` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2015-00885
` Patent 7,202,843 B2
` - - - - -
` Administrative Patent Judges.
` Tuesday, April 5, 2016
` 3:00 p.m.
` Reported by:
` Adam D. Miller
` Job no. 43711
`LG Display Ex. 1016

` April 5, 2016
` 3:00 p.m.
` Telephonic Hearing, the
` proceedings being recorded
` stenographically by ADAM D. MILLER, Notary
` Public and Registered Professional
` Reporter.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`1 2 3 4
`7 8 9

` On Behalf of Petitioner:
` 1999 K Street, NW
` Washington, DC 20006-1101
` 202.263.3000
` ROBERT G. PLUTA, ESQ. (Chicago)
` On Behalf of Patent Owner:
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` Suite 500
` McLean, Virgina 22102
` 571.765.7700
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good afternoon. This
` is Judge Medley. I have with me on the
` line Judge Shaw. This is a conference
` call with respect to IPR 2015-00885
` between LG Display and Surpass Technology.
` I'd like to begin with a roll
` call. Beginning with petitioner, who do I
` have on the line?
` MR. BARROW: Good afternoon. This
` is Bill Barrow and Robert Pluta from Mayer
` Brown on behalf of LG Display.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` And for Patent Owner?
` MR. HELGE: Good afternoon, Your
` Honor. Wayne Helge for Patent Owner,
` Surpass.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And do we have a
` court reporter?
` Honor. It's Adam Miller.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, great.
` So we received a request from
` Patent Owner for this conference call
` regarding termination of this proceeding.
` So I'll let Patent Owner take the floor.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` MR. HELGE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` I think Your Honor may know that a
` decision was recently issued in IPR
` 2015-00021. Now, the same patent and the
` same claims at issue in this case were
` also at issue in that case. And that case
` determined in this final written decision
` that those four -- or those three claims,
` Claims 4, 8, and 9 of the '843 patent were
` unpatentable. And in that case it was an
` anticipation argument in view of the Ham
` reference, H-A-M.
` Here we have essentially the
` same issue, the question of whether Claims
` 4, 8, and 9 are unpatentable over a
` different reference, the Lee reference in
` this particular case.
` However, Patent Owner at this
` point requests permission to move for
` termination. The section we'd move under
` is 37CFR42.72, which permits the Board to
` terminate a case where appropriate.
` Now, there are some examples
` provided in that regulation, but I don't
` believe that those are exclusive; and in
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` this case we believe that the
` circumstances -- namely, that the same
` issue, again the unpatentability of
` identical claims -- effectively resolves
` all of the issues in this case. And we
` would request termination of this case to,
` in particular, I think, promote the
` inexpensive resolution of this case for
` all parties.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So before I
` hear from Petitioner, are you going to
` appeal the '21 decision?
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, as of right
` now, Surpass does not have any plan to
` appeal it.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And do you concede
` the patentability, then, of the Claims
` 1 -- 4, 8, and 9?
` In other words, I'm having a
` hard time figuring out why we would
` terminate, short of you requesting adverse
` judgment.
` MR. HELGE: I understand, Your
` Honor. Well, I think -- certainly, Your
` Honor, if the client would agree to
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` request adverse judgments, I think that
` that would probably clear up this issue.
` I think in this situation the client was
` looking for -- Surpass was particularly
` looking for what we think is probably the
` easiest resolution, which is
` effectively -- to determine effectively
` that these issues all have been resolved
` because the patentability has been
` decided.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. But you
` understand you are not giving me assurance
` that you're not going to the appeal the
` '21 decision and that you don't concede
` the patentability of those claims? So I
` think short of that, I don't really know
` that we would want to terminate.
` But I'll hear from the
` Petitioner at this point.
` MR. BARROW: Yes, thank you, Your
` Honor. Your Honor hit the nail on the
` head. Patent Owner has about 30 days left
` to file its notice of appeal. They
` haven't given us any assurances that they
` will not be appealing. And we actually
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` asked them if they were seeking to
` resolve, you know, the broader issues at
` play here.
` They haven't conceded on
` patentability.
` And I would also like to add
` that there is a concurrent proceeding, the
` Sony case. That's IPR 2015-00863. Patent
` Owner filed a request for oral hearing in
` that proceeding. And the same claims at
` issue here are also at issue there, in
` view of a different reference, similar to
` the instant proceeding. So there's --
` it's inconsistency.
