United States Patent [191
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`May 27, 1997
`9/1993 Erbes et a1. ............................. .. 380/50
`8/1995 Chang ....................................... .. 380/3
`[ 6]
`.412P'kf dDri .
`In t:
`V6“ or ‘121mm oligqpcfrcanadalc or
`Primary Examiner—-Salvatore Cangialosi
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Pascal & Associates
`[21] Appl. No.: 670,438
`[22] Filedi
`Jllnc 26, 1996
`Related Us‘ Appllcatlon Data
`[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 164,961, Dec. 9, 1993, abandoned.
`[51] Int, cl.6 ...................................................... .. H04L 9/00
`[52] us CL
`F 1
`f s ch ............................... .. 380/3, 4. 25. 50
`[58] m d 0 ear
`References Cited
`6/1990 Cummins
`4/1991 Cummins ................................ .. 380/25
`The present invention relates to a data encryption and/0r
`decryption system comprised of apparatus for storing
`encryption and/or decryption keys, an encryption and or
`decryption processor for receiving data signals, for receiving
`the key or keys from the storing apparatus_ and for encrypt_
`ing or dccrypting thc data signals in accordance with the key
`or keys, an output data bus for receiving the encrypted or
`ted si nals fromthe ocessor a
`atus for In in
`~ PPaI
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`the system into a read-only memory (ROM) socket of a
`computer for access to a source of the data signals and t0 the
`output data bus, whereby the data signals are received, and
`encrypted data signals are passed through the ROM socket.
`9 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 1

`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 1 0f 2
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 2

`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 2
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 3

`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/ 164.961
`?led Dec. 9. 1993 now abandoned
`The invention relates to a system for encrypting and
`decrypting data traf?c to be passed along a Local Area
`Network (LAN) using a standard Personal Computer (PC)
`LAN adapter.
`To connect to a LAN. a computer such as a personal
`computer has a LAN adapter subsystem connected to
`(plugged into) its main address and data buses which are
`accessible by the main processor of the computer. In order
`to provide means for a computer without disk drive storage
`to boot up (be controlled by a bootstrap program in order to
`retrieve its operating system from the LAN and become
`Local Area Networks are used to connect computers in
`such a way that they can communicate with each other at
`very high speeds. e.g. of the order of 10 Mbps. In larger user
`organizations these computers are connected to backbone
`networks so that di?erent department LAN s can communi
`cate and ?nally the backbone network may have a bridge to
`a Wide Area Network (WAN) in order to communicate to the
`outside world. As computers become more powerful LAN ’s
`and WAN s allow organizations to distribute the power and
`still maintain connectivity.
`Many user organizations have a need to keep certain types
`of data secure. ‘This may range from a small company which
`has a responsibility to protect its employee’s con?dential
`data. to companies working on defense related contracts, to
`the government security and diplomatic services. More and
`more of this data is being placed on computers.
`Data encryption devices secure sensitive information
`while it is electronically transmitted. stored. or otherwise
`processed. Encryption systems which include both hardware
`devices and software programs employ a mathematical
`algorithm to scramble plain text. rendering it unintelligible
`until it is unscrambled through the use of a special digital
`key. The security of the system is a direct function of the
`possession of the key.
`Many hardware-based encryptors are simple
`microprocessor-based systems that electronically encode
`data at the sending end and decode data at a receiving end.
`Several eifective software programs run as applications
`programs on a user’s computer system.
`Hardware encryption devices provide certain advantages
`over application software. For example. the installation of
`encryption hardware has a minimal effect on the user’s
`existing computer system. Also. an encryption process
`employing hardware is virtually immune to unauthorized.
`undetected alteration. Software. on the other hand. is sus
`ceptible to programmer modi?cation.
`There are two categories of means for providing data
`security on LAN s connected to personal computers: the ?rst
`category is comprised of sofuvare-only programs which are
`inexpensive but which have been found to be somewhat
`ineffective. and the second category of hardware/software
`combinations that o?°er adequate security but are expensive
`due to the addition of a circuit board.
