B23 — Elufirra-H-to-EII.EirIa-H Trmfic
`Dfis-lmm IF Grmum ......................................................................
`S|ru'mrd[gr.I[l9I!IerInf£rnflTm,[fiL'Srmr1'ex .....................................................
`UTH.E.H URIVEHS ....................................................................
`F‘ ZIIIU1 IE ':|:In!..I|n|] Iris
`TEL EDD-EIZU-I-E"t|fl -HIZEII."-u‘ Ill-1!-M55

`UPDATE S-T.-5LTE|"l1'ENT ....................................................... .. 7'2
`CURRENT fl\'lJU5TR‘1' PROJECTIONS ............................................ .. T2
`MODEL BASED PRUJEJCTICINS .......................................................+........................... T2
`F':H'e1;':'.I1g.[.acnIl’.:T.7£'l.C'4'rfa'::huf Uxirrgflfefm MMEF ...........................................................
`Example :31‘ Model use
`Results lrom Use of Local Model ..................................................................
`Determining Luca] lularltet Fumcasl from Pnterlthl ......................................- TE
`.Lm_-a£ rub.-um-: urn ............................................................... .. 1''?
`Fr1-ur7e'.L'a.-.'.f:'gy IXC .1-:fari'e.|' for l’.3UL'(.'.+.' ............................................................ ..
`Datenninlng the Wavelengths per Junctlan Pulni ................................. .. TS
`Determining Number af ..Iuneli:m Paints ...................
`Developing IKE lI.I'hI‘kfl'|: P‘-':ItBI'rlial ........................................... 79
`IX'-f_';1-cI3r:.I':':.e'J'F.1ra':'a.I:H_'.1rI‘J.5I:'lL'I: ..................................................................... .. 7'9
`Talnflflnrkef Fanemxr [uI.rflXC.I ........................................................................ .. 3]
`DetailedF¢.rI‘a1-¢.r.<.'.'.u 0,! 111'C: {mm the .'r:fr.Id7e'.|'.*.' ............................................... 31
`Telel Number crI'Dice............l........+............+...................+....................+.................. 31
`Fnmuasts by Typ-as utflxfls ........................................................ .. 32
`Forecast uffixcs by Applicailun-........................................................._ H3
`UPDATED FCIRECASTS +0............................................+.............................................. 33
`5;-,:_-' flu-mfluu-rrrurn {mg-r ....................................... .. 33
`."il'g'g mg, 9-H II-rI@nI‘!.' m...................+........m.......+...........+.....................+.......+....................+ 34
`firgg Tiaras, .R‘.em.l‘l'I'Igl,- New Fr:I.rm'.r:r.'.'.|'.I; .......................................................... .. Hvfi
`cnmpefisen or Local u-5. Ixl: Appllcafierrs .............................................. 8'!
`ccurnperlsen at Large us. Smell
`cotnpanlenn el OED vs. 00 Market
`PRICING FURFCASTS .......................................................................... 9'1
`FORECAST FOR SMALL (32 PORTS ANI} LESS} SWITCHES ..,............. .. 9]
`VENDOR PROFILES .............................................................................. 9'3
`ST.=‘LTE]'leIENT HF UPDATE ....................................................... .. 5'3
`Sl_|]'l-I]'l«I.4"LIi‘.‘f UF VENDURS ..................................... ..
`...... .. 93
`ABC ................................................................................... ..
`Allarruer Nallmzlrlds ................................................. .. 96
`Agilnnt Tachnulugias: [HP] _............................................................ ..
`Elrfg|‘IlL|nlc Metwudts [Dania] .................................................. .. 9'?
`E: Speed carp. ................................................................ ............ .. 93
`Uhilrn |"IIl‘l'.l.'DI'I(£............................................................ Iflfl
`(J EIIIJI I3 Cunmllnn Inc
`Tel: sun-32:-lane -Faa.:'3-I!’-.‘1--'-1-5-I52

`Ghururn Ta::hn-nIugias................................................ .....
