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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Wcbster’s third new international dictionary of
`the English language, unabridged.
`Includes index.
`1. English 1anguage——Dictionaries. I. Gove,
`Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. II. Merriam-Webster Inc.
`ISBN 0-87779—201—1 (blue Sturdite)
`ISBN 0-87779-206-2 (imperial buckram)
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`Page 2 of 13
`Page 2 of 13
`complete quadrilat-
`eral: AB, BC, CD,
`DA sides; AC, ED,
`EF axes
`axioms of the system
`complete pair n : CLOSED PAlR
`complete primitive n : the complete integral regarded as the
`basis of the differential equation
`complete quadrilateral n 2 a figure that is determined by
`four coplanar lines, and has four sides
`and three diagonal axes, each two of which
`cut the other harmonically in three cen- .
`ters of which. one or even two may be at
`complete solution It : GENERAL SOLU'I_‘l0N
`complete stop :1 : a set of organ pipes
`extending throughout the compass of the
`com-ple-tion \kam'plEsh::n\ n -s [L com-
`pletion-, completio filling, fr. campletus
`(past part. of cornplére to complete) +
`-io -ion — more at
`1 :
`the act or action of completing,
`becoming complete, or making complete
`(his N of the late artist’s unfinished
`: a forward pass
`caught by the receiver (out of 10 at-
`tempted passes, there were 5 ~.i) 2 :_the quality or state of
`being complete : FULFILLMENT (his desires having reached ~)
`completion test n : an intelligence test requiring that the one
`to be tested complete a whole (as a sentence or picture) from
`which certain parts have‘ been omitted
`com-ple-live \kom‘plEd~iv\ adj [LL completivus, fr. L comple-
`ius -1- -Ivar —ive] : serving or tending to complete (annotations
`N of the test); specif, of a verbal aspect : expressing comple-
`tion of an action -- com-ple-tive-ly \-d-:3v1e\ adv
`Jcom-ple-to-ry \-d-aré\ n -as [ME compleiorie, fr. LL comple-
`iorium, fr. L compleius,+ cerium] : COMPLINE
`flcompletory \“\ adj [zcomplete + -ory] : coMi=LErivE
`Icom-plex \(')kam:pleks, kam‘p-\ vi ~En/-mo/-Es [L com-
`plexus, past part. of camplecti] 1 : to make complex or into
`a complex (El ~ing problem) 2 : Zci-IELATE
`lcomplex \“\ adj, sometimes -ER/~EST [L complexus, past part.
`of complecti to entwine around, embrace, fr. cam- + plectere
`to braid -- more at 1>LY] 1 a : composed of two or more
`separable or analyzable items, parts, constituents,~or symbols
`: COMPOSITE — opposed to simple (the ~ sign “2 X 5=10"
`——-A.J.Ayer) (the sea is 9. ~ mixture of chemicals —-W.H.
`Dowdcswell) b (1) of a word : having a bound form as one
`or both of its immediate constituents (immanly is a ~ word)
`— contrasted with compound, simple (2) of a sentence : con-
`sisting of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses
`(make hay while the sun shines is a ~ sentence) — contrasted
`with compound, simple 2 a : having many varied interrelated
`atterns, or elements and consequently hard to under-
`stand ully (a ~ camera with many attachments) (a ~ indus-
`trial process) (~ tissue) b :‘marked by an involvement of many
`parts, aspects, details, notions, and necessitating earnest study
`or examination to understand or cope with (an extremely N
`industrial and commercial enterprise far removed from the
`simplicities of farming ——Amer. Guide Series: Calif.) (move-
`ments as vast and N as the migration of peoples.—Lewis
`Mumford) (a N mass of diverse laws and customs, written and
`unwritten —I-I.O.Taylor) 3 : formed by union of simpler
`substances (as compounds or ions) — used of salts, ions, and
`. other chemical combinations (3. ~ protein)
`stresses the fact of combining or folding together various parts
`and suggests that considerable study, knowledge, or experience
`is needed for comprehension or operation (all legal definitions
`are highly complex —C.K.Ogden & I.A.Richards) (the com-
`plex details of naval, ground, and air activities ~F.D,Roqse-
`velt) (a complex apparatus of washers, scales, slicers, diffusion
`tanks, purifiers,
`filter presses, evaporators, vacuum pans,
`centrifugal machines, and driers —-Amer. Guide Series: Calif.)