`operational), LAN adapters are typically provided with a
`read-only memory (ROM) socket into which the bootstrap
`ROM may be plugged. The ROM socket is typically con
`nected to a LAN adapter, and has its pin signals accessible
`to the main system processor. Communication paths to the
`ROM socket are typically non-standard. and are arranged
`with only reading a ROM in mind. Consequently, interface
`circuits to the ROM, and the conductive paths to the ROM
`have been made specialized for reading. and not writing
`It has been found that the bootstrap ROM socket on the
`LAN is virtually never used. personal computer users pre
`ferring to bootstrap their computers using bootstrap ROMS
`in their own computers to retrieve the operating system from
`resident disk drives. The present invention utilizes the empty
`ROM socket on LAN adapters (such as those connectable to
`IBM PC compatible computers) and can provide line rate,
`standard data encryption and secure. non-volatile key stor
`age. A hybrid module embodying the present invention is a
`pin-for-pin multi-chip hybrid module replacement for a
`conventional ROM. Yet the present invention provides for
`both writing and reading. in order to encrypt data. store keys,
`and read the keys, and thus allowing the hybrid module to
`oil’er the advantages of the hardware solution at the price of
`the software-only solution.
`The present invention security module referred to herein
`as LanDES (local area network data encryption security) can
`provide line rate standard data encryption to all personal
`computer LAN s without degradation of performance and in
`a manner which is completely transparent to the user. The
`user need not buy an expensive board to retro?t a computer.
`The module in volume could be produced at such a low cost
`that it could be shipped with LAN adapters as a low cost
`option. The user can protect its LAN tra?ic for tens of
`dollars instead of hundreds of dollars per client.
`As noted above. the LanDES module plugs into the empty
`ROM socket on typically an IBM PC. PS/2 compatible LAN
`adapters and provides line rate. standard data encryption and
`secure, non-volatile key storage. The LanDES module is a
`pin-for-pin multi-chip hybrid module replacement for a
`conventional ROM. Unlike a conventional ROM, the Lan
`DES module allows data to be written to the device. A
`commercial LanDES module may provide encryption at a
`sustained 32 Mbit/sec throughput. and it may provide from
`128 bytes to 8 Kbytes of secure, non-volatile storage
`depending on the memory device selection.
`In order to present easy access to key information and
`further enhance the security of the system. the keys may be
`super encrypted with an unique master key. This master key
`is stored in serial EEROM in each LanDES module.
`In order to be fully compatible with the major LAN
`operating systems and transparent to the network. a main
`computer device driver of conventional form accesses the
`present invention, as will be described in more detail below.
`The device driver will embody typical data security appli
`cations and may include key management. line encryption.
`audit trailing, message and user authentication. access
`control, user groups and password aging.
`In accordance with an embodiment of the present
`invention. a data encryption and/or decryption system is
`comprised of apparatus for storing encryption and decryp
`tion keys. an encryption and/or decryption processor for
`receiving data signals. for receiving the key or keys from the
`storing means. and for encrypting or decrypting the data
`signals in accordance with the key or keys. an output data
`bus for receiving the encrypted or decrypted signals from the
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 4

`data encryption processor, apparatus for plugging the system
`into a read-only memory (ROM) socket of a computer for
`access to a source of the data signals and to the output data
`bus. whereby the data signals are received. and encrypted
`data signals are passed through the ROM socket.
`In accordance with another embodiment. the source of
`data signals is a ROM socket address bus accessible by the
`computer microprocessor and the encrypted data signals are
`applied to the data bus. the output data bus being accessible
`to a computer microprocessor.
`In accordance with another embodiment. the system
`includes a local area network (LAN) adapter system for
`connection to the computer which contains the ROM socket.
`the ROM socket being a socket. designated for a boot ROM
`for the computer. in the LAN adapter system for booting the
`computer from the boot ROM of the LAN adapter.
`In accordance with another embodiment. the system
`includes an electrically erasable read only memory
`(EEROM) for storing a master key. and apparatus for
`securely loading or modifying the master key in EEROM
`and for reading the master key from EEROM into the
`encryption engine.