`Dhmnratis Nahmrks {Luuant} ................................................ _. 1111
`Chem {Lighten and tJmn|‘:a] .................................................................................+.... 101
`1:500 n-an-I-an-on-u-u-u-hn-Hun-nun-nn-Hun-0-nun.-nu-runurhnnn-nhnurhnnnn-nun-and-nnnn-n-hnn+u
`Gunrls ........................................................................ ._. I'M
`lJiCanF|bE:n:~p1iI:s .................................................. ....
`hlantarmyr l'~lEm-.r1:n'I-:3 {Giana} ......................................................._ I11
`Hen-mark Phntanlns........................................... ..... I I 1
`Hnrlel +.....+....m.........+......+.....H..............+......+...........4........+...m.......+......+............. lll
`Oplinal E-wilch Cmporafion ..»....+....H....+.........+........».....+.............................4. I13
`merammeu ............................................................ .. 114
`Siemens............................................................................-..............-,.._.......... Ila
`Talllumlnc. ___________________________________........... I1?
`Temple:c............................................................ 118
`Teraburst I-Iernrorlcs Inc. lib!-Hifl-I+IIIbI-IliiIH4IIbFHiIIH+IiiI-HiIbH+IiiFFI-|IbH4IilbFFHIFFHiIH4Ilfl+F|IIbFHl I19
`inns In-I: {|'-llarbalj IlI+HII!H41llIfHIWH4!-lH41llIH44lIfFHIIIFHQlIfH1Il§H1|FH14II!H4!|lII-I-HI-II-I-Hi!!!-I-OHIO-I-Hi! I19
`.............................._....... I11
`I,I'Jua.n'm:A':';-ag Tnpr1».f.-Jg_'_|.I.3" ..................
`Type of Filngs -...................................................................................-. 121
`!'l'.f:;:I£vaa'Her~'J4 '.i'4‘.pn.fi1,g]u|I’
`Router-Ba-wdfle.-.'.ra:ur:irm ......................................................... .... I24
`I‘.l.5I:'L‘ Ba.-Ed-Re.-H'muli1.-1 ........................................................... .... I24
`Cumfirrefl TR.I‘UI{'Rrsrru1.rfl'Lm .................................................... .. 125
`ADWLNTAGES GF MESH ‘VS. RING ARCHITECTURES .....................,.....,.......... III?
`APPENDIX D] -DHIATRIX UF PROVIDERS .................................. 129
`APPENDIX IV —LISTfl"~IG DFACRDNYTEIS .................................. 132
`t' EIIIU1 IE C|:In5.:||n|] In:
`TEL |5|J|J-321]-I-C"|1fl -F.‘liI:'3-I."-.‘!Il-1!-WE

`(}XCs — The Centerpiece of me till]-Optical ttletwcrlt
`Update Introduction
`This original rep-acn was issued in Nan.-etnl:ter i'J_tEI[lCI. Much at’ the technical and arcltitectural material is still
`accurate and cunent. hut wtritt-as areas til’ the rep-art need tlptlsttirtg, The purpose cf this tlpdale tn the etriginstl
`repett is to l.1rittg those areas up-t-a-date. and to add new ittfarthaticti dtat has developed. The approach tc
`pntsenting this material has n:.sI.I|t-etl in a ecmpleteljt stand a|cnedrtt1Jn'u.:t1t.'l'|IecrigirI.'t| Ii:un11s:tt and ccIg..'tnir..'1tit'In
`is presert-'et:l. 1:-t:twe-.'et'. die intrcdactian aieach chapter will describe the changes made in the update. In mast
`cases this will allow the readertct readily see t.he changes made from thectiginal report. It is tillilllflll. that this
`capability will be mast. useful in the ihrecast area. This paragraph is the cttt]:.r change in the lnlrc-duct.iett_
`Dltl-'Dh1 has latcught asthe answertct the need for l’tlaS5i't'E arnaunm cd'ba.nt:|w'u:lth. across tlte city. across tlte
`t'.'D'lJ|'|iF}' and new across the world. The need liar this hand-width has been. and continues tt:tl'te.dIiw:n by the
`emergence at'the Internet as the single mast sigttiiicant dew.-etcprnettt in die history ctfcctttmutticaticns This
`ever-increasing demand has changed the whole approach to |‘aei|it:.-' and even TD1.I|:¢ provisioning Bart-dwidth
`:inct'en1e.ats [e.g._ DC‘-43} that wauid have been me etttirecresssectian an a given raute att]'_-tr at-.-ct at three
`j.-ll::tI'5 age. are new not ct-ten prnvisicning interval increments.
