`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent 7,202,843 - EXHIBIT 1011_Page 1


`2001 SID International Symposium
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`AbstractinglS éergnittedr:With é’reditEtothesoarc‘e'.’ILib?‘arie$,are,permittea' to
`,fuhomccipy beyondthe limitéo}:U3‘. copflyrtglitlavg’l’orprivateuse ofpatrons
`those articlesin this volumethat carry a code at the bottom ofth';first page,
`provided the per—copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the
`Copyright Clearance Center, 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970.
`Instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial
`classroom use withoutfee For other copying, reprint or republication per-
`mission, write o.SIDJ-Ieadquat;tet;s, 610..South 2nd St., San Jose, CA 95112
`All rights res tease?)flight@200)"byWociéWWInformation Display.
`www.33mmzé K k" 1‘3
`“MW ..1——b.—
`O?ICI mm”, u ‘10:
`3 {I
`Volume XXXII
`ISSN 0001-966X
`Library of Congress Card No. 75-642555
`Editor: Jay Morreale
`Palisades Convention Management, Inc.
`\ W x)“
`I)“°>““O\ ‘n. .‘r‘a ‘ 14.1.; h}
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`Page 2
`Page 2


`Paul Drzaic
`Frank LibSCh
`The Society for Information Display exists to promote the technical development of electronic displays. This
`mission drives the activities of the Society: technical meetings and publications, education, and demonstrations
`of current technology. The’ yearly International Symposium is the showcase of the Society, bringing together all
`of these functions into a short, intense week of activity. The 2001 International Symposium in San Jose, California,
`promises to continue this trend.
`r a
`The Symposium is divided into several sections that underscore the missions of the Society. Short courses
`nd seminars serve as both an educational forum for those wishing to learn about new areas of displays (or
`displays in general). The Technical Symposium provides a look at the new directions that displays are headed.
`The Exhibition and Display Technology Showcase show off the best of today’s commercial devices. As importantly,
`the gathering of so many people, along with numerous social events, provides the networking and informal
`exchange of information that drives much of the industry. ‘
`The Keynote addresses consider the perspectives of both manufacturers and users of displays. Yoshita
`Tsunoda of Hitachi-Fujitsu will describe the introduction of plasma-display panels as a way of enabling the
`introduction of high-definition television into the consumer marketplace. The interplay of market needs, technology
`capability, and business strategy of a major flat-panel-display manufacturer makes for an interesting story. Claude
`Leglise of
`in contrast, will describe the needs for electronic displays in reaching consumers through
`computers and through the Internet. Companies like Intel enable the processing and dissemination of information,
`but electronic displays‘are necessary in providing “the last yard" to get that information to users. On a lighter note,
`at the SID Luncheon! Dr. Christopher Tyler of the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute will present a lecture
`on the historical development of perspective display in art, rules put in place for representing a three-dimensional
`world on a flat (albeit non-electronic) panel.
`A record number of papers were submitted for presentation at the Technical Symposium. The,SlD strives to
`keep quality high throrJgh an intensive review process of these papers, with only the best being accepted for
`presentation. Thumb through these papers; the vitality and inventiveness of electronic-display technology (as well
`as a sense of where this technology is headed) is reflected in these pages.
`Numerous opportunities for casual conversation, networking, and the occasional argument are provided at
`the Symposium. The author interview sessions and poster session provide opportunities for one-on-one discus-
`sions with the authors of the papers at the symposium. The exhibition offers the opportunity to connect with the
`top companies in the electronic-display arena. The Evening Panel sessions are designed to stir up Some
`controversy, and give some thought to the important topics of competitive routes towards low-cost flat-panel
`displays and to the issue of military needs for specialty displays in 'a mass-production-driven industry. Finally,
`Casino Nightat the Banker’s Club will expose the bit of the gambler present in all who work in the electronic-display
`This symposium could not have been accomplished without the hard work of the 150+ members of the various
`SID organizing committees. They deserve special praise for pulling this Symposium together.
`Paul Drzaic
`General Chair

`Frank Libsch
`Program Chair
`Tue 2 It arcs
`Page 3
`Page 3


`Table ofiContents'
`1 -
`-_ ‘
`B 2
`...... 1
`' n-
`Presiding..................with}.......z". ...........iIn...
`Arie Silzars President, Society for Information
`SID Honors andAwards Presentations..........................................i
`Andras I Lakatos Chair, SID Honors and Awards Committee
`Weicoming Remarks.............................................................A.............. 1
`Paul s. Drzaic SID '01 Geherai Chair
`Frank Libsch SID '01 Technioai Pi'ograrn Chair
`i n
`Chlalrggfitl SKDIzaIc E—ink,,gafnbridgewm.
`3":e 21st a“(taggevicefor
`e PIQ'W onderland
`Yoshito'i‘eunoda Fujitsu HitachiPiasmaDisplay, LTD'
`"Akasiii, Japan
`It's All About the Eyeballs-..