`EEROM may be used independently. it can contain a boot
`strap program which can be used to allow the computer to
`boot up from the LAN.
`The data encryption engine can support the Cipher-Block~
`Chaining (CBC) and other modes of encryption such as BBC
`and CFB modes of data encryption.
`The EEROM controller 12 allows reading of the EEROM
`during normal operation. When a protection window is open
`and a password has been matched or when password pro
`tection is disabled. the EEROM 12 controller allows the
`modi?cation of the EEROM’s contents. read-protection of
`selectable portions of the EEROM and modi?cation of the
`password. The EEROM may be used for computer bootcode
`and/or secure key storage.
`In operation. the invention can be used in any of three
`In the ?rst mode. data is passed under control of micro
`processor 3 to the LAN adapter. which applies the data to the
`data security device 10 via ROM socket 9. which applies the
`EEROM data to data bus 1. also via ROM socket 9.
`In second mode. the data to be applied to the LAN is
`pre?xed with a predetermined sequence. The encryption
`controller. having stored an encryption code in a manner as
`will be described below. detects the sequence on the address
`bus 2. and instead of passing the data out to the data bus.
`applies the stored encryption keys to the data using an
`encryption algorithm. resulting in encryption of the data.
`The encrypted data is output on the data bus 1 for application
`to the LAN8 by the LAN adapter 7.
`In a third mode. the data to be applied to the LAN is
`pre?xed with a different predetermined sequence. The
`encryption controller 11, detecting this diiferent predeter
`mined sequence. enables storage of subsequent data in the
`EEROM. The subsequent data can be for example a master
`key which is used for encryption of data received on the
`address bus. That key can then be used to encrypt subsequent
`data received on the address bus that is pre?xed with another
`predetermined sequence.
`The third mode of operation is the most secure. since the
`key or keys stored in the EEROM can only be changed by
`persons who know the aforenoted different predetermined
`sequence. The second mode of operation may be less secure.
`since the predetermined sequence used may be obtained
`from the driving program used by the microprocessor 3. and
`thus can be changed at will by the user.
`Either of the second and third modes may be used to
`encrypt data automatically for all data that arrives on the
`address bus. only if that data that is pre?xed by a special
`pre?x that places the encryption controller into an encryp
`tion mode.
`FIG. 2 is more detailed block diagram of the invention.
`AROM interface circuit 21 samples the read enable (CE)
`and output enable (OE) strobe signals generated by proces
`sor 3 and carried of buses 1 and 2. to determine if a single
`valid ROM read access command has occurred. The ROM
`interface interprets multiple and false strobe edges and
`strobe to address/data setup and hold violations to produce
`a single access strobe of ?xed duration. which is applied to
`register access controller 23. Address bus 2A. which is
`derived from address bus 2. is connected via ROM socket 9
`to register address controller 23. Register access controller
`23 may be a microprocessor.
`Register access controller 23 preferably has two distinct
`modes of operation. which may be termed as window-closed
`mode and window-open mode. The “window” is a write
`A better understanding of the invention will be obtained
`by reading the description of the invention below. with
`reference to the following drawings. in which:
`FIG. 1 is a general block diagram of the invention. and
`FIG. 2 is a more detailed block diagram of the invention.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a portion of personal computer. com
`prised of a data bus 1, an address bus 2. a microprocessor 3
`which is connected to the buses. a random access memory
`(RAM) 4. connected to the buses. and a bootstrap ROM 5
`also connected to the buses. both memories being accessible
`to the microprocessor via the buses. The remaining parts of
`the computer are not shown. in order not to clutter the
`drawing with elements that are not essential to an explana
`tion of the present invention.
`In order to connect the computer to a LAN. a LAN adapter
`7. typically formed of a circuit on a printed circuit board. is
`connected (plugged into) the buses. for access by the com
`puter microprocessor. and is also connectable to a LAN 8.
`The LAN adapter has a ROM socket 9 mounted on it. into
`which another bootstrap ROM is expected to be plugged in.