`We Had a Bcttleznecltt Now We Have Gridlock
`tel be
`While WI-’r'D|"tt| has given tts the tccl ten deal with this bandwidth esplttsicn. it has nut given us a Wll’;t'
`able tn t:t‘talLr't‘:| this rnassit-e antaunt c-thantha.-itltit. We were lctalting fcura way tn keep up with the unending
`dernand l'cr bttrtclwidth as presented by the Intcrrtet and we 1i:Ittnd it in D‘-"-'D.'-‘I. tictmc ctfthe c.'u't'iers{t"t.TR:T.
`in-r etttunplel are esdtrtatirtg lIl..'J.l Iheit'l:tacltl:-anes are ii:-creasing aI.a rate cf-it]-Elfl a _I.teat'! Tl'_|p'illg ta lteep up
`with that growth. bath the existing gmwth and the forward looking view of a really scary "ht:teltte}' stick’
`gt'a-mlt curse. was me first pn:tl:tlenL Ncnt.-. tee can take existing fiber [at least tea a great ettteat —serne cut me
`elder fiber Illa}! nct support all ctt'tl1e capabilities ci'D-WDM at all distances}. add Dl-‘t.-'D!t-'[ and we |lt3't'E an
`instant imease in band-it.-irlth at’ up to iii-CI times. Se. that salt.-es the |'.lD'l.I.IEl‘ll'_"Ch prcblettt. I1t}t3.'t15tl't2ttIt.Ctttt-'.
`What is left. tin-it.-e-t-er. may he an even greater pn'thlern_ Tlte questittat is haw tctdeal with all at this added
`bandwidth artd haw to deal with the rapid changes and reanangements implied by a tttarltet gnzt-wing this
`i'ast. in addition let the g'n:rwth. and the implied am-I:nIrIt ciehttm -[in a market grt:-wing like this. the end
`custtattters are alsa itt tLtI'lllt.'!Ii|. trying to devise the best way tc deal with grctwtlt frcm their -'ie-.1.-'t.taints. tl'tus
`cuu:-ting many change tirders tn hundwidth |'trt11.rir.It:rs,'t. tht: netwtirlt is Iurgt:|3.-' stir-t;le with an urchiltxture Unit
`was singularly unllttecl to rapid eltanges and additicns - i.e.. SUNET. Tet establish a new wattelengtlt ca
`SDNF.'T—t1ert1'ed f'.'t.t;'i|i|it:5 t_SUINF_'T't:n1 UI‘tit."D|h'T or SCINF.Tdirt:t,'t|:.r t::t11 Eb-er}. it is t:tn"t¢n 1'll:ll.'x'.S5.'tFl." ID n1:t|tt:
`phj-Siflfll equipment and changes at ntany nades — particularly when-e rings ir'tlEl'S:E.t:[. The aclditians
`and changes rettuire significttnt engineering. equipment prcetrring. site visits and carefully ecerdinated
`testing attd tLL1'l‘t up activities rltsa result cf all cut" this 1.-.-c-tlt. prcr-.-isianittg itttert-'als stretch i.ntc tttattj..' months
`and sen-'iee casts er-ntintte to be 'rer1.t high in spite cf decreasing casts of‘ l.|l'It'h:fi}'il'lg inirastnteture. These
`In ZIJIJ1 IISII:-:-n:.tItnn Inc
`Tel: Irene 23-'||:|l5lt -F-:n.n1t-r:H use:

`titer-ors h.'t1»'e all contbineel to lead us from a lJilll.I.‘I'WlI:|Lltt bottleneck. to a gridlock glut — we have a great rleai of
`potential bandwidth. but it is '-‘erg I1-ansl toelfeelwelgr use It.
