` 1
`I 1 1
`A GE‘\'L‘I_\'E 3-I§II.&\l—‘1IE
`The name W:-.'~..r.-*.rr .=_Ic-ne is :c g-:.:::-.-.:: :t'::=-5:131 I-'.
`number of publishes 2:: :2} 5:‘: rma--_~'jI 3:
`'5 and by a
`since 1531 and 215 your assurance of quality and authority.
`rradernazi you should look for
`.4 .\{e"':'...**'.-3V:t'=::a'.-"" :5 it
`v-"item you ;.3:::s;i-3-er fine @315: of dactionaries or other fine reference
`I: ca.-7:-:5 zhe regxzzztion of a company that has been publishing
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of
`the English language, unabridged.
`Includes index.
`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove.
`Philip Babcock. 19{}2—l972. II. Merriam-Webster Inc.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-l (blue Sturdite}
`ISBN 0—87779—206-2 (imperial buckrarn)
`AH rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be
`reproduced or copied in a_n_\_-' form or by any meon.c—graph1'c, electronic. or mechan-
`ical’, irtclrtdfug photocopying, recording. taping, or iriformatfon storage and retrieval
`.wystem.s'—wfthoLtt written pe=r:rrt'.m'or1 of the publisher.
`,t-\ adj [ME
`(‘Jun-ft-. —ia runirztfmes
`Ieri-tire \5in-'tif:ilr.
`Iiztegcr. lr
`cnrrre. eim't'r. entire, fr. MF ciiricr. eritir. tr.
`‘in— + -rager
`rongcrc to toiielil ~ morn:-. at TANE
`1 : with no t:li.-rnetit or part excepted :
`(iiiailc careful notes on the c-- prtIt‘.:r:t[itIg) (remained alone
`the ~ day)
`(the ---i TIl|.‘Cll¢'1l’ll3l'TI oi
`the ship was lTlluL'.1>
`2 a : coniplett: in degree : I_:NnIIinNIsIi1-:t),
`(the M control oi the enterprise rests witli
`the mayor) (his
`~ ignorance of the Sl!l."Il‘.('.l) {liis -- devotion to his family}
`(he I-ras an ---' stranger to her} {w fret-dorn of choice} 1) tabs-
`: sincerel_v and utircsr.-I-vcdly tlizvnted :
`3 a : Cl.'IYI$l!<lltIg of one piece : CONTINUfi.US. U\'l"II\-'ll'Il'-l‘i (the
`diamond was -- and Erin: Irom flaws} (here the river is I---.
`but later it divides into two branches)
`b : VI-'ll0ll)' of one
`kind :_ without mixture or alloy :
`boolt is short, v--- in mood. and gives the impressioti of El single ;
`afternoon's reverie —Ti'mr.».I'
`.Lr't. .S'Iipp.) (their primitive sp
`has come down v-~-, without tidmixturi: of any kind} c arrliaic
`: having lll'tlTl‘|11Z!:l,rt!(‘i strength or vigor
`: SCIIINI). HE.-\I.Tl-Pi‘
`I1 {II : with no part
`Izieking : INT.-ACT (I:oiIvt:II
`Ily passed
`on his estates to his heir r---) (strove to keep the c llcction I'-
`and even to attgmt-iit it)
`(2) Iierrildry : without difference or
`c.-1I‘]eIIt.-y mark : IJNDII
`l:'.lU-IN 1-IL}
`(3) ircraldr
`' extending to
`the edges ol
`the field
`TIiTtiTJUt_:Iit\l.IT 4 ri
`. morally un-
`lilcniislied :
`1ILit.-t1-:i_i-;sS {so P» are all your deeds and
`—JtJI'II'I Donne) 5 of rt nitric atiiimitl: not castrated 6 .' havins:
`the margin continuous or not hrokt-.n by divisions,
`teeth, or
`si:rr:1t;ir_snS (an -- cal) syn sec. wIIot.I-.'
`Ientiro \“\ ndi‘
`In entirety : F.OMl"l.l7.TlIT..\r' (was to shatter our
`little universe -- Dencys Reitz.)
`E.\'t'1Itl-."I'\r' 2 : an un-
`leiitire \“\ it -5 1 mriiIriI'.: : the Iivhole :
`castrated male domcslit: animal:
`: an u:Ic:isti'atc.I:l male
`|‘II’)T5|: 3 hwivfiig, Bi-r'r : I-tJrt'rt-ztt 4 8.
`: 2| whole cover hcariizg
`:I nonadhcsive postage stamp
`: any cover — on entire
`: tin izover
`en-tire-ly flrll‘ [ME i’rIri°.rel'_v. cntir-rly, ttntirflly, Ir. crrrcre. em'I'er.
`crrrire — -ly]
`1 obs :
`I-_'r\It§~;E.5l‘l..‘x'. SI.‘«'CE.RF.T.Y
`2 : wit:ii_Lv.
`CF.IMPl.ETF.L.Y. I=ttII.y (screed with me n») (an nu noble anti
`disinterested person} {lives ---~- in the
`ast) {you are N wel-
`t'oIrIc) 3 : I:xC[.L‘sIvr.I.v, sol
`y {it is iis fault ---)
`en-tire-ness \s‘s-n:')5\
`-125 [WE I!J‘fft)‘FJ‘f£‘..\'.l't".
`t.-nrrw-'. rntir cntin: -I- -I" "'e -ness] 1: the qLIz:lit_v or state nl
`being entire : C:t:MPLET
`.5 {an intlivitiu;-II TlIlFl|'lt.t2d hy Lhc v----
`and J
`ion of his eonnri tmctit to his cause} 2 obs : spiritual
`wholencss or tinent-ss :
`tI?~'I'rv, IN'i'tst.acv
`entire sanctitication it
`: the religious doctrine of pcrlect holi-
`ness in which there is no sin
`en-tire-ty \fiIi-'t
`E, on--.
`Ii also -iI’9)r| or
`[ME cntterte.
`lr. Ml’-‘ eiitiwrr-tr‘, fr.
