Inhaled Nitric Oxide Service
`An alternative of life
`[logo:] Medigas
`[logo:] NOMIX
`Ex. 2026-0001

`What is Nitric Oxide?
`Nitric Oxide (NO) is a diatomic gas which is synthesized in various cells of the body and which has a
`crucial role as a cellular messenger molecule. The transduction systems of signals in which nitric oxide
`intervenes are especially relevant in the brain and the cardiovascular system.
`Nitric Oxide plays a very important role in maintaining both the
`vascular as well as systemic and pulmonary tone. It is produced in the
`endothelial cells along with prostacyclin (PGI2) and is identified with
`the sedative factor of the endothelium, currently being considered an
`endogenous vasodilator. NO is synthesized from L-arginine amino
`acid by the action of the NO Synthases and acts in the smooth vascular
`muscle activating Guanylate Cyclase which transforms the GTP into
`GMPC, causing relaxation.
`Inhaled Nitric Oxide is a drug approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) on December 23,
`1999 and is currently used widely in different countries of the world with proven success.
` Newborn Pulmonary Hypertension
`In newborns, the release of Nitric Oxide is produced in part by the increase in
`the pulmonary blood flow, by the increase in oxygenation and by ventilation.
`These findings led to the postulation of the hypothesis that a decrease in the
`capacity to release endogenous Nitric Oxide may contribute to the
`physiopathology of the “Newborn Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome.” In
`addition to decreasing the pulmonary vascular resistance, inhaled nitric oxide
`may improve oxygenation in increasing the ventilation/perfusion relationship.
`Ex. 2026-0002

`Inhaled Nitric Oxide may prevent serious pulmonary disorders.
`The inhalation of Nitric Oxide is a therapy that has notably improved the treatment of various mortal
`illnesses, and it may also prevent the development of pulmonary vascular illness, a disorder which affects
`around one in every 500 children. In principle, children born prematurely or who have congenital heart
`defects are the ones who are most benefitting from the application
`of this therapy.
`Until now, there has been no form of preventing the risk of
`pulmonary vascular illness in children in risk situations, and the
`treatments which were applied were not very effective. The
`therapy with nitric oxide has the potential to notably increase the
`quality of life and even save the lives of children in risk situations.
`Praxair, the leader in the production and marketing of industrial and medicinal gases, through Medigas,
`provides the medical and hospital sector with the application service of NOMIX Inhaled Nitric Oxide as
`an alternative in the treatment of newborn pulmonary hypertension.
`Ex. 2026-0003

`Characteristics and advantages of the administration of Inhaled Nitric Oxide:
`• Selective dilation of pulmonary blood vessels
`• Regulator of vascular tone
`• Reduces pulmonary hypertension, improving oxygenation
`Improves the outlook with newborns with respiratory failure associated with primary pulmonary
`• Does not alter systemic arterial pressure
`• The therapy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in high risk surgeries to correct congenital cardiac injuries in
`pediatric patients reduces the risk of pulmonary hypertension
`• The therapy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide increases the systemic
`oxygenation in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension
`• Low cost
`Components of the supply system of Inhaled Nitric Oxide:
`• Nitric Oxide Monitor
`• Mixture of Nitric Oxide and Nitrogen
`• Pressure regulator
`• Precision flowmeter
`• Connections and pipes
`The NOMIX service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the main cities in the Mexican
`Ex. 2026-0004

`[logo:] NOMIX
`The alternative treatment for persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in newborns
`The NOMIX service (application of Inhaled Nitric Oxide) includes:
`• Supply of Nitric Oxide gaseous mixture
`• Control equipment for the dosing of Nitric Oxide to patients
`• Nitric oxide concentration monitoring system
`• Technical personnel specialized in supporting the application
`Quality Guarantee
`The gaseous mixture utilized in the NOMIX service is manufactured by Praxair under the highest quality
`and production standards, certified through the most precise and modern chemical analysis techniques in
`our plant in Tultitlán, State of Mexico.
`Ex. 2026-0005

` Querétaro
` Head Office, Mexico City
` Calle 3 No. 3
` Biólogo Maximino Martínez No. 3804
` Col. Industrial Benito Juárez
` Col. San Salvador Xochimanca
` Querétario, Qro. Postal Code 76120
` Mexico City, 02870
` Tel. (55) 5342-7070
` Tel: (442) 210-3232, 210-3230, 210-3231
` Fax: (55) 5342-7010
` Fax: (442) 217-8570
`[logo:] PRAXAIR
`Ex. 2026-0006