`COMPLXCATED may heighten notions of . difficulty in under-
`standing (business so big and complicated that neither the
`propertied class.nor the working class could understand it
`INTRICATE suggests difficulty of understanding
`or appreciating quickly because of perplexing interconnecting,
`interweaving, or interacting of parts (the economic situation
`is so complex, so intricate in the interdependence of delicately
`balanced factors —Iohn Dewey) (complex in themselves,
`and intricate in their interaction —H.O.Taylor) l<N0'rri( sug-
`gests so much perplexity, difficulty, or entanglement that solu-
`'tion or understanding iszimprobablc (many knotty problems
`. . . that it will require the combined resources of the linguist,
`: bodilyxonstitution or mental makeup (if his ~ incline him
`to melancholy ——John Milton)
`1) : a cast of mind : an indi-
`vidual complex of attitudes, inclinations, or ways of thinking
`or feeling (being of more sensitive ~ of mind than myself
`they were made ill by the suspense —J.H.Newman) 0 : a
`complex of attitudes, inclinations, orientations, or ways of
`thought (all the armed partisan groups . .
`. of whatever po-
`litical ~ immediately joined in the fighting —Ailanric)
`3 a : the hue or appearance of the skin esp. of the face (a fair
`~) 1) : the skin of the face (creams for ~ cleaning) 4 : the ap-
`pearance or impression of a person or thing (weathering has
`changed _the ~ of the town hall from bright newness to solid
`conformity with neighboring structures) (the warlike «-4 of the
`5 [L complexion-, complexiol archaic : COMBINATXON,
`Icomplexiori \“\ vt -ED/-ING/-S [Ml-3 complexiounen to com-
`pose, fr. complexioun, n.] : to give a color or particular slant
`to : "riNGs (the early sun ~i‘ng the mountains) (propaganda
`~ed lllS views)
`com-plex-ion-al \-shon°l,-shnol\ adj [ME, fr. ML complexion-
`alis, fr. complexion-, complexio + L -alis —al]
`: of or relating
`to physical constitution or mental temperament (his ~ hue)
`(N political views) — comoplex-ion-al~ly \-“IE,-ole -li\ adv
`com-_plex-ioned \kam:plekshoncl\ adj [ME complexlouned
`having a (specified) bodily constitution, fr. camplexioun + -ed]
`: having a (specified) facial complexion —-— used chiefly in
`combination (a dark-complexioned girl) (a muddy-complex-
`iomzd man)
`com-plex-ion-less \-n1:;~s\ adj : lacking color : PALE
`com-plex-i-ty \kam‘pleksod-E, kom-, -cté, -i\ )1 -Es 1 : the
`quality or state of being complex : COMPOSITENESS, INTRICACY
`(the ~_of modern society) (the N of an adding machine's
`mechanism) 2 : something complex : an intricacy or com-
`plication (the political com Iexities of his office)
`com-plex-ly \(‘)kam:plcks E, kom‘-, -li\ adv : in a complex
`complex mode I: : a mode that according to the philosophy of
`the 17th century English philosopher John Locke results from
`the combination of simple ideas of several kinds (as beauty,
`gratitude) —— contrasted with simple mode; compare ‘MODE 6
`com-plex~ness \-sn:‘as\ n -Es
`complex number or complex quantity n : a number or ex-
`i= -1
`pre‘s/s_i9_r_i of the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and
`complex plane in : a plane whose points are identified by means
`of complex numbers
`complex unit 11
`: a complex number a+ib whose absolute
`value '\/a2+b2 is 1
`com-plex-us \kl=im'p1eksss, kam-\ rt, pl contplexus [L, sur-
`rounding, embrace — more at COMPLEX] : an interwoven com-
`plicated aggregate of parts : COMPLEX (the entire_ cultural ~
`—Jamcs Collins) (a baffling ~ of her own imaginings -—John
`complex va_1_‘_i_able n : a number or expression of the form x+iy
`where i=*/-1, and x and y are in general variables
`com-pli-a-ble \kam'pliabol\ adj [comply + -able] 1 archaic
`: disposed or a t to agree or yield : COMPLIANT 2 obs : that
`‘may be reconci ed -— com-pli-a-bly \-ble':\ adv
`com-pli-ance \kam'plian(t)s\ n -S [comply + -once] 1 obs
`a : CIVILITY b : friendly or happy agreement : iimmoiw,
`CONCORD (N between man and wife) 2 a : the. act. or action
`of yielding to pressure, demand, or coercion : CONFORMANCE
`(the Counter Reformation was not 3 ~ with Reform but a
`defiance of it -1-I.R.Trevor-Roper) b : inclination or readi-
`ncss to yield to the demands of others often in a servile or
`spineless fashion (worthy men may be rejected because of their
`very virtues and unworthy men selected because of their ~
`—P.H.Douglas) 3 : the quality or state of yielding to bending
`under stresses within the elastic limit; also : the amount of dis-
`placement per unit of a plied force, 4 a : conformity in ful-
`filling formal or official) requirements (a_ letter written ll'l N
`with U.S. Army style) (the .
