` Petitioner,
` v. Case: 1PR2015-00885
` Patent: 7,202,843
` Patent Owner.
` New York, New York
` January 28, 2016
` 1:12 p.m.
`JOB NO. 42478
`LG Display Ex. 1014

` January 28, 2016
` 1:12 p.m.
` Deposition of WILLIAM BOHANNON, held at the
`offices of Mayer Brown, 1121 Avenue of the Americas,
`New York, New York pursuant to Notice before DANIELLE
`GRANT, a Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public of the
`State of New York.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Attorneys for the LG DISPLAY
` 1999 K Street NW
` Washington, DC 20006
` (via telephone for conference with judge only)
`Attorneys for the Patent Owner
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`WILLIAM BOHANNON, called as a witness, having been
` first duly sworn by Danielle Grant, a
` Notary Public within and for the State of
` New York, was examined and testified as
` follows:
` Q Mr. Bohannon, good afternoon.
`Thank you for being here today and agreeing to
`a later start time.
` Can you state your full name for
`the record?
` A William Keith Bohannon.
` Q My name is Bill Barrow. I
`represent the petitioner, LG Display in this
`proceeding. The purpose of this deposition is
`for me to ask you questions regarding the
`declaration that you submitted in connection
`with patent owner's response.
` A Yes.
` Q I understand that you were
`deposed yesterday; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q That was on behalf of patent
`owner Surpass as well?
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` A Yes.
` Q That was with respect to a
`declaration in a proceeding involving Samsung
`and Sony; is that correct?
` A That's right.
` Q Is the '843 Patent also at issue
`in that proceeding?
` A It is.
` Q Prior to that, when was the last
`time you were deposed?
` A I think it was August of last
` Q Would that have been with
`respect to Sharp's petition?
` A The '021 IPR.
` Q That involved the '843 Patent as
` A Yes, it did.
` Q Is there another patent at issue
`in that proceeding?
` A No, it's just the '843.
` Q So you're probably very familiar
`with the deposition ground rules, but I'll go
`through just a few to refresh your memory. You
`understand that you have just taken an oath
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`that requires you to respond truthfully to the
`best of your ability to the questions I ask
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Is there any particular reason
`why you cannot give your best testimony here
` A No.
` Q Have you taken any medication
`recently or consumed any other substances that
`might impair your ability to provide truthful
`and accurate testimony today?
` A No, I have not.
` Q There is a court reporter here
`today. She's going to be taking down
`everything we say. I ask that you try to make
`sure your answers are clear and audible so that
`she can get everything down. Please try to
`refrain from nodding your head.
` A I understand.
` Q If you don't understand a
`question I ask let me know, otherwise if you
`answer I'll assume you understood the question.
` A Understood.
` Q If you need a break at any time
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`just let me know. The only thing I ask is if
`there is a question pending you answer the
`question and then we can take a break, okay?
` A Okay.
` Q Did you do anything to prepare
`for this deposition?
` A I have relooked at the documents
`involved and I have spoken with Wayne.
` Q So said you reviewed some
`documents, I assume that would include the '843
` A The patent, my declaration and
`the lead patent.
` Q Did you take a look at the
`declaration of Dr. Zech?
` A Yes, I've seen that.
` Q What about his deposition
` A Yes, I've seen that. I can't
`recall the last time I looked at it, but I have
`read through it at least one or twice.
` Q Have you brought any documents
`with you here today?
` A I have nothing. I have my
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` Q I guess that has a display, but
`we don't need to look at that.
` When were you retained,
`specifically, for this proceeding; do you
` A I think it was last summer June
`probably 2014. Excuse me, 2015. This is 2016.
`Excuse me for getting the years wrong.
` Q I'll go ahead and hand you your
`declaration which has your CV appended to it.
`This is Patent Owner's Exhibit 2017.
` (Patent Owner's Exhibit 2017, a
` previously marked exhibit was
` referenced.)
` Q I presume you recognize this
` A Yes.
` Q Would you just please flip back
`to Appendix A, which starts at Page 21. If you
`don't mind I would like to ask you questions
`about your background and experience, it's
`quite extensive.
` On the first page, 21, you list
`your specific areas of expertise and this first
`item listed is "Drivers", would that be
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`software drivers or driver circuits?