`Ex. 2026-0007

`éQue es el Oxiclo Nitrico?
`El Oxido Nilrico (NO por sus siglas en inglés Nilric Oxide) es un
`gas dialémico que es sinielizado en dislinlas células del
`organismo y que liene un papel crucial como molécula
`mensaiera celular. Los sislemas de transduccién de sefiales en
`los que inlerviene el éxido nitrico son especialrnenfe relevanles
`en el cerebro y en el sisfema cardiovascular.
`l El Oxido Nifrico iuega un papel muy
`en manlener
`‘ vascular
`‘ pulmonar.
`Es proclucido en las
`; células endoteliales
`[unto con la
`‘ prosfaciclina (PGIZ) y se idenlifica con
`2 el
`relaiante del endoleliol,
`‘ consideréndose acfualmente como el
`vasodilatador endégeno.
`El NO es sinfefizado a parfir del
`aminoacido L-arginina por la accién de las Sintasas de NO y
`acfua en el musculo liso vascular adivando la Guanilalociclasa
`que frasforma el GTP en GMPC, causando relaiacién.
`El Oxido Nifrico inhalado es un medicamenfo aprobado por la
`FDA (Federal Drug Administration) el 23 de Diciembre de 1999
`y aclualmenle se usa ampliamenle en diferenfes paises del
`mundo con éxito comprobado.
`Hiperlension Pulmoncir del Recién Nacido
`la liberacién del Cxido
`En el recién nacido,
`Nilrico, se produce en parfe, por el aumenlo
`del flujo sanguineo pulmonar, por el
`incre- Z
`memo de la oxigenacién y por la venfilacién.
`Esfos hallazgos llevaron a postular la hipéte-
`sis que una disminucién en la capacidad de
`liberar Oxido Nitrico endégeno, puede con-
`fribuir a la fisiopatologia del "Sindrome de
`Hipefiensién Pulmonar del Recién Nacido".
`Ademas de disminuir la resisfencia vascular
`pulmonar, el éxido nitrico inhalado puede
`meiorar la oxigenacién al incrementar la re-
`lacién venfilacién/perfusién.
`Ex. 2026-0008

`El Oxido Nifrico inhaiado puede preveh
`Lo inhalacién de Oxido Nitrico, es uno teropiu que ha me]ora-
`do notoblemente el trofomienio de vorios enfermedodes mor-
`tales, puede iombién prevenir el desorrollo de lo enfermedod
`vascular pulmonor, un frastorno que afectcx cu olrededor de uno
`de coda 500 nifios. En principio, Ios nifios que nacen de forma
`premotura o que poseen defecfos congénifos del corazén son Ios
`que més se esfén beneficiando por la aplicacién de estc: feropia.
`Haste ohoro,
`prevenir el
`de lo enfermedad
`vascular pulmonar
`en Ios
`sifuocién de riesgo,
`y los frotomienfos
`que se cnplicabcm
`eficoces. Lo teropicl
`con éxido nitrico
`fiene el pofencial
`notablemenfe Io ca|idud de Vida y husk: de solvar las vidas de
`Ios nifios en sifucucién de riesgo.
`Praxcir lider en lo produccién y comerciolizcxcién de gases
`indusfrioles y medicinoles, o trovés de Medigas, bripdo cl sedor
`médico y hospifolcrio el servicio de oplicacién de Oxido Nifrico
`Inholado NOMIX como uno alfernofivca en el irofornienfo de la
`hiperfensién pulmonur del recién nacido.
`Ex. 2026-0009

`Nitrico lnhaladoz
`- Dilotacién seledivu de vosos sanguineos pulmonores
`- Regulador del fono vascular
`- Reduce Ia hiperfensién pulmonar meiorondo Ia
`0 Meiora el pronéstico de recién nacidos con fallo
`respiratorio usociodo o la hipertensién pulmonor
`0 No ultera Ia pgesién arterial sistémicc:
`- La tercapia de Oxido Nifrico lnhalado en cirugias de alto
`riesgo para corregir Iesiones congéniias cardiacas en
`pacientes pediétricos, reduce el riesgo de hipertensién
`0 La terapiu de Oxido Nifrico Inhalado, incrementa Ia
`oxigenacién sisférnicu en pocienfes pedidtricos con
`hiperfensién pulmonor
`- Baio cosfo
`Componemes del sisiemo de suminisfro de,
`- Monitor de Oxide Nifrico
`' Mezclo de Cxido Nitrico y Nitrégeno
`' Regulador de presién
`- Fluiémetro de precisién
`° Conexiones y fuberia
`El servicio NOMIX, esfé disponible los 24 horas Ios 365 dius del
`(mo en las principales ciudades de la Repoblicu Mexicanu
`Ex. 2026-0010