`i'm‘t'grI'm.r-, I'riII’;:i':fri.r, _I'r.
`I‘im.>_s,=cr — -Imr-. -Ira: vity] 1 : the slate of lioitig e_rI_tIre
`or eornplt-.tt: (his ::I':t.‘I'l! til the singular --u of medieval <.'I\-'1l])‘J-
`tion —Henry Adams) {his forttinatc ~ which made woman as
`a cornrilcitieiit uIIIII:I:I.-ssary to him —.Audrcy Barker) 2 : sI.IM
`'I'o'1'.-\L. WI-(OLE {its corrIpcllin_L; thcnit: and skillful developmttnt
`are not
`the m of this extr:tordin:Ir_v play) -
`- in its entirety
`: as a whole {view lhi: prob]:-.rIi in its mri'ri°.r_Ii)
`entirety of contract :
`the indivisibility of
`izontrztct —
`used esp. of a iudit;i;4l
`IifJ|—'l|’ll|C that if it holder of a lire-in-
`suratiee pulley has violated the terms of his ptilicy so as to
`render it void as to any of the property thereunder irtsiit-er]
`it will be void as to all
`entire wheat flour .1
`: W!-It}I.Ei \\-11!-_';\'l' rLoUR
`-ta-titre \'ertta.tEd
`-_ta:\ arij [NL r‘.-iIr'mI‘ivtrs, fr. ML
`eiiII'm.s- cntity — L -I'I'ri.c
`-ive -
`rnorr: at
`1 : cor: dercd as mere entity IIhstrat:tr:('l from all circttmstarices
`or relations 2 : being an entity : havinii. real existriice — ell.-
`ti-ta-tive-ly adi-
`title \:'Jn-'lid-"I, CU--. -it‘l\ 1'!’ untitled: entitled: entitling
`\-Td-‘liq,-TIr'lli:J\ entitles [ME ErHiflI:‘J'I'.
`fr. Ml’-'
`cririiicr, I.‘?|'fiH4’lt°f. fr. LL iritffuiorr. ir. L i'II- 2in- + .rr'riIlI.i.s title]
`1 :
`to give a title to : affix El name or desittnalion to (his
`discussion .
`. VI-‘HS euhtait'It:d in rt
`ticriiion crrtitted Popular
`is thrown against the lugs and case of ti rotor revolving at a
`high rate of speed
`eriolto-loomn \.ent:I"l6n't:J\
`rr. cap [NL fr.
`I3.|'|'f- + Gk lama
`fringe] :
`a genui: of nlnk—srIorerl agztri-cs lacking both vtjlvzt
`and annulus. having the gills notched or sc arming from the
`fli:sh_v stem, and iIII:iutfiIIg some (as
`imt] that are dis-
`tinctly poistinotis
`E11lD!t'l- rir entcImIi- comb form [Ir] fr. Gk 2.-Irnmrm — more at
`F..\'TD.\IOLOmc'} : insect Qzntomciphttgotts) (rirtromostracan)
`emtomb \£ln.‘tLlm, en--\ 1': [Ml-L eritriuinbcri. fr. M14 eIi.rn.>I-ibcr,
`fr. ¢rr- ‘env I
`tori-ilit’ ttirnb
`more at Tt_II.iti] 1 2 to deposit in
`tomb : HURY,
`INlll‘M]i (sixty men were A-ed by the
`fTl11‘JC explosion) 2 : to sent. as (‘i turn!‘ for (ti rocky hillside
`---5 the lallen hero) (the sea r--5 the lost schooner and her
`en-tonlihmient \-t1n'tm::Int\ rt -s 1 : the act or process of en-
`ll)T|'1bl1Il.! : TtL'Ri|!Il. (-- services will Lat: held on Friday) 2 : the
`condition of being entomlicd (the shell. though .. . of chitin,
`is usually muilifitxl hy its lmig "-I —\N
`vi-' i ii to II )
`-m Isrc l
`: ENDO_\tE1iE
`en-to-mere \'I:nt:i.n1ii':I,1r\
`-S [£J'J'f-
`- en-to-mer-ic \
`'11Iir-\ adj
`on-to-mesotmrm \ n(.JtU-.-\ Ir [l’-.|'II- -I- fllt"5G(.lt?l'J'H] : MESENDO-
`on-tom-It: \['lt:n-:tlln'til:\ adJ'ieirroin- -I- -is] : rt='|'.t!inI_: to inserts
`en-to-mi-on \et1-'Lfin'lE,lIltl, -E:in\ ii, pl entmmia \-E:i\ [N L,
`fr. Gk crefomfi notch ffr. fem. of enlciriios. vcrhtil til’ eiercrimeiii
`to em in_. cut Ur!) +
`Bil ldim. suffix} — more at I-_'N‘l'tJ_\-!(Il..IJtiY1
`the ti
`of the thickened tlnstular part til the parietal bone
`that arLIcul:1tes with the mastoid portion of the temporal bone
`— sec CRANIOMETRY illuslration
`entomo- — see t—._x'rn,~t—
`en-to-mu-cccitiiurn \‘,eIIto{.)Infi‘-\ ii [N[., fr. eiimm- + recid-
`iuml :
`:1 gall caused by an insect
`en-t_o-mo-Iaiina \“-I- \ it [N L. fr. :-nmm- + jaiirid] : a fauna
`of insects : thc insects of an cnvirontrtent or region
`[.IrI.rI‘.I.>r- + -22.-nairs]
`t‘tij:snns\en-to-mag-e-noiis \:I:nt '
`: growiniz on or in the ho
`it til irist-.t:ts (“H fungi)
`I:i1.1o.m lag t.ca.l
`-jfilc-\ aim en.to.mo-
`log-it: \- k
`[I7 (*..vItrJriic,Il(:I.ti'.r,Itae,
`-I'z,mt' -ic.
`: of or relating to entomology — en.to.mo-
`log Gal-1? \-jiik (o]lE. -jEl<-. —ii\ adv
`en-to-niol-o-gist \.ent:i'mltl:ij:')st\
`-5 [F crrrrJ.vr:IoI'IJgi:re_. fr.