`Claude Legllse NewBuéiriessGroupand GMHome"
`Products iniei Corp. Sarita Ciara, CA
`Chair: M. Wand Display Tech
`Co-Chair: M.‘ Schadt ROLiC
`invited Paper: Advances In Materials for Liquid Crystal
`R. Shashidhar Nave
`PolymerNe‘tfirork—Siabilizéti‘monostabte FLCDs Using
`Cholesterio-Chir'al Smé'ctic 6' Phase Transition Material"
`S‘.-W'-'Ch0i. S.-S Choi H--H Shims--5 KWOI'I'
`LG.Phiiips LCD, inc.
`Novel Fiexible Display using Ferroeiectrlc Liquid-
`Crystalline‘Poiyd'ferand Plastic Elir‘rLSuberates'.........:E‘..............12
`H. Kuma, T. Iwakuma. F MorIIwaki,M Fquuda,
`T. Sekiya idemitsu Kgsan 00., Lid.
`M. Arakl. Y. .Salto, M. Gomyo T. Mite FujiXerox Co" Ltd.
`Polymer—Stabilized FLCDs Exhibiting V- and Half-V E0
`acharacteristics... ......d..,.._...
`S. Kobayashl science of UniversiiyofIToityoin, Yamaguciri
`Chair: R. Smith-Gillespie Rosen Products LLC~
`Co-ChairthLgnonofriaOispieyDevice Consuitants. -
`invited Paper: History and Status of Organic Light Emitting
`Device (0 LED) TechnologyItor Vehicula; Applications
`J. K. Mahon Universe!Dispiay Corporation
`Automotive LCD'Backlighting issues anti Solfitions......£‘....
`P. Welndorf, G. Milne, DIAnderson Visteorr Corp.
`LCD Projection Image Source for Head-Up'Dlsplay....I................ 30
`R. D. Brown, D. I-n‘MBdro. M. R. Greer RocR'IrveiiCoiiifis
`Fiight Dynamrcs
`GIBSS COCRDIUOI"mail-2 ....
`'-- J- E“I'i'ec‘d- 5- '- Bem‘t
`.. 16
`Chair: R. Stewart Aiien Technoiogy
`Cop-Chair; K. Schteupen iBM I.J.,W§tson Reseerohlpenter
`invited Pane“ Ali-POWBFTHIQ Film Transition I
`Fabficatedby High-Rasolutfigdnit-Jet Printing ............................. 40
`T. Kawase..UniversityofCaWIIid:95an EpsonCambridge
`H. Slrrlnghaus. R. H. Friend University of Cambridige
`T. Shimocia Seiko-Epson Corporation
`A Select Line Driver for the Off at Scan-and Hold Dual
`5 '
`Select Diode AMLCDs ...................................................................... 44
`W. den Boer‘tPienar
`stems, inc.
`Field-Sequential Smectic LCD with TFT Pixel Amplifier........... 48
`K.-i. Takatorl. H. Imai, I-I. Assda. M. lmal NEIC Corp.
`Active Matrlernorphous SIilIcon Photo-sensor Array.
`for Flexible Substrate .......................................................
`5. H. Won.J. I.IRyu. J. H. Hur. J. Jan; KyungHee
`6. J.‘Jang. C. W. Lee, S. T. Jung infowave Koree'_“
`T 1
`1 0:
`. “
`Late-News Paper: AMLCDs Using Organic Thin-Fiim
`TransistorsonPolyester Substrates.VS,..........I...I..................:........... 57
`M. 6. Kane.II. G. Hill, J. Campi. M..Hammond
`B. Greening SemoiiCorp.
`c- 0-J,Sheraw J- A. Nichols; D J-Ifiunqiagh.
`J..R Huang. C. 0. mm! L- JieI T- (N- Ja°k5°n
`Penn State Urii‘versity
`J. L. WestIJ. Elia-Pd Kent State Untversrt? _
`' " ’
`' "
`f ‘-
`. "
`Chair J- A” Rupp Cominanoorporated
`Co-Chalr: D. Sci-Iott Three-Five Systems
`inEIcaal Characteristics of a High--Performence LCoS Virtual
`y ............................
`p_ Gteckma‘n. M. S'cfiqcigq‘qiora'0
`[Pro mph”
`OLED and LED Displays with'Autonpihous Pixel Matching......... 67
`P Salem Unispiay 3'A
`ISIS: a 28-In 2k x 2k LCD Monitor ioI; AIII' Traffic .ConIroI
`1" Santy 85mm“ Command
`Machine Vision Passive TouchTechnology‘i’or interactive
`Displays....». ..
`Technologies inc
`Chair: C. J. Curtin Candescent Technologies
`Co-Chalr: W. E. Howard eMagiriI Corp.
`New insights Into theDegradation of FieldEmission Displays..81
`8- H. Reuse, B._R. Chalamala Motorola inc.“I“
`Transformation‘ of E'lectr'on Emission Behavior onMo—tlp
`FEAs by Diamond-Like Carbon Coating ................‘T....,,.................. B4
`J.-l-|. JunQI.G'5 Parie LG Emnics inc”
`Operation of FEAs in Hydrogen and the Development ‘13
`.ot Thin-Film MetalHydfides‘forintegration‘tntb FEDS..:..'...........’..BQ
`B. R. Chalamaia, R. H"; Reuse Moioroia, inc.