` A Hardware.
` Q So job circuits?
` A Just to elaborate a little.
`There are several companies I have been
`associated with have physically produced driver
`circuits, driver IC circuits. That's the
`drivers and loads, et cetera, they're talking
`about circuits, ICs.
` Q Thank you. It says right here
`from '94 to present that you have been serving
`an as independent consultant for Manx Research?
` A Yes.
` Q And I assume that's the company
`through which you do your litigation support
`work for?
` A Yes, that's Manx Research.
` Q That's the company through which
`you were obtained by counsel?
` A Yes.
` Q From 2001 to 2010 you worked for
`Planet ATE?
` A Yes.
` Q And it says here, some of your
`work related to LCD drivers?
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` A Yes.
` Q Did this work pertain to any
`particular types of LCDs?
` A So the work here is, this is a
`company that developed specialized -- as it
`states in that little writeup on Page 23 -- we
`developed specialized circuits that are used in
`tests, and I work with our customers who are
`then using our parts to test LCD driver
`circuits. And so I would visit them in their
`factories and they would show me the test
`results and how are chips worked and complained
`or didn't complain, and discussed the
`performance of various aspects of it and the
`various circuits. It was with companies that
`had a job of testing -- for producing and
`testing, speed driver circuits, all kinds.
` One of my customers was Sharp,
`for example. Our visit to Sharp LCD factories,
`and we talked to the engineers about testing
`test results and test methodologies.
` Q Could you generally describe the
`scope of your work at Computer
` A So at Computer Accessories I was
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`their chief scientist, and my goal was to help
`them develop products. And in doing so I would
`procure a various and assorted LCD components
`and put them together, take them together, put
`them back together into products and varied --
`in a sorted -- all the products that were
`produced were associated with large-screen
`displays, not the direct view but the
`projected. So I would get direct-view LCDs
`back in the days when they weren't making large
`ones. Get the small LCDs and take them apart,
`put them together and use them in the
`projection-type environment.
` Q What sort or work did you do for
` A It was an aerospace company. So
`I was a program manager. I worked on various
`assorted electronic types of programs for the
` Q Did you do any work with LCD
`displays or driver circuits with TRW?
` A I worked with some display
`systems with TRW, but not necessarily LCDs,
`kind of the first LCD work I did was with
`Hughes Aircraft, who was producing an LCD
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`projector that was used and probably still used
`in light commanding control centers, light
`crisis situations and whatnot where you have a
`large room with a large screen display system
`and you want to see airplanes moving into
`attack and that sort of thing. So we produced
`that type of projector technology back in the
`'80, early '80s.
` Q Currently, are you doing any
`other work other than your expert testimony
` A Mostly retired.
` Q I'll go ahead and hand you the
`patent at issue.
` (Exhibit 1001 was marked as LG
` Display U.S. Patent No. 7,202,843
` for identification, as of this
` date.)
` Q I handed you LG Display Exhibit
`1001 which is the '843 Patent at issue in this
`proceeding. I assume you're familiar with this
` A Yes.
` Q If you take a look at column
`one, starting at Line 24 and I'll read this
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`into the record. "For satisfying the rapid
`switching requirements of multimedia equipment
`improving the response speed of liquid crystal
`is desired."
` I assume before you read this
`patent, actually let me back up. Prior to this
`proceeding or prior to any of the Surpass IPR
`proceedings, had you seen the '843 Patent
` A Prior to the Surpass no, I have
`not. I first saw it back in June of last year
`when I started looking at it.
` Q Okay. Prior to reviewing the
`'843 Patent, had you heard of the term,
`"response speed" in the context of LCDs?
` A Yes.
` Q And response speed refers to the
`ability of the display to refresh an image,
` A No.
` Q How would you define response
` A Well, if you look at an LCDs
`specification I have done a lot of work with
`specs when you procure an LCDs or you build one
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`or modify something for some kind of customer
`requirement, the various and assorted
`parameters that are specified, one of which is
`response or response time, it's usually turn-on
`time. And generally it's specified from a
`level like fully off or 10 percent on to 90
`percent on, fully off to all on, and its rise
`time T on and a fall time T off.
` Q The levels would that be gray
` A Likely gray levels, but more
`like -- most specifications it's described as
`the full value, so 10 percent. There's no
`particular gray level associated with that.
