`(12) United States Patent
`Larson et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,560,705 B2
`*Oct. 15, 2013
`( * )
`Inventors: Victor Larson, Fairfax, VA (US);
`Robert Dunham Short, III, Leesburg,
`VA (US); Edmond Colby Munger,
`CroWnsville, MD (US); Michael
`Williamson, South Riding, VA (US)
`Assignee: VirnetX, Inc., Zephyr Cove, NV (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis
`Appl. No.: 13/342,795
`Jan. 3, 2012
`Prior Publication Data
`Apr. 26, 2012
`US 2012/0102206 A1
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 13/049,552, ?led on
`Mar. 16, 2011, Which is a continuation of application
`No. 11/840,560, ?led onAug. 17, 2007, noW Pat. No.
`7,921,211, Which is a continuation of application No.
`10/714,849, ?led on Nov. 18, 2003, noW Pat. No.
`7,418,504, Which is a continuation of application No.
`09/558,210, ?led on Apr. 26, 2000, noW abandoned,
`Which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`09/504,783, ?led on Feb. 15, 2000, noW Pat. No.
`6,502,135, Which is a continuation-in-part of
`application No. 09/429,643, ?led on Oct. 29, 1999,
`noW Pat. No. 7,010,604.
`Provisional application No. 60/106,261, ?led on Oct.
`30, 1998, provisional application No. 60/137,704,
`?led on Jun. 7, 1999.
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/16
`US. Cl.
`USPC ........................................................ .. 709/227
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
`USPC ................................................ .. 709/223i227
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`References Cited
`2,895,502 A
`4,677,434 A
`7/1959 Roper et al.
`6/ 1987 Fascenda
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`Primary Examiner * Krisna Lim
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * McDermott Will & Emery
`A client device comprises: (a) a memory, (b) an application
`program, and (c) a signal processing con?guration. The
`memory is con?gured and arranged to facilitate a connection
`of the client device With a target device over a secure com
`munication link created based on (i) an address request gen
`erated by the client device, and (ii) a determination as a result
`of the address request that the target device is a device With
`Which a secure communication link can be established When
`the requested address is identi?ed in an address lookup. The
`application program is con?gured and arranged so as to alloW
`participation in audio/video communications With the target
`device over the secure communication link once the secure
`communication link is established. The signal processing
`con?guration is arranged to execute the application program.
`30 Claims, 40 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1050, p. 1

`US 8,560,705 B2
`Page 2
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1050, p. 2