`. provision was designed to
`tighten ~ with acreage allotments —Wall Street Jour.)
`b : cooperation promoted by official or legal authority or con-
`forming to official or legal norms (cheerful, spontaneous co-
`operation and ~ to orders are results of prop§l‘_ discipline
`under a respected leader —A.A.Ageton) (an official oath of
`N with the statute —Florence Mishnun) (insure the N of all
`; nations —,-U. N. Disarmament Commission Resolution)
`com-pli»an.cy \-ns’é, -si\ ti -Es [comply + -ancy] : coMi>LiANcE
`com-pli-ant \-nt\ adj [comply + -am‘]. 1 : ready, disposed, or
`likely to yield (as to pressure or the wishes of another) : COM-
`PLAJSANT, sUlaMissivg~ (above all things ~ and anxious to suit
`com-plic-i-ty \kam‘plisad-E, -otE, -i\ n -ES [F compliclté, fr.
`complice + -ité -ity] : association or participation in or as if
`in guilt (two men acting in ~) (~ in election abuses —J.G,
`Randall) (mischievous ~ between brothers)
`complied past of COMPLY
`com-pli-er \kam'p1ic(r)\ n -s [comply + -er] 1 : one that
`complies 2 ob: : CONFORMIST
`complies pres 3:! ring of COMPLY
`lcom-pli-ment \'klimplamant\ n -S [F, fr. It complimenta, fr.
`Sp cumplimiento, fr. cumplir to complete, accomplish, perform
`what is clue, be courteous (fr. L complire to fill up) + -mianto
`-ment — more at COMPLETE] 1 a : a formal expression (as by
`speech, gesture, or ceremony) of esteem, respect, affection, or
`admiration (each candidate was introduced with the usual
`~r) (a party given in ~ to the bride by her mother) (changed
`the name to Fort Knox, in N to the Secretary of War -—-T.R.
`Hay); specif : a remark intended to praise or please (paying
`his best girl all sorts of~s) I1 : formal recognition : respectful
`consideration (he came only in ~ to the rank of his host) (it
`behooves us .
`. . to pay the craftsmen the ~ of making a study
`of their language -—Kenneth Ullyett)
`2 compliments pl
`: best wishes : REGARDS (to send her Ns to a friend) (a free
`sample is enclosed with the ~: of the manufacturer) 3 now
`dial : a complimentary gift : GRATUITY (to make a~of a book)
`icom-pli-ment \-.ment,-_mant — ‘see 1-MEN"r\ vb -ED/-mo/—s
`[F complimentzr, fr. compliment, n.] vi 1 .21 ab: : to greet
`ceremoniously or flatteringly b :
`to pay a. compliment to
`(«wing his friend on the steadfastness of his interest in science
`-—Benjamin Farrington) (she was again ~ed at a bridal
`shower given in her home ——Spri'ng_/ield
`(Marin) Union)
`2 : to present (a person) with a token of esteem, respect, af-
`fection, or admiration (~ed with an honorary degree)
`3 : CONGRATULATE (~ed his men on their conduct) ~ vi : to
`pay compliments (refuse to ~ with one another)
`com-pli-men-tal \:kampla:ment”l\ adj 1 : COMPLIMENTARY la
`(his pleasing ~ remarks) 2 archaic : prone to pay compli-
`ments — com-pli-men-tal-ly \—°le,-'li\ adv, ob:
`com-pli-men-tar-i-ly \:k'ampla(,)men-:terolE,
`-fimen-tral-, -ntoral-\ adv : in a complimentary manner
`com- Ii-men-ta-ri-ness \,kampla'mentorEnés, -nvtrE-, -rin-\ :1
`-Es : he quality or state of being complimentary
`com-pli-men-ta-ry \:kanipla:mentarE, -n-tré, -ri\ dd] 1 a : ex-
`pressing regard or
`raise (the book received ~ reviews --Cur-
`rent Biog.) : of t e nature of or containing a compliment
`(references to his colleagues were ever ~ 1)
`: giVCfl to 01’
`using compliments (a person ofra ~ nature
`2 : presented or
`given free esp. as a courtesy or favor (a ~ ticket) (N meals
`given all who‘ donate over a certain sum)
`complimentary close or complimentary closing 11 : the word
`or words that conventionally come immediately before the
`signature of a letter and express the sencler‘s regard for the re-
`ceiver (as very truly yours, sincerely yours, cordially)
`com-pline \'kiimplén, -.plin\ also com-plin \-_pl:'ari\ n -s o]t_en
`cap [ME compllne, compelin, cumplie, fr._ OF complle, n_iodif.