`It's just pure voltage to response kind of
`thing. Gray levels come after you create a
`gamma curve.
` Q Okay. So would there be a
`correlation between that percentage and the
`amount of light that passes through?
` A Yes, exactly.
` Q I mean is that, in fact, what
`that percentage value is referring to, the
`amount of light that's passing through? So in
`your example of 10 percent, would that be 10
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`percent transmission through the pixel?
` A Yes.
` Q And then there is a direct
`correlation between the transmission and the
`voltage; is that accurate?
` A Yes. I'm sorry I didn't wait
`for you to finish.
` Q I was finished. So that's
` A Yes.
` Q That would be a direct
`correlation, I assume?
` A Yes, that's correct. The
`manufacturers or the people developing the LCD
`will generally put out a curve called the VT
`curve, which is voltage versus transmission.
` Q So the term transmission has a
`general understanding or general meaning in the
` A Not exactly. I mean you can say
`transmittance, transmissivity or sometimes
`there's other terminologies that are used. One
`of the problems with the field is that there is
`no standard lexicon.
` Q Okay. On this issue of response
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`speed, the '843 Patent talks about this being
`an issue, and about the need to improve the
`response speed. Prior to reviewing the '843
`Patent had you been aware of this need or
` A Yes.
` Q Why is this a problem? Can you
`explain generally what's going on with the
` A It's a problem because unlike --
`so if you go back in time a little bit and
`think about the old fashioned CR keys where you
`had deflection coils and you magnetically
`control the electron beam as it painted across
`the CRG phosphorous screen and so that was
`relatively direct, whatever the input signal
`was it would go out there and point to it.
`Although CRT had a sustained function, which
`means the light glows a little bit after the
`beam has moved on. So there is a little bit of
`a response issue in CRTs versus a laser
`display -- which I've worked with -- and the
`laser display more or less just goes and
`there's no sustain at all and your eye has to
`integrate it.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` With the LCD, the LCD molecules
`are really large, they're some of the largest
`molecules people play with. And what they do
`is they have to move under an electric field,
`so the VT curve we were talking about, so you
`apply a voltage and create an electric field
`and the LC molecules have a little bit of an
`electrical polarity involved with it and they
`move in that electric field and it takes a
`finite amount of time for them to move. And if
`you want to create a fast-moving image you need
`those molecules to keep up.
` Q One way to help them keep up is
`to apply a higher voltage?
` A Well, you kick them a little
` Q By kicking them would that be
`applying a higher voltage?
` A Yes, there's been lots of
`schemes, but yes, that's generally its been
`applied it's -- all electronics has that kind
`of functionality, even semiconductors you're
`talking about electron transports through
`materials, and everything takes a finite amount
`of time.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` Q You mentioned that there are a
`number of ways to boost the response time or
`boost the response speed, in addition to
`overdrive which the patent talks about
`extensively, are there any other ways to
`improve the response speed that you are aware
` A Well, there's many schemes that
`you can design the LCD to move faster. Like
`the cell gap controls given a particular
`material. You can have a different cell gap
`and have a smaller cell gap and the molecules
`move faster, you have a different LCD material
`with a little bit stronger polarity, the less
`viscosity. There's all kinds of parameters
`that are adjusted in the design of an LCD to
`improve the response time. There's all kinds
`of tradeoffs involved with overall image
`quality and contrast and whatnot; it's a big
` Q Would it be accurate to say that
`the mere application of a voltage would
`increase the response speed of a pixel?
` A Yes. It's well-known if you
`crank up the voltage and get it to move faster,
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`people have been working with that kind of
`approach for a long time.
` Q That could be a negative or
`positive voltage?
` A Yes.
` Q The patent also talks about
`applying more than one data impulse in a single
`frame, had you heard of this concept prior to
`reading the '843 Patent?
` A Yes.
` Q That's a way to improve the
`response speed as well?
` A Yes.
` Q So both of these concepts
`overdriving and applying a polarity of impulses
`in a single frame, those were understood
`concepts in the art?
` MR. HELGE: Object to form.
` A Yes, for the most part. But
`also it's kind of the part of electronics. If
`you're building it, trying to get a driver to
`drive or some other circuit to work, you know,
`sometimes you crank it up. Everyone cranks up
`their processors to get them to go faster,
`cranking things up and hitting them harder and
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`clocking them faster is well known.