`The 1.,-'rr.':::tl,t.'t.'ttin:1ret| and intt:1'na.tirt-nal t::t.11'it:r'.s have built fihen'D'WDM Ist:t't-tnttrlat.-i thal [!T|Z!I|'l'|l5'4lt and deli 1.-er
`bant:l-.1.-'itiIl:t that was only dreamed of two orthree grears ago. Now the issue is learning that Qofi int-tolt-es
`n1r;rr:1l'ta11 t:It:t:l.rir_'.'tl .'t11rI ttplical .l:IE|Ill:l.:ll'Ll5. [I s|l5n1'1't1..'r:lt.'cs 5t:rtrrt:t: Elt:Ill'FlllI:g-', rapid provisioning and
`rearnatgemenm. and the ability as support new. ‘on-rlernanrl' services. Tltese are tltequaiities that will supp-on
`the new strategies t1fsen'ioe prosirlers in the era of‘ IF’. the Internet. E3 E1. ete. Their are also the pararneters
`that will il.lJ'll all of mar|t.~.'it:ltlt into useful and tnaslretable sen-ioes.
`The attswe.t' rliat is rlet-elopiag to this gridlock gluL is the U'ptl.C.t1l Switch t[l){C.} This new tnew in these
`sizes and with the capabilities now becoming atrailablol device will I;l] allow e:Itb'erncl].-' rapid sen-ice
`plot-isiotting and reartangetneitts. I12]: facilitate mesh topologies mat tttote rlirectly support data trt1l'l'tc and
`that can save on equipment. faeili ties. and operations eotsts.t3tpro1.-'ide an c.:stren'tcI}' Fast optical lI:'t'|:EJ:ll'Ctlll
`tfiber.-'1.-.-a1.-elettg_tlt.I'rot.ttei: reetoualiatt capability. and H} supportnew services on a wa-nelengrlt level based no
`rapid and remotely oontrollctl switching.
`This report will eitplorc this new eleviee in depth. lt wi ll: develop abasic ttnrlerstaorling of Ill-Kfis. explore all
`aspects oftlie axhnriiugg,-. rct-'i.t:.w applications. es-aluau: mta-lte!.tl.1-i-.-era. pmjet:tnttt.1-l.-etutlernai-tcl and pI'iCE§.
`and describe available equiprnent artcl senuzllors.
`Esoept wltere speciticall_-.' nobeel t:lil‘r'erentl.}'. Uiis repott deals with existing. available [or neatly so] technology
`for UXC5. The r_'ttn1:nl 'I.It:r.-iitins 111' the UKCH tire primuril}.r "t.lit1'nh" 31'-'I.'L'iI|:hI!$. Stimt: -.'t:ndtttt':s l|'.llIl.'l.l|'.'1.Il.Llrl:.-'
`sottte of die BED switch 1.I'ElidtJI'El- adding sigrtjiicant software to the peripheral control sysrettts allowing
`some 1-*er_'.r tLsel'u| tansi in some eases speemeultlrl services. However. the switches rernain Fairly dumb. The
`fitpplicatiotts. Marltet Forecasts. and Pricing Forecasts me all based on these corttparari~.'e|g.- rluntb 5}'5l13ll‘l'.i-.
`Future -development will be focused on two major m:
`l. Froeltteing all-optical switches lolly eapalule oi‘ W-‘WC and WIXL”. elasses ol'oper.'ttion. i-"'5-e-e the
`Techttology Section for a full discussion of these eiaasesfi
`2. Incorporating true optical rottter capabilities. whereby the EEC will actually be able to parse the
`incoming I;JfH.hEflJ sip;n.ttl and perfrtrrn at switeitinp. funeti-tin baserl on 1J1i:iinlt'.trrrstt.t.irin in n:t1|
`|-:tr 1.-t:r_-,-'
`near real] time.
`The tirst of these will be eontrrit'.:t1:iall_-rat-*aiE.'ti:ale in the l'rl.‘.JEl few yetus. and the second will likely 1-.‘lII:J.': longer.
