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`This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true
`and accurate translation from Japanese into English of the attached Unexamined Patent
`Application No. H6-62355, dated March 4, 1994.
`Kristin Santizo, Project Manager
`Geotext Translations, Inc.
`Sworn to and subscribed before me
`this Loay of tit; vs-f , 20 /'1 .
`No. 01 GR6205401
`Qualified In New York County
`My Commission Expires May 11, 2017
`t: +1.212.631.7432
`t: +1.713.353.3909
`t: +44.20.7553.4100
`t: +
`t: +46.8.463.11.87
`t: +49.69.7593.8434
`t: +1.415.576.9500
`Hong Kong
`t: +852.2159.9143


`(19) Japan Patent Office (JP)
`(12) Unexamined Patent Gazette (A)
`(51) Int. Cl. 5
`H04N 5/74
`Identification Codes
`JPO File Numbers
`(11 ) Japanese Unexamined Patent
`Application Publication Number
`(43) Publication Date: March 4, 1994
`Technical Indications
`Request for examination: Not yet requested Number of claims: 2 (Total of 4 pages)
`(21) Application Number
`(22) Filing Date
`Japanese Patent
`Application H4-213899
`August 11, 1992
`(71) Applicant
`Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
`1006 Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka-fu
`(72) Inventor
`(74) Agent
`MIY AI, Hiroshi
`c/o Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
`1006 Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka-fu
`Patent Attorney KOKAJI, Akira (and 2 others)
`(54) [Title of the Invention] Display Element Drive Circuit
`(57) [Abstract]
`[purpose] To improve image quality, such as the resolution of
`moving images of display elements with slow responsiveness
`like that of liquid crystal panels, through the use of pulse step
`driving in which an inter-field or inter-frame difference
`component of a video signal is superposed on the video
`[Constitution] Display element responsiveness is improved
`by performing inter-field or inter-frame pulse step driving
`through the use of a field or frame memory 6 and a difference
`component addition circuit 7.
`Field memory or frame memory
`7 Difference component addition circuit
`9 Multiplier
`10 Adder