` Q So you mentioned earlier that
`their really isn't a standard lexicon, you
`mentioned transmission, and you said there were
`other similar terms like transmittance and I
`think --
` A Transmissivity.
` Q What about the term overdriving,
`is that a standard term in the art?
` A Generally. I call it a term of
`the art in electronics because it's been around
`in just in electronics for a long time trying
`to get something over a threshold.
` Q So it's not limited to the
`application and liquid crystal displays?
` A No.
` Q So it's a standard term in
`electronics. Is it's meaning -- does it have a
`standard meaning in your opinion?
` A Well, this '843, they describe
`how all drivers use it to get a faster response
`of the LCD molecules, for example. And the
`rest of the electronics is to get the response
`or whether it's faster or if you get a response
`at all, it might kick over some hysteresis or
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`something, that's pretty accepted.
` Q Did you ever see the term
`transmission rate before reviewing the '843
` A No, I have not.
` Q I believe in your declaration
`you state you had not seen that term prior to
`looking at the patent?
` A Yes, that's true.
` Q What about the term transmission
`ratio, have you ever heard of that term?
` A No, those are two fairly common
`terms. I have not heard that term transmission
`ratio like that, used together generally.
` Q Does that term have any
`particular meaning to you today?
` A It makes me think there's
`something else involved.
` Q Something else, something more
`than just transmission?
` A Ratio means in comparison to
`something else.
` Q Okay. So I think you said
`before, and correct me if I'm wrong, that
`transmission denotes the amount of light that
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`passes through the liquid crystal?
` A Yes. I've measured it
`extensively. Generally you want to determine
`the overall efficiency of the LCD panel you're
`working with. So you have a light on this side
`that puts out X amount of however you wish to
`measure light movements or candelas and then
`you measure on the other side of the LCD panel
`and see what kind of transmissivity you've got,
`how much light is getting through.
` Q Is that how you would define
`transmissivity, how much light is getting
` A Kind of. I'm sorry for being
`indirect, but it's a little bit loose. When I
`explained it or measured it and briefed on it,
`usually you have to explain your terminology.
` Q Right. Are you familiar with
`the concept called dithering with respect to
`LCD displays?
` A Yes.
` Q Would you explain what that is?
` A Dithering, back in the early
`days of LCDs -- today you can by an LCD panel
`that produces millions of shades of color, and
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`that comes through having a driver that's
`capable of driving many different shades of
`color. But before they had that, drivers were
`basically one bit. They were on or they were
`off. Then they started with three-bit drivers.
`So you had eight levels per color that you
`could play with when people actually wanted
`more shades of color that you can get from a
`one-bit or three-bit driver. So if you want
`between a one and a zero you turn the one on
`and off a couple of times, and then because of
`the way the molecules don't move that fast you
`turn them on and off a couple of times they'll
`appear to be in a kind of an in-between stage.
`They do the same thing with printers.
` Q In your opinion are the LCDs
`discussed in the '843 Patent limited to any
`particular types of displays, for example,
`active matrix displays or passive matrix
` A I believe the '843 is directed
`toward an active matrix display.
` Q And passive matrix displays are
`generally known for having a slower response
`speed, would that be accurate?
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` A No.
` Q No. How would you characterize
`the difference, very generally, between active
`and passive matrix displays?
` A I'm not sure I understand the
` Q How would you explain the
`difference between active and passive matrix
`LCD display?
` A An active matrix LCD is you have
`a back plane that has an array of transistors
`that act as switches to each pixel and in a
`passive matrix LCD you have a grid of control
`lines that go to pixels. So there is no switch
`at each pixel. The difference between the
`active matrix has a switch at each pixel,
`passive matrix does not have a switch at each
` Q Would you please turn to Figure
`2 of the '843 Patent.
` Feel free to reference the
`corresponding disclosure. So here we have what
`appear to be two different transmission rates,
`T1 and T2, right?
` A Yes.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` Q And then we have Curve C1 and
`C2, and for both of these we have a change in
`transmission rate, right?
` A Apparently.
` Q What is causing the change in
`transmission rate for C1?