`-t'.rt‘:r -isL] : one spI:t.'izllI?.ing III etitoinology :
`student of insects
`en-to-mo]-0-gize \-
`\ vi" —E
` ,.-’-INt;,“-I-I : to study entomology
`! collect insects
`en-to-i‘|1I:Il-0-gy \-,jE, -I":i\ it -175 [F cntnmolngie, fr. Gk cnromnn
`insect tfr. rietit. of chrome: cut up. cut in. Ir. entemneir: to cut
`in, not up, tr. c.-i- 1311- + tI.>I-mini".-I to cut} —.- F -ltagic -logy —
`l'l_'J0l'I.‘ at_'ItJME:] I : zoology that deals with insects 2 :
`ti trea-
`tise on Insects
`an-to-mom:-a-sous \‘,i:nl=]rnL1fages\ adj [.rIrimrri— + —p.‘Iagnu.c]
`: feeding on insects
`0115 \—l2Il.as\ arlj [imrim-i— + -I-i.iIilntr.¢] : normally -
`poilinnted lay insects — compare AN!-IMOPHILOUS
`m-01111-‘.i.-ll? \-IE\ it
`en-to-mop}:-tlio-ra \.ss"rnllftharo\ Ir. cap [l\'L. fr. erI.torri-
`-pirtlwrrt] 1 a _|,'Etl|.l.~2 {the type of the family l:'nton1opl'Itho-
`raccae] eomrirising lU]'l[.'.l that are parasi
`c on tl’|Sf.‘t_'t.5
`eti-to-mopn-tho-ra-ce-ae \.=-s,ss'rEs . \ N pl. rap [NL.
`type _L'.t:nus
`-acme] 1
`laiiiily of mostly
`parasitic Ioiver fungi (order Entomophthorales] that typi
`develop in the bodies of insects. have a reduced myI:I_
`which tennis to break up into liyphal bodies. repmdtire '.15cxu-
`ally in
`usu. Inultinuclente coniditi Lind in a few inst:!nt:i~.s
`sexually with the formation of zygospores,
`also pmilutre thick-walled chlniiiydospores under unfavorable
`conditions — see ENTUMOPHTHDRA
`En-to-11101311-It'll‘!-fa.-Ci-30115 \‘.=s:ss:rfish:Is\ t:Id_I'[l\'l_ l-.'rIramo;-lr-
`rliorirccac .| E vans] : ol tir relating to tho gtlittis Entr}mopii-
`.f.Illt}ra or family I-Lntomophthornccae
`en-to-riioph-the-Ia-‘les \—ir.'iIEir.\
`I! pl. mp [NI_,
`Ir. Emo-
`E1'I.—TD'l1I-U35 \“\ trademark ~ tiiictl inn 1--
`as construction material in tennis t-rmrtii
`en-to-zoa \.cnt::I'z6:i\
`rr pl. oireri crtfr INI
`: internal animal tizttzisilcs; t-'.\'p : tlIt- llIlt'I|lll
`used as if a taxon though not a
`i'I'lIII'Ill In.-
`fiaI:\ ml} or .-I
`en-to-zo-it: \-oi'k\ or en-to-so-al \-...1I\ ...
`-zot't‘,' rriirozotii lr. em— + zo- -I- -iii] : III'llI
`.en-tI:I.zo.on \,s;'z‘tS,tIn\ sing of l£N'I'tI/IIJI
`.e;1-tr'acto \':i“.fn]-,trIIkt. -rltkl. —r.1ki. ~'-\
`Inter- (fr. 1.
`I-"titer-l + aete act} 1 : Ilio llll
`mils til it play
`2 : It tlancc.
`formed between two acts of a [-
`‘en-tra-tta \5Ii-'IrI1d;, en--\ II
`-5 1:
`tent. of cietmdo r.:p'.ist part. of mIr.ir In mI'
`past part. nl r'.-Itrtii-i.> to enter — tl1iJtt'
`.>. II
`or journey into unexplored l::rriInrI.'
`long I--,
`the Irappers killed three il|‘I'l
`: a Spanish exploring or t:orIt1IIt‘riiI1_t h'l|II'
`(through the Inany r-vs‘ and cul::iIl.r.IIIIiiII IIII
`L‘.onLIut'.st after the _L'.ri':atl\r1.'Iy:irt-I.-utr
`.\. I.
`left except the deeply BlIgFi1\"i.'.(ll't\lll("IIIl
`en-trail \'cn-Ira ,
`-3 [Ml-I
`- Frank W'{t{l.'.l'.‘.i?
`i'iirra'.I‘i'a. alter. of I’.
`I-il. ul Ii-ii.-i.I
`IIEIJI. of iitrmunausiritcrinr l"Il\'lI'l In I Hlfrl
`{:15 in extraneuy exit:-I-n::l] —-
`internal part of an animal hmly 2 (llllllll-lll
`vis I-IRJI 3 entrails pl : the inIi~i'i..I III
`(hairy -“-at of
`the .-:iIl:I
`rnouiitains had their I‘--.9 torn mil Win Il-
`‘en-train \éti-'lr§n, en--\
`rrniiicr to draw, drag: --- more .II Iimtril
`with or after oneself (IIII: nits.-t ll
`‘v land
`on their long migrations tn lIll'
`bring on as rt result
`: restih in 'tiI|l|I|l|‘ o-I
`ventions .
`. F--5 el1.'Ins:cin1h.- w:II--i I-I
`—('i.|.l..HurfE') <--mi‘ only my KIWI! llllll,
`Henry Miller) 2 : to t':Irry lllIIIt1|_ Ill nu
`(as fine drops of liquid in v:I1InI's Iillllllfl III-.r
`lion) 3 : to COllt‘t'.t ;iI:tl tr. I:
`|"IlII II: -.Iili-«I»
`:1 fluid nioviiig :1tlIiglI\«'clI»t-Ity -'IIiI
`I-.! I-
`in ajet pump) 11: It! l|'lL'S\I'|Hl
`In II
`into concrete {as for ma
`III-' l'l
`lo the cflects of t;IIr:IIIIt.iI.-.