`[Scope of the Patent Claims]
`[Claim 1] A display element driving circuit comprising a
`field memory, which delays an input video signal by one field,
`and a difference component addition circuit, which adds, to
`the field-delayed video signal, a component weighted by a
`difference component obtained by subtracting the input video
`signal from the field-delayed video signal.
`[Claim 2] The display element driving circuit according to
`claim 1, comprising a frame memory instead of said field
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Industrial Field of Application] The present invention relates
`to a driving circuit with improved responsiveness for a
`display element with slow responsiveness to video signal
`field frequencies, such as a liquid crystal panel.
`there has been extensive
`[prior art] In recent years,
`commercialization of equipment using a liquid crystal panel
`as a display device, such as compact televisions and laptop
`type office automation equipment. Part of this trend has
`involved liquid crystal video projectors. Liquid crystal video
`projectors allow significant miniaturization and weight
`reduction compared to conventional CRT type projectors, and
`also have display performance advantages such as less
`geometric distortion, and have thus drawn attention as the
`leading choice for large screen video equipment.
`[0003] The driving of a conventional liquid crystal panel is
`described below. FIG. 3 (a) is a conventional driving circuit
`of a liquid crystal panel, and (b) shows a timing diagram. In
`FIG. 3 (a), 1 is a thin film transistor provided at the pixel
`level of the liquid crystal panel, 2 is a liquid crystal driven by
`said thin film transistor, 3 is a source driver, 4 is a video AC
`driving circuit, and 5 represents a gate driver. The timing
`diagram (b) shows a video signal S when viewed by the field
`period, a gate clock G supplied to the gate electrode, and a
`brightness L of the area corresponding to the aforementioned
`pixel obtained on the screen.
`[0004] The video signal S is converted to an AC video signal
`centered on a constant bias voltage by the video AC driving
`circuit 4, and is supplied via the source driver 3 to a source
`electrode of the thin film transistor 1. Furthermore, the gate
`clock G is supplied to the gate electrode of the thin film
`transistor 1 in accordance with the vertical scanning of the
`liquid crystal panel, the thin film transistor 1 conducts, and
`the liquid crystal 2 performs optical rotation. The brightness
`L of the area corresponding to each pixel changes as a result
`of the above.
`[problem to be Solved by the Invention] However, the
`configuration described above has the following problems.
`Basically, since the response speed of the liquid crystal is
`slower than the field period of the video signal, if the video
`signal supplied to the liquid crystal of one pixel changes
`compared to the preceding field, as shown in the example of
`FIG. 3 (b), the change in brightness will be delayed by a
`certain time constant. This is the case when the video signal
`in FIG. 3 (b) changes from field No.3 to field No.4 and
`when it changes from field No.7 to field No.8. This occurs
`in the case of moving images, and it poses the problem of
`negatively affecting the image quality of moving images,
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication H6-62355
`such as a deterioration in resolution by leaving a residual
`image, and the like.
`[0006] The present invention resolves the conventional
`problems described above, and an object thereof is to
`improve responsiveness and achieve an improvement in
`image quality of moving images by performing field or frame
`period pulse step driving in the driving circuit of display
`elements with slow response speed, such as liquid crystal
`[Means of Solving the Problem] To achieve this object, the
`display element driving circuit of the present invention is
`provided with a field memory or frame memory, which
`delays an input video signal by one field or one frame, and a
`difference component addition circuit, which adds, to the
`delayed video signal, a component weighted by the difference
`component obtained by subtracting the input video signal
`from the delayed video signal.
`[Function] Based on this configuration, in cases where the
`video signal changes between fields or frames, pulse step
`driving in which the inter-field or inter-frame difference
`component is superposed onto the video signal becomes
`possible, making it possible to improve the responsiveness of
`display elements such as liquid crystal panels.
`[Embodiment] An embodiment of the present invention is
`hereinafter described with reference to the drawings.
`[0010] In FIG. 1, 6 is a field memory, 7 is a difference
`component addition circuit, 8 is a subtractor, 9 is a multiplier,
`and lOis an adder. The operation of a display element
`driving circuit configured as above is described using FIG. 2.
`[0011] The output SN-I of the field memory 6 is delayed by
`one field in relation to the input video signal SN' Therefore, in
`the output (SN_I - SN) of the subtractor 8, an amount of
`change is output only when the video signal has changed
`between fields, as shown in the figure. Thus, when this
`amount of change. is multiplied by the weighting coefficient
`K and then added to the output SN-l' of field memory 6, the
`output video signal SOUT is obtained.
`[0012] As can be seen from FIG. 2, the change of the field
`period of the video signal is stepped, while SOUT is a
`pulse-stepped shaped signal on which a pulse component is
`superposed. Pulse step driving is a means of detecting a target
`with slow responsiveness and then driving that target with a
`faster speed, and it also allows the responsiveness of liquid
`crystal panels to be improved. To this end, it suffices to
`supply the aforementioned output video signal SOUT to the
`video AC driving circuit 4 as the video signal S of FIG. 3 (a).
`[0013] It should be noted that with liquid crystal panels, even
`those comprising approximately 480 horizontal display lines
`per frame, interlaced scanning is normally not performed, and
`all pixels of odd numbered lines and even numbered lines are
`driven in each field, so pulse step driving is performed in
`field periods using the field memory 6. Furthermore, in the
`case of display elements wherein each pixel is driven in each
`frame, the memory uses a frame memory. It goes without
`saying that the foregoing is entirely the same in the case of


`Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication H6-62355
`high-definition video signals.
`[Effect of the Invention] As described above, by performing
`pulse step driving in which the inter-field or inter-frame
`difference component of a video signal is superposed onto the
`video signal,
`the present
`invention can
`responsiveness of display elements such as liquid crystal
`panels, thus making it possible to improve image quality such
`as the resolution of moving images.
`[Brief Description of the Drawings]
`[FIG. 1] A block diagram of a display element driving circuit
`of an embodiment ofthe present invention.
`[FIG. 2] A timing diagram showing a state of liquid crystal
`driving in an embodiment of the present invention.
`[FIG. 3] (a) A block diagram of a conventional liquid crystal
`driving circuit; (b) a timing diagram showing a state of
`conventional liquid crystal driving.
`[Description of Reference Symbols]
`Field memory or frame memory
`7 Difference component addition circuit
`9 Multiplier
`10 Adder
`[FIG. 1]
`6 Field memory or frame
`7 Difference component
`addition circuit
`8 Subtractor
`9 Multiplier
`10 Adder
`, ___ -1 ___ ,
`[FIG. 2]
`Field No. I I 2.3 4 5 6 7 B q 10 It
`Input video signal
`SN --r-+-+~
`Difference component
`SN-J-SN -+-~~
`Output video signal --f-+-+--f
`Brightness L


`Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication H6-62355
`[FIG. 3]
`1 Thin film transistor
`2 Liquid crystal
`Source driver
`4 Video AC driving circuit
`5 Gate driver
`Video signal S
`driving circuit
`Field No., t 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 1/
`:. i
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`Video signal S
`Gate clock G
`Brightness L

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