` I'm not sure what the reasoning
` was behind it. I presume that there was
` some tactical advantage or at least some
` preference in that regard to get rid of
` one proceeding versus the other. But
` that's something we'd like to point out to
` the Board.
` We think termination is
` inappropriate at this time, particularly
` as we haven't received any assurances with
` respect to whether Patent Owner will
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` appeal the final decision and with respect
` to the patentability of the claims at
` issue.
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, may I have a
` quick word on this point of the '863 case?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Sure. You can
` address on rebuttal.
` MR. HELGE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` Your Honor, with regard to '863
` case, what is specifically different in
` that case is that there are other claims
` also at issue. And so I would expect that
` the oral hearing in that case would be
` directed primarily to the issue of those
` claims, particularly, of course, if this
` case were to be terminated.
` I would note also that
` yesterday we did file in this case a
` statement that no oral hearing is
` necessary. And so if Your Honor does
` decide that it's inappropriate to grant a
` motion to terminate -- or, excuse me, to
` even file a motion to terminate, in that
` case we would contend that there is no
` need for an oral hearing in this case.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So that leads
` to the follow-up question to envision what
` your Move to Terminate would look like.
` It's just going to be: We would like the
` Board to terminate, but we aren't going to
` concede the claims; we just want to walk
` away from this case.
` Is that essentially what the
` motion would look like?
` MR. HELGE: Well, Your Honor, that's
` actually a good question. And I don't
` mean to answer a question with a question.
` But certainly if your belief is that we --
` or your ruling is that we would need to
` waive any right to appeal, obviously I
` would inform Surpass of that and that
` could be part of it, if they would agree
` to formally waive, whether by notice or, I
` guess, maybe by adverse judgment at that
` point.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Well, that
` would be the information we would need for
` this call.
` MR. HELGE: Understood, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: I mean, I'm not going
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` to authorize -- we wouldn't authorize a
` motion unless we have that piece of
` information, I think.
` MR. HELGE: Understood, Your Honor.
` So you would want -- would you prefer
` it -- a request for adverse judgment here?
` Or would you prefer, for example, a motion
` that's accompanied by a notice of waiver
` of appeal, for example?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: You can request
` adverse judgment at any time. And that
` doesn't require Board authorization
` necessarily, pulling up the rules.
` A party may request -- and I'm
` reading from 42.73B.
` MR. HELGE: Right.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: A party may request
` judgment against itself at any time during
` the proceeding. Actions construed to be a
` request for adverse judgment include
` disclaimer of the involved application,
` cancellation or a disclaimer of a claim
` such that the party has no longer any
` remaining claims in the trial, concession
` of unpatentability or derivation of the
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` contested subject matter, and abandonment
` of the contest.
` On any of those four, if you
` were to come in with a request for adverse
` judgment, then we would take it up and
` consider it at that point.
` MR. HELGE: Understood, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So it sounds like the
` request to file a motion for termination
` is somewhat premature until you determine
` from your client which way they wanted to
` go.
` MR. HELGE: Understood, Your Honor.
` MR. BARROW: Your Honor, if I could
` add a brief comment. With respect to the
` claims at issue in the Sony proceeding,
` the Claims 4 through 9 -- so you have
` Claims 5 and 7 which are not at issue in
` our proceeding -- but Patent Owner
` requested oral hearing with respect to all
` of those claims. It didn't exclude the
` claims that were at issue in the Sharp
` proceeding.
` And I also note -- I'm just
` going to go through quickly -- they do
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` mention the issue of claim construction,
` and there was a claim-construction
` determination made in the Sharp final
` decision.
` So there's a lot there that
` they would essentially be -- currently
` have the opportunity to relitigate in that
` proceeding.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Well, first of all,
` the Petitioner is a different Petitioner;
` correct?
` MR. BARROW: Yes.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So, you know, we
` would want to determine whether or not --
` I mean, a concession's a concession. I
` would kind of hold Patent Owner to -- feet
` to the fire. If they concede
` patentability, I would think that would
` apply across the board.
` In essence, they're giving up
` their claims; they're canceling the
` claims. So then I would possibly have a
` follow-up conversation with the Petitioner
` in the related '863 case.
` MR. BARROW: Okay. We just wanted
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` to noted the distinction between the
` cases, Your Honor.