`I|Ii~ I
`lentrain \"\ I'b['arI- -I- rniiir In I] I1: I..;...
`train {took the mail to lllt‘ I<I:IIi.uII I-I lm I
`H I"}]ilI‘t‘.I£itl Irain <itnmIzdiiIIt-ly illlI‘l
`New York)
`en-train-er \-5na{rl\ H [‘t'lIi‘J'-rill
`.-r] ;
`sprcif : a lit uitl atltlctl 'III .I1IIii-II.-..III IIIIll'l|
`I'oi'aidingt1eirsc|i:Ir:itI..Ii lI_v ll-‘II II.m.I1 III.
`formation of an xvi-.:iIrra t-I
`llll‘ III I III
`en-train-mettt \—filIIII'.1t]lQ ii
`intii .s_ricci'_I|’ : this pro. l 2..-I of .-
`Iion or e\-'apor:ition'I
`en-trantmiil \.‘In-. an. I \ I'I'
`II.-.-I— I
`tangle or
`I-I ‘I it It
`l'i_v Irtittventlml
`.'u ll
`mclanchtily of the -~-vri‘ lti-III Istilll
`I llllll I
`‘en-trance \'I.-1I«II:iIiI'I'Is\ II -sII\1l‘ Iwriiiriiii
`ll’. rirrrcr to enter
`an i:I.~;tI1tIt-I: of p|I_v.\
`' L'IIll'lI|l|l ' |'l'4I
`into the rison'I}{1lIi.-
`Int" i|II- .'IIlI|Yl
`I-- III.
`ll11'0Ul._'.l1llIt.‘ Ivititlnw) (Ilia ~
`in Illl
`Illlil Illll
`l} I
`lIII: rIII'..'iIiII l‘I'|‘lil\'CllIl'1lll\'\lIlli[ III-I Ill”
`pass t-.e){:1ll---.iIrIIIic 1 ' v
`tiircutlctl llIt'il' M-.1)-' Iliiwii Illl
`riarticulitr mndc Iir Inaiiiit-I .Il'
`I|ll'IlIt|| «I.
`In Lttipy
`I 4"!
`It I’
`Ill ' IEI
`IU ill
`llllnl uu IIIIIIIIIII
`tun -I In llll
`III .
`I invite. lItI|l' Illlb |llII
`III III! will-t It
`I\Hl|'lI|' nu-I
`lllI' MI
`_- ‘II I Ilw iiuriilll III II II
`II» Iiiwii IIII
`II Illllll
`lltmluil N-I Ilnyuilll >
`Il'lIIl llrfl I
`I n-IIIII ullli III wit flllllllllafl rlt win III
`Iimlillia Ill
`' I I Illv
`IllIlIl'l Ilii; that
`IIIIIIIIIIIII In lll Ii IIIIIIIIIII. tllrtllf. III I\'l'l|H|lI lun-
`Illiii IlIIy'|
`|I|!||I llIIlt'lI»I Iii‘
`(maul: Ill] « lll
`Ill III
`IIIIIIII fur Iliill duly‘ llliu
`you NIWIII the Il‘III'I
`Iulll‘ Ill
`IlIl.1 lIIiIi‘iI l||
`u nunliiiil
`lIn- I||l'II|Il‘
`III I I tlI|ll'Il|lllI.'fl Ilruiil
`III I iiiiiiluu in “II
`III ulliiii
`In IIItinIy’I ulllriill
`WIIIIII: a In I I liumlwnril wltla l-ll
`||||||\!IIllIll I
`IIIl'niIiIIiI lllllll
`III‘ vnrlnul qlnillinr ulljci-In ru:II1,suuliIa I lolul I‘
`tII'I'ltlIlNII tilt! rrirrlrt In lhlv Illlllllll
`Illln -~-
`atIII'|i:I- hllllill Htorii) (lllit lntul --
`wily) B I : llll‘ onlilltlliim
`n I il|i‘u nil
`til Ilia uulliilitllihllncl ul llll‘ I|ii|I
`IrIII.IIri: Ilroim-. tiil
`law II
`ll nr lIl’I||I'|II
`‘nu III Illu I} III-cl
`Im II\.
`II I Illlllllu l l! tlcrinlului
`IIlI|.II Illlll
`I! : mu
`II.Nl'IlY '.I' I .
`V: It
`|lt'I'l|||'| III
`uuiitul Ina II
`: the nu |l'|lIIlI1 III'
`nclo . with l.IIir
`(Ii iiirau '~--
`in ii
`fmiii litipiliiiiil
`Htay .'nirII1cIa) 3 I
`liniiliaui: uIIIl vuIIll|uilI'I
`it TIIllIl.' 9 I
`ptmtrasliiii ul Iiuiils ui
`Ilolllnllll lty ciitcllila. UI
`them It
`lI|IiII1 rcciiril
`ln |iru|Icr_I'
`lhe iicl
`In lm:iilIlIiu curilllu
`hurI_il.:iry cuiislriiitig of lIu.- lIiiI'II-illivlluri Iil l|n'
`rsrm or al tiny Insiruiiieail lur Ilic |Illr|1I|lIIt‘I|
`£,>eII)I1f 10 E. : I-:N'I'ImN(7E 6
`: Ilic L‘IIlIlIIII'l!