`(influenced by complir to accomplish, finish, fr. L complare to
`fill up) of LL completa, fr. L, fem. of completus complete —-
`more at COMPLETE] Christian _relig : the seventh and last of the
`canonical hours : the last liturgical prayer of the day said
`after nightfall or just before retiring —- called also night sang
`loom-plot \'k§m,pl‘:it\ ll
`-8 [MF complot, complete crowd,
`throng, plot] archaic : PLOT, CONSPIRACY
`\kam'plat, kcm-\ vb complotted; complotted;
`complotting; complots [MF complorer,
`fr. complol, n.]
`archaic :
`to plot-together : CONSPIRE
`complt abbr complainant
`com-plu.-ten-sian \:ktimplii:_te.nchen\ adj, usu cap [L cym-
`(fr. Complutum, city in.Spain -~—- now /ilcala. de
`Henares) + B -ian] : of or relating to the polyglot bible
`published in Alcala de Henares, Spain, in 1513-17 and con-
`taining the Old Testament in Hebrew, the Targum of Onkclos
`on the Pentateuch, the Septuagint, the Vulgate, and the Greek
`New Testament (the Complutensiari Polyglot)
`com-plu-vi-um \kam'plii'vEcm, (')kam:‘p-\ n, pl complu-via
`\-E:-)\ [L, fr. compluere to flow together_,'fr._com- + pluere to
`rain -— more at l=L0_W]
`: a square opening in the roof of the
`ancient Roman atrium toward which the roof sloped and
`through which the rain fell into the im luvium >
`loom-ply \kom'pli\ vb -ED/-_lNG/-ES [ t campllfzi
`‘R SP
`cu/nplir to complete, accomplish, perform what is due, be
`courteous, fr. L complfire to fill up — more at COMPLI-TE] VI
`1 ob: a : to be ceremoniously courteous : execute all formal-
`ities b : to be complaisant, accoml'n<_)datl_ng, or obsequious
`c : to suit or conform oneself (as to. a situation) 2 : to accord
`Page 3 of 13
`Page 3 of 13
`Page 4 of 13 l
`the logician, the psychologist, and the critical philosopher to
`clear up for us ~Edward Sapir) (your question .
`. is a knotty
`one, and such as, had I the wisdom of Solomon,»I should be
`puzzled to answer -r—William Cowper)
`INVOLVED indicates an ‘
`intertwining such~that some parts return '01“ seem to return
`upon themselves, as in certain ~difficult knots, making un-
`raveling or understandingvery hard (public issues are so large
`and so involved that it is only a few who can hope to have any
`adequate comprehension of them —G.L.Dickinson)
`acorn-plex \'k‘cim.pleks also '5': sometimes =':\ n -Es [L cam-
`plexus surrounding, embrace frxcamplexus, past part. of com-
`plectl] 1 : an association of related things often in intricate
`combination: as a : a group of culture traits relating’ to a
`single activity (as hunting, maize growing.
`l9Qttery making),
`process (as the use of flint, construction of megalithic monu-
`ments), or unit of culture (as Folsom, neo-Eskimo)‘ : an aggre-
`gate of artifacts — called also culture complex, trait-complex
`D [G komplex, fr. L complexus] : a system ofirepressed or
`suppressed desires and memories that exerts a dominating in-
`fluence upon the personality; broadly : ‘exaggerated reaction
`(as of fear or sensitiveness) to some subject or situation (she
`»has always had 3. ~ about bugs)
`0 : a group of obviously
`related units (as of species) of which the degree and nature" of
`the relationship is imperfectly known
`: a haploid
`chromosome set containing a specified set of genes arranged
`in a particular order (2) : a group of chromosomes that always
`pass together in meiosis to one daughter cell — compare
`GENOME e : a group of kinds of organisms (as clones, strains,
`onvarieties) showing common adaptation of a particular kind,
`usu.»to a specialized environment 2 : a conjunction of varied
`contributing or interacting factors, elements, or qualities: as
`a : a complex substance (as a coordination compound, an ion
`containing several atoms, or an adsorption compound) (mo-
`lecular Nes) (enzyme-substrate ~) — usu. distinguished from
`mixture b : an assemblage of different rocks having structural
`relations intricately involved (the Archean ~) 0 : a complex
`word - contrasted with compound, simplex cl
`: the sum of
`factors (as symptoms and lesions) characteristic of a disease
`(symptom ~) (primary tuberculous ~)
`syn see SYSTEM
`complexed past of COMPLEX
`com-plexerl-ness \1cam'p1elcsédn:5s, ~ks(t)nés\ n -as : com-
`complexer comparative of COMPLEX
`complexes pres 3d sing of COMPLEX, pl of COMPLEX
`complexest superlative oj COMPLEX
`complex traction n : a fraction having a fraction or mixed
`number in the numerator or denominator or in each — called
`also compound fraction
`complex function n : a function of the complex variable
`complex idea n : an idea formed by the mind out of simple
`ideas known by sensation and reflection
`com-plex-i-fy \k‘am'pleks9,fi, kom-\ vt -an -mo/—es 2 to make
`complex (problems needlessly complexifie )
`complexing pres part of COMPLEX
`complex integration :1 :.the integration of a function of a
`complex variable» along an open or closed curve in the plane
`of the complex variable
`loom-plex-ion also com-plec-tion \kam'p1ekshan\ n -s [ME
`camplexioun temperament, humor; combination of the humors,
`bodily constitution, fr. MF complexion, fr. ML complexion-,
`complcxio, fr. L, combination, connection, complication, fr.