`I.‘-2I2II:I1 I5. Canltllnn Inc.
`Tel: uonezsantlu -F-alzfili‘-Til-t-l!l'l".'-E

`In addition to providing a more appropriate a:rehitectttre for data. meslt promises to be a more economical
`approach to failure protection. title to its ability to share preteetien n:Iutes. rather lha.n having ICHIFE protection
`lsa.nclw'tt:lth. as is the case with traditional approaches. Studies have suggested that optical switches and mesh
`art:hitr:t_'Iurt:it can achieve as great as 5|.'l'ii--fi-l'l‘.E savings in capital cti.-its ttrt-'t:r t.l'tt: trarlitittnttl SDNET ring
`Given all of theseconsitleranons, it is 'pl‘lZljBClE.t1 mat tI}l~iCs will be both tJte ennlsler of. and a major reason for
`El migration to. an "all-e«rItie.'tl" netwerlt. {it will he seen. hill-'-'|:‘-'I:f, that "all-optical" may not ti lwagrs rnettn
`only optical as we go font-'a.1t:l itt Htis reporti-
`Ilauing looked at a tt-orlting definition of an DKC. we woulrl now like to present a general list of lsasic
`roquiretttents for DKLTS. it will be clear as we go through the Technologies Section. that appl ieat'ions and
`technical approaches will cause differences in emphasis on various of utese requirements. ltowei.-er the list
`will still he lnstntctivc to use as a future }'artlsticlt.
`fin 'I2JJiiIL is a novice that allows a given nurntscrof optical inputs to access a selection of optical outpttts.
`These inputs and t.'I'LIl|:II.IlS. ruay he u.-t1-.-elertgtltsor fibers rt-.-in-t multiple 't.t-'.I1t-‘-t3:lr.“.nt'.fl'J‘t:i.j General mquiretnenrs:
`Rat:onI'1.guruhiIil}' — h-12:1.-ht: this: guts ts-'iI.l'ttt-ttt staying. hut it :-t]'tttt.tlt.i ht: s'latt:tJ. It _just I'.l'.|t:.l].nS. that the
`switch can switch inputs to outputs. ttncler etttental control.
`Nonlt-1oc]tittg—These network devices mustl:-e able to terminate and switch all of Uteir inputs to an
`El‘-'fillltl.'||H1|.Jlptl-I untler all ei1e1rrnsttI.rtt;I:s. There is no ruorn lt:-re “husgr signal‘ in this ltintl of -':T'-'-'ilJt.‘i'|lfl3-
`Se:tleahle- In Ettacltbone network applications [:ilJJ1lCt1IltI'|]r'. this is ot'gtt:at irnportattcc. No carticr
`wattts to face me prospect of hat-ing to make a ‘fotlt lift‘ replacement-of s clet-ioe like an IJXC with
`so rntteh trnilie going through it. De"-‘lees that sta.rt at -only 32 :t .11 rnttst beahle to scale at least to
`IDEICI it IIIOD (in hacltbotte. applications].git-ett Ihecurrent and projected grott-tlt rates ofths ttetu.-otlt.
`Ltttt-' lrutet'lit:t1 I.ttses- This Et:“rt:f?i Ltt IJ1t:tJpI.i-t::tl insertittn Ittsts [i.t:.. 1.l‘It: ti-E tht: light.] Wt:
`will see in tletttil later the reason for this requirement. hut in general. it is olznriotts that it is clesiralzile
`for any light path element In lttt-.-e a low loss characteristic.
`L-l'l'l-ll-'Cl15IGfiIflnl— Again. this refers to an optical signal impact. If crosstallt is too }Il.f_‘_Il hetu.-een arty
`two internal paths. the signals will be degtsdecl. anti pesltsps unusable.
`Fast tit-tittzhittg Time — In ma.n}' of the applications of Ll'2'{Cs the tLt11e is of most irnp:-rtance.