`fu uc esp. alter a rest
`B :
`11 I
`1 In 3 the not or means of wiiiiiiiiii I1 ltlili III II
`iiciil [rick lll Izridgc
`I) I1! entry flltd. :
`llll‘ -‘I
`such a trick is or can he won
`cuInp.'ii'c Illl N
`all-I'.r‘I'ol'I1.E.n \-mo1i\ II, III‘ BI'|l.l'§If:I'I‘ll!n 1 : lulu w
`public lflild Willi
`to scuiiic IIII Ii||IIlIiIrII
`stead. mining. or other lnwit
`2 : u cusil
`driving a haulugewuy, airway. or p:Is.1IIi:e\I\'II
`entry table II
`ll conveyor I:h:il lccilx IIIiIll‘llIl
`battles to be capped or lnlscln-d]
`lilln ii
`entryway \'-n.-1\ Ii
`: a passing: lo: olilriiiii
`entry word I-I : HI-LMJWURIJ
`-ants pl‘ of -ENT
`ant-wick-Iiingsoro-man \ent-Ivilct‘-.:jli‘iuflt.lIni"
`entwieklunseronia-ne \-n:a\ ufu-II ca
`roman novel] : an o lctt
`novel trcatiiig of the development of n tzlinrur
`hood to malurily
`en-twine also in-twinla \on-‘twin. en--\ uh I
`rwiric] rt 1 3 : lo twine together (flowers I
`b : to twins or twist around : +.NI'i
`{entwined a pretty garland about her I:riIis> fit
`by ivy}
`2 : to tntcrwcave. alliich. or iiivulvc
`sentiment or thought. (she knows now In ---
`affections —Henry Miller) (lhc.-ic Cll.‘.l'IIL‘lIl!
`many and so closely entwined —Mc(_icnrgi: liu:
`become twisted or lwilled £911 sci: WIND
`NI-tllille-maul \-riit-)nt\ n -S :
`the action III‘ e
`condition of being entwined
`en-twist also in-twist \én-‘twist. an--\
`I‘n'I's.t_‘l : to twist or wreathe round : 'EN'rwI.~aI'.
`ends-lo-ma \.ent’I‘(‘nma\ II. cap [NL. lr. irri-
`callus] : a genus of parasitic fungi (Family 'I'l
`produce abundant conidia on long coninliupl
`comprise the white srnuts
`an-ty-pry Vent.-IpE\ III -25 [=eI-x— + —.t_vpy3 : a mu!
`formation in certain mammals in which the cI
`invaginatcs into the yolk sac and no IiI'niII
`formed — compare AMNIDN
`Ienucleate \{'}E+\ vt [L erii:t.'I2uI'tII.v. past
`to remove a kernei irom, to clarify. fr. ev -i-
`more at NUCLEU5]
`1 archaic : to bring mil
`sense of : CL.-\RI|-‘Y, EXPLAIN
`2 :
`to dcpriv
`3 mad : lo remove without cuttiri
`into (~ It
`eyeball} : shell out from s capsu e — anuolu
`N -s — eiaucleatur \('l.e+ \ H -5
`‘lenucleate \(')E+\ mi.’ [L eriraclenius. past pa
`I min I In III-II, II
`I In mun
`I \ 'IIIl.In-\ IIII-.
`at Imumui
`III.-tlmlp Illlltrillllll
`in II
`III» llvllllll inn-II
`mm I‘ IIIIII slime III III III! llivnlllull
`am w
`I mm In \'?fll|IlIllI III
`‘hit! It
`III Illl ||I'I|\'ltllll Ill III-IIIIIIII no
`ii «mil iivlmlnnlr Iha
`Inc-\ I'll l'-m~ or |Ivt-
`I Ivll
`I in IlNI'llIllIll wllli II Iruiwli
`IINMII |\.llI'l|'l‘I
`unity ~
`null Ilruiiiily
`l.lIIO I en
`Ilnty ll
`vs I vii
`Inns» (Ilia
`-I'll: Iiciiiirlv
`I1 Bll
`III r
`ly mi
`tn ninlm IIIIIIII
`Inctll nr
`In l-tliil mi-IIII
`fun It 5
`B I
`rump II
`I Iimrnu-I ("'~'lII
`II pnicl cu) - Im-
`IIIHIN Illa liuiilt.-II
`-~IrIl' llull
`II I Immi
`t ilutlir ) (l.'uucIIuIIaiI cou-
` v I III
`T "I I!
`lam llltlfl I‘!
`I_. II
`u -- eI.l' tlicln riiure
`0 luililuto
`A I. I\'mI
`I.-I) Cl.lI|.'
`I cncnuo uf_ Llllllsilllllll
`--rd the Ivrru tum lll
`the l'i.-tins
`Iy --crflii the In iiils
`II I) (I Ill Illmiiilit ll .
`. llr
`Inn I 'l'uII> (nu -- I-It habit) I : lo cut
`llllll : run-
`mr, um-II‘ I III aiinlailnwiiwilitl in In til [min a lrciiuli -- v
` ' - I .. I I Iiln will In any
`|1|III‘e rsilciiell in II
`I rfllfll lui Iloleiinlvc |IIIr;II‘.lII.‘|
`| I I LII
`‘ mi | (luau iitinm --I-pl niiil Ilmlltcd Ilse eliciny utliiI.‘|i'.) 2 :IIi
`I11lIlIIl'lI IIIIIIIII Ilr Inlui Illmlrliiilnii of iI:inii~t|IlIiu rI:IiI-.rvcI.l
`liuliiiiuliiu In imollil.-r [|l!I‘.'iiI|I:
`I'IlI.'I'I'I\§!I --- uscil
`I I I on ur upuri (II um-n Ilul
`lie mm‘ upon his
`min In IIIII IIiutIiur'n private [oi-tune —Juhn liuehari) syn ace
`Iailillllhltl nionnder I-I : IN(‘IfiI'I‘) MILANIJEIQ:
`.rIu-ct] : one wllh
`I]!!! Iil' Iilnilit the mini: slccptlcss on each iiiile ul the stream
`mimic INIIiIIIwrI Ml:-I\NlIl'R
`II IN IIIII-lllollltaliulllalrilllllll-1116111 \-clinI:iI1l\ n -s 1 II: the
`I.-IilI'crIi'Iilrm (um.-II
`this di:lI.'I)r lor the "-2 of the town)
`I Illc rrmilliliin uI' hcinii cnlrciichcd 3 3 : a deI'I:n_-c1\-I: work
`Iimlnlhlliiii H! II trench unit it parapet
`ti : any delerisc or pro-
`‘tlon (min
`ml overianiimt is usually regarded as one of
`I 0 area! v'-.