`compléxus (past part of complccti) + -ion-, -lo —ion] 1 a obs
`: a humor (sense lb(1)) or combination of humors b in medieval
`physiology and natural philosophy :
`the combination in a
`certain proportion of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities
`that determine the nature or quality of a body or plant 2 a abs
`: bodily-aconstitution or mental makeup (if his ~ incline him
`to melancholy —John Milton)
`b : a cast of mind : an indi-
`vidual complex of attitudes, inclinations, or ways of thinking
`or feeling (being of more sensitive N of mind than myself
`they were made ill by the suspense —J.H.Newman) c : a
`complex of attitudes, inclinations, orientations, or ways of
`thought (all the armed partisan groups .
`. of whatever po-
`litical ~ immediately joined in the fighting —/fllantic)
`3 a : the hue or appearance of the skin es .of the face (a fair
`N) b : the skin of the face (creams for N c caning) 4 : the ap-
`pearance or impression of a person or thing (weathering has
`changed the N of the town hall from bright newness to solid
`conformity with neighboring structures) (the warlike N of the
`5 [L complexion-, complexia] archaic : COMBINATION,
`2complexion \“\ vt -ED/~ING/-S [ME complexiounen to com-
`pose, fr. complexioun, n.] : to give a color or particular slant
`to : TINGE (the early sun Ning the mountains) (propaganda
`Ned his views)
`com-plex-ion-a1\~shsn°l,-shna1\ adj [ME, fr. ML complexion-
`alis, fr.Kcomplexion-, complexio + L -alis -al] : of or relating
`to physical constitution or mental temperament (his ~ hue)
`(~ political views) — com-plex-ion-a1-ly \-°lé,-913 -li\ adv
`com-_p1ex-ioned \kom{plekshond\ adj
`[ME complexiouned
`having a (specified) bodily constitution, fr. complexioun + ~ed]
`: having a (specified) facial complexion — used chiefly in
`combination (a dark-complexioned girl) (a muddy-complex-
`toned man)
`com-plex-ion-less \-n1és\ adj : lacking color : PALE
`com-plex-i-ty \k‘a'm'pleks:;d-E, kom-, -ate, -i\ 71
`-ES 1 : the
`quality or state of being complex : COMPOSITENESS, INTRICACY
`(the N of modern society) (the ~ of an adding machine’s
`mechanism) 2 : something complex : an intricacy or com-
`plication (the political com lexitier of his office)
`com-plex-ly \(')k5im:pleks E, kom'-, -li\ adv : in a complex
`complex mode 11 : a mode that according to the philosophy of i
`‘the 17th century English philosopher John Locke results from
`the combination of simple ideas of several kinds (as beauty,
`gratitude) —— contrasted with ‘simple mode; compare ‘MODE 6
`com-plex-ness \—snés\ n" -as
`complex number or complex quantity n : a number or ex-
`prews/si_o_n of the form a+bI', where a and b are real numbers and
`1'= ~1
`complex plane 21 : a plane whose points are identified by means
`of complex numbers
`Page 4 of 13
`Page 5 of 13
`type genus +7-idae] : a'fi'imily of chelonians comprising most
`of the freshwater aqiiatic tortoises ~and-terrapinsr and closely
`related to Testudinidae in which it has often been included as
`a subfamily
`m-y-do-sail-ria"V,em:id8'sore‘o\ [NL, fr. Gk emyd-, emy.s'«+
`NL -'a- + -sauri’a]'syn of IIORICATA-'
`em-y-do-sau»ri-an \}a‘==:s0r'éa'n'\ adj [NL Emydasauria +,
`B -an]': of or relating to the Loricata : CROCODILIAN
`amydosaurian~\“\ n -s : LORICATE «
`mys \'Emés, ‘em--\'n, cap [NL, fr. Gk emys freshwater tor-
`toise] : a small genus of’turtles
`family-Emydidae) including
`the co_mmon European ond tortoise (E..'orbiculari’s) and at No.