`Extremely High E1eciion Emitting PIroperties
`Ia: H .r
`of Self-Organized Carbon Mano-Titian
`... 3.
`s .I Chung, H.s.IKi‘rfil‘J.‘.Ia‘ng. s: H.Lirn ‘ ‘”‘- -‘
`Kyung Hee University
`" “
`C..H. Lee WonkwangrUniversihr.
`5- Y- M°°" KW”9W°‘3" ”MIT?” 1
`.. 92
`Chair: R. A. Martin Siiicon Image
`Co-Chair: T. Futaml Hitachi Dispiays
`Combined Image DecompressionargéDlsplay DEflvIng
`Using Wavelet-Based Multiple "Lin?!
`dressing:.......................... 98
`N- A-Lamence. 7-0-WilkinsonWW? Crossiafia
`Ehotonics‘a Sensors Group
`Multi-Formai Digiit'a'l Displaywith Contentf—Driiiert‘Display
`gorgaitnéfij..éb.....h.swig-"é"..........I.:;'-'§;;.....L.5mm.”.....o}...... 1.02
`Europe Ltda
`A. rp
`. I..
`Y. Kubota. H. Washlo. M. Hijiltigawa Sharp Corpa'ation
`LCD Development Group
`Whisperflus'“:An Advanced Interconnect Link for TFT
`Coiumn Driver Date ....................................................................... 106
`R. McCartney, J. Kozisekfi M. Bell
`National Semiconductor; inc.
`High-Speed IiF for TFT-LCD Source Driver Ic by
`CMADST" (Current Mode Advanced Qlflerential Signaling) ______ 111
`K:Yusa T. Mongarni T. HMSHIaMI Yamaguchi I
`A. Tajlme NEC Corporation, . ..
`"" "
`Late-News Paper: OVGI’CII'IVBNBIDDG fonTN$ -
`Recursive'Sl-{sfm with CapacitaficeIPrediction .......................... 114
`K' sak‘ya' NakamuraIBM 0m 9595": Laboram’
`hair: SaKobafréshi Science University‘ofu'i'okyo
`Wham S. D' L“ 89°“! Naironei ‘1an
`invited Paper: Future Antiferrbelectric Liquid Crystal
`................... 120
` ‘Displeys.1...7...r...5......
`S. T. Lagerwaii, K. D'havé.
`Page 4


`. WI
`r '
`r ‘
`Electro-Optical Devices from B’ananafSha‘péd Liquid
`W N. __
`.213" “... I" I
`A. Jakli, L-c. ohiIaIEI Kenrsaie UnivérSify
`D. Krflerke,’H. vatrfide‘ G.EH'éppRé'Technicai University
`lon TransportEEESiEi'EEnu ationsandE'DCLeakageC‘prgentm
`Measurementsin Nematic 1.005..
`H. De Vleeschouwer. S. Vermeer.F. ougr‘roifa.
`A. Adamski, G. Stojmen v
`H. Pauwels UniversityoiliGilCOG‘EEi-16%?g Eu
`A. Verschueren, RIVan Assett, E. Alexander Philips
`I. “ J Ira. I
`Eiectronios BV"
`- a
`or:THEYEAR szin'ds
`Chair: D. ESyroidE High Lumen Dispiays
`Co-Chair: M. Kalmanash Kaiser Eiectronics
`inEvrtEeE‘Paper:1At:'t1vgMa‘trik‘OLED Mibrodisplays...
`G W ‘Jones aficie‘ginggrporatifjgosweumw
`invitedPapgr.PortablelpterneLAp’JplIance with Virtual
`SEVGA Display:““111.
`SIam?- M II
`Mind or
`A. Hildebrand, D. Brooks‘JN105.
`inviso‘, ir'IEc.
`....quu‘. _ ......I.
`invitedPaper.Lighting Elements of”CarbonENanotube"
`-‘ \EEEEEedEmiseion-DIla-rpay
`ernhr"a“:is‘a’E ectrbnics‘CE‘r‘ifE‘EE EE"EEE'VEEEE
`invited Paper: ESQ ,ColorEilterfor LCD5.. A.
`T. Sugiura Toppan PrEjntingCo., Ltd
`«rial-5"". it.
`a in A r
`Chair: T. Tsujirmira‘ iaiwaiian Ltd.=»‘- 3- 2- .0“
`Cofihairi- J. .Jang,KyungIHee Upivap‘Sity. .1
`12.E‘I’ASVEGAIMicroenpapsulatedrEleptrophoretic Active Matrix
` ,
`Display for InformatIorIti-tppliances-l
`P. Kazlas, J.AuK. Geramita H.Ga e ,M. Steiner-IE,"
`C. Honeyman,f.DrzaigrE ink Corporation
`K. Schleupen,lB. )Nisniet‘fR.EHEdrEton,R.John
`iBM T. J. WatsEonResearchganter
`A Comfortable Electronictnk Display; Usingia‘Foil--Based
`a-Si TFT Array............:
`..I..r.‘25.non. ..Y.. ..I.....
`Y. Chen, K. Denis, P.