`emircracy —R.M.Daweion}
`3 abs‘
`: EN-
`-1 R :
`the process whereby
`IIHIIIIII bccoiiie iiieisell. ingrown, or eritrenched ‘b : [hc re.
`IIJIII ill lhlii
`O3-Ito nous \.l1rI-trolntl. III“-i-\ adv [F] : between us : in CDI'If'Iv
`on-tro-not \-r:i:pfi\ I’! -s (F. fr. enrreposcr to put in a warehouse
`(Ir. £l'Il'l'l‘-
`-l- mixer to put. place, rest], after F dépaser to de-
`nmtll : a‘I‘pI'3! di:11-ut — more at Post]: a
`lace serving as :in inter-
`inudiairy center for the collection and istribuiion of goods : a
`triuiashipmenl center or point. (upon the free flow of goods
`through this ~ hung the wellare of every {arm in the west -—
`Oucur Hnndlin)
`\IHI1-tra (rJo:ri:ir. +V -nar-,
`-:'I(y)i'i(a}r. —I2is\
`-S [F.
`r, OF, Ir. erifrepreridris to iindertake
`+ -em _-or — more at ENTERPRISE} 1.
`the organizer ol an
`economic venture: esp : one who organizes. owns. manages, and
`assumes the risks ol a business {he aimed at .
`. increased op-
`portunilies_ for lheamall --—A.M.SI:hlesIriger h. 1911') 3 :‘o_ne
`that DrfiI:TlI2.I.'.3, promotes. or manages an enterprise or activity
`of any
`ind :‘I‘RA|”.‘I'l'l‘IDN'EIl... PROMUFER (a doctor or lawyer.
`who, as an Independent
`rovides service to a client
`—B-ernard Goldstein)
`an ~ 0 the theater} (alert historical
`"-<9 —J.D.HiI:ks) {the
`ankee "-4 ,
`. who descended on the
`desolatiad South to malice his foriune ——Hotiday) 3 : one who
`serves_as an intermediary :
`(.‘lO—nETWEEN (‘New
`York is .
`. becomin wor1d—I':Il)' and ~ between Europe and
`the American hlnter and —-—DonIilId Davidson) (they are .
`the "-35, the links between die businessmen . . . and the fanatics
`-—EriI: Ambler}
`BItot1'|‘!-lJl'e-Hell!‘-I-al \~nar-Eel. -ri(y)IIIr- also -n5r-\ ad} : of or
`relating to an entre reneur (N hislcr } (~ risks and rewards)
`P \-I131’ ship,
`.sh-. -I'I(y‘III(a]rSh-, villa-
`sh-\ ti -5 : the condition of ltieing an entrepreneur : the role or
`lunctiou of
`the entrepreneur
`: entrepreneurial ability or
`L’. lll-";;..1’L..i2l.I"Fl"li
`to run Illllll I g In
`.1 I In
`min I
`F”-lz’l'!'?"r"T:‘"lT'l"I': dalall" ‘"\ “MI-I»
`' ‘:r"l'l1'-m'lw::ll‘I|-P'Io! "'I:‘|"l!‘|l".
`lit I-Iltlll." .
`lm Ill llfllliqllti-iIIl1IJ'IhI|lllIlI Iv lII lI'IIIllll'
`,'.":,'I‘.,‘,',‘,'[§"l"' "“"“ '“ ' " "II "II inl|v¢-~-vII) -. Il I III
`M I“I?I‘:?‘Iou \‘um'IIIIII'a¢ \ rnr-I'll’
`'{i'Ifh;‘ " { mm""'""" "W the um» lho mm --
`In rim- -|
`I "It--='"
`"""'“"" '11.: ':=.°.I >.I:".°.I:I
`" r"II~*~ I --'1 -
`~- I
`ll‘ “~lpll‘\ Ilrll [IuItum- -l- ‘M.'lmu.r] I normally
`I'nr Iilttirui t Il.‘lI' no In" ll‘ u l 1 "I “mumnwl ‘H mm i1 m“
`. i “Inn: '
`— en-Iov
`I'm-I-IIIIIIIIII III‘ an I:‘.n|r:lFll“;l‘y hmllnnl dmmmlm m h’
`" cllmnurc ANl‘|Ml)|‘lIIl.IIlll
`r,_ ,,,,,_m_ _,_
`M ‘II I Ilsa sci or prm-mil III
`'. 9 Eur!
`.--'niIl‘t|IIiro\ II. rap [NL
`Im't"m'm'M \'fi“"“"'”S
`ll1|t'.It.I*¢'t'|'J' I the rlrnccni n
`I on or eviiptirallnii}
`I..I.'I .I..r:.: ,,:.:...I:*::::
`'fl"a'"'I| \.--I--'rII! E\ II
`tm-ial I
`alrli-tlrlummol “rm cn'+\ N pm‘ +
`I'.‘iI‘.II INL.
`nanun -I
`. In!
`I'I*—'I'I'Im (allow-rd Iii nclf
`illltrfifutl flllllllil l[IIIIIlflilgllflIIil'lllc?illl1ll‘lral)ly|r£l?;ll;
`gkflmlt’ n‘i'0'“;_l‘:'|IllIII'| nip}! ‘sluctcty -~ R..'s'.lIIIl"rI‘I (lllln l|‘l‘l:‘I|
`y|.I',,.| I," II
`1 my”: mm 9“-‘"5-1109 \'cii-lr:IniI]t|\ II
`-N [MF rritruurpr.-< I. MI‘
`In mi
`Imvu II
`rIsIsoul——].InIn I)‘
`"n I" I“ I W Mm
`Mi. Mi” 2]]. rcprm uce Iiscxu—
`r. mm-r to enter .I.
`.,,,,,,,, .
`_ mo .