`American tortoise E.
`, “
`an \'en\ n -s 1 :
`e letter n 2 : the set dimension of an en
`iuad used esp. in Great Britain as a unit of measure of a~type-
`:etter's production
`an \ on, ‘n, _‘én_\ dial Eng var of HIM
`>11 \'‘en, ‘in, 'ai(a)n\ Scat~vz_zr oj- END
`tn \(l)!1“(n),‘ (§)2ln, (-:)en,~(:)in\ prep‘[F, ht., in‘, fr. L in] »: in
`he form or manner of ‘-— see EN BLOC,‘EN BROSSE, EN CABOCHON
`2n- also em-‘prefix ME,’ fr. OF, fr. L 111-, lm-, fr. in — more at
`N] 1 : 1JLlf.ll'It0 (encradle) : put on to (enthrone) : cover or
`‘urround with (enverdure) : go -into or on to (embus) —— in
`verbs formed from nouns 2 :« cause to be (englad)
`- sometimes in verbs ‘that also have the suffix -en (em olden);
`n verbsformed fij'om' adjectives or nouns --3 : provide with
`encollar) (empower) — iri‘v‘erbs formed from nouns 4 : so as
`o cover or surro_und‘(en~wrap)~:
`thoroughly (entangle) -
`‘ften in verbs ‘differing little or not at. al
`in meaning from
`he corresponding _verb without prefix (entame);
`in verbs
`armed from verbs; in all senses‘ usu-. em- before b, m, or p and
`n- in other circumstances
`Ii- _aI:o_eIn— pre_/1'2; [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. en in ‘—— more at IN]
`in : within : inside (endermic) (en'gram) (enzootic) —— usu.
`;n— beforeb, m, or"p (embatholithic) and en- in other circum-
`ll-_— see oEN-
`11- comb form [ISV;_fr. ‘-ene] :~ hemically unsaturated; esp
`having one double bond (enamine)
`in‘ \ on, “n soinetifiies ‘in after p h,‘ f, or v ‘sometimes “:3
`fter k or g\ also -11 \n\ adj suffix [ME, fr: OE; akin to
`‘HG -in made of, ON’-inn, ‘Goth Jcins made of, of or belong-
`ig to, L -lnus (with long i) of or belonging to, Gk -inos made
`f, of _or_belo‘ngiog to, ‘Skt -ina of or belonging to] : made of
`consisting of4(earthen,) (woolen) -— now‘ relatively infre-
`uentbecause of the widespread ‘attributive use of nouns or
`E adjectives formed from nouns without the addition of a
`)f_flX.(aS in gold cup, wheat cake) and to be found chiefly«in
`Il]_eCl1VBS which are obsolete (tinnen) or archaic (oaken) or in
`hich a sense other than the literal one has'become prominent
`golden) (w'ooden); usu.~-n after -er (silvern)
`:n.\“\ vb i-uffix —ri:>/_—1NG/-s'[lVfl3 -nen, fr. OE .-nlan (as in
`zstngan to fasten); akm‘to OS -nb‘n,'fina.l segment of certain
`ansitive infimtives (as in fastnfin to fasten), OHG -in6‘n (as
`lfestin6n to fasten), ON -na (as in fastna to -pledge, betroth)]
`a : cause to be (sharpen — sometimes in verbs that also
`ave the prefix ‘en- (embo den); in transitive verbs formed
`om adjectives b : cause to have (lengthen) —- in’ transitive
`:rbs formed from nouns 2 a : come to be (steepen) —- in
`transitive verbs formed from‘ adjectives b : come to have
`engthen) ——- in intransitive verbs formed from nouns
`symbol ethylenediamine — in‘ chemical formulas ([Co (on); ]-
`faabbr exception i1otéd,'-- " '
`- " "
`table_ \é'nabol, e'-\
`vt enabled; enabled; _ enabling
`Ab a)lir_1\ enables [ME enablen, fr. ‘en-1+ able, adi.] 1 a : to
`n er able (N a person.to earn a living)
`: give power,
`rength, or competency (his_ articular theology enabling him
`‘overcome some of the di
`iculties ——S.F.Mason) b : to
`ake possible, practical, or easy (enabled passage of the
`iti-p_oll-tax law_ —H.-F. & _Katharine Pringle_)' 2 a. archaic
`to give authority or sanction to : i§NDoW ~'b :'to give legal
`pacity to ‘3 : to give the opportunity to : A'iJLoW (examina-
`ins so designed that high-school graduates are enabled ‘to
`abler \-b(a)le(r)\'n '—‘s : one that enables
`ibling ad} [fr. pres. part. of enable] : giving or providing
`gal power or ~sanction'esp. beyond usual bouiids in order to
`:et'the demands of an’ unusual or anomalous situation (an
`act) (an ~ resolution‘).