`Ants-'.ttmplt: is in n:sl.t1r£tlittrt tnpp]ic.t2t.t.itn1s. Tilt: tttlttl timt: Ii2|l'l 2l'I:.|il:I:2ll'lI'Ig 3 Failed link must he ntt E,I'l.':'a|l:T
`than SUI rtts [hasetlon SUI‘-{ET statttlards}. Thus. the time for the DEC lJ1'lilllEl'l!LtJII}' switch rnusthe as
`stttall as possible so as to be able to meet this stantlttttl.
`l.uu"|CustttI1d Relitthle — These ties-ices will he eentntl to trery high eeptlcity netwurlt points. in
`orde: to achieve tlteirgreatest usefulness. they must he relau -rely cheap. Also. because ot' Uteir
`pcntrnl location. it is imp-emtlw: Il!t.fl1 they bc t'it'tt,:t:tll}' f'| Free l_int¢rn.*.:|lI3.rft.
`b 2l:||:|1 Ioleurmltnn In:
`Tslzttetua 2:-ttlstt -Fsrzstt-rad ttsoz

`Ira: [Martel]
`|"issI:I1'itI ."'n'I.=.
`Surtnyvalc. Ch E|~=HI|Ef:
`Tel. nlflfi-1.!-3-i'.i-3-I
`F-ill -1-‘J15-T?-3-T?-W
`is based on :1 ":s:3nv:|‘win:|'|"' structure of two iIJ.}'\£'T5 v:nt' with
`Thu: I|..1LDtL1'quid L‘.11.'s1al Dr-'i-ccsj li:€]l|'tD1D'g}'
`liquid -l:F‘].|‘SI.Eli Inateriai between them. The ttpplicdtidlt et'sn1:dI1.'d]legestdt|1e 5:1|tI11A-iI.':t‘l can e-muse incident
`light to t;h:tn;._u: its pu]aI'i:I'ati.11I1 and thus its pmp-t:rti::s can he: t;t;un1Iu]It:t;|.T'I1is|n:I:hrrt1It:ug_'g.I has l'n:.:n used For
`3-‘B32115 for various liglu displays such as wztleltes. Laptop cdlttpdter. caleul:1ters.etc. [I1 11:: telecrzulnmunieattzinzms
`an.'nt1. thus’: devices can tn: LIsI.:»t| For :1 vttriety -:-I‘ }'IILI'pt:-scs. incltl-ding switching. :1ll:11LL:tt'u:I-n. and mhcr
`applimdtme. .-5.3 2 §.1.=.IiDt‘.'h it uses an EI.I'J".]}' ntpdns [I'd-ier-:m|neeuuu~s,': lII'J direct light duuugh El. liquid Ct'J.'§l..']J and
`then 1:: a ‘p-:u|:J.riz4:-:1‘ lens. At the |'.rt:«|:1I'i?:cr|s:ns1|rr:l'L5'JItt:-::1.1mis either trtansmiltesd to '|JlK‘£H.I[]2||.|1 or
`reflected uffto astmlner depending on whetiner the liquid crystal had a voltage applied or not. Figure 4
`fllustnttcs this tI:n:hnt:|v:u5!].-'.
`Figure 4. Skefeh qfflqlunifflrysmf Tetknsfagv
`Input Fiber
`Pl'I]fil'i?'.£l' Lens
`‘G11’ l.’.'Iutp1.II .irra_I|-'
`Len -nu‘
`flulpul Flber
`*D‘|'I" Dulpul .-'t.rra',L'
`ftitltdugh thejur;-I is eert:Ijt1J1.-' 5lt|.| DUIIEIEL me question. it we:-uld appear that the v:un'eI1l consensus is lhflt LED
`will he: :1 wiuhla: ttchnnlngy fur switches :11” small purl 1ii.Il:.'i -[under 32:32] and I'm :1 ~.'.'trit:tg.r n|' t:utI'u:r
`leleedmmuniczljidlt dptienl CI1'Il11|2II2IlIB|‘I|:E-.'|Jl.I['|J']{13.'l_';.' not For the larger part ct:-unt switches that are possible
`D- and: I5 Ct1In9.I|Infl|'\-G
`TeI:uu:»I:-a.2a4I:I so -F.:n:u1r-73.1 use

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