`few I
`_" “‘'‘N'‘'-“
`1 l I ll--‘ml
`|l|:I|L III: Illllllill Iil yyuniiprirctr, nntl
`: lrIllIl'lIIr"|: llll
`:'._'|':")“["1:“["':_L“:3‘I0r:_lf>PEIl)I'1sle'ii_i Clfilttirlllfl . rNritir.1'-‘ tlmgkcul IIII III III! I
`"I M Hnmiu In.” “.P:.;,|.|”I:I.l -lIllII::'*l.lIIll‘lll¢.‘I under unfavorable
`through the windotv} §l:lI¢.:E.:F'::f; mg
`re u-']'rI|I1gn
`.1,.{_.'[N[_ E-,m,mDp_;:_
`" "”°""“ °" 1"'"C'- °[ Dhirsicnl cntetiriil (us 1'1 IIIIIII, mm.
`"I [U I “I am“ E-mamopb
`tcl|':.:wcltIti;h:Ii;eni:‘I.:Ilirdcd Iiy nrmi-.II tIIt"II\
`Ilim-II III
`my —-..I in. , II
`in lI.l|l'o y .1
`particular mode or me
`‘R 1""
`" ' "
`U!“ to °°"Ii" that "“’ Tgrilljnfl;-Iylel-érl}gIl§:l;>mglEI’IIll-IlllwlllI.rirl
`2 a : th
`|.€lflll¢I!Il\-6' with the family E1'|I.cI:rnDpl1-
`fiettgr (r).:c‘—?[li§rtl1lllttdI)nIl'l‘asSt).§hc could not hm" "NH" "'
`(35 upon an office or course of action} <cl'I',::5t'.‘-”l'llrSu'3-"llI'I:l'IllI'l? ill:
`:_":“ Ehrélggnrglig >.r”"|:UnT::°\dflg§ [flN'g.. Enromapkthora +
`on "‘°T‘lh “fl” the CIECTIOTI} {the "-3 of new firn-Iii Int
`uitsus of the order
`competitive field) (marked the nation s r---
`I. " IJMI '
`"' 9"“: 1’°""'1"'1 \-¢nt=f.Imfi'snfirE:m\ n. cap IINL.
`f1’. 3"" "°"'°'3 (3 °°"n*U'S ~ Into war} <~ lalgl-!lll‘l1'Jil¢|‘hW|II1:
`(1 I
`. a means of enlcring fun I II
`4-‘ tea
`II lorrn ‘genus of imperfect fungi (family
` mirtrtml I
`°°" ' ‘°" °" ””“‘"" <5°h°D'3 01' nursing are llll.‘ pIlIII-IIIIII
`to the profess]
`I III] anntswhnt rrgeinhliii
`igglzrtgs with slender append-
`and kmcnrr w3r"w>‘ 3°: fII,‘::f;; L‘L’I..‘i‘:. :?',§i‘II:I.'I‘;.II.;.:':.,".:::;:
`.1 -i|lfNlI'I‘l Ilr. 0k\a:rrak:n;1rllset:lI?tIIac\rI 'vc;;:§eIca§0£g:l1£-.d£r.Ifi;;om.
`Ic::°t';t,*;°:II:W::“ ‘°'.:" “I 3 “um °* Scions I-I -----
`llrltlt] In some <‘I'ri.r.rl_.|'l'cal'fnr1.i' ' ahubclas;
`’fsCe 3 —
`4 '-"II N‘ "Med 1” °°"'d "‘“”"'“ '”‘
`‘ 9 first Dar‘! or commencement
`III ..
`3' llfli Ihu Branchiopoda. Ostrslcodn Co and rush:
`l'JLI|'Il. regarded by most modern 5ys‘l:ll1at.l19'1sari'1s
`vsiglfld of time (at the ~ of the night silence tell
`Il|1liII II I
`mm!!! or lncluslon In a single subclass. the name than be-
`we) (at the
`of me how“? s’°“°" an “"'“'°'"°*' l"|‘|l-
`III I turn: at conveniengg wjlhuu
`and acfivili be-can) B can Irrans. of I..Glr mod
`n I
`‘n-to'{'}E:a'{r-Ethan“ \l'*l--kon\t l:3IIlI'°3r°:‘i§”3§].i§§2
`llromssmn through [he b°
`5 the church to l.lf:{PéI1EIlIml‘I|1“lIl‘IIIl
`turgy of the Eastern Church — see onenr IENTRANCI-'
`11 a
`.m.'\_If§]E_fk“\’: FEE§’g‘e':::0?0€#'€:EkE1:';)29P»:):AiSrrE
`lfiegifls in enseiridlee r’t1?J]sni::aI:s:.hyglltgrvgnlisflr Igstdriurllfillil ""'.:
`"._:,n_ + 19865 plug) + _h___ mm: : occumrfg in the
`7 :lflcem|;s:‘i:e:j;ria:Il3::hfsuch :1 be inning is me e 5 ragncu ~..
`compare ECIUPIC
`—- com are imI~z— s
`sll""".;*lrt 0 II shin below I _c wntcrllun
`IP I ustration B a : the Iarst l11'||Il‘l|I
`\'cIIto.pIa2cm\ n {ISV I.-nr— + .9335”,
`on.-§o{pIa.a.I1e \:.‘.-plasfik\ ad;
`zrgieige &sgle:§[g;I:1.i:i:(|)1e1EI§eE1|t:c:.1;:5;:1t.lDg at the side or rcrir III‘
`lie t
`-¢N3+\ M} lienwpiastron + -
`o or re. can trance \sn. ‘Ta.-.m,_ em,’ _1.3amn___l_am___mn_\ H _“v
`. to ut into a trance (the II!||Il
`Itroli u\P"$l\r°r:
`—INcII/-s ['w- + trance (IL)! 1 '
`I entnplastra {erIr— + plaslran]
`I-"SD16 breathing of
`the entrant op
`I I md an bony p| 1 0 ‘h
`is gohsidered 333373333?‘ lijrfithhcthliiaisilléjrn
`wI:I:ntI;lj::W:3,r1.D°‘*E1T or)c:<1ti'1:y iway W:I'[h:1r:IO][I:C'Ir]I1 tasawtirlhrliglitiilli)
`“ 0' 01' rtifitiles
`' _
`123D "W
`eauty of th_c land entranced umfi
`II-s:a ani
`I nh hi
`.ta \.EIl[J'|}I]':;kf9\mI’lapE mpergqiugg Er:}‘_°_i;_‘r;f-‘rlgcral
`which the fertilizing sperm enters an 5;; 2:: ;)]:1ea|:{r}n;-tggir-|D‘:IIF::
`III: 0.