`.-act \'é'nakt,‘e‘-\ yb [ME_'enacten, fr.»1en- + acre act,"form‘al
`:ord — more at ACT] vt‘!1 abs ’: to enter into‘ the public
`zords : CHRONI_CLll 2 : to establish _by legal and authorita-
`re act : make into a law; e.rp'3: to perform the last act of
`virus forming ~s on leaves) 2 : kinship on the mother's side
`hardest substance of the animal body and-consistirig of minute
`enatitijn lfilosaicéi : rnosfiic (:35 of tobaccoi, potato, anhdtomato) ‘
`prigms thlat are fiecretefcr by- agieloblahsts, Ste arranges at
`Us t ang es to t esur ace,"an ‘are
`oun ' toget er ya ‘in w ic
`pin-s ape aeorrugate
`outgrowt s appear
`cement substance —- see TOOTH illustration 7 a : the coating
`chiefly on the lower surface-of the leaves
`of carbonized glue pr shellac that forms the acid-resisting eiravant \2i“navtt"\ adv (or adj) [F, in front, forvl'ard]‘baIlet
`1 portion’ of -a metal photoengraving plate
`: ‘the facing
`: in;front : FoiiwARD—‘used of amovement or of the execution
`material of-coated paper* 2
`of‘a step -
`enameled brick n [enameled fr. past part. cIf'1ermn‘Iel]': a
`enamel cell n~: AMizLoiaLAsi"
`en axe \!1“rialrs\ ad} [F, on the axis] : placed-symmetrically
`in or upon the axis — used with with (pillars en axe with the
`brick having a smooth impervious easily cleaned surface
`central 'aisle)-‘ t
`secured by coating’ with a‘: ecial wash before burning and en banc \ti“ba“\i2zdv (or -adj) [F; on the bench]: in fullcourt
`used in bathrooms, hotel
`itcliens, and swimming pools
`: with full judiciary authority (in the recent . . .~case all'seven
`enameled leather n : leather having a hard varnished surface;
`circuit judges sat en ban'c ——-Archibald Cox)
`en bas'\-a“bl1\ adv (or adj) [F, below, down] ballet : in a low
`enain- l-er or enam-el-ler \-m(a)la(r)\ n -s : one that applies
`position -— used of the arms
`enamel: as -a : one that fuses enamel into }‘ewelry'settings
`ll : one that coats cast-iron sanitary units with enamel
`en bloc \praiiunc at ‘EN + 'bl’Jl<\ adv (or adj) [F] 1 : as 11
`body or whole : in a lump or mass (forced the islanders -. . . to
`enameling or enamellingn -s [ME enamelinge, fr. enamelen to
`enamel + -Inge -ing] 1 : ENAMsL;~specil : enamel ornamenta-
`move ‘en bloc -—D.B.Forrester)
`(ooe'~'escape for harassed
`editors is to buy a group of strips ‘en bloc from some syndicate
`tion 2 a : the application of enamel
`b : the process or
`--Coulton Waugh) 2 : in one piece : as aéunit (an ’engine
`technique of applying enamel
`with cylinders cast en bloc)
`enam-el-ist or enam-el-list \-rnalast\ n‘-S :.ENAMELER
`enbrave var of EMBRAVE
`enamel kiln n : a muffle kiln used by enamelers in which
`en bro-cliette \:a“br6:shet\ adv (or ad!) [F] : on a skewer
`(broiled kidney en brochette)
`fillers and gold‘ applied over the glaze are fired : a decorating
`en brosse \ll“'bros\ adv (or adj)‘ [17, ‘ht., in the manner of_ a
`enamel organ n : an ectodermal ingrowth' from thedental
`brush] : in a manner resembling the short erect bristles of a
`ridge that forms a cap.with two walls separated by a reticulum
`brush— used of a-man's hair style (his black hair . ._ . stood
`of stellate—c'e1ls, encloses the anterior part of‘ the developing
`up an 'brosse —-Hugh Walpole) (his -ve_ry-thick graying 'hall'
`dental papilla and the cells of the inner enamel layer adjacent
`en brasse added an extra inch to his stature —Kathryn
`to the papilla, and differentiates into columnar ameloblasts
`which~1ay‘ down the enamel rods of the tooth
`enc abbr 1 enclosed; enclosure 2 encyclopedia
`enamel painting n : painting with enamel colors that are
`en cab-o-clion \_en'lcaba,shan\ adv [F,
`in the mannerl of ii
`fixed‘*wi‘th’ heat usu. upon a surface of fired -enamel
`cabochon] : in'convex form but not facetedt(ii fUbY1'9UtӢn'
`cabochon) ‘
`‘ ~‘
`’ ‘
`enamel rod 71 : one of the ‘elongated’ prismatic bodies making
`up the enamel of a tooth
`en-cae-nia \en‘s‘ényc, in‘-, -nE:;\ n pl but sing or
`l'lrl coristr.