`El troiumienfo alterncnivo para la Hiperfensién
`Pulmonor pcrsisfcmc en nconatos
`El servicio NOMIX (oplicacién de Oxide Nifrico lnholado)
`- Suminisiro de mezcla gaseosa de Cxido Nifrico I
`' Equipo de control para la dosificacién de Oxido
`Nifrico cal pociente
`° Sistemca de monitoreo de concentracién de Cxido
`° Personal técnico especiolizado de opoyo en lo uplicocién
`Goranho de Ccxlidad
`Lo mezcla goseoso ufilizuda en el servicio NOMIX es fubricoda
`por Froxoir baio los esiéndores de ccllidod y produccién mos
`elevados, certificoda medionte Ios técnicas de onélisis quimico
`mas precisas y modernos en nuestrcu planfa en Tulfiflén, Edo.
`de México.
`Ex. 2026-0011

`I _ .,.,.,.,-
`. .'3
`< -:0
`Olicina Malriz, México D.F
`Biélogo Maximino Marfinez No. 3804
`Col. San Salvador Xochimanca
`México, DF. 02870
`Tel. (55) 5342-7070
`Fax: (55) 5342-7010
`Calle 3 No. 3
`Col. Industrial Benito Juarez
`Querélaro, Qro. C.l’. 76120
`Tel:(442) 210-3232, 210-3230, 210-3231
`Fax:(442) 217-8570
`Av. De los Maeslras 2624 Col.
`Fraccionamienlo versalles 2°. Seccién
`Aguascalientes, Ags.
`Tel: (449) 971-5746, 978-0309 y 971-5743
`Calle del Cobre No. 43 Cal. Parque lnclusfriul
`Hermosillo, Son. C.R 83299
`Tel: (662) 251-0394, 251-0376 y 251-0732
`Fax: (662) 251-0139
`Blvd. Juan José Torreslanda No. 1301,
`letra “C” Col. San Sebastian.
`Leén, G10. CP 37450
`Tel:(477) 715-3250, 715-6676, 715-4380
`y 770-7605
`Fax:(477) 715-3250
`Carretera Reynosa-Maramoros Km. 91
`Col. Presa de la Laguna
`Reynosa, Tamps.
`C.P. 88750
`Tel/Fax: (899) 926-2775, 926-2779,
`926-2790 y 926-2791
`Calle2 No. 2023
`Cal. Zona Industrial
`Guadalajara, Jalisco CP 44940
`Tel: (33) 3134-5200
`Fax: (33) 3134-5200
`Mariano Abasolo Nle. No. 2135
`Col. Republica Ponienle
`Salfillo, Coah. C.P. 25280
`Tel: (844)432-4725, 432-4726 y 432-2130
`Fax:(844) 432-1989
`Av. de la Juvenlud No. 614 Nfe.
`Col. Industrial Nogalar
`San Nicolas de los Garza, N.L. C.P. 66480
`Tel:(81) 8329-4904
`Fax: (81) 8329-6983
`Av. Alfredo del Mazo 2930,
`Col. Magdalena
`Toluco, Edo. De México.
`Tel. (722) 272-1022
`Calz. Ignacio Zaragoza No. 147
`Col. Tepeyac Puebla, Pue. CP 72210
`Tel: (222) 236-3790 y 236-3791
`Fax:(222) 235-4107
`Prol. Miguel Aleman Km. 4 Carrelera a Jalapa,
`Col. Pedro I. Mala CP. 91790 Veracruz, Ver.
`Tel: (229) 921-1735, 923-9316, 923-9317
`Fax: (229)921-1835
`Ex. 2026-0012

`1, Monica Mora, being fluent in both the Spanish and English languages, hereby certify
`the Spanish-language Praxair NOMIX Brochure and the attached English-language
`translation thereof are accurate and complete renditions of each other to the best of my
`knowledge and belief.
`I understand that willful false statements and the like are punishable by
`fine or imprisonment, or both (18 U.S.C. § 1001).
`I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is
`true and correct.
`Monica Mora
`For and on behalf of TransPerfect
`Executed on this 7"‘ day of
`ember, 2015.
`Notary Public - State of New York
`No. 01LE6314554
`Qualified in Richmond County
`?F%'~5W '-
`Commission Expires Nov 10, 2018
`Ex. 2026-0013

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