`ic E ink Corporation
`Flexible. Active-Ma't'riiDispla'ycanstructedUsipg'a
`Microencapsulated Electrophoretic Material and an
`ya 9, P. Kazlas,R.McCEaErEtT-Eiy, n
`KNEE D.Al ea."EEEEZEhnEEI:5’ dI‘zaI95m Corp.
`"up; 1
`J. R3535”;Bao.K. BaldwinQueen! Technflggies‘l
`Active Matrix Electrophoretic Displays ContainingrBlack
` 164
`and WhitePaqiclesrwlth OppositeEolaritjps ....... ..
`J. fiou, SE.Shokhor, S. Na_ar CopyTeie, inc.
`- Chair:1'P.'T.*eIr"één,'iiI-?mie' 'iiiii’éEucpr.
`2‘ i'
`Co-Chair: J. H. Brindle LME,.“inc
`Multilayer PDLGGcreen for Hoiography and Displaying".-
`of Non-Compact Objects...
`.... fit.
`V. Belyaev,A. Kostyuk, N. Kovtonyuk Centrai'RIfiDEEEE
`institute Corneta
`.’i I
`NovelDevicefitruaure ofMN.Cathode,Arra for Field
`Emission’ois'piaysr'in...:’"1.7.....2. .....2.II..........
`.. -32..........193
`M. Sagawa, T. Kusunokl. M. Suzuki, K. TsuEliEE 2
`Hitachi, Ltd.
`.... . -,2
`Novel Low-Power DrivlngMethodjoerM-Cathode
`: I
`.2..i..}..\r...2.r.n.......... 196
`M. Suzuki,EEETE.KusuErEIoEkl, M. Sagawa,
`suji Hitachi, Ltd.
`Late-News Paper: Thin FilmIEdge--Emitter. Field Erfiié'sion
`Flat Panel Display...
`A. Kastalsky, S. Shokhor,.iHon. 3. NaEEarEECopy'i'eieinc.
`N. Abanshin, B. GorfinkeL. Voiga—Svet Ltd...
`iNTERFA c5 Anowyiorspnpeessrpo
`Chair: H. Suzuki {BMJapan Ltd,
`.. I“ I
`Co-Chair: N LBairaan FaroudjaLabs
`invited Paper. PhotonLlnkT“: An Optical Interface for I
`Rempte Digital Displays...
`Y. S. Son, Y. S. Jln,H. J. Lee,HE.J. PaErk,ES:ESE:SEEhEiEn
`Photon/Age. inc.
`Developmentpf an UXGA Display System bya Digital.
`Packet Video Link...
`J. Hanarl. M. WatarIEaEbEe,A. Okazaki Eraser}; Corporation
`J. Mamlya,Y. Sugiuchi, K‘YarndfuchiiiBM?Japan, Ltd.
`T. Futami, N. Kasai Hitachi ‘Lt
`Color Error Diffusion. Accurate Luminanoevfrqm Coarsely
`QuantizedDTsplays. .-. ....
`M.A. Klompenhouwer,G.Edi;EIE-EIEaEaEErEIPhiiipEsE Research
`,5 .
`Late-News fiaper: Image Scat? Technology with
`PreservingS Extracted Contour~5 Pransition”
`J. Someyg,M. zamakawa,Y.,Okuno MitsubishiEiecinc
`, .
`21 B
`Chair: P139365 Renf'Siaté‘Univ‘eéfiy‘J’tl‘W’
`5 t E i
`Co—Chair: T. Uchida Toiioiro uhiyei'rsi'tyt‘ 5k mt
`RecentTmproVemants 81E?BistableT‘Efllxrematicffls'play‘éi
`Switched B’y'AnchoringwEBreaking (BiNertir)...
`lsDozov, S. Lamarque-Forget, D. StoenescEIEi,EEJ.L‘Ang‘e‘le,
`Iiiver‘ééiietioya’rp'éctiutm. Boiss'ier Nanioptic
`P. Martinot-Lagarde Université Pans-Sud
`’Bistabg Twisted Nematic Liquid CEryEstEaElg Display with
`Permanent Grayscales andIFast Switchingv... .-:. ...-I...
`Z. L. Xie, Z. G. MengSK. W. NQIBIZrTang; M. WoEnEEgEEEE,
`H:- S. Kwok HongKong Univ. ofScience &‘Technoiogy
`Considerationg of the dip Ratio’IrI‘théTeSIgn ot a Biatatfle
`TWIst Nematid‘DIspl'ay ..r.‘T‘.. ...3..!‘.:..‘3.....'.. .'..I'....E,'...'...?1..............232
`B. Wang. P.I J. Bus «ant; State University
`4 A
`Late-Newt's Paper. A Study/"oh {He Uaininatioh Seh‘I‘JeEnce
`of Novel Cholesteric Reflective PolarizerI(CRP) Ana..L.