`As noted above. this is virtually never used. for the reason
`that the computer can be booted up by using a bootstrap
`program stored in ROM 5. Thus while the buses 1 and 2 are
`accessible by the LAN adapter. extensions of those buses to
`ROM socket 9 are typically passed through an internal
`non-standard interface which has the expectation only of
`being able to read from. and not write to. a ROM plugged
`into ROM socket 9.
`In accordance with the present invention. a data security
`device 10 (LanDES) which is a pin-for-pin hybrid replace
`ment for a conventional ROM device is plugged into ROM
`socket 9. However unlike a conventional ROM the LanDES
`allows for the device to be Written to. The device 10 has an
`integrated data encryption engine 11 and a secure EEROM
`read/write access controller 12. The data encryption engine
`11 and the EEROM controller 12 are independent and may
`be used independently. an EEROM 13 optionally may
`accompany the controller on the LanDES hybrid. Since the
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 5

`protection mechanism which, when open. enables access to
`data encryption and EEROM controllers; and when closed
`allows normal read accesses of the contents of an accom
`panying EEROM 13.
`Operations pertaining to password protection. EEROM
`modi?cation and EEROM read protection are further pro
`tected by a password matching mechanism. The window
`protection mechanism protects against inadvertent opera
`tions whereas the password protects against malicious
`Data register 24 also has an input connected to address
`bus 2A. and an output connected to the data input of
`EEROM 13.
`While the window is closed. EEROM reads are passed
`directly to the accompanying EEROM via the EEROM read
`controller 42. The EEROM 13 data is output directly on data
`bus 1A. unencrypted.
`During this mode the data arriving on the address bus can
`address an encryption/decryption key register 26. The
`immediately following data can then be an encryption key.
`which is stored in register 26. The register access controller
`23. recognizing the address, enables encryption controller
`28. which enables encryption unit 30. Subsequent data
`received on address bus 2A passes into an input data register
`32. which passes the data into encryption unit 30. Encryp
`tion unit 30. receiving the data from data register 30 and
`encryption keys from register 26. encrypts the received data
`in accordance with the keys and outputs the encrypted data
`into an output data register 34 from where it is output to
`EEROM 1A. and then to data bus 1A.
`Initialization vector registers 36 are provided for use in
`the encryption process. The output of output data register 34
`is also connected to an initial vectors register 36. to allow the
`loading of encrypted initialization vectors The input of the
`initial vectors register is connected to the address bus 2A in
`order to obtain initial vectors data from processor 3. as
`provided by the driving program processed by processor 3.
`It should be recognized that in another embodiment. the
`data registers 24 and 34 can be connected also to bus 1A. in
`order to apply their output data signals directly to that bus
`without being passed ?rst into EEROM 13. In that case
`register access controller 23 should provide an inhibiting
`signal to data register 24 when data is to be encrypted via
`encryption unit 30. in order to avoid collisions between
`encrypted and unencrypted data being simultaneously
`applied to the output bus 1A.
`Because the keys stored in register 26 are received from
`the address bus 2A. they are clearly less secure than a key,
`such as a master key. that may only be changed after
`password security checks are made. Another embodiment of
`the invention provides this highly secure mode of operation.
`as will be described below.
`During this mode of operation the register access con
`troller 23 monitors all ROM socket read access commands
`for a speci?c sequence of 32 read bits which will open the
`window. The sequence can be thought of as a 32-bit word
`written to the controller serially using the CEin and OEin
`inputs as a data strobe for latching the state of a speci?c
`address line (which acts as a data input) while the combi
`nation of the other address lines qualify the operation. If the
`wrong sequence is received. or if the controller is accessed
`at addresses other than those which strobe the data then the
`window opening sequence is aborted and must be restarted.