` MR. HELGE: But, Your Honor -- Wayne
` Helge again, for Patent Owner. We
` certainly are not and would not want to
` concede on patentability of all the claims
` at issue in the '863 case. Again, there
` are -- specifically Claims 5 and 7 are not
` at issue in this case and have not been
` ruled upon yet.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Is it just 5 and 7?
` My understanding was 4, 5, 6, and 7.
` MR. HELGE: I believe so, Your
` Honor. I note -- if I recall correctly --
` and I apologize; I haven't reviewed it
` today -- but I don't believe that we have
` specifically argued Claim 6 in our
` response in that case.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Well, then,
` the answer might just be we have a
` follow-up conversation with the Petitioner
` in that case.
` MR. HELGE: I apologize, Your Honor.
` I'm not sure -- in what circumstances
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` would we have that conversation?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: If you concede
` patentability here --
` MR. HELGE: Uh-huh.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: -- we enter judgment.
` Then however you want to do it -- we would
` put you under notice here or whatever.
` You've disclaimed 4, 8 and 9. 5, 6, and
` 7, they all depend -- I'm assuming; I
` don't have the patent in front of me --
` they all depend directly from claim 4;
` correct?
` MR. HELGE: That's right, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So then if you
` haven't argued 6, then really all we have
` to consider is 5 and 7 --
` MR. HELGE: That would be correct,
` Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: -- is how it would
` go, is what I'm thinking.
` All right. Well, kind of the
` ball is -- let me put you on mute and talk
` to my panel, and then we'll come back;
` okay?
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` MR. HELGE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Discussion held off the
` record.)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. We conferred.
` And this seems to the situation where the
` next move is really Patent Owner's. It's
` premature to, even for us to consider
` because it sounds like Patent Owner hasn't
` even decided yet whether or not they would
` request adverse judgment.
` I think just to terminate for
` the sake of terminating, I didn't really
` hear, we didn't really hear anything that
` would persuade us to have such a motion
` filed.
` So Patent Owner, when, you
` know, the time for filing -- or the time
` for having a hearing is, I believe,
` May 12th?
` MR. HELGE: That's correct, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And I'm not sure what
` it would be for -- the parties will file,
` but sooner rather than later. When can we
` have a decision?
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, as I say, as
` of right now the client has no plans to
` appeal.
` In terms of actually requesting
` of adverse judgment, I think -- I
` apologize, I can't give you a hard
` deadline at this date.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Well,
` understood. You need to talk to your
` client. But as of right now, we do not
` authorize a motion to terminate based on
` the facts provided today.
` Are there any questions or
` comments?
` MR. BARROW: None for Petitioner.
` MR. HELGE: And none for the Patent
` Owner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Great. And who was
` responsible for the court reporter?
` MR. BARROW: Petitioner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Petitioner, if
` you would file transcripts within the next
` few days when you get it.
` MR. BARROW: Absolutely.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right. Thank you
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` very much. We are adjourned.
` (Proceedings concluded at 3:18
` p.m.)
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`4 5 6 7 8 9

` C E R T I F I C A T I O N
` I, ADAM D. MILLER, Registered Professional
` Reporter, certify that the foregoing is a true and
` accurate transcript of the foregoing proceedings, at
` the time, place and on the date herein before set
` forth.
` I further certify that I am neither
` attorney nor counsel for, not related to nor employed
` by any of the parties to the action in which this
` proceeding was held; further, that I am not a relative
` or employee of any attorney or counsel employed in this
` case, nor am I financially interested in this action.