`’.‘HsietI.II-J.-l:..Kuo industrial Technoiogy Research I'ErIEsEtEitEuEta
`Air or
`Chair: D. McCartney NationaiSemioonductor
`Co-Chair: D. Syrold High Lumen Displays
`invited Paper. Direction of Low-Tempeiaturep—Si
`K“. Kénzaki,‘ M'E. Sakamoto Toshiba Corporation
`1 I:
`invitedPEaalgor:WideAsp‘eci FPEM with Calihr‘jé’tEe-d?High‘
`lnformatio ContentDis'eaay‘.....
`D. E. Evanicky, 0.l.11i1ina,B.aedaEESEGiFEE’
`J. B. Mendelson Harvard BusinessScfiopufiggj“
`invited Paper. Sharp‘5 Advances in theDevelopment
`of the LCD TV'In the 21“ Century... 1
`M. Fujiwara Sharp Corporation
`invited Paper. Image E'rocessoLArchitecture Enables Smart
`LCDTMDDesign Integrating LCD Panei with Display Controller
`R. EGreenberg. T. Mic e
`S.-S. Kim. J’ H. Seouk, J.Kim, J.-H. Park '
`Samsung Eiectronics Co
`invited Paper: Eyewear Platforms For Miniature Displays ........ 253
`M. B. Spgt‘lzerqPP.M Zavracky, J. Crawford, PAq‘uilino,
`G. Hunter EitrticroOpi‘icai Corporation
`age 5
`‘ "
`The 3D DisplayiufingiField-Sequéfitial LCD with Light
`Direction Controlling Back-li-igth. In"
`K. Toyookap'F: MiyashltafibUchidaE:TohokuUniversity
`Micromlrror Arrays for Stereoscopic 3DDisplaygmA.
`.. ...
`J. Ya‘n:iSJJ.tK‘owel,1-hJ.Cho, C. H: Ahns-Uni'v. ot’Crncrnnatr
`The Realism ofReflection Hobgraphic Sterefigramsm”'
`W. Kosnlk F. Previc, G'. Po]hafiiu§°’i‘A‘SC
`on! I“
`r \
`Chair: A. Ghosh eMagin Corp.
`I :‘u 3'If
`Co-Chair‘J.erijm.SamsungIAdI/ancedinstitute oL Technology
`invited Paper. Fabrication o‘t‘Ballistic- Electron Surfaceu
`EmittingDisplay on Glassfiubstratein IA}... .22.. .-I.. J:.. ALIA-...
`T. Komoda. Y. Honda, T. Hatal, Y. WatabEe, T. lchihara,EEE
`K. Alzawa Matsushita EiectricWorks,.Ltd
`T a
`N. Koshida Tokyo University of AgricuguraiandITechnoiogy
`... 174
`Page 5


`.den oer BanarSystems
`Co-Chalr: H. Suzuki iBMJaparI, Lid.
`invited Paper: Ultra-Low PowerAMI.LCD W........................ 264.
`R. G. Stewart Aiien Technoicgy‘Corpo’rZionJ 3'1
`A 2.15 inch QCIF Reflective 'CIoiorTFI'Fi'éLGBIwfihIoIgII‘aI‘;
`Memory on Glass (DMOG) ............................................................ 266
`H. KImI‘II-Ia‘, T’. Maeda.1I'I. T'sin;ashII‘IIiIH'T Moritia.
`H. Murata. S.1l-llrota. H.5313‘Toshib‘E’CoipfifatioIn
`A Low-Power Data Drlyer with Stepwise Drigtpg Method-I
`tor TFT-LCDs .................................................................................. 273
`B. D. 01101. O. K. Kwon Hanyang Univerinor
`TFT--LC,Dswith Monolithic MuLtl-DIivers tor Highs.
`PertotrnanceVideoIandpr-queg'l‘ggtt Modes .............,.......... 276
`H. Washlo.1<¢ MaedarY Kaise,I!aJ(ubptaJ
`M. H1 Rigawa Shérp'Corporation
`M.RI;wnigyyhfisfiglmséffiq‘eirrLaboratories ofEurope
`Lete-NewsPepenLowPowe ConsumpthmTET-LCIQ -;
`withD namicMgmo
`E b din PI 95......
`H. Tokioik‘iafi:flagwrejgggyesfl,1flafnénfit
`1-LNagat’aIMsu'brshr niectric‘Corporation
`Chair: M. AnanEIane agIn orp.
`(to-Chair: M. Sfizuid iBMDispiayBusiness Unit—
`invited Paper: Xe Discharge Backlights forLCDs‘......
`S. Mlkoshlba The University-bi Eiectr'o-Commui'rioiati'
`“ ‘
`A‘ioo.DOO-cdim. Capacity‘Coypied Electroaele'seDischarge
`Backllght with High EIIIcé’gyIér LC Tys‘"............
`. .290
`Y. Baba,M. lzuka. T. Shlga.IS."M1'k03hiba "r eUniIrer y
`351-ofEieotrb-Cornimmrcarior‘ts- .
`(a: v
`S. Nishiyama Hitachi Ltd
`' pptimizedlCDjéacfié‘iitfor Outdbo'1‘5i'nd1-ligh B’I’ightness
`Appticatlons........vt.‘.................... .....t...:...1.t....................................... 295
`III no.