`enamelware \='a=.s\ n :‘ ware (as iron cooking utensils)
`sometimes cap [NL, fr. L, dedication festival, ii}
`k cnkainm,
`0 aci s
`fr. en in +’ -kainia (fr. kamos new) —— rnore- atgiN,= ixaocrrr]
`ctfnatedd v)vith enamel for protection (as from rust or the action
`: an annual university ceremony ‘(as'at ‘Oxford University)
`911-am-01‘,\é'!13Efl9(l')'»’ 9‘-\“Vi‘ 911am01’et-'1?’ 91lam01’6ll; 9Il5JTl-
`of commemoration with recital of poems and essays-and’ con-
`oring.\-m(o)rii:|\—enamors see‘-5-or in Explan .Nates-[ME
`ferring of degrees
`enamouren, fr; Olf enamourer, enamorer; fr.» eri- ‘en-“+ amour,
`en-cage \¢n, en+\ yr [»1en- + cage, ni] : CAGE‘ l
`amoi-1ove——«more at AMCIUR] : to'inflame with love : CHARM,
`en.camp \¢n, ex-,-+\ V1, [lg,;-»‘.|- camp, .-1,] yt : to-form mm
`CAPTIVATE —— usu. used in ‘the passive with of (tourists were
`or place in a camp (~' soldiers) '3~ vi : to form or occupy a
`r .
`~ed of the town) and sometimes with with (a beautiful Indian
`camp : prepare and settle in temporary _habitations -(as"tents
`girl with viahom he was
`:V\Valter Hahvitglhurstt)t
`- f b ;
`or huts)
`I \
`“q f
`en-am-ore -ness —mor n s
`n -Es-.
`e sae o
`eing en-cam -men
`n —s
`e ac ion 0 encamping
`h : thegtate of being encamped 2 a : the place where a body
`enan-thal-de-hyde or ~oe-nan-tlial-de-liyde \.'é,nan'thalda-
`of troops or campers is encam ed : CAMP (was not enthusiastic
`hid\ n [ISV enanth-, oenanth- (as in enanthic acid) + qlde-
`over the choice of Valley
`orge as a winter ("I ——F.V.W.
`liyde] : a pungent oily compound CH3(C.I-I2)5CI-_IO obtained Mason) (3. well-fortified ~) _§the ~ of migratory workers
`by pyrolysis of castor oil and used esp. in making artificial
`outside the city) h : the l_ndlVl uals that make up an encamp-
`e§1‘2§i"“:i.'§te°““edo§’§a'}f”tii‘i‘l%"’{’§= ’;"I§’i‘i’£i' a- \ ,.
`s [Isv -2”“ “I” ”§.‘§§° ”:“é“i.§?i¢i.‘li“§§§e“§?m3n‘o?%§"§23?§§n‘§e3
`11 O
`enanth-, oenanth- + -ale] : a salt orlestei‘ of enanthic acid en-cap-su-late \én'kapss lat, en- also -syo-\ also en-capsule
`en-an-them \é‘nari(t)tham, e'-\ or en-an-the-ma \,e.nan- '
`\én, en+\ vb -so/-mo -s [encapsulate ti-(‘en-'+ capsule.
`I1, pl enanthems \'—thamz\ or enanthe-ma-ta
`n. + -1112, vb. suffix; cncapsule fr. len- + capsule, n.] W :
`\-‘th'e‘mad-o, -‘them-\ [NL enantliema, fr. 2en- + -anthema]
`surround, encase, or protect in or'as if in a ca sule.: CAPSULE
`: an eruption upon a mucous surface -'— en-a