` __________________________
` Adam D. Miller
` Registered Professional Reporter, Notary Public
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`2 3 4

`accurate 19:6
`action 19:11
`Actions 11:19
`Adam 1:21
`2:12 4:20
`add 8:6 12:15
`address 9:7
`adverse 6:21
`7:1 10:19
`12:4 16:10
`afternoon 4:1
`agree 6:25
`answer 10:12
`appeal 1:2
`7:13,23 9:1
`10:15 11:9
`apply 13:19
`April 1:14
`argued 14:18
`asked 8:1
`7:24 8:24
`back 15:24
`ball 15:23
`Barrow 3:7
`4:9,10 7:20
`12:14 13:12
`13:25 17:15
`based 17:11
`behalf 3:2,12
`belief 10:13
`believe 5:25
`6:1 14:14
`14:17 16:18
`BETH 1:11
`Bill 4:10
`board 1:2
`5:21 8:21
`10:5 11:12
`brief 12:15
`broader 8:2
`Brown 3:3
`B2 1:9
`C 1:11 19:1,1
`call 4:4,7,23
`case 1:8 5:5,6
`5:22 6:1,5,6
`6:8 8:8 9:5
`9:25 10:7
`13:24 14:8
`cases 14:2
`6:24 10:13
`certify 19:5,9
`Chicago 3:9
`6:2 14:25
`claim 11:22
`13:1 14:18
`claims 5:5,8,9
`5:14 6:4,17
`7:15 8:10
`10:6 11:24
`clear 7:2
`client 6:25
`7:3 12:11
`come 12:4
`concede 6:16
`7:14 10:6
`13:17 14:7
`conceded 8:4
`11:24 13:15
`consider 12:6
`15:17 16:7
`contend 9:24
`contest 12:2
`13:23 14:22
`correct 13:11
`counsel 19:10
`course 9:15
`court 4:18,19
`D 1:21 2:12
`date 17:7
`days 7:22
`DC 3:5
`deadline 17:7
`decide 9:21
`decided 7:10
`decision 5:3,7
`6:12 7:14
`9:1 13:4
`depend 15:9
`7:7 12:10
`different 5:16
`8:12 9:10
`directed 9:14
`Display 1:3
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`Drive 3:14
`E 19:1
`easiest 7:6
`6:4 7:7,7
`enter 15:5
`envision 10:2
`ESQ 3:7,9,18
`essence 13:20
`5:13 10:8
`example 11:7
`exclude 12:21
`excuse 9:22
`expect 9:12
`F 19:1
`facts 17:12
`feet 13:16
`figuring 6:20
`file 7:23 9:18
`9:23 12:9
`16:23 17:22
`filed 8:9
`filing 16:17
`final 5:7 9:1
`fire 13:17
`first 13:9
`floor 4:25

`10:2 13:23
`forth 19:8
`four 5:8 12:3
`front 15:10
`further 19:9
`G 3:9
`give 17:6
`given 7:24
`giving 7:12
`go 12:12,25
`going 6:11
`7:13 10:4,5
`10:25 12:25
`good 4:1,9,14
`grant 9:21
`great 4:21
`guess 10:19
`Ham 5:11
`hard 6:20
`head 7:22
`hear 6:11
`7:18 16:13
`hearing 2:4
`2:10 8:9
`12:20 16:18
`held 16:2
`Helge 3:18
`4:14,15 5:1
`6:13,23 9:4
`9:8 10:10
`10:24 11:4
`11:16 12:7
`12:13 14:4
`hit 7:21
`hold 13:16
`Honor 4:15
`4:20 5:1,2
`7:21,21 9:4
`11:4 12:7
`14:24 15:14
`15:19 16:1
`16:21 17:1
`H-A-M 5:12
`identical 6:4
`8:23 9:21
`include 11:20
`inform 10:16
`10:22 11:3
`instant 8:13
`IPR 4:4 5:3
`issue 5:5,6,14
`6:3 7:2 8:11
`8:11 9:3,12
`9:14 12:16
`13:1 14:8
`issued 5:3
`issues 6:5 7:8
`J 3:7
`Job 1:22
`Judge 4:1,2,3
`7:11 9:6
`12:8 13:9
`13:13 14:3
`15:20 16:4
`16:22 17:8
`Judges 1:12
`6:22 10:19
`11:20 12:5
`15:5 16:10
`K 3:4
`kind 13:16
`know 5:2
`7:16 8:2
`13:13 16:17
`leads 10:1
`Lee 5:16
`left 7:22
`LG 1:3 4:5,11
`line 4:3,8
`LLC 1:6
`longer 11:23
`look 10:3,9
`looking 7:4,5
`lot 13:5
`matter 12:1
`Mayer 3:3
`McLean 3:16
`mean 10:12
`10:25 13:15
`Medley 1:11
`4:21 6:10
`6:16 7:11
`9:6 10:1,21
`10:25 11:10
`11:17 12:8