`R. Blanchard L‘iiton Systen‘is inc Ir-
`Fleitective BacklighItIs for Liquid Crystal Displays .............. 298
`A. Mosley.J. Burrag'é‘r“Wonhflmfiaumrgcm am.
`. .‘
`J.rPommerehne. P. HundleItDpsys Limited
`‘ ~-
`Chair: R. T. Tueitge Pianar Systems
`- -‘
`Co-Chalr: T. Fehien Candescent Toohnoiogileslti1i
`invited Paper: New EmitterTechniques for Field Emission
`DisplaysI.......................................7.I................................................... 304
`J. M. KIm.-N.'3.‘Leo. D.Si€huri§.$. HJPark. Y. W. Jin.
`J. H. Kang,~Y S.Cfl’oi,H.‘Y.*Kfi1.LM.J.LYun,
`N. S. Park 1. 'i'..“Han.J WI.Kim,J. E. Jung
`SamsongAdyanc-edinstitute oiTechnoiogy
`J. H...You.c. G. Lee. s. H. Jo.K. s. Chol. E. J. cm.
`5 S.J. Lee.i-i. GIPark Sanasung SDI
`Gated Field Emitter Using Carbon Nanotube Line Emitters
`- DIreotly'Grown lnto‘the Submiordn-Holesdor Field
`Emission Display ............................................................................. 309
`Y.-i-i. Lee.Y..—T Jang. c.-H. Shot, B?4:. Ju. M.-H. Oh '
`Korea institute of Science and Technoiogy
`J.H. Ahn Hanyang Univegsity
`Super-High-—Luminance Light-Source Device with Carbon
`Nanotube Emitter ............................................................................ 312
`J. Yotant. s. LIiemura..T.:Nagasako,IH. Kurachl,
`L _
`H. Yemaclla. T. Ezaki ise Electronics Corp.
`Y. 53110 Mie University
`Y. Ando. X. Zhao'Miejo University
`11. Yuqura
`rational instituteof Materiais anti Chemicai'
`._ -
`Printable Trlode Structure Carbon Nanotubesfiegd .
`EmissionDisplay .........................................................‘.................... 316
`c-c. Le'e.'YY.-Y. cfian’g. ti.-.Ft sriau,'.‘r.-c:‘Ho.'J.-H. II:I_ao
`11:0. Chang. M:C?Hsiao. C.-X. Hafiz S.--M.’Huang.
`W.-c. Wang Eiectronic Research a Service
`Organization (ERSDMndustriai Teohnoiogy Research
`institute (iTRi) .
`22.1 .
`METHdLooY .
`301181“ 1'. Flake thilbsfiomponenta
`I Cochaluf.IRochow.LMJ-' Hchimesstechnig GmbH Ben'in
`Eiectro»0pticei__Characterization oi Reflective.LCDs .................. 322
`M. E. Becker.J. Laur.J. Neumeler aunonic-Meio'rers GmbH
`Experimental Comparison of Contrast Ratio vs. Fiti for
`Various Reflective LCoSModes .....A...”u"......I......... 326
`J. Gandhi. J. E.Apdorson,IM. E. StefanovHana Mr‘ggodispiay
`III .
`NlST Colorimetric Cailbration aniilty too D1splays — Part2 ..... 3130
`.F. .Manoooheri. S. W:Broyvn.Y Ohno MST
`g I.
`Compensation for Stray Light'In Projection Display
`Metroiogy-............... ‘1..........................................t......... 334
`P. Boynton, E. Kelley National institute oiSiandards and
`. ,I
`REFLECTIVE Eons-r ~ -
`Chair: H. S. KwokIIHong Kong University
`oo-crIaIr: J. w. D‘I'aene Kent Dispiays
`PH-VAN Sys1emDesign for“High dontras1fiub-Free
`Microdlspiays ................................................................................... 340
`J. E. Anderson.J. Gandhi, M. E. Steta'nov IHana
`Microo'ispiay Teohnoiogies, inc.
`FtGB-Stacked HolograpI Ic Poiyyfier Dispersed Liquid
`Crystal Device for Color
`eiIleétiveI DIspIIIay ................................. 344
`G. Saitoh. H. Mural, S..-l U'éharaJ. 601611. R. Mimura.
`T. Nak'ata. K. Surhlyoshl. H.Mayan-ta;AWEC Corporation
`Dltf se Rendlthns otSpatially Pixeilatedand Temporaily
`Mu tipiexedl H-PDLCs1or Full 661'
`heliectii'b Displays ............ 3-48
`A. K. Fontecchlo. 1’4“ 01. M. J. Escugl;.Aini'fiPri...
`G. P.0raw10rd. Brown Universi
`S. Farls Reveo, inc.
`h t
`«P '
`, Y
`.-- ~.,
`Chair: M. Kalrnanash Kaiseréiwtmniwu
`(to-Chair: A. I. Lakatos Consuitant
`Progress ot the InteractivelnformetlorrOisplay. Tutor91on
`00-FlOM.................\........................... 3‘54
`5. M. Chmura. G..P.. Crawford Brown University.
`A High Res‘otutlon StereoscopicComputer Projection
`Display lor Surgical Piannlngs ............... 359
`K. Montgomery, E. Mazzolla.M. Stephanldes.