`Opening of the register access controller’s 23 window
`allows access to the controller’s various control. status and
`data registers for controlling of the modi?cation of stored
`data in the EEROM and of keys used by the data encryption
`The encryption engine’s 13 and the EEROM controller’s
`12 internal registers are preferably written and read eight
`bits at a time, while the window is open, using only read
`operations to speci?c controller addresses. In a successful
`model of the invention, register write operations used the
`lower eight address lines (A9-2) as data inputs (refer to table
`3). Data was read via the data lines. Since the address lines
`are used for writing of data and the data lines are used for
`the reading of data. the controller’s registers may be written
`and read simultaneously thus allowing the pipelining of
`encryption data. and high speed operation of the invention.
`In a successful model of the invention and in accordance
`with a preferred embodiment of the invention, address line
`A10 quali?ed the cycle as being a read or write access (1 or
`0 respectively). Address line All indicated whether a
`pointer register or the current register is accessed (1 or 0
`respectively). Address line A12 quali?ed the operation if set
`to zero. otherwise the operation was not performed and the
`window closed.
`Registers are preferably read or written in a two access
`fashion. A pointer register is ?rst written (A11 high) to
`indicate which register will be subsequently accessed via the
`current register address (All low). The current register may
`be accessed multiple times between changing of the Pointer
`Registers pertaining to password protection, EEROM
`modi?cation and read protection are protected against modi
`?cation by a password access control mechanism as
`described below. A pas sword register and comparator 38 has
`its output connected to an input of register access controller
`23. and inputs connected to address bus 2A and to the output
`of a master key register 40. Master key register 40 has its
`input connected to the output of a serial EEROM controller
`42. which has an input connected to the address bus 2A, an
`input connected to controller 23. an output connected to the
`SCL input of EEROM 13, and a bidirectional link connected
`to the SDA port of EEROM 13.
`A password protection mechanism prevents modi?cation
`of EEROM data. EEROM read protection and password
`data. On power-up, password protection is disabled and the
`password registers are not initialized In a typical personal
`computer environment, the EEROM code resident in the
`LanDES is executed before user programs. thus allowing the
`EEROM code to load the password out of the EEROM and
`enable subsequent password protection.
`The password register and comparator 38 compares a user
`entered password to a stored password.
`The serial EEROM read/write controller 42 controls the
`accessing of the serial EEROM 13. It provides limited
`access to particular regions of the EEROM thus allowing for
`secure master key storage. It controls the secure transfer of
`master key data from the EEROM to the master key register
`40. It only allows the stored master key to be modi?ed if a
`valve based on the master key. encrypted using the master
`key. has been loaded into the password register 38 and
`matched. The master key is never accessible by the com
`puter nor need it be stored on the computer.
`A parallel EEROM read controller 44 has an input con
`nected to address bus 2A. and an enable input connected to
`an enable output of controller 23. and an output connected
`to a RDout input of EEROM l3. Controller 44 passes read
`access control data signals through from address bus 2A to
`EEROM 13 during normal access requests.
`If read protection is enabled, then this controller 44
`prevents the reading of user selectable EEROM address
`contents during normal EEROM accesses. This allows pro
`tection of key and password data regions within the
`A parallel EEROM write controller 46 has its input
`connected to address bus 2A, an enable input connected to
`an enable output of controller 23. and an output connected
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 6

`to theWRout input of EEROM 13. The controller 46 allows
`for the modi?cation of the EEROM’s contents once the
`access protection window is open and the password has been
`matched or disabled. The EEROM’s contents are Written by
`loading the new desired EEROM data value from address
`bus 2A into the EEROM data register 24. and issuing a
`EEROM write command from the driver program stored in
`memory 4. by means of processor 3. to the write controller’s
`command register. A subsequent read from the EEROM 13
`address that is to be changed will cause the controller 46 to
`output the new data value to the EEROM while asserting the
`EEROM’s write strobe to input WRout.
`The EEROM data register 24 is a temporary register for
`new EEROM data values. for this mode of operation. It
`facilitates the modi?cation of the EEROM’s contents as
`described above.
`The data encryption/decryption controller 28 controls the
`?ow of data through the encryption unit 30. It enables the
`mode of encryption based on user selection via the driver
`program and provides status of the encryption unit back to
`the user.
