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`DATE: (cid:9)
`Christopher Butler
`See Attached Document.
`State of California
`County of San Francisco
`Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on
`0Y day of (arc) (cid:9)
`, 20 1; ,by
`Christopher Butler,
`proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
`evidence to be the person who appeared
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`State of California
`County of San Francisco
`Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this
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`proved to me do the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the
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`Commission # 2024402 (cid:9)
`Notary Public -California
`San Francisco County
`My Comm. Expires May 12, 2017
`(Seal) (cid:9)
`TTh (cid:9)
`Exhibit A
`J L JJLl L. JUJ JJ L / ~
`Publications & Presentations
`1 of 2
`6 DA Story
`Rural Telemedicine
`Assisted Living
`Other Projects
`Man (cid:9)
` Telemedicine
`Monthly Schedule
`Telemedicine Staff
`Request Information
`Publications &
`Contact Information
`FA Qs
`Rural Health Website
`Note:Adobe Acrobat Reader
`may be required to view
`some items. To download
`the free Adobe Acrobat
`Reader, click heren
`Lubbock) Amarillo I Odessa I El Pasol Site Directory I SEARCH
`Telemedicine Report Archive
`All reports are in pd/ fommat.
`A fink to download Adobe Acrobat Reader
`is located in the left menu.
`Telemedicine Report Vol. 5/ No.2 July 2003
`Telemedicine Report Vol. 5/ No.1 January 2003
`Telemedicine Report Vol. 4/ No.2 July 2002
`Telemedicine Report Vol.4 / No.1 January 2002
`Telemedicine Report Vol.3 / No.2 July 2001
`Telemedicine Report Vol.3 / No.1 January 2001
`Newspaper & Magazine Articles
`All articles are in pdrrormat.
`A ink to download Adobe Acrobat Reader
`is located in the left menu.
`Say "Aaaah" to Telemed
`From Progressive Farmer July 2000
`The Long Hand of Healing
`From Southern Living August 2000
`Wide Open Spaces & Remote Access
`From TTUHSC's Pulse Summer 2000
`Powerpoint Presentations
`Telepharmacy at Texas Tech 5.3mb
`As presented at the American Telemedicine
`Association Conference
`Orlando, Fl. April 30, 2003
`Telemedicine and Longterm Care 3.9mb
`As presented at the American Association
`of Homes and Services for the Aging
`Washington, DC April 7, 2003
`A Consult to an Outlying Clinic Video
`This video is 8.1 MB so
`please allow time for it to download.
`Windows Media Player is required to view this video.
`https://web.archive.org/web/2003 121720223 1 /http: /www.ttuhsc .edultelemedicine/publication.htm
`Publications & Presentations (cid:9)
`9 Series ~`
`Privacy Policy I Public Information Policy l State of Texas Website t Texas Records and
`Information Website I Texas Homeland Security Website I Digital Millennium Coovright
`Act Compliance
`https://web.archive.org/web/20031217202231 /http:/www.ttuhsc.edultelemedicine/publication.htm