`. ‘.
`S. Schendei Stanforti University
`A Novel Photoaodressable Electronic Paper Utlilzing . "
`Cholesterlc LC Microoapsulas and Organic
`Photoconductor ...............
`........................................................... 362
`S. Yamameto, HIKobay shl.T.Kak1nymagT.i-l1klchl
`N. Hill. T. Isl-Ill, Y. Harada.M. Koshlmzu,
`K. Maruyama.T. Nllteu."T. Suzuki. D. Tsuda.
`H. ArlIsawa Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd
`A Liquid-Crystal FresneiZone.Device and Its Light
`Focusing PropertIESI...
`..t. ..
`H. Ben. L. Zhang. L. xuamChinese Academy of cienoes
`tIiLChen. X. Huang North Liquid Crystal Engineering R&D
`as "1
`.1 .bha‘ti. K.a.‘Saflfia Ho‘rieyweii't.‘.
`.. -\
`Co-Chalnrw. derIIBoeg .‘E’ie(II."5JTI§,',ISterr-g_,I _.1L I:
`Emitting Diode
`Ft. MI.IA.Dawson.
`Direét View Aotlye Matrix V,GAOLED-on-Crystalllne--Silioon
`Display .......................................................... ...........r.0......“
`J. L. Santord. E. S. ,ISohilg iBM
`AotiyarMatrix Organic Light- Emitting Diode Display
`Implemented Using Metai--tnduced Unilateratly Crystallized
`Poiycrystalltne Silicon 1111n-Fllm Transistors................................ 380
`Z. Meng.H. Chemc. Giu.H. S. Kwok. M. Wong The Hong
`Kong University of Science and Téc'hnoiogy
`Page 6


`-- ..-. -. -...E I
`24 .4L
`25.1c E‘
`Assem’BIy of ReflectiveP
`lays ............................... .
`F. Brilt]neef'1-l.De'SmetPJ%§n&g 5555'””A"\I'a'nCals’ter
`' L
`‘WI'I trI
`wax I
`.It-.'—* )
`‘ , ‘I ":3-‘gp'fli- :
`Chair:in? E? M15-ink
`Co-Chair.(TG. SigraH-Browfizgprpispiays.Ltd.
`'High Bt’lghtne'ssze‘ g‘ot‘we',Color ST -J_CD Using a;Mul1i-
`DIrectIoPalAsyaneic‘flM'goiens gray lzightCiI'ntrol
` 8 Iona
`Yt—P. Flu'aitg,F-'.'.i. K6; H."'-P'.T'ID."Si’iie
`Tung University
`Twisted=Nematic CompensatBr‘id'fiReiieo'iive C'olor NB-p
`STN-LCUSIM'Iithé SingleIPdIar'ize'rM-
`..’."...I...I.. ...............'452
`A. Masalfii?tl'~.‘1iesaka:Y'.KuI1'Ia' aiyK. Kéini'rmdefl
`T. Toyook5,‘Y?‘K0bgfluNipgohiMits'fibiSthifiiIW II
`.41.:mi) N”.
`New Cholés'tencfl‘c'bigi’ii'neié‘iér'lsefleéifi‘ié‘Lfibs...................... 456
`C.Ddoriikan1p‘,«RI‘TpWé‘ngJ‘Lub PhIIIpssResearcna.
`,. .I
`MB RIM“?Mitch it? o I
`Miller,'g.'WallInJ. W.Doahe'“Ke'ntkDi'spleys’.Inc.
`; I I;
`P .
`“‘ "
`27.4 '
`I. e as.
`\h 3m
`Inns. ' i If
`Chair: P.Baron ABCD Teclgoology
`, '
`Co-Cpalr'..E_fiStupp DisplayConsuitanis‘
`Invited Baper:.Current§1atand Trends for Business
`Projec1or Technolh'ggy SI Mar ets ......x ........................................... 466
`gogices‘!Inc.. '13:;
`r B .1
`Tiled Display Utilizing Ceramic Actuators fonLarge Area Flat
`........470 '
`. _
` use!“Takeuc 1,.“ ..
`i..MODS —A NewMEMSlOptios Display"System... ...-4A.... ...475
`G.Starkaather MicrosofltReseamhmm mm; “'1':
`ayME’C‘KIG.IW'W‘QIX '01 211$123%, e I
`.Ilivioao QUALIIIY iii'ceseen .. ..
`. ~.
`Chair: KY'SchIe'upen lat/IIIEIII Watsoh Research Center
`Co-Chair: K. Sarma Honeywell
` ....I.......,3.I""
`InvIIed‘ea‘p’éi:'I-I'i'gilt'ii’bsélfitién IIIo‘riitqre-yvfiat Doeth'II
`F. Hayashjguchi iS'iIIiiiapepa
`{... h.
`18.1 "IUltra-FFS TFJ-LCD withIS‘uper Imagefiluality
`and East Response Time-
`S. H. LeafSI'M: Lee. H. Y.Kir'n', J. MJ(ImS..i-I': H6119,"
`Y.°H .IrJeong, C.:H. Parka.J.ghpi J. ii"- Lee.