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`Declaration of Angelos D. Keromytis, Ph.D.
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`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 229A, Understanding OSF DCE 1 . 1 for AIX and OS/Z
`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 230A, Understanding OSF DCE 1 . 1 for AIX and OS/Z
`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '180 Patent.
`Exhibit 231A, Understanding OSF DCE 1.1 for AIX and OS/Z
`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 232A, Understanding OSF DCE 1.1 for AIX and OS/Z
`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 233A, Understanding OSF DCE 1.1 for AIX and OS/Z
`(APPiVX0556531-804) vs. Claims ofthe '759 Patent.
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`Exhibit 256, Schulzrinne vs. Claims of the '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 257, Schulzrinne vs. Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 258, Schulzrinne vs. Claims of the '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 259, Schulzrinne vs. Claims of the '180 Patent.
`Exhibit 260, Schulzrinne vs. Claims of the '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 261, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 262, SSL 3. 0 vs. Claims of the '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 263, Wang vs. Claims of the '135 Patent.
`Wang vs. Claims of the '504 Patent.
`Wang vs. Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 1, Alexander CV.pdf.
`Exhibit 2, Materials Considered by Peter Alexander.
`Exhibit 3, Cross Reference Chart.
`Exhibit 4, RFC 2543 vs. Claims ofthe '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 5, RFC 2543 vs. Claims ofthe '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 6, RFC 2543 vs. Claims ofthe '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 7, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '135
`Exhibit 8, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '5 04
`Exhibit 9, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '21]
`Exhibit 10, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '15]
`Exhibit 11, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '180
`Exhibit 12, The Schulzrinne Presentation vs. Claims of the '759
`Exhibit 13, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 14, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 15, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 16, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 17, SSL 3.0 vs. Claims ofthe '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 18, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 19, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 20, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 21, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 22, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '180 Patent.
`Exhibit 23, Kiuchi vs. Claims of the '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 24, US. Patent No. 6,119,234 (hereinafter “Aziz”) and RFC
`2401 vs. Claims ofthe '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 25, US. Patent No. 6,119,234 (hereinafter “Aziz”) and RFC
`24012 vs. Claims ofthe '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 26, US. Patent No. 6,119,234 (hereinafter “Aziz”) and RFC
`2401 vs. Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 27, US. Patent No. 6,119,234 (hereinafter “Aziz”) and RFC
`2401 vs. Claims ofthe '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 28.
`Exhibit 29, The Altiga System vs. Claims ofthe '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 30, The Altiga System vs. Claims of the '5 04 Patent.
`Exhibit 31, The Altiga System vs. Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 32, The Altiga System vs. Claims of the '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 33, US. Patent No. 6,496,867 (“Beser”) and RFC 2401 vs.
`Claims of the '135 Patent.
`Exhibit 34, US. Patent No. 6,496,867 (“Beser”) and RFC 2401 vs.
`Claims of the '504 Patent.
`Exhibit 35, US. Patent No. 6,496,867 (“Beser”) and RFC 2401 vs.
`Claims of the '21] Patent.
`Exhibit 36, US. Patent No. 6,496,867 (“Beser”) and RFC 2401 vs.
`Claims of the '15] Patent.
`Exhibit 37, US. Patent No. 6,496,867 (“Beser”) and RFC 2401 vs.
`Claims of the '180 Patent.
`Exhibit 38, Kent vs. Claims ofthe '759 Patent.
`Exhibit 39, RFC 2538, Storing Certi?cates in the Domain Name
`System (DNS) vs. Claims of the '504 Patent.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1050, p. 4

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`Page 5
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`Goldschlag, et al., “Hiding Routing Information,” Workshop on
`Information Hiding, Cambridge, UK (May 1996). (Goldschlag II,
`Onion Routing).
`“IPSec Minutes From Montreal”, IPSEC Working Group Meeting
`(Jun. 1996). (IPSec Minutes, FreeS/WAN).
`J. M. Galvin, “Public Key Distribution with Secure DNS,” Proceed
`ings of the Sixth USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, San Jose,
`California, Jul. 1996. (Galvin, DNSSEC).
`J. Gilmore, et al. “Re: Key Management, anyone? (DNS Keying),”
`IPSec Working Group Mailing List Archives (Aug. 1996). (Gilmore
`DNS, FreeS/WAN).
`H. Orman, et al. “Re: ’Re: DNS? was Re: Key Management, any
`one?” IETF IPSec Working Group Mailing List Archive (Aug. 1996
`Sep. 1996). (Orman DNS, FreeS/WAN).
`Arnt Gulbrandsen & PaulVixie, A DNS RR for specifying the location
`ofservices (DNS SRV), IETF RFC 2052 (Oct. 1996). (RFC 2052,
`Freier, et al. “The SSL Protocol Version 3.0,” Transport Layer Secu
`rity Working Group (Nov. 18, 1996). (SSL, Underlying Security
`M. Handley, H. SchulZrinne, E. Schooler, Internet Engineering Task
`Force, Internet Draft, (Dec. 2, 1996). (RFC 2543 Internet Draft 1).
`MG. Reed, et al. “Proxies for Anonymous Routing,” 12th Annual
`Computer Security Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, Dec.
`9-13, 1996. (Reed, Onion Routing).
`Kenneth F. Alden & Edward P. Wobber, T heAlta J/lsta Tunnel .' Using
`theInternet to Extend Corporate Networks, Digital Technical Journal
`(1997) (Alden, AltaVista).
`Automotive Industry Action Group, “ANX Release 1 Document Pub
`lication,” AIAG (1997). (AIAG, ANX).
`Automotive Industry Action Group, “ANX Release 1 Draft Docu
`ment Publication,” AIAG Publications (1997). (AIAG Release,
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1050, p. 5