`The data encryption/decryption unit 30 may be any form
`of data encryption engine. The initialization vector registers
`36 provide for feedback forms of encryption. The
`encryption/decryption key registers 26 and 40 store keys for
`use by the encryption unit for encryption and decryption of
`The input register 32 to the encryption unit allows tem
`porary storage of data to be encrypted or decrypted and thus
`providing for the pipelining of encryption/decryption. The
`output register 34 from the encryption unit allowing tem
`porary storage of data that has been encrypted or decrypted
`and thus providing for the pipelining of encryption/
`decryption. The master key register 40 is loaded securely
`from the serial EEROM 13 under the control of the serial
`EEROM controller 42. The master key provides for the
`secure loading of master key encrypted encryption and
`decryption keys and initialization vectors.
`In a successful model of the invention. the Data Encryp
`tion Standard (DES) algorithm was used for encryption!
`decryption of data. but any encryption algorithm may be
`used. Also. in a successful model of the invention, an
`EEROM memory device was used for key and/or program
`storage. but any non-volatile storage device may be used (for
`example. FLASH memory devices or battery backed
`It will be understood that the function of encrypting and
`the function of decrypting are reciprocal. Therefore the
`description above which is directed to an embodiment for
`encrypting is intended to be equally directed to decrypting.
`A person understanding this invention may now conceive
`of alternative structures and embodiments or variations of
`the above. All of those which fall within the scope of the
`claims appended hereto are considered to be part of the
`present invention.
`I claim:
`1. A data encryption and/or decryption system compris
`(a) means for storing encryption and/or decryption keys.
`(b) an encryption and/or decryption processor for receiv
`ing data signals. for receiving said key or keys from the
`storing means, and for encrypting or decrypting the
`data signals in accordance with said key or keys.
`(0) an output data bus for receiving the encrypted or
`decrypted signals from said processor,
`(d) means for plugging said system into a read-only
`memory (ROM) socket of a computer for access to a
`source of said data signals and to said output data bus.
`(e) said source of data signals being a ROM socket
`address bus accessible by a computer micro-processor.
`and said encrypted data signals being applied to said
`data bus. said output data bus being accessible to the
`computer microprocessor,
`(f) a local area network (LAN) adapter system for con
`nection to the computer containing said ROM socket.
`said ROM socket being a socket. designated for a boot
`ROM for the computer. in said LAN adapter system for
`booting the computer from the boot ROM of said LAN
`whereby said data signals are received. and encrypted data
`signals are passed through said ROM socket.
`2. A system as de?ned in claim 1 including an electrically
`erasable read only memory (EEROM) for storing a master
`key. and means for securely loading or modifying the master
`key in the EEROM and for reading the master key from the
`EEROM into the storing means.
`3. A system as de?ned in claim 2 including means for
`detecting a ?rst predetermined data sequence on said address
`bus and for enabling storage of a master key or of a
`replacement master key in the EEROM in case of detection
`of said ?rst data sequence.
`4. A system as de?ned in claim 3 including means for
`detecting a second predetermined sequence on said address
`bus and for enabling encryption of received data signals
`appearing on the address bus in case of detection of said
`second data sequence.
`5. A system as de?ned in claim 1 including means for
`receiving an encryption key from the address bus and for
`encrypting received data signals subsequently appearing on
`the address bus in accordance with the encryption key.
`6. A system as de?ned in claim 5 including means for
`detecting a particular predetermined sequence on said
`address bus and for enabling encryption of said received
`data signals only after said particular predetermined
`sequence has been detected.
`7. A system as de?ned in claim 5 including an electrically
`erasable read only memory (EEROM) for storing a master
`key, and means for reading said EEROM for transmission of
`the master key to said storing means.
`8. A system as de?ned in claim 7 including means for
`detecting a ?rst predetermined data sequence on said address
`bus and for enabling storage of a master key or of a
`replacement master key in the EEROM in case of detection
`of said ?rst data sequence.
`9. A system as de?ned in claim 8 including means for
`detecting a second predetermined sequence on said address
`bus and for enabling encryption of received data signals
`appearing on the address bus in case of detection of said
`second data sequence.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1021, p. 7

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