`J. WII-Koh: H. SPark' Hyundai Electronicrind
`Fast Resp'on'sé‘ 15--In."’XGA TFT—I:CD with Feedforward
`DiivlFE(FFD)Technology for Mudyié‘flia’AppIIc‘atIons
`K. Nakanishl, S. akah'aEhiFH.‘
`~S. MIyake,‘K: KobayashiAdvanoedIQisplay-lnc.
`K. Oda, S. TahataIIA. YuukiAdvanced Technology.R&D
`J. Semeya. MI Yamakawa MitsubishiEieotnc Corp. . r
`Late-NewsPa'p'er":I"rnége Synchronized Brightness Controiu
`I. Hwang. C. W. Park. S. C. Kang,DIS. Sakonh“
`‘Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
`- "
`Chair: A. Jacobse‘n‘‘i'iie S‘oem'gCo
`Co-Chalr: L. D. SilverSIein VCD‘Services. Inc.
`invitedPepe. Naturalness.anti ImageQuality:'Tligwardg.
`Perceptually Optimal Color
`eproduction of Natural
`’ 1“
`H. deRIc'icferDie'iitLanverSItyof Technology _
`«OptimaLaneAgoeptabl‘eJ-lue Raggegforpisplay Primagies... .500
`”EWI-I.AIL'angendijk I:HeynqenckxPhilipggSfarch
`,1 “3s ., a“
`nThe Visibility at Diflétenoes In Perceived Sharpness and Its
`Relation to DlspIay Characteristics"-1
`I. Heynderlckx Philips Research Laboratories
`5. Bech Bang 8 Olufsen #8
`E. Mastenbroek Philips Components 8V
`M. DeLameiliieure Philips Industriai Activities
`Late-News Pabflm"13.tfintlfWE_Bp_i_stflay WIInI'mp
`Emitting Structure and Adaptive Curre“Pt—Mode
`Programmed Pixel Circuit (TAC)I
`asaolgIsa. M. Sekiya',‘ NWufiotoJJ'lYan‘iada.
`I§ftibashI§TrMorI§ III-Asano.
`S.‘ Tam’ura T.Urabb'ZG‘oTe‘TecI-Inold y&N'étwomI
`.II @hpa:ymt
`IeI-arnuatd .1 45.1.5? .8 .
`en a
`- “ 8
`Chan: F.‘1:.Ibso'i‘I"IBMT'3 Waféfin’ReSéSIch Cent’s?'
`Late-Ne‘ws Paper: Mercury—Free 18"”Cig‘s'g'Fl'31Eluorescent'
`‘Lamp WithGood Uniforifi
`' "'
`M. s. Kwak J'II. Han
`Y. H. Kim Korea ElectronicsTechnologxlnstitgte
`J.Y. Choi, K. S. Jeong Wooyoung Co. Ltd.
`S. H:-SoI1rI KyungpookNationaixUnlI/ersity.
`..'.; m _
`Late-News Paper: A Novel Low Cost Binde'r‘for Flexible
`AC Powder Electroiuminescent Panels.
`IIII e'rsi't o
`D. A. Davies. A. Vecht J. Sil gryP T‘tl'
`J 'Lfl' L" ‘54
`’1 on .U‘
`D. C. Morton United StaiesfinhyR§séar$hLabfirat'ory
`Late-News Paper:Autoster osco ic DIsplayfori sage,-
`Film.and Video'Appliéatioririg“;3'2"
`D. Just Eumejs1at‘ma
`H. Runge DER”
`Late-News3,39%:A Novel DisplayMethod for Field .
`Sequential'Célor LCD withoquolcSr'Brea'ii—u5...'.‘.‘.‘.‘..
`'N. Kama. T.Uci11da..Tohpku.University;
`.Late-Newsfiapez: Silica Aerogel Tilin'5Film Sgpstrate for
`IE '3I'I'
`H. Yokogawa. K. Kaweno,Illl‘Yokoyama
`Ito eI'I'I'l A .A
`'Eiectrio orks,‘ Lto'.
`T. Tsut'sul,‘
`.Yahlro K'yIIEhu (inivei‘sity sf) 1:;
`igesato Aoyéma Ga um UnIve‘rsitygzmih ain't a
`Late—News Paper: New Method of Optimizing AG
`Irv I h-
`nl. D Us'
`Sim: afigfigfimSHE-I.Egbngjfl‘ m1?!)fingk
`I. Amimori, K. Miyazakl.K.Naka§11ui:‘a}"r.fefiamlii|§rj.'
`Y. Shinagayva «FujLEhotqfilmrgpthqu ‘0‘ 11mg
`2 Cat-I 13..
`.I A .M ”‘00
`m 5:
`s .
`Chair: A. Vecht University of Greenwich
`Co-Chalr: D. Mdrfon Army'Re's'éarcii Léhbi‘atot‘y
`lmprovement‘of Longevityof Blue'Pl‘iosphor for PDP
`age nIverst'y
`3. Zhang' DaIdeILCoLtti'ai'I
`M. Kokubu. H. Fujii Daiden Co.. Ltd.

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