`David Koblas
`Independent Consultant]
`Michelle R. Koblas
`Computer Sciences Corporation
`NASA Ames Research Center
`This paper presents the Socks package, an Internet socket service consisting of client library routines and a
`daemon which interact through a simple protocol to provide convenient and secure network connectivity
`through a firewall host. Client software applications can be easily modified to utilize the Socks library
`routines in place of the normal socket library calls such that all outgoing connections will go through the
`Socks daemon (sockd) running on the firewall host. We will review several methods for setting up secure
`environments and then explain the detailed mechanisms of the Socks package. A current implementation
`will also be briefly discussed along with experiences with it.
`1.0 Introduction
`Security is a major consideration when connecting a network to the Internet. One of the more important
`issues which must be addressed is intruders attempting to gain access to local hosts. A common method for
`preventing these types of intrusions is to install a “firewall”, a single point of attachment to the Internet
`which can be made highly secure. This paper presents the Socks library and daemon package. Using this
`package in conjunction with a network application (such as ftp) allows users convenient access to the
`resources of the Internet through a firewall hosts, while preventing unwanted intrusion. Although there are
`several possibilities for the setup of a firewall, the Socks package presents a simple, vendor-independent and
`unique solution which poses the least inconvenience for local users and maintains the integrity of the
`1.1 Potential Solutions
`This section will briefly review several strategies which can be used to configure an Internet connection to
`prevent unwanted intrusion and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following solutions are
`0 Having two sets of hosts -- secre (isolated) and non-secure (those connected to the Internet).
`1. Developed while employed at MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
`USENIX Association
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 1

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`0 Setting up a firewall host which users have accounts on and allowing traffic to and from this host, but not
`allowing any traffic to pass through it.
`0 Utilizing router filtering such that only certain hosts/ports can connect to the firewall from the external
`0 Setting up a firewall host which uses the Socks package such that users are not required to have accounts
`on this host.
`The most simple and obvious method for providing a completely secure environment is to have two sets of
`hosts: secure and non-secure. Secure hosts have no Internet access and operate only on an isolated network
`within their environment. Non-secure hosts are those which are connected to the Internet and
`communication between these hosts and secure hosts must be done manually (e.g. via tape). This method
`has the disadvantage of being cumbersome and inconvenient to the user. However, since the non-secure
`hosts should not have critical or vital information, security maintenance can be minimal.
`To provide slightly more convenient access to the Internet, another alternative for secure access is to have a
`firewall host which does not allow any traffic to pass through (i.e. it doesn’t route traffic), but will allow both
`incoming and outgoing connections. Users would have accounts on this host and could access the Internet
`only when logged in here. For example, in Figure 1, if a user wanted to transfer a file from host A to host X,
`s/he would first have to transfer the file from A to the firewall host and then log into the firewall and transfer
`the file to host X. This solution is still not optimal in terms of user convenience, but has the advantage that
`security intrusions are limited to a single point of access. Unfortunately, the number of users requiring
`access to this host makes maintaining the security a difficult task.
`FIGURE 1. Firewall Gateway Physical Connectivity
`Removing the firewall host and replacing it with a router which can filter packets based on their source/
`destination host and port addresses can also be used to provide secure access. A reasonable filtering scheme
`is to allow all outbound traffic, but prohibit inbound traffic to low numbered TCP ports (i.e. less than 1O24)2.
`This solution is very convenient for users who can now have Internet services directly available from their
`own workstations, but prohibits unwanted external access. A major problem with this design, however, is
`that if security on the router is compromised, all hosts on the internal network are then wide open to the
`Since none of these solutions appear to be ideal, the Socks package was created to attempt to provide the
`best features of these methods, while keeping security problems and maintenance to a minimum. Socks
`2. Ports less than 1024 are reserved for well-known network services (i.e. finger, ftp, telnet); ports greater
`than this are allocated as needed by the UNIX operating system and this is generally where outbound port
`numbers are obtained.
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p.
`USENIX Association
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 2