`15:20 16:4
`16:22 17:8
`mention 13:1
`Miller 1:21
`2:12 4:20
`motion 9:22
`9:23 10:9
`11:2,7 12:9
`16:14 17:11
`move 5:19,20
`10:3 16:6
`mute 15:23
`N 19:1
`nail 7:21
`need 9:25
`neither 19:9
`Notary 2:12
`note 9:17
`12:24 14:15
`noted 14:1
`notice 7:23
`10:18 11:8
`NW 3:4
`O 19:1
`okay 4:12,21
`6:10 7:11
`13:25 14:3
`14:20 15:25
`16:4 17:8
`oral 8:9 9:13
`Owner 1:7
`3:12 4:13
`5:18 7:22
`12:19 13:16
`14:5 16:8
`16:16 17:17
`Owner's 16:6
`panel 15:24
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`part 10:17
`5:17 6:7
`7:4 8:23
`parties 6:9
`16:23 19:11
`party 11:14
`patent 1:1,2,7
`1:9,12 3:12
`4:25 5:4,9
`5:18 7:22
`12:19 13:16
`14:5 15:10
`6:17 7:9,15
`8:5 9:2
`13:18 14:7
`permits 5:21
`petitioner 1:4
`3:2 4:7 6:11
`7:19 13:10
`14:22 17:15
`piece 11:2
`place 19:7
`plan 6:14
`plans 17:2
`play 8:3
`Pluta 3:9
`point 5:19
`7:19 8:20
`9:5 10:20

`prefer 11:5,7
`12:10 16:7
`presume 8:16
`probably 7:2
`4:24 8:7,10
`11:19 12:16
`13:8 19:12
`2:11 18:2
`2:13 19:4
`promote 6:7
`5:24 17:12
`Public 2:13
`pulling 11:13
`put 15:7,23
`p.m 1:15 2:6
`question 5:14
`quick 9:5
`quickly 12:25
`R 19:1
`really 7:16
`15:16 16:6
`rebuttal 9:7
`recall 14:15
`received 4:22
`record 16:3
`regard 8:18
`2:13 19:4
`related 13:24
`relative 19:12
`reporter 2:14
`17:19 19:5
`request 4:22
`6:6 7:1 8:9
`6:21 17:4
`requests 5:19
`require 11:12
`6:8 7:6
`resolve 8:2
`resolved 7:8
`resolves 6:4
`respect 4:4
`8:25 9:1
`rid 8:18
`right 6:13
`10:15 11:16
`Robert 3:9
`roll 4:6
`ruled 14:11
`rules 11:13
`ruling 10:14
`sake 16:12
`SALLY 1:11
`section 5:20
`seeking 8:1
`set 19:7
`Sharp 12:22
`Shaw 1:11
`short 6:21
`similar 8:12
`situation 7:3
`Sony 8:8
`sooner 16:24
`sounds 12:8
`9:10 14:9
`Street 3:4
`subject 12:1
`Suite 3:15
`sure 8:15 9:6
`14:25 16:22
`Surpass 1:6
`4:5,16 6:14
`7:4 10:16
`T 19:1,1
`tactical 8:17
`take 4:25
`talk 15:23
`TECH 1:6
`5:22 6:21
`7:17 9:22
`9:23 10:3,5
`16:11 17:11
`4:24 5:20
`6:6 8:22
`terms 17:4
`thank 4:12
`5:1 7:20 9:8
`16:1 17:25
`think 5:2 6:7
`6:24 7:1,3,5
`7:16 8:22
`11:3 13:18
`16:11 17:5
`three 5:8
`time 6:20
`8:23 11:11
`11:18 16:17
`16:17 19:7
`today 14:17
`trial 1:2
`true 19:5
`Tuesday 1:14
`Uh-huh 15:4
`6:23 7:12
`10:24 11:4
`6:3 11:25
`v 1:5
`versus 8:19
`view 5:11
`Virgina 3:16
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`waive 10:15
`waiver 11:8
`walk 10:6
`want 7:17
`10:6 11:5
`13:14 14:6
`wanted 12:11
`way 12:11
`Wayne 3:18
`4:15 14:4
`we'll 15:24
`word 9:5
`words 6:19
`written 5:7
`Z 1:11
`1 6:18
`12th 16:19
`1999 3:4

`2016 1:14 2:5
`21 6:12 7:14
`22102 3:16
`3:00 1:15 2:6
`3:18 18:2
`30 7:22
`4 5:9,15 6:18
`12:17 14:13
`42.73B 11:15
`43711 1:22
`5 1:14 2:5
`12:18 14:9
`500 3:15
`6 14:13,18
`7 12:18 14:9
`7,202,843 1:9
`8 5:9,15 6:18
`8300 3:14
`843 5:9
`863 9:5,9
`13:24 14:8
`9 5:9,15 6:18
`12:17 15:8
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

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