` A If I refer back to Column 1
`where it describes Figure 2 around Line 53 or
`so, it says that it's a timing diagram of
`different transmission rates of a pixel. I'm
`quoting from the patent description, varied in
`accordance with the frames. Two curves C1 and
`C2 are measured when the driving circuit
`changes transmission rates from T1 to T2. The
`curve C1 shows for a pixel transmission rate of
`a pixel not overdriven, and the curve C2 shows
`a transmission rate of a pixel overdriven
`corresponding to the frames.
` I paraphrased just a little.
` Q Is a voltage being applied here
`that's causing a change in transmission rate
`for C1?
` A This curve does not show
`voltage. It shows Y axis' transmission rate,
`XX is the frame number.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

` Q What's shown here is an increase
`in transmission rate, correct?
` A It shows an increase in
`transmission rate by time for C2 versus C1.
`Although they both get to the same point
` Q In your opinion would that
`change in transmission rate between T1 and T2,
`would that correspond to a change in voltage?
` MR. HELGE: Object to form.
` A It does not say voltage. You
`can make all kinds of assumptions, but voltage
`is not here on this curve.
` Q Can you explain to me how one
`would obtain this curve, this increase from
`transmission rate T1 to T2?
` MR. HELGE: Object to form.
` A First of all, I would have to
`ask the inventor what he means by transmission
`rate, then I could reproduce the curve.
` Q Would you characterize T2 as a
`target transmission rate based on the
`description of this figure?
` A Based on the description I don't
`see the word target. And I don't -- I can't
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`recall that the '843 Patent uses the word
`target, maybe you've seen it.
` Q I'm not asking where it appears.
`I'm asking whether that's your opinion.
`Whether -- whether the T2 in here is a target
`value for the transmission rate based on your
`knowledge and based on your review of the
` A The only thing I can say is
`since curve one and two appear in there, you
`might be able to draw that assumption.
` Q Let's flip back to Figure 1 on
`the left here on the Y axis we have pixel data
`value, and on the X axis we have -- there's
`four frames, do you see that?
` A The X axis is four frames, yes I
`see that.
` Q I'm looking at GN, which is
`right between frame M minus one and frame N, we
`have what appears to be the application of a
`particular data impulse, would you agree with
` A It looks like it. They call it
`pixel data value.
` Q That's the application of a data
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`impulse at the beginning of frame N, right?
` A That's what it looks like. I'm
`going to check the description and see if he
`describes it similarly. He doesn't use the
`word impulse. When he describes Figure 1 he
`calls it a polarity of pixel data used for
` Q In your opinion based on the
`disclosure and based on your review of this
`figure, is this depicting the application of a
`data impulse between the two frames or at the
`beginning of frame N?
` MR. HELGE: Object to form.
` A It might be. That seems to be
`relatively consistent with other figures.
` Q Is there any reason why it might
`not be?
` A Just because this inventor has
`developed his own lexicon, and I hate to do any
`type of assumptions.
` Q Do you understand what he means
`by pixel data value, does that have any meaning
`to you or is that a new term, like transmission
` A No, that's consistent. If
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`you're trying to writing out a value, you're
`writing a value of a pixel you want to achieve
`into a driver and that would then -- whether it
`was driven, written to the driver with an
`analog or digital form, it would somehow be
`converted to an analog value and then input to
`the panel, so it makes sense.
` Q Presuming for the sake of
`argument that this is depicting the application
`of data impulses between each of these frames
`at GN, GN plus 1 and so forth --
` MR. BARROW: Strike that.
` Q Would you turn to Figure 3
`please. Now this might be another term that is
`new to all of us, "blur clear converter", had
`you heard this term before reading this patent?
` A No, I had not.
` Q How do you interpret the term
`blur clear converter in Figure 3?
` A I had to read the patent
`description to see what he was talking about.
`I'm just going to find the spot where I think
`it gives a reasonable explanation of it.
` So it says here, I think it's a
`reasonable spot that helped me to understand
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099

`what it meant, Column 3 about Line 24 it says,
`"Subsequently the blur clear converter 14
`continuously receives control signal C, and the
`frame data included in frame signal G and
`generates process frame signals G, including a
`plurality of overdriven data according to the
`frame data."
` Q Would you agree the blur clear
`converter performs, at least, some of the
` MR. HELGE: Objec

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