`automates the process of having a firewall host which is utilized as a transient point for Internet access,
`making the firewall host a much more convenient security strategy, while still limiting the possibility of
`security intrusions to a single point of direct Internet connectivity. Although Socks does not enhance the
`security of the host it runs on, the simplicity and convenience of the Socks package, along with the lack of
`maintenance required, make it a better mechanism for securing Internet accessibility through a firewall and
`providing a more secure access method to the local network in general.
`2.0 The Socks Package
`From the point of view of a user behind the firewall host (i.e. within the local area network), there is no
`apparent difference between running Socks and the regular client software on a host. All connections at the
`application level will appear to work the same, with the hidden difference that all traffic is passing through
`sockd on the firewall host. This transparency is achieved through the Socks library routines which
`applications use in place of the normal socket library calls.
`2.1 The Socks Library
`The Socks library calls establish connections to sockd on the firewall and transmit information such that the
`daemon may perform the operation as if it was originating the request. Any data the daemon receives from
`the external connection will then be passed on to the original requestor (i.e. to the internal host, everything
`appears as usual, but to the external host, the daemon appears as the originator of the communication).
`The Socks library routines are designed to propagate all network connections to the Socks daemon running
`on the firewall. The functions provided are designated by an “R” preceding the name of the normal C library
`socket calls which they are replacing (e.g. connect0 becomes Rconnect()). See Table 1 for a complete list of
`these functions. The Socks routines take the same parameters as the original functions (with the exception of
`TABLE 1. Socks Library Routines
` 2
` Etincfinnllarameters
`(int socket, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen, struct sockaddr *remote)
`(int socket, int backlog)
`(int socket, st:ruct sockaddr *name, int *namelen)
`(int socket, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen) Raccept
`(int socket, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen)
`Rbind0’s additional parameter is the address of the remote host from which the connection will be
`established such that the daemon can refuse other, possibly hostile, connections.
`2.2 The Socks Protocol
`The protocol used between the Socks library routines and the daemon running on the firewall simply
`consists of two commands:
`CONNECT <ip_address> <po1t number> <usemame>
`BIND <ip_address> <usemame>
`USENIX Association
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 3

`The CONNECT command requests that the daemon establish an outbound connection to the given address
`and port number, while BIND requests an inbound connection expected from the given external address. The
`usemame field is a string passed from the requesting host to sockd, containing the requestor’s usemame for
`the purposes of logging.
`2.3 Sockd
`The Socks daemon (sockd) is started by inetd on a firewall host and accepts connections only from approved
`hosts (as determined through a configuration file, discussed in section 3.1). Applications running on these
`hosts may utilize the Socks library routines, presented in section 2.1, to communicate with the daemon. All
`attempts to establish connections are logged with both usemame and originating host and the daemon
`performs either of the actions requested through the Socks protocol: CONNECT or BIND and operates as a
`transient point for socket connections (see Figure 2 for an example of how a typical writeO to a Socks socket
`would appear).
`FIGURE 2. Sockd as a transient socket server
`Write to socket -A Read from incoming socket
`Write to outbound socket -:5 Read from socket
` Client Application
`CONNECT request are originated by a call to Rconnect0 on the internal host and cause the daemon to
`establish a connection to the remote host and return a success or fail response. At this point, the application
`can then read and write to the socket connection to the firewall and sockd will simply act as a bridge between
`the local and external socket connections. Refer to Figure 3 for an example of how the CONNECT request
`93 Internal H951;
`Rconnecto request ———> Validate connecting host
`Connect to remote host —-——> Establish connection
`Return success or failure
`Application continues ‘/
`BIND requests are slightly more complicated, but follow the same principle idea. Figure 4 shows an
`example of this process. The sequence of events begins when RbindO connects to sockd which binds a new
`socket connection to a free port on the firewall. If successful, sockd returns the firewall port to which this
`connection was bound. The daemon then assumes that a bind command will be followed by 1isten0 and
`accept0 and performs these actions. The client can then call Rlisteno, a stub routine which always returns
`Petitioner A le Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 4
`USENIX Association
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 4

`successfully. The next caH, to Raccept0, waits for a second packet from the daemon, containing the remote
`host address and port from which a connection was established. This second packet can also return a failure
`which might be caused by either a resource failure or a connection received from a ditferent host than
`specified in the BIND request. Now the connection is in a state such that all reads and writes to the socket
`will pass through the firewall between the internal and remote hosts.
`FIGURE 4. BIND Request
`Client Application
`Rbind() request —j._p Validate connecting host
`Bind to a local port on the firewall
`Return local port binding
`Listen on the bound port
`Handle bind information
`Connect to firewall
`R1isten() on the port
`Accept connection 4/
`Rlisten returns
`Validate the remote host
`Raccept0 my Return the remote address & port
`APD1ication continues 4/
`3.0 Implementation
`The Socks package has been implemented at MIPS Computer Systems, Inc., where there is a single host
`which connects to the Internet. Client applications which have been modified to work with the Socks library
`include ftp, telnet, finger, and whois. These applications have been renamed rftp, rtelnet, rfinger, and rwhois,
`respectively. This section will look at the issues involved in setting up the Socks package.
`3.1 Configuration File Format
`The configuration file is located on the firewall host and is used by sockd when determining whether to
`accept or deny requests. The file is parsed from beginning to end, with the first fully matching line returning
`the accessibility. The syntax of the lines in this file is as follows:
`{permit I deny] <source-host> <mask> [<dest-host> <mask> [<operator> <port>]]
`Lines begin with either “permit” or “deny” following which are either 2, 4, or 6 fields, containing host
`address and mask pairs for source and destination, as well as a boolean operator and a service port. The host
`address and mask pairs are based on the syntax used by Cisco, Inc. routers and may appear backwards to
`I ll
`USENIX Association
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 5
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 5