`a salty um I
`wind tunnel from which the
`rynwn but lngkii-$3:tigiceaglnclerlngrlioa:d1IlTaaIl§ngr:f,:mb1'"3 dfihe
`°n'l-"a"°9'm9|11 \iJI'om«rnc aI§:N1'::I\sI(:t:~21 . Hm
`:f‘;m:;dp’°°e55 9‘ e"'”3D'3mE 2 . the condition of being en.
`I to the mouth — B11-to.p1-n4;.tou3 \:ss:prskta:{“:vi? “'-
`entrance Ilath n : the course of
`the sperm or
`Ugdflfn-1¢glh $‘lf|;1e‘-;;br;fiJ£I‘]SJ:°;nets- +D¢r?.0I_I‘£‘.l
`I: lying or orisi.
`I1 thud
`through the e
`visua sensations due
`cytoplasm toward the femalemI;!r;:nIl1r;:l;'.E;:lws
`H ‘ I mmg:;!€ur;:l:r;:“glr%o;IE::ss3::
`Izgliyltaopaque pamcies entrance pup
`N .
`, -
`ms oI’:r.es:p=:::I.reI:tIr:::;~:.£;:t;:t;:"tI°* “M
`.'l.":'I€l'::."<%3:l:{i*‘*E‘$*\°? “=**'** + ""'”"’ '
`of _the_ bundle of rays traversing the instrument from aagiihcg
`pmnt in the obtoct. space — compare EXIT PUPJL
`33- 3--nifnte \:.;I.I5Ia1’\‘3I [I‘iLI'£. TI ;L"I2$lI§I“-"§3E’2.§‘§LER,,B
`g:g:n°f"'3Yd\"‘.-\ rt : Ebrrmrwatr
`115;]! Jh[‘fr.. prcsxnart. of Zcrrrroncej g giving or capable
`'a"'g:::nU° nu \u3m°a5fED°l\ Gd} [erii‘- + sp}iei‘x- + -at] ; nasi.
`u out
`, -
`deg n EN '3 Y- E91-TC-HTFUL (antique pa
`rs of the most .-..,
`.mr;Ip.I.,.,.:t"..:tI*i:pi.’;‘Ii1‘:ItcI°‘ II" «M r=How> (N
`If rnlfinna lo tII\ee:l'ltl)tsot:rhun‘-lfl [NL emostemum + B "an
`"°'“9n'-ue \“+\ H [N]. eiifostemum + E
`-Eff] : a cartilag-
`tgslifir} t_ '9n_‘mnc_mg_ly M,“
`an Youth —-Dorothy C.
`nun Itructure givin
`a ms: at it-t;;I‘\ " as at ‘r- or error In
`nor“ of various arfcfinfig ar‘I:i:1Tb}<:iiII;.11I;Iiaic1es In the cc1JhaIo-
`country) (new msiriti 0
`him emcrs ‘(EH1 mam} W mm the
`eI-it'- +
`II-lo-Itamuin \“+\ I’! pl entosternn [N
`C} 3
`it competitive fIcld)(defic1encies
`iJ{at_|1Idee1—)-is £1 the basitchskills needed for college study_ _1_]__
`:::::‘lm}u-f :: Ii?‘;::|:a;rP‘;?fi::Sn?{h:g%t§:I of processes of the
`P . one
`at enters afiouipetitiou <1-«.43 mcludc
`-lo-thorax \"+\ .-I [Ni,,r
`Ending athletes lrom many Countries)
`zflfltrant \" M? 3 being an entrant
`.nl'°u° ‘Went-+\ ad; ieIII.r‘fm.}ITc f?:Ira1::lil:e:I:}l?lD§HgfR‘;’:
`9n'n'9l1 \éfl- Imp. en--\ wt [MF cntraprr fr en. lg“. + I
`|’ N this to the interior of the ear
`tr-an‘ mom 3‘ T“-“!’-l 1 E : to catch in or as if in a trap 131?:
`1\:°T'‘=+\ 4‘! P3 cap [NL fr
`err.t- + I
`fllllr o
`rlmitiveiy wingfesm cycles”) unplgmenigg EI?_1s.e:ti;
`ptt had eritmp ed mg beelleg _'wi";am geek} wnfmpped by
`I llllrn re
`ted to the Symphyla and Th sanura th E h
`falfins timbers
`(entrapped by Ice floes}
`II : Ia ca,-,..,,,, ,, d
`3 We ‘ e
`hold (3 substance} (9 55'5"°1"1 "01’ eflfmfl first the furnace fumllas
`alntlthparts largely concealed within 1 e he d
`°'“°" “ding in 3 Pail‘ of filamentous orator:-gpsfslfa ab‘
`as a safety measure _M""~*'“""'° MR8.
`(wooI‘s tend
`card. and that live in the soil
`Dkms) 2 :
`Produce lofty fabrics which ~.., air _ E H0
`°"°3" "3
`9 .
`.—. .
`,-, -
`. DI‘ compromising
`| -laud-age \'2inIa'r3i?.h 'tln.( my Inn Um, mm
`ure or maneuver into a difficult ho
`\ rt -3 [
`situation . bring into one 8 power by slratagem ; gN5NAk5 {if
`. MF. fr. entom-er to surround (rt
`n._ L '1" _ + mm mr
`€"|‘0W -'i1‘0|-Ind. fr, en in
`was now too late to ~ and annihilat