`US 8,560,705 B2
`Page 6
`References Cited
`Aventail Corp. “Aventail VPN Data Sheet,” available at http://www.
` l99702l20l3043/
`vpndata.html (1997). (Data Sheet, Aventail).
`Aventail Corp., “Directed VPN Vs. Tunnel,” available at http://web.
` 199706200303 1 2/
`directvpnhtml (1997). (Directed VPN, Aventail).
`Aventail Corp., “Managing Corporate Access to the Internet,”
`Aventail AutoSOCKS White Paper available at http://webarchive.
`org/1997062003003 l2/
`ipmw.html (1997). (Corporate Access, Aventail).
`Aventail Corp., “VPN Server V2.0 Administration Guide,” (1997).
`(VPN, Aventail).
`Goldschlag, et al. “Privacy on the Internet,” Naval Research Labo
`ratory, Center for High Assurance Computer Systems (1997).
`(Goldschtag I, Onion Routing).
`Microsoft Corp., Installing Con?guring and Using PPTP with
`Microsoft Clients and Servers (1997). (Using PPTP, Microsoft Prior
`Art VPN Technology).
`Microsoft Corp., IP Security for Microsoft Windows NT Server 5. 0
`(1997) (printed from 1998 PDC DVD-ROM). (IP Security, Microsoft
`Prior Art VPN Technology).
`Microsoft Corp., Microsoft Windows N T Active Directory.‘ An Intro
`duction to the Next Generation Directory Services (1997) (printed
`from 1998 PDC DVD-ROM). (Directory, Microsoft Prior Art VPN
`Microsoft Corp., Routing and Remote Access Service for Windows
`NT Server New Opportunities Today and Looking Ahead (1997)
`(printed from 1998 PDC DVD-ROM). Routing, Microsoft Prior Art
`VPN Technology).
`Microsoft Corp., Understanding Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
`PPTP (1997) (printed from 1998 PDC DVD-ROM). (Understanding
`PPTP, Microsoft Prior Art VPN Technology).
`J. Mark Smith, Protecting a Private Network.‘ The AltaJTlsta
`Firewall, Digital Technical Journal (1997). (Smith, AltaVista).
`Naganand Doraswamy Implementation of Wrtual Private Networks
`(VPNs) with IPSecurity, <draft-ietf-ipsec-vpn-00.tXt> (Mar. 12,
`I997). (Doraswamy).
`M. Handley, H. SchulZrinne, E. Schooler, Internet Engineering Task
`Force, Internet Draft, (Mar. 27, 1997). (RFC 2543 Internet Draft 2).
`Aventail Corp., “Aventail and Cybersafe to Provide Secure Authen
`tication for Internet and Intranet Communication,” Press Release,
`Apr. 3, 1997. (Secure Authentication, Aventail).
`D. Wagner, et al. “Analysis ofthe SSL 3.0 Protocol,” (Apr. 15, 1997).
`(Analysis, Underlying Security Technologies).
`Automotive Industry Action Group, “ANXO Certi?cation Authority
`Service and Directory Service De?nition for ANX Release 1,” AIAG
`Telecommunications Project Team and Bellcore (May 9, I997).
`(AIAG De?nition, ANX).
`Automotive Industry Action Group, “ANXO Certi?cation Process
`and ANX Registration Process De?nition for ANX Release 1,” AIAG
`Telecommunications Project Team and Bellcore (May 9, I997).
`(AIAG Certi?cation, ANX).
`Aventail Corp., “Aventail Announces the First VPN Solution to
`Assure Inter

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