`those accustomed to dealing with ifconfig netmasks. The algorithm is such that the incoming host address is
`ANDed with the binary NOT of the mask to determine if the address matches that in the file:
`<requesting address> AND (NOT <config mask>) = <config address> ?
`Host addresses and services may be specified either by name or number and the boolean operators allowed
`are neq, eq,
`lt, gt, 1e, and ge. Access is denied to all addresses which do not match anything in the
`configuration file. Figure 5 shows an example of how the lines in a configuration file might appear.
`FIGURE 5. A Sample Configuration File
`# #
`# d
`# #
`# p
`Deny all host to every host whois service
`eny eq whois
` only use finger service to
` eq finger
`Allow all hosts on the 130.62 network access to the world
`# #
`permit l30.62.0.0
`# #
`Deny all hosts which do not match anything in this file
`# (i.e. All hosts coming in from the Internet)
`3.2 Logging
`The Socks daemon records information via the UNIX syslog interface and there are three classes of
`messages which are logged:
`0 Access Denied
`0 Successful Connection
`0 Resource failure, (e.g. Out of File Descriptors, No More Processes)
`The first two of these messages are the most interesting. The “Access Denied” and “Successful Connection”
`log entries designate where the request originated, including both host and usemame information, as well as
`the type of request (CONNECT or BIND). Information is recorded whenever a request is made of the
`While logging successful BIND requests at first might appear to be useful, the more useful messages are
`those generated by CONNECT requests. The problem with BINDs is that since every BIND or CONNECT
`request creates a new daemon process, it is difficult to correlate an ftp interaction, which is what the BIND
`request is primarily designed to handle.
`3.3 Problems with the Present Implementation
`There have been no serious problems discovered in the current implementation of Socks running at MIPS
`Computer Systems, Inc. in the more than three years it has been in place, however there are some minor
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 6
`USENIX Association
`.. ..
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 6

`inconveniences which must be addressed: setting up the system and teaching users to use the Socks library
`for Internet access, and performance through the firewall host.
`Setting up the Socks package is fairly simple. One configures the access file and puts the daemon in place.
`The more time-consuming task is modifying the client applications. This is a tedious task and it poses
`problems for users wishing to use the Internet access, since they also have to be fluent in the Socks package
`to change things. Thus, many cool tools are left by the wayside (archie, X Windows software), while their
`systems administrators are busy doing other things.
`Performance could potentially be another problem with the Socks package arrangement, though in the years
`of using Socks at MIPS, no serious performance problems were ever noticed or mentioned. Had the
`connection been from a 10Mb/s network to 10Mb/s rather than a 10Mb/s to 1.4Mb/s network it might have
`been possible to notice that the intermediate gateway host provided for some lag. But since all that the
`daemon does after establishing the connection is read and write data in a tight loop, performance is more
`dependent on the speed of the network interfaces than the daemon overhead. Additionally, not allowing
`users accounts on the firewall host greatly increases the amount of processing power the host has for simply
`dealing with the data flow.
`4.0 Conclusion
`Although most methods of providing a secure environment require the user to make significant changes to
`his/her work habits, the Socks package can easily be built into familiar applications with no noticeable
`difference to the user. The simple configuration of the Socks daemon requires little or no maintenance and
`keeps users from being forced to log into the firewall host in order to utilize the available Internet resources.
`Although the Socks daemon does not enhance the security of the host is runs on, having a firewall host limits
`Internet accessibility to a single point and Socks makes this security strategy much more convenient to use.
`Thus, Socks provides a unique and useful solution to the problem of allowing users access to the resources
`of the Internet while maintaining the network integrity provided by a firewall.
`[1] Cheswick, Bill, The Design of a Secure Internet Gateway, USENIX proceedings.
`[2] Ranum, Marcus J., A Network Firewall, Digital Equipment Corporation.
`USENIX Association
`UNIX Security Symposium
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 7
